Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jan 1931, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1931 PAGE NINE _§~ THE CLASSIRIED meet D SECTION - eller "9595\a0e0 4 Solfeitors. Notaries Fublle, Ete one 4. G w Lda AP A N ol of Commeres Haysinr. ¥ Notary Publte, "MA ristor Soliton Convey 1 to foas. Of fico Ti King Eat Phote 448, a Bo Gn Veer, Barristers, Conve ancers, LSaries Public, ete Office over fisndard Bank, Entrance 8 fincoe oe Bt. Phoce 19, J. F Gris » T. K. Creighton, © A., NC (i) vaser, 13.A, Wolleltor, Notary, over Dewland's Pots Money to loan. 16 Simcoe porth, Phone 67. Res! hire Betal, 8 BAR: hh Bulleitors, ete, 24% sim ous Bt. N, Paone 8160. Money to Joan, ALDY C. HAL S.A, ter, ots, Conveyazeing and genera) ractice. 23% Kieg St, Easel fret 787, iy PARKHI BAKXIY' A YUoney to lean Alger Bids. A nosive Prat Ofice. Phoge 1 Solicitor, Notary 'ublle, Convey. ancer, wor 8: to loan, Third floor new A uel, epposite Pos. Offies, Medical ORE. TTHAZLEWOUD & HARPER, Disney lock. Pbome 2050. Of fice Bours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm. Dr B. J. Hazlewood sgseial Ateeutien tu Surgery and X-Ray Dr. B. A Harper, special attention to chile rvon's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun: day and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. McKAY PHYSIZIAN, SUM goon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St Dast, corner Vie toria it, Oshawa. Phone 94. Dit. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Oustetrician, diseases of fofants apd children, Office and Jesidence, 97 Bood East. Phone 1 A DR. DA 2NCHER, N.D., CW. L. R, C P, and 8, Edinburgh. Phy- siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Off'ne 149 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North, Phone 3150. vielan Physician and Surgeon, Special reference to maternity work and dis- eases peculiar to women, Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North. Phone 30: 303 WD, &.8c., L.A. TW. GI W. GRAHAN, C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric iap, 4 yoars' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Bimeoe St, N, Office and resid- ence, Phone 3020. (Nov, 24-1 mo) mt CONTRACTING ~- CONCERTS plastering, electric cr alterations. J'bone 130 for estimates asin "Pets and Livestock YOR SALE--ROCKS AND LEG- horn Pullets laying, Phone 1048 r (le) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VU RI A Specialist Disenses Domestic Anime als, Cat and Jog Hospital, 208 King West. Teioproas 324 1-4, Baugh ==Skates rr SKATES SHARPENED,_ SAY machine used by TR Scissors and nzes, elec. . Orders called for and delivered, $33 Buena Vista, Phone 3103 W. (Dec, 16-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat ¥. 3 OF 160 UI Street West oronte will be at bis oftive over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m. {or consplistion aud treat. throat. ire Appolatmenis may oaly. rt Phone 97. | WE te, 93 Louisa Sreart on (Nov, 83 mo) pe Rates for Classified Ads pr . Mipimumn Samp for ane {asertion § Bach uent eons a st 1] per word, Three consecutive inaer- tions for the price of Gwo first fasertions (three wats [ yor) " ; Minimum Ud 40 coats. Boz Wd 100 addi. pr il or Busloess Cards, $32.80 per month for 30 words or Jess; 10 cents & word por month for eath ad- qittonal Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department i= | PEOPLYWE FURNITURE STORE Oshawa, Ont. Special Dental J A sett's, Special attention to X-ray work, Gas estraction. Nurse io Siien0anen, Pbone 959. House DR. HW. COOKE, 9 SIMCOD 87 north, over Mitebeil's Drug Store. Ga for extraction. Phone 64. J. b. A Simcoe St. N, over Dewiassd's Poone 1067. Res, 207W. Evenings by a an Denciater 37 King ot. B. 