THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1931 PAGE THREE "| Bowmanville Daily Times Representatives Phone No. 53 |i Civic Officials Appointed By Bowmanville Council At Meeting Held Last Night Long List of Business Mat- ters Dealt 'With--Mayor to Name Delegation to Go to Toronto to Seek Fur ther Grant for Unemploy- ed Relief Work rable busines was trans a alaatal the two hour rogular monthly session of the town coun ell held last night. Magtly rou. tine business was carried on, with the exception of the usual appoints ment of town officers which takes place annually at tho February meeting. Mayor Ellictt presided and nll members were present ex- cept Councillor Lockhart who was confined to his home through sick- ness, Communications Communication wag read. from A. H. Dounsall atking to be yond stated as assessor for the town again this year. This was doalt with later in the meeting. W. F. Dale asked for permission to erect a gasoline pump on On- tarlo street. Mattered referred to Roads and streets committee with power to act, D. A. J. Swanson, of Oshuwa, wrote concerning accident which occurred to William: Terry while employed by the town. Matter was doalt with later. Council accepted the Invitation of the Rotary Club to atend their luncheon at the Balmoral Hotel on. Friday when a special speuker would give an address <n muni cipal work. Letter was received from the On- tarfo Township Road Association asking the town to send delegates to thelr convention in Toronto on February 24. 'Matter was placed on file. Deputations Mr. L. W. Dippell appeared ho. fore the council and presented the annual report of the Library Doard and requesting the town to glve a grant to cover all operating ex- onsos. y James Byers complained that he had been assessed for two sewer connections when only one had been installed. Deputy Reove Rheder will investigate, Mr. C. W. Jacobs complained that for five years he had been charged for water passing through his meter to a flat rate user above him. Waterworks committee will report on this matter at next niet ing. " Reports The Finance Committee, Couns clllor Strike chairman, prosented a report of expenditures totalling $631.71 which was adopted, Deputy Reeve Rheder presented the waterworks report calling for exponditures totalling $401.77, Re- port was adopted. Local improvements and unem- ployment tocether showed expen- ditures of $3,083.96 which were ordered pald, Councillor Jones reported that ho thought it was unfair that the town should purchase most of thals gasoline at one place when there are other tax payers in the town who. sold gasoline. Mayor Elllott asked committees to see that this was more ovenlv distributed. Debts Writen Off A list of bad debts made by the waterworks department was writ. ten off on motion of Denuty Reeve Rohder. The dohts totalled $27. Announcing that STEPHENSON BROS, GARAGE HAS MOVED from 18 Church St. to 18 Church St, Will carry on business in new stand after Feb, 2. "EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always ROYAL YORK ws Tea a4 ram 28 t all Superior Stores Councillor W. G. Nelles, claire man of the Polico Committee pre- sented tho report of 'the Chiet of Police, which was adopted. The roport was most favorable and ehowed a decided drop in revenue from fines and Mayor Elliott com- nented very favorably on this mat. ter. Councillor W. L. Elliott asked permission to buy supplies for Fire department and cutting of limbs of streets that interterred with the alarm system. Ho was given pow- er to buy the neccessary articles wanted and also to go ahead with the other work. : To Seek More Ald On a motion the Mayor was re- quested to appoint a delegation. to intorview the proper authorities at Toronto with a view to getting a supplementary grant to carry on work to aid the unemployed. After hearing Mr. Donaldson of the insurance company, council re- forred the matter of the public Hability insurance to the finance committee with power to act, Reeve Carruthers stated that he would be representing the United Counties at the Good Roads Con- vontion at the end of the month and would also look after the in. terests of tho town without any extra expense. Council authorized the Mayor and Road Superinten- dent to attend the convention as official represontatives of the town To Settle For