Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1930, p. 8

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PACE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1930 OSHAWA' JRS. WIN THEIR GAME-SR. TEAMS TIE IN DOUBLEHEADER Oshawa Juniors Play Fast Hockey to Beat U.T.S. 4-1 Varsity and Oshawa Srs. Tie "Varsity Prep." Team Not! iougheed was peppered again, A Fast Enough for Local Juniors, Who Play Good Hockey to Win 4.1 De- cision -- Oshawa Seniors and Varsity's "B" Team Play 3-3 Tie -- Second Game Is Rugged and Ex- citing But Does Not Pro- duce as Good Hockey as Did the Junior Tilt Good and indifferent hockey were exhibition Arena June tors showed an world of speed and LTB, Prep, School), hy 4 to | and the Oshawn Senfors played a three-al) tie with both displayed in the doubleheader at the local last night, when the Oshawa defeat plenty of ability to (Varsity Junjor O.H.A, team, the Varsity Senfor "B'" aggregation, There was a fair crowd on hand and they witnessed all types hockey, The Junior game was un questionably the better of the two and the Oshawa team played what was without a doubt, their game this season, on the local ice, They showed real ability They outskated and outplayed thelr riv- als from the Queen City and had an the edge on the play throughout entire forty-five minutes of play, Juniors Play Good Hockey The Oshawa Juniors were out the services of their star fence man, Rainy' Lortie, has gone to Timmins for a visit, the léngth of which fs not known "Rainy" was missed but "Tub Smith, who played with Doug Maundrell on the rearguard, turned in a nice game and showed form considering the few gumes he has played this wea¢on, He not afraid to use his hody, he stick handled well and made some good rushes When he has out with the boys a few morestimes he will At in with the teamplay , very nicely, Maundrell was. the mainspring in the Oshawa team. He took care of the major share of the defensive duties and engineer ed a great many attacks, "Jeff" Au. thors was very mich in the picture last night as was Graboski The latter worked like fury and was a source of worry to the visiting ut- ackers., Drinkle broke up a lot of plays at centre ice and was a hig factor in the attack Peterson played a great game as did Bradd Drinkle was unselfish with the puck and he made some nice passes Osh- awa's first goal was the result of a smart combination effort, U.T.8. had an exceptionally strong man in McLean, Wilson and Evans also showed up very well and worked hard, As a team, tne visitors seemed to lack a scoring punch in their attack and they were seldom to get past the hack checks ing of the Oshawa forwards. Osh awa played a lightning fast game and the U.T.8, team were not quite good enough to beat out the locals, It was & good game and the fans were well pleased with the display put up by hoth teams The proceedings were enlivened somewhat by the energetic tactics of one or two of the players but the game, while ragged, could not he termed dirty and it was free from excessive bhell-ringing, I'enalties were not very numerous and were all for minor Infringements of the rules, The Juniors are fast rounding In- to shape and right at the presen time they are skating fastor and playing better hockey than they did during the middle of last season, With a few more games under thelr belts, tha local "Kids will start their schedule in mid-season form and they will take some stopping, The first goul was scored on a beautiful combination play which gave the visitors no chance, Peter son hooked the puck from his check and the Oshawa forwards swept uw the lee, 'Pete' passed to Drinkle, "Eddy" drew the defence together cleverly, then passed over to Bradad on right wing. All alone, "Jerry" completed the pretty play with a sparkling, ankle-high shot which found the far corner of the net, Play pepped up after this grea, goal, The first period closed aw Peterson made a great try for a goal, with- de heen Game Speeds Up After about eight minutes of play in the second period, Maun- drell and Stollery exchanged com- pliments, A few seconds later, Smith drove a hot shot at Loug- heed, Graboski followed in fast and banged the rubber into the net for a goal, Two minutes later, he CAREW LUMBER (© 4 ATHY Iw OSHAWA Health Appliance Free Treatments will cone vince you. W. C. HUTCHISON 184 Willlam St, E. Phone 868 of best | who fine was | teams fought desperately to score melee