Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community 'Social & Personal 7 Mr, Robert Edwards, Albert Cols lege, is home with his mother for the vacation, Miss Laura Wilson is spending the holidays with her mother, Miss Margaret Halle is home front Toronto University Miss Myrtle Blacey, of Oshawa, is visiting her sister, Mvs, Don savey, of Windsor, Ontario, Mes, William Alchin, of this eity, nas gone to Viorida where she will visit her son, Mr, Vrank Alehin, who is living in Orlando Mildred Adaly, Colborne street, will spend Christmas with Ler aunt, Mrs, Vstes, of Toronto, My, and Mrs, Nelson Baird and amily, Drow street, will ba the guests of Mrs, Baird's father, Mr, James Leask, for Christmas, My, ond Mrs, 'T, A, Adair, Col- horne street will spend Christmas n Tamworth Miss Marie Brown, daugh. Mre, H, A, Brown, is home for the from Tudor Miss Anni ter of Mr, und King street east, Christmas vaeation Hall, Indianapolis My, and Mrs, George Bull, coe street North, are leaving to. morrow for Toronto where they will spend Christmas with the lat ter's sister, Mrs, L. 8, Hurst Mr, and Mrs, George York, Bucks ingham Avenue, are Joaving today for Ottawa where they will remain for Christmas and the following week, daughter Callaghan, from Kt for the Miss Daisy Callaghan of Mp, and Mrs, J. J Masson street, is home Joseph's Convent, Toronto, Christmas season, Mrs, 12, J, MeDowell, of Oshawa who has heen visiting for the past wevk with Mrs, B, Tudhope, in Orillia, will remain in Orillie for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs, and son Grant, mas day at Acton, Ontario, C, RB. Melntosh been the cus W. H. Hew to entertain Street Public season, This last Thurs it has Mrs Foy some yen Mr, and Albert Street, i of Albert Christmas took place toi for son, 289 the teacher School at the annual party day evening, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Cannon were among the guests, Res ceiving with her hushand, Mrs, Hew son wore a becoming gown of jade green, After a delicious supper, the guests were entertained with music, Mrs, Alf, Henning led in some coms munity singing, It was a very jolly party and the guests agreed that it was the best they have enjoved at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Hewson, Visit Cur Store AND SER OUR LINY The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. ve ------ r-------- We invite you to come in and look around at our Christmas Gift Sugges- tions, LAMBLE'S fr Kayser Chiffon or Service Howe, Silk to top, $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE sHOP 1}4 Simcoe Kt. South Bim.' SKATING FOR Canadian Girls in Training |» Have Skating Provided for Them Vor the sal] sum of ten cents any Canadian Girl in Training in the city may skate at the Oshawa areng four days of the week during the Christmas vaction, Monday Wednesday and Thursdays from $40 10 H.45 p.m, und on Satur days from 11 (0 12 noon, are the hours, These arrangements have been made in the interests of (ne girls hy the Girls' Council of the eity, The oMelal opening took place on Maturday lest, At eleven o'clock whout seventy-five girs wnsembieo for carol practice, lunch and then the skating, After everyone had skated for about fifteen minutes, the races and contests were started, Mary Vietcher, Glad MeComb, and Winneta Rooke were the winners of the speed race for girls from fifteen LO BEVENIeel YERrs Ruby Coulter, Hazel True, und Norn (lass the winners of the race for girls from twelve to fourteen years, and Greta Maxwell, Mary Fletcher and Mar. jory Moore for the Dress Relay; Miss Gertrude Moore, Migs Van Ly ven and Mrs, Tait were In charge of the races It Is expected that the rink will be in use for the (,G.1T.'s when school starts again fu the new year, the vacation period, Girls who are not skaters and who would like to learn will he welcomed GOURTICE 8.3. CHRISTMAS TREE Salvation Army Children Present Concert and Re- REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN MILLER'S POWDERS Brrr ------------ ---------- ---------- tlantic City is always 'in season" There's never & qu moment st an you'll return homeleels