Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jan 1931, p. 6

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JHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 193! 'Whitby Daily Times cows will be cecsived ot subscriptivns and 1 8edneh Offise 31 Gueeite and i be «as Houve 3 REP EaET A TY Te AMES H. ORMISTON asteurization of Milk Sold in Whitby Will be "Urged by Health Board JO.H. Points Out in Annual Report to Council the : Dar er of Milk Contamination From Diseased -Cattle-- More Frequent Inspection of Milk and Water Supply-- se More Force to Have Connections Made to Sani. tary Sewers--1930 a Healthy Year in Whitby 'SUNDAY SCHOOL WHITBY TWP. HELD FINE CONVENTION Progress Noted at Gathering Held in Brooklin United Church There was a large attendance of delegates, representing the differ- ent, Sunday Schools of the district, at' the 'annual convention of the Whitby Township Sunday School Association held in Brooklin United Church on Sunday last. Re- ports from all departments show- ed that progress is being made in all schools, The guest speaker of the con- vention was the Rev, Dr. Webb, an outstanding leader in Sunday 7 [he pasteurization of all milk sold i Town of Whitby was one of ndations of Dr, Charles illivray, Medical Officer of h, in his annual report to the 2» Council, which was read on day evening. The M. O. H. very ngly stressed the ever present ! of milk contamination on ac- unt of disease in cattle. The Board Health will take this matter up year and strongly urge its ad- on MeGillivray also recommended phlication of more strict meas- . to enforce on property owners he JTstctibed area connection th the sanitary sewers, also that jere be more frequent inspection of water and milk supply. This itter work is done by the sanitary jpector under the Board of : galth's direction, A Healthy Year he town is congratulated by Dr. livray on its very healthy con- last year. There were. very contagious diseases, and /in where these were reported and prompt measures were ken to prevent their spread. gular inspections were made of 'water and milk supply. Where was found to be not up to the d, vendors were given a , The water supply was al- found to be pure. M.O.H, Was Busy . number of statistics show that visits were made to the by the M. O. H., also that other duties in which public is involved were carried out. gchool buildings were found in j pe" dition. rt contains a review of vi es of the Board of Health e year. Eyesore Removed ~The Town Council is congratulat- an ed on taking prompt action to clean up the dump which existetd as an eyesore at the foot of Brock street south and overlooking the harbor. Further improvements in this re- spect are suggested. Secretary's Report The Secretary of the Board, John R. Frost, also. submitted his annual report, show} ing the number of meet- ings held by the Board during the year, also the questions dealt with, Both reports were well received and adopted by Council. Memorial Pulpit [0 Honor Memory Of Hewden Family At a confirmation service, to be held in St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, on Wed. nesday evening, January 28th, His Lordship Bishop Lucas pre- siding, there will be dedicated a memorial pulpit to the glory of God and in memory of Mr, and Mrs. John Howden. The new chancel floor will also be dedi. cated by the Bishop. Mr. and Mrs.. John Howden were for many years highly es. teemed residents of Whitby, Mr. Howden being Whithy's post. master for a long time. The Howdens were also well known in Brooklin, to which they re tired after leaving Whitby. St. John's Church, one of the most historic in this country, is a temple of many memorials, all of the windows perpetuating the memory of local pioneers. The pulpit and chancel to be dedi- cated are valuable additions. Plans for the confirmation and dedication service are in the hands of the rector and war. ens. School work in the Baptist Church. Dr. Webb spoke morning and af- ternoon, and his addresses were inspiring. Another speaker was the Rev. Dr. Cooper," of Columbus United Church, who gave a very helpful talk which was much appreciated. Statistical Report The following report, presented by Miss Sleep, Secretary, covers eleven schools meeting for the en- tire year, In these schools there are 180 teachers and officers, and 1368 scholars, a total enrollment of 1548. There are 10 Cradle Rolls with a membership of 217 and 4 Home Departments with a mem- bership of 136. There are 27 or ganized classes of all ages, There is one Teacher Training Class in Brooklin United 8.8. un- der the leadership of Rev, P, L. Jull, Mlgsionary Instruction is given in all schools, and the missionary offering amounted to $594.50. Nine schools report giving in- struction in temperance, and good citizenship. Eight schools have made defin- ite effort for decision for Christ a part of thelr programme for tRe year's work, anud 26 have been added to the Jchureh through the Sunday Se "hoof, The Treasurer's follows: lotal receipts ..... Total expenditures report was as vesess$34.56 Balance New Officers Prezident--Mr. Rose Lee, ron. 1st Viee-President--Mr. 1. miston, Raglan, 2nd Vice-President--Mr. A. L Donnelley, Whitby, SecretaryTreasurer--Miss M. BE. Sleep, Port Whitby, Superintendents of Departments Ked- Or- Children's--Mrs. N. J. White, uae Te, 8 Quarter!! # great sum of money perhaps, but ever realized just how much loodstufis may be purchased for most popular coin? Sh of the unexpect of only, a quarter," Fudying this a will for its capabilities. Good Size Prunes «<i. Sardines "ur 5 §lac white Beans «sw. 2% gle Pork and Beans Aylmer Soups Tapioca ALA AAA Ge. ; Stores demonstrates very vividly ed purchasing and, dvertisement, you, Tike us, andoubtediy have much more respect Corn Starch Rolled Wheat Powder == = after Canada Brand ot Durham Quaker Brand Kreamy White oy 1b. § Vsc Ba 8 Vac Except Chicken and Chicken with Rice Shere Quality Counts" A fong, sweet loaf that has "Quality" in every slice. Try it at this special price. 