Injuries Councillor Strike made a motion that the council settle with Wil- liam Terry for his injury to the effect that he get 14 elght hour days pay at 34 cents an'hour and also a doctor's bill of $14 paid. A bylaw to Issue debontures to the amount of $7,600 to pay for the new heating system at the Public School received its three readings and was ordered signed by the mayor and clerk and the corporate seal attached, Officials Appointed A bylaw apointing town officials for the year received ' its three readings and was made law, The appointees wero Assessor, A. H, Bounsall; tax collector, A, J. Lyle; Chief of Police, 8. Venton; night constable, W. Hall; waterworks superintendent, James Kennedy; Special Coustablos, A, Matliews and 8. Glanville, representing the south and west wards; Fence viewers, Harry Allin and William Barry; pound keeper, Willlam Simpson; noxious weeds and fruit {nspector, 8. Venton, Waterworks Discussed The only matter whith brought any discord was a. motion put by Councillor Lockhart and read by Counciller Jones stating that the cemetery and waterworks depart- ments be fully discussed In a com. mittee meeting of the wholo coun- cil-and that they devise ways and town and not llabilities. Deputy Reove Rehdor took exception to the inference that the waterworks was a lability to the town and strongly defended his department, lividently no inference to this ef- fect was meant but tho - wording was slightly confusing that way and sounded bad in tho deputy recve's ears, Finally the wording was changed to clear the water works departmont of any sugges. tion that it was a lability, Coun cil adjourned at 9.67 p.m, NEWS ABOUT TOWN TOWN COUNCIL, MRETS The town council meets this even ing for their first regular business sossion of the year and considerable important business is expected to be discussed. It is expected that ao large crowd will be on hand to heor the new members deliver their maiden orations. IN PETERBORO TONIGHT Bowmanville intermediates travel to Peterborough this evening to play the return home and home game with their conquerors of Sat. "urday night, The game should be worth travelling that distance to soe and the probabilities of the best battle of the season taking place is likely. Coals will count on the round. Last time Dowmanville travelled to Peterborough they beat the same team 0 to 1. They can do it again, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the \Bow- ing held in the Council Chambwy tomorrow night at eight o'clock an tlie plea for a record attendance hay gone forth. The socloty iy present. ing a most generous offering of pro- miumy this year, Mr. George Carr, 11018, and superintendent of Hor- tieulture of the s Trafuing Behiool will give an address, ve | MONEY T0 LOAN ON YOUR CAR Piesent Contracts Re-financed ' ADDITIONAL CASH GIVEN Terms Reasonable Confidential G. L. SCOTT 14%; King St. E. Phone 2790 MOTOR LOANS AND DISCOUNTS, LTD. means to make them assets to the" MAJOR JAMES E. HAHN, President of De Forest Radio Cor: poration, who has announced the formation of a new subsidiary, Norge Corporation of Canada, Lim ited, for the manufacture and sale of Norge electrical refrigerators. De Forest Radio Corporation now owns and controls three units for the manufacture and merchandising of electrical specialties, De Forest Crosley Limited, radios, Hammond Company of Canada Liwige, elec. teleal clocks, and Norge Corpora. tion of Canada Limited, electrical refrigerators. [I RR Oshawa - 20 Years Ago News of Interest Gathered from | Old Flles of "Ontario 1] Reformer" Week of Friday, eb, 3, 1011 A delightful event occurred at the High School on Tuesday 'atteis noon, when on behalf of the stall and pupils, a handsome club bag and traveling outfit was presented to Lyman C, Smith, retiring prin cipal, The address was read by Mr, Merritt Smith, while Miss Bertha Wannan made the presentation, LJ LJ] LJ A team from Whitby defeated the local intermediates by u score of 9-3 in a fast O.H.A, fixture played here Friday night. There was a crowd ot over 2,000 in the arena, a large contingent coming from Whitby, al. moet every available vehicle in the town being pressed into service, LJ . Ad B. W. Drew was clected chair man of the Board of Education at its inangural meeting Monday night, A resolution was passed ex- pressing regret that