occurred and Bradd took the puck around the net, passed out to the front and it glanced into the net off somebody's skate, A minute later, McLean got a pass in front of the Oshawa net and with no one near him, drilled the puck past Hurst to score the first gonl wgainst the Junijors on local fee this geason, The second period ended with the score---Oshawa 3; UuTH 1, Two minutes before full time, with each team a man short, Au- thors swept up the ice and beat the defenceman but fell, Jackson, fol- lowing closely, drilled the puck in- to the twine for Oshawa's fourth and last goal, The teams UTR Jrs~--Goal, Lougheed; defence, Stollery and Wilson; cen- tre, Follett; right wing, Evans; left wing, Charles; subs, Mclean, Kerr, Workman, Sleeth, Putman, Brennan, Oshawa Goal, Hurst; defence, Maundrell and Smith; centre, Drin- kle; right wing, Bradd; left wing, Peterson; subs, Authors, Grabosk!, Jackson, Wilson, OSHAWA AND VARSITY nD TEAMS TIE, 8-8 The mecond game was nol as ex- citing nor as well played as the first one, being more of #4 ding-dong af- fair but it was certainly a crowd pleaser, It was the first appear- ance of Ken, Randall's Senfor and ag only could be expected, their teamplay was not near as effective tas that of the Juniors, Jack Bond was not playing because of his iu» jury. "Doc" Rowden, star right winger wns also off the line-up as was Art, Black, the flashy left wing- er The score, 3-3, about indicates A. Y.MC Activities ---- ft, George's Hall, Centre Bireet, was the scene of great activity Just night when the AY. M.C, held their last meeting for 1930, Bharp st 8 n'clock, the husiuess meeting got under way and after the business of the evening was disposed of a very pleasing happening took place in the presentation of crests to the winners of last season's Badminton tournaments, Clarence Keith took the honours in the singles while "MII" Thompson and (George Carruthers were the winners of the doubles, In presenting the prizes the president thanked the members for the splendid sportsmanship which had been displayed hy every- one during the games and hoped that it would continue through this season. Owing to lack of time the first round of the singles tourna- ment was not Anished up last night, but will be played off at the next meeting, Two new membery ted last night in the Frank Whitheld and ker, the last mentioned gentleman is a decided nsset to the Minstrel show and he recefved a great wel come, The AY. M.C!, have a strong ho key team lined up for this season in the Industrial Leagué ang, with a little practice and coaching, wl be hard to heat The personnel of the team has not as yet heen fully disclosed Practice is called for Saturday night from 6 to 7 at the Arena when everything will be got in readiness for the battle with Bimeoe Grads next Monday night, at which game a good turn-out members expected to cheer boys along Great enthusiasm the Minstrel show the end of January lows will he ready hest Minstrel show that has put on In Oshawa for many a The next meeting of *"» el be held on January 8, 103) admit persons of "Norm" Wal Were of 1] the was shown practice nnd 19031, the to present b fal the heen year uh will the standing of the teams. Osh- awa had a distinct advantage in the | initial stanza but in the second | frame the Students came hack | | strong and assumed the upper hand The third period saw the honors divided, with Oshawa perhaps fin- | ishing just alittle the stronger of the two, The visitors trotted out an even- Aly balanced team with SNAppy forward line and strong defence Oshawa had a slight advantage in speed but not by much, The tac- ties of Oshawa's defencemen pleas ed the fanr.. The body checking was just a little bit erude on some occaslons but this {s only to be ex pected so early in the season and with a little polishing up, Oshawa's rearguard will be a strong one, De Gray, Elliott and Walton all showed up well and thelp rushing was es- pecially effective, No matter what Coach Randall's final choice proves to be, Oshawa's defence is sure to be 'a colorful one Vie, Burr dia the net minding for the first two periods and Eddy Leverque acted In the last wmession, Both boys made some great saves and lever one certainly had tough luck on the koal which was counted against him Oshawa's forwards were: Morri- son, Gunn, Glifillan, Houck, Mer Donald and Robinson All of these players showed good form with | Morrison, Gilfillan and Houck