Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jan 1931, p. 5

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TUE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 dt] ge. gu , "PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home -- and the Community Social & Personal | Women's Meeting | ST. ANDREW'S LADIES AID SOCIETY Mr. William Palmer, of Gorefield, Saskatchewan, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howard, Bruce Street, Mrs. J. C. entertained a few friends at .tea hour yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Halpin, Nia- gara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. A, M, Me- Carthur, Toronto; Mr and Mrs. John Keans, Toronto; and Mrs. H. St. Andrew's Ladies' Aid Society held yesterday afternoon it was de- cided to adopt the same group sys- tem as has been used in previous years, This has proven to be the best way to raise money, for the ~ociety. The president, Mrs. BroomfleM, presided at this meet- ing and there was a full attendance, n outline of work for the year was drawn up, which displays a full programme of activities for this so- ciety. Young, King Street the At a meeting of the executive of | For House Homemake and The "- keeper THE SINGING KETTLE Up to its neck In water, boiling water, too, Yet the yettle kecps on singing, _ Dennison, of Toronto, were among those who attended the funeral of the late Earl Wilson, of Whitby, held yesterday. Mrs, B. C. Colpus/ Oshawa's lady member of the Board of Education, is addressing the members of the Harmony Home and School Club this evening. Mr. W, A. Goodwin and Miss May Goodwin, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ross, King Street east, for the past two weeks, returned {o.4méir home | in Lindsay, rcicerday. [At WOMEN'S GUILD OF GEORGE'S CHURCH The regular monthly meeting and the annual meeting of the Guild of St. George's Church was held in the Parish Hall, Centre St. on Tuesday, Jan. 6, at 3 p.m., with 35 members present. The retiring president, Mrs. H. B. james, as in the chair, and cons THE ST. . toe \arfos confmtebced the conclusion of the monthly siness the books for the year ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment-- Just rubon a, The Secretary's and the Treasur- {er » anmtual reports were then given { id according to these the Guild | has had a very successful year, In {spite of the fact that the books were S | closed about three weeks earlier .han last yar, we have met our ob- | ligation of paying $1250.00 off the { pringipal on the mortgage of our " jchurch, have made other necessary and have stilf a nice balance with STOP WOMEN § 1 which to begin the year, I Ye 139 hs PAINS Mrs. B. C. Colpus took the chair, |for the election of officers, which Thousands of women are | resulted as follows: Hon. President, getting quick relief from : IMrs. F. W, Cowan; President, Mrs. thess distressing periods G. H. Mallett; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. aches and pains by taking | Cummens; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. A. ZUTQO TABLETS. Harm- | il. O'Neill; 3rd Vice-Pres., Ge os Dut ciantive, they bra HE ce-Pres., Mrs, Geo, Norris; immediate relief. Women . , N Phas tin 3 on; Corresponding Sec., Mrs, H. Armstrong; Treasurer, Mrs, R. 8. ing needless pain, for one ig or two of thee harmisks Morphy; Social Convenor, Mrs. litte tablets will certainly stop the pain, Z Kayse; Fu l-fzs_ ioned PURE SILKE HOSE $1.00 LAMBLE'S | Mrs. 8. Wood, Mrs. Faulkner, Mrs, Patte, Mrs. O C. Richardson, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. '{rs. Colpus, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs, Mothersill; Flower Committee, Mrs. | Richardson and Mrs. Puckett; Lin- en and Surplice Committee, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Cummins, Mrs, Faulkner, Mrs. Wesson, Mrs. Tuni- ~liff, Mrs. Hawley, Mrs. Sherwood, | Mrs. Hirst, The new officers then | took their places and new items of business were discussed. It was decided to hold a whim drive in the Parish Hall on Wed- nesday, Jan. 21, at 8 p.m., charge to be 25c. During the afternoon the Past President, Mrs, H. B. James was presented with an address and a "asket of roses and carnations, to { which she replied in her usual { pleasing manner, A+ the ~anglneion of the business | meeting refreshments were served | by the committee in charge and the wu ourned. January Clearance plSE S50 to clear ... THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Miss Una Ritson returned to | town recently after visiting her sis- Kayser Chiffon or Service ter, Mrs. William Halnan, troit, Michigan, for two weeks. Hose, Silk to top. $ { 1.00 Mr. Allan Willfams, who has been Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIERY AND | spending the winter vacation with his mother, Mrs, A. Willlams, of LINGERIE sHoP this city, returned on Tuesday to 133 Simcoe St. South | Montreal where he will resume his { studies at McGill University. Christies fresh out of the box . . . after the show... at bridge parties . . . teas . + . dinners . . . always «+. perve Christie's Soda Wafers. Their fine flavor and flaky freshness add a zest to every mouthful, | purchases for the church and choir | Travell; Executive, Mrs. H. S. Smith | Puckett, Mrs. James, Mrs. Downey, | of De-| that's what we ought to do! | Next time we're In some trouble, | almost up to the chin, ! We'll think of the cheerful kettle, | and a little song begin. | It helps, when feclings are boiling, | to let. off lots of steam. | Whistle and sing with courage; | things are not as black as they | seem. Kettle, you merry creature, ed by the callous fire, scorch | and duplicate them at home, They are heavy and give , candles. hand-made ef- | the ecclesiastical, | fect. A THING OF BEAUTY | It is not only a thing of beauty | but a practical little object as well | this square of carved jade in the | centre of which is set a tiny clock. | HOME HINTS | When dining out, either at a | restaurant or as a guest, remember | the interesting spots on the menu You { will be surprised how the family TeCed~the. meeting during the re- | Teach us your mower of moulding [appetite responds to new ideas in | 3 : no) PS le I to thes uy dostre~ meg! and new ways of serving it. | Up to your neck in troubles? They | haven't swept over your head: | Sing like the steaming kettle, till all your troubles have fled Singing will sound so pleasant 1 any who chance to hear, | The kettle does naught but is duty--but doesn't its singing cheer? | to | HAND CARE | In these days when hands chap quickly, keep a bottle of hand lo- tion above the kitchen sink a | well as on your bathroom shelf. .It | should be used every time you dry your hands. ANTIQUE EFFECTS If you want to carry out the an. tique idea for a candelabra for a | refectory table, u plumbers "NAY TSH SILKS Many of the R'°tty new printy for silk dresses ar. Ashable and do not shrink. For. »rviceable frocks about the house, thignateri- al will save you many cleaning Bl! 8 because you can wash them yout, ! self. AFTERNOON TEA SANDWICHES I put one can of shrimps, 1 can (small) crabmeat and one green | pepper through food chopper, add- ed 4 hard bolled eggs. chonned fine moistened with mayonnaise and | spread on thin slices of white bread. | I also served graham bread, sliced | thin, one spread with cream cheese and one with orange ! These with a plain cake make a nice afternoon lunch, Secretary, Mrs. W. Atkin-! BLACK VELVET HATS Paris has one hat of black velvet with a floppy brim; which flops, however, only part way across front and on the yieht «ida ©» where the crown a silver ribten, giving the effeet o an irregular bit of slanne "nu the head and tied there. But 't takes art to be both irregular and nlanging at once. Service weight metals, taupes, mauves and the subtler shades of brown i= smarter | ----and warmer--than chiffon | *treet wear and for afternoon tea 'n restaurants, Among the velve hosiery in for | Atstinctly in favor are topaz, mauve | | "ele, rifle, rose, teatime, plage manon, metal, brown-leaf i caravar lat 1 That vogue of black and has got into the living room now. It is the height of chic to have of chair which is nlain white or at i cast an off-white, like ivor | Sometimes the draperies are | or ivory, and intensely colored net | or lace window curtains are also in white or in off-white tints | | white { ---- | THE STOCKING PROBLEM 1 | Silk stockings, woolen stockings or no stockings. That is the ques. tion which .is agitating circles in London now | cold 'weather has arrjved. There are those who that silk is the warmest material, | but many smart London women ara | wearing woolen stockings, at least during the daytime. Just as many are appcaring in the evenings wearing no stockings feminine that the maintain EE ym PILES Ended Without Cutting or Salves Thousands of Pile sufferers have learned that quick and pers manent relief can only be accom- plished with an internal medicine. Neither salves or cutting remove the cause. Bad circulation of the blood in the lower bowel causes piles. The veins are flabby, the bowel walls weak--the parts almost dead. To end Piles an internal medicine ed parts. to discover a real internal Pile remedy. He called hig, prescription HEM-ROID, and prescribed it for 1000 patients