Lyman CC. Smith had resigned ns principal of the High School to uecept a posi tion elsewhere, » . The 11th anniversary of the dedl- cation of the Presbyterian chureh was celebrated Sunday by special services. Rev. H. R. Pickup, of To- ronte, was the special speaker for the occasion. DY 0 Th ve we) OBITUARY | DEATH OF RICHARD ROBINS Tho last surviving member of his family, Richard Roling passed away at the home of his sister-in-law, Mry, H, Robins, 760 Simcoe street south, on Monday, February iud., in his 70th year, y The late Mr. Robins was born at Newcastle, Ontario, the son of the lute Henry Robins, one of the plon- vors of tho Newcastle district, who came to Canada from Cornwall, England. Mr. Robins was a furm- or and for a number ol years oc- cupled a farm in what Is now tho Ritson Itoad residential section, Mr. Robins leqd a very quiet und retiring life and nover married, iv Is survived by four nieces, The funeral: service wil bo held on Wednesday, February 4th from the residence of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Robins, 760 Simcoe street south at 2 p.m. Interment in Bow. manville Cemetery, Rev. 8, C. Jar. rett of Holy Trinity Church will conduct, the seryices. N, OSHAWA MAN 1S INJURED WHEN CAR HITS WAGON cmp (Continued from page 1) ed Into the vehlele. Mr. Mallett claimed that there was no rea Hight on the milk wagon, The body of the milk wagon was ' demolished by the force of tho 1 pact, and about 60 quarts of milk | wore destroyed and the broken bo! tles strewn over the pavement, The the radiator particularly suffering | The horse ran away aftér the mccl: dent, und wag found some time later Suffering from scratches about the CEs, 4 : Mr. Glover was seen to be injur- ed and way rushed to the hospital, where he was attended by Dr. VV. J. Rundle, 1t was found that the only | visible Injuries were some culw! about the head, Lut he is boing hela | at tho hospital today for observa. | tion to determine if any more seri. | ois hurts were sufiered, ! Mr. Glover has been employed by Scott's Dairy only about three weeks, and was on his regular milk delivery route when the aceldent oc- curred. v In Memoriam GRAY =1n fond remembrance of our dear mother, beloved: wite of Mr. Abe Gray, who passed away five years ago today, Feb. 2nd, 1926 Sadly missed by dangliters, Edna and Evelyy. front of the car was also damaged, ||| CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS o IN CHARGE OF LIFEBOAT From now on the city property and fire protection committee of the city council will have complete charge of the lifeboat at the lake front. At the council meeting last night, Ald. Morris pointed out that while this committee had to finance the liteboat and its operation, it had been under the jurisdiction of the finance committee, Ald. Mac Donald immediately expressod his willingness to handing over the dus ties of taking care of the lifeboat to Ald. Morris and his committee, and a motion to this offect was passed. ROTARY CLUG GUESTS Guests at the weekly luncheon of the Oshawa Rotary Club yesterday included George W. McLaughlin, Roy D. Kerby, president of Durant Motors of Canada, Ltd, Toronto; I'rank Lovett, of the Industrial Ac cident Prevention Association, To- ronto; Mr, Complin; of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, asd Dr. C. O. Miller, ENJOYING THE SOUTH letter received from Dave Tod und Hugh Ross, who are spending tho winter at St. Petersburg, Fla., enYs they are thoroughly enjoying their holiday in the south, Theh trip to Florida by motor was somes what delayed on account ot the ice and snow encountered at the begin. ning of the journey, but they had a very interesting trip and stopped in some of the most interesting ci ties in the southern states. COMMITTEE NAMED At yesterday's meeting of the Rotary Club, Col. Frank Chapell, Rev. KE. Harston and Magistrate T. K., Creighton were named as mem- pers of the Canadian National Af- fairs committee, which, it is under. stood, will interest {itself in the problem of naturalization of allens. INTERCITY MEETING An inter-city meeting, with the Toronto Club as guests, was an- nopnced at the Rotary Club lunch: eon yesterday. This meeting will be held in Rotary Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 17. In the afternoon the mem- bers of the two clubs will meet in curling and