PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1931 / In Brockville Brockville--Harol H. Richards, of Fort William, Ont, who has been elected president of the Can. adian Flying Clubs' Association at {ts annual meeting in Montreal, is mon of the late Hon. A, E. Rich- sometime County Crown Ate ey at Brockville, and later of Court of Appead of 'Manitoba, was born here in 1880. onl Exploded : Brockville~Some oll which was _ageldently spilled on a heater in the gurage of Herbert Orette, Elm street, lod to slight damage being done to. the contents of the build. the Court of 'Appeal of Manitoba, uished, Holsteln Officers Elected i Bellville--Officers of tho rol. : Breeders' Association elected were as follows: President, Earl Boner, 'Carrying Place; 1st Vice' Rockwell Parks, Napanee; 2nd Vico President, E. O. Butler Brigton; Seeretary-Treasurer, P. B Nelson, Campbellford; Auditors, Fred Hubbs, Blpomfleld. A, Philips Bellville. Apreal To Government . Peterboro,-Peterboro's County Council will jpetition tho Ontario Government tg bear ninety per cent of the cost/of construction and mainte! @ of Provincial high fifty per cent of the cost 'ownship roads. This was the ecision unanimously passed by the Council and in order to press their claims and secure the suppor of other counties, a delegation representing this county's council will attend the Ontario Good Roads Convention in Toronto next month, Extention Director Kingston---~Mr, Hartley M. Thomson, associate editor of the Queen's Review and lecturer in American History at Queen's has accepted the post of Directah of- Hxtention Work at Queen's Univer- sity and will succeed Mr, A, H. Carr who leaves at the end of Feb. ruary to take up his new dutios as secretary of the Chartered Ac- countants Assoclation of Canada. Nurses Are Successful Brockville--Among those Ontar. i¢/ nurses succossful at the recent. <held regMtration examinations 'were the Misses A. Thedma Parish and Frances L. Wiltsle, Athens; Anna M. Churchill, Smiths Falls; Dorthy M. Hills, Oxford Mills; Lillian V. McElroy, Kempville; Violet F. Milford, Merrlckville; Greota O'Shaughnessy, Morrisburg, and Lillian Whitely, Spencerville. "Road Rate Reduced Bellville---Half a mill reduction fn the county rate for roads and brid the year 1031, is the anno ent of tho roads and bridges committee in a report pre- sented to the county couneil of Hastings at Shire Hall. The rate this year will be four and a halt fo on the equalized assesmont of $18,354,800. Welsh Folk Organize Peterboro--The first meeting of the Peterboro Welsh people opened its doors in the council room ot the chamber of Commerce. The meeting took form of election of officers. The Rev. J. L. Hughes, rector of St. George's Anglican Church was elected president of uosses Sujmoo oy) 103 £)9joos oy) Home Destroyed Millbrook H. L. Carson suffered - & severe loss when his farm res. idence, east of the village, was tot- ally destroyed by fire. The origin of tho blaze is supposed to have been a defective chimney. Judging Class 'Campbeliford--A very interest- fog and instructive afternoon was spent on Tuesday at the farm of Alex Hume and Sons, Soymour, when a goodly number of farmers and friends gathered there to in- - dulge in a judging class. Heads Liberal Ladies .. Peterboro,--Mrs., B. ¥, McNeely | What's Wrong with This Picture? © Sweeten the evening with 'sa. box of these delightful confections, Take a bos homo today or Thome for io , A At The Rexall Stores was reolected as president of the Ladies Liberal Asoclation, at the annual meeting. Several other names were submitted tor the office put all withdrew, and Mrs. Mo. Neoly was elected bY acclamation. Falls On Hot Stove . Belleville.--Collapsing in the kitchen of Her home and falling on.a hot stove, Mrs. Alice Kellar was severely burned, and is a pa- tient at the Gencral Hospital, Phy- slelans said sho would probably re. cover, although suffering severely, | Eastern Ontario News MPP, Improving - Belleville, H. Ireland, M.P. P., chiet Conservative whip, who has boen quite serfously {U, Is much improved, although he will be confined to his home in Tren. ton for some time. Mr. Ireland, while suffering from a severe cold, contracted influenza and has beep in bod for some days. Centenarian Dies Cobourg.-~Attended by many old friends and residents of the town, the funeral took place of Mary Richard, widow of Peter Me. Callum, Cobourg"s centonarian citl- zen, who died in her 101st year. Salesman Remanded Lindsay.