Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1930 PAGE THREE Ratepayers Condemn Mayor's Action Against Unemployed Poultry Show Closes After Successful Exhibition With Large List of Prize Winners Keen Interest She Shown in Fair | This Year, With Exhibit- ors From Port Hope, Aur- were submitted by breeders ol poultry and pet stock from Whithy, and and Cumpbellford, mes: ot them carrying home awards. Guessing Contests guessed 2120 There were three , Second, and Three | $5 Aivert street, who guessed 2123. Ju [ the prize was a cockerel drew nut the name of the winner, vear, the judges experienced a dif- The Ever Welcome Gift » Toronto, Midland, 'The bean guessing coniest was Campbellford and Other | yon by K. T. Purkis, of 302 In- | ¢ian Road, Toronto. Centres [the exact aumber of beans in the TORONTO MAN WINS tied for third place, H. S. Weeks, of 80 Alexandra boulevard, West- | mount, who guessed 2119, | Thess three will be notified when pig Tied for Third Place they will be required to racer and H. F. B Wi he ness the number of beans in an- -- rown ins the... jar, in order that 'he third | by the Oshawa Hatchery aud Ponl- try Farm, wa: won by H. * Brown Judging has been completed in|cf 612 Simcoe street son'nh., The connection with the ninth annual [nimes of these attending the falr winter fair of the Oshigva Poultry, pigeon and Pet Stock Association. Keen Interest Shown Officers and directors of the As- ficult task in picking out the best | sociation worked hard this year in poultry, ducks, geese, guinea pigs [order to make the fair a success rabbits and pigeons. Besides ex- kibitors from this district, entries No reed to feel you can't afford to give Christmas gifts to all your friends . . . here's a list of gift ideas that will be wel- comed everywhere and the prices are so,attractive you need miss no one, make your gifts be practical" ones, the kind that | jar, 2121, Second prize wen! to B. THE BEAN CONTEST Higwins, of 145 Albert street, woo Lucky Name Contest at | Prize may be awarded. had been p'aced in a box, and tart Due to the number of splendid ex- and their efforts have borne ample {x ve Si, are always appreciatéd the most. Plan to see our extensive { Hinkson, 39 DBrince strect, B. JHislaon, Braet St, Osh, [tistics of Lis Ahett sizes, Woe The lucky name contest, the Show ht Aldermin Angus Cameron 1ibits which the fair boasted this (Continued on page 2) To All Your Friends, Young Or Old i" display. Cosv Felt Slippers The comfort- able kind in moccasin style, with rib- bon trim or the hilo cuff styles made of fine wool felts, soft padded chrome leather soles and raised heel. All sizes in 8 styles Oeolors are: Fuschia, Purple, Pg and Grey. ssc to I Mother's Favorite Slipper Juliets" The ever popular style, fur trim to match com- fortable fitting with flexible lea- ther sole and low leathers heel, in all sizes, 3 to 8 : , Blue, PT "1,352.00 SMART STYLES IN BOUDOIR SLIPPERS Choice of colored kid, moire satin or patent lea- ther with soft padded soles, various height heels, neat quilted satin linings in beautiful colorings,--12 smart styles. | | 1.25 © 2.50 A Delight to Every Child Cute Slippers For Pp ic Every known style in felt English camel hair, smart 1 strap styles, Hi cut cavallers, or cute little animal. styles in fancy boxes, a rare gift that will surely pleas they little folks. Pe boi 1.28 Open T?venings Till Christmas § AGNEW-SURFAS SHOE STORES, LIMITED ~ SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Pd BIBI ISI II, Sa man " Port Hope, Aurora, Toronto, Mid-| He guessed | who | Mrs. | in which | Jdonated | [CANADIAN LEGION REPORTS SPLFADID RECORD OF GROWTH OFFICERS ELECTED AT ANNUAL MEETING LAST NIGHT | Over $22,800 in Pensions, etc., Secured for Oshawa Veterans and Families Showing a record of growth un. | equalled in the organization in | the province of Ontario, and look- ing forward to even greater expan- | sion in the year 1931, the Oshawa | Branch of the Canadian Legion held its annual meeting in the Ro- tary Hall last night, with a large and keenly interested attendance of members. The reports of the year's activity, and particularly of services which had been rendered to war veterans, widows and de- pendents in the community, were was expressed of the efforts which had been made by the retiring of- ficers, under the leadership of president George Walsh, and which had resulted in so successful a | year. The election of officers for | the year 1931, these to hold office until March 31, 193 in order to conform to the practice which is | now uniform throughout the Do- minfon and Provincial commands as to the end of the financial year: Honorary president, Mayor T. B. Mitchell. President, M. 1st vice-president, 2nd vice-president, Jenkins. Secretary, A. H. Financial secretary, man. Executive Warne, chairman; bert Kelly, Robert Gibbie, Graves, D. J. Thomas, Reed and George Walsh. Sergeant at Arms, Dan M las. Honorary chaplains, Harston and A. J. Graves, A formal resolution of ves and others happier Christmas time," h ald { Many forget t r | church, Dr. Fletcher tinuinge The church to the retiring president, | Walsh and the officers for | was unanimously passed. | Prior to the election of officers, | eleven new members were initiated, | and six more mem ership applica- | tions were received. 