'Special | 7 sttoption to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse In sttendanse Phones 1248 and R64. BRINGS, STYLE, health, comfort, Versonal attention and service. Phone Mrs, Dlatter, District Manager, 2189M, (Nov, 25-1 mo.) iL J TIC Rist svecialist 13 muscle soomslies, [J bt and glasses. Author of are and Eye Strain, The Chl and Its Development, is ney Bloex opposite Post Office Phone ib10, Dec. 18-1 mo) Undertaki LURE BURTAL CO. 87 KING FY Bast, Ambulance. Residence 642 Bimeos taro porth, Phone 210J an A se MM. VW. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulsnce Service, day and night. Phone 1032W. 87 Celina. (40 a. : Elocution LESSONS IN BLOCUTION AND public speaking. Private or in classes, For terms phone Lois Mun- dy No, 35 or 312. (Dee, 17-1 mo) For Rent dep --------------------p eer VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT pew low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and ig Fi id superintend- ent. Phone 256335. (66LL) it desired, Phone 26511, (Dee, TOUB% TO tral, hardwood floors with all other conveniences. Apply 91 Rit- son Rd, N. (Dec, 6-1 mo) HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 yooms and bath, elec- tric stove, central, bright, airy aod comfortable. Box 50 Times, (1410) BACHELOR APARTMENT, PART- ly fursished, newly decorated, lLieated, electric light, water, iu business section. Dox 50 Times, (14111) 5TAND § HOOM APARTMENTS, Modérn to the minute, Phone 1560 or 2547W, (132t1) BIX ROOM HOUSE ON BOND street west, Phone 138. 4-1 mo) (145t1) STORE TO RENT--THAT EX- cellent location at present known as, "Viekery's Barber Shop', 10 King 8t, West. Possession after Jan. 1st. Apply Bradley Dros, (15010) COMFORTABLY BED SITTING room in modern home, Good lo- cality, For lady or gentleman Phone 033W, (Dee, 30-1 mo) HOTEL---8PECIAL RATES, ALL rooms with running water, Nates by week or month, Phone 2214, (163¢) 32.50 PER MONTH WILL RENT 'a modern brick house, nearly new, Bradley (1520) garage included, Apply Bros, FOR RENT--TWO light housekeeping. ROOMS Phone 3538W. (le) . Insurance DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 10 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. ert [ire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies, ACIN ANOR consult R. N. Jobos, $0 Simcoe gorth, Your insurance wauts at tended to and your interests pro tected, CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER: writers' Automobile Insurance, Carefu! drivers received 25 per cont, refund during past 18 years. Agency Germcnd Clgar Store, (Nov, 28-1 mo) --t nL Transportation CARTAGD AND STORAGSH COLE man's, 80 Bond west, Specialists fu furniture moviag storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 83 CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAV sand and claders. Local py yet distance hauling. Smith & Cos Phone 024, 10 Bend St. West, BORROWDALE'S AGE -- General cartage and household furniture moving. Special atten tion to commercial work, Local and long distance, 609 Carnegle Ave, Oshaws Chone 1618, (Dec, 10 tf) Beauty Parlors TTY LU PERMANENT WAVE id Specialists in permanant, finger and twarcel waving, Per magent wave prices 35, $7.50 $lv and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture," Phone 2068. Apply 20 Simcoe etreet north. EXPERT MARCELLING BY LET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wavo Shoppe. Marcel and shaw: poo $1. Phone 2008. T_T = Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HARD "Ui: uliure bought and scid. 186 Bloor etroet east, Phone 1817M, (Nov, 23-1 mo) under new management, We buy aud sell a!l kinds of second hand furniture, n Priace street, Phone 1761. (Dec, 3.1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 3. attention given to bousebold furniture sales and farm stock ana lwpleweuls. Your patronage solicited, oney to UA N GU . OF ty «nd farws Apply A. J