Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1930 PAGE FIVE omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community ing their vacations fin town are Misses Eunice Robinson, May Max- well, and Marjory Moore and Messrs, Brenton Hazlewood, Laur- ance Cragg Frank and Gordon Max- well Ralph Irwin and Harry Dey- man. Miss Yvonne Hazlewood of Osh- awa, was among the guests at the soiree musicale on Saturday even ing when Mr, and Mrs, Boris Ham- burg entertained a large number of their friends at their home on Wel- lesley street, Toronto, Miss Pauline Coad, daughter of Mr. and Mra Wm, Coad, Simcoe street north 1s home from Hatfield Hall, Cobourg, where she atgfends school, for the Christmas vacation. Miss Alice Allan, a teached at Mary street school is spending the Christmas holidays at her home in Lindsay. o Miss Hazel Sweet, who is teach- ing school at Scugog Island, will return to Oshawa tomorrow to spend the holiday season at her home, CAROL SINGING CHRISTMAS EVE Canadian Girls in Training and Girl Guides Revive Old Christmas Customs Social & Personal | Mr, H, C. Treneer, organist of King street United Chureh, will spend Christmas in Windsor, On- tario, Miss Hester Vokes of Hamilton, is spending the Christmas holidays at her home in Oshawa, Miss Hazel DeGuerre who is at- tending Normal School in Peter- borough. is in town visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. L De- Guerre, 84 Alice street, during the holiday season. i Miss Jéan Clancy, of Pelerbor- ough Normal School is in town for the Christmas season, staying at her home on Division street, Mrs, J. H, Renwick, Connaught street will return to town today after spending the last two weeks at her home in Torono where she has been very ill, Miss Iva Everson, of the teach- ing staff of the Belleville Colleg- iate, is spending the Christmas sea. son with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, H, Everson, King street east. Miss Evelyn Everson, Dean of Women of the Stratford Normal School is the guest of Mrs, Eleanor Bale, King street, hest Colds Rub well over throat and chest Viehss Visit Cur Store AND SEE OUR LINE The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. Canadian Girls in Training, of the eity, invite the public who are interested In hearing some of the old Christmas. Carols sung, to at tend thelr vesper service at Simcoe Street United Church tomorrow evening. Beginning at seven- thirty there will be carol singing and later a candle lighting cere. mony that will be in keeping with the Christmas season, On Wednesday evening the Girl Guides of the city are reviving an old custom of singing carols in the streets. For the past month they have been practising for their Christmas eve singing. They will also be heard on Tuesday after- noon singing some of the old fa- vorite airs such as 'Good King Wenceslas," The First Nowell," and others, at the Christmas tree given for the children by the Boy Fouts. We invite you to come in and look around at ow Christmas Gift Sugges- tions, LAMBLE'S fromm KEDRON NEWS Kedron, Dec, 15--Mrs., H. James, Mrs. Sadler, Mrs, S. Jewell and Billy visited with the former's daughter, Mrs, J. Delve, Oshawa, on Wednes- day. ir. and Mrs, F. W, Lee visited at the home of Norman Scott, Enfield, on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. F. Crossman, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman and Irene were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Mountjoy, Cadmus, We. are glad to report Miss Ber- nice Werry is able to resume her | teaching duties after heing confined to her home with the flu, Mr, Marwood Heard and Miss Lena Hoskin were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Keifaber, Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs, McCulloch, Orono, Mr, and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bow- manville, Mr, and Mrs. H, L. Pas- coe, Columbus, Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Scott, Enfield, were entertained to dinner by Mr, and Mrs, Harry Pas- coe, on Saturday in honor of Lor- raine Pascoe's fourth birthday, Mrs. Harper and Mr, and Mrs. Weir, Brooklin, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. W, Lee. Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 13 Simcoe St. South and PAINS No matter whether it is & little ache or a big pain, ne matter whether it comes | from headache, neuralgia, the monthly periods of woe mon or from a cold, ZUTOO TABLETS will relieve it in 20 minutes and leave you feeling good. Recommended and used by thousands as the standard remedy for pain, Among the students from om. | versity of Toronto, who are spend. | What New York ' Is Wearing By Anncbelle Worthington ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN It goes without saying that a rich, Juxurions feeling usually ae- companies the black velvet frock with lace trim, : And isn't this one fascinating? The cape takes the place of sleeves, However, If long sleeves are preferred, you may have them as seen in the small back view, It's so voguish for afternoons and Sunday night occasions, Low placed circular godets give the skirt a charmingly youthful swinging movement, A panel at the front lengthens the figure, Style No, 2841 may be had sizes 14, 16. 18, 20 yeary, and 40 inches Hust This little rig is stunning too, in forest green canton crepe with egg-shell vest and is thoroughly wearable, ' Plain and patterned wool crepe, marocain crepe and triple geor- J gette crepe are particularly likable materials, Size 16 requires 27% yards inch with % yard 9-inch lace Our lage Fashion Book shows how to dress up to the minute at very little expense, It contains most | t attractive Paris designs for adult f and children, embroidery, Xmas suggestions, ete a Be sure to fil in the size of the |» pattern, Send stamps or coin |}§ coin preferred), Price of book 10 cents, Price of pattern 20 cents, in | 36, 28, 1e ¥ ( 39 J J 1 n v t } t no mi bh l most of or ( He "well," we spend more time ¢ No. 2831, Bize EE EE | 1 Name a I li Two Useful Gifts to Please Any Woman 75¢c 89c Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hose with Panel Heel In the wanted shades such as 8 i) steele, caresse, leaf brown, even- glow, gunmetal, smoke, vesper, beechnut, rosador, Sizes 8 1-2, 9 9 1.2, 10, Special sicieiriiiniinne Wrap Around Turbans of Fine Jersey Cloth In two-tone effect with smart be ho. Tok da 7 5 bi, Se ar ur, Bios end C red, solid black. ............cconnviiiins These are made te fit any headsize. Qut they go at ......... daverssevaserresenie § 50 Dorothea H:.ts Limited a" 3 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario | Luke called on | Mr, and Mrs. Shipman and Martha if Oshawa, were visitors with Mr, ind Mrs, S. Jewell on Saturday, I 3 Mrs. R. J. Luke and Mr, Albe:t |p Mr. A. L. Pascoe I'he many friends of Mr, Pascoe will N Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday. | he glad to hear he is progressing fa- | vourably trom his recent illness, I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White and |¢ Donald, Nort Osawa visited with M» md Mrs, Haryev Pascoe on Sunda Miss Bernice Stainton, Zion, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs Ross Lee, Mr. and Mrs, J. Naylor, lifford C harlie and Russ Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Gor- |p lon, Solina, and Miss Ruby Smith, {1 Oshawa, were entertained at dinner | by Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman, | recently, Mr. and Mrs, Ross 1 party at Mr. and Mi war's home, Oshawa ing. Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke, Messrs ward and Farle Van Dyke visited the former's sister Shortridge, Brooklin, ih | | w 8 il | Messte, Naylo Lee attended | w Newton Ed- | Friday even- Ho Mrs, 17. ar A Muskrat, w people, was a white had told him that but Jumper v Muskrat, | he sat would be to he dros Stumpy Mother hody Mother Na understand.' 1 Otto Virtue vd the new officers manner, 'mith; mar, inl or, which broug Secretary { Dean, and family, Ing a fow days with her sist recently [ W By Thornton sorry world 'twould be and | slyrange did formed opinions never change. Old Mother Nature, the three legged young i just like most other | i Stumpy, wishing that he had som hing he hadn't got hut someone | Ise had, What he wished he had coat, Jumper, the who did have a white coat ft was nothing he was better white coat, You wee wirdom t if a whit fare, envy and that ff without a from the werfence, knew tha as a good thing for a or. any other id Mother Nature would have een to it that it wis supplied But Stumpy couldn't see this and on his favorite tussock hy he open water of the Laughipg rook and thought how fine ft sed all in white nd be able to go about on the now and practically disappear by ust sitting perfectly still, It would be fun," sald Stumpy "What wonld be fun?" inquired erry Muskrat, who happened alon ust fn time to ' that of ex | v cout | young Muskrat re mark Why white coat ni on were it would fun to have and Just sit still wher came log and thought | a lump of snow repli "I don't seo Nature didn't give white conts for winter "You'll find as vy IYOW hat there are 1 thing ture does or does not « nemy older 0) vou Jerry, he reason for "But of or make ure he Hever oe added "you nm ( hing; and this i that tnke For re | "Just the snme I thir hotter off If we vd We and Jumj nmbled Stumpy Tuskrats n the w Jerry 'oes there Is a fia Shad tha H "Where 1 we pet time, ier land?" asked rathe wrply Stumy hesitated w 1 to thin} #nid he slo m minute over for a that "I guppose water than are in | of the year in on land excepting when we ur hou Thi 408 time TYRONE LOL i ELECTS OFFICERS: Named WM. and Leslie Thompson Is D.M. The election 1.0.1, 764 was held r. meeting on Friday, fn the lodge room at yrone, Deée, 17 officers for the r 1 1080, rone, i! After WM. F. Bmith declared | 11 offices vacant, County Master, E Iamm took charge and duly install. in a very efficiel Virtue; DM Thompson; Chaplain iro, George Brooks; rec, sec, B ,oulie Brooks, fin, sec, Bro, Geor treas., Bro B. T. Gardine Pro, Thomas Cibbe; 1st lec iro. Fred Smith; 2nd lect. } homas McRoberts; committee | jen, Bros, Robt, McCullough, Wal we Miller, Joe McRoberts, Fred IcRoberts, Wm, Hooey, Visiting ethren present were I'.CM Devitt, Blackstock; P.D.M Ilackstock; Bro, W, Dave wono; Bro, J. Glhson, Orono, | Interesting addresses were given | v the visiting brethren, hii W.M., Mro. Otto iro, Leslle Bro looey, Lich all partook of a dainty ven on supper, glven by Bro W. Mil | ht a very enjoyable | vening to a close On Sunday evening Gordon Lapp, Ontario Boys Work aplendid addre also very much | oi oard, gave na he men's choir was njoyed, Mr. and Mrs, Howard and Master | Unlohville, spent Sunday | ith her parents, Mr, Mrs, | homas Richard Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Davis] Cookstown, are spend Mrs. and T. Park, Mr. and Mrs, Luther Goodman id Mr. Earl Goodman, visited Mrs, | we at i. {of [fined to their homes W. Burgess time in the heuse elge,' we spend more than anywhere "And this time of the only time of the year when a white wold be of the least use tol nyone," replied Jert "A white ont would be of no WW the house d 1 r one don one when I am Slimming we hen | the Black Sha #» have come we can swim about the nr fthout much danger of being reer but how id It be if we had white coat Now when we dive go out of sight, but with White coat under wi may be all Shawod