Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Nov 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1930 PAGE NINE = JHE CLASSERIE meets Mr D SECTION . Seller "o00s\3sow0 BARRIFTERY lieitors. Housies Publis. Bte erasilag genus Prac Be of Law. Offices 7% dimeoe 5 Sm TAL Tot nis B.A. LL.D es MN BINCLA Y., of Commerce Building, 'MANGAN, ristor Solicitor, Notary Publte Sonveruncer, topey io loss. OF Rag King St gat, Jsbawa Phone 4 ResiCence phone $37 FY) = CREIGHTON AND Feosur, Barristers, Conveyancers, S2aries Publie, ete. Office over Standard Bau Entrance Simcoe cos Bt. Ph 12. 4. F. Grisrson, K.C.,, 7. K. Creighton, B.A, N Fraser, B.A, I'I8 8 HYMAN, B Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Btore. Money to losn 16 Simcoe street oorth, Phone 67. Res! denve 3473W "ER AN ! 8 BAR- vistars. Solicitors, ete. 24% Sim- coe St. N Phone 3160. Money to Loan, ALE¥ C, HALL 2A, BARRIS ter, ets. Conveyaroipg and general practice. 23% King Bt, East Phone 3237, (fr) A. J. PARKHILL BARRISPER ete. Money to lean. Alger Bldg op posive Prst Office. Phone 1614, FRANK 8. EBBS," 7 BAARISTEN Solicitor, Notary ublie, Convey ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bu.Jin , opposite Poa Office. Phone 2990. Medical Dental DR, £ J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas estraction. Nurse 10 atiendsnen. Phone 969. House DPR H north, over Mitchell's Ga' for extraction. DR JF. BROCK. ENTIST, Simcoe St N, over Dewland's Phone 1267. Res 202W. Evenings by appointment. PR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES Dencists, 37 King St. B. Special attontion to raction ane X- ray work. urse 1p attendanre Foner 1243 and R64 con Drug Store eo 64. C. xT MADAME BROWN, PALHIST 93 Louisa Sreetft business private, (Nov, 22-1 mo) Phone 2636F, Optometrist 0 B TOOK, OPTOMETRIST specialist in mascle anomalies eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Kye Strain, [de Chile and Its Development. Dis oey Block opposite Post Office Phone 1510. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Undertaking LUKD BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance. Residence 642 Simeoe street, porth, Phone 210J and 210W OSHAWA BORIAL CO. M, V Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4te DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney plock. Phone 2050. Of fice hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm Dr. , J. Hazlewood, speciai attentirn E Surgery and X-Ray Dr B Harper, special attention to chllo- ren s Diseases and Obstetrics Sup day and night calls 2416 or 122 DR _McKAY PHYSISIAN, SUR geon, Aecoucher Office and resi: dence King St. East, corner Vic toris St, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY. PHYSICIAN Surgeon. Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1165, Insurance DAVIS AND EON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old H. |est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE repsult R. N Johns, 50 Simcoe asorth. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected, CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER writers, Automobile insurance pol icy holders received 25 per cent refunds past eighteen years Agency Germond Cigar Store. Open evenings. (Oct. 27-1 mo) Architects CC. BTENHOUSE ~~ GENERAL architectural work. 'econd floor Royal Bank Building Pbone 1496 ites. phone 909J. JOUNBON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe 3t. 8. Over Felt Bros. Work Wanted FURNITURE REFINISHED AND upholstered. Satisfaction guarane teed. Phone Whitby 549, Oshawa 2032), George A, Constable, (Nov. 6-1 mo) YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSI- tion, nursing, clexking or general office work, Experienced, refer~ ences, Phone 3446J. (123¢) R., GUTBOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and graining. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Avenue. Phone 3066W. (73tf) MIDDLE AGED LADY DESIRES housekeepers position, references. Phone 3446), (123¢) FOUNG WOMEN DESIRES GEN: eral housework Experienced. Phone 869. 