THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1931 "Get the Habit" All the Churches Come to Sunday Bid You a Worship Hearty Welcome Simcoe St. United Church Minister - REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. Sunday Services in The Oshawa Churches Simcoe Street United Special services at Sinicop Strect United Church tomorrow will mark the anniversary ot the forming of the church brotherhood society. Rev. J, R. Patterson ot Winder- mere Ave. Toronto. is to be the special speaker in the morning and his subjeit will be "Iriumphant Brotherhood." In the evening the congregation will be privileged tw hear Rabbi Maurice Elsendrath ol Holy Blossom Synagogue, Toron- to, whose address Is entitled "If 1 were a Christian," Music will be rendered by a male choir, Northminster United Services at Northminster United Church on Suntay are to bo con. ducted by the pastor, Rev. A. M Irwin, The General Motors' Male Quartet will assist the choir at the evening service, St. Andrew's United Church Uor. of Bruce St. and Simcoe St. 8. REV, F. J. MAXWELL, Minister SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15th. 11 am. Prophecy-When Shall These Things Be ? 3 pm. service of First Baptist Church SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASS ini iE Dodi holo ag Fy Story to Children--"The Wandering Jew" * \ 3 5 Small will speak on "Men Under N Orders" and the ordinance of p.m, 'THE UPLIFTED CHRIST' Shh ot 35 Wn" conclusion of this service. You are cordia'ly invited to these helpful Servizes Knox Presbyterian Services at Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday are to be con- ducted by Rev, Duncan Munro, the pastor, First Baptist "The Prodigal and the Prig"" is the subject of the sermon which will be preached by Rev, A, W. Small, the pastor, at the morning Brotherhood Anniversary 11 a.m. 'Triumphant Brotherhood' REV. J. R. PATTERSON, Windermere Ave., Toronto. 3 pm.~SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 p.m. '"If | Were A Christian" RABBI MAURICE EISENDRATH Holy Blossom Synagogue, Toronto SPECIAL MUSIC MALE CHOIR SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL Albert Street United "The Stewardship of Prayer" is the subject of the sermon which Rev. 8. C. Moore, the pastor, will preach at the morning service of Albert Street United Church to- morrow, In the evening there is to be a song service and a ladies' choir will render special music. The pastor will speak on "The "The Ministry of Womanhood." Gospel Tabernacle Willlam Hynd, Scottish evangel 2 LN , S--\\ Yq { -- RABBI EISENDRATH voted pastor of Holy Blossom Syne agogue, Toronto, who . will be heard at the evening service of 1 Simcoe street United Church tos St. Andrew's United "Prophecy-~When shall- These Things Be" is the subject of the sermon which will be preached by the pastor, Rev, I" J. Maxwell at the morning service of St. An- Er RT SRR NAR drew's United Chureh tomorrow. ist, will preach at both services of | In the evening his sermon will be LE the Gospel Tabernacle tomorrow. |on "The Uplifted Christ." Deeds - Visions heTun fred 1 Salvation Army J St. George's Anglican Services at the Salvation Army Canon C, R, dePencior will have | citadel tomorrow are to be con-|charge of the regular services of | morrow. Rabbi Elsendrath will speak on, "If 1 Were a Chris. tan." King Street United Church Rev. Chas. E. Crags. M.A., B.D. | Margin." 11 am.~--"The Need of a { : | By Thomas Curtis Clark £2.30 p.m.~Sunday School and Bible Classes, (Last Sunday's attendance 802, Aim 823). special musical Service by the choir, The min- ister will preach at both services, A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL The deeds that through the | world have rung | Were done 'mid doubts and fears The tenderest songs that e'er were sung Were born of tears, ducted by Ensign and Mrs. Dixon. | St. George's Anglican Church to- | Monday night there will be a spec. | morrow. In the moruing a solo Is lal service at which Colonel Dal-|to be contributed by Ernest Col ziel,, the new chief secretary, will | bourne while in the evening the | preach, choir will contribute the anthem | "Hear Us OQ Lord." Next Wednes day is Ash Wednesday and a ser- vice will be held in the Chapel at | 10 o'clock in the morning and in { the church at 8 o'clock in the aves) | | 7 pme--A St. George's ANGLICAN ! Calvary Baptist Services of Calvary Baptist Church tomorrow will be conduct- ed by the pastor, Rev, Paul B, W. Gelatt, At the morning ser- vice his subject will be '"Reconcil- ing the World" while in the even- Ing he will speak on "Unequally Yoked Together." Christian Sclence "Soul" is the subject which will be discussed at the regular ser- vice of the First Church of Christ Scientist tomorrow. Calvary Baptist C Rev. Paul B. W. Gelatt, Pastor. 