Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1930, p. 7

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yy THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1930 = TH] E CLADDEBIE meets ED SECTION A Seller N9595\95590 1eitore Notaries Yah ere eing and hei, g Pl o 1% Offless 7% "imeor BA Lip 4 » of Commerce te ed A Heir Solimier J Norary publ to Ion ng 17 iH Wn "le East Ril 018 446 ' Be we 8 od Fr, Sariniom, Stondnrd Rank ry Sram, coe Bt Phone | [3 TK Crelabion, BA. vases, 15 4 lieltor. Notas Flore Money alrwet oorth Phone 67 denve B4THW , over Dewiand's 16 #imeoe fies! Trin Raiiary, On Ti 4 N Vaspe #160 Money te bond ety 'Cony 81 ine ind saners' racties 1% King AL, Kast (114) iA Dencints, 87 King BL B oror MisehelV's Drug store Lrmetion Fane 64 ., 14 simeoe St N, over Dewiond s Sond 4 ow 2iW Prenings tm. #peeis attantion to extraction ang % rey work ures in sitendsnre ; 9 1345 and R64 WADRWY, ATIWN PATHTET siness 1 ' " Lona Srreit one "TAP, (Nov mo) WAP 10 [ES LLL T, Twenu Vista, Appointments phone few (Now; 86-1 mo) FT RE pe A SPIRVLLA BRINGS, STYLE, health comfort, Versonal attention and service Phone Mis DLlntter, District Manager, 210M, : Noy, 25-1 mv) 'bons $7%7 A 1 PARKHILE BARKIS VK W te Money 10 kan Alger Bide w posive Pras Wier Hh 1514 Ww Bolieitor Notary vbile, Convey ABT money to Join Thirg flo pew Alger On. dl apprsite Pas Offices Vhone 1996 OWE "HAZLEWOOD & ARPEN. Disneys vloek Phone 8050 fiee hours ¥ a.m to # " pm br J Haslawond special attentirn to pureecy and X-Ray Dr H Fiarper. special attentinn to ehlin ren & Diseases and (Ohstetrins Sinn day and night calls 3416 or 187 Dit MeKAY PHYSBIJIAN SUR geon, Aceoueher Offiee and res) dence King Bt Fast, corner Vie torin #t., Oshaws Phone V4 Dit. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon. Obstetrieian inoaser of infants apd ehildren fies and residence, 97 Bond East Phone 1166 bit DAVID ZNCHER MD. OM «CP and 8 Edinburgh Phy a gorgeon and Ubstetriclan Off're 143 Bimeoe BL N Phonr 3080, residence 14 Cadillac Ave, North Phone $166, DIT ARCHER aRCWN, PHYS fan Suruson at] oh etrie n, Lor and residen e, Sime, Cree North shone DIC TAROLD TRICK, OBSTET hysieran and Surgeon. Special rolkroes oR n x die well 9 fice and eiice pecula imeoe Street North Phene 304 4 i, W. GRAHAM, TU, Bsa, BM C,C:y physician, surgeon, obstetrics fan, # years' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Office 143 Bimeoe o N, Office and resid: ence, Phone 8080, (Nov, 8 LER 5 Contracting CONTRACTING = CON lastering, electric or alter "hone 14D for estimates EE A Ocean Tickets Rm CHRTR IMAG PAR: at 00 Bimeoe Bt, south, Phone for a porsona) interview al oy, 80-1 mo) 41 mo) RTE tions (1a ny your home, ete PIT SHIREY Specialist Diseases Domestie Anim als, Cat and Dog Hoapital £03 King West Telephone 630 "bang tt Pe -- wr ra-- rm-- Skates Sharpened : BRATHN WHARPINED, FAME machine uked by manufacturers. Solssors and axes, eto, Orders called for and delivered, 333 Buena Vista, Phone A100W,. ores 10:1 mo) far, Nose, Throw Throat Speci Atraet Wea! Toronto will be a! his |0ffive over Juv & Lovell's Drug 'Store ench Saturday from 1 til 4 ipita for eonanltation and treat: ment of dineasva of ear nose and throat only Apprintments a ne made at drug store Phone # Rates for Classified Ads rr First lasertion = 1W per word, Minimum charge for one {asertion R0e ; Sach sunsequent een: secutive insertion le par word Three consecunive Sar, tlans for the price of jwo firm insertions {three ceats A word), Minimom charge for three naertions, 40 cents. Pox number 10c addi tional. mio of Busluos aria 0 pi - " fonts fi month fae a a ard itheat ww 'hone 35 A tor Clusaitied Ad Depavtiiont A