~-A former residont of town, Ken Walker, was brought back from Orangeville to answer charges of theft from colloctions he made while employed by the London Life Insurance Company. No word had been heard of him since he left here last September, He appeared betore Magistrate Jordan and was remanded until Thursday, Feb, b. Seca Cadets Organize Belloville.~-The organization of a sea cadet corps has been com- pleted here, and 27 candidates have enrolled for (instructions. Ald. George H. Griffin, who had train. fng in the city of Toronto, has taken charge of the squad. The local Kiwanis Club {is supporting the movement here. A. J. Richens chief instructor, will be in the city shortly to givo the boys their basic lessons, Plan Memorial Kingston, --- With.the object of commeniorating the. first surveys made in Canada, the Dominion and Ontario Land Surveyors' Associa. tidns have mado a request to the city of Kingston that the corpora- tion, through the Kingston Horti- cultural Soclety, deed to these as- soclations a small plot of ground for the purpose of the erection of a permanent memorial, L. 0. L. Insalation Port Hope.~~Tho annual meet. ing of th District L, O. L. was hald in the Orange Hall of Garden Hill when the Officers for the current your were duly installed by Past Distric Master, Bro. Wm, Dixon. The list includes:-~W. M. Bro. Thomas McClung; D. M, Bro. 8. Archot; Champlain, Bro. 8. East- man; Rec, Sec., Bro. L. T. Osland; Fin. Soc, Bro. A. B, Wright; Trea- surer, Bro. W. Glimour; Marshal, Bro. H. Rusy; 1st Lecturer, Bro. L. Andrews, 2nd Lecturer, Bro. M. Willmettes. Injured Cranking Car Balleboro, -~While cranking his car Walter Lord, a young farmer residing throe miles east of the vil- lage had the misfortune to have his arm broken when his motor backfired. The unfortunate man was rushed to Peterborough wheréd the bone was set. Economics Courses Lindsay,~Thirty courses in ag- riculture and home economics will commence next week at Cold Spring, conducted by the North. umberland Branch of the Depart. ment of Agriculture. Hon, J. Ken- nedy, Minister of Agriculture, W. Smith, Agriculture representative, and Miss. F. Stewart, Brussels, domestic science demonstrator will speak, Would Ban Divorce News Cobourg=Publication of divorce court proceedings was condemned Christian Temperance Union at Co- hourg. The soclety endorses a mo- tion to roquest legislation banning press reports of divorce cases as being detrimental to youthful mor. als, New Named Bellville--Mr. Clifford Ayres has been manager of tho uptown Dom. inion Store for the past two and one half years, and who has ben Identified with the Dominion sys. tem for the past ton years has betn appointed to succeed Mr. Ray Ol). ver manager of the downtown store who has entered business at Thom- asburg. Kafr Men Meet Bellville--Forty representative from Central Ontario District wer In attendance today at the annua! 'Fair Association meeting hore. Tn. terest was keent and geveral mat ters pertinent to directors of Fair were discussed. Dates were 1) loted for the different exhibitions. May Cut Grents / Lndsay,~Retrenchment in ox venditure and slashing of grant will bo the policy of the Count; Counell of Victoria County in stu- sion this week in Lindsay. It was 'whispered in tho corridors of she Court House that the annual grant of $1,600 to the Lindsay Central Fair, would be trimmed, and this caused the directorate some cou- corn, Is Yeaving For Peterboro Kingston,~--Mr, Dave Cowan a- #lutnat manager ofthe United Cigar Store of this city. Is leaving for Peterboro to assume the manager. mip of the branch located in that RJ ty, A ' off on King street od into the side plate glass ndow at The outranee to the Chevrolet showrooms, one horse being cut and required five stitches In its leg following the accident. Charged With Perjury Peterboro,--Samuel Henson ap- pearing oun a remand on a charge of perjury was bailed for trial in his own reconizances of four Crown witnesses had been heard before Magistrate O, A. Langley. High Marksinan Brockville,~Scoring 99 out of a possible 100 in the weekly contest ot the Brockville Clvillan Rifle As. sociation at the armouries H. Me: Bratney, who was handicapped three points, had a sufficient to. tal to carry off the silverware. Severely Burned Bellville--Mrs, Alice Koller, Widow of the late Willlam A. Kel. lar, who lives at 25 Boswell Street, is lying In the Dellville General Hospital, suffering from severe burns about tho body. Mrs. Kellar was in the kitchen when she faint- ed. She fell on top of the coal range, Old Resident Dies Northbrook,~-One of the oldest local inhabitants, Mrs, John Cad. man, died after but a few hours {llness, She bi born in this lo- cality soventy-five