ingM=freah~vigoroust 4 o at of the nu. In Atlantic | auisition AEA WATER aTHE ANDREWS, Fens ceive Treat will spend Christ. | Courtiea. Dec, 10 After many weeks of strenuous practice and hard study the Courtice Balvation Army Sunday Behool presented their annual concart and presenta tion of prizes... To tha packed hall of shining facex, and eager ayes, the program was ably announced by Mr, Hopkins, day school ten cher It was as follows Opening song, "0 Come All Ye Faithful" Prayer, Lieutenant Flett; introduction of chalrman, Capt Bursey: xvionhone olo, "Russian Rag, J. Watson; 1) Innminated Jetub swinging, Mrs J Tait; recitation, "The Bumble Bee! Donald Jack son: dialogue, "Christmas ope Chest," party of girls from Bows manville: plano solo "Wedding of the Painted Doll,' Miss B, Watson; donkey parade, Party of Boys: processional march and hoop drill, Party of Girls; pluno duet, Misses Edith Rellers and Sybil Mutton; di- alogue, "Organizing an Hoeloty,' Courtice hoys and girls: xyluphone solo, "12th Kt, Bay," J, Watson! recitation, "Tittle Miss Lonssome" Pauline Antill: dialogue, A Dore of Mis Own Medicine," Courtice Dboys and girls; trade songsters party: "Good Night Song," Prim. ary Class; recitation, "The Inven tor's Wife," Mra; I, Cloodell: "0 Canada," hy the Sunday Rehoal, Then Santa arrived and distrib. uted the prides und a hag con. taining an orange and an apple, to each child, Captain Bursey hegri- {ly thanked Mr. and Mrs, Watson for thelr kindness In contributing several numbers. and also to Mrs, Tait and Mrs, Goodell and their co-workers for thelr patience and efforts on behalf of the Sunday Schoo! concert, The concert came to a close with the singing of the Doxology, TITLE 1S CLAINED BY GROON-TO-Bt London, Ube, 80,~~A romance of a man who claims to he a baronet was disclosed recently when notice of marriage by special lleence was given at a London reglater office, The bridegroom is Thomas Chal mers Menzies, a 66-year-old wid: ower, described in the notice an "tenth baronet," The bride is Mary Anne MaoClearn Bonar, aged 48, a widow, Hoth llve at Warwick street, 8.W, According to Debrett's pevrage the Menzies baronetoy becaine ox- tinot with the death of Sir Nell James Menzies, the eighth haronet in 1010, The bridegroomseleot in au luter view said le had 'established the fact that he was descended (rom sn Alexander Menzies, Who way oroat od a baronet in 1665 by Ning the Stuarts, When Sip Neil Menziea died brother, David Prentice Many i petitionad the Court of Chancery of Scotland to be recognized a: uli to the baronetey, . "The claim," he said, "was 2 tablished in October, 1983, und m brother, having dled a bachelor, 1} succeeded automatically to the dite," He added that the reason why le had not applied to have his name put on the roll of baronets was that "I would have ta submit ta an in by solicitors and would vaste time and mone) Ivy Menasies will he marled h Hghland costume as: chiet of his olan and will wear the hadge of bardnetey, HOLIDAY TIME : SIMCOE STREET YOUNG | PEOPLE ! Don Holden was elected president | A the Simeoe Street United Chureh Young People's Legge 1951, wt the anal meeting ol the league held i the chureh schoo! room last night, » Hodes succeeds Mr, Harold Gay ho proved a very popular and cay able president during the past year, Other officers for the new year were elected as 1ollows i~ussociated president, Harold Grant; Ist vice-pre ident, Rosa Barrett, nd vice-presi dent, Edna Johnston; 3rd vice-pres ident, Ross Herancourt; 4h vice. presidents, Mrs, Johnson und Miss Newman; secretary, Fidsa Wilson, treasurer, Verna frewin; press re- porter, Agnes (Quing; p janist, Mar- wares Luke, | In a brief address the president | paid tribute to the work of his pre decessor and of other officers dur- ing the past year, He hoped that all would loyally co-operate to make 1931 one of the most successful years in the history of the society, The program last night wis muc) appreciated and included an friterest ing Christmas story told by Miss Kd ma Johnston, Mrs, CM, Mundy ds lighted the audience with «4 splendi io while litle M Adele Bartlett and her