Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1931, p. 9

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¢ t J "Ear Nose. Throat Specialist > Rates "or Vi THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1931 ° PAGE NINE 0 2 " \ A ns ieee" where | SS uyger " t RETED SECTION... Seller "os \2a\se0 J WW Pet ------T CONANT & ANNI, BARRISTERS :Solieitors. Notaries Public, [te Conveyancing and general prac tire of Law. Ofices 7% Eimcoe Si South, Oshawa. .20ne 4 O D, Conant, BA, LL; A. PF, AD KC. nis B.A, L.!.B VW LN SINCLAIR BANK of Commerce Buflding, JOSEPH P MANGAN, B.A. -UAR rigter Sollgitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Lioney io loas. Of fice 14% King Et East, Osbawa Phorie 445. ResiCence pnons X37 GRIMRSON, CREIGHTON AND Tramer, Borristers, Conveyancers, " Sosarles Public, ote. Office over standard Bank. Entrance Simcoe coe St. Phone 32. J. F. Grierson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, B.A, LOTHS 8. HYMAN, BARKIOTER, glieitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simeoce street porth, Phone 67. Res! dence 3478W a CRFER AND HUMPHREYS BAR- riscers, Solicitors, ete, 24% Sim- cue St. N. Paone 8160. Money to Joan. ALES C. HALL .Z.A, BARRIS ter, ete, Conveya:eing and general practice. 23% Kipg 6&t., East Phone 5237 nf) A. j. PARKHILL, BARKISPER «tz. Money 10 lean. Alger Bidz op rosive Prost OfFice. Phore 1414 . FRANK 8. EBBS, BAdRLITen, Solleitor, Notary 'ublle, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger DBulldin, epposite Pod Office. Phone 2994. Medical DRS." HAZLEWOOD & HARPER. « Disney lock. Phone 2050 Of- fice hours 9 a.m. to 8.20 pm Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, special attenticn to Surgery nd X-Ray Dr. B Harper, special atientiun to chlia- ren's Diseases and Obetetrics. Sun- day and night calls 2416 or 122 DH. McKAY PHYSISIAN, SUN geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence. King St. East, corper Vie- toria $t., Oshawa. Phone 94. R. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Oustetrielan, diseases of infants and children. Office and * residence, 97 Bond Last. Phone 1155, DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D., C.M.. 1. NM. C. P. and 8, Edinburgh. Phy- sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Off'~¢ 143 Simcoe St. N. Phooe 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North. Phone 3156. DR. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- rician Physician and Surgeon, Special reference to maternity work and dis- cases peculiar to women, Office and residence 107 Simcoé Street North. Phone 303. R. W. GRAHAM, M.D, 2.8, LL C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric- ian, } years' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St, N. Office and resid- ence, I'bone 3020, (Nov. 24-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING "CONCERTE piastering, electric cr alterations. "hone 139 for estimates. ow (1 Notice WILL THE PERSON WHO 100R chain on Dec. 10th from driving shed kindly return and save fur- ther trouble, Havelock Annis, (153b) a ------ Veterinary Surgeon DR, SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Dowestic Ac'm- als, Cat snd Dug Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 624. (aug. 1 Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPENED, SANE machine used by manufacturers. Scissors. and axes, ete, Orders called for and delivered, 333 Buena . Vista, Phone S105 W, : { Dec, 16-1 mo) LR F, 7 BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be ai his offlve pver Julv & Lovells Drug Store ench Saturday from 1 till 4 P.l., Lor consvltation aud treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and ..throat oaly Appointments may .be made at drug store Phone 987. Palmist MADAME BROWN. PALNIST, husiness private, 93 Louisa Sreett Phone 2636F, = (Nov, 22-1 mo) | Classified Ads Jirst inseriion ~~ 1% cents per word. Minimuin charge for ene * imsertion 3Cc. Each subsequent eon. secutive {insertion 1c per word. ; Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first {Insertions (three