being {especially effective, Tunney Mor, | rison 1s developing inte a clove | entre man and he showed up wen {last night, McDonald and Robin- son, both new comers to Oshawa's hockey ranks, displayed real abili-| ty In back checking and broke ry | many Varsity plays, The goals wore scored (Oshawa) hy Gunn, El. lott and Gilfillan, For Varsity, Willlams, big de- fence man, and Conn, their flashing right winger, were the best, with Clute, Wylie ana Graham also showing up very well, Oshawa's Senior team made a very good showing on their initial' appearance and when the abhsen- Lees return to the fold, a few more exhibtion games have heen played, the Oshawa Senfor "B' team will be hard to beat, They have speed and a scoring punch and when thelr defensive play has heen strengthen |ed a little, they will be tough op- position for either Belleville or Queen Rees, | Oshawa scored first after three minutes of play, when Jimmy Gil- fillan rushed and passed to Gunn Gunn sailed right in elose and heat Kress, Elliott scored the second on a beautiful end to end rush, never losing the puck untill he put it into the Varsity net, Varsity got their first counter on a pretty play, Clute passed to Conn who drilled it past Durr into the net, Second Period Right after the face-off, Varsity tled the game when Graham scored a lovely goal on a pass from Clute, Houck had the nicest Oshawa play In this period but there was no more scoring. Oshawa 2; Varsitp Oshawa Scores Oshawa scored a minute the period opened when Walton rushed and shot, He bowl ed over Willlams who tried to check him, Gilfillan rushed in and scored on the rebound. A minute later Varsity tied {tap on a "fluke | goal, | Leverque's legs, after a seramble, and he pushed It in when he was trying to clear, Oshawa &; Var sity 4, ' Morrison bumped heads with a Varsity player and had to go off. As the game drew to a close, both after "Red" season was ushered night intermediate stock won the game by 4-2, but had to show some real classy hockey in the last period to do it. The visitors Oshawa 2; Varsity 1, checked closely and had every hit as much of the play for the first two perlods as the locals, but in the corked a drove in two counters. The puck was lylng between |, changed to Ren Bolt, ing Post West Toronto And Victorias Win Last Night LOT to, remained unbeaten the OHA. junior defeated Dantorth Areng Gar other tuss! ital viet hut half I'he leave the W | the st dons tied | aut ative of the 1hle results of andi Danforths Show Improvement ) thely displa a md Hat Last wht the } ( present the « heir hard-check brilliant in the nets, forths strong 1 tor in front Fimson one rank Ih and for periods Dad Gagnon's sextet was ab to hold the O.} I all tie, In the f the winners went through to take Toronto BENS, rived they After half wear arn hy uperior ¢ their three went ot us 1 NOT were an hour's ved and action st Stewart Opens Scoring the id game tewart, Vic "flying defenceman, opened th carl the { ft result of his lone sortie on the Na tive Sons' citadel, From that tin 1 Native Sony' st hecking winners" inclinatio protect lead kept play well in ritory | time he Vies' goal turned bacl rushes at the goal I'he most exiting t lest followed Vies' first hell, W. Chis} all chased trom were playing t However, the « of the Native and in their many chances WOODSTOCK SRS. OPEN CAMPAIGN WITH WIN OVER PARIS GREENS Woodstock, Dec, In toria SCOring i second I ad { at the ter in the loser me alter tl mou D, Mit rt d ta Im and Ste vere the 1ce a ree men xciement te Sons' pla anxiety to 8c the ire 20.---The O.H.A, in here last with a veal old-time battle between the Woodstock Red and Whites and Paris Greens, last year's champions, Wood final session, with the score stand. Ing 2-2, the Red and Whites un- real seoring punch, and There was a capacity erowd out to see the contest, and the fans were not disappointed, for the Paris Greens made the locals hustle, ana at the end of the second period ap- peared as if they might just ahout win the conteat, They came here with last year's forward line intact, and a brand new defence in Howard Moore, former. Woodstock star, and Murray, who hails from Smiths Falls, but who played in Iroquaia "alls last season, After that cathedral exit, ex-Judae Ben B Lindsay"s name might be Chicago Lvens the winning tally, Doth goalies made some fine saves but the bell | found the score still tied, 'Oshawa 3; Varsity 3, The teams