Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1930, p. 11

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THE. OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930 THE CIASS wees" where ED SECTION meets Mr. Seller N53 N..={ JONANT & ANNIS. BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notaries Public, Bte Conveyancing and general prac sof Law. Offices 7% Simcoe St. Bouth, Oshawa. '2one 4. G D, Conant. BA., LLB. A. F. Ar He B.A. L. LLB "BN SINCLAIR K.G., BANK ot Commerce Building. Dental DR. £ J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in ahebaance. Phone 959. House 312 DR. H. i COORE, 9 SIMCOE ST north, osar Mitchell's Drug Store. Ga; for extraction. Phone 64. JOSEPH P_MANGAN, B.A. --BAR: rister Solfeitor, Notary Public Conveyuncer. Money Lo loas Of. fice 143 King St East, Oshawa Phone 445. ResiCence p 837 DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N, over Dewland's Pnone 1257. Res, 2)°W. Evenings by appointment, GRIFRSON, CREIGHTON AND Fre=er. Borristers, Conveyancers, S.raries. Public, ete. Office over stepdard Bank. Entrance Simcoe coe St. Phone 17. J. F. Grisrson, K.C., T. K. Creighton, B.A, N. C. Fraser, B.A. fOUIS 8. AYMAN, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street oorth, Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W REER AND PHR risters, Solicitors, ete., coe St. N. Paone 8160. Money to Loan. ALEX C. HALL 23.A, BARRIS ter, ets. Conveyat cing and genera) practice. 22% King Bt. Bast Phone 3237. ue) A j. PARKHILL BARKISPER eta Money to lcan Alger Bldg op pogite Prsc Office. Phone 1614. FRANK S. EBBS, BAARLJTEW. Solicitor, Notary ublic, Convey ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Buildin , opposite Poa Office Phone 299¢ Medical PHS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disnes slock. Phone 2050 Of tice hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm Dr B. J Hazlewood, speciai attenticn to Surgery and X-Ray Dr B Harper, special attention to ehila- ren s Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun day and night calls 2416 or 122 DR McKAY PHYSIZJIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR GRANT BERRY, PHYSIC TAN Surgeon. Oustetriclan, diseases of {nfants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 11565, DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D. CW L. R. C. P. and 8 Edinburgh Phy- siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Off'~e 143 Simcoe St. N Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North Phone 3166. DR | ARCHER S8ROWN, PHYSi- rian. Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residen.e, I85 Simeoe , Street North ohone 3107 n HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET. Spesial igen Rhvpician 20d SUV and Gis. Es peculiar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North. Phone 303. R. W. GRAHAM, M.D,, D.%c., L.M. C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric- ian, 3 years' post graduate. Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resid- ence. Phone 3020. (Nov, 24-1 mo) Ocean Tickets OCEAN TICKETS BOOKED FOR all-lines by expert staff. C.P.R. oi- fice. 11 King E. Phone 40 or 41 for private interview at your home. (Nov. 11-1 mo) BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS AS PAS sage at 39 Simcoe St. south. Phone B16 for a personal jnterview at your home. (No¥. 20--1 mo) S BAR- 4% Sim- Veterinary Surgeon 'PR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN . Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. 10) DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, VS, honorary graduate of Ontario Vet- erinary College, seventeen years' experience. Fees moderate. Thorn- ton's Corners. Phone 202 r 2. (Nov. 11-1 mo) --_-- EE -- Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist TR F T BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his office over Ju:v & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m. for consvitition aud treat ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Rates for Classified Ads | Minimum charge for one {nsertion 30c. Bach subsequent eon- 'secutive insertion 1c per word. Three conseentive daaet tions for the price of gwo first ! (three cents s word). : Minimum charge for three imsertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c .addi- tional Profesional or Business Cards, $2.50 per morth for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word ner month for eath ad- Aiton) word Phone 35 tuk for Classified Ad Department PR. LANGMATL, DR. DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King St. B. Special attoption to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse in attendance, Phones 1248 and R64. Palmis? MADAME BROWN. PALMIST business private, 93 Louisa Sreett Phone 2636F. (Nov, 22-1 mo) MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 3456 Buena Vista, Appointments phone 1168W. (Nov, 26-1 mo) For Rent S 0. A - A tive