years ago spend. ing her life here. Had Narrow Escape Kingston,~A motorist driving oast on Princess street had a nar. row escape from an accident, The man was driving his car at a fair rate of speed between Division and Barrie streets, when the wheels suddenly skidded an tho slippery street car tracks, The car spun around and crossed the street mounted the sidewalk and par- rowly missed striking a steel pole. Bellville--At the present time, when reports of serious epidemics of influenza, pneumonia and other ills that are prevalont in winter time, are alurming the press and population of other cities, Bellville can come forward with proua mein and display an absolute clean bill of healtit For some time past thore has been no contagious dis. eases within the city limits, Ladies Intertained Campbellford,~--The annual lad- les' night staged hy the Campbell. ford Rotary Club was hi when the club entortaintd th ives and friends in St. Lawrence/Hotel, where a splendid banquet was ser- ved and a program presented. The president, H, N. Carr, ocupicd the chair for the evening, the pro. gram being under the direction of PLEA IS MADE FOR EMPLOYED Writer in Manitoba Free Press Think They De- serve Consideration Winnipeg, Man.,--"K. M. H." writing somi.editorially in the MANITOBA FREE PRESS, thinks that the "Employed" should get some consideration thesoc days. She says: "Manitoba has done more for unemployed persons--almost ox: clusively men---- than any other province, and Winnipeg has borne the heavy end. As a matter. of fact the word seems to have gone abroad among the drifters that Winnipeg 4s a fairly cosy winter resort, Winnipeg has a bigged proportion of unemployed: she has staged more unemployed parades; and she has listened to more un. employed oratory than any other plage in Canada. "K. M. H.'s investigations show that it is the family which is "economically" living in rooms which are most frequently in the hand-out i Generally speak. ing these people have nothing a. head and nothing behind. A house offers opportunity at least to get in the winter supply of potatoes. But tho two or three rooms in a house cannot afford space for that. The two-place gas burner has quite a bit to answer for, among others accessory before and after the fact of growing irresponsibility. Those are facts to be studied if this com- munity is going to find a solution You will like the flavour of its fresh young leaves "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the ne gardens' for its solid core of those asking unemployment relief. "Whatever the case of the Har. ried, thero is a distinct feeling that in the vast majority of cases the single man ought to be #ble to look after himself, The system throws the burden of his livelhood upon men and women who are already putting up a good fight to main tain themselves and their depen dents. Is there any adequate ex. cuse for 5,000 of them living on the charity of their harassed fellow citizens? It seems sometimes that some of the cocérn for the down and out might be transferred to those who are straining every nerve to carry thelr share." a he] Rely d Too at a recent meeting of the Womans | cone-sha tered in pe to ahing 10 Tunaway Doey Damage ! Millbrook,~~A runaway teat, | belonging to the Milibrook Bake. | ok trade mark tags D & H CONE-CLEANED ANTHRA. - CITE fs {identified by means of E Avery important announcement Pure Coal Now Assured by Most Remarkable Invention The most radical invention in the history of anthracite now prepares D & H ANTHRACITE to a higher state of purity than ever before attained in any coal. Cltisa very recent development . . . costly to install . . . makes obsolete existing and expensive equipment . . . but it removes impurities effectively, effi- ciently, and scientifically. € The process amazes...yetitis strikingly simple, Briefly, it operates this way. In thi¢ new and startling process run-of. mine coal enters huge metal inverted cones filled with a mixture Wec En kL Namanres?, for the cardboard tags scat. coal. ' A small thing' look for . . . but an important find, ; DIXON COAL COMPANY | Five Direct Lines to Central 7 7 14 v v Telephone 262 = of sand and water. The "density" of this mixture floats pure anthracite ... impurities sink intmediately. Just }Jike wood and stone in water. @€ NOW, the world's finest anthracite... D& H ~~' 7+. comes to you in a degree of purity hitherto unknown. It is the fuel of today, prepared by today's methods, to meet today's demands for purity. So good that every delivery is strongly guaranteed. Be sure to get it, 4 1 DeH ANTHRACITE AA OS ro