Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Dec 1930, p. 5

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- - LL 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1930 PAGE FIVE "omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social & Personal | Captain Boyd, Lieutenant Connors, Flig| Manager O'Brien were guests of and Mrs. E. C. McCrohon, Ir. sday evening after attending the awa Winter Garden. Other ests: present were Miss Norma White. Toronto, Misses Nellie and Rose" Reece, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jacobi, Miss Gladys White and Mr. Lisyd Thoms, The supper dance at the Hotel fFenosha, gaining in its popularity, ittragted about twenty-five couples last evenng. Sam Collis and his orchestra have been obtained by the management and are providing sxcellent music, for the dancing, svery Friday night. Mrs. Ashley, 330 King Street East, entertained. the members of the "Stalter Y" at her home on Wed- nesday evening. Miss Velma Harris, the president, extended a vofe of thanks to all those who had assist- ed with the rummage sale held re- cently. During the business session it was decided that the girls would hold 'a Christmas Tea'at: the home of Mrs. Stalter, 162 King Street East on Saturday, December 13th, Mrs. Bird opened the worship service with a short prayer, following which Miss Harris gave an interesting Christmas reading. Accompanied at at piano by Mr. Treneer, Miss Violet Clarke sang a solo, Miss Madeline Tooley read a Christmas poem, Misses Clara and Ruth Peever ren- dered a duet and Miss Gladys Oke read the scripture lesson. Miss Fern Ledgett played a piano solo. "Come Ye in Every Valley" from the Mes- Visit Cur Store AND SEE OUR LINE The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE 8T. 8. BEAUTIFUL KIMONAS In Beacon Cloth, Padded Silks, Pure Wool and Flow- ered Wash Silks. LAMBLE'S Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1 0 Guaranteed firsts ° ATKINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 134 Simcoe St. South siah, was the. title of the solo sung by Mr, Treneer, Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Mrs. J. F, B. Livesay, of Toronto, is entertaining a number of friends on Sunday afternoon at her home in Toronto. The guests will be en- tertained by hearing Ukranian Folk 'ongs sung. Mrs. Livesay is known in literary circles in Toronto and Winnipeg and has translated many of the Ukranian songs into English, "fr. and Mrs. Gordon Conant of Osh- awa, will be among her guests to- orrow. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman, Miss Elgie Hardy and Mr. Robert Saunders were among those who at- tended the Shriners' Ball at the Royal York Hotel, Thursday even- ing. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Werry, Col- borne Street East were receiving the congratulations of many of their friends yesterday on the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniver- sary. EVER READY BIBLE CLASS The annual election of officers took place ati the last meeting of the Ever Ready Bible Class held in the Sim- coe Street United Church on Thurs- day evening. Miss M. Luke was elected honorary teacher; Mrs. Rus- sell Perkin, teacher; Miss Ethel Warne assistant teacher; Mrs, Find- ley will be .the president, Mrs. Har- per, 1st vice-president, Mrs. Bigwood secretary, Mrs. Bowden, correspond- ent secretary, Miss Kemp treasurer; Mrs. Boddy, assistant treasurer. Mrs. Gay and Mr. Curtis are to be the Missionary Convenors. Mrs. Holt. Mrs. Hawley and Miss Harvey the relief committee; Mrs. York, Mrs. | Bull and Mrs. O. Willson the mem- 4 bership convenors; Mrs. Wesson and ¥ rs, Powell the floral convenors; | Pianist is Mrs. Bartlett; Press Re- | porter Mrs. E. Cook. All reports of various committees were received at this meeting and all met with satis- faction. A presentation was made to Mrs. O. Wilson of a Life Member- ship in the Women's Missionary So- ciety, by Mrs. B, J. Gay, Mr. Gay and Rev, J. S.. I. Wilson were pre- sent at the meeting and each spoke briefly. Mr. Alger, local superinten- dent of the Children's Aid Society, was present and thanked the mem- bers of the class for the help given by them to the Shelter during the year, Mrs. Perkins read many items of interest from the new constitu- tion, A