Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 PAGE SIX Interesting News oy Scout Activities News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa sre doing contributed by the scout lead- ers. Contributions to this column welcomed, and should be sent Times office not later than morning each week, Scout Editorial New Year, and a pros- '. That is the wish of this season, and it is our rybody will find their ing true during the 5s the scason of new few Year's resolu- s very much like be broken, It is gake a large bd promises out, The! esolution | better : large s and L at- ye New Year's resolutions, ter than to resolve: King. "To help other people wp keep our resolution to ' Scout Notes work on near future, The Education, Badges are promised some inter troop competitions. We believe that bird- gg will be one of the first and ever: ly should take warnis now, Fifth Troop has nine miles from ting place every e beat this re are oo' to | Tuesday | needs reinforcing by the making of consider all things we cannot do bet "To do our duty to God and tl o obey the Scout Law." | It we feel that we must make more | than one resolution, let us resolve t Local Scouts had better start t their Scout Work i he Committee has been at work and CONDITIONS OVER CANADA REVIEWED i | (Continued from page 4) | This 18 only one of over a dozen | English firme coming to Canada, | Various woollen mills, long closed down, have commenced operations, and the woollen industry is looking ahead and realizing that it has a Jfuture in Canada, Connecticutt firms have leased a factory at Si Hyacinthe as a branch plant, and it s understood that a Hamilton cor- | poration is undertaking the mauu- tacture of tinplates in Canada, Again the increased demand for at all times. | electrical power is another evidence | of the confidence which Canadians feel in the future of their country. » The 500,000 horse power which will | skate like the rest of them, why, {be ayalable from the initial devel- | Would be wonderful. She'd give an opment of the Beaubarnofs Power | thing for it. But to go out and sta Corporation has already 'been al) |8er around falling all over and g contracted for, and it is stated that | Yng In everyone's way--no {application will be made to the [couldn't do tha jovernment to authori a larger | 100 bad she had "| diversion of water for power- pur- | But she shouldn't imagine it to be toc poses." It is understood also that late to learn now. She is a | the present plans contemplate the dian Girl in Training nd when the [establishment of great mew metal- | Organization in her city has provide | lurgieal enterprises fn the nelgn. | 10! skating all winter, for such a bourhood of the Beauharnols de- velopments | Credit Stands High | Finally, while the times through vhich we are passing are admitted (ly difficult for the nation and disas I trousg for many necessitous indivi { duals, they are certainly not so dif- ficult as those which we have faced before. The present winter, hard as it is for many, is relatively less distressing than those of 1907-08, 1913-14 and 1920-21, Canada a nation is very much wealthier and | better able to withstand adversity [sure she'd be successful? than she was in any similar period had learned to - skate no of former times, when the question | would think or doubting the pleasure of our national solvency was grave-|it would give her, ly debated in London and ) | So come on, girls, let's get out York. Today our national skate katers, non-skaters, cv in London and aw York body, We have hired the Oshawa among our own people stands Arena for four hours a week for all | Mgher than it did even ten winter. Jy the end of the winter What One Girl Thinks of Skating "Don't you skate?" hs "No, I'd love to be able to, though. will be i " the but I don't like to get out in fron of a whole lot of people who ca skate, It looks easy enough, but know it isn't for I've seen peopl I'd feel like a fool" and when we Just to watch people skating woul make anyone want to, She those who can and wishes she coul share in the enjoyment they get fron it. But it's the learning she dreads. follow and Awa esting inter house build- s surely she should not : back longer, or feel left out sorry she can not skate. She has an opportunity to learn to skate nos such an opportunity that it would be silly to let it pass, Isn't it just what she's wanted ? All the girls in her group who can skate anc be only too glad to help her along 1g and st a boy who | his house to Friday night. cord? Don't Aren't voi you and get out on the ic think she should try As- a4 ©, ut | she one 1eir + Cor- e snakes Il, a large h has been by beavers, t has been aken for a tenderfoot axe, nd o ago, and we are able to finance our | there shouldn't be a girl in Oshaw own