badminton competition, with the banquet in the evening. TO REGISTER PLAN At last night's council meeting, Ald, Hyman asked the reason or the delay in registering the new municipal plan which has been pre- pared for the city of Oshawa, This had never been done, and as a re- sult there were homes not on the present plan which ought to be there. The clerk sald that no au- thority had as yet been given for registration, and on the motion of J Ald. Hyman, seconded by Ald, Mc Donald, it was decided to have the plan registered as soon as the neces essary formalities could be com- pleted. GIVEN APPOINTMENTS Two appointments were wished on Ald, Thomas Hawkes by his col leagues of the city council last night. He was appointed the rep- resentative of the council on the committee dealing with the ace counts of the Children's Ald Bocle- ty, and was also appointed as the chairman of the standing commit. tee of the whole council for 1931, A BAD MIXUP The past became badly mixed up with the present on page 3 of The Times yesterday. Through an or« ror in "makeup" (an paper makes up os well as the falr sex), items which were designed for the )i- umn on "Oshawn 20 Years Ago" were jumbled togother with the City and District tems, Readors may have wondered why W, BE, N, Sinclair was referred to as Mayor and why mention wax made of the power being off 'since Bunday night."=<but this Is the oxplana- tion, theso paragraphs referred to ovents of twenty years ago and fot today. IDEAL WINTER NIGHT Last night was an ideal wintor night. The moon was full, bath- ing the world In faint, mollow light, Stars twinkled in the sky and on earth each snow crystal sparkled in reply. It was cold, but the weather was clear and 1 'g- orating. RELEASED ON BAIL Frank E. Mallett, tax! operator, appeared before His Worship charg- od with reckless driving arising out of un accident which occurred on the Kingston highway near Thorn. ton's Corners, this morning. The case was adjourned for one wees and he was released on his own ball of $1,000. WANT TO COME HERE The Toronto Scottish Regiment, with its brass and pipe bande, would like to come to wa for one of the holiday k-ends dur- ing the summer. A letter to this effect was received by the city coun. cil last night, and was re to the finance committee. : WILL NOT JOIN The city of Oshawa will not take membership in the Union ot Cana- dian Municipalities this year. The report of the finance ' committee, which was adopted by the council last night, recommended that no ac. tion be taken in connection with the the union. Ny CLAIM FOR ACCIDENT A letter was received by the city council last night giving notice of injuries received by Mrs. George Northcott, 80 Wilkinson Avenue, by slipping on a sidewalk. The let. ter wag referred to the insurance company with which the city has placed its public lability insurance, SEEK LICENSE REBATE In view of the fact that the Elite (olf Club, operating an indoor min ature golt course, had operated for only two and a halt months, the tity council has been asked to com. promise in the matter of license fee, which {s fixed at $100 a year. A letter from Conant and Annis read at last night's council meeting sug- ported that a fee of $26.00 would be a fair compromise for the period of operation, CHEQUE FOR FIREMEN'S FUND A letter from E. A, Lovell, ex- pressing appreciation of the work of the firemen at the recent fire in the Oshawa Winter Gardens, and onclosing a cheque for $100 for the Firemen's Benefit Fund, was re- celved by the city council at (ta moeting last night, and the clerk was authorized to pass the cheque on to the fire department for the purposes specified. * ABK FOR OSHAWA'S VIEWS The city of Belleville, according tn a letter read at last night's couns cil meoting, is opposing the propos. ed bill respecting Superannuation and benefit fund for firemen, and is anxious to know the views of the Oshawa city council in the matter. The letter was referred tothe city property and fire protection com. mittee, BYLAW RE- AUCTIONEERS A letter from W, E. N. Binclanr, read to the elity council ut its meet. ing last night, asked for informa. tion as to whether there was a city bylaw that auctioneers' licenses be granted only to those who have been residents of Oshawa for a per. lod of one year. The letter was written on behalf of a Whitby