room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, ,conveni- ences. Apply superintendent Phone 2671. (66tr) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera- tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ent. Phone 2533F. (56LL) FOR RENT--3 HOUSES, 1, 6 and 4 rooms, good localties. Im- mediate possession. Apply 240 Athol street east (Nov. 15-1 mo) FOR RENT - GLADSTONE Apartments. Modern three rooms with 3 plece bath, water, gas-stove electric lights, hot water heating, laundry conveniences, private cei- lar, $30 monthly, Phone 2604W evenings. Gladstone Apartments, 12 Gladstone Ave. (Nov. 25-1 mo) TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms, every convenience, heated. Phone 3338W. (132g) Optometrist C H TUCK OPTOMETRISY specialist In muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, [De Chila and Its Development. Dis oey Block oppheite Post Office Phone 1516. (Nov. 18-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BU RIAL CO. 67 KING ST Bast, Ambulance. Residence [42 Simcoe street, north, Phone 2310J and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funvral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1083W §7 Celina (4) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency in (Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING [INSURANCE erpsult R. N. Johns, &0 Simcoe aorth. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected CANADIAN MOTOR writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years. Agency Germound Cigar Store. (Nov. 28-1 mo) Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house snd moving van equipment Phone 82 CARTAOE. MOWING, QRAVRL sand and cinders. Local and long dictance hauling. Smith & Cox I'hone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- lished furniture movers. Park Road cartage. Local and long distance Frank Cowle Prop. 656 Park Rd South, Phoze 216. (Nov 25-1 mo) UNDER- CARTAGE -- and household BORROWDALE'S General cartage: furniture moving. Special atten- tion to commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegle Ave., Oshawa, Phone 1618. (Dec, 10 tf) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONCERTE plastering, electric or alterations "hone 139 for estimates. (13tn Beauty Parlors BETTY L\U PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving. = Per manent wave prices $6. $7.60. $1v and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cuniture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe street north. EXPERT MARCBLLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2998. ATSON'S - BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 5 Celina St. We spec- falize in ladies' kair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For app>intments phone 2658. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Auctioneer * PHONE 716). W, J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited. Money to Loan TOANS ON GOOD (OI: Y PROPER- ty and farwns. Apply A. J Park- nill, 87 King St. East. Phone 1614. (July 31th) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS ce-financed Payments reduced. | _____ \dditional cash given. Terms rea- sonable Motor Loans and Dis counts, Suite 2, 14} King St. E. (upstairs). Phone 2790. Open even ings. . (Aug. 15tt.) Hemstitching nine gents a yard. Skirts pleated. one dollar All kinds of beautiful embroidery worke¢ goods, smock ing, etc. Alterations and dress making. The: Dgll Shop, 261, Sim coe south, phone 1656. (Nov. 24-1 mo) Music ABRBURT C TRENEBR, A.T.C. M.;. Organist and Cholrmaster c! King Street Church, will accept pupils in plano, pipe organ and vocal music. 50 William Stre:t Bast. Phene 2896. (Sept, 2 cf» LEONARD RICHER, LRAM SU pervisor of Music, 652 Carnegle Avedue, 2578F. (Aug. 25tf) WARM FRONT ROOM. BOARD if desired. Phone 2652J, (Dec. 4-1 mo) HOUSY TO RENT---SMALL, CEN- tral, hardwood floors with all other conveniences, Apply 91 Rit- son Rd. N. (Dec. 6-1 mo) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished or unfurnished. Reas- sonable rentals, Phone 1550 or 234TW. (132t1) FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS AND bath, furnished, well heated. 68 Brock St. E. Phone 3345W, (136¢) APARTMENT TO RENT. APPLY 39 Simcoe St, North, Apt. 12. Phone 1064F. (13%7¢) FOR RENT --- IMMEDIATE EN- try, seven roomed house. 109 Al- bert St. Very central, Terms mod- erate. Phone 971W, (136¢) APARTMENT, CENTRAL, THREE rooms, redecorated, electric refrig- erator, stove, hot water, $35. House six rooms. Phone 1400. (136¢) DOUBLE FRONT BEDROOM FOR rent with board if preferred, in north end. Phone 3174W, (136¢c) FOR RENT--BIX ROOM HOUSE. All modern conveniences. Well decorated, very centrally located on Brock street west, Very moder- ate rent, Apply J. D. Rutherford. Phone 638J. (Dec, 10 tf) TO RENT---THREE FURNISHED ed rooms for light housekeeping, on bath flat, heat, light and water. No ecnildren. 