Park sh 87 Kiag St East. Phone 1614. (July 3114) CARS PLR Payments TOS Additional cash given. Terms rea. sonable. Motor Loans aud Die counts, Sulte 2, 1415 Kling SL B (upstairs). Phoue $790. Open even: toga. (Aug. 16L) Music RE TTRENEER XT. RBERT GC M., Orgaalat aad Cbholrwauster cf Kiog Street Church, will accept pupils io plano, pire organ sud yopcal musie' 60 Willlam Sires Cast. Pheoe 2808. Sept. 3 ih LEONARD RICHER, L. To NL SU pervisor of Musle, 653 A Averue 2378F (Aug 259 For Rent SINCOE WARGR™= FOUR AND {Ive room suites, wisolslc stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveal ences. Apply superintendent hits 2671, (66 th PARTMENTS, 13 yg 24 three LA with three piece bath, water, gas stave, electric lights, bot water beating, laypdry, convegiences, 9 private collar, $30 monthly, Phone 3604, (14480) § FURNISHED 228 (le) FOR RENT rooms for light housekeeping. Golf St, TO RENT--TURNISHED OR UN- furnished liouse or would rent rooms on bathroom flat or ground floor. All conveniences, with or without garage. 140 Tylor Cros- cent, (2¢) TO RENT--NEW SOLID BRICK houee, 4 rooms, kitchenette, fur- nace, all conveniences, clean, Ap- ply 131 Albert St. (2¢) ATTRACTIVE FRONT APART ment, central, 3 rooms, re-decor ated, electric refrigerator, Jiot water, steam heat, reasonable rent, Phone 1400. (2¢) FURNTSHED APARTMENT FOI ront, heat, light and water, also five garages. Apply 907 Colborne St. Bast, (2¢ "Real Estate fe for "Sele FOR SALE=FIGHT ATES, den soil, 6 room brick house, gocd out builldlugs, and soft water, orchard, For par- ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa. (Dec. 1-1 mo) HOUSE FOR BALE OR RENT. 286 Eulalie Ave. Apply 242 Mary St., Oshawa. (20) BEAUTITUL 7 ROOM HOME IN north end, fully modern, 4 bed- rooms, $50 down, $50 per month, Disney opposite r. 0. (2¢) AA, ke & - Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE=NF pairs on radlos, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested snd suppiled, radio poles for cale Uatieries charged and repaired. Phone 3360). Charles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Doc, 16-1 mo) REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD: els, expert service, prices roasou- able, baiteries recharged 75c. Free radlo service to batlery customers, Phone 2800W. George Burroughs, cortitied radiotrician, rl (Dec. 8-1 mo) EXPERT RADIOTRICTAN, ALL wakes of radios, power packs and eliminators serviced and repaired. Phone 27161, (Dec, 23-1 mo) Hospital WHITDY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby, also known as "Sunny. nook", ideal vost home. Roglstor- ed nurse in attendance, bone, write or call Superintendent, (Dee, 11- 1 mo) _ a = ~ Apples For Safe FOR SALE----=ADOUT 60 BBLS: good lnnd pleked Baldwins, Price delivered $5.60. 10 bbls. Starks. Price delivered $2.50, without bbl, J, C. Alldread, Tyrone, Ont, Phone Dowmanville 196 r 3. (Dec, 27-1 mo) | "VOR | Asticles For Sale MARCONI RADIOS $185 UP. Phone 2604 for demonstration or call at shop Gladstone Apts, Glad- stone Ave. (144t0) MIXED HARD AND 50F1 WOULD slabs, $3.50 oe load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr. 2611) use in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when mew-- ut less than balf the cost. Sent for your approval. Address 'Une derwood", 185 Victoria St, To- routo, (Oet, 19, 31) OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF SEC- ond hand boots and skates. Must be sold. On very reasonable prices from $1 up. South End Shoe Hos- pital, 420 Eimcce Bouth, (Dec, 11-1 mo) SAMPLES SWEATERS, SOCKS, scarfs, china, ete, Inspection in- vited. Phone or call 2491M, 384 Ritson Road South, (153c) THREE USED QUEBEC STOVES for sale at Harry D, Wilson Hard- ware, 23 King street west. Phone 46, (163¢) FOIL SALE -~= PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We