1 Adjustment Service The report of the adjustment service showed further successful | ¢laims for pension and 'hospital | treatment, amd a detail report of the monies secured since the ad- justment service was {naugurated, was presented by Comrade Hood. | the adjustment officer. This | port read as follows | Annual pension and com- | pensation payments | Retroactive pension Canteen Fund grants . . War Veterans Allowance Imperial Canteen Fund Grants Last Post Fund Department Relief Mcintyre Hood. James Aylett, William J. Power. Arthur Glad- committee, Everett Harry Gay, Her. Ad, Doug Rev.. E. thanks at this + debts to the stated in con- could = not (George 1930, $10,370.20 9,293.79 1,675.00 240.00 50.00 62.50 9652.00 $22,834. 49 This amount does not include the monies expended through the Pop- py Fund on local relief. Provincial Growth An interesting report on the pro- | vinclal executive activities was al- so presented, the high light being an announcement that since Novem- ber 1 over 2,000 new members had heen enrolled in .the Legion and that a wave of growth was sweep- ing the whole province. It was an- nounced that in the early spring a province-wide membership cam paign 'was to he undertaken, and in this drive, it was hoped that the Oshawa Branch would again double its membership. On taking over the chair, the | new president stressed the import- held in this city and asked for the whole-hearted support and co-op- eration of every member. A report from a special commit. tee, dealing with a proposal to or ganize a "Slate Club" was pres) sented by Robt. Gibbie, and it war decided to hold a speelal meeting | in the "Old Dugout' over the mar- ket building, on Monday evening of next week, at eight o'clock to further discuss this proposal. INJURED MAN IMPROVES R. P. Chapman of Kirby, north of Orono, who was injured in a fall from a scaffold on December 10, is improving nicely and is now expected to recover, The Times was informed today, STREETS DECORATED Several strings of colored lights have been hung in the business section of the city, adding greatly to the holiday appearance and sug- gesting that Christmas is but a few days away. Died TINDALL--Suddenly at Toronto, on Tuesday, December 16th. Holland Tindall, in his seven- tieth year. Service at Friday, December m. Interment at Greenwood Church, 19th, at 2.30 p. Salem Cemetery. (144a) Too Late To Classifv JALT AND PEPPER, SPOTTED hound with brown head, lost about five miles east of Blackstock, Find- er notify Mr, Harding, 201 Que- bec street (144a) | | received with the utmost cnthusi- | asm and the highest appreciation | William | To Bring Two years ago Oshawa had li cept the spirit of friendliness. plants, The City Council created an i ate and advise with that the spirit of co-operation at We had no satisfactory indu ~co-operation provided one, no harbor to haven ships comin co-operation provided one, We inviting new industries to stop emphasized the point that sites ed. Several qualified industrial door in answer to this invitation, ter, begun and so easily I respectfully appeal to all t seeing that the activities of with a successful con by tion meet | remanded for judgment vnti | said, | ance of the 1931 convention to be | | ed the money. re- | | defense, Mayor Pleads For Spirit Of Co-operation in Effort ittle to offer new industries ex- T then organized with an urge to secure more payroll distributing the Chamber of Commerce. We had to attract waterborne traffic--co-operation provided one. connecting the city with our wharves--co-operation provided on.. We erected brightly illuminated signs at the entrance city's gates which were read by tens of thousands of people, Co-operation solved our initial problems, teamwork will complete our industrial programme so cheerfully accomplished. tinue that wonderful spirit of co-operation and civic T. B. MITCHELL, Industries Here he Chamber of Commerce was industrial gommittee to colkaber- It was then 1d civic teamwork was born. strial area to offer new plants no suitable waterfront We had g either to or from the Sea-- had no all-weather traffic lane of our and locate in our midst. We and buildings would be provid firms are waiting at our anxious for us to bid them en- now Co-operation and he citizens of our city to con- teamwork the Oshawa Industrial Founda- clusion, Mayr MILTON GROUSE IS REMANDED ON ~~ GHARGE OF FRAUD | | Sodgment