Undertaking LITRE BTRTAI C0 #1 KING BY : [finger and Optometrist CW Tok oFTOMBTRITT snecisiist in mnsele anomaiing apes) [be ond «inssss Author of Be are and Bye rein foe iin snd (ts Deveinpment (Me ney Binek oppowite Posy fire Phone 1610 : (Nov, 15-1 mo) a --_-- Kost, Awbiidnsg Jenidanie [11] oe or north Phone nd 21ow "i WHAWA BURTAL "CO," W V Armstrong & Won, Proprietors Viunwral apd Ambulance MHervire Any aud night Phone 1068W 87 'sling (hee Ins HAVIE "ND TRANG 10 King wt west, Oshawa The ol at ire Agency In (shaws 10 Re niable Fire Companine Al INSIRA SRY reasiis RON Johns, KO Bimeor aerth Your insurapce wants ef fended to and your Interests oro 1aetod CANAAN. "WOTON~ ONDER writers' Automobile Insuranes Careful drivers received 55 per cent, refund during past 18 years Agency Germaend Cigar Store, (Nov, 85:1 mo) 1] GARTAGE AND WFOWAGE TOLW man's, Kb Bond west dpecialisie In furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone K3 GARTAGE. MOVING, URAVEI sand and cinders Local and long dietance hauling Smith & Cor I'hone Ed, 10 Heng Bt West NRAHAWA'S OLDENT "E#TAN lished furniture movers Park Road oartage Local and long distanee Frank Cowle Frop 66 Park Ro "Sonth Phoze 316 (Nov 46-1 mo) TORROWDALEE CANTAGY -- General cartame agd househoud furniture moving, Bpecial atten tien to commercial work, Local and long distance, 600 Carnegle Ave, Oshawa, Phone 1018, (Doo, 10 LA "Beauty Parlors TTY LT PERMANENT WAVE shop dpecialista in permanent marcel waving Per manent ware prices 85, 8760 $lv and $16 All other lines of Beauty Culture - Phone 80068 Apply 80 Simeoe streel north = EXTENT VARCEELING BY RT ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Hbhoppe Marcel and sham won 81 ae [AL] A PHeauty Shop, 6 Culina Bt We spe lise in 1a fen Ealr eutting mar rellink, shampooina. facials Maree 0 ents For, appyamens phone 2068, (Nov, 18-1 no) WAHCEY, ANU CURE Blo, NTE, Clark, 147 Agnes Bt. Phone 2040J, _ (1460) Auctioneer PHONE 710, WW, J. SULLEY Auctioneer, Ud4 Nipeog HL, H, Oshawa, Oat, Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock ang Implements Your patronage wollelted, Money to Loan a A Nd PITOPRIT iy ane fare ol 4 | Park Kast Phone ni, 87 King a4 (July 41am W VOUR AUTONONILE" CATE e-financed Paymouta reduced dditional cash given {'erme rea mahle Motor Loans and Dia aunts, Suite 8, 144% Ring 8. 8 upataire). Phone 27 Open even \ (Aug 18th) Hematit WIONETTTORTRG, TT iUOTING nine gents a yard, Skirts pleaten one dollar All kinds of beautiful embroidery worked goods, smock Vig, elo. Alterations and dress making. The bell shop, 201, Bim 000 south, phowe 1606, (Nov, 24:1 mo) me \" THENEEW ATU M,, Orgaatst and tholrmaster ¢) King "treet Uhureh will' accept pupils tn plane Ww organ ant vocal muale {illam Stren Yast Phene 2894 ars L] ) n rg Apply superintendent phone For Rent VINCOR™WAROR ~~ PORN AND (ve room suites, «iecirie #loves refrigeration, laundry, eonveul (66Lf) VICYORTA AVARTHENTS -- A7 new low rentals, electric MoH tion, electric stove, washing mach ine and ii Apply superintend ont Phone 2633V Ld OLADRTORE AVAWIMENTE, 14 Gladstone, modern three WR with three piece bath, water, gix stove, electric Vights, hot water heating, laundry, convenlences, private cellar, $50 monthly, Phono 2604, 4 (14410) WARN VRONT 100M, BOARD If desired, Vhone 265%, an {Det 4:3 Wo) HOUR, TO RENT ~BHALY, CEN tral, hardwood floors with all other jobvenionco, Apply. 