enterprises in a way which was | who mot skate, After school start then impossible. In adition we had | we are going to have hockey part {at the beginning of 1929 total ex-| time and all skaters should be out ternal investments of some $1,745,- | now, getting experience, and improy- 000,000, nearly $1,000,000,000 of their skating, so ti they may it in the United States, subject to] qualify for some of the hockey teams. | onsy withdrawal as our own indus- Last but not least, don't stay away |tries require additional capital. | because you haven't time. y one Thug, while individuals may be suf- | should be too busy for a little re- fering to-day, the economic posi-| creation and healthy exercise now tion of the Dominloh among the|and then. And that's i pountries of the world remains sat-|is, Make time for it, ou need J + a long day at school and certainly feel fresher for your home | work in the ning. Try it and se From now on then, everybody ot | We'll expect to see vou Saturday | morning at the Arena for sure, Don't | disappoint us, have | have snakes are gn which t the jest Yet to Be gent circumstances, if are better off will for those who are In ordey to help he whiter, we g, a8 woe hat: we BE ---- businesy for | Nominations in Whitby and Rd! that in| sjckering townships took place on pventions | .londay last, pdus- | to] ich in- ch 1 Remember that the regular af ternoon service here next Sabbath will be withdrawn and service wili be conducted by the pastor at 7 o'clock in the evening. Miss Greenwood, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs, Victor Parkin, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Parrott spent hristmag at Smithfield with her ents, chool will open next Monday no 'doubt the pupils after a weeks' holiday will be anxious et back to work, 0. Bryans, who has been en- d with Mr, Bertrand for about year, is looking for another SS ag 4 ih i Canadian Girls in Training |Here and There POV Se I have skates, trying to learn, and they don't seem to do anything but stumble around, Yes, certainly she'd like to skate envies If she could only go out and really she | the Fidelis Group and that is "to hadn't learned earlier, Cana- she, as well as for girls who can hang and other friends of hers would | if she would only get her skates om And when | Yr rr (676) Up to December 16 more grain ad been delivered to ships at West Thursday 4,45 (Skating) Baint John than during the entire Wednesday 4.45545 (Hockey) [nonth of December, 1929, and this Saturday 11 am, 12 am. (Hockejraffic bids fair to exceed that of On Wednesday the Kitchekawanfast season for Mediterranean and the Foursquare, and two groups fripther European ports, according to King Street are expected, On Satdnformation gathered at Canadian day al Ithose who arc playi indcPacific Raflway headquarters, In endently of their own groups. dition to grain at seaboard, 1, Winners 500,000 bushels were in transit at For the Relay Serpentine at tfmid-December, with further orders Arena last Wednesday afternojoming in daftly, honors went to the Sunshine - King St. Church The Balloon Race Grace Richer (Kitchik McQuaid (Sunshine) « and L, Watson of Willing t| third, . A Holiday Party One New Years Re to be made by the Whizz bang Skating Hours Next Week Monday 4.45-- (Skating) t n | {J 1 IYouD - | Holders already of two Dominion | ) nadian Pacif I'oronto freight offic her laurels to their ng, In face of stiff opposition, the pilver challenge shield of the com- oi pany's eastern lines championship, "nd a week later journey to Win- nipeg where they captured a third trophy by defeating winners of the west by olution i and "Wominion it /eston Shops lines championship, Winning team was: "Warren, (captain), A. T. Curl "Hi Braid, C. W, Sellen, W. J, Turk and C. W. Macey (spare). tend all meetings regular! time, The Dynamiters having t ) | best attendance for tl half were given a banquet by the I team on Monday night under direction of FErington f leader of the Whizz ba of Basket-ball was played refereed by Mr. Armstr teams were chosen fro sides, Other games : conte ! J causing much hilarity amusement. The Whizz bar ed their ability in sport hy | the test number including | ball and after charades were layed they were ented irge box of chocolates which ce | ed them and made although they had 1 | gular tendance the ar least winning ir way, 16 ' throwing of a switch in atoon power house of the atchewan Government Power | Comuiission a nev for many "towns in central Saskatchewan was Pro) recently introduced This act Wilnit marked the energizing of the new | Ba "Thigh tension power line to Shell. beitphrook and the lighting up of that town and of a number of interven- ling towns by electricity supplied from the cent Sa toon By the era gre About 400 miles power lines