with the marvelous then decided cvery Pile sufferer should be able to get HEM-ROID from their own druggist with a rigid money-back guarantee, Dr. Leonhardt's prescription has a wonderful record of success right in this city and Jury & Lovell, Ltd., invites every Pilo sufferer to try HEM-ROID and guarantees to re- fund the purchase price it it does pot end all Pile misery. should be 1s tied | tha shedag | white | must be used to stimulate the eir- | culation and strengthen the affect- Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt was the first | record of success in 960 cases, and | at all, Their reason is not hygiene but economy they say. | Clubmen are wagring how hardihood will withstand winter's cold blasts. BLACK FOREST Ti i* a wood whoso pine Has something different to say. Here branches twist against a linc The wind would urge avother ! way. . every gun- | | These m lo ragged epaulets belong some gray general of woods; \nd these low are strong Wings that protect brood. the wooping boughs an eagle's Here, upflung arms are priest sses Arching a temple for the sun; | There, green-bronge trunks are effigies In niches wher no light' has shone. This wash of needles is a sea, Suddenly swollen, suddenly thinned, tidal pulse eternity sures off in a surf of wind. Whose Mea huddled slant yearliug spruce Converges sheep. moss That of like a of pattern And here deep, a man lose (And thankfully) all desire sleep. but Louis Untermeyer | DIFFERENT DUTCH APPLE CAK | Two cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, % teagpoon salt, 4 tablespoons sugar, 4 fat. 1 ogg. 1 cup milk. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut in fat with a knife. Add egg and milk.. Pour to thickness of 1} {inch in a greased pan. Add the | apple mixture. Apple mixture cut in thin slices, 2- | Two cups apple a cup water, | vanilla. Mix apples and Cook five minutes in covered pan. Add sugar, cinnamon and butter. Cook flve minutes; add vannla: cool; spread on top of doggh mix ture. Dake 20 minutes in a mod- Gain 5 Pounds In 28 Days or Money Back McCOY' Cod Liver Extract Tablets Do you want to gain pounds of good solid flesh and at the same time increase your energy and vigor? One skinny woman gained 9 pounds in 20 days--her skin is bewitching--free from pimples-- 60 tablets 60 cents at "Jury & Lovell, Ltd., T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn and druggists everywhere-- Just ask for McCoy's. marmalade | | put together and cut In triangles, | may | tablespoons | { cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 | tablespoons butter and § teaspoon | water, indispensible | Irobe to wear The princess slip Lin smart woman's wi | with the new glim sifpuette frocks, | The moulded line § this slender | | model hugs the figuigto well below | the hips where it sti@s to widen sg las to have a comfori@y full flaring i hemline. { Its unbroken line to hem does away w ing lines to the outs s0 often entirely ru perfectly charming It's easily made! coin! The hem 1 with plcot-edge ¢ Style No, sizes 16, 18 years, ! inches bust The juires 2% yards of {ial with 2 vards of It's very French re | earance. few seams to be finlsnca ding. | 2668 BY be had in 38, 40 and 42 inch sige 're. | o-inch mater- | or crepe de chine witifigle blue bind- ing at neck, armhggand hem, lat er ilk crepe satin | also suitable Our Large Ia how to dre pe I | show wie at very tains mo {for adult 1n( cn, ery Le | patter) |pretericd.) little 'aris designs | of the | ¢ size )r coin (coin rom. shoulder | fi! any conflict. |} garment, that | an othisrwiee | i | | | embroid- | f Big 3-Day Sale Below are just a few of the hundreds of snappy values offered in this tremend- ous Slaughter Sale--January, a month when all merchandise must be reduc- ed-- (prior to stock-taking) and we believe we are going the right way about it--by simply forgetting any previous cost or marks of any kind, and putting them on our counters at prices that will answer all questions you may ask-- Are you giving your merchandise away ? * Crib Blankets, ular 45¢ whipped edges, all colors, 29 16 inch, Pure Linén Crash, firm quality 8 yds. $1.00 hemmed 17x27 inch Pure Linen Tea Towels, 2 for 25¢ Hemstitched Pillow Cases, Pure Cotton, regular 75c¢, for each 23c 36 in. Fresh New Prints, remarkable value, a big choice, yd. 17¢ long | | Price « it 20 cents preferred) |stamps ol N No. 26 | v0 Province | erate warm or cold. | Cut in squ vel COLORED LINEN table linens, dish tow ina help to enliven the cating and cleaning up dark winter months. | Colored els and « busin {during the | v LACES ARE POPULAR n a wide variety including rayon and Angora for