Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1931 NIPEG TOBE * SCENE OF LODGE | ~ MEET THIS YEAR sign Grand Lodge" Of Oddfellows To Hold Convention innipeg, Man, Feb. 11.-- ousands of delegates from all 8 of the continent will journey 'Winnipeg this fall to attend the 1 convention of the Sover- rand Lodge of the Independ- Order of Oddfellows. The ! meoting will commence Sept. 1 and conclude six days later. t Is almost two decades since linnipeg played host to the Odd- ows and tho local organization usy preparing a right royal lcome to their brethren from corner of North America. leetings of the Association of Re- jkah Assemblies, the department aneil, Patriarchs Militant, Grand i fes and Grand Scribes As- ations, the Rebokah Assembly ptaries' association and the ternal Press, will be held in sonjunction with the convention. A QUEER COLLECTOR The Pas, Man., Feb, 11.--Groeg- "ary MeGregoradie was a patient l man. He also had definite ideas £3 nrocedure in the matter of debt _- sollection, i Called to court to explain a * jharge of damaging the property M A. Lafontaine, Gregory also had A novel defence. He claimed that .* Lafontaine had owed him $20 for i _jome considerable time and he had t irled to collect through the ordi- At the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S Newest Centrally Located Fireprool Hotel $5.00 DAY AND UP AMERICAN PLAN © Write, Phone or Wire. R. B. LUDY, MD. nary channels without result. Me- Grogoradie decided he would de- stroy Lafontaine's property to the extent of twenty dollars and call everything square, Forthwith he proceeded to rip up Lafontaine's blacksmith apron and bisect the blower. : His novel defence availed = but little, however, when the magis- trate decided a jail torm might be in order, HEALTH OF POULTRY IN SASKATCHEWAN NOT SATISFACTORY Compulsory Regulations Suggested to Remedy Conditions Regina, Sask., Feb. 11.--Saska- chewan poultry is suffering from tuborculosis and fall cholera to a marked degree, according to Dr, J. 8. Fulton, University of Sas- katechewan. Dr. Fulton addressed the members of tho Saskatchewan Poultry Board recently and in- formed them that the health of birds in the province was not sa- tisfactory. Ho propounded methods of pull- orum test work in eradicating nonltry disease. The hoard passed a resolution urging the federal governmont to make compulsory regulation re- snecting grading and marketing of Aressed poultry. CONSERVATIVE M.P. IS RETIRING Sir Robert Newman Breaks With Party Because of His Independence London, Feb. 11, -- Sir Robert Newman, Independent M.P, for Exeter, has announced that he will not seele re-election at the next general election. Sir Robert has represented Exeter for the past 12 years. Elected first in 1918 as a Con- servative, he was soon at logger heads with a section of his sup. porters, who declared he was "too independent." Matters came to a head towards the close of 1927, when the executive of the local Conservative assoclation passed a resolution that their candidate at the next election should be a loyal! supporter of his party. Sir Robert's reply was to {ssue a 'tatement declaring that he would never trim his sails merely to ob- tain the subscriptions of the wéll- to-do, and that he had no desire to be simply a guinea-pig member An independent party was formed to support hig candidature, and at the last election he was returned with a majority of 7,281, Curious Trouble Over Omament in Church - London Fog. 11----A curious posi- tion has arisen in regard to the Catholic practice of having a pyx hanging in the Anglican Cathedral of Truro, in Cornwall, 'The pyx has been hanging near the altar in the south aisle of Truro Cathedral. This aisle, though is a fragment of the old parish church, which was incor- porated into the cathedral when the latter was built some 40 years ago. Proceedi have been taken be- fore the Diocesan Chancellor who, as the chief legal officer of the Dio- cese, exercises authority upon "orn- aments" introduced into churches. The Chancellor has ruled that this south aisle still remains the parish church, and has ordered the pyx to be removed, It is admitted that Chancellors have no jurisdiction over cathedrals, where the authori- ty of the Dean and.Chapter is para- mount. The Bishop of Truro, Rt. Rev. Walter Frere, has written to the Archbishop of Canterbury pro- testing against the ruling of the Chancellor and Intimating that the matter may be taken before the Ec. clesiastical Court for the Province of Canterbury. SHEEP RAISING 5 PROFITABLE Saskatchewan Breeders Want Wool Tariff To Be Stiffened Regina, Sask.,, Feb. 11.