Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1930, p. 8

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f 'PAGE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1930 i Eastern Ontario News | Navigation Closed Picton.g Navigation here closed when the Glen Allan retured from her trip to Montreal to tie up here for the winter, The Glen Allan has had a splendid season, carrying ap~ acity loads On many occasions. Rice Lake Frozen Bailieboro~ Lhe initial freeze up at Rice Lake for this season was Thurs- day night ,when the cold blue waters of the lake completely froze over} leaving a glassy surface which wo tempt any lover of skating. Trenton's Unemployment Trenton. -- $25,00000 will be spent the town of Trenton for Unem- fit Relief this winter, says The Frenton Courier-Advocate. ro-- Stirling ~Stirling has a prospect on hand of erecting a canning fac- tory, one hundred and twenty-five farmers attending an organization meeting, Picture of One OF the Family | Well dressed und well cared for, he is just an example 0s | | how much more you can do | .for the children with the | | money you save when you take advantage of our 1 PENNY SBAVERS 1 b0¢ lpana Toolh Pasle coe vvvrnes 39¢ / $1.60 Vacuum Bot- $1 19 . 1 | tle and Kit { 8 Cakes Vinolia 25¢ I 59¢ Castile ..... vs 76c Hospital 39¢ | 19¢c Cotton ... B0c Riker's Milk 19¢ | 9c | Magnesia ...... $1.25 Red Rubber Bath Sprays .... 25c A. B, 8, and C, FOF sevvuvioure $1.00 Regesan Fruit Saline s.evvvvee 50c Milk Magnesia Tooth Paste .. 0c French Balm OF oases: . 39¢ . | $1.26 Rexalarm Clocks . . . 98¢c | 25¢ Seldlitz Powders for eas 19¢ THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell id. J Phone 28 39¢ { Provide for Transients Belleville.~Through the generosity of business men, by donations of food and through the kindness of the po- lice department and the city coun- cil, the wanderers through the coun- try who stop at the police station for a night's lodging and to absorb some heat for their chilled bodies, will be cared for in a practical way. ~ Shoots Big Desy : Pembroke. ~To 'Albert DeBruge, of Timcap, goes the credit for shooting the season's best deer in the Red Horse Lake district, near Pembroke, Mr, DeBruge's prize weighed a little over 300 pounds and its antlers mear sured 20 inches across at the points, May Build Subway Morrisburg. -- The creation of a subway in Morrisburg to eliminate a level corssing is under consideration 4 railway officials, officers of the Highways Departmen. and the town- ship of Williamsburg with the like- lihood of work being commenced next spring. 3 Office Morrisburg. ~Work was commen- ed this week upon the erection of a new building at Morrisburg for the Department of National Revenue to serve as a customs office, the con- | tract having been awarded to Robert Beggs & Sons, Hallville, May Succeed Ferguson Brockville.~Report here associates the name of James A. Sanderson of Oxford Station, with succession to that seat in the Legislature represent ing Grenville county, which the Hon (5. Howard Ferguson, now High Commissioner of Canada in London, lias occupied since 1905, Forty on Relief Work Lelleville.--There are about fort | men a day at work on the relief un cmiployment program of the cit Charles Mott, city engineer, says. Start on Hatchery Cobourg ~Work began this weck on additions to the Northumberlan Fish Hatchery at Codrington whi will cost over $25,000, Employment will be given to 25 men who have al- ready been signed up for the work Ducks Plentiful : Picton~~The wild ducks are ver) plentiful at Pleasant Bay but as th stay far out in the water, it is dif ficult for the hunters to shoot these flect-winged birds. Though hunters One day a flock of ducks was seer in the lake which covered an area to the extent of about two acres. Planning Rinks Peterboro. -- With winter here, youngsters throughout the city soon will be busy building rinks on every aavilable empty lot. The firemen will be at the service of the boys to flood the rinks. Girl's Eye Injured Havelock.