dresses with Jackets. | {Lac | Chantitly, j are extreme and without Just Right linen chie For Upset Stomach or after-catin d.stress, sas, j sourness and bloating, the quick | and positive neutralizing action of | Bisurated Magnesia hag proved to be just right! Relief, certain and gratifying, almost instantly fol- lows the very first dose--and a few cents worth obtainable from any good druggist, lasts for a long time. This special Bisurated form of Magnesia. for Stomach Troubles only, does not act as a laxative. Ask your druggis | 72x84 Best Quality White Flannelette Blankets, pair $1.98 23c S yd. package Cheese Cloth adies' Warm "Wooltex" Vests, reg. 59¢, 39c¢ Wenen's Broadcloth Hoovers, reg. $1.95, $1 Baby R uber Pants,' wonderful value, 2 for 25¢ $1.39 Hyloom Silki¢ Slips. reg. $2.25 Women's Silknifajamas, reg. $1.95 - $1.19 Ladies' Pure Silk Hgier y, reg. to $1, pr. 43c Childrens' Pure Wool Nts, size2to 10 yrs. 19¢ Japanese Silk Fugi, odd sndes, vd. 39c¢ to $2.95, 36x38 Pure Silk Flat Frenchir yd. cpe, = 3 reg. 1° Boy's Crew Neck Pullover Sweats, frbm GROWER ered crest on breast, reg.$1.50, f KENW Size 72 x 84. Regular $10.50. for D PURE VIRGIN WOOL BLANKETS Prints. WASH FROCK Broadcloths, Crayshe Misses' to 52 Wom v GOVERNOR VISITS LOCAL KIWANIANG (Continued from page 1) ada and the United States have for the hundred years lived peaceably side by side. Bring- | ing his address to a close the Gov. { ernor called upon "Dob" Smith to { introduce the new president "Russ" | Birchard, who was greeted with | cheers and much applause from the club members. Officers Installed Naming to the new president his duties in connection with his office the Governor spoke particularly of that past stating that it was the president's | duty to interpret tO the citizens of | Oshawa the real meaning of Ki- wanis. W. J. Trick, was installed as vice president, Dick Bassett as district trustee, Bill Burns ¢ tary and T. W. Joyce as tre The executive committee is com- posed of Jack Worrell, Wallace Clark, "Bill" Dewlaud, "Alex." Ross, John Brock, "Rolly" Virtue and "Ted" McGillivary At the conclusion otf the instal- | tation of the officers, president | his responsibility to the community, | ! **Russ" Birchard took charge of the remainder of the programme, Speaking briefly for the first tim as "the first Kiwanian of Oshawa' he solicited the support of every member of the club for 1931, and in his outlook on the year he was | very optimistic. John Ross performed the plea- sant duty of making a presentation to the retiring president, "Bob' Smith, on behalf of the club and ac- { companied the gift of a gold travel- ling clock with a speceh brim-full | of praise and appreciation of his work in the past, and stating that | while the club was whole heartod- | ly grecting the mew president it | was with regret that the members | were seeing their former leader | leaving his office. A beautiful basket of red roses was presented to Mrs. Smith, Speaking earlier in the evening. Past President Bob" Smith, re- minded all present of the Kiwanis | Carnival which will take. place on | February 28th, at the armouries, | The proceeds from this carnival will be used to carry on the camp that was started last year aud to go towards paying a small debt i still owing from the camp budget of | last year, A toast to the guests was pro- | posed by "Bert" Smith and re- { sponded to by Dv, J. J. Oralg, Hon. , orarye J | Queb J de Carl Pete r+! ylca{Clothes Whiter| PINSO Pre x Large, 24¢ ! | | | cig oerng ing 3all | Past | Mrs. | char) Mrs. De J. Be borou!y Mr. ang Craig, 2 3 | Following speeches, the hours: of dancing ™N | dining room of no © tel. The guests from included: Mr. and Mrs, H. J. x. Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Brown, "Mr, Mrs. Huffman, Mr and Mrs. Black more, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Bredin, r. and Mrs. Tay- | lor. Mr. and Mrs. McKone, Mr. and {| Mrs. Lillico, Mr. and Mrs. tha Hill, Messrs. Harry Campbell, Frank Dawson. Al. Sharpe, District Governor Isaac McNab, and District Secretary, J. Id Craig. TILLIE THE TOILER | HERE'S THE DOES iy OF WASHERS, BoSS. IT LOOK Ry WELL E | lBAG? FAHAT WAS) IN THAT You'D By Russ Westoves FREBY AND MAC OH, MR. SIMPIKINS - ARE YOU ' REALLY GOING TO &\WE KIDNARERS $10,000 OF Your OWN MONEY SO MAC CAN GO ROSS IN THE THE AND | KNOW * WON'T WA py Wh, MONEY You axe Wi '] EB MAC CAN J KBEP W'S \O,000 THINK YOU'RE 17'S WONDER FUL "THE BESTES WHOLE WORLD , MAC WILL "THIN HATS ALL RIGHT] NOW RUN ALONG TO YOUR. \MOR\| i Mor- | phet, r. and Mrs. Freel, Miss Ber. Larry Mitchell, Co he

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