Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Feb 1931, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 Eastern Ontario News | Has Been Moved Kingston--~Mr. Claude McRory, who his been on he staff of M.D. No. 3, RCAS.C, for some time, has received a promotion to Ottawa dis- trict and leaves at the end of the tat to stint his new duties, My ¢Rory is well known will be greatly missed by his -- fiends in the city. . of Spr $i indsay. oi MY have been wels tomed and boys playing marbles have been reported, but lumpy-looking legs prove that. red flannels are still in style--but even the most conservative who have their heavy ones can pre- pare "to shed them now" tor youn girls have picked the sunny side of the street where the pavements are dry, and have seated themselves for a icndly game of jacks, To Lower Rates Port Hope--On assurance that ups plication had been made for an early reduction in Hydro powel rates, the \ knowl allcoa I see these tags" "The cone-shaped "my coal inform me it's on dered . . . scrubbed . . . po} ished . . . as fine as money can buy." You, too, are assured of good clean Anthracite when your dealer delivers Telephone 262 5 Direct Lines DIXON COAL local Town Council at their regular meeting Monday night, decided to re- duce their capital indebtedness to the Hydro Electric Power Commission with the retirement of two more de: bentures amounting to $10,553.91. -- Si wig Bei -- a aatations are un- der way for the holding of a banquet by the signal section of the Brock. ville Rifles in the armouries on the evening of Friday, March © Limit Visitors Kingston.--The authorities of the Kihgston General Hospital have made a request to the students of Queen's University that they do not visit their friends in a body. It has been pointed out that this is bad for the patient and visitors are limited to two at a time. Firemen Honored Kingston--Forty-five yeas as a member of the paid department and eight years as a mewber of the vol- unteer brigade, John Hall of the Kingston Fire I Department with a to- tal service of fifty-three years is probably the oldest firemen in point of service in Canada. Just before the city council opened its session on Monday night there was an interest. ing ceremony when Fireman Hall along with Chief James Armstrong, were honored. = Fireman Hall was resented with another bar to add to is service medal, while Chiet Arm- strong received a medal for twenty years service on the local fire de- partment, Highway Bare Brockville; -- Farmers arriving in town this morning state that, with the ploughing and the strong sun of the past few. days, the King's high way west of Brockville to Ganan- oque is almost bare and difficulty is encountered in using sleighs Work is Progressing Brockville.~~The new building be- ing erected for the Eugene Phillips Electrical Works is nearing comple tion. The work of roofing the new unit has been completed and at pre- sent plumbers are at work in the in- terior of the building. It is expect ed the work of laying the floor will commence shortly, No Frolic Kingston.--Indifference among the student body of Queen's and the ii possibility of leasing the Grand Opera House until late in March, when the Frolic would interfere with the stu- dents' studies, has been announced by George Ketiladze, recently pointed Frolic director, as the reason for abandoning the show for this year Bus in Collision Brockville.~~A street bus own- od by Wilbert Jackson and driven by J. Ferguson, was in collision with an automobile driven by Wil lam Barnes, of Prescott, opposite the New Theatre. The bus was travelling ocastward, while auto was going in the opposite of rection. Eaeh vehicle had wheels in a rut and was unable to clear. Tho bus suffered a left front brok- en frame and window, und the car was damaged at the right rear the windows was cracked by the impact, PUREST QuaALiTy PRESCRIPTION | Do., EXPERTS Bargains for Thursday, Friday, Saturday 100 Sheet Pad KID FINISHED NOTE PAPER and BO ENVELUPES Special 39¢ 28¢ A. S A. Tablets 19¢ $1.00 Russian Oi 79¢ 25¢ A.B S &C, Tablets 19¢ 3100 Fruit Saline 79¢ H0c¢ Tube of Lavender Shaving Cream and 38¢ tin Lavender Talcum 83¢ Value. Special Mi 81 Dental Paste ., BOc 2c Mi 81 Antiseptic .. Klenzo Tooth Brush .., 20c Tooth Brush Holder .. 