32 Elgin East, Phone +12, (150¢) WE HAVE ONE SIX ROOM brick house well located, which the owner will rent for $15 per month to careful tenant. Apply Bradley Bros, (136¢c) FOR \RENT--SIX ROOM WARM house on Emma street, all con veniences, central, Possession at once, Phone 119W, (136¢) 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, OON- veniences, electric stove, heat, water and light. Private entrance $20. 107 Wsetmoreland Ave. (138¢) FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM flat, nicely furnished or partly furnished, every convenience. Electricity. and gas, Also garage Apply'21 Warren Ave, (138¢) NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, FIVE rooms and bath, oak floors, every modern conveniences. 234 Alice Street, $25 per month. Phone 15560 or 232. (138¢) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED rooms, bathroom, light, heat and gas. 20 Maple St. Phone 799W, (137e) FOR RENT--A FURNISHED BED- room with all conveniences. Apply 79 McMillan Drive. Phone 2320W. (137b) FOR RENT--WBLL DHBOORATED § room brick, furnace, all conveni- ences, hardwood floors. Three blocks from centre of city. North. Apply 101W. (137¢) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 350F1 WOULD slabs, J load. Also bome dry body wood. 'Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr. 2601 HA (0) use in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent for your approval, Address "Un- derwood", 135 Victoria St., To- ronto. (Oct, 19. 31) RIVAT A F FU including dresser, . beds, range, table and small 143 Agnes St. OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF BEC- ond hand boots and skates. Must be sold. On very reasonable prices from $1 up. South End Shoe Hos- pital, 624 Simcoe south, (Dec, 11-1 mo) FOR SALE-- SPLENDID TONE radio, complete with batteries and loud speaker, $30, Come and hear it play any time Saturday evening. 94 Buckingham Ave, off Simcoe St. N. (138b) GOOD BODY HARDWOOD, ONE fourth cord $4. Car unloaded at Bruce street Saturday. $14 a cord for four foot wood at: ear, deliver- ed. (138b) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN fshes. We have the Iargest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, ete. in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King «treet west (Apr 25 t0) SLIGHTLY USED EKATES AND boots, complete outfit $1.76 Skates sharpened, 12 Richmond East, opposite Armouries, Open evenings, (Nov, «29-1 mo) FOR SALE--HEATER, QUEBEC style, good condition. Five dollars. Phone 2425M. 94 Montrave Ave. (186¢c) FOR SALB--DIAMOND RINGS, Signet Rings, Watches, Silverware on easy payments. Small depesit socures dellvery, Dell's Jewellery, 26% Simcoe St. South. Phone 1656 (Nov. 25-1 mo,) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD $14 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St East. Phone 1774M. (Deo. 8-1 mo) FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, repaired and polished, aute decks and tops, cushions, footstools and auto robes for sale. 302 Jarvis St. Phone 1667J, (186¢) FOR SALE~HARD AND SOFT wood slabs, also dry body wood. Fred Bailey. Phone 598W. (Nov, 18-1 mo.) "Pets and Livestock _ FOR SALE---OANARIES, GUAR anteed singers. $5 each. Makes an Ideal Christmas gift. Mrs. A. L. Darch, King Street, Bowmanville (137¢) CANARTES FOR SALE--"SAY IT with a Canary" this year. Birds selected now, will be held until Christmas if desired. Singers guar- anteed, Oshawa Aviaries, 185 Cen- pre St. Phone 3118J. (1364) electric articles, (187e) 'health, comfort, Real Estate for Sale FoR SALE--DBIGHT ACRES, GAR- den' soil, 6 room brick veneer house, good out buildings, hard and soft' water. orchard, For par- ticulars apply Thomas Scott, North Oshawa, (Dec, 1-1 mo) Se Spirella Shop SPIRELLA BRINGS, STYLE, Personal attention and service. Phone Mrs, Blatter, District Manager, 2189M. (Nov. 25-1 mo.) Dressmaking INSTRUCTION GIVEN ON CUT- ling, fitting and sewing problems, day evening appointments. JFhone 14937; $1.25 per a Furs Repatsed S REPAI fur coats relined. and dT, Experienced. Phone 632M, 119 Huron Crescent, i (Nov, 29-1 mo) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY work. Excellent references. Mrs. Borrowdale, phone 1618, Nov, 21-1 mo) Wanted To Rent ANTED TO RENT -- couple without children want three unfurnished rooms by Dec, 20. Close down town. Must be warm and quiet, Reasonable rent, Phone 1785W, (136¢) A TO roomed house, hardwood flooring. All conveniences, No children, Must be close to the Motors, Phone 1418W. (137¢) Radiv Service ATTERI ES CHARGED The with "rental $1.00. epaired and rebulit. Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill 8t. Phone 1385W. (Nov, 26-1 mo) OSHAWA RADIO BERVICE--REF pairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for rales. Batteries charged and repaired. Phone 3360). Charles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Nov, 14-1 mo) REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD- els, expert service, prices reason- able, batteries recharged 75c. Free radio service to battery customers. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, certified radiotrician, (Dec. 8-1 1 mo) Storm Windows i PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, invalid, gen- eral nursing. Will assist with housework. Charges moderate, Phone 3033J. (Dec. 4-1 mo) WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby, also known as "Sunny- nook", ideal rest home. Register- ed nurse in attendance, Phone, write or call Superintendent, (Dec, 11-1 mo) Battery Service CAR OR RADIO BATTERIES AT factory prices. Best prices allowed for old batteries. Batteries charged 75¢, called for and delivered, W I. Platt, 317 Celina St. Phone 1556J. (Dec. 8-1 mo) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY--A PAIR OF horses for farm work, Apply to D. Crajduba, 225 Crabuyn Ave, Oshawa. (136¢c) WANTED TO BUY--LIGHT FUR, suitable for trimming black coat. 94 Buckingham Ave. (138h) A FIRST MORTGAGE FROM $1,000 to $2,600 on house prop- erty in good residential district in the the city. Box AT Times. S1380) For Sale e or R Rent FOR IMMEDIATE SALE OR roomed brick house, first class condition, reasonable" rates. (137¢) 143 Agnes street, FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX rooms, all conveniences, hardwood throughout, reasonable, Phone evenings 2065W, (137¢) FOR rent, 7 OR SALE--A FEW CHOICE oe ferrets. Price reasonable. 23 King Street W,, Oshawa, (138¢c) BEAUTIFUL, PEKINESE FOR sale, toy size, 1 year old, house trained, make lovely \ Christmas present. Also police puppy, cheap to good home, Star Kennels, Port Whitby. Phone 490. (138b) Help Wanted--Male WANTBD-- BOYS 13 TO 18 years. A chance to make good money for Christmas, Apply corner Drew and Bruce streets, Six o'clock tonight. (138a) a Personal . COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN would share their comfortable home *with a congenial couple. Phone 2177TW. (138a) =e "Elocution [LESSONS IN BLOCUTION AND public speaking, private or In classes. For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 85 or 312. (Nov, 14-1 mo) Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and scid. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 16817M, % (Nov. 25-1 mo) PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE under new management, We buy and sell all kinds of second hand furniture. 17 Prince street, Phone 1751, (Dec, 3-1 mo) Work Wanted R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Avenue. Phone 3066W, (72tf) Business For Sale TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARET- tes, grocery, ice cream, goft drinks, fruit. Good cash trade done. Clean stock. Good buy. Central location. Sydney Smythe, Market Lane, Lon- don. (138¢c) TO RENT--TWO LARGE ROOMS as bedrooms, or unfurnished or partly furnished, light, housekeep- ing. Conveniences, Phone 1249W. Architects N 0G STENHADSE -. GENERAL architectural work. 'scond floor. Royal Dank Building. Phone 1496 (137¢) Lost and Found LOST--LEATHER WIND BREAK: er on Colborne between - Simcoe and Division. Finder please phone 1654 r 31. (136¢) Res. ph 909J. THOMSON AND JO HNEON, AS sociate architects, Simcoe St. Over Felt Bros For Sale or Exchange Motor Cars #WT YOUR CAR WASHED AI dominion Garage, §8 Bond strect west. Phone 3118. All cars at one price $1.00, (Nov, 19-1 mo) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--$800 equity on 5 room brick veneer, practically new. Balance $2,700, Easy payments. Will consider car or what have you. Box 41 Times. (137¢) REFINED WOMAN WISHES position as cook general or house parlor maid. Apply Box 43 Times. (138¢c) YOUNG WOMAN WANTS WORK by day. Office cleaning or any kind of house work. 268 Golf street. (180¢) = Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRA: vel for sale--To Insury 'prompt delivery, place ders In advance of delivery date, W. Bo'rowdale. Phone 1618 ® | Graver, STONE, SAND, CIN- ders and black loam. Algo all kinds of moving done, Phone 1979W. . (Nov, 26-1 mo) Watch Repairing gw PUNT, Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited, WHY SHIVER IN COLD ROOMS? STORM WINDOWS BRING COM- fort, save fuel, Get our prices for storm windows, Ready Glazed, Painted and with Hardware. We measure your windows free. J. W. Melley, 596 Christie St. Osh- awa Phone 2830W, . (Nov 25-28-Dec 2-5-9-12-16-19). POLICEMAN 13 SHOT DEAD BY MOTOR THIEVES (Continued from page 1) the fugitives had taken for shelter. Later, however, police adopted the supposition that the two fug!