aue- tioneer, und questioned the right of the council to pass such a bylaw, It nlko asked that Mr, Sinclair be sup- plied with a copy of the bylaw, REAL BARGAINS OFFERED Reading the advertisements in The Times one is readily convinced that Oshawa merchants are still of- fering wonderful bargains, Now fs the timo to buy for shoppers can certainly save money by examining the splendid values offered by lo cal stores. ORONO BOOSTER HERE Orme Gamsby, well-knowh Oro- no booster and spoft enthusiust, was an |nterested spectator 4t the Junior hockey game here last night. Although he was the only fan present from that village Le announced that a big contingent had como down from Orono. Well. when {it comos to hoosting the liome town, Orme is a whole con tingent in himself. VITAL STATISTICS There may be a shortage of cash, In some quarters, but it fsn't affecting the business of Dan Cue pid. Last month he persuaded 13 Oshawa couples to take the walk that weems endloss up to the al- tar, this being an increase of two over December. Births declined slightly from December, there be- Ing 60 in Jandary as compared with 53, while the number of deaths was the same. 18, A RECURRING PROBLEM It was just. a year ago, on the first council meeting in February, that tho question of straightening the dangerous curve on Mary wtreet was laid before tho 1930 council, It was later shelved, but has been taken up again this year, Unless this matter is settled, ft may become lke lakeviow Card. ons bridge, a perpetual problem for cach succeeding council to dis- cuss, LY a iY Coming Events 8 Cents por wor cach In | sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, B8¢ MADAME NEVADA, ROSS COR ners, homeo Thursday. (27¢) DANCING TONIGHT, SBNOOKII! Dance Hall, corner Brock and Division, Melody Boys' Orches- tra, : (27m) MADAME ZEDDA, SCIENTIFIC palmist, now at 224 St, Julleu st. (24-27-30) NUIST DRIVE, BASEMENT Holy Trinity Church, Court and Barrie Sts., Thursday, Feb, 5th, # o'clock, (28.30) I'HE CASTLE CHAPTER 0. L, C. Alutunae are holding thelr an. nual bridge at Mrs, Bassett's, Whitby, Friday, Feb. 6th, at 8 p.m. Those wishing to make up tables phone Mrs, Leo Gray 608 or Mrs, W. Karn 20197, : (284) DANCING FRIDAY, FEB, 0TH, the Armouries, auspices N.C.0.'s (288) Ontario Regiment, Herd, Pow- | /ONCERT ~~ HOLY froni Tuesday tii! " er's 8 ploce orchestra of Toron. to. Admission $1.50 a couple, 76¢ 'single including refreshments. Tickets at door, (28-29.81) TRINITY foung People, Barrie and Court Hts, Wednesday, Feb, 4, 8 p.m. Admission 26c. Special talent, | ; (28b) HONS OF SCOTLAND 10 MIN. utes ouchro tonight in Engel's Hall, 8.30, (28a) RAILWAY EMPLOYEES DANCE Rotary Hall, Wednesday, Feb, 4, 8 p.m, Round and Square daneing by the Haymakers. Attendance prize. Admission 28¢, ' ------------ Died ROBINU-<In Oshawa on Monday, February 2nd, 1931, Richard Robins, in his 70th year, Funerul from the residence of ils, Mrs, BE, Robins, 760 Simcoe Street South, on Wed- nesday, February 4th, 1081, Ser. vice at 2 p.m. Interment Bowman. ville Cemetery. Please omit flow- ers. (28a) "With the average boy cloanlii uces fs not always noxt to, godli. ness," says a medical writér, With a ---- gome boys it's next to jmpossible, invitation to become a methber ot | 4 FOUND GUILTY ON ASSAULT CHARGE Altercation Over Purchase of Tire Rim Results in Fine of $10 Joe Ricalla, Howard street, was convicted by Magistrate 'I. $ Creighton in city police court this morning on a charge 'of common as- sault against the person of Mike Slot winski, Oshawa street, and was fined $10 and costs or seven days in the county Jail. Ricalla declined to pay the hne so he will be required to serve his sentence, The assault had occurred several ays ago in Smith's garage, Simcoe street south, according to evidence offered the court. Ricalla had come to buy a tire rim and in dickering with Slotwinski, an employee at the garage, an altercation occurred which eventually led up to the fracas, Ricalla had wished to beat down Slotwinski's price, 'The complainant told the court that he had retused to give him any reduction and that the accused had then gone into the of- fice of the garage where he met Sam Smith, a son of the owner, who agreed to sell the article at a lower price, © "On the way out of the office Ri- calla then said "Now see who's bos: Lierel" Slotwinski informed tl: ma- gistrate through interpreter Wm, dgel, "1 told him not to get hot and not to start a quarrel. 