11 AM, "RECONCILING THE WORLD" TPM "Unequally Yoked Together" Song Service starts 6.48 p.n. BUNDAY SCHOOL 8 p.m., CLASSES FOR ALL, Young People's Banquet, Monday 6.30 p.m, Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Children's meeting Friday 7 p.m. You are cordially invited to visit our new Church Home, Corner Cenitre and John Streets The fairest visions come In dreams, In darkness of the night; And hope's falr rainbow fair. er geems To tear-blurred sight, J RT AR: ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. 8. C. MOORE, B.A, 1D. Minister | street. Phone B67 Ing. Christ Anglican Services at Christ Church on Sunday will charge of the pastor, Rev, R. B. | Patterson. Ash Wednesday night at 7.30 o'clock Rev. Mr, Patterson will give an addregs on "The Lit- | any." : Cor, Bugot ana Centre Sts. CANON C. It. dePENCIER M.A. Anglican | The light of love more he in | i 8 brightly shineg When fates no bless; Tie heart of man to God in- clines When in distress, Good's Big Universe it was 80 Klena Organist and Choirmaster-- Matthew. Gouldburn, AC LM, 11 am~--"The Stewardship of Prayer." longer 2.80 p.m.~Sunday School and Bible Classes.--All ages, 7 p.m.~Short, Stirring Song Service. Ladies Choir renders special Music. Special Message on. "The Ministry of Womanhood." EVERYBODY WELCOME Tuesday, Feb. 24th--=Pollyanna . Evangel Tabernacle Services at Evangel Tabernacle tomorrow will be conducted by | Pastor J. T. Ball, Grace Lutheran Centro St. United 8 a.m. -- Holy Communion "Mighty in Him" {s the subject of the sermon which Rev, Dr, W. P. Fletclier will preach at the morning service of Centre Street United Church tomorrow, In the | Rev. A. C. Hahn, the pastor, will evening his subject is to be 'Seek | conduct the services of Grace 7 Ye." The installation of teachers Lutheran Church tomorrow, and officers of the Sunday school Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness and of the Young People's Soclety Pastor (i, Legge will have charge is to take place at the evening [of the services at Oshawa Pente- service, costal Holiness Church tomorrow, | 11 a.m.~Morning Prayer, | Solo: By Ernest Colborne, i 2.30 pan, = Sunday School pn, == The Choir will Sing: "Hear us O Lord." We do not know what [ like away back in the very early | childhood of the human race, but Northminster 1in any day of which we have hint United Church | or record of man's thought or feel- Ing he seems to have had a con- Mansell Irwin, B.A. | sclousnesy that the things he could B.D., Pastor | see and touch and measurably un. $V Greta st. hone 82084 Ash Wednesday 10 AM, In the Chapel. KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Munro 34 Brock St. W. Phone 2554 8 PM.: In the Church. || " nan msn : . The Gospel Tabernacl (Associated Gospel Churches) ATHOL ST. W. WM. HYND, Scottish Evangelist of Hamilton, Ont., will preach at both services, -- 11 am, and 7 p.m, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting EVERYBODY WELCOM oe F267 £3072 cit tem ry Rev. Confirmation class in the TRAIN SPEEDS HAVE LEARNED JUDGE | suis Bu ADVANCED LITTLE RULING ROUSES NPAT 80 YEARS ANGER OF WOMEN Royal Commission on Trans. French Court Says Hubby | pet Swprives British Pub- Can Supervise Wife's bie With Report Correspondence London, Feb, 14.--The public, ---- | which takes a keen interest and Winnipeg, Man.--An editor here Prd 4 The Working ot te British remarks that considerable emotion | heed 4] its express trains, was sur-| has been aroused among the wo prised to read In the recently pub-|men of France by a decision of a lished report of th Royal Commis. | Bordeaux Judge that a husband has sion on Transport that "it fs re- the right "to control and supervise markable that there has been prac-| his wife's correspondence." In tically no improvement in locomo- short, the learned judge says t jat a oy 'n wiers tive speed in this country during Wan a opel JH wits 3 ao I h " » the last 30 yoary. © the shock, how- | 88] authorities who have been con- | ever, the Britisher made the almost [Suited are inclined to think that | unanimous comment "Well, trains | While the husband has this right must have run pretty fast 80 years he should exercise it only In his ago." In point of fact they did, for [Wife's presence. By way of a #o0p the' arent Prac to the north" be-|to the offended feeling of tie ia y dtes, it fs recalled that French es riun- ' twoen gite Tallvay cofupani naw courts have upheld women who! burgh and Glasgow was on and each | 'Pick up and read letters hich line was trying to steal half-min- husbands imprudently leave in their utes on its rivals. And they sti |coat pockets." Such letters have run pretty fast today f even been recognized by courty as J ' «. | Proper evidence. The fastest run of a British ex The "right" of any woman to | | derstand were only a small part | of the things that were. Even our | enveman ancestor never thought hig cave was ull that there was; beyond it was a world that some- times at least awakened hig inter- est and stirred his Imagination. What man wonld have been if he | had been developed In a little world that he could easily com. pass and with no measureless sky stretched over it we 'cannot say, but he wasn't so developed, with