brother, Vdovard, contribute ed to the enjoys t of the evenin with a solo and siolin selection re- spectively, CHRIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS TREE school Christmas Fes» Christ Church last evening cheerful event attended purenty who chureh » The for et | The Sunday tival Wiles a by many lied thi ut und and friends and with the same schedule as for |p Charlea II for services rendered to Irae fn Ir [und Miss G jr plete charge « Hall | ommittee was of numbers by Carols, sul dialogues ved this pre s attended in pers Christina tree 'awson's ith u variety uf the sel quet eit 7) | ator and ir | runientuis « vata Cl | und ed a Hapens ANOTHER KLONDIKE SOUGHT BY BRITAIN Large Gold Supply Needed to Bring Back World Prosperity Paris, Dec Gold continued to pile up dn the vaults of the Bank of France today, causing European economic experts to repent thejr warning of "uw gold famine" fn the future, The weakl) bank toda 000,480,087 francs gold reserve, An inerease over last weak of 46K. 470,-| 647 trance The proportion of sole} of the! stutement to paper | 1.17 per cent With £4,000,000,000 In gold | French nnd now ' ore eked up In the American band and | taken out of cirgulation, London aud other world flunnce contres are sald to be looking for possible gold flelds which ean produce the yellow metal nw fast I'rance and Amer! cia hide it awn Best Prospects In Canada London realizes that South Ame | rien eannot keep up with the de mand, that despite a bonus on gold production for the next ten years, | Australian's gold deposits can hard. | ly be counted on for much metal, | Canada offers the best poasihilit] and in. recent months hus hown | | | the best. inereass in production, | was sald, Panama and New (iuinea have | been shown to have goldsproducing possibilities, and within tha next three years should add thelr bit to world production, Hut that | shout as far ns production hopes | oan ko, experts helleve, . Tho tolal| production, in another three years, | is almost certain to be far short of the world's credit requirements, The Bank of Franco, despite {ts | announced Intention to curb Im ports, received ax much during past week as In previous weeks, If thera in a shortage of gold, the world may turn to another metal, exports say, British experts sug. | gonted platinum as the best of the other precious ores, Silver {& so plentiful that there Ix a price de pression and silver would he too un- stable as 4 monetary hasie motal, Many European sconomints blame the fall of commodity prices wheat, wool, rubber, tea, coffee, sugar, copper, sliver, load, sino and tin=--on dearer gold, and contand that gold becomes dearér hucause there is not enough of it, Prosper ity and high commodity prices can bo brought back immediately if an | other rieh gold-bearing area like the Klondike is uncovered some. where in the world, " | | { thie | | { Abdut $7,500,000 - been alloted by the Soviet Government to pay the way of the new institute for chemical development, the purpose of which is to keep Russia in step with the world's chemical progress. Who never boasts is wise indeed, For to retract he has no needs, It 1 Niner lived beneath iat was 4 roof 5 Muskrat, ' t I bec he heya (er tthe tussock Lay ing Pool, wher ( I { MN i | about | Jun { I t Wind may don't care I ( fe places OM The had a voof young Muskrat sper there, I miling [7 said, Hy had first disc His seeded disaster had wh han a J he Sinitis loweyer Fit at hrs used to 1 he was Pool wi Stumpy did It's xplaine "He understand liked to have a as led to ttle He had elimbed out bes the « hing Brook do a oe en just ub the rid been ime when yenutiful topped fog "That water lr sid Jumper and "It 1 there the at Cal siting Jumpe hit pad nt Hy | Hung ol the Sm retorted It i,' vayrul at all r,t is ve with at d J "W hange a per, Ju aid, "I wolldn"t live or me the he Rough Br blow hi We same don't ¢ fe mia What New Is Weari showed a total of 52,-| WHAT NEW YORK 1S WEARING By Annehelie Worthington Hiustrated Dressmaki Vinh was frozen gover That is what Stung 0 overed had th Aight that it was nothing les leased uw roof of i 1't thin living t} wy P I on