Lave the largest assort- cient of paints, varnishes, etc, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 tf) FOR SALE--~DRY HARDWOOD, '$14 per cord. Dry tamarack §12 a } cord. Norman Sanders, King St East, I'hone 1774M. (Dec. 8-1 mo) FOR BALE--1 LADY'S WINTER coat with fur collar, size 16 yearss Also 2 spring and fall coals aud other articles, Cheap. All in good condition. Phone 2104M. (1b) | FOR SALE-- CROWN HURON cook stove, price £5.00. Apply 184 Tresane St. (2b) na Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, NATERNTTY work, [xcellent references, Mrs Uorruwdale, phoue 1618. (Dec. 30-1 mo) | PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, iuvalid, gen- leral nursing. WII assist with housework, Charges moderate "bone 8033), (Dec, 4-1 mo) PRACTICALLY NURSING BY EX- perienced nurse, rate reasonable. Phone S200W. (163e) Work Wanted RT GUTBODE, FIRST CLASS PAP: erbanger, paluting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed, $10 Pine Avenue. Phone 3085W, (72) , GAIL | veneer | bardg | ¢ | WELLS DUG OR DEEPENED, W. 1G. Ward, Box 320, Whitby. (1524) ow WITH position as Phone (163¢) NEEDS POSI- clerking and I*, Dan- . Holder (1) WANTS with refer- (2e) |i KORPBOTADLE WIT | Httle girl © desires | housckeeper, experienced. HED MAN tion, used lo grocery Geliver. Lg, Write or Bruce 0 aci's lice ' | ENGLISH WOMAN | cleaning or washing | ences, Phone 17 78 SW. yoy, 0% | ¢hauf, Fe Battery Service CAR OIL MADIO BATTERIES AT factory prices, Lest prices allowen for old batteries. Batteries charged T0c, called for and delivered, W If, Platt, 317 Celina Et, I'hons 155¢C), {Dec, 8-1 mo) ! BATTERIES CHARGED 175¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebulit, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill 8t, Phone 18856W. (Dec. 50- 1 mo) "Help elp Wanted--F ema emale WOMEN EARN §135.00 TO $25.00 per week sewing at home. Ex. perience unnecessary. Write to red Colman, 613 Xing Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. (188¢) TYPIST WITH OWN MACHINE wanted for small accurate job (2200 words). Give price in Box G6 Times. (2a) ~ Watch | "Repa airing , VON GUN1 tht 8 rm Swi wetchwaker, ropalr shop at 441; King Street West, Your pate ronage is Solicited. "Furs Re, Repaired FURS REPAIRBD-- FURS AND fur coats relined ang remodelled. Experienced. Phone 632M, 119 Huron Crescent, i nian (Nov, 20-1 mo) Building Supplies CTNDKRS, SAND AND GRA: vel for enle--To insur prompt | delivery, place wdery 6 advance {of delivery date, W. DBo'rowdale. | Phods 1618. ETT a architectural work. Leeend floor. Royal Bask Building. Phone 1496. ites. phone 908J, A , AS- soclate architects, Simcoe st. 8. Over Felt Bros. Upholstering LETTERING, DRAPERIES and furniture specialties at reas- onable prices. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond street east, phone 3322), (Dec. 24-1 mo) Lost and Found LOST--TURSDAY DETWEEN SIX and 9.15 on highway between Trenton and Oshawa, dark brown club bag, Finder pleaso notify Chief of Police, Oshawa, (153¢) LOST--DOBTON BULLDOG PUT. Answers by name of "Jiggs', Call 924 or Cox Motor Sales, 10 Bond Bt. W. W., (2b) Er "For Sale or Rent { TOR BALE Olt RENT--NO. 24% | Court St, Oshawa, brick house, | conveniences. No. 485 Cubert St, Oshawa, frame house, water and electricity. Immediate possession. | Apply. to Conant & Annis, Darris- ters, &c., Oshawa, Ont.,, Phone No. 4. . (Sat. tf) | EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY, AM- | bitious, reliable men wanted at| once. Part time pay while training for aviation mechanics, garage work, driving, battery, electric acetylene welding, bouse wiring, | | Industrial electricity, machinist, bricklaying, plastering, drafting, | barbering and hairdressing, Act { uick, get your application in now | Write or