Varsity Sr. defence, Graham centre, Clute; right wing, Conn; left wing, Herberts; subs, Deven. ford, C. Bunst, Edwards, Wyllie, "B"-Goal, Kress; and Williams; ( defence, tre, (left wing, Gilfillan; subs, Walton, Houelk, 'harlebois, Poupoure. Oshawa Sr, "RB" DeGray and Morrison: right Goal, Durr Elllott; cen wing, Guang McDonald, Robinson, Lev- que, Referee-- Walt, Faiy, ft PORT SNAPSHOT tilt NM Ld The locals vithout the ser wer put up a great block to most of good form awa forwards showed a world of | King were right in step favourable tmpression ver ee LJ Lhe denjor the Junior but were entertained both could lo "Do Ja | tu still have a little more Kaine did tilt the At teams times, would ( hut suddenly neither tean seem to « were without Rowden, vias J they she 15 I'he final score this and ol ude but this Nenios season number absentec Some of remedied » vill be * Owing to the fact that there is GCiamshy's Q.H.4, I I ne nfined 1 cdinte Intermediates will ( ns not mine . LJ by 4 to | and the Senior game, be ity Senior "B" squad, resulted in a 3-3 tie, vices considering it was his first game of the season, It was a Bo nevertheless the display please the game progressed at a high speed, wed up the Ww ins tl ted with the By Geo, Caursmi, Sports Editor A Vietory and a Draw In Doubleheader Oshawa Juniors and Seniors fared quite satisfactorily in the double- header which was played here last night not us large as was expected but the five hundred or so who did attend witnessed some snappy hockey, especially in the first game, the Junior The Oshawa Juniors defeated the U/T.5, (Varsity Prep.) Juniors The crowd on hand was tween the Oshawa Seniors and Var: LJ ' Junior Game Produces Good Hockey The Junior game was fast and produced some excellent hockey of "Rainy" Lortie but "Tub" Smith officiated on the defence along with Doug, Maundrell and they Smith showed The Osh- Peterson, Drinkle, the Varsity attacks, speed last night, Bradd, Graboski and Authors led the way but the remainder of the team wd game and the local lads made a Senior Game Proves Interesting did not produce the same calibre f hockey as 1 the fans and of stumbling and The Bill Conlin the game drew to 4 suffer an attack team they Oshawa but anything k Bond uf the It Al right and play as the first fairly defensive ws appearance of the well, considering the wit Jittle bit work i" ith a " few more \d practices Orono Intermediates Drop Out a decided scarcity of material, Orme Orono team has decided to drop out of the local Inter the activities of the Orono exhibition OHA LJ at I games with rt Perry Industrial Hockey Monday Night Hockey at the dustrial on Mor st affair, da at 7.50 Juvenile fixture tarting meet in a M.( ' Ihe This sh of will clash usual admission s hoped that more of the local h ockey opportunity of seeing * . leagues Arena when two good games will hy sone goo ht played will present their second ni; o'clock, Oshawa Collegiate and Sim , In the uld be se Simcoe Grads ond game, an even battle and real inter twenty-five cents will he charged an take advantage of than did on the fans will | hockey, peni Fine Scoreboard At Arena attended the doubleheader at i urprised to find, on had been | Arena rebo sy again and situated already fine latest lighted he fy 5 ard in the scoreboard consists of two \ isitor Fach line has all the is a light line recognized at a in the one to be glance Il he a big help ta the LJ L] "SPORT JOTTI! land Bond received in doubt Bill « priv will » and nlin but play AJ HIJUries tice dor he almost ere hive been new I'l ! I wade later ¥ . pares and Blows, will ROYALTY IN EDINBURGH Never within living memory have members of the Royal Seotland as In 1930, passed through the twice in recent months, The queen was there several times while in residence at Halmoral, and visits also have been pald by many family visted George 0 city | the 'rince of Wales, Princess Mary, | the Duke of York, Princess Helena Victoria, the Duchess of York and Prince George NAILS, CIGARETTES MATCH Paris' latest fad is to have clg. arettes colored to mateh feminine fingernails 'ala Hae nails are necompanied by "elgs." to mateh, with a deeper mauve monogram, Amber cigarettes have 'amber' nails to harmonize, perfumed with amher, Rosc-colored nails must be "used" with rose-colored cig- arettes, perfumed with roses, and newest of all are apple green nails with apple green 'smokes' and a gllt monogram, TRISH GRAIN