will be functioning shortly and a hundred towns will be effectively lighted and supplied with power More than half a million Christ. mas trees have been shipped from A ttle h the Province of New Brunswick to . M points in the United State The | going: to sleep - de Raa, supply of Christmas trees | day's play, Said the New Brunswick for United State tare we for a comes entirely from privately-own e sleepily, "1 ed lands as the exportation of such : trees cut on government-owned | aloud the young seeker ! lands is forbidden, it can't be that, f¢ ed other people f » Alice Freem: to talk to ch Boston, Questioning the street as to what the to talk about, the caver rc Tell us about life. Wha If valuable of The Greatest Adventure "From The Girl's Eve Da It isn't enough to must be good for 1 . A Tr | swer car | to help other people During the past two years forty Danish 'families, comprisin 165 persons, have bourht farms in Nova Scotia, Twenty-five of these fami lles made their purchase this year These farms are situated ng the | Gulf Shore from Puuwash Anti y What ¢ {| gonish, in Hants County from W ton to Cheverle Annapolis Valley a Bridgetown, In the first nine months of 1930, more than were carr by air mall services in Canada. One-half of the ser- vices operate out of Montreal new services are projected One will cover the route from Amos to Biscoe, newly settled districts In Northern Quebec, and the from the Peace Ri million, in the North-West Terri tories. 'Thero are 500 aircraft fl ing in Canada, with 717 pilots, of whom 403 are commercial. There are 72 air harbors, N to we are valuable for It is very evident valuable for what what we may become. "Build thee more stately O my Soul" we od . --) engagement, | The holiday season is now of for 1930 and another | | been ushered in upon us, We tr) we all can see room for ment in our lives and that we do our best to improve a go by, year Impro) the ye) Six ships recently took large con- signments of Dritish Columbia apples to the British Isles. The apples were brought from the Okanagan Valley, the principal apple-growing district of British Columbia, More than 600 settlers ha up land during the past the main line of the Ca tional Railways in the Coc trict in Northern Ontario, Canada leads the world in the ¢| cellence of quality of « wssufl | by government inspection and gr} | ness the atom, This done, we unde ing under federal regulations whh | id 1t will be used to mow the hay apply through the whole of the dds | crop on midget golf courses, --De- inion, troit Nws, electric station in | of | from | 80,000 pounds of mail second | joa r to North Ver- | 'OU Vote an GEORGE T. ORRIS ALDERMAN on the ballot or Alderman in \ ave served you st. [ am willing P31. iments of the T. MORRIS ' . Two | | wire | | of Ontarjo | 2% some elected are members of this JAPAN BULWARK. Selence fs still laboring to har- Well Known Japanese Says of Youthul Oshawa A ba Girl Guide > A Happy New Year to you all, First Oshawa The Troop will meet as usual Friday night Jan, 2nd, 1931, 7.15 psa, There will be no Cub meeting until January 9, 6.30 pm, "Whatever you may have done in e past year, forget it. But in this wv 'Year, wipe clean the slate, and enter the year with your mind on the Tenth Law. Be bright in your disposition. Carry your cares lightly, and remember to smile and whistle under all circumstances, Second Oshawa The 2nd Oshawa lave nothing to report this week as there was no meeting on Wednesday, however, it fs requested that every Guide of this company be present at the next meeting which will be held on Wed- nesday, January 7th, The Executive Council of the pro- ince of Ontario Girl Guides Is to old its quarterly meeting in Osh wa fu January some time, This is in honor for Oshawa, as it is usual- y held In one of the larger cities The Divigional Com- iissloners of the counties, as well cutive, There are a few badges that may ken only after a full season or work on them, aud now is the to make a beginning at them Naturalists Badg is one of If a Guide is choosing the ction on trees of the five option- I clauses, It is necessary to mike tudy of the winter buds, so now the time to get hu If the Bird Lover's Badge Is to o tried, it calls for a year's feeding f the birds your old Christmas 0 can be made into an attractive rd tree now, by hanging ehunks smet and apple on it, and putting out In the yard, me n hese Patrol Leaders that have been ap- pointed for this year are: Joan Townsend, Joan Andrews, Marjorie Bates and Joan Schofleld with the Seconds Vi Wilber, Agnes McClel- lan, Marjorie JAeton and Rutn Moore, All patrols chose their corners last night and were given their houlder knots, Rangers Rangers are girls over 16 years of age, who may or may not have een Guides before. They follow a