the even wit] cout Use dow ot ere | | wo once coat rand dou'st [ wholly a yon nean-'? asked "Yon will find" "that there nre tf ' f tor, when the ground | times the snow is long Jung and Shadow get coats fore the snow then y are just as easily enemle replied Jerry ven in win ure, Som in coming their white comes and ween | aK we are now own coats ir, 1 don't want | f Old Mother Na along and offer | and na ti ed with what Od} this over for thought about was to him that ht. Hel and the ple He had thoug very lovely but WIL one So gradually nged h "mind and # nper the Hare left In fact he didn't have n brown coat seem ited to his needs as t knowing n thought The more he rer It 0) more od the better coat #0 In- 30, withou d gained w of wisdom to w vanting those intended you tumpy ior the ante part Lin in not should Ww, "Stumpy 1920 T f#Lory ting." ight next Copyr The a Little Does Dona E. A. Butler, Goodman's sister, Mrs Toronto, on Sunday. ys and Mrs, John Lilllerapp and White, Cannington, spent with F I.. Byan's, Mrs, T Findley ana ornhill, and Mr, and Mr hh eo gpent Sunday with Ed vierd Virtue and family, Thomas Curtis spent a few day econtly with James Oke, Orono Mr. and Mrs, C, D, Hodgson ar faster Glynn, Oshawa, visited Mr Laura Hicks. On Monday evening Mr. apd Mrs. James from Dowmanville ited them and spent playing cards Mrs od dainty refreshments, i PIDEMIC HITS CLAREMONT YOUTY ¢ and ; h nto a number ¢ Dudley' and vi t! Dud friends vi ning init) | Colds and Sore Throat Suf- fered by Many Children Dee, 19 number the village.are con suffering from colds and Claremont, A hildren of the prevailing ore thronts Mr, and Mrs, Dunning and son Sidney, of Oshawa, have hought the farm forn owned by Mrs, M¢ Callum and moved their househol offects on Monday last Vr, Luther Bowes, pent a day recently My J. Readman Mr and Mrs, C, P'ilky and chil dren, of Toronte, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Evans, Mre, Anderson, of Aglneconrt i visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr Thos, Sanderson, The funeral services of the late Mrs, Duncan Morgan wera held at her late residence aon Thursday afternoon, Rev, Mp. Grant, of To ronto, a former pastor of the Clare mont Baptist Church, had charge of epldemie, 101y P'eterboro his mot: of with or, year Is the i y I don't want |, for | | 5 4 Stores will remain things | y Burgess) | the service, awsisted by Rev, H. Stephens and Rev. A. McLeilan, of the United Church, Mrs. A. Forsyth spent Monday in Toronto. Mrs. M. McCallum and son Rob- ort, of Oshawa, spent a day recent ly in Claremont. Miss Margaret Hamilton is able to be out again after being con- fined to her home for several weeks through Hiness, The Badminton Club gave a eu- chre party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans on Friday evening last, Lyman MeCullough, of Toronto. was home over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. G, M. Forsythe, Mr. ind Mrs. toy Ward attended the )yster pper at Brougham on Monday even Ue rvs | HEALTHIEST CITY | INTHE DOWNY New "Health League" sank Campaign to-Wage War on Disease T1 t H a's He Irom led the me 1 of its rm coa a health wt inmport- kind ever t of the from ted the department Jominion, alor wth agen Vancouver nd Ii 1d enh nouncements were broadcast, and at the request of the Ministerial Ase sociation, anno 5s were made from pulpits, ard of Trade and similar nizations co adian Social Hygiene Council, operated, and small local The interesting and valuable func- | stores put vindow-dise tion of this body is to teach people | pl how to keep well, "An organization of this kind," an official remarked, "should exist in every Canadian community, For the fact that thousands of Canadians die every year of diseases which could be prevented, shows that we as a na- tion are not