FOR HUNTERS In the movemont in Northern Treland for the use of Irish pro- duets, followers of the hunt mre advocating that only Irish grain he fed to the famous Irish hunters, Hunt Master MeCalmont has just sont a ciroular letter to all follows ers of tho Kilkenny Hunt advising that all horses there have never tasted foreign grain and that even the hunting doga are fed oatmeal from local products, Other hunt Ing organizations ave following tho same plan, MAN WHO RODE WITH CZAR QUITS John Rain, of Aberdeen, Scot land, who was second in charge of the train which carried the Czar and Czarina of Russia from Aber. deen to Ballater on their way to Ralmoral Castle in Scotland, has just rosigned from railway service at. 65 years of age, During the Cearis journey, says Rain, police wera posted within speaking dis- tance of each other all along the line. Nain has also acted as guard on trains which earried Queen Vio- toria, King Bdward, King George and Queen Marvy, AMERICAN VEXES SCOT GUIDE Americans ask such silly ques. tions, declares the gulde at the door | of Holyrood Palace in Scotland, Al. though there is a sign in front say. | ing the royal apartments are open their made another addition lines, I'he number of goals scored by a te lighted and the Ire fans this winter, and a were they definite that Oshawa Arena last night were hat the hig improvement to their the arrival, 1 Arena manage to the Arena North-West « "Oshawa equipment the Arena the other 15 4 ner | one and numbers from 1 to 2 and behind each the only the scor am, result is that end the Arena. This 1" m the far other season LJ . 8" to play la both unable st night ving were on hand to see the ing . again, soul * Pro developments but further announce will have a hockey tea, . . run Monday, to the public, they usually inquire if they are open, he declares, "An American wumman was Just askin' me why that sentry was walking up an' don there wi' a kilt on ' he added "Bo. 1 just sald, 'Wad yo lke to see him walkin' up an' doon there withoot a kilt on?' " BRITISH CRAFT AIR MARVEL Britain's rival to the German. DO flying boat, work on which has just been started, is expected to be the fins in the warld Ihe wings of the new monoplane will meaure 160 feet from tp to tip, and the huge hull will have two decks containing five passenger saloons which will aceoms- modate 50 passengers, and have sleeping berths, The eraft will weigh 33 tons, It will be able to fly 1,000 miles at more than 120 miles an hour, The furnishings will be luxurious ost France's economic structure shows few ill-effects trom frequent governs ment upheavels It's all in getting used to them.~Sault Daily Star \bofit the poorest citizen a coms munity can have are those citizens wha think they're too good for the community Petrolia Advertisers Topic LORD WILLINGDON 1S APPOINTED AS INDIAN VICERODY (Continued from page 1) with a certain amount of detach- ment." Received With Approval Parllament had adjourned for the Christmas recess several hours hefore the announcement of Lord Willingdon's appointment, The secret had been well kept and while hia name had been on isolated tongues it had not been consider ed a probability in general parlia- mentary and soclal olreles, The name of Lord Goorell, author, edu. cationiat, and former military man, had boen heard fresuently, In political circles tonight the appointment was received. with complete approval and the news. papers in their expressions, which will appear tomorrow moraing and | roundg, hut | npeed Schaaf Wins Bout From Mas. Baer New York, Dee, 20.--A husky, colorful young puncher named Max Baer, welcome addition to the rising crop of youthful heavy- weights, came out of the West for his first big league battle last night, and though he fafled to conquer, he left his mark hoth on 10,000 of New York's faithful and on the person of Ernie Behanf, another sophomore from Boston, pehanf, as blond and big as Baer is dark and big, won the unapi- mous decision of referee and two judges after ten thrilling rounds, but the plaudits of the erowd, as well as the votes of severn) of the ringside critics, went to the looseé- muscled, grinning curly head from the Pacific Coast, Bauer, swinging a murderous right and ploughing steadily into the short sharp punches qf the cleverer, mora ex perienced Englander, pated the hattle for the first four wilted thereafter, and was a bloody, battered figure at the end of the