delicious supper was served by Mrs. Rundle assisted by the mem- bers of her group. Grock, the famous clown, whose real name is Charles Adrien Wettach, has retired from the stage after mak- ing a iinal appearance at the Scala Theatre in Berlin, Germany, and will make his home at San Remo, Italy, where he has 1 beautiful villa, Does Your - Then your kidneys are Back Ache? out of order Is and you need Gin Pil Gin Pills stop backaches by acti dneys directly on the ki and the blad- der. They soothe, heal and strengthen the Get Gin Pills today at your 50c a box. National D nds who flamed 4 in 'Pills enthusiastically used Gin them. st, and Chem- ical Company of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Loi Ay N PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS A Basket Full of Eggs is a Bag Full of "Nickels An is worth five cents--an 5 that la; lays A hon thas in the mint » HEN THAT LAYS hd nh THAT PAYS iam. iz fey Pratts and lots of them ogg os fT 121b. LL "Dicken" --just wa. If your the equiva- le) Fab mon EGG MAKER Pail in or on Yow Tock doe dein, EGGS WORTH A NICKEL EACH {1s TeLTR by i REGULATOR #/ MAKES HENS LAY MORE EGGS" : If your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct PRATTS POULTRY BOOK Filled with Valuable Information--FREE PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA, LTD, 328 Carlaw Ave., Toronto, Ont, 5 WF ¥ OF Use CHRISTAS GIFTS FOR FATHER It is often the hardest gift problem of all to solve--get- ting a suitable present for father, and very often we leave it until the last because we just 'can not make up our minds. Marianne went shop- ping this morning and has some suggestions to offer. For a long time she paused before the window in a furniture store for there were some smoking sets designed in walnut with fancy carved handles, and legs that would be nice for father and also look attractive stand- ing beside his favorite leather chair. She went inside and priced these but did not de- cide upon one because they were rather expensive. "Where shall I go now?" Marianne asked herself as she left the store, then she looked across the street and there was a place where they sold leather goods, suitcases, club bags, brief cases, purses, golf bags, leather jackets--everything in this store would be suitable for father. 'The sight of the golf bags made her think that fath- er had said he wished some- one would remember him at Christmas and give him a box of real good golf balls, and then too, he did need a new driver, just like the one he had broken. She could take his old one down and order a new one like it. That would be a lovely present and one father ould appreciate. In her travels about town during the busy morning, Marianne saw some of the latest books, that father would appreciate. In her looked for a long time at gloves, a scarf and some beau- fully monogramed handker- chiefs, Still she had not bought her father's Christmas present. Something for his of- fice! Well, that would be nice, but what? A fountain pen set, an etchng or picture, a leather cushion for his chair, covers for his telephone directory,and memorandum book, there were ever so many things she could think of that father would like to have for his office, Poor Marianne, it was near- noon when she got on the street car to go home and then she had no present for her father. Her only parcels con- sisted of some sheets of tissue naper to wrap things in and some ribbon and cards... How- ever she had seen a lot of things and could thing about them when she got home, and would probably be able to make up her mind in a short time, Perhaps some of the things that were suggested to Marianne will be of assistance to you. - LJ] Ld * Ld . * LJ * * - Ld * . » " Ld * * * Ll 0d * * . Ld LJ % . * * * » LJ . Ld LJ » LJ . * » . v LJ LJ . . LJ . LJ LJ Ld " Ld Ld . Ld . . LJ] \d LJ LJ . LJ . . LJ * . * . * * » " . . * . * * + » * 8 kK 5 & 6 4 4» x HOUSEHOLD HINTS If soup is too salty, slice a raw potato and drop it into the liquid; boil up for a short time and the salty flavor will disappear. The potato will still be good for use in some other dish. linen by pouring boiling water through, before being wet with soapy water. To remove car grease wet the spot with gasoline and rub with good hard soap and wash in usual way, To