91 Hi son Rd, N Yee, G4 mo RIX TOON HOURY VOW TENT, possession Junuary 1st, All conven. fences, Apply 85 Bond Bt, West, Phone #2, 1 (345010) AEATED AVARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 roomy and bath, elec. trie stove, central, bright, airy and comfortable, Box Lo Times, (1410 WACHETOR AVAWT ENT, WATT ly furnished, newly decorated, hanted, electrie light, watdy, in "usiness section, Box 50 Times (14111 aoURE TO RENT-"RIX"WOOUMY, William Wt, W, All convenlencas "hone 176W, (14h) POR RENTON RIX 1OOMED house, All = convenlences, near town, Rent reasonable Phone 5827) (147¢) TANT THOUM AVATUTMENTH Bi Lo the minute, Phone 1550 or 2047TW, (18218 VITRACTIVE VIONT APART: ment, three rooms, hath, electriy refrigerator, stove, hot water, ve decorated, contrnl, reasonable rent Phone 1400, (1470) WO ROOME™ "PTINTAN every convenlence for housekeop ing, Phone 3348W (14.1 aL a a I ------ Building Supplies CTNDERR ~ BAND AND vel for saie==To dnsury prompt vhiveis place eo 16 advan I delivery date WwW Hn'rawida » lone 161K GRAVEL BTONE, BAND, CIN dors and binck loam Aleo all kinds of moving done, Phone 1070W, (Nov, 26:1 mo) Sh lh "Elocution CRRAONEIN ELOCTTTON "ANT publie speaking, Private or In elanses, Vor terms phone Lols Muy» dy No, 45 or 318 (Noe GRA: 171 moo aa "Wanted To Buy WANTED = UP" TG ATI WANT wicker carriage In good condition Phone 076M, 7 to 0 p.m, ! (Léhe WANTED==CHICKENE, PIGH AND 6 cow, Phone 185 rv 1-4, Hahem, Burketon, Ont (1470) Rediv Service TAMER "OHA RO™ Th with rental $1 U0 [vepnired ans obiulit Called for and delivered Hromp' servige Han [iigdon, 0 Vill Bt Phone 18KLW (Nov hE 1 mo) MRHAWA ER at Rh! naire on radios, power packs anu sliminators Tubes tested ann supplied. radio poles for Male fiartieries charked ana repaired Phone JibnJ harlgs Wales 140 Elgin Kast, (Doe, 16:1 mo REPATIE DONI ON ALL MOD els, expert service, prices reason able, batteries rechurged 7080, Free radio service to battery customers Phone 2806W George Burroughs certified radiotriclan (Pag, 81 mp) EXPECT RATIOTRICTAN, ALT makes of radios, power packs and eliminators serviced and repalred, Phone S7101°, (Deo, " Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE-~EIGNT ACRES, GAN den moll, @ voom brick veneer house, good out bulldings, hara und soft water, orchard, For pur tionlars apply Thoteud Seott, North Oshawa, (Dea, 1-1 mn) FOR FALE=FIVE OOM KD frame house, one story, Price is low hut must be cash, 178 Kldon Ave, Mr, Konak, (1400) "Help Wanted--Female NRBTOON WATS, APPLY To: meroial Hotel, (140h) WANTED = RXPFENTENORN stenographer, tate awe, experiences and salary expected, Nox 07 Times, HES | mo) ___Asticles For WATITORT WADIOS ale... Phone 2604 for A on ¥ nth at shop Gladstone Apts, Glad sone Ave, (14411) } TIRED TAR Ig 4 7 BY or | nly wiih Warerous oo Limeed | Phe wi WE TIAVE™ WORGERVI, i | ure In rebut Underwoods, They re ns serviceable as when BewW~ ut Jess than half the cont, Bent | foy your approval, Address "Un dériood" yw 340 Victoria #., To (Oct, 19, 31) VI HONDRET PATIL OV SL oud hand boots snd skates, Must he soll, On very reasonable prices from $1 up, Houth End Bboe Hos pital, 426 Bimeos South, (Dec, 11-1 mo) PALE == PAINTS, VARN alien. Wo hinve the largest sssort wut of paints, varnishes, ete, fu in the eity The Paint Store Wing street wast pe Apr SLIOTPLY URED "ERATER AND boots, complete outfit $1.76 Skates sharpened, 12 Richmond Kast, opposite Armouries, Opes evenings, (Nov, 20-1 wo) roll WALE=DIRY HARDWOOD $14 per cord, Dry tamarack $12 » cord, Norman Sanders, WKiug St Lust, Vhone 1774M (Des, B-1 mo) PTANO VOW KALE --~HEINTZNAN Just ke new, Itich tone, Real har. gain. $160, Phone 371W, (1470) FOI FALE NINT,PIRCY DIN: ing room sue with dark brow leather seat chalre, A bargain, Phone 1546, 44 Elgin St, JV, (14010 THRTTMAR TREES, BPRUCL or coder, delivered 56¢ ang 00¢ "hone Kssery Brow, 85% r 11, (1440) TENTAD HETNTZMAN PLAYER plano, Regular $1000, sacrifice tor $200, Cox Motor