1 -c 3 AT---------- YOU "Combination of' 3 for 25e 8 for 50c 12 for 1.00 Tin lic 8 "ac Ps. §'/5c 8 sc 8 "ac 8 ac 8 "3c 8'sc 8 Vac 8a Reg. 12¢ Lge. Roll l= i | Shoe Po i. Split Peas Potted Meats Lentils es Lb. Tin Chipso Lobst ol des Sm, Pkg. Tin Sm. Pkg. Sm. Tin ° Tomato Soup BAKER'S Sm. Tia Myrtle, Y > §% Girl's Work--Miss Bernice Wer- ry, Kedron. Boy's Work-- Tuxis --BEdward Cormack, Whitby; Boy Scouts-- Mr. W, R. Agar, Brooklin. Young People's~~My, Roy Lick. i Adult Work--Capt. Best, Whit. ¥. : Missionary--Mrs. H, Hunter, 3rooklin. Teacher Training--Dr. J. R. R. Cooper, Columbus, Home Dept.--Mrs, W. Myrtle. Temperance--Mr, 8, L, Wilhelm, Whitby. R : Resolutions Passed 3 "In order that the' Buperintend- ents of the different departments may have an opportunity of look- ing over the report of his particu- lar department, before the com- vention, we would suggest that the report forms {to the different schools be sent out at least six weeks before the convention, and the Secretary return the slips io time for each superintendent to tabulate material, That graded temperance in- struction be used in our Sunday Schools and some form of competi- tion be used for our township in order to stimulate interest and we recommend that the responsibility for the same be laid on the shoul ders of the assistant superintend- ents. Resolved, that as workers among the young we sincerely deplore the increasing habit among our youn people of cigarette smoking, and call upon our teachers and officers to do all in their power to sup- press the evil. Resolved, that we express our appreciation of the splendiq hos- pitality of the Brooklin ladies in serving such a sumptuous repast. Resclved, that it go on record how muvg¢h we appreciate the ser- vices of Dr, Webb,, as special guest speaker of the convention. Resolved, that we appreciate In a special way the kindness of the officials of the United Church, Brooklin, for throwing thelr beau tiful building open to us for this convention, Resolved, that we express our sincere appreciation for the excel- lent services of Miss M. Sleep, of Whithy, the secretary-treasurer, for many years, Graham, WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A very interesting meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Library on FHday afternoon, Miss Annes presiding in the absence of Mrs. Desmond, president, After the opening exercises Miss Annes refer- red to the absence of the President through illness in her family and the hope was expressed that she mi ght soon be able to be with us ag The business was brought up i it was agreed to have a summer speaker and to invite some other branch to join with Whitby, It was decided to cater for the Chamber of Commerce banquet on the even- ing of the 80th, and committees were appointed to take charge of all the details. An invitation was received and gratefully accepted, to attend the next meeting of the Old Girls' As- sociation, to hear Miss Powell's ad- dress on "Textiles." and helpful Very intevesting papers were read by Mrs. Roberts, and on a Worth While Habit;" Mrs. J. M. Willis on "Thoughts for the Néw Year." The meeting then adjourned, NEW PONTIAC ON SHOW TOMORROW (Continued from page 1) by live rubber from the springs and xles and, it is stated, this lesign of wring shackle climinates 12 chassis lubrication points, Added Comfort Added passenger comfort has also l,een attained through a better venti- 'ation development of the Fisher VV lunting windshield made possible by a new instrument board arrangement. cdal and control openings are seal- ed by felt or rubber pads against the air. Heavy dash insulation muffies 10ad sounds and prevents motor heat from entering the passenger compast- went. Improvements in top constrac- toin and a new method devised by uperior Stores intrusion of unwanted hot or cold "Skinny "Sick Father Gains 15 Lbs. in 3 Weeks, New Pep ANSELMO, ALTA~Mr E. Ko- ther says: "I was so run-down, weak, nervous, couldn't work. Then tried Ironized Yeast. Gained 15 Ibs. in 3 weeks. Regained my health" "Skinny," weak, nervous people amazed at gains of 5 to 15 Ibs. in 3 weeks. Ugly hollows, bony limbs fill out, Blemished skin clears. New pep first day, Constipation, indiges- tion, "nerves" go overnight. Avoids danger of serious ills. Ironized Yeast is two great tonics in one. Weight-building brewer's yeast plus strengthening, blood-en« riching iron. Many times more effective than unmedicated yeast. Re- sults in half the time. Don't be "skinny", weak, ncrvous. Take these pleasant little tablets. No yeasty taste; no gas. If not de- lighted with quick gains, manufac- turer refunds money. Get Ironixed Yeast from druggist today, IFeel great tomorrow, New pounds quick. Fisher for building the tonneau sides render the bodies stronger and more silent. The 1931 Pontiac is offered in the coach, standard sedan, sport sedan and the standard and sport coupes, The sport coupe, equipped with ear