ceats & word). Minimum charge for _ three insertlops, €0 ceats, Box oumber 10c addi- tional. { Protesrional or Busigess Cards, $2.50 per . month for 20 words or | less; 10 cents a word |... gor month for eash ad- ditional word. "Phone 35 Ask for Classitied Ad Department Dental DR, J. PHILLIPS, O 1 seit's, Special! attention to X-ray work. Gas estraction. Nurse ip atiebdancs. Phone 969. House DR. H. W COORE, 9 SIMCOB ST north, ovar Mitchell's Drug Store Ga' for estraction. Phone 64. DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N, over Dewlisnd's Phono 1957. Res. 20:W. Evenings by appointment, PR LANGMATD, DR. DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King: St. B. Special attoption to gas extraction ang X- ray work. Nurse In attendapre. Phones 1243 and 864. ox eg To Spirells Shop SPIRELLA BRINGS, STYLE, health, comfort. Personal attention and service, Phone Mrs, Dlatter, District Manager, 2I189M, i (Nov. 25-1 mn.) Optometrist C. H TUCK, OPFOMETKIS) specialist In muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, The Chilg and Its Development. Uis ney Bloek opporite Post Office bone 4516. Dec. 18-1 'mo) : Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance. Residence E42 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M, V Armstrong & Son, Proprietors funeral and Ambulsuce Service, day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (ey Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking, [Irivate or in classes, Jor terms phone Lois Mua- dy No. 35 or 312. (Dee, 17-1 mo) Insurance DAVIS AND EON, [INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 20 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE erpsult RN. N. Jonns, B80 Simcoe aorth, Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tectod, CANADIAN MOTOR writers' Automobile Insurance, Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years. Agency Germond Cigar Store. (Nov, 28-1 mo) Transportation : CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE- mau's, 85 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82 CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. local aud long dictance baullng. Smith & Cos Phone 924, 10 Bona St, West, BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE -- General cartage apd household furniture moving. Special atten- tion to commercial work Local and long distance, 609 Carnegle Ave, Oshaws Phone 1618. (Dec, Ith ty Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speciallsts in permauent, finger and marcel waving. Per manent ware prices 35, $7.60 $1v and $13. All other lines of Ueauty Culture. Phone 2068. Apply 26 Simcoe street north. Po 4 EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET: ty Ward at Betty Lou Permaneat Wave Shoppe. Marcel sud shaw: poo §1. Phone 2963, UNDE: 10 tf) EE TT oe © Ss Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR piture bought and scid. 186 Bloor street east, hone 1617M, (Nov, 23-1 mo) URNTTURE STORE under v mapagement, We. buy aud sell" \I! kinds of second hand furnitdre, 17 Prince street, Phone 1751, (Dee, 3+1 mo) PEOP Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W. J, SULLLY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Bt, 8, Oshawa, Out, Special atteutlon glven to household furniture sales and farm stock ana implements. Your patronage solicited. tor 2047TW, | FORTE For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS ~~ AT new low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ent Phone 26383F, (Hoe WARM FRONT ROOM, BOAKD if desired. Phone 2652J, (Dec, 4-1 mo) AOUST TO RENT --SMALL, CEN" tral, hardwood floors with ail other conveniences, Apply 91 Rit. son Rd, N, (Dec, 6-1 mo) HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 room: and bath, elec tric stove, central, bright, airy apd comfortable, Box 50 Times, (141tH) BACHELOR APARTMENT, PART: ly furnplshed, newly decorated, heated, electric light, water, Iu business section. Box 50 Times, (14110) 5 AND 4 ROOM "APARTMENTS, Modern to the minute, hone 1 SIX ROOM HOUSE ON street west. 