clean ink stains from fingers rub with a match. then wash in soap. CHRISTMAS PUDDING One cup of finely chopped suet, one | cup sugar, ome cup milk, tow tea- | spoons soda, (level) one cup of chop- ped raisins, one cup chopped figs, 4 pound mixed peel, 2% cups of flour, % teaspoon cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg Steam or boil thre¢ hours. THE REWARD million little feet? Do you see the silken swirl wings against the sky? Do you sense the mingled murmurs from the trail or crowded street Where the millions you have res- cued hurry by? of Plodding feet of hucksters' horses beat the measure of the song, Weary dogs and homeless tabbies lead the way, As they come before the people who have labored for them long-- Who have been their benefactors night and day. And for those who did the saving, did the binding, brought the food, Write this message of the Master, fair and free, As He said to other peoples when He taught them to be good-- "As ye do it to these weak ones, so ye do it unto Me." --Abernethy Brown. What New York Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern Small girls are never too small to be smart, Style consciousness it would seem begins at the cradle these days. Today's model would even bee n- vied by older sister. It's so thoroughly chic. It could only have come of French origin. It has the fashionable diagonal scams through the hipline. At each lower point, the skirt is laid into an 1 inverts! plait, which creates the all- around wide box-plait effect. It's all so simple to make. The bodice cuts in one until it joins the skirt, The collar and cuffs are charming in dainty scalloped outline. In the original, pin dotted forest green wood crepe was chosen. White pique fashioned the collar and cuffs. Style No. 2869 is designed for girls of 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. Covert cloth, wool jersey, tweed and tweed-like cottons are lovely for this model, Size 8 requires 134 yards 54-inch with % yard 35-inch contrasting. Our large Fashion Book shows how to dress up to the minute at very little expense. It contains most at- tractive Paris designs for adults and children, embroidery, Xmas -sugges- tions, etc. Be sure to fill in the size of the pat- tern. Send stamps or coin: (coin pre- ferred). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. Berry stains can be taken out of | Street Address 3 Prov. | Ra ad tlantic City is always 66: ' | ar in season Do you hear the happy pattern of a | ing. h-vigorous! One of she Finest Hotels + In Atlantic City For a week or a week-end enjoy the luxury of the finest appointments without exorbitant price. Booklet, Write or wire for reservations. B50 ROOMS ~. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN SEA WATER BATHS C. V. MEEKS, Mgr. A.C. , Pres. | j| SIMCOE STREET WOMEN'S Wo men's Meeting MISSIONARY SOCIETY After a long term of service as president of the Women's Missionary Society, Mrs. B. J. Gay, gave over her office yesterday to Mrs, Adair, following the report of the nominat- ing committee, who tor the past few months have been planning a new executive for the Society. Mrs, A, B. Creighton is to be 1st vice presi- dent, Mrs. W, H. Warren, 2nd vice president, Mrs. Andrew Harding re- cording secretary, Mrs. W. E. Snow- den, treasurer, Mrs, H. James, Cor- responding secretary, Mrs, N, Johns envelope secretary, Mrs. B, J, Gay strangers' secretary, Pianist, Mrs, George Fleming, and press secretary Mrs. T. C. Young. Mrs. M, Stevenson moved a vote of welcome to the new president' and an expression of appreciation for the past services of Mrs, B, J, Gay. Mrs: H. S. Dougal, wife of the former pas- tor of Simcoe Street Church was present at the meeting yesterday and gave a pleasant address entitled "Christmas Thoughts," Miss Lois 'Mundy gave a reading, Mrs. Stuart Alger sang a solo, "The Birthday of the King", The name of the solo sung by Miss Marion Ross was "Come Let Us. Adore Him". A delightful talk was given by Mrs. W. H. Warren. Tea was served at the conclusion of the progranmygpne. This meeting was in charge of*Mrs. Charlie Lander and Mrs. Warren, KING ST. W.M.S, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of By Success is seldom won by luck; "Tis chiefly the reward of pluck, =0Old Mother Nature. The