organized properly to combat discase. We have had one convincing demonstration of how a a ran into national disease-menace may be pro- | the is, and the ague plans to perly fought. I refer to the progre educational we have made in our attack upon. isfactory be- venereal disease | business bodies, and leading citizens. And it has given birth to the Greater Vancouver Health League, a permanent lay-organization whict will be the local branch of the Can- and Ia on special ays. Valuable ed by national age National Dai ry Council on Ci fare, American trol of Cancer, the culosis Association order o 1 Life Insurance 4 Co-operation wa accorde ncies including the Council, Canadian Id and Family Wele society for the Cone Canadian Tubere and the Victorian The Metropolitan isted. Vhat has been [ies | e two di and is being done { yards suppres these diseas be sing NEWCASTLE 5-St, Rev. F. H 1al or Georges Mason, 1 Advent and Holy song--Spee Brown, M., service { c series " by an ad- Church", Thure- nday and exp - 2 Lit: ny id, ' m d Ye ns Hans CASES 4 And sc A meet on ght, LL.D, her address women or hat as a will be an in- aiid ip of the Wo- also hog e before Jranch establishe Nposiig ' ing ad ped Health Weel A large ex-|resuit © featuring all kinds of healt} case 1 was the entral feature, | Men's yer « down lon ough to Te t chile eon attend, and | free milk was given them when the rot there. Business-men purcl mtributed full-pages of in the local newspaper ng pictures were shown, radio an in the t I e hibition, 1] losed 1 ng to 'hay « d in the parish, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Allin, Mr, Webber, Mr, Clarence Allin, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Rome at wtonville on Sune and cc tising a os CIALS ER TERR 0 Dou and Pours | 72 To { AM | A Perp Merry Christmas | Pou and a , P77 WLLL LAR AR all Dee, closed Thursday, and Friday, i) p.m. 6. a CHRISTMAS ay = Crackers i Flavor BOX 75¢ NEW NAVEL | ORANGES Bright Golden Fruit Seedless, and Full of Sweet, Health-Glving Tulce, 2 49¢C 53¢ LARGE SIZ® Raisins Bacon Peas Butter Apples Rd SF ob 2k i) ah dR dF at fey TF] VN ENON Mincemeat Biscuits Dates Fresh, New Season BRAESIDE BRAND he finest obtainable New Golden 3 Ibs. 25 b. 3 1 ec bye i. Fhe basket 35° ib. 1 Qe 25 2 ms 1 7. Xmas Puddings Made In our ewn bakery with that homemade flavor, n AYFIELD BRAND Selected Side, Thinly Sliced Good Quality New Pack 0 RR RR RR Approx Sweet Creamery 1% Ibs. Fras Selected ookers TER RTR RTA RR RR AR Xmas Cakes Plain or Iced | | Hei 35 | DACA AN nC aC io a Fresh and Tasty a ) Weston's Parisien 3 13. Assorted Filled with Fruit, Nuts and Spices, RARE RR Clean Stock NEW CROP NUTS CHOICK Ib. Mixed veivesulb LARGE Brazils THIN SHELL Walnuts . Ab, SICTLY Filberts . ..... PARRAGONA Almonds FRESH ROASTED Peanuts ...... 23c 25¢ 23 19¢ 23¢ 1b. 17¢ Tn. BRI IJIIEDOIS FANCY TABLE Raisins . . 1-1b. Pkg. Toole Figs Ib. CRABAPPLE . Bot. Jelly FRESH Horseradish . ..Bot. TASTY ALMOND cing . ..1-lb. Pkg. KEEN'S Mustard. .4-0z. Tin RICHMELLO .1-lb. Tin Coffee . . CHOICE PURE CANDIES ERE 25¢ DU BARRY'S Chocolates I "4" Bo* 39¢ DAINTY Creams ........1b. 23c OLD-TIME Humbugs ......lb. 19¢ ASSORTED Jelly Beans ....lb, '19¢ LICORICE Allsorts . . lb. 25¢ Cc &B 47¢c Catsup .......Bot. 24¢ Aha TILLIE THE TOILER RING LP THE NEW PAPER AND TELL. 'EM TO BEND A PHOTOG 2 APHER OVER TO GET A PICTURE OF ME PRESENTING "THAT 4 10,000-CHECY | S{ WE THO MAKE A dooD STORY FoR YOUR PAPER , MR, EO\TOR, To WR\TE UP ABOLT Mac $ AND You COULD "TAKE HIS PICTURE OUGHT wv WOULD INVENTION, I DONT WANT ALL THIS PUBLICITY AND VM GONNA TELL THE COME NOW, MAC - DON'T RE STUB BORN ~ THINK. OF ALL THE FREE ADVERTISING THE SIMPIINS ELECTRIC WASHING-MACHIMNE wi GET - \T'S YOUR DUTY To TELL THE INVENTION WER Mo

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