the result that he has always had an Indtinet for something beyond the compass of his vislon or un- derstanding. The history of the human race has heen largely a history of out- reach and effort to understand. Man has always helieved in that something beyond hin, that some thing more or less shrouded in | mystery that he felt himself irre- sistibly called to discover or be- come familiar with, His universe {of understanding therefore has al. ways been a growing and expand- ing one, Today he stands in awe before the immensity of the uni- | verse which his telescopes and | enleulations have discovered to | him, but what hag happened in other ones. Psychology has made almost as great strideg in our time ay astronomy has and we stand almost in as great amaze when we think of our own minds and thelr possibilities and the strange and only half understood laws 11 a.m~Morning Worship. 2 & 3 pom. Sunday School Sessions. ii Holy Trinity Church ANGLICAN 7 pam~--Evening Worship. General Motors Male The Minister will Speak at Quartette will sing. 11 AM, and 7 PM. 3 PM. Sanday School and Mixed Bible Class 4.15 P.M. Men's Bible Class Under Mr. Mack Soanes 0.40 P.M. Song Service Wed. 8 pm. -- Mid.week Service Everybody Welcome The Pastor at both Services Monday 8 pm. -- Young People's League, | REV. 8. C. JARRETT, Incumbent, 30 Fairbanks St. First Baptist hurc | KING ST. EAST I Rev. Aubrey W. Small i 18 Aberdeen st. f 11.00 a.m, "THE PRODIGAL AND THE PRIG" 3.00 pan, Church School 7.00 p.tu. "MEN UNDER ORDERS" Ordinance of Baptism at the Close of this Service 8 a.m.--Celebration of "Christian Science" First Church of Christ, Scientist 64 Colborne Street East Morning Service at 11 ¢ m. Sunday School 12,10 p.m. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 15th SUBJECT "SQULY Wednesday Meeting, 8 p m. including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited 4n at- tend the services and to make use Evangel Tabernacle 200 King St. West J. T. BALL, Pastor idence, 21 Park Hoad South, Phone 19214. Holy. Communion. Il a.m.--Matins and Sermon. Subject: 'Light' 3.00 School. | | p. m. -- Sunday Centre St. United Church REV. W. P. FLETCHER. B.A, D 10 a.m. ~Sunday School 7 p.m.--~Evensong and 11 a.m~Morning Worship. Sermon. Subject: Faith" 7 pme~Kvangelistic Good singing, helpful Ser. vice, TIE A. 11 a.m.--"Mighty in Him" The Regular Services will League of Young Worship- ers Certificates presented. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. be held on Thursday at 8 p.m. Tuesday and tn mm --. 7 p.m.~--'"Seek Ye". Iu- stallation of teacheryg ano officers of Sunday Schoo) and Young People's, Mon. 8 p.m ple's and training. ~=Young Peo. leadership Pentecostal "The Salvation Army Simcoe & Oak Ensign and Mrs. Dixon fin Charge Sunday Services 11 am.., 3.15 pm., 7 po. Monday 8 p.m. peclal Bervice conducted by COLONEL DALZIEL new Chief Sccretary. Welcome to All HolinessChurch 811 Celins Street rastor G Legge in Char: 10 a.m Sunday Schoo! 11 'am. -- Pastor G Legge 7 p.m.~Pastor G. Legge Tues 8 p.m.-- Prayer Meeting Fri. 8 p.m. Bible Study Everyone Welcome CHINESE SIMPLIFIED The simplification, of the Chin. ese written language by the sub- stitujon of a few score of letters for the many hundreds that haa been used before has meant trauslation into many Western books. Among these Russian books 'exceed those of any other country, France coming second England third, It seems strange to think of Scott, worthy, Shaw, Hardy and ¥ielding Sircylating freely in China, Eng- sh vogue. the Chinese of very in number in the list, and Dickens, Gals. poets also have considerable that govern: them as we do at the great physical universe stretch ing away millions of light years from us in distances that stagger and thwart even the greatest im. aginations, Whatever way we look at it or think of it, God's universe is a tremendous affair," crowded with things so beyond our understand- ing and yet go utterly compelling in the Interest they awaken In us when we allow ourselves fo con- template theni. The incomprenhen. sible thing about our life iy that, in the midst of all that, we our- selves should be so dull and so stupid, ro pleased with little things, so litte quickened with the gpirit to know, so content with narrow interests and trivial |f affairs, busying ourselves so much with getting and keeping a few of life's trinkets and so Witle eon- cerned with understanding anu searching out its meaning and en- tering into the fullvess of its *pirit. Little-souled men, who greatness of the things it offers; who have little ambition to search out its meaning and make it count |t for great things: whose imagina tion never thrills with the pros pect of discovery or the hope of great achlevemént, do seem so out of place and Incovsistent in Giod's big universe that we marvel grotly when we find them or dis cover. ourselves tending to become like them!