young Muskrat who had twisted off a foot and left it in a cruel steel trap was at first so happy In being free that he didn't give much thought to that lost foot. He followed his father, Jerry Muskrat, straigh home to the big house in the Smiling Pool, which he entered by diving and swimming through the long, un- derwater hall. Oh how good it was 0 come up inside 'where he was safe from all enemics. On a com- fortable bed of dry grass he first gave real attention to his injured leg. It ached, did that stump of a leg. Yes, indeed, it ached. But the ache was not so great as it had been when the leg was held fast in that dreadful trap. He gent- ly licked it to get it clean. Pres- ently he went to sleep. You see, he had had no rest or sleep for so long that he was quite used up. Oh how good it was when at last he awoke to fiind that he was safely at home at that big King Street United Church was held in the school room Thursday at 3 p.m. The retiring president, | Mrs. H. Barker, presiding. This | being the last meeting of the ye.. a large number were present an enjoyed much the Christmas pro gram that was presented. After the opening the minutes were read and reports of different secretarys were given. The Strangers' Sec- retary reporting 47 sick and 9 hos. pital calls during the last month, The treasurers report was also very encouraging. The newly ap- poinied president, Mrs, C. x. Lragg in a rew well chosen remarks, ask ed for co-operation of the society for the coming year and as the group system had proved to be the best method of working, a number volunteered to act as leaders for the coming year. A vote of thanks was tendered Miss Jackson's class for their generous gifts. The du- clety decided to take charge or as least two prayer services during the year. Then followed the pro. gram which was in charge of Mrs, Ferguson's group. Farrow and Mrs. Dunn; a reading by Miss Velma Harris. Scripture lesson and Xmas story was read | by Mrs. Ferguson; prayer by Mrs. | Cook; reading by Mrs. Brooks: | violin and piano, Mrs. Forrester and Mrg, Ferguson. | all who had been fzithful during the past but who were giving over their work to new officers and taking on new duties for the com- | ing year. The service was brought | to a close by singing and prayer | | by Mrs. Smith, ALBERT ST. LADIES' AID SOCIETY The anntal business meeting and election "of officers of the La- dies' Aid of Albert St. United Church was held in the Church par- lours on Thursday evening last. The meeting began with a dainty supper, to which a large and rep- | resentative gathering of the mem- bers sat down at 6.30 p.m., after which the business was promptly conducted by the president, Mrs, D. Cameron. The reports of the work as pre- sented were highly gratifying, rep- resenting as they did, a very large amount of patient and earnest ef- fort on the part of all and closing out one of the most fruitful years, | financially and otherwise, in the | Society's history. The election of officers was con- ducted by ghe pastor, Rev. 8, C. Moore. At her urgent request, the retiring president, Mrs. D. Camer- on, who has served the society in that capacity with great accept- ance, cfficiency and devotion for eleven years, was reluctantly re. Heved of the responsibili- ties of the office after fit. ting tribute had been paid her faithful services hy the sister end others. The efficient work of oth- er retiring officers was duly ap- preclated and acknowledged, viz.: Mrs, W. J. Coatwell, vice pres.; Mrs. 8. Carleek, treasurer; Mrs. E. 8. Holland, pianist and Mrs. G. W. Burdge, cor. 800, In the selection of a president the society was favored and for- tunate in their whole-hearted choice of Mrs. J. A, Bickell, a mem- ber being highly qualified for the position by natural gifts, together with many years of patient and pains-taking service in the ranks. Other officers elected were: -- house in A duet by Mrs, | Mra, Crozier ! on behalf of the society thanked | the Smiling Pool. At first he could not remember what was wrong . Then the ache in that that stump of a left front leg | brought it all back. ¥or two days «| "no did not even try to go outside. | Mood was brought in. He didn't | need much for he had quite lost hig appetite, All the time 014 ,Mother Nature was at