deck seats, affords comfortable accommodation for two additional passengers, All models offer the op- tion of cloth or mohair upholstery, New Refinements All the basic features of design of | Yontiac which were respon- sible for its staunch qualities and re- putation, have been retained in the new car, yet several further refine- ments have been achieved. The air purifier formerly used on the Pontiac engine has been replaced by a new device called the 'air silencer and it scrves to reduce the hissing of the carburetor during periods of accelera- tion, It also acts as a positive arrest- er of back fires and it eliminates the rear caused during high speed opera- tion by the vibration of air columns in the intake manifold. Positive lubrication to the front and rear camshaft bearings has been add- ed. The possibility of exhaust gas es- caping into the divine compartment dehnitely overcome by a welded joint 'between the exhaust pipe and muffler. Observers of automotive engineers ing advancement will be particularly interested in the extent to which rub- ber has been employed in the con. struction of the new Pontiac, Rub- ber is used in many new places; even the engine mountings are insulated with that substance. Incidentally the Pontiac rear 'engine support arms haye béen moved back to the trans- mission case, eliminating ' over-hang of the clutch and transmission units and reducing the effect of engine tor- (ue reactions, Rubber appears in the transmission drive, which has been redesigned to include a rubber hub of the type that has seen several years of successful service on the Oakland car. This hub cushions engine torque and minimizes telegraphing of axle and road noises up through the propeller shaft. The same function is served in both cars by heavy moulded rubber pads placed above and below the rear springs where they are secured to the rear axle, thus completely insula- ting the springs from the axle gnd from the attaching parts. Metal spring shackle bushings have heen abandoned entirely in favor of the heavy rubber shackle bushings mentioned previously, which are of a design developed in the General Mot- ors Research Laboratories. -flow Radiator The patented cross-flow radiator, a feature of Pontiac for 1931, presents advantages which become particularly nbvious during cold weather driving. Designed to reduce evaporation to a mirn:mum, the reliability and economy of this type of radiator has gained thousands of friends among Pontiac owners, since one filling of anti- freeze solution usually suffices for an entire winter of driving. The cross-flow design differs materially from that of the conventional radia- tor "The gradual decrease in the water level of the conventional radiator," says a Pontiac engineer, "is due to the escape through the filler neck and overflow pipe of vapor caused by heat in the engine circulation passag- es. This vapor may have been form- ed either from water, anti-freeze solution, or it may be a combination of both. Pumped back trom the en- gine to the conventional radiator, this vepor enters a ton or hat water tank from which the filler neck and over- low pipe provides direct access to the open air. The water, and such 'anor as has not escaped by these avenues, then flows downward through the radiator cooling core YOUR morning snack When you ate busy with household or social activities nothing is quite so refreshing and invigorating as a cup of hot Oxo. Just slice an Oxo Cube into a cup of boiling water, and it is ready ina minute, It is worth while to take the time. NN into a bottom or cool water tank and back to the engine. "In the cross-flow radiator the hot and cool water tanks are placed ver- tically on either side of the comb core instead of at top and bot- The sealed hot water tank of this radiator. has no outlet to the out- The hot water must flow across the cooling core into the cool water tank on the other An extension across the cool- ing core into the cool water tank n An extension across tom. side air. horizontally sire. the other side, the top of the core provides honey- "the filler neck and the overflow pipe, € rec nig wicew JOSsible eats, however, the, vapor in passing thr ugh the radiator has been con- "During winter driving, even more 1 ronderisation of vapor is made pos ible by the one third excess cools 11g capacity engineered into the Pone tiac radiators, In winter, the upper third of the radiators may be 'retired' by being left empty. Standing enid nd vacant, this section of the core then serves asd highiy efficient cools ing chamber which instantly conse 'lenses water vapor or anti-freeze the cooling system's only connection with! vapor and returns it to circulation." YLMER Soups are swift favorites with Canadian children . . . They like that distinctive, natural tang found only in AYLMER All-Canadian Soups . . . Growing children need these healthful, economical often... and Canadian Mothers natur- + ally choose AYLMER Soups for their families ., , Finer Flavor at Less Cost .. Have your Grocer keep that pantry "health shelf" filled with delicious, finer-flavored AYLMER Soups. Canadian Kanner, Limited packing Fruits and With over Vertubles or gr Gardens of i ad Quebec and British Columbia. Celery + Ox-Tail Consomme Chicken with Rice dididiiiii diibaliibibbidb lA sadbdddisisddiddaiirttistniiiyy 1 stiisiiliitisibiidasiiiiiabbinesass stad Lihid , biadidid LRU LALARM A ARAL Abb A LLL LL LMR db ik

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