duel, Baer put everything he had into the first half of the battle and then "hlew up' physically as the sturdier Behaaf took everything that came his way, huckled a couple of times, hut pulled him self together and came on to punch out a clear margin In the final rounds, There were no knock downs, but in almost every session one or the other wavered and clutched under powerful belts to ribs, New the head and Midget Wolgast Outpoints Davies Toronto, Dee, 20 Displaying which almost demands the use of superlatives In describing it and refraining from using much of his clowniug tactics of 'previous houts hare Midgeg Wolgnst Philadelphia, winner of the York Btate Commission's flywelhgt tournament last Spring and the opponent + of Frankle Génaro in New [ly here at | | | | | | | | New York next Friday night, elear- outpointed the popular Willie Charlerol, survivor of which was conducted the same time, at the Col iseum last night in the ten round final of the Shamrock's club show, Although some of the regular pat gave a vocal expression of disapproval of the decision ft seemed more like habit than a difference of opinion = with the three judges who were unapimots in voting for Wolgast, The onl jon of the ringsiders was tha Davies won hut one round, the tenth, and the hest that he could he given in the other nine was an even break in each of the first and third rounds, Davies of the tourney rons their ad ure gathered In Press, which have been vance hy the Canadian also most cordial, Premier Calls on Willingdon Ottawa, Dee, 20 Upon receipt of the ecablegram announcing the appointment of Lord Willingdon to the post of Viceroy of Indiana, Promier 1, B, Bennett called upon His Excellency in the Governor General's offices in the east hbock For nearly an hour Mr, Hennett conversed with His Excellency, At the conclusion of the conversation the Prime Minister confirmed the news hut declined to make any -an- nouncement in respect to the date of Lord Willingdon's departure or the name of his successor The Governor-General's 8Secre tary was also unable to make any statement as to when Lord Willing. den will leave, It {8 understood, however, that he will depart within a few months, The present Viceroy of India will have completed his term of offica next April it was stated, hut it is not expected that Lord Willingdon will he abla to reach India by that time, "1 think it is a splendid ap- pointment," sald Rt, Hon, Macken. glo King last night,, referring to the announcemont that Viscount Willlngdon had heen named Vices roy of Indla, 'I do not believe a better choice could possibly have heen made," The former Premier referred to Lord Willingdon's wide experience as a member of the NAritish Parla. ment, as a Governor in India, as the Gavernor-General in Canada and in other important posts he had filled, This gave him an ex. ceptional background to fit him for his new duties, is appoint. ment would he a good thing for thie Empire and for India, The British (Government was to he congratulat. ed an its cholee, Nennett to Rame Nuecessor Ottawa, Dec, 20.--Hecause of the appointment of Viscount Wills lingdon, Governor-General of Cans ada to be Viceroy and Governors General of India, Premier R, RB, Denndtt must perform a function that has never hefore fallen to a Prime Minister of Canada--that of naming a Governor-General, All governors-general up to the prosent have been appointed by the King on the recommendation of the Imperial Governmont in London, At the receni Imperial Conforence in London, howevey, it was deters mined that the govarnor-general of a Dominion should be appointed hy His Majesty ou the recommenda. tion of the goverament of the Do. minfon, That decision is now In effect, Lord Willingdon's term here doea not expire until October next, Rut that of the present Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin, is up in April, Lord Willingdon, there. fore, will be leaving Canada with. in the next few weeks and Premier Hennett will have to choose hia successor almost at oneg, domi | Hockey Results Hockey games played yesterday resulted as follows: OHA, Wenior Hamilton ,.. 2 Port, Colborne 1 %-20 minutes' overtime, Varsity ... 2 Kitchener OHA, Intermediate Woodstock ., 4 Varia xEimira .. 0 Flora x-30 minutes' overtime, Jordan ..... 1 Yor, Colborne O.H.A. Junior West Toronto 4 Danforths .. Victorias ,... 2 Native fons , Internationa) League Windsor ..,. 