work heal- ing that stump of a log. He wan a healthy young Muskrat and f1t was surprising how rapidly the healing went on. ' When at last the young Musk- rat did venture out he did not relize at first how crippled he was, He could swim without difficulty for there was nothing the mat { ter with his strong hind feet and their partly webbed toes and there was nothing the matter with his tail wherewith to seull. It was when he came to the first landing and started to climb out that he realized something of what was to be for him thereafter. ing but one forefoo t and stump, which was not yet | healed, he could not get out | that little landing. He had hunt another that was lower Jerry Muskrat saw him. mind" said he, "Thing Hav- that fully on low Mrs. M. Mrs. Vice-Pres. Secretary | elected). Treasurer-- Mrs, Planist--Mrs. 8. Carleek. Cor. Sec.--Mrs. S. C. Moore. Flower Convener-- Mrs, F. Williams (re-elected). | Under the aggressive leadership of these officers together with that {of the various leaders of groups | into which the members have hoen divided, and the cheerful co-op- eration of all, another successful year is fully assurred. Hodgson. Lewis (re F. Stirtevant J. CHRIST CHURCH CONCERT A very successful concert' was given under the auspices of the Christ Church Men's Club last even- ing. The Hall was filled. The pro- gram commenced with moving pic» tures by Mr. V, Bailey. After this characterictures of various members of the club were thrown on the screen Some were very amusing. The program that followed was ex- ceptionally good. Mrs. R, 8. Wilk- inson, Baritone, Mrs. Gill soprono Mise Iris Alcock, elocutionist, Mr. G, Cameron, comedian, all of To- ronto; Mrs. Carrell, Mrs. T. C. Corah of Oshawa, assisted. The success of the evening is due to Mrs, Bailey's unfailing efforts, CENTRE STREET WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION The Women's: Association of the Centre St. United Church met in the school-room of the church on Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. Johnston, the president, wag in charge, The meeting was open- ed wit prayer by Dr. Fletcher, Re- ports were heard from the Secie- tary, Miss Samells, and the treasur- er, Miss James, The Flower Com- mittee Convenor, Mrs. H. Kelly re- ported having taken several bou- quets to the sick during the past month, Reports of the year's work by the different groups, though still incomplete, were very encour- aging. Proceeds from the banquet held on Wednesday evening were also satisfactory. The Association decided to carry on their work hy group organization as in the past year. A considerable sum was vot- Thomion W. Burgess life | to | 'Never | much worse it would have been to have lost your life." The young Muskrat was almost ready to doubt this as he lost his balance while climbing up on a log, but when he remembered the boy with the stick lifted to kill him he decided that after all it was better, much better, to be alive. He soon discovered that he was badly handicapped if he tried to fight with any of his compem- fons and so he took pains not to quarrel with them, He discovered that he could not run, so he sel- dom went more than a jump from the water. He found that he could not dig as he had dug once upon a time so he no longer tried to dig up roots for foot, but hunted more for other food. Altogether, however, he got along surprisingly well for one so crippled. Fortunately he was seen by Farmer Brown's Boy. After that there was always plenty to eat where he could easily get it. So he grew strong and hig and more and more clever in getting about on three legs. But always he re- membered the deadful legson of the trap and never once did he forget to look carefully before putting a foot down anywhere. Even when there was no reason to think that there might be traps about he was just so careful. . Jerry Muskrat used to notice this and grin, but he took care | that the young Muskrat shouldn't see him do it. 