PACE SEVEN 200 F ; ; 1 AY HE Te Pile tan ® au fn = © SRE hough warnings may be sadly You's fing them very seldom heed- =~=Oldy Mother Nature. ---- The more Jerry Muskrat Jought about the strange boy he pad seen around the Smfling Pool ind along the Laughing Brook, the more distutbed he became. Af- ter the boy had gone Jerry went to see what the boy had been do- ing. It didn't take Jerry long to discover that the stranger had been chiefly interested in such places as he and Mrs, Jerry and their children had been in the ha- bit o fusing as places of rest or on which to eat. This didn't make bim feel any more comfortable. Jerry went home and at the first spportunity when the children were gathered about he warned them. "Perhaps you have noticed." wid he, "a strange two-legged Several of the young muskrats admitted they had, but said that he was harmless. "How do you know?" demand- ed Jerry. 'Because," sald one young Musk- rat, "the other day I climbed out on a log right in frgnt of him be- fore I saw him sitting on the bank and nothing happened. He didn't even try to catch me." "He wouldn's," replied Jerry, "as long as he didnt have a ter- rible gun, But he may try to catch you in a different way." "In what different way?" asked the young Muskrat. "In a trap," replied Jerry. "What is a trap?" demanded all the young Muskrats together. "It is a terible pair of jaws that spring up apd seige you by the leg and won't let go no matter what 'you do," replied Jerry. Then the two-legged creature who put the trap there will kill you while the trap holds you fast." MR. D. H. POLLITT Vice-president and managing director of De Forest Crosley Limited, ra- dio f s, ti appointment of Mr. R. A. Harris as advertising manager of that com- pany. Mr, Harris was formerly di- rector of publicity. it," said ome of the young musk- rats. "I do." replied Jerry. He pull. ed his tall, that queer tail flatten- ed on the sides, around where they could all see it. "Do you see that little white line on my tail?" he asked. : All nodded. "That is where one of those terrible traps caught me when I was young and heedless," But none of these whispers reached Jerry and he hoped his warning would not be in vain. Nevertheless he continued to 'be worried. ' (Copyright, 1930, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "The Heedless- ness of Youth." ~ PICKERING Born, on November 19th, to Mr. and Mrs John Balsdon, a son, Miss Mary Douglas, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, A, and Russell Burrell, : Mr. and Mrs, John Murkar, and W. C. Murkar, spent Saturday In Belleville, with D J. and Mra. Callaghan. Mr, and Mrs. I. H. Hall left on Monday to spend the winter In residence there. Mrs. Sproule, Mrs Gage, Mrs. Morgan, of Toronto, and were visitors with Mrs, and Miss Fawk- es on Friday, Mrs. F, F. Balsdon apd infant son returned home on Sunday af ter spending a week with the former's parents, W J. and Mrs. Clark. Mrs. J. W. Blight, of Kingston, has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. M, Barrett The Wednesday evening meet- ing of the Young People's Society of the United Church, under the leadership of Mr. Cyril Morley, Christian Fellowship Convenor, was one of the most Interesting meeting that the Society has had this year. Mr. W. V, Redditt,, man- ager of the local Bank of Com- merce, gave a very interesting and appropriate talk on "Getting Money" He advised the young people, not to look upon money, as anything else -but a commodity, through which goods could be bought, and with which much good could be done. He warned them against the idea of getting rich quick, and advised them that ad- vancement and money ean only be attained by doing one's best in the work that one has set out to do. Armen Houyoumdjiam, gave his address on "World Friend- ship". With which he had won a prize in a recent oratorical con- test. This was followed by a dis- cussion on "What Constitutes a Good Citizen', in which a number of the young people took part. A duet was sung by Mrs. P. Sproule, and Miss Ida Sterritt A number of games brought the meeting to a close, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Nov, 18.--The Young People's meeting on Wed- nesday evneing was opened by the prsident, Mr, Jack Cator.