--The Saskatchewan Sheep Breeders' As- sociation will ask the Dominion Governmont to stiffen the tariff on wool. At the annual conventio here recently the members went on record as favoring a tariff equal to that given woollen' manufacur- ers or manufacturers of semi- manufactured woollen goods. Despite the low price of wool, sheep were a source of profit to the frrmaw today, ft was declared by delegates. Woollen mills wery increasing their staffs and more activity prevailed than before the war. MANITOBA INCOME TAX Winnipeg, Man.. Feb. 11,--Only 130 farmers in Manitoba paid in- come tax in 1929, it was revealed in the remort of the Mur'toba Tax Commisgion, tabled in tho prin lature recently. A total of 2,570 farmers made returns but only 130 paid into the government's coffers "nd they contributed only $2 400, Employees, it wag shown, nav "ap tho rrestar rart of the nreevin nial income tax. Over sixteen thousand emploves contributed $458.100 while 930 merchants and manufacturers were assessed $123, 900. Tho gasoline tax netted the government $1,680,970 in 1920. CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING Regina. Sask., Feh. 11.--Mar eting of eggs and poultry pro- "ucts through one nrovincial' orga- nization is favored by the Saska- tchewan Co-Operative Poultr Producers, Limited. A bal among the members of the co erative resulted in 76 per cent, of Meet the Makers of "Melody Mike" be Canadian Pacific Rall cross-continent radio feature, Svery Mon 1 "Melody Mike ali Das 'rows are respone sible res direction of e* They are the sons of a -known entertainer and have sung before the Prince of Wales. They won radio the dial they have concentrated Mrs. Eve- lyn M. Biddle is res ble for the con- tinuity and dialogue of the feature. She taught school in rural Ontario where her knowledge of atmosphere was acquired and where she gained the wide experience from which such characters as "Simplicity Sawdust,' "Deacon Scratchgra- vel," "Abe," DOB HARVEY Wilson", and "Lack-a-day Liz" wer: evolved These char acters | ay captured t} liking and ir terest of hur dreds o thousands ¢ listeners-in. those voting pledging support ot a single marketing system. The purpose of the ballot was to ascertain whether members of the co-operative favored request ing the Saskatchewan Government to pass legislation permitting for- mation of u province-wide cgg and poultry products marketing body. It is expected that the poultry men will now place thelr request before the government of Premier J. T. M. Anderson. ENFORCEMENT COSTLY Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 11,----Man. ftoba has spent $117,000 on liquor law enforcement during the fiscal "Whiskers year ending April 30 last, accord. fog to the report of tho govern. ment liquor control commission tabled in' the legislature recently. ENYA COLONY ~ INLIMELIGHT SAYS GOVERNOR Gen. Sir Joseph Byrne Prom- ises To Do His Best for All Classes London, Feb, 11---Brig.-Gen. Sir Joseph Byrne, newly appointed Governor-General and Command. er-in-Chiet of Kenya Colony, suc cessor to Lt..Col. Sir Edward Grigg, who recently retired, in a speech here just prior to his leav. ing England to take up his new duties, referred to Kenya as being in the limelight of late, He sald: "Unfortunately Kenya is very much in the limelight; it would be better if they could so arrange their affairs as to be left more in peace.' Sir Joseph was 'the principal guest of the Kast Africa Dinner Club at the Savoy Hotel when he spoke. He assured those present at the dinner that he was taking of- fice in Kenya with a completely open mind. and he would do his best to be just and fair to all classes there, Lord Passfleld, Sec- retary for the Dominions and Col- onles, proposing a toast to the chairman, Sir Charles Bowring, urged tho necessity of all sections of the Kenya population working together for the future prosperity of the colony. Sir Charles Bowring was Chief Secretary of the East Africa Pro. tectorate, now Kenya, 1911.24, and was acting Governor on var. ious occasions, He pald a tribute to the new Governor-General of Kenya, Sir Joseph Byrne, on his qualifications for his new post, He said that Sir Joseph's police ex: perience alone would commend. his appointment to the most extreme and {irreconcilable critic of the Kenya gettler, It was Important that he should be given a fair chance, and the hest that the speaker could wish him was that he Lin ullowed to govern through the oethodox methods provided by [11a Kenya