'hone 138, ¢ ___ Articles For Sale MARCONI RADIOS 8185 UP, Phone 2604 for demonstration or call at ghop Gladstone Apte., Glad stone Ave, (144LL) MINED HARD AND 2001 WOLD sluls, $4.50 ver load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meck Linnted Phope } Lo (Anr 2601) WE TIAVTE., WONDERFUL VAL: use in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as wher new--- ag less thap half the cost, Feni foy your uppMval, Address "Un derwood",« 135 Victoria St, Tor routo, (Oct, 19, 41) OVER ITUNDRED PAIR OF SEC: oud hand boots and skates, Must be gold, On very reasonable prices from §1 up, South End Shoe lHou- pital, 426 Simcee South, (Dec, 11-1 moj SAMPLER--SWEATERS, SOCKS, gcarfy, ching, ete, Inspection in vited, Phone or eall 2491M, 584 | Ritson Road South, (153¢) | { THREE UBED QUEBEC STOVES | - | for sale at Harry D, Wilson Hard. | ware, 23 King street west, Phone | 40, (1h63¢c) | "PUR SALE == PAINTS, VARN ! STORE TO RENT----THA'I cellent location at present as *Vickery's Barber Shop', 10 King St. West. Possession alter Jan. 1st. Apply Dradley Dros. (1501) T--TWO OR THREE | rooms, conveplences and walter, Ver 2518), known unfurnished heat, light tral, "hone (152¢) FOR RE FURNISHED apartment for light housekeepin Conveniences, Well heated, Nea: Motors, 105 Colharne Kast (152 NORTH END, TWO NEWLY Dist orated, detached, six and seven roomed houses, Oak floors, clecs tricity, all conveniences, Rent re onable to good tenant, Phone § (152¢) SITTING Good gentleman celis Mi § 0 COMFORTABLE BED room in modern lome, cality, For lady or Plone 033W, lo (Dee, 80-1 HOTEL--SPECIAL RATES, ALL rooms with running water, Rates by week or month, Phone 2214, (153¢} ROOMS. ALL mo FOR RENT--y conveulences, Mary and Hillerot Phone 1864W, (152¢) $22.50 PER MONTH WILL REN a modern brick house, nearly new, | garage included, Apply Bradle Brose, (1520) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, Phone 3338W, (1m) FOR RENT- FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, ¢ Golf St, (1dy Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--=EIGHAT ACRES GATE: den soil, 6 room brick veneer house, goed out bulldiygs, bard and soft water. orchard, For par. ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa, (Dee, 1-1 mo) Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRA- vel for sale--To insury prompt delivery, place wders oc advauce of delivery date, W. Bo'rowdale Phone 1618. UsSHAWA WADIO SERVICE ! pairs on radios, power packs and, eliminators. Tubes tested and! supplied, radio poles [lor cale Batteries charged aud repaired Phone 3J8560J. Charles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Dec, 16-1 mo) | REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD- els, expert service, prices roason- able, batteries recharged 7ic. Free | radio service to battery customers. | Phone 2S06W. George Durroughe, ! cortilied radiotrician (Dee, 81 mn) | EXPERT RADIOTRICIAN, ACL | makes of radios, power packs and eliminators serviced and repaired. Phone 27137, (Dee, Furs Repaired FURS REPAIRED-- TURN AND fur coats relined ang remodelled. Experienced, Phone 632M, 110 Huron Crescent. 1 mo) | 7, ad-1 mo) Yow Money to Loan TOANS ON GOOD Cli Y PROPER: ty «nd farws. Apply A. J Park hill, 27 King Kt Last. Phone 1614, (July 81th) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE, CARS ce-filnanced Payments reduced. Additicnal cash given, Terms rea. souable. Motor Loans and Dis counts, Suite 2, 1444 King St. B. (upstalrs)s Phone 2790. Open even ings. } (Aug 151.) Music HERBERT C. TRENELR, M, Orgaolst and Cholrm King Street Church, w pupils in plano, pire vocal muale. 