- tives, after running together up East Drive, had separated, one taking'to the country toward Weston, and the other heading cityward. In consequence, the po- lice divided forces and conducted organized search on both sides of East Drive, scouring the country widely. Fires at Fugitives Officer Haliburton, who, in plain clothes. drove tha uniformed Constable McQuillin in pursuit of the stolen automobile in which the two alleged thieves were riding, was the only eyewitness, outside of the fugitives themselves, of the shooting. Only the jamming of his gun, after he had pumped three bullets at his men through the back of the stolen car, prevented their almost certain death or cap- ture at the scene of the murder. Shooting at the head and shoui- ders of the driver, two of his bul- lets crashed through the glass in the rear of the stolen sedan, and his third shot went lower through the back of the car. But only two of Haliburton's bullets were found in the car, which leads to the sup- position that one of the fugitives may be carrying the third around in his body. Tragic Testimony A pocket of blood on the left running-board of the stolen car gives mute and tragic testimony of where McQulillin fell in front of the slayer"s spitting revolver. Haliburton, who was at hand when Constable McQuillin demanded to be shown the driving license of the stolen-car driver, leaped quickly aside after the unexpected 'bang, bang, bang," of the gun, and ran around the rear of the automobile, from which vantage point he in- tended to shoot it out with the automobile inmates. His gun jam- med after the third shot. He whipped open his overcoat to procure his second gun, but the automobile inmates, apparent- ly sensing his temporary handicap, leaped from the car; one of them took a shot at the officer as he re- treated out of shooting line, and they ran away, one taking to East Drive and the other to Scarlett Road, to come together again after a short cut through a field. Not Found As the constable and a citizen assistant took up pursuit they were lost sight of in the murk of the night, and subsequent flash- light search of the near-by gravel pit failed to discover them, One Man Caught Insistent, well organized and determined, the whole power of the police force of Toronto, under the direct and personal leadership of their Chief, General Draper, devoted the entire night to the discovery and arrest of the mur- dering thugs. At 2.45 o'clock this morning one of the alleged gunmen was caught in Riverside Cemetery, Humber Heights, near Dufferin Street and Roxaline Avenue, Weston, His companion escaped down Roxaline Avenue and js being pursued by constables with drawn revolvers. At 2.15 a.m, the police, as- sembled at Scarlett Road and East Drive, réceived word that the two men were hidden in the cemetery. In fifty cars, led by Chief Draper, they rushed there and circled in to search the graveyard, Two men suddenly ducked out from behind tombstones, One was seized and overpowered, but the other sped off in the darkness. By this time hundreds of citi- zens had followed the police. Of- ficers with revolvers drawn warn- ed the crowds back. As the second bandit escaped from the cemetery and disappear- ed down Roxaline Avenue the crowd surged in pursuit, Officers held them back while dozens of police officers rushed down the street in pursuit, The man arrested in the ceme- tery by the police gave his name as Harry Clarkson of Windsor. At 3 a.m. the police had him in a police car and were questioning him, No details were given the press as to what he sald, but it was stated that his companion, who fled, was a man named Brecken- shire, also of Windsor, EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Disney Offers ] For sale or exchange excel. Jent farm 150 acres, good buildings, ideal location, priced right. ' Disney Opposite P.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle amomalid COAL COAL Phone 108 Yard~-89 Bloop tweet B. Orders [PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Delived W. J. TRICK COAL .CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET POTATOES Ontario. or New Brunswick 90 Ib. Bag, $1.00 Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. PHONE 203 FOR RENT 9 Room House E v er y convenience. Warm, two car garage. Excellent address on Sim- coe Street North, Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 Machinery Repaitin NOTHING TOO LARG NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Skop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 REPAIRING W. TCHFS OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tc'A the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and awa Railroads 20 Simcoe 8. Phone 189 ROYAL YORK Ys Tea Fekoe "he 28¢C At all Superior Stores HOUSE TO RENT 4 7 rotms per month $1 5. 00 : Dominion Clothing Co. tL 'King St. W. Phone 214) Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established . 12 SIMCOE ST. 'SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price ... Chevrolet Coach, 28 model ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe Street South Ye CAREW Lume R © BRINGING up FATHER 4 1 EVER SAW- Fr wor wouD REQUEST THE MAID TO CLEAN LP YOUR ROGM- SHE 1D THE LAZIEST WOMAN REQUESTS VT? | FLL DEMAND IT- LEAVE \'T TO ME- PLL POUT NER IN HER PLACE RIGHT Now - OH PARDON ME - MAY | HAVE THE BROOM? | WANT TO 12./2 100,10 Prt rif ar IP YOU DON'TQ\T ) OUT OF HERE. I'LL --------

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