8 Buffalo ,.., 3 American Association xBufialo ,,.. 2 Minneapadlis , %-Overtime, Exhibition Games Guelph ..... 6 Cuelph OAC, Brantfora 14 Simcoe Toronto €.C, 4 Barrie 4 Dunnville Inte, bh Niagara Falls Hamilton Tigers And Port Colborne Sailors Stage Exciting Battle Hamilton, Dec, 20,----Resuming their feud where they left off last sensor, - Hamilton and Port Col borne, O.H.A, senfor teams, opened the local sehedule hers last night with a rugged display that went 20 minutes overtime hefore the yel- low and black clad were turned winners hy 2 to 1 over "Babe Dye conched sallar a gon) for each team scored middle frame, the teams strenuously until McGowan lified the dise past Moore, from a face off & minute after the second over time frame began, and the Bengals then maintained a sufficient defence to halk every effort of the visitors, hoys in the hattled | Viscount Willingdon, soldier, dip Jomat, parliamentarian and pro consul, succeeded Lord ByIng {Vimy as governor-gf nergl of Can lada gn Aug 11 years he has as governor of the Presidencies of Bombay and Madras, leaving India in 1024, He hag played many parts in his services to Great Britain, all with a good measure of success and marked digtinetion npproval of garved in Indin with such earn the warm woman as to honors Hefore he eame to Canada to he come His Majesty's representative, he was engaged on a state mission to the far east, helping on behalf of the British government to smooth ont the difficulties of administering the millions Involved in the return of the boxer rebellion Has Charming Manner successful men in polities ana diplomacy are often deeply Indebt- od to nature and culture for their uchievements In thes reRpects Lord Willingdon, when he set oul to make a name for himself, had advantages over most He is tall and distingnished-lookine and of dignified hearing, and with these physical characteristics he combines ripe Intellectual attainments, and a charm of manner which all who come in contact with him find cap- tivating, In education, training and influence he represents Fton and Cambridge at their best and his record on the playing fields both of school and university proves that bath helped to possess him of that [true spirit of sportsmanship Ww hich becomes the man of affairs better than any arts of diplomacy, Lord Willingdon is very much at home and popular in the beautiful maritime county of sussex, especi- ally in its eastern part which em braces not only the home. of his youth but also his plac of entry into parliamentary lite, the Bor ough of Hastings, fashionable now as a health and holiday resort, but notable also in history as the prin elpal of the ancient cingue ports group, to say nothing of ita outlook oven Pevensey Bay, the traditional landing spot of Willlam the con. queror, and of {ts associations with the decisive battle following the in. vasion Moreover, at or about Hastings Lord Willingdon found a wife Bom in 1806 Freeman Freeman-Thonmas for a0 was the governor-general named before he joined the ranks of the peers--comes of good stock long fdentitied with Sussex, his father being IPrederick Freeman-Thoman, of Ratton and Yapton, Willingdon, and his mother Mabel, daughter of the first Viscount Hampden, a fore mer speaker of the house of com= mons, Lord Willingdon assumed the addition surname of ¥reeman in 1802, in which year also he mar- ried the Hon, (afterwards lady) Marie Adelaide, daughter of the first Baron Hrassey, afterwards Karl Rrassey, ' He was horn Sept, 12, 1866, and was an only son, Two sons have been horn to him, The elder, Gerrard I'rederiek, born in 1803, went to the war as a lieuten- ant in the Coldstream Guards, ana was killed in action in 1014, The surviving son, and heir to hia fath- er'a peerage ia Hon, Inigo Brassey Freeman-Thomas, who was born July 25, 18909, and married in 1924 Maxine, daughter of the eminent aotor, Sir Johgston Forbes-Robert- son, Lord Willingdon's inherited pol- itical faith was Liberal, and he him. gelf in his parliamentary days ad- hered to Liberalism, the creed of all those who claimed kinship with him----hia wife's family as well as his awn, But he had no passion for polities and he was 44 years of age before he reached the house of commons, via the Borough of Hast. ings, for which he was eleoted in 1800, That seat had been ocqus pled by his father-In<law (then Sir Thomas HRrassey) from 1868 to 1886, when he was raised to the peerage as Haron Rrassey, an hon