Bales, 10 Bond Bt, W, (14110) FIVTELS = JEWEL™ "GENT'S Bracelet Watches, $6.05, Pocket Watches $8.95, Hall price sale of jawelry at Dell's, 26% FBimcos Kt, Bouth, Phone 16060, (Nov, 25-1 me) | SURT RELL"VIANG CHEAY, leaviug town, lovely tone, simon! new, upurtment sles, Phone KW, (147h) "DANDY "PHONO VOI FTO" HUYRTA graph with saveral selected ree yds $2 Sime ne N, (147h) wv ME Sh ee For Exchange FOR EXCITANGE==T OOM KUT brick house on paved street, oak floors throughout, Chestnut trim cupboards, walter, laundry chute, fireplace, bully In book cases, extro tool In basement, Divided cellar and. garage, for smal) farm, (No wprents), Box 56 Times, (148 "Fun Repaired ----- FIRE REPAIRED="YUk4 "AND fur conts rellned ana remodelled Experienced, [Phone 602M, 110 Huron Crescent, (Noy or Motor Care MYO UIT TAT WASTED 7, lominion Garake. #4 Bond strev val Phone BIF8 All care at ow pride $1.00, (Nov, 10. 1 mo) Christmas Trees FROCK AND CEDARS W8eUT, delivered, I'hone 1400, (13010) AUER AND CEDATN 856 UD delivered, Phone 0 1400. _(147h) Nursing PRACTICAL NUTISE, STATERNTTY work, kKxcellent references, Mrs Horrowdale, phone 1018 a Nov, 21-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTORS reference, waternity. I(nvald, gens eral nursing. WII assist with housework Charges moderate hone 1084), (Dee, 41 mo) WHTTBY PRIVATE WORPTTAL, Whithy, also known as '"Sunny- nook', ideal rest home, Register: od nurse in attendhnes, Plone, Write or call Superintendent, (Deo, 11:1 mo) A RT apy Battery Service GATOR WADIO TATTORTHE AT factory prices, Best prices allowen for old batteries, Hatteries charged fou, called for and delivered, W If, Platt, 317 Celina St, Phone 1860, PL. 81 mo) ial tects 0 GENERTT architectural work eorpqd floor {toyal Dank Bullding Phoue 14946 ttn phone H0OY, THOMRON AND JOWNBON, AS: soclate architects, Simcoe 8t 8 Over felt Dros, 20-1 mo) [enge and wand for twelve doVars | Oshawa Avisries, annoclation, tu emphasized by the fact that the about 2,000 men to make normal wastage of thin vear, can. not find anything like that num- her, and to obviate au halght standard of the three senior foi munis of the brigade has beon have reduced their | fre radu Rolgnt standard rr Wisks Sich, Reopuitin Repairing | Swiss welchinaker, 1ep8ir shop st 44% King Preset West, Your pal ronage L 9 solicited, "Pets and | Livestock YARAVOYER VOW SALE--=CHOICE angers from $5 up, Christmes special, gusraniesd singer with i809 Contre Mt. Phone 3114), (1454) VOW BALE=20" VAT CHICRENT, deni for Christmas dinner, chesp, Mrs, A, Verry, 68 Cordova Nosd,, (1479) "Second Hand Desler NEW ARD BECOND WARD vi. niture bought sud ecid, 156 Bloor wirect east. Vhove 1637M, : (Nov, 261 mo) PLOVER RE VUNNITURE™ TONY under new management, We buy and sell ul) kinds of second hand furniture, 17 Princes sirest, Phone 1761, Der, #1 mo) Dressmaking NSTRUCTION GIVEN ON CUT. i fisting and sewing problems, day or ay vening appointments. Phone 1495), $1.25 per three hour period, (Nov, 2741 mo,) rT a" E ------ fork Wan Rn, GUTRBOLE, VYIRST CLARE VAY. erhanger, painting and graining, Prices right, work guaranteed, 340 Pine Avenus Phone 3088W, (7211) EXVERTENCU DU OENERATL WIPH: as position of housevork, Can cook well, Phone 1074 (1460) i ered LOWT=DUATR AND TAN OUND pup, nine months old, Answers to snd the Scots Gusrde from 0 1, 9 ine, to bt, 87, ins, Although education Is comps) sory in Portugsl, peasants persist iu war | HEOPINE thelr children at (arm work -- The California Vederstion of La- bor Is sponsoring a movement Lo organize public school teachery In} that Blate, during the harvest, To gombat this agents of the Department of Educa tion are touring the countryside in