to be Given Mon- | day--Alleged to Have Pass- ed Worthless Chequcs | with ! was Mon day, December 22 when L pear ed before Magistrate T. K. Creigh ton in city police court this morn ing. It Is alleged that during No- vember, the accused gave to Wil fred Luke, in charge of Jury & Lovell's south drug store, two cheques. cach for $20, the one made out on the Standard Bank | and the second made out on the Bank of Toronto. [ Testifying in police court, Mr. | Luke said that Crouse, whom he had known since boyhood days, ap- proached him at the drug store and told him that he was in difficulty and needed money. The bank, he was closed and he asked if Mr. Luke would cash a cheque for $20 for him. Witness said he ac. cepted the cheque which was made out on the Standard Bank (Bank of Commerce) and gave the accus- charged cheques, Milton R. Crouse, passing fraudulent A few days later, Mr. Luke said, Crouse again approached him and wished him to cash another cheque for $20 made out on the Bank of Toronto. In addition to accepting | that TRIBUTE PAID TO W. EN. SINCLAIR BY LOCAL LEGION Former Liberal Leader Laud- ed For His Interest in Veterans A graceful tribute to the services of W. E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P, for South Ontario and former Liberal lead the province, on behalf of the war veterans of Oshawa, was expressed when the annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the Cana- {dian Legion, last night unanimously passed the following resolution "Whereas, realizing that this body is In no way linked with any | political party, and therefore no | political significance can be placed jon this motion, "And whereas there ie the Oshawa Branch Canadian Legion hag no truer nor more sincere friend than W, E. N Sinclair, K.C.,, M.P.P,, : '"Be it resolved that relinquishing of the the Liberal party in Ontario desire Lo express to him a sincere tribut of thanks for the interest he has at all times taken In the returned men and their dependents, and we hop | that the rest from the strenuous la | bors of leadership may bring its re wards in renewed good health an knowledge of a duty well done fo the province of Ontario." no doubt we, on his this cheque, witness said he loan- ed the accused $10 in cash. Both cheques proved worthless and he waited several days before taking action against Crouse, the complainant sald. Mr. Barton, ledger keeper, the first mentioned bank testified that Crouse had no account there at the time the cheque was receiv- ed. "It was accordingly returned to Mr. Luke. The account with the Bank of Toronto F. Potter, local manager testified months there had been only a bal- ance of 50 cents to his credit. When the cheque was presented at his bank It was returned marked: 'no t sufficient funds." J. C. Anderson, counsel for the contended that there was of fraudulent intent and therefor asked that the ac. cused be acquitted. Magistrate Creighton however, did not agree with Mr. Anderson's contention and announced that he would ad. journ the case for judgment. Crown Attorney J. A. McCGibbon conducted the prosecution. CHRISTMAS STORY 0 IN PANTOMINE School Choir ir Avompanies Showing to Tableaux With | Carols and Hymns In pantomine and 1 song the story of the first Christmas was told by | the students of Bishop Bethume Jollege, last evening at the Mas- onic Temple auditorium, The school choir, singing at the back of the hall rendered in all thirteen carols. The tableaux shown at in- tervals were accompanied by suit- able hymns. The first' of these "The Annunciation," was accom- panied by 'Ave Marla," sung beau- tifully by Miss Ainley, teacher of music and voice at the college, With the cholr singing "We Three Kings of Orient Are," the picture ot the three kings bowing before the Chirst Child artisticly depicted in pantomine--the kings, {in their gorgeous robes offering their cost: ly gifts. Following the adoration of the kings, came the shepherds, bowing in reverence before the Holy Babe. This scene was shown while the choir sang 'While Shep- herds Watched their Flocks." The tableau of the Holy Family, the Babe, the Virgin Mary and Joseph no evidence guarded by the angel Gabriel, was most. beautiful." In accompaniment for | accused had an | but he said that for practically 18 | 500 FAMILIES ARE LISTED FOR CHEER Names Must All B: in Hans of Christmas Cheer Com- mittee Tomorrow | With the list of names to be { losed tomorrow, there are now over 500 families listed for the | distribution of Christmas Cheer in | the city, it was reported today by | Major George Hamilton, secretary | of the Christmas Cheer Fund | Names are coming in rapldly every | day, and it is expected that by the | time the list is closed tomorrow night, there will be well over 600 families to be taken care of in the annual distribution, The list is to | be - positively