call for {nformation. | Dominion Trade Scliools Ltd, 79; Queen West, Toronto, Eastern Headquarters, Employment ser-| vice, coast to coast, f (129, 145, 150, 153, 161) | | RELIABLE "MAN FOR ONT HUN- | dred store route; this county; ex- | | perience unnecessary: no selling: ! {distribute and collect, Should pet! seventy dollars weekly. Syrsu | Mfg. Co., New Toronto, Ont, (145a) "Help Wanted--Male | GOVERNMENT POSITIONS - AS | Postmen, Clerks, Stenographers, | Customs, and Immigration Offi. eials. Free Booklet tells how to | got them. Obtainable only from | the oldest Canadian Civil Service | Correspondence School. 1M. C Ltd, Toronto 10. (2.5.8- 11- 14-17-20- = For Sale or r Exchange TOR BALE OR | EXCHANGE-- Four roomed house near Motors Cheap, Might exchange for clear | building lots, Apply 274 French Bt. (2¢) Position Wanted i POSITION OF TRUST DESIRED | by young married man experienced | in looking after gas pumps, Chauf- feur license. Sales experience and used to meeting the public. Can furnieh bond up to $150. Box 67 Times. (2h) | | | NOTICE TO HEATING AND PLUMBING CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS, MARKED | "Tender for Heating and Plumb- | Ing, Whitby," will be roceived by | the undersigned, until 12 o'clock | poon, on Thursday, January 16th, | 1931. for the heating and plumbing required for the stores building now under construction at the On. tario Hospital, Whitby. An approved guarantee com. pany's tender bound or any accepted chequo for 10 per cont. of the amount of the tender, payable to the Honourable the Minister 'of Public Works and Labour, shall be attached to each tender. An approved guarantee company's con tract bond for 25 per cent. of the amount of tho tender to provide the usual guarantees, including payment of labour, will be requir. ed on exocution of contract. ! Plans, specifications, tender | forms and tonder onvelopes may bo obtained at the office of the Bursar, Ontario HMHoepita!l, Whitby, or at tbis Department. The lowest or any tender | necessarily accepted. | Goo. Hogarth, not { Deputy Minister of Public Works. | Toronto, Dec. 31st, 1930, (2a) "Situations Vacant--Male | Books library. You wil enjoy reading the latest Fiction at minimum cost. (T-F-8 tf) "Tears" says a beauty expert, "| "are good for the complexion," Provided of course, that it is a nat- ural complexion, --Sault Daily Star. Hors d'Oeuvres Is Pronounced Popular Dish.-- Headline. That's helpful. We always were uncertain about how to pronounce it.--Ark- ansas Gazette. Two professionals recently play- eda golf match backwards, Specta- tors were puzzled by the cry of 'Erot!' prior to each drive.~The Passing Show, A prominent "dentist eays the American mouth {s becoming lar- ger. We know {t was unwise to add that last layer to the club sand- {Wiches.--Birmingbam News, A scientist states that there are billions of millions of moons. Not once in a blue one are we allowed to forget it bv the song publishers. -~London Opinion. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound m. Daily, except Sunday. m. Daily m. Daily, except Sunday, m, Daily, 1. Daily, except Su . Daily, except & . Daily, 1. Daily Westbound Daily, eacept Sunday Daily, Luly, Daily, except Sunday, Daily, eacept Suuday. Laily, 2% am 5.55 am, 004 am, vO08 am, 210 pm, "0pm, 704 p.m. Dany, 8.02 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1939 (Standard Tim ime) Esstboun 2.58 a.m. Daily, SW p.m. Daddy, 9.08 pm Daily, a.m, Daily, eacept Sunday, x 5 a. m, lary. eacent § 5.28 p.m, Daily. 