'He'll live to be oll and wise," said Jerry to Mrs. Jerry. "It was a dreadful lesson, but it has made a new Muskrat | of him. Yes, sir, it has so. No- tice how ready he is to listen to | advice now. He was headstrong and heedless, but now he is cau- tious and watchful and suspicious. Never again will he be caught in a trap, nor is he likely to be caught by any of our enemies. He may he crippled so far as that leg is concerned but there is nothing crippled about his wits." It was so. In time that erippled young Muskrat proved to be smart- | eet of all the young Muskrats and was quite capable of taking eare | of himself. But he had paid-a | { dreadful price. Don't you think | so? | (Copyright. 19380, T. W, Burgess) | | The next story: "Farmer | | Brown's Boy is Angry." EE | Jed to be given to the Board of | | Stewards for church expenses. | When the business had been trans-| ated Dr. Fletcher was called upon | !to take charge of the election of | | officers, which resulted as follows: { Pres, Mrs. J. Johnston, 1st vice- |pres. Mrs. L. A. Koach, 2nd vice- pres Mrs. H Kelly, sec. Miss V, | Saments, treas. Mrs. E. James, press reporter Mrs. L. A Koach, pianist Mrs. H, Goodwin, flower committee, | Mrs. H Kelly, Mrs. W. Vice. The | group leaders appointed were Mrs, {J. McGill, Mrs. A. V. Drew, Mrs, H. | Ogden and Mrs, H, Wilson. | | The meeting was then brought to | a close with prayer by the pastor, | | Having a capacity of 5000 persons, Europe's largest apartment house has been completed at Vienna after being under costruction for {four years, Uniformity of acceleration and sav- | ing of wear on shoes are claimed for a new type of automobile pedal with roher instead of a flat button top, Although 50 per cent. of the French population is engaged in agricultural pursuits the normal production does not meet the domestic requirements. An Atlanta man has invented a letter sheet that is folded and sealed to form its own envelope when pass- ed through an electrically operated "1 had to carry my arm is a sling" NEURITIS After the Danish three-master schooner Doris recently went ashore at the mouth of the Tees and the crew of nine was taken off by the life savers of Hartlepool, England, the captain stated that he had dream- ed that the vessel would be wrecked, A letter opener has been invent- ed with a blade so narrow that it cuts only one thickness of an 'en- velope and protects its contents from injury, "..-and now for Dad's shirts!" Eleven cents extra apiece, added to the cost of your bundle, will take care of father's shirts now. This new service of completely finishing men's shirts, known as No. 6 on our list, is creating goodwill amongst our long list of regular customers and add- ing hundreds of new ones. Our success is due to the same good idea of using soft water, pure soap and many rinsings--and the economy made possible ow- ing to our very moderate charges. If, like so many housewives,, you are "bud- getting' these days, 'phohe one of our young ladies and allow her to explain to you the differences fn our six family wash - services--or stop any one of our courte ous driver-salesmen, 434 Simcoe St. South So EE AUTY | begins well below the skin | | A clear skin is the outward surface. and visible health, without which there can be || no true beauty. Milk is 4 | sign of perfect one of the most important {i factors in the creation of [| true beauty, and is so rec- | machine, Applicants for an automobile driv- ing license in Great Britain are now required to sign a declaration of phy- sical fitness. The Government of the Union of Seuth Africa will aid merchants in the enforcement of agreements made with those buying on instalments, On his first birthday, recently cele- brated at Gordon Castle, near Aber- deenshire, Scotland, Lord Settring- ton, son of the Earl of March, was presented a rocking horse and an en- graved gold watch by the tenants, ognized by beauty special- \ ists all over the world. | Insure the permanent bloom of perfect health. Drink More Milk TILLIE THE TOILER RAE Eg simi SermreTreS------ MAC'S A HALF BEFORE WE werRe ENGAGED 4 HE WAR ALWAYS ON "THE DoT HOUR LATE - (© AT LAST HE'S HERE. | NEVER THOUGHT \'D SEE THE TIME I'D \EYT ini I ---------------------- NEXT WEE \'M GO| FOR ™ME moss 5 HIM KERR ME WAITING BE TOO HARD ON Mac - HE MEANS SEW OR. HEAR OF i A WASH ING "MACHINE AGAIN " 1990, King Features Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain nights reserv: TMIORKED ALL AFTERNOON ON My \WASHING -MACHINE , AND TRY tv - IT'S GON A BIG SUCCESS - WAIT 4 BE AND SEE

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