~Helen Bedford, a stud- ent in the local Continuation School, is suffering from a badly inflamed eye, sustained when a pellet slung from a catapult in the hands of one of one of the boy students struck the girl in the corner of the eye. First Atlantic Steam Crossing Built in Quebec in 1833 and Cana- dian owned, the "Royal William" was the first vessel to cross the Atlantic under steam power alone, To Our Customers CLOSED For The Winter Months We thank you for your patronage, which we again solicit when we re-open in the Spring. Any persons having outstanding accounts against this eafe, please send them in at once. THE CAPITAL CAFE 6!; King St. E. Oshawa, Ont. Success in business comes upon well directed care and attention. Success in build- supervision in Y| Quotations to poultry are many, bags are few and small | selecting the services of a re- liable lumber company, PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO VARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. : Produce Butter, dairy per pound 0,28 0.32 Do., Creamery, per pound ...oo000,, 0.40 0.45 Vruits and Vegetabl®ge Carrots, 6 bunches .. 0.16 Beets, doz. bunches .. 0.26 Onions, dry, 11 qt. DABKOL "+o erervises +00 O84 Do.. firsts, per doz. 0.50 0.66 Cabbage ....co000004 0.06 0,10 Cauliflower ......... 0.10 0.36 Spinach, peck ..covvr ooo 0.40 Mushrooms, per pound ... 0.70 Leaf Lettuco, three for ... 0.10 Head Lettuce. two for ... 0.26 Parsley, per bunch .. 0.06 0.10 Onions, bunch, three for ... 0.10 Eggs, extras, per doz. 0.656 0.70 Cress, three for ..... ... 010 Celory, head .....e4¢ ++. 0.10 Squash, each ... 0.16 0.35 Parsnips, basket see 0.50 Beets, basket . 0.40 Peppers, each .. 0.05 Herbs, bunch .,. 0.10 Radishes, bunch ,... ees 0.06 Oranges, per doz, .... 0.36 0.76 Honeydew Melons, each 0.26 0.40 vee 0.20 1.26 0.26 wee "re Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag . Cucumbers, six for . lemons, per doz, ... Bananas, per dozen, ,. Apples, bus, Do., Snows, 6 qt. .. Oranges, doz, Can, Green Peas, 6 qt. Eggplant, each (ireen peppers, basket Pears, basket Cranberries, qt. Sweet potatoes 6 lbs Pumpkins, each TORONTO I'IHODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the followipg prices: | Eggs--Ungraded. cases relurn. | ed, frosh extras, b9¢ to 60c; fresh ' firsts, ble to G2c; seconds, 32 to 206; pullet extras, 46c, Duter--No, 1 Ontario creamery solids, 80 to 30%¢c; No, 2, 29 to 29%e. Churning Cream special, No. 1, 30ce; No, 2, 27e. Cheeso--No. 1 large, colored paraffined and government graded, {14 to 14je. 3lec; shippers are ns follows PPoultry=---- Alive Belect MV, Fatted liens, over b 1be., each .... 19 23 Over 4 to 5 lbs, : OREN vv. .00s 18 20 Over 34 to 4 Ibs each Under 35 Ibs, ea. 11 Spring chickens, over b lbs. ... Over 43 to 5 lbs, each Over 4 to 4} Ibs. GReh . .u.0u4 Under 4 1hs,, ea Broilers, 11 to 2 the, cach .... Ducklings (white), over 5 Ibs, ea Over 4 (0 each Colored, Guinea fowl, pair Geeso and turkeys. market prices. Selling Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to rotall dealers at the fol- lowing prices: Eggs --Frosh extras, in cartons, 62 to 66c; fresh oxtras, loose, 62¢; | firsts, G2c; seconds, 38 to 40¢; pullet extras. 49 to b2c. Butter--No, 1 creamery prints, 323 to 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 2240 to 33¢c. Cheese--~New, larga, 17¢; twins, 174c; triplets, 17§c;: stiltons, 20¢, Old, large, 27 to 28¢; twins, 28 to 20c; old stiltons, 28e, Poultrye-- Dressed Chickens, 6 1bs up +... ow +8884 Do, 4 to 6 1bs, +..... .38-.32 Do.,, 3% to 4 Ibs. ..... .26.28 Do. 8 to 34 bs. «ess Hens, over 6 lbs. ,.... Broilers FE TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto 'Board of Trade are making the BATION following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat--No, 1 hard, 65% c; No, 1 Northern, 64%c; No. 2 do., 62%e; No, 3 do., b8%e (ec. i.L, Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats--No, 1 CW, 30%e; No, 1 feed, 28%e¢; No, 2, 26%e. Argentine corn, 76¢ (elf, Port Colborne), - Militéed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton $20.26; shorts, per ton, $21.25; middlings, $29.25. . Ontario grain Wheat, 68¢; barley, 32¢; oats, 29c¢; rye, 4be; buckwheat, 50c, TORONTO PROVISIONS Toronto provision dealers arz quoting the following prices to local retafl dealers: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 to 36¢c; cooked Joins, 48 to b2¢; smoked rolls, 34c; breakfast bacon, 2 6to 40c; backs, pea-mesl- ed, 44c; do... smoked, 44 to Soe, Pork loins, 24%e; shoulders, 19¢; butts, 22¢; hams, 20 to 22¢c. Cured meats--Long, clear bacon, B50 to 70 Ibs, 22¢; 70 to 90 Ibs, 20¢; 90 to 110 Ibs, 19c. Heavy- Joighi rolls, 40¢; lightweight rolls, Cc. Lard--Pure, tlerces, 16%e; tubs, 17¢c; pale, 17%e; prints, 18 to 18%e. Shortening -- Tierces, 12%e; tubs, 12¢; pails, 13%e. Specials pastry shortening-- Tierces, 15c; tubs, 15%e¢; pails, 16e, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Dee, 2.