closed tomorrow night, and citizens knowing of any | families which should be provided | for are requested to make sure | that these names are sent in by | that time, Major Hamilton wishes to ac- knowledge with thanks a gener- Women's Catholic League, These will prove very acceptable, and will sag id Ine pleasure of the children m mas day. to this Miss Ainley rendered "Sleep oly Babe." A most colorful picture vas the tableau representing the "Adoration of the Angels," shown | while the choir wag singing the old hymn '"Angels from the Realms of Glory," "The Adoration of All'--- shepherds, kings, and angels, was the final tableau, while the choir wang "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." Other carols sung during the performance were: The First Nowell, Came upon a Midnight Clear, O, Little Town of Bethlehem, and O, Come All Ye Faithful. The 'costuming for these tableaux was extremely well done and with the stage lighting as it was, it was shown off to the best advantage, Although some of the scenes were shown for over three minutes, not a movement could be noticed in any of the characters . Like stat- ues they stood. The school choir in their rendering of Christmas carols and hymns displayed excel- lent training from their director, Miss Ainley. Kingston, -- Capt. EL Janney, found guilty in the general sessions on a charge of securing money un- der false pretences and now await- ing sentence, has gone on a hunger strike at the county jail OSHAWA SCHOOL PENNY BANK HAS AFINE RECORD WHITBY, NEWCASTLE MAKE SPLENDID SHOWINGS | Mary St. School Heads List| in Oshawa, With Centre | School Second (Oshawa stands well up in the list | of Ontario cities in regard to penny | { ment for September and October just | to a state- | | bank deposits, according f issued by J. R. Littleproud, Ontario | | Penny Ban% Inspector, Although the | | penny bank system was only recently | ing, and this inaugurated in the Oshawa sc ny | 0Y per cent of the pupils are deposit- city stands 17th in a | list of about 125 municipalities, {27 schools Newcastle school was one of the | in the entire province | which had a record of over 80 percent | | cipality on the list. | schools Scarboro schools averaged 41 percent. | ¢ of as a place cus Centre street school had 74, Simcoe | city, of the | of pupils depositing during these two months, The average weekly per- centage of 'pupils depositing in this school was 84, and it was 7th muui- Whitby was 10th with a percentage oi 79, but Ix 1s street school, Whitby, was among the upper 27 schools, having an average ot 84. Bowmanville is qu tar down lin the list, with an average cent of scholars depositing. 1 averaged the . same, while street school coming fairly r over, In Oshawa, Mary headed the list with 77, near the coveted mark of 80 « north 72, Albert street 67, Simcoe | south 67, King street 63, Ritson road 63, and Cedardale The total amount on deposi » end | of October was $2,152.8( Commenting upon the figures for the whole province, the inspector not- es that there an_ increase of 15 per cent in the amount being with- drawn and rease of 15 percent in the am Nevertheless the. percentage of pupils making de posits is in many schools the highest on record. The conclusions are drawn that the schcool savings balances form an invaluable reserve fund to depend upon for during a time of emergency, and although adverse business conditions have ai- fected the amount on deposit, the number of deposits increases, This indicates that school savings is fulfill- |ing its purpose, and that thrift ha are being formed and fixed for Ii sch a de nt deposited necessitie leadership of | | ous Honation of candies from the | PAY YOUR DEBTS IS PASTORS ADVICE FOR THE NEW YEAP Most of Us Impose Tce Much 01 Our Neighbors, Dr. Fletcher Says cheer and appropriate at all | ns of the year but especially at Christmas time, was manifest. | +1 to a marked degree at the reg- r monthly meeting and banquet "a Men's Brotherhood of Simcoe United Church, which was * in the church school room last A large number were pres- t at the gathering and in the pinion of many it was one of the ost held since the inception of the organizatjon, A stimulating message, sparkling sith wit and good humor, was rought to the Brotherhood by Rev, Dr. W. P. Fletcher, pastor of Cen- tre Street United Church, who was the speaker of the evening. Dr Fletcher's advice last night was to pay one's debts, and he considered that this was something which the nation, cities and towns should take to heart as well as individuals, "How prone we are," the speak- or said, "to neglect to pay ou debts and to let them drag us down and cause us misery and worry. There are many of course in those days of depression who are actually unable to meet their obligations but there are many others who could and should -pay up. If