3 vom, Daily. unday, GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 5th, 1930 (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave loronto AM PM, 4. P.M. m7.00 m3 8.30 12.9 1.5 9.50 10.4) Lx 'ne Eaeept a=Saturdays, Soariars aud Holidays oaly. b~Sundays culy. WHITBY, OSHAWA, SOVMANYILLE (Effective en and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) Going West Arrive Hospital Laave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Dunava 60am, 7.08 7.20 a.m, "5.20 am, 10.00 a.m, 1.35 a.m, *1.45 pom, 5.00 p.m, 4.40 p.m. 40pm, 7.00 p.m, 9.00 p.m. 10.45 pou, Leave Hospital Dam. 20% pan, 12.) LG pam. + 140 pm, 2.00 pn 3.8 p.m, ar 3 isp ". 4.35 pm, 7.15 pom, SUNDAY AND' HOLIDAY "se Going West Leave Arrive 10.30 pom, 10.43 pom, East Leave Arrive (Dthavs Bowmanville . 10,45 a.m, 12.48 pam, 3 1. 30 p.m, Times marked * counect at "Whitby with Lindsay Busses, inl Busses vor all occasions Ressunably Rates and Careful Drivers GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE «12 or S18 Oshawa Waitig, Room. 10 Prince Street hone 2203 TIME TABLE | Chain Branch Attendant attention to business, Our organi- zation provides immediate dally casa profits, and permits growth quickly placing you in a position of independence for life, You are assisted by a vigorous advertising campaign, radio broadcasting, and real co-operation. Our lines are attractive, you are your own bogs, handle your own cash, and deal with stores only. Representative selected must have an automobile, with which to service your custom- ers in your protected district, If you like the idea of having a permanent business of your own, give us a prompt reply with details of yourself, Phone Waverley 2494. The Tom Thumb Company, Sterl- ing Tower, Toronto, (2a) SUCCESS COMES FROM CLOSD JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOLY J. W. Wornull, Oph, D. Eyesight Specialist and $200 cash to draw supplies ! BBE KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. MEXT THE POST OFFID J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies, Apply 52 Ring Street East I'none 871, Residence 087 | mmm ro ---- SILK TIES For Christ i Each | Scotland Woollen Mills mas. Box Special 49 c | | 8. ROTINSH, Manager CARTAGE S LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE 85 Dond Street, West hone 3218 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomallé eyesight and glasses, Fs 1516=-Phone=1516 . Opposite Fost Othe Disney Block PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Shwcoe St. 8S. We Delives Orange Pekoe nl Zune 28¢!l . . Superior Stores COAL COAL Phone 103 W.J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered HOUSE TO RENT 7 rooms per mons $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co. "4 King St. W "hone 2131 W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET Machinery Repaiti ing NOTHING TOU LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. WV. hone 1214 EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Lstablished 1850 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett"s On Oshawa's Main Corner Chevrolet Sedan, 39 model price .., price .... ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 00 Suucee Ntreet South. REPAIRING WATCHES OLR SPECIALTY [ your watch 1s not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it te'd Lhe correct time. D.J. BROWN THE JEWELER Officlel Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Ushi awa Nallroads 20 Simcoe S. Phone 180 | ever, Yhe CARI LUMBER ( A scientist says that even have courage, It is doubtful, it anybody has ever i worm arch its back at the appr 0 of an carly bird.--The FT 81 Show. x BRINGING UP FATHER AY COLLY="THIS GOUT CAME \N) HANDY: ) QIDN'T NAVE TOGO TO THE OPERA = WITH MAGGIE « © 100) lav \ WONDER WHS THIS CAN BE ON THE 'PHONE? HELLO! appear UP! E WOU WANT TO FIND ~ OUT SOME. THING ? GoTTeEN' ? ANT YoU COMIN To LATE NOW - | Feaiuie Saivien, (ac. Uieal Britale righis issarees. ( he TS OI T= WHATS TE MATTER ? HAVE YOu FER THIS 1D ENOCH HUGG'S DANCE NIGHT Ts }

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