50 Wi Bast. Pheoe 2806, CEONARD RICITE] pervisor of Music Averue 2578F Fo SINCOE™ NAY tive room ed Joisiganation, h ences. y bhone 2671. " 8511) GL 81 b 4 3 Gladstone, bows, with' three pi , Bas stove, elect v ater heating, lau nee', gilvate cella. Phone TG rc) ceepl aua Lre:t 2 LD uegie Zh AND oves, veni 4. at) | WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL Whitby, also known as "Sunn)- pook', ideal rest home, Registers ed nurse in attendance, I'loue, write or call Superintendent, (Dee, 11-1 mo) AR RT ~SS=E Wanted to Bu APPLES--CULLS WANTED VOR | cider. Apply Cider Mill, 223 Cour! ! street, Phone 2354. (152¢) | | King street west, | East, Lorre | porienced WANTED i'lot on puved street, | RTGUTBOLE, FIRST CLAE { delivering {for old batteries, Batteries charged ~ | rebuilt, { Mill St, { WOMEN EARN $15.00 TO $25.00 | good hand. picked Baldwins, Price ishes. We have the largest apsort | {1aeut of palate, varnishes, etc, in The Palvt Store, 80] (Apr. 26 1) fn the elty. | FOR SALE--DILY HARDWOOD, | $14 per gord, Dry tamarack §12 a} cord, Norman Sanders, King St | Phone 1774). { (Dec, §-1 mo) | Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, NTATERNITY | work, [Excellent refereuces, Mrs. | vdale, phoue 1618. l (Dee, 50-1 mo) PRACTICAL" NURBE, DOCTON'S | reference, maternity, invalid, gen» | eral nursing. WII assist with | housework, Charges moderate, | Phone 3053), (Dec, 4-1 mo) | PRACTICALLY NURSING DY EX- nurse, rate reasonable 3200W, (153¢) For Exchange COACH Olt around three fif'y in exchungo "honsy 1987) tla) Ee ET wii Work Wanted 5 PAP. gralning. 410 (72) YY, | | | EDAN | Phona painting and Prices right, work guaranteed Pine Avenue. Phone 3086\W, WELLS DUG OR DEEPE G. Ward, Box 329, Whitby, (152d) RESPECTABLE WIDOW WITH little girl desires position us housekeeper, experienced. Phone 2683, (153¢) MARRIED MAN 1 Poss used to groce ind | , Write or phot Dan- Bruce St, Oshawa, erhanger, on, olde | (1¢) ey, 3% chauf " i Battery Service CAROL RADIO BATTERIES AT factory prices, Best prices allowen 8 lee 73c, called for and delivered, W i. Platt, 317 Celina St, Phone 1566), {Dee, 8-1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED 1b¢ with rontal $1.00. Repaired and Called for and delivered. service, Stan DBllgdon, 20 Phone 1885W. (Dec ( Prompt 30-1 mn) _- "Help Wanted--Female | home Ex- Write to i B13 King Street | Ontarlo. | (lac) } HOUSEKEEPER "WANTED==-MTD- | dle aged woman, experience, good references to look after house and lady convalescing, Apply 29 King street east, between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock, (la) | Watch Repairing ITA, VON GUNTEN, LXPERT Swiss weichmaker, ropalr shop at 41% Kiug Street West. Your pat. ronage is solleited. 6 architectural work, i'ecedg tog. Loyal Bank Building. Phoue 1490 ites. phone 9084. THOMSON DT JOHNSON, soclate- architects, Simcoe 8t. 8. Over ("elt Lros. Apples For Sale -- FO SALE----=ATBOUT week sewing at narience unnecessary. Fred Colman, Last, Hamilton, Architects (HEH delivered $3.60, 10 bbls. Starks, Price delivered $2.00, without bbl. | J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Ont, Phone Bowmanville 196 r 3, | (Dec, 27-1 mo) | { Trenton and Oghawa, dark | same period imports of hams totalled Upholstering t UPHOLSTERING, DRAVERIY and furniture specialties at reas onable prices. Geo, A, Copstable, 27 Bond street east, phone 8822), (Dec, 24-1 mo) dr tn re | Lost and Found ! Bi {AND LIGHT TAN | foxbound pup. Big for age of nine | months, Name "Jack", Reward, I, | P, Burns, 61 Alaxandra street, Osh- | awn, (1610 LOST = PLATINUM SUMMED | lady's glasses, near post office, ! Reward at ladies' 5 waiting room, | north of larn's Drug Btore, LOST--TUEBDAY "TTTW and 9,15 on highway between | brown club bag, [Pinder pleage notify: Chief of Iollee, Oshawa, (1558¢) A NEGLECTED MARKET Some idea of the upportunity for Canadian farmers to develop the ex. poit trade in | ¢ products 15" afforded by respect wg and t figures iti dead meat imports into Great Bri» tain as compiled from HM, Board of Trade Returns, For the first te months of 1930 bacon import Ie ed a total of 7,414020 cwt, valued ut} £34,922,063, and of this volume Can ada supplied only K7,109 cwt,, hy had a value of 4433935, rea During e | { 865,035 cwt, of which the United | States supplied 715352 cwt, or than ten times the 70968 cwt, su; plied by Canada. Incidentally, the the only two in a long more ire dead meat import items in whi 1 | Canadian contribution was sufficiently considerable separately, -D partment of Agriculture, Otta to cite vi | . | RAGE i ich