vou | can't pay the man you owe at least | give him a note or let him know! that you will try to do the very | best you can." i Dr. Fletcher pointed out that | practically all owed a great deal to | friends. We borrow books and | fail to return them or are loaned umbrellas and forget to give them back to their rightful owners. We | are too liable to impose upon our | (Continued on page 2) The spirit of good ad fellowship, t Coming Events 8 Cents per word each im- sertion. Minimum charge for each (nsertion, 85¢ OPENING DANCE, ROUND Square dancing, Saturday, Dec. 20th, 8.30 p.m. Featuring Pat Shannon's Celebrateq Haymak- ers Orchestra, Admission Corner Brock and Division, (143¢c) | WIN A GOOSE. AT EUCHRE IN Sons of England Hall, Saturday evening, December twentieth. Tallies punched. Four = other good prizes, (Meda) OWING TO PUBLIC DEMAND the bean contest being conduct- ed under the auspices of the Oshawa Fife and Drum Corps has been extended , until Jan. Jrd. (144a) AND | or, RATTAN | Mitchell's action in closing the city ¢ place pi meeting. of the Ratepayers' Wednesday sored by f 38 per |w ronto | rea presses its sympathy Mayor Mitchell Calle. Upon To !mmed:ately Car el Order Closing City Hall to Jobless North-east Ward Ritapayors. oriefly, outlining the action that mayor had taken, and request- meeting take some ac- he ed that the Jon on fit, City Manager Plan Alderman Hawkes, who repre- sents the north-east ward in the | city council, spoke briefly, but would pot commit himself defin- itely on his intentions as to enter- ing another municipal council, He referred briefly to the city man- ager plan as f red by the Cen- tral Ratepayers' Association, and aid that he did not believe that he city ready for such a would mean an add- a competent city demand $10,000 year, he believed. visitor from the disagreed with He favored the city manager plan, Mr. Kirby said, and ed that a suitable man could be secured for not much than $5,000 per year. Othe; | Epeakers spoke in favor of some ( looking towards a on | More economical and efficient ystemn administration fin the manager plan being them, Express Sympathy With| Eddie MacDonald and His | Colleagues in Being Kept Out of Meeting Place SPEAKERS FAVOR CITY MANAGER PLAN Alderman Hawkes Opposes Scheme, But Other Speak- ers Express Themselves as in Favor of More Efficient Administration of City wa hange y it d expense manager would to $20,000 per F. Kirby, a outh-west ward Alderman Hawkes, Stroug denunciation Mayor of he belie ouncil chambers as a meeting for the unemployed of this was voiced at the December north-east Ward Association held night. A motion spon F, L. Fowke and which duly carried meeting d as follows: "That, having nore algo ity, nange of the city maost city, avored t « as by the 2h Nn € 1 | earned of the In Memoriam losing of the city hall by order His Worship, Mayor Mitchel,, of meeting for fren dis- the unemployed of the ratepayers of hereby ex with the un employed in this affair, and; sed away December, William Wallace, twin sou of Mr, and Mrs, C. M Brown, 157 Clark street, | He was weet little rosebud, A sweet le flower from birth "Be it resolved that in the J Buy god tock him home, in Heaven fon of the association suc} ar- J ore ie yas Spoiled 'on earth, ; 1 | Sadly missed by bitrary conduct is unworthy of the | : t Snel mayoralty of Oshawa and {is dezra- | Hot dad and Tally, 3 | n tory to the dignity of the city, and; nl Card of Thanks "Be it further resolved that the mayor be and hereby called upon to forthwith countermand the order against which the protest of Terwillegar and fam- 1k Dr. Mills, Dr Batty, neighbours and this resolution is entered." The question was brought before their kindness during «ad bereavement; the meeting by the presence at the gathering of Eddie MacDonald, loaned cars. (144a) BROWN - 1a 19th, 1919 sion by this meeting of the north-east ward a 1itt Jitt opin is Mrs, J. J | ily sh to the Bird, Nurse friends for their also tho who wi recent leader of the unemployed, Mr Fowke addressed the meeting | For the Convenience of Those Who are Unable to Shop During the Day THE ARCADE Will Remain Open Every Evening to 10 p.m. Until Christmas Continuation of our December Clearance Sale "BARGAINS A PLENTIFUL" Starting SATURDAY Regent | Epic...' or the pioneer west! Never before such sights and sounds! Never a- gain will perience spiring || Raoul Weloks T BIG TRAIL You'll be amazed 'at the vealism -- 20,000 Indians, Cowboys, Scouts and Pione oer women in this elaborate screen spectacle-- you ex- such thrills! in- » featuring MARGUERITE CHURCHILL -EL BRENDEL, JOHN WAYNE - TULLY MARSHALL TYRONE POWER + DAVID ROLUNS Usual Prices Last Times---Tonight 'BALACLAVA' BIG ENGLISH CAST Added---- Naturday Matineca 3rd Chapter RIN-TIN-TIN "The Lone Defender

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