~Rev, J R. Bick, from Hampton, spoke for a few minutes about the Training school in Bowmanville, Miss Edna Swallow, 2nd Vice-President, was in charge of the following pro- gramme. Bible reading, Leonard Jennings; devotional topic, Ross Martin; reading, Ivy Foley; topie, Ellen Gimblett; piano solo, Evelyn McKinnon; reading, Ruby Alds- worth; vocal duet, Dorothy Stev- ens and Winnie Lancaster, ; Miss Amelia Nicholls, Port Hope, has been visiting at Mr Milton Samis' home. Mrs. F. Swallow has been with her sister, Mrs. Burnett, Toronto, for a few days, Several from here are attending the Standard Training School, which is being held in Bowman- ville this week. Mrs. Harry Steeves, who has been visiting with her father, Mr Jobn Aldworth, left for her home in Timmins on Saturday. TOUGH PROBLEM . Sandy, the stone mason, was draw- ing $12 a day, but when his brother from the country asked him how he was situated he shook his hesd. "But your job's a good one, ain't it?" said the brother "Sure is," said Sandy, "How about the hours ?® "Short." "And the wah!" "Pleasant." "What's the trouble, then?" "The wages--that's the trouble" "But,~" "The wages, that's the trouble," growled Sandy. "They're so high, 1 can't afford to take a day off." ,The housewife. has the future prosperity of Canada right in hes shopping bag~--~Montreal Standard. No use cpying after nomination days. Now is the time to be inter. ested in civic affairs, -- Galt Report- er, > .", eh, _,e--_--_y 'reature around here of late." said he. "I managed to pull free but I was lucky. Yes, sir, I was lucky. I have seon a muskrat caught by a foot gnaw that foot off because he couldn't get free any other way. I have seen an- other twist a foot off." The young Muskrats shuddered. "I have seen a Muskrat caught so that he could neither gnaw his foot off nor twist it off. J] have seep him held for two days and nights before the trapper came and killed him, and every minute of that time he was suffering." Again the young Muskrats shud- dered. "These terrible traps, the most awful thing in all the Great World, spring at you from the very places that you have always found safe and where you are not looking for danger," continued Jerry. "Sometimes they are just = have brought better music to all the Dominion VICTOR'S TRIPLE TRIUMPH "You seem to know a lot about "There Is No Teacher Like Experience" Remember this when you need lumber. The cheap- est price is generally the most expensive in the end. For dollar for dollar value and absolutely dependable service we challenge all com- petition. Great Qudiv ICTORS 3 something very tempting is placed so that to reach it you will be cer- tain to step where these terrible jaws can jump up and catch you. Beware, my children, of traps, Be- ware. Beware." The young Muskrats lsoked at each other and some of them grin- ned, but they took care that Jerry should not see them doing it. "He's getting old and scary," whis- pered one to another. ""He's living In the past. 1 haven't seen any of those dreadful traps he tells about," whispered a second. ) "He's In his second childhood," chuckled a third. (Oshawa Lumber - COMPANY. LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. Nortk Telephone 2821-2820 Now, absolutely unlimited enjoyment from one magnificent acoustically engineered cabinet . . . yours to, command ! Radio performgance which brings to your home all the infinite enjoyment which broadcasting should give . . , record reproduction sur- passing even Victor's tonal supremacies of the past . . . and a thrilling new device enabling you to make your own records--all in the new Victor Radio Home-Record- ing Electrola. The greatest instrument of alll "Here's How I'm Fixed"-- VICTOR RADIO HOME-RECORDING ELECTROLA RE-$7 $397.50 Compilers with tabes "IF 1 lve to old age I'll be able to enjoy aw rest. "I 1 should die earlier my good wife have an income for life. "If accident or disease lays me aside permanently before I'm sixty or even for a period of three months or more, | get a monthly cheque until | get better. "If, later on, | urgently need cash, The London Life will lend me money. 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The cabinet is a gem of delicate artistry , . . compact . . . light + » » easily moved about -- it is the "intimate" radio of today -- the "personal" musical instrument, VICTOR RADIO R-33 Lowboy Console $247.50 VICTOR RADIO R.39 de haxe Highboy $283 Both complese with tabes "The cost? Why, it actually works out a yc Svein i o year lor A protec. bn ERA de considerably. "It seal is different snd I'm THE NEW HOME~-RECORDING 'Electrola VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CARADA LIMITED=--MONTREAL VICTOR RADIO R-15 18s Complete wilh sabes R10 Scveen-grid, Battery-operased f140 Imclading robes & Insurance Gompany "Canada's Industriel-Ordinary Company" HEAD OFFICES - LONDON, CANADA Policies "Good as Gold" HORTON, E. L. DILWORTH, District Representative, [4 14% King St. E., Oshawa BR Aree AE SES DIS