specially prepared program, along the same four-fold program as the rest of the Guide family, but suit- cq to their older years The Oshawa Rangers will hold heir first meeting on Thursday night, J 8th at 8 p.m, In the club rooms 0 the Bank of Commerce, corner of King and Simcoe streets, Any girl over 16 years is welcome ting of the Brownies [to join, or to visit and find out on Wednesday, January 7th, | what it is like, Winter Nature Games one is called "Twig everal kinds of twigs 8 to ! long, Cut into two par ount one half on a card, Scatter e 'other halves on a table, At a signal the urembers of the closely observe one of the s and then run to the unmount- group to t the other half, If wrong half is brought she tr d require close o r in the season buds, flowey . may be ote Brownies THE TUXIS COLUMN / TUXIS BOYS TRAIL RANGERS Trall | ods in Boys' Work," will be really took a |attractive, Most of Tuxis and tan groups in the elty holiday during the last week, and| Leaders of boys' groups, teachers eld no meetin | of boys' classes in the Sunday some of the groups will be hold- | Schools, older boys' who are inter- ng meetings this week end, but |ested, even if not actively leading ost of them will also cancel their | younger fellows, and dads who have onclaves during the next week, [growing boys and want to learn when the Standard Training School | about their mental quirks and phys- will be held fecal interests, should find the course lhat brings us to the point that | well worth while, Rey . Webb, superintena-| It is being held in St, Andrew's ent of the Baptist Board of Relig-|church, starting Monday evening at Education, will be the leader | seven o'clock, and continuing each of the group on hoys' work at this |e ing until Friday, Everybody is chool, He is reported to be a live | welcome to take the course. The in regard to boys' work, and (fee is but 75 cents, to cover actual lis course on "Materials and Meth- the George | cost of operating the school. usual treat to those who like decp | situations with genuine human reac | tions, smart humor, and logical con- 3 clusions --- Bebe Daniels is utterly lovely and | UJ | convincing in a new role, that of a . wife who having lost her husband to | a sirenic woman, sets out to reco him, It Check Communist Propaganda Apple exports from Canada h registered a tremendous increase th di | year over the previous year, Up tg B.C. Jan. 2.--'Japan |the middle of November, 100,000 moro \ for the Anglo-| barrels, 9,000 more half barrels ani more than 400,000 more boxes had Victoria, stands as a bulwark Saxon peoples against the spread of communism on the Aslastic coast, declared Dr. R. B, Teusler, rector been sent to various countries than the number sent forward in 1929 the same period. of St, Luke's International Medical Centre at Tokyo, who passed through here recently on his way to the United States, Japan, added Dr. Teusler, closely ching developments Soviet countries and so far had been an effective check to the gpread of communistic propaganda, With an organized, conservative and responsible goverament, Japan has right on her borders a disorgan- ized and irresponsible government,' said Dr. Teusler, "Geographically Russia is active right up the boun- daries of Japan and this has been demonstrated many times in China, where Red propaganda has been rampant," Dr, Teusler is seeking another $1,800,00 for completion of the St. Luke's Medical Centre, which will cost 000,000 when finished, So far more than $3,000,000 has been raised, An additional $150,000 is being dis- tributed this month by the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers to Wes- tern Canadian wool producers who marketed their wool ? hii the co- operative, this amount being the ex- tra payment due the producers fol- lowing the successful marketing of their wool. was in AT THE NEW MARTIN sorbing as life's own tangles is the theme problem Bebe Daniels faces in her new film, "Lawful Lar. ceny," coming Saturday to the New Mi . I no picture of the surrent Se drawn interest of women A is new Daniels show, adapted to the screen from the Sam- uel Shipman stage hit, Bebe plays the part of a wife who turns the tables on a love thiel. Having lost her husband to the other woman, Bebe finds revenge and pro- fit by stealing the other woman's lov- In 5 different Colo At Karn's Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 37 r honors with Bebe is Low: eli Sherman in the part of the vamp's philandering boy friend. Re-creating the role he played in legit, Sherman, gets the most from a character al ways hilariously funny. Others in the stage trained, are Kenneth Thompson, Olive Tell, Purnell Pratt, Lou Payne and Beft. Roach 1 This production has been an uf 4 \

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