~No change was recorded yesterday om spot egg call, the undertone holding about steady, Janiliry refrigerator contracts opened with sale at 19%e¢, but soon advanced fraction- ally with Decembers to 19%e, | while latter sold at 20%e. Esrly strength stiributed to cold wave, but weakened on reports of rising temperatures, Apother factor which carried prices down was poor showing of daily four market withdrawals, The spot butter market gave evidence of much stronger tone, with advances ranging from % to 1%ec, Withdrawals from storage in the four market, were especially good and accounted for much of gains scored by January and De cember deliveries, Open commitments-- December eggs, 630; December butter, 259; v January butter, 294; December fresh butter, 1. Two market receipts-- Buiter today, 11,478; last yesr, 14,235." Eggs, today, 12,224; last yess, 4,865, Chicago spot market--Bulter, extras, 32%c; standards, 31¢; tone steady to firm, Eggs, firsts, 35 tO 26c; tone steady, Wite (trying on hats)--Do you like this turned down, dear? Husband--How much does If cost? 4 Wite--Eleven dollars. Husband--Yes, turn it down, "i ES -- be) 3 JOY ON XiiAS AND FOR A LIFE TIME... A y WASHER WITH RAISE &LOWER | si er -------- Ay FOR A BEATTY NEW BEATTY WASHER Copper Tub Standard Beatty wringer, Heavy nickelled copper tub, Slient enclosed mechanism. Buy now and save $15. Former price $169, Now selling $154, (Also made In Monel Metal, $164.) Price $154. Small down payment. Terms $7.50 +: month, § extras FREE. Porcelain Tub Standard, seamless porcelain tub. Now style wringer. Excel. lent value for the price, Smooth and silent in operation. Price $120. Smell down payment. Terms $7.50 nth. 3 extras FREE. A rebuilt Beatty washer, Rune and looks - like new. Fully gulrantesd, olly action. fast and clean. specially priced ue ashes Othérs at $69, $8.00 month, 3 extres The new Beatty with RAISE and LOWER BASKET brings you added comfort and convenience. Its handy FOOT PEDAL stops or starts the washer, and raises the BASKET with the clothes to within easy reach. The BEADED AGITATOR washes the most delicate silks and the heaviest of woolens and suds are kept clean by a SE into which all dirt drains. The ED TANK keeps th throughout the whole washing. der the basket DOUBLE WALL That is why the new Beatty is more than an ordinary washer. It is 10 years in advance of all others in de- sign and performance. These are exclusive Beatty fea- tures. Buy a Beatty and get life-long satisfaction. Price including choice of 3 extras $174. Only a small down payment. Terms $9.00 per month. No interest. 3 Extras Free Choose any 3 of our 10 wash- day extras. One very RoPuler set is the washing outfit: Tub bench and 2 square tubs. Another is the ironing outfits Electric iron, ironing table and floor rack. A washer is but one item in home laundry equipment. Complete yours with" these FREE extras. Be- sides those shown we have also the basket and the dryer. tly. The water ZONE un- e water hot live. Beatty. When Santa leaves a Beatty Washer in your home there is joy on Xmas y and for a lifetime. tty brings freedom from washday drudgery. It gives you more time to It protects your health, saves your clothes, and serves you faith fully year after year. Tell Santa how much you need a washer and he'll bring you a Beatty. For the Trade in your old washer on a new Beatty washers come direct from the factory and are backed by reliable factory service. original Canadian designs and are 00% Made in Canada. buy a Beatty you buy the best. They are When you SOIC N BEATTY XS TS ra A 1 K 72 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA & Open Evenings Phone 2082 MASON & D , Bowmanville ROLPH HARDWARE, Orono SANDERS ELECTRIC, Port Hope (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 CARNAGIE HARDWARE, Pert Perry JEPSON HARDWARE, Brooklin RICE HARDWARE, Whithy _ C. COOPER, Claremont MOORE BROS, Usbridge - F. H, PLEWS, Cobourg W. D. MORRISH; Highland Creek BALSDON, Pickering

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