or that was followed hy an earldom fn 1011, The Brassey Influence Sound as were his own merits; Mr Freeman-Thomas doubtless owed some part of his success in this election to the Rrassey influ- ence, at that period all-powerful in Hastings, Lord Brassey was the Varsity Wins Opening Game In Kitchener Uni al honor Kitch the 2) began Kitchener, Dec Toronto seniors 1930-31 2-1 victory ter loo Green OHA senior The Students virtue ol campaign over m strong defen gained the lead The 3 senior hockey (aree; the score might have been geyversed ane was a god exit for an opener ot us hirts having alu play ws the Va i out doing an inju Varsit t {the K..W of |! Hh, 1926, Vor more than Uy indemnities, | period wis Kitchener player ithe rebound of well out on the wi Lhe winning a periect lo etort had lag poked J tally nine ming period ously m | Var | great ew playing argh w teats 5 Oh s rearguard pregnabie aelence Ia » Had Murray er Varsisy goal-keeping Waterloo ni Student uae IKitchenes the | f ain the [! tehed their | daeist nyder, | H.A, he game in cit unit a good deal n sl 10} laying i fuel , hud | todo than o Little to € hoose Up Front the front line there Along to cho sition it Green his countrmen and a sheaf of royal { i eh In had t ofl alle | famil whi head of a | ganeration course of A firm root in the Russe bullt themselves a palace Norhamhurst, near Battle, and hoth socially and officially becor lenders in the district I'he foun ar of the family fortunes, Thon Brassey, who amassed great weal! as & contractor for the huiding « railways, canals and the like, wa of the most famous speein England's gelf-made men of early 10th eentuy Lord "Prasse was In several ways A great man, INo man of his time was g mora on tive figure in publie and political life, no man eultivated a broader or nore varied field of endegyvo tellectunl and , practical--and scholar, sclentist, 'and man of # fairs his record of achievainent remarkable, Some of Li: he was dona ut the he was at different time and secretary Ha wroto naval matters, was t founder and first editor of the "paval annnal and was a practical seaman | ing a board of trade master's « tificate, He was the owner o of the most celebrated Ii the world, the Sunheam, This which had heen seen on nearly the Seven was in 1014 sented to the government of India as a hospital ship Lord Bra We | was governor of Victoria, Anstvulis | from 1805 to 1000, and during tha [period hig son-in-law served us hin | nide deccamp It was immediately after hig return from this fi ol fielal exeprionce overseas that Freeman-Thomas captured H ings, This borough he continned to represent. until 1906, when ha was defeated and transferred hi vices to the bodmin division of Cormmwall, for which. he was the parliamentary representative until 1010, | ¢ ne ot ne t wor whe civil Lora mueh on ndmir in \ a nll LG Sean, 11 Years in India That year saw the end of | career in the house of commons lig heing given a peerage, but 1 parliamentary activities were « tnued n the house of lords until | was selected for the governor of Bombay, He proceeded to India in 1918 and did not finally return home until 1924, Duving tha tirst halt of this period he governed tha Rombay presidency with such cons splouous ability that at the end -of his term of office the governmoent were very anxious to retain his vices in India, and he was porsnads ed to accept the governorship of the Madras presidency, In thiy ofs fice he remained until 1924, when he retired with a greatly enhanced reputation for skill in handling Tn» dian problems, and difficult native character, The success of his work in India waa signalized hy his promotion ta the rank of Viscount, He had pros viously been honored with the highs ost decorations of the orders of the Indian Empire, the British Empire and the star of India, He is alsa a knight of grace of the Order of St, John of Jerusalem in England, His honor, Viscountess Willingdon shares aa a lady of grace, Sho is also G.B.K, (eivil division), a dame of the British Empire order (civil division) and holds the Kaiser-ls Hand gold medal, firat elass It one word may be said it that Lord Willingdon's heralding motto proclaims his own belief 'Honesty ix the best policy." i" nw Hole 8 J. H. R, LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good Sound companies. Apply 82 King Street Kast Phone 871, Residence G87W ee

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