--The New Outlook, press train for a distance of more than fifty miles is made by an ex- press train which ham on the Great Western system every afternoon and does the 77 odd miles to London in 70 minutes ~-an average of more than 66 miles an hour, leaves Chelten- Several other trains on the same line are scheduled for over a mile a minute, which means In practice that, when starting, stopping and slower speeds on the up grades are taken bordering on 90 miles an hour are attained on favorable stretches. into consideration, speeds The lines running north from London also make some remark- ably fast runs, though their chief pride is in the distance covered by their "non-stop" expresses. The British record non-stop run % held by the London and Norn Eastern Rallway whose daily 10 a.m, express from London te Edin- burgh covers 292.7 miles without a single Intermediate halt, though at an average speed of only 47.6 miles per hour, The length of these non-stop rung has certainly increased during the have no awe in the presence of the | (aes 80 years, but it was as long Jago as 1904 that a Great Western passenger train on a regular run at- ained a speed of 102.3 miles an hour---the highest ever authentice ally recorded by a regular train on 4 British railway, ' "But madam, you have no claim Your husband did not insure his Nee, he took out a policy against re." "Chat 1 why 1 claim, He has been cremated," pick a letter out of her husband's pockets, or even Lo go further and pick the odd dollar bill or two, has been recognized by Canadian wives for many years. In fact, it Is bel- feved to be based upon an old stone age custom, when the only opportu- nity a wife had of Inquiring into her husband's affairs was when he, slept. But, really, while one admits to ignorance ag to whether a Brit fsh court has ever upheld the right of a husband to open his wife's let- ters, especially in her, presence, one is ready to hazard the opinion that any Canadian wife's comment at the first attempt woud be a wither. ing "Oh, Ye-ah?' And the accom- panying and enveloping chill wonld be enough to still the hand of the daring - husband; It would he enough, Jn truth, Lo cause a pro longed cold spell even in this mild winter. OLD COUPLE MARRY London. --After 10 days acquain- tance John Eseritt, aged 85, of Barnsley Street, Hull, was married at the Hull Register Office to Miss Amelia Ann Jackson, 10 years his Junfor, also of Barnsley Street. Mr. Eseritt had been married twice pre- viously, "We have only known each other 10 days," sald Miss Jackson, before the ceremony. "We hoth belong to the Salvation Army. We are lonely, He liked me, and ¥ thought he was a nice old gentleman, so we arranged to get married." A fium- her of youthful relatives attended the ceremony and showered confetti on the couple. Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft & Mary Sts. KEV. RK. 8. PATTERSON, M.A. Incumbent Quinquagesima Sunday 8 a.m--Holy Communion 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer 2.30 p..~Sunday School . 7 p.m.--~Evensong. Ash Wednesday Next 7.30 p.m. "The Litany" IMustrated Address Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING ftev, A, C. Hahn 154 Albert St, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 940 a.m --Snoday School. 10.40 uw.m.~Mornicg Wor ship. Lantern service, Thursday, 7.80 pan. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible ana authorize. Christian Science literature may be read, borroweg or purchased and periodicals subscribed - for, (pen on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urdays from 2 to 6 p.m. IMPORTANT COMING EVENT~The Re- turn of the Lord Jesus Christ as "the Lion of the Tribe of Judah" to take control of the world's affairs, and to set up the King- dom of God on Earth, Dan, 2, 4; 1, 13.145 Zech, WM; Acts 1, 9.12; Rev. §, 5-10 (Matt, 18, 9). MARRIFD PEOPLE ARE LONGER LIVED Unhappy Unions Hasten Old Age, However London, Feb. 14, «» Marriage would appear to be conductive to longevity, says Dr. Bernard Hol- lander, the well-known ethical professor. Married folk take more care of themselves, But unhap- 3.00 P.M, Wednesday 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US - py marriages, on account of the anxiety and worry they cause, are the surest means to hasten the on- coming of old age. There are some occupations which obviously tend to shorten lives. The medical man's avergge duration of life is decidedly 10w. Only sucessful lawyers appear to attain a great age, as may be seen in the case of many of our judges. Humorists, philosophers, histor- fans and highly {intellectual poo ple, in general, appear to live long. The group which represents the weakest side of longevity is that of novelists, dramatists and poets, probably hecause they lead or used to lead, more irregular lives. Senile docay before 90 years of age should be regarded as pre- mature, Men often die as troes die, slowly and at the top first. The enormous stupidity, backward. ness and 'red-tapeism' of Govern ment Departments everywhere are probably due In large measure tc the fact that they are too mueh controlled by age, he says,