10¢ Regular Value $1.10 All for 69¢ TINY TOT TALCUM and Pure Rubber CRIB SHEET (37 in. x 27in.) 76¢ Value, Special " 50c¢ 80c Klenzo Shaving Cream 39¢ 50¢ Magnesia Tooth Paste 39¢ 26¢ Seidlitz Powders 19¢ French Balm 39¢ $1.26 Leakproof Fountain Pens 98¢c 850c Riker's Milk of Magnesia 39¢ THE NEW REXALL Shaving Lotion and large tube of Rexall Shaving Cream 70¢c Value, Special 50¢ $1.25 Malt & Hot Water C. LO. $1.25 76¢ Hospital Cotten 59¢ Genuine French Briar ADMIRAL PIPE ,. $1.00 8 Packages TURRET TOBACCO 45¢ Total Value $1.45 All for $1.00 BOc Jar Jonteel Combination Cream Face Powder All for §50¢ THREE 10c CARES Tiny Tot Soap and a full size knitted Wash Cloth All for 29¢ LAST WEEK ov PRIZE CONTEST SEE WINDOW DISPLAY KING STREET E. PHONE 28 BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO BE VILLED BY JURY & LOVELL THE REXALL STORES SIMCOE STREET 8. PHONE 68 VREE DELIVERY T0 ALL PARTS Oy THE ary up- | the | fonder, while the glass in one of | TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET Tho following are quotations, rotail, in effect on the St. Law- rence Market, Toronto: Produce Bggs, oxtras, per doz. ... Do., firsts, por doe. « «iu Do, Pullet extras « ..vu Butter, dairy, per 1b, 0.18 Do., creamery per lb. 0.35 Fruits and Vegetables Carrots, 6 bunches «.« «so Boots, & bunches .... b'k't oss cscs TNT OTCIOIOIOIOIIC COICO TO oOo Onions, dry 11-qt, Cabbage Cauliflower «sv oo ooo Spinach, peck vee Mushrooms, per pound 0. I Leat Lettuce, threo for ... Head lettuce 3 bunches Parsley, per bunch .. 0.05 Onions, bunch, 8 for ... Cross, three for Celery, head Orangos, per dozen . Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, each .. Lemons, per doz ... Bananas, per dozen . Apples, bus, Do., Snows, Cal. green peas 6-qt. Eggplant, each Green poppers Cranberries, qt. Sweet potatoes, Pumpkins, each Squash, oach Parsnlps, basket . Beets, baskot Peppers, oach Horbs, bunch Radighes, bunch Brocoll, bunch Kale, 2 for Rhubarb, 3 Chicory, 2 Endive; 1b, 0.05 0.10 RE "en fas 3 05 3 rt OF bk £3 ob 15 wi OF ie C3 = OF 15 TF bk... SEPOPIDOOBCOOHOOOPPOPOPPLOPS PPPS 315 13 2005 D an 03 p wo ese bunches «. heads ... TORONTO PRODUCH (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at 'tho following prices 8! Eggs-- Ungraded, cases roturn- turned, fresh extras, 26 to frosh firsts, 23 to 24¢; seconds, to 18¢. . Butter--No, 1, Outarfo cream- ory rolids, 3148 to 32¢; No. 2, 30% to 3le. Churning e: No. 1, 28¢. Cheeso---=No.. 1 large, colored, Juraived and government graded, be. Quotations to poultry are as follows: Paultry-- Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select MY, | Spring chickens, 6 Ibs. each + «0 sd Over 6 to 6 lbs, ench Over 4) to 6 Ibs. each .. Over 4 to a ibs, onch 4 lbs, under | Fatted hens, 1s Over 4 on, . . 'a Over 35 to 4 lbs. cach . Under 8'% lbs. . Young turkeys over 12 lbs, "i § to 12 lbs. |- Do., under 8 lbs. | O1d turkeys Cy | Geese, market. prices Old roosters, over b hs. eu. . ' | |W hite ducklings, over b lbs, en. 2 Over 4 to Ob Ibs. cach | Muscovio | over | | aie} | 17 cream---=Special, 31 to 32 30 to 31c¢; Nofl 3, 37 to shippers | euch "and blo 6 to 6 lbs. ducks, O 1ha, b 1ha, fowl, 20 i to iulnea pair ' ' (Selling) Toronto dealers aro offering pro- | duce to retall dealers at the rol- lowing prices: Eggs Fresh oxtras, in cartons, Sd; fresh extras, loose, 31 to 32¢; firsts, '; seconds, 22¢; pul- let extras, Butter d4¢: No. 2 Cheese-New, 164c; triplets, 21c, Old large, 2 stiltons, 27c. No. 1 Creamery, priots, creamery, prints, 23e. large, 16c; twins 16%5¢; stiftons, fc; twine, 24 %e¢; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Crain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat---No. 1 hard, 664c; No. 1 Northern, 644c; No, 2 do., 634c; No. 4 do, bSc (elf. Coderich and Bay Ports). Manitoba oats -- No. 3, 46%c; No. 1 feed, 344c; No. 814 4 CW, CW, 2 feed Manitoba patley -- No, 27%c¢; No. 4 CW, 26]c. Argentine corn, 66¢ (cif. Port Colborne). Milifecd, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton, $2 26; middling, #27.26. Ontario grain ~~ Wheat, 66c¢; barley, 88c; oats, 28¢; rye, 3b¢; buckwheat, 50c¢. LITTLE WILLIE SAYS; = SAY What YOu Will Asoutf Te Fly Buf HE AWAYS STICKS 10 1g Home PAPER 7 Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting: the following prices to lo- cal retail dealers: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 20 to 25¢; smoked rolls, 2c; breakfast bacon 20 to 30c¢; hacks, poa-mealed, 24 to 28¢; do. + smoked 34 to S6e. Pork hams, 17c¢c; shoulders, 