automobiles, shouting through mesg aphones to Mifterate peasants 10 send thelr children Lo school, A r----------------r MEDICAL METHOD OF CANADA 1S APPROVED J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents Insurance, In good sound companies. Apply D3 King Street Fam Vhone 871, Hesidence G87W Moutresl, Que, Dec, 24 ~Cans- dian slesntists sre now recognized the world over and particularly io Kurope, Dr. Pierre Z, Whesumwe, delegate of the Association des Modecing do Langue Frapealse from Montres) to the Paris convention of La Boclete de Chirurgie Vrancalee, stated upon bis return from Kur Important technics! nowledge had resulted from the convention held fn Paris, Dr, Rbesume geld, hut the most pleasing snd the most interesting was the commendation of the Canadian method of making uee of epocinlist unaesthetists, Tho services of theses cxperty are often used but the presence of nurses and internes is uiways considersd as necessary in other countries of the world, TIME TABLE | . Scotland Woollen Mills | ------ dm / SILK TIES For Christ- | aus. Bos Special AQ [ Disney Offers | Disney Offers HOUSES! HOUSES! HOUSES] NO PAYMENT DOWN Now is the time to own your homes prices will never be tower, This opportunity will weser come again, Mr, Bets payer, Moderns homes, while they Inst, can be purchased with sour rent money, Heo member no payment down. This plan cheerfully explain. ed in our office, Disney Opposite P.O, aie AV oe] f _. 8, 1OTINH, Manager 85 Bond Street, West EYESIGHT SPECIALIST | Specialicing exclusively in muscle amomelis eyesight snd glasess, 1516=~Vhone=1516 l Disasy Bik v ' = re. Opposite Post Office on CANADIAN NATIONAL, Effective (tl hows Daily, except Bunday, MLWAYS ne 51 am, 9,55 a.m, Daily 125 p.m, Deily, sscept Bunday, 213 pm. Daily, 041 pm, Unity, except Bunday, SM pom, Daily, saseps Batuidey, 1? " am. Dally 2.30 am, name of Jock, WNeward, E, P, Burns, 61 Alexander Bt, Oshawa, | (147¢) { SCARLET AND BLUE FOR ARMY AGAIN Shortage of Mon For British Infantry Causes | Alarm London ==The alarming short age of yeeruita for the Army--the infantry Is more than 10,000 below establishment strengthe--to whien the Dally Express draw attention on Tuesday, has had a dramatic pe- 1usl, The Daily Express understands hat the Army Council has decides to revise entirely the method of re- erulting on and from January | next Hitherto men enlisting in the In fantry have been recruited and In whieh they might be required, without any right to entry in thelr county regiment, This squad system most unpopular, hacause, for exam. ple, a man of Kent whe {+ born oust of the Medway prefers to join the Nuffs or the East Kent Rex! ment, and ha resents being drafted Into the West Kent Regiment, known nn the Kentish Men, Tradition Revived Economy, however, has prompts od the military autho 'ss up to now to disregard sent! "it of this kind, Now the old county tion in to be revived, A Porthshire man will in future loin the Black Watch, apd an Aberdonian will join the Gordons, A Manchester man will no longer he forced to wear the uniform of the Liverpools, nor will .a West Yorkshireman appear in the Green Howards it he prefers his local unit, The need for due regard to this nense of local prestige {a empliasis: ot hy the fact that in the near fu- ture the Army will be returning te blue und wearlet and the distinetive facings of the regimental full dress, Tho attractions of the Army, as pointed out in the Lally Express Are greater now than ever, No diMeuity is experienced fn finding recruits for the Artillery, Engineors, or Cavalry, These units, of course, have no local or county has proved trade : Goards Crisis The shortage in the number of rearuits for the infantry of the line Brigade of Guards, which requires up the orlale the The Grenadiers rag © oldstreams 11 fog to Bt, 10 ine, oacept Bundy, J except Bundey, Uaily, escent Bundy, " any olly _ opt Sunder, " CANADIAN PACIFIC A ILWAY Effective Septem wn (Manderd K. bound 9.00 a.m Daily pm Uaily pm pail axon! Sunday, -m my mw bay, sotbound Daily, 1 LO8 a $3 am 3am Duly, £15 am Daily, excepf Bunday, 3pm Dally LW wm baily, GRAY COACH LINES Efostivy, Mad me "bh Standar Lotve Oma ne cd s x = § s aes SoSm pas Emmis a mY | 2] 9.40 10.