cherries | REAL COLD STO he season during can be marketed is | materially extended with successiul intro. | duction of a system tor storing th 5! fruit in cold storag The current news letter of the Dominion Dairy) and Cold Storage Branch de eribing | the process cites fact that by] means ol refrigeration equip | ment temperatures as low as 32 de grees Farenheit may obtained. | 23 dle ga the in | the a ne be Most cherries are, frozen at grees I, and kept at zero or 5 de-| grees F, . They are packed in 16, 30 and 42 pound cans, also in kegs and barrels holding 125 and 400 pounds of fruit pe Defore ing the prries SYTUp « four or tl cherries to one sugar being combinations. HOT WATER TREATMENT CON. vos +: TROLS LOOSE SMUT ve The modified hot water the control of ut in whe has been found effective and factory in Experimental w ducted at the Indian Head | mental Farm of the Dominion partment of Agricultur od consists of plac loosely woven t in water at 806 degress | ry hours to soften the sced and pre hat water. | wats freez- d with part of | \ populas tivel are packe ree method loos¢ t re his met g 'the sacks andthen ing | four pare it for the action of The grain is then transferred to er at 112 degrees F. for fifteen or twenty minutes and next into water at 120 degress F. for exactly ten mine This last treatment is very im portant antl be carried ou with the greatest care throughout. When the grain is finally removed from the hot water it may be plunged | into cold water for a ment and then spread out to dry, care being tuken to see that it" does not gev-| minate or freeze utes, should No wondey the meek shall inherit the carth. The fix it's getting in now, you couldn't wigh it on any body clse.--Stamford Advocate, The Pope has blest the automatic telephone exchange at the Vatican, Nobody ever blesses nutomatic tele: fhone exchanges in this country, -- Punch, v (00D YFAR T0 DO ADVERTISING SAYS KELLOGG! Chairman of Board of Big| Concern Expects Business to be Better in 1931 London, January 2 that will bring the most exception. 2) { al rewards to virtually all sound | i | | 1 period and aggressive lines of business " This is the forecast given today | by Mr, W. K. Kellogg, Chairman of the Doard of the Kellvgg Come { responsive | | | centration of shock troops and can i l | f pany, leading mauutacturers of | 42pm. cereal foods, in response to gues- | tions concerning the business pros. ! pects for the next twelve month, "I'his is the kind of year when our company adds measurably tv the strength of its foundations, Business is harder to get, There. fore, we go after it all the hard Salam, 05am "During the year just ending we X 4 materially increase our expendi tures for production facilities, ad- vertiging and sales, 'We are going to spend even more in 1931 and we expect It to pay "Wa belicve this is one of the best years to spend money wisely in advertising thet "4 As ! wo have had in the last ten Years, 15 pan, ra nm People have learned new lessons 10:4 fr. 1 } ' in discrimination during the post year, They are more inte; tea | fn reading bout and buying good merchandise and more lkely to lo | to the manufacturer to them with a telling mosegage SLB pan, 11,45 pa ! " SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Artive lle Oshawa Whithy Wi GA% pt 10,20 p.m ; Going Toast Leave Arrive Whithy Os #2 Lowmanville am, 101 16,48 i going Lo be 12.46 § at Special Busses for all pecaslons Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers . A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 417 or 34% Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Piince Street "hone 2213 POTATOES Ontario or New Brunswidk 90 1b..Bag, $1.00 who pelling "We especiall crease our expenditure paper advertising This provides the flexibility goes 10 in news. medium and con. | | | expect in- to that L$ Tectiy ely territorics be directed building up uny may be slow, "Our quota et for 19031 repre sent a material increase in volume over anv in. our history, 'And | we cxpect to make them!" PETERBORO BIRTHS MAKE NEW RECORD -- - Py | [ most | year Hogg & Lytle, Ltd, PHONE 203 HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid' by exy rhanics, Old floors tink General Contractors, BW, HAYNES 101 King st, West 81 Residence 3073W I'eterboro, Jan ' even hundred births, a new ord were registered in during 1930. Births this year ex ceeded the 1929 record by 64, ac. cording to figures made known to doy by the elty elerk. The deaths increased 108 while the marriages decreased 1320 The city's popu- lation ghowed an increase) of 27 natural eaures during the year ere ' | all-tin | Peterboro | | | | 1e ree. b "COAL COAL home 1VS Ww. Je SARGANT Yard=a9 ove "ireet K. Orders 'romptls Delivered Radical educationist claims that universities should be abolished, But afier all we must have some place to train our motor su Ottawa Journal les legmen, | TIME TABLE | ; HOUSE TO RENT CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS - Effective September 25th, 1950 7 rummy (Standard Time) Fer momh $15.00 Eastbound Dominion Clothing. Co. eacept Sunde ob King SW Phone 2414) | -------- nr ------------ | | If W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. | Phones 230-231 I 25 ALBERT STREET ~ Wostbourid et 1, Daly V, eacent undav. + eacept dusda 802 p.m Daily, except Suudey " CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lfective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound 0.56 am, Daily, SW pn, Dal 0.08 pon, Daily, eae 34.08 a.m Daly, 1.08 a.m, Daily, Westbound 6.3 am, Da J2 am, Daily, 815 wom. Daily 223 poi. Daily, 7.30 vo, Daily ort Sunday. FOR RENT 9 Room House E v e r y convenience. Warm, two car garage Excellent address en Sim- coe Street North, easept Sunday GIRAY: COACTE LINES Effective September 25th, (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave fuionio | AM, AY] AS PM, 10 Wl Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 n m i v Lu A Al} ¥ "s. 7 3 7 ¥ LS ! ] ad 8.3 8 all Machinery Repaiiing NOTHING TOO LANGE AOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Skop 101 King St. \y. Uhone 1214 0.36 3 re bilo 1% iw Bacept dunday a=Saturdeys, Sundays and Holidays only, b=Cundays ouly, WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective on and alter October 6th, (Standard Time) Golng West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby oNam, 7.0) ay LW M Y 8.40 wl L.05 am, 1930) ------------- Arrive Hospital REPAIRING WALCHES OUR SPRUTAKTY If your watch 1s ngd &ivivsg sulistaction we Pepa and make itt ¢ Lime, Arvive many ille D. J wan y $20 am, Office ta 1340 poms, *3.40 pomy JA pon, 0,00 po, 10.45 pom, Leave . Hospital Oshawa Baw } ' 6.50 am, 7 30am, 7.50 am, 8,30 am, 9.00 aun, Glaan, 925 am, 0A am, 11,00 am, fv, 12.08 pom. 140 poy 400 pony 3.00 pow wr, R18 pony Iv, 446 pa 10.00 a, 11,30 800 12.38 nn, & . PA VERT 4.40 pm, BRINGING UP FATHER Ke WELL, THANK GOODNESS I'M BOSD OF MY FAMILY = ne Int] Feature Service, Lue. Gist Bria £1ghia reanivat, § WHERE ARE: CLANCY! | YOU BEEN? 'WE BERN ON MY FIONEY ~ MOON BUT ITD OVER NO HAVE hed like new, | 119 Shvceoe | 1 H Disney Offers No payment down, Plan to own your own home, If you have not investigated, lose no further time, Remember, while this sul lasts, No pay» ment down, sour rent money in quite an item, Use it to own your home, No payment down ' Disney, Opposite Post Office | Amat EYESIGHT SPLCIALIST | Specializing exclusively in muscle anomat™® eyesight sud glasses, | | fomelript 15161" ione=151¢ | Diensy Brock Opposite "ost Office SRR, PEST .C.YOUNG 4h Prince S Oshawa, Ont: PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S We Delived S. EE ROYAL YORK | Orange T Fekoe hk § Halt P a "he 28C At all Superior Stores EATON GROCETERIA It Poff To Shap Here Always Felt B rOS. | | The Leading Jewelén Established 1880 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Diamonds! | | Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Comer i 1] Chevrolet Sedan, 20 wmedel price ih | Chevrolet Coach, 28 model price sas ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 00 Shmcoe Street South

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