133e; butts, 160; loins, 174c. Cured meats--Long clear bac- on, 60 to 70 lbs, 1%; 70 to 90 Ibs, 1Te¢; 90 to 110 Ibs, 16¢; lightweight rolls, 18c; heavy- weight rolls, 1%e, Lard, puro tierces, 134c; pails, 1de¢; 13¢} prints, tubs, 14% to Shortening-- ~Tierces, 114c¢; pails, 113e. Special pastry shortening --'I'ier- cos, 16¢; tubs, 16%; palls, 16c, llc; tubs, FRUIT GROWING ON PRAIRIES The development of fruit growing on the Canadian Prairies has been one of the features of agricultural pro- gress in recent yeard in that part of the Dominion, Patches of native gooscberries, currants, and raspber- ries have evolved into orchards con- taining many varieties of plums, ap- ples, cherries, and small fruits, This expansion has followed elosely an the widespread planting of sheltcrbelts, TRIPLETS TO SHOW IF FINGERPRINTS ARE INFALLIBLE Science Interested in Two Sets of Manitoba Babies Winnipeg, Man.--Scienco of fin- ger prints, held infallible in the identification of criminals for many decades, may bo shattered and proved worthless in court pro- codure, Six Alberta bhables---two sets of "identical" triplets--anay be the means of proving criminologists wrong in ascertaining the guilt ot accused slayers and men and wo- men taken into custody for lesser crimes, The birth of the identical trip- lots, known to scienco ag "mono- eygotie," fs of international inter. est and tho children. have been the subject of strict selentilie ob- porvation, They are the sons of Mrs. Henry Miller, Stoney Plaias, Alta, and sons of Mrs, James Tul- ly, of Edmonton, Alta, Not only are the triplets aiike in appearance, but their finger prints ure alto identical, Previously, it hays been stated that no two fingers 'have ever heen found whoso Anger prints agree, Rep Rose E TEA 2Cwoce 23. E000 a, roe Rios Finger print experts and officers of the law, however, are skeptical, Some maintain that while the tiny similar during will certain- ly bo found different as the child prints may appear early childhood, thoy progresses, A prominent local finger oxpert fy taking keen interest in the pro- blem and {is ondeavoring to hold the old-age belief of his wkil- ful prolession-=fiuger prints never lie, Will Sow Alfalfa Brockville.~= The Ontario partment of Agriculture reports as follows In regard to Leedds coun reasonable price of alf- alfa seed together with a growing indis pensable in the dairying industry ty} "Tho roulization thot allalfa Is acreage sown this year, ceived, Shearing had "ended at "all up- to greater deeds. One tore pound note into small bits. De- | yo obleege mo wi' form, mon?" He open cheque for £25, he tore with «a magnificent gesture, fragments and threw them away. will show a marked {increase in fudeing from tho number of inquiries roe sheds in an Australian district, and most of the shearers were at the hotel trying to outdo one another in oxtravagant flushness. One lit his pipe with a ten-shilling note, and this spurred one or two others on Andrew McKenele went over to the hotel-keeper and sald, "Could a blank cheque signalled the crowd over to watch him, and after writing out an into --- ---- No. 2 Size Tin SPECIALS are on sale for week of February 26 to March 4 = LIMIT 8 TINS TO A CUSTOMER SPECIAL--LOBLAW'S TRUMPET (Black) Soaks Clothes Whiter 3 ren 20° Sardines king Oscar Bran Dainty xl "Ire 3lc Delicious Cheese Ingersoll ~Cream & Pimento.-Spreads {ike but- Stee 1 i A 2 Phgs. 9c Tosa FISh Liohe Mant 2G Crabmeat rinest ja anese Halves wee i 33c SPECIAL--MONARCH Pastry FLOUR 24 1b. Bag Weston's Chocolate PEANUT-CLUSTER BISCUITS AMAZING! Yes, you too will say this when you have tasted this Weston's English tasty peanuts coating. appreciated. quality creation. A Biscuit that is crisp and dipped in a rich at ls sin Ideal for the table, ideal for the dad. : ten. These biscuits have to be tasted to be SPECIALLY PRICED , smothered with 19: A Meal In 2 Glass PH ess--Pope Hull-wePoms Ae 110 Ged Ontario Wheat... Plg Rei ----------_----a-- Exceopti oa" oe onal va Halves voici. NESTLE'S The British Milk 223° SPECIAL--DOMESTIC--Purely Vegetable Shortening 2.:23'\ = The Waterproof SHOE POLISH TIN 12° SPECIAL--Lily Brand--CHICKEN Haddie 2-27" Same Brand--8Same High Quality " Lux Toilet Soap SELF SERVE SPECIAL--CATELLI'S Ready-Cut, Spaghetti or Vermicelli Macaroni GROCETERIAS Heo): W.\' J CO. LIMITED 10 oz. Pkg. T° CASH and CARRY

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