Constitution unhamper. ed numbherless commissions and committees, ' AWRENCF OF ARABIA IS BACK IN ENGLAND Plymouth Eng, Feb, 10--"Lawrence if Arabia" that romantic figure who ie now known as plain Aireraftsman Shaw, appeared today as one of the | heroes of the recent disaster here when nine men were killed in the HL vlunge of a seaplane. At the court of inquiry, Shaw turned up as one of the principal witnesses, Shaw made every effort to avoid publicity nd few detaile of his rescue work | 'caked out of the private hearing. Rely on "Buckley's" fo Head off Trouble (It Doesn't Pay to Experiment) At the first suspicion of a Cold, take BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE . . . Sip, and slowly swallow, you'll feel better imstamtly -. . . uickly removes the cause of Colds, Coughs and roat and Bronchial soreness . . . a off the dangers that lurk in "common colds". Husky, painful throats are cleared and healed by the soothing action of Buckley's Mixture BUCKLEY and "Buckley's" wards sizes: 75¢ (40 Bu « « « and stubborn Coughs ing influence on the bronch: Every Sruggise sells Buckley's Mixture. doses) ; 40c (16 doses). For severe colds accompanied by fever, headache or neuralgia, take LAXPYRIN in addition to ckley's Mixture and quick relief will follow, Jed to its penetrate passages. Two S "Acts Like a Flash -A SINGLE SIP PROVES IT" During this week your druggist (druggists everywhere) are WE" making special efforts to interest yeu in Buckley's Mixture. Generally speaking, the sulcide rate is higher for large cities than for country districts, In the years before the telephone, auto- mobile, phonograph, moving ple- tures and radio the loneliness ana hardships of farm life contributed toward « comparativiey high rate of sulclide in country districts, About two per cent. of all per- song examined for life insurance in this country are rejected because of heart disease, People who are overweight after age 40 show a higher death rate than those with normal weight. In the younger ages a little extra weight is considered mope bene- ficial than !armful, a --_--p ------- Ro . GRUEN pln WATCHES Half Price 3 ONLY, CFNTS OMEGA STRAP WATCHES, Regular value $40.00, Half Price ....... ess sten derinsed $10.00 GENTS' STRAP WATCHES. $15.00 GENTS' STRAP WATCHES. LADIES' 14K WRIST WATCH. Regular $25. LADIES' 14K WRIST WATCH. Regular $20. $10 LADIES' GOLD-FILLED WRIST WATCH. rarer ve vores Sale Price ... . 3 Oaly 14K GREEN GOLD LADIES' WRIST 'WATCHES. Reg. value $32. Special Sale Price 2 Only LADIES' DIAMOND SET WRIST WATCHES, Reg. Value $35. Special Sale Price LADIES' 14K ENAMEL Reg. Value $52. Sale Price ....... WRIST 2 Only L WATCH EVERY WATCH GUARANTEED . quantity of Ladies' and Gents' A CT BRACELETS. Values up to $6.00 for, $20 96.89 . $9.85 $18.50 $14.50 $6.85 $23.50 | $20.00 ne $32.00 $1.00 All Reduced MANY LINES HALF PRICE See Our "Vindows For Genuine Bargains Bassett's Bargains Are Real Bargains ~ RINGS Regular Value $25.00. Regular Value $35.00. Regular Value $40.00. Regular Value $50.00. DIAMOND Sale Price ......$12.50 Sale Price ......$17.50 ; Sale Price eevee $20.00 Sale Price e000. $25.00 White and Green Gold Diamond Set Rings On all other Diamond Rings and Gold Jewellery we are giving a Discount of 25 per cent. : Now is a real opportunity to purchase something that is really worth while. Links, etc. Gold-Filled Jewellery Half Price This includes Brooches, Necklets, Bracelets, Cuff- / COMPACTS, PARTY BAGS AND CIGAR- ETTE CASES ALL | BE | BASSETT'S Ladies' Hafld Bags In plain and fancy leathers Smart choice of Envelope, Pouch and Under Arm styles, Many at Hal' Price Other lines greatly reduced, On Oshawa's Main ~ Corner- ASSETT'S STOCK-TAKING SALE Watches - Clocks - Diamonds - Jewellery Glass and China - ].eather Goods - Novelties SILVERWARE Half Price THIS INCLUDES ENTREE DISHES, GRAVY BOATS, BREAD TRAYS, SERVING TRAYS, VASES, TEAPOTS, WATER PITCHERS, FLOWER BASKETS, ETC. STERLING SILVER HANDLED FLATWARE. $1 25 Values up to $6.00. Sale Price ........onnsssnsssvsirs... Wd 0 1 Only 3 PIECE STERLING SILVER QUEEN $43.50 Stainless Steel, White Handled DINNER AND DESSERT KNIVES. Regular values $3.00 to $11.00 per dozen, HALF PRICE GRANDFATHER | CLOCKS Half Price We have four only of these High-grade dependable Clocks. Now is a wonderful opportunity to purchase. Regular Value $275.00. Sale P Regular Value $225.00. Sale Price .. Regular Value $200.00. Sale Price .. Regular Value $125.00, Sale Price .....cuvivmeser.$ 62.50 HCE vuer wn 3133.50 L ~-

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