'then he hit ue, With his hand witness pointed to his nose and his cheek where he said the accused had landed telling blows. "| fell down," he said. Ricalla, who was without counsel, endeavoured to conduct his own de- lence, 'laking the witness box on his own behalt he stated that the complainant was his uncle and that it was he who was responsible for the quarrel, ; "As I way going out of tlic otic he started to push me," the defend aut testiied, "He had the run of the tire in his hand and I was afraid he would strike me with it. He used to be an awful scrapper so 1 hit him to protect myself." Magistrate Creighton commented that he did not believe that Ricalla wa, acting in self defence and he blamed him for provoking the quar- rel. He would have to find him guil- ty of the offence, he gtated. THEFT CASE IN POLICE COURT East Whitby Man Given Ad- journment in Order to Secure Lawyer "My lawyer {sn't here and I can't go on with my case," Leslie Knapp, of East Whitby, charged with the theft of goods from Lob- law's groceteria wsorgowfully an- nounced when his caso came up in police court today. "Who is your lawyer?" Magls- trate Creighton quoried. "His name is Hall," accused re- plied. "I think he is with Mr, Swanson." His Worship thereupon request- ed that Interpreter Igel communi. eate with Mr, Hall on the telo- phone. Mr. Igel returned in a minute and announced that = Mr, Hall stated that he was not acting for Knapp. "Well T have hardly had a chance to talk to him," Knapp sald. "But I want an adjournment anyway to arrange to get counsel." "But thls man is always asking for adjournmonts," Chief Friend objected. "He is not as dumb ab he lets on." "You must not impose upon the good nature of the court." Magis: trate Creighton announced, "for you have already had plenty of time to secure a lawyer. Wo will adjourn the case for two days and then you must be ready to go on. KNOX YOUNG PROPLE'S SOCIETY The regular meeting of the Knox Young People was held last even- ing with the President, Hugh Gil- christ, in the chair. This being devotional night the minister, Rev. D. Munro, gave an futeresting talk on 'Lost Beginn- ings." Miss A. Hobbs read the Scripture reading. The concert committee reported that they were active on a play to bo held under tio auspices of this soclety. A discussion arose over u sleigh ing party and was left in the hands of a committee. Owing to a congregational supper which will be held in the Church next Monday, it was decided to post. pone their meeting until Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Too Late To Classify LOSI--LOSTON BULL PUP, Answers by name of "Jigg". Phone 924 or apply 10 Bond St, W. (27) al modern conveniences, Apply 0. (v) All conveniences, tiewly decorated. Yor particulars apply 33 Louisa #t. Phone 1124, (26¢) ' E ON RICH. mond St. East. Apply 340 Rich- mond St. BE. (28b) house parties, Call 1668, W, Zu. felt, 97 Colborne St. Kast, (28¢) Sunny Nook. Private Hospital and Rest Home, Whitby, Ont, Personal application only, Apply J. Me- Kee, R.N., Supt. (28a) WANTED ~10™ BUY=ISILVER plated trumpet. 1. Datoman, 102 Church 8¢t. Phone 494M. The Whitby Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received Whitly Branch Office at Gasette aad Chronicle Telosbore n Daily Times the AfRer Business Mours- Phone 339. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON WHITBY PUPILS HAVE $807.32 IN THE PENNY BANK Deposits Made in Four Months Very Credit. able Although the Penny Bank sys- tem has only been in operation in Whitby since last September, the pupils of the Public Schools have already saved $807.32, the showing being a most creditablo one. The percentage of pupils depositing un- ti] the end of 1930 was: Dundas street scholo, 76; King street school, 67; Brock street school 66. The per centage {is large us compared with the statement from other places furnished by the hank showing that Whitby school chil- dren are getting the real thrift gpirit., Teachers report that the pupils are enthusiastic about bringing their money, to the school. GRANTS ARE GUT OR ELIMINATED 70 SAVE HONEY Town Council Determined ol Economize Ths Year In pursuance of its polly of curtailing expenditures this