h Lay wie out from the (ireen " bit of gussip, ks blas " and ered this YOu wor th vet 0H oYou Ww retorted Stun y » foi Jown there under the fe { nar RS NIN RS is all the pinch but down there Our food can- nor covered is at the bottom of ling Pool and we can get | Just as in sumer, We vi gw and come as we ike and no ng can harm us. We do not 1 have to watch out for enemie fain, i OSL IAY and sleet to us of i Jack | 19iis hardest up here 1) cut nat reach us, Li NOW i" her Natu ried in wn for it Ye. J} w ding his first those who When it he niet Jer father, peared Lik I wouldn't ne wr anything in all the Great r, Lv cha tw have there is no danger fro "said Jumper, "What about and Little Joe Otter!' cet either of thes rep Stum us then, so why Pesides, they live on very true" h ) itil he had say that his fat hat ' 1't since "if ful replied ied pe 2 Cue fn't they v now thi JOuStINg fish eater hit of eason of the he is a hunt ale carce neighbor $ fuvoritg 1 water of the | iy e the Smil hing are great Willy Mink hikes meat Cat " 1e5 "ny fur little Jue Otter, nie unt Broo) Forest, (f+ but " sho { Hare in his ne al | | ol vhen his him for | Hit then shout," 4 reed Bum profs ME ant cold carele | Jur thi r ww " img Pool vered wo little Sun very ouldn't cf " you kt | "ly Ji Yes ang nice world 4 " 1 l wild 1 " d his Lal) get baek to the dow § ne Ver hut t} nies land all the bi anything, | etl ree | it is always pert North | heels isappeare but we (Copyright f.-W k t Y Yanenet here rest ok toh | oly ddl other ( Jest, Burgess.) Finds « be had ir 10 and 42 inches Y ork ing ove uthfulls wool Tab » ArOCAIL } that adapt the ng Lesson Furnished with Every Pa ern Interesting deta harming d dre vaults of [erence Ih vest and | 1 \ Also give odi 1 vi of the alec » ter 1} «o NADSAR [%) HART ARAN | { GERMAN RAILWAYS MAY REDUCE STAFF | ittnched tot manage: |r Rolchsbaha, | |] | Berlin, Dec, ment of the Deutsche German state raliways bas con Idered the dimnissal of 25,000 | workers on February 1 after nego- { tintlons between railway officials {and union ewployes had broken | down, The unlon proposed an eights lotr day without wage reductions. The management decided that {1 would be compelled to dismiss 8 000 repalvers and 17,000 employes In the maintenance-department un- logs the men agreed to work hols day shifta fu addition to their reg- ular duties, | The union declared the terms tn. acceptable I'he AMBER MICA Noth of the commercial varietios of mica==termed by the trade, umber mic and white mica==oceur in Can nda; the deposits of the former are the more important, The occurrences of amber mica are found chiefly 1 those parts of Ontario and Ques contiglous to Ottawa, and within a radius of about a hundred miles, [tury | let | head | Bs | 8 | | | | Quebec, a 1] G N AR ANRKNCARN ot 5) he 59 uM o MEVINGNS HOSPITAL GENERAL | J First SIV LESSON IN HISTORY = : Panelled Room la. Probably | Oldest Example in America ec W il in the oldest pupelled American Ix now the the Hopital General of m that yved In the vonteenth eel of the Neco! } todny om is probably in North ponsary of of the we refectory and wh round thely I Intter part as the Monastery Gi table 1 el at storie! Inte hown hy 1 of the tecture, MeGill Univer ture before the Women the Antiquarian Mociet teat de Ramen: The Hospital General 1s almost a compendium of Canadian histor gnld Prof. Traguah The tion wan dedieated hy M lier, and it seems at times a still lived and still controlled destinies of the hosplial found 1] Mgr, Camilla Roy, the chap Ws the smallest wh In ( the old church which plinl " inl h Ie | aquair Archi ina le incl of Cha Ra departmen I of In 'the Inst Val ir he the bl i | fo) he ho nmily, sald Prot Tragu I'he Hospital General | the oldest und certainly one most Interesting relles of French Canadian architecture, having had the singular good fortune to. escaps fire, sald Prof, Traguah I'he collet fathers came to Cunada I 1615, Later they left Canudu, but returned In 1670, and proceaded to build & monastery. of which the core ner stone was lald in 1671 The hullding was 'consecrated fn 1678 The years from 16456 and 1712 wore spent in