% Hy Kiex n= Except bundey, s Beturdays, Bundaye end Holidays only ~Bundaye ouly WHITBY OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LIN (Effective on on after October Oth, 190) COAL COAL hone 198 Ww. J, SARGANT HOUSE TO RENT 7 roc per month $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co. Wing mW Phone 4000 W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET pk { YOUN 4% Prince LIL] For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Blmcoo SL, 8. PHONE 22 We Deliver ROYAL YORK Tos Tea Fekoe ny puny 28 ec a pod Superior Stores wary POTATOES Ontario or New Brunswick 90 Ib. Bag, $1.00 Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. PHONE 203 Standard Time) io ng West Leave Arrive hawe Hospital Arrive whith +20 ma, . 20 am, / 3 iy Leave Howmanville 6.20 am 7.20 ani ) 5,20 a.m 0 wh 0. 10.00 a.m r 104 J 145 am 13 id : i ALAS pm J D 3,00 p.m 4.40 pn S40 pom, 7.00 p,m 9.00 p.m, 10.45 pon 1240 pm Had nm Going Leave Whitby 65am 80 am, 1,8 pan, at Aritve Arrive oh » Bowmanville y oem | ", 520 a, Leave Hosplia) Ll] LI a 0 0.10 8.10 3 " ) FOR RENT 9 Room House E v er y convenience, Warm, two car garage. Excellent address "n Sim. coe Street North, Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 | ] | |" EA 0) GROCETERIA : It Pays To Shop Here Always Established INNO 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Hada, 1.00 am, 08 pom 1 wpm 00 p.m, 300 poms, ar, MS pom iv. 4.10 p.m 5.08pm 6.08 pon, 745 nm 8.30 pom, 6, y 7 fem 90 [] 1 12 1 : 1 Mpm, 4.40 p.m, 5.40 pony 7.3 pan, 80pm, 9,50 pi, 10,10 py 7 Jr 11.45 p SUNDAY AN HOLIDAY "scHEDULE Qolng W Leave Leave 42 pom 78pm, Bowmanville Oshaws v.00 am, 9.3 am it Wem 110m 0.00 pom 4.00 pm " 00 mm, 7.0 pom 10.00 pom 10, a rrive Oshaws Bowmanville 10,18 a.m AS ani, Rpm 12.45 pan, Jpm 30pm, 5.00 pom 30 pun, 7.00 pon 0 pm, Bis pam 8% pom PR bn. 1045 pom 11,00 p,m, 1,30 pm Times marked * WU A "Whitby with Lindsay Musas il al Busses for ocoanlons Re. Ante Nod a Drivers PROPRIETOR VILLE | 1 or 3 ing Rah! " x Strest hone 310 Lave Whitby H 00 am +00 pony 48 » mn 44d pon, 645 pm, awe Machinery Repaili ing NOTHING TOO LARGE Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price Chevrolet Coach, 28 wmode] NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shap 101 Klog St. \V. "hone 12 REPAIRING W TCHFS OUR SPECIALTY It your watch ts uot givicg satisfaction we can repair and wake It te' the correct time, D. J. BROWN Hb JEWELER Offiola) Wateh luspector tor Canadian National! and Usb . awa Rallroads 20 Simcoo 8, Phone 189 price ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 00 Shncoo Street douth ANIA | UMBLER @ A ATHOI Ee SE ICED I Brandon Sun, Some folks will never wake up and find themselves famous simply hes cause they will never wake up, w= BRINGING UP FATHER ---- BY GEO. McMANUS a ---- OW) YES (KNOW YOu ARB CALLIN' ON MY DAUGHTER « BUT | COULDN'T THINK, OF va AS A SON * INS LAW = MY DALIGHTRR LEONARD CHER LR ANS rvisor of Muale, 632 LA Avedue, 878K, (Aug. 20) 4 > @ 1990, Intl Peatare Great Britain py WELL, THEN HOW DID You GET YOUR. ARM BROKEN? | { ---- RE AN Re

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