year, the Town Council Monday evening, on recommendation of the Finance Committee, decided ngainst make {ng the annual grant of $260.00 to the Whitby Citizens' Band. Tho committee, in its recommendation, pointed out the need for economy this year, also that the band was not without finances as noted by the statement given to the council last year, Cut V.ON, Grant The annual grant to the Vice torian Order of Nurses, was. on the committee's recommendation, reduced from #300 to $1560.00, The committee recommended that the financinl statement of tho Public Utility Commission referred to it at last meeting be received d adopted. . Weed Inspectar Resigns Herbert Webster tendered his esignatlon as weed inspector for 31, this appointment being made last meeting. The resignation wus accepted. Coun. J. H. Ormiston gave notice that he will at next meoting introduce a bylaw to am=- end the bylaw under which Mr. Webster was appointed, wo that a new appointment can be made. The name of John Hill, street fore man, was suggested, Engaged Solicitor Council approved of the action of the Chamber of Commerce In instructing Mr. ¥, H. M, Irwin to represent the town at the hearing before the Board of Rallway Com- missioners on Thursday last, It was reported that Mr, Irwin had made out a good case beforo the Board. Council passed a bylaw to bor row $22,000 from the Dominion Bank to pay for construction work carried on by the Public Utility Commission. LADY ,DECIES ILL London, Feb, 3.--Lady Decles, the former Helen Vivien Gould, daughter of the late Georgo Jay Could, of New York, dled in Lone don this merning, She had been critically 111 here for several days. KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE WHITBY JUNIORS LISE TO PORTS Scoring Bee Early in. Game Gave Port Hope Victory by 5 to 2 (By Staff Reporter) Port Hope, Feb, J=--By staging 'a wild scoring bee in the first ten min- utes of their game with the White by Junior team in a scheduled O.H.A. fixture in Port Hope last night, the home team skated off the ice with their first win of the season by the score of § to 2. The game was not as one sided as the. score would indie cate. However, the Port Hoge team took advantage of playing on home ice nd piled un a score before Whit- by Tovzame acclimatized, . Freeman was particularly good and was als ways a threat. Graham in goal play - ed a sensational game, For \Whithy Hall, Heard and Brown wore all good while Holliday 10 goal saved in great style. Hort Hope--Goal, Gralian ; Nh | Nelense Stith and Paldong eentre, Borbert; Wings, Roaeh and I i subs, Mocking, Rowlind and Williams. Whitby Cony Holliday 3 defense, Scott and Thompsons centre, Hall; wings, Heard and Brown: Hodge, Rowden and Mayne Reteree-«Rowden, Port Tope, CHL Subs, Born STEVENS- At the eral Hospital on Tuesday, Jan (th, 1831, Mr. ang Mrs. ke Btevens, Drow Ht. (net a daughter (28a) Oshawa Gon to 241 Fuller), Phrouna MOUNCE---On Monday, Feb, 2nd, dt the Oshawa General Hospital to Mr. and Mre, Ross Mounce, of London, Ont, Verna Black), the gift of a son; (28a) nea PRINCESS GAINING London, Feb, 3.-- Physicians re« ported last night that Princess Beatrice, uunt of the King, gained a little hope of strength today, The Princess is rallying frem a dan gerous attack of bronchitis. ve (Al W UMBLR (© ATHOU STW OSH Hair-Raising Mystery! Yet full of hilarious laughter and romance The CAT CREEPS" From the stage pla by John Willard, with Helen Twelvetrees And AllStar Cast ADDED Charlie Chase Comedy Pacamount SING-SONG CARTOON PHONE 378. NEXT TIE POST OHIO) 4 Horses for Sale mostly young, sound horses, this spring from the lumber in years past. in about three weeks' time. own stables, and we invite into our barns, We will have about 100 of the very best horses we have had for some considerable time, for sale in a few weeks' time. These herses are all tried and proved, and few lumber companies have been operating this there will not be the great number of horses available We. expect our horses to commence to arrive back scarcity of horses in Ontario announce later the arrival date of these horses coming If you want good horses, sce us, Owing to the fact that very year, camps, that there has been These will be sold at our ection. . There will be a is season, Wo expect to . (amp) The John Carew Lumber Co., Ltd. Lindsay, Ontario t