converting the mons astery into a hospital, it and the chapel having been purchased from the Recollets by Bishop ®t, Vallier for this purpose, While st Val lar was held in England as a pris- oner of war he did not lose touch with his hospital, and in 1705 wrote a letter, outlining in detail alterations he wished made, to M. de la Colombiere The stone walls of the Hopital General are covered with wood, Prof, Tragualr noted, "The infirm ary was added in 17487, The floor on which were the cells that had ol the Re formerly been occupied by the hw | | Hecollet old (ARLES | HNN 75 YEVEVRI Es NOMENA 5 VENEER, NENENANG NENG R575 VANES YOWENNE © Still Hundreds of Useful ifts to Choose From - at » ~ Among the many are your choice of Canada's Best ORIENT OR SUPERSILK HOSIERY Full-fashioned, pure thread Silk Hose. in every wanted shade and size, with the also reinforced heels 00 Pair new French heel, and toes, nl Quality VINENINES MARRS MINN kina DMM NEED remained unaltered inti) | ART COLLECT] SALE BRINGS-EARL cing room di pine tarne we Tw of pi waking of the relectory as b probably the oldest panelled in North America, the lectureg scribed the panelling a t rich dark brown by the RIX refectory tables, mentioned as having been during the days of di u ol herited by ier who i iw ¥ | uf Egmont | . \ d and the tors the : Some. of the old pewter ninth we not given by Mgr, St, Vallier i i ier by § Powter, Prof, Tragnalt r about 340.000, in Quebec at that time, wi cl by Reyno Other details Were described guineas, A family proup the lecturer, He of the mn realized 400 guineus tafrense ne Margaret F lizubeth, from 173 Hotw 109 the chureh on July 1713, chureh was track by Heghtning, which shatter od the spire and damaged the altar Contrary to the common impres the Quebec woodearvers of the aventeenth and eighteenth ecentur les were highly trained artists, said the lecturer, otherwise they could || } erfect never have axacuted such heautirul As remains in the province to da) ces thelr monument OBk were : larle arer of the 040 guineas, the room 'erceval, wei re rie sald Naa i ald, " As mage "+ as 1 2.800) I fine Pa QDs ! 1695 and redecorated Kpolie dating. pi ean , and Hepp J second daugh- Thomas Spencer Wile ght 900 guinea Was the on, kon, wmes and build- ordered painted of police for the pro- / hh hundredth PU B! Vallcg { the death of Sim a's ! ucla's lberator, vor In $100 a Month Income will be paid to you regularly free of any chance of loss for the rest of your life 0 want 4 It isn't nece n" I come denn ur 4] WH \ ral A hee, Ww surv \ Why not adopt the modern way ad by despositing moderate annua instalinents let the Canada Life take avery problem? We will guarantee vou one hundre dollars a month income when you de le retire say, 80, § pay income hould you become totally abled at any time between now an {then, or we would start paying it [once to vour family if you should di Why not find cut how it is done winds of dollars in order to pre {It will mean obligation on yon an 10 It take Ip urt THIS COUPON WILL BRING YOU VALUABLE INFORMATION het | havi Pictur | nth would Know=~the totally unemployed man or woman, the struggling along on very small Resolve that u will now job, first simple step required | der to provide against vou vours ever being in such a position For most people it is a very diff cult task to build up a fund of thon mean peop 1 led | tisabied, the rk pers dis at age, ) you an the onally ineome themselves a ---- -- f---- ----- a . - The Canada Life Assurance t l'oronto, Ont this subject You Want, QINpal Please send me hy mail your booklet, without obligation of any kind on my part, in me interested Inet {am "Letting the Ne (Mr, Mrs, Miss) Address 50-8 REE EERE RRR RE TILLIE THE TOILER Don't Eo away, MAC © THE NRWR = PAPER _PHOTOGRANHER rien ----' "Yok RAG HT BACK J \'M A Shave "BE | GONNA ar] | \VWE @oT A HUNCH You WERE! MACS INSPIRATION Fore HS INVENTION, Mins TE QUOTE NATIRAL , AT WE HE WENT OoVT To GRY WHY DID You LET HM go! T° \[-- [You HAD ME WORRIED, MAC NEWS RAPER BOYS ARE HERE Vet GRY THE yl CHW CIC fp i hl | Baan

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