123%¢) For Rent TO RENT--BEDEITTING ROOM with plano and kitchen, light, heat and gas, private entrance 20 Maple Street. Phone 799W. (128¢c) TO RENT-- FURNISHED COM- fortable, modern 6 roomed home, whole or part. All counyeniences 302 Division Street, (123a) BIX ROOMED NEWLY DECOR- ated, good locality, reasonable rent. Phone 2952J (123h) Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--BUILDING suitable for small knitting com~ pany to operate about twenty machines. Must have two thousand square feet floor space and good light. B, J. McCormick. ee (1204) BUSINESS GIRL, PROTESTANT, desires, 2 room furnished flat, cen- tral, or first class room with home privileges Box 21 Times, nn (122¢) WANTED AT ONCE--2 OR 2 nicely furnished light housekeep- ing rooms, Must be connected. Phone 19607 after 6. (132a) SET Building Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS, SAND AND grave! for sale--To farure prompt delivery, place 'rders ip advance of delivery date, W Borrowda'e Phone 1618. Radiv Service BATTER: i> CHARGED 70 with recta) $1.00 Iepaired ano rebullt. Called for and delivered Prompt service Stap Bligdon, 70 Mill St Phone 188LW (Nov, 25-1 mo) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE --RE pairs on radios, power packs anc elimipators. Tubes tested ano supplied, radio poles for ale iutteries charged and repaired none 34500 Charles Wales 146 Elgin East, (Nov, 14-1 mo) MOD els, expert service, prices reason able, batteries recharged 75c. Free radio service to battery customers Phone 2806W, George Burroughs, certified radiotriclan (Nav. 6-1 mc! For "Rent i = DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M L. R. C. P. and 8 Edinburgh Phy siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician Oft'ne 143 Simcoe St. N Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave, North. Phone 31656. DR | ARCHER gRUWN, PHYS) sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residen.e, I85 Simecoé Street North phone 3107 DR. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- riclan Physician and Surgeon, Special reference to maternity work and dis- sages peculiar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North Phone 303 R, W. GRAHAM, M.D, LM C.C., physician, surgeon, BA fan, 3 years' post graduate, Special attention to maternity work Oftice 142 Simcoe St, N, Office and resid- ence. I'bone 3020. (Nov, Ocean Tickets OCEAN TICKETS BOOKED FOR all lines by expert staff. C.P.R, o:- fice. 11 King BE. Phone 40 or 4) for private interview at your home. [] (Nov. 11-1 mo) 24-1 mo) Transportation 'ARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment "hone 83, CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders Local and long dictance bauling. Smith & Cos "hone 924, 10 Bona St. West, JSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB lished furniture movers. Park Road cartage. Loca) and long distance Frank Cowle Prop 66 Park Rd South Phone 215. (Oct. 24- 1 mo! Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR B. F, RIC HARUSON specialist. Office over Mitchell's Dru, Store Phone 2660 and 432) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop. Speclalists in permanent. finger and marcel waving. Per manent wave prices $5. $7.60 $1lv and $16. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2068. Apply 86 Simcoe street north BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PAS- sage at 39 Simcoe St. south. Phone 515 for a personal sinterview at your home. (Nov. 20-1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon SHIRLEY, ARIA Specialist Diseases hin Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (6 aug. tf) DR, W. D. FORSYTHE, V.5 honorary graduate of Ontario Vet: erinary College, seventeen years' experience. Fees moderate. Thorn ton's Corners. Phone 202 r 2 (1 Nov, 11-1} 11-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR F T BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his offive over Jurv & Lovell's Drug Store earch Saturday from 1 til) 4 p.m.. {or consvltation aud treat. ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97 Rates for Classified Ads First insertion -- 1% cents per word, Minimum charge for one {nsertion 80e¢. Bach subsequent con. secutive insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first Insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c¢ addi tional. Protesriong! or Busiuess Cards, $3.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a ove por month for eath ad: dittenal word Phone 35 18k for Classified Ad Department BRADY'S BARBER SHOP, 8 Richmond Street East, ladies' hair cutting, marcelling and finger waving, at moderate prices, Phone 936. (123¢) EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo. $1 Phone 2068 WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, b Celina St. We spec: talize in ladles bhalr cutting, mar celling, shanipooing, facials. Marcel 70 cents For appyintmnents phone 2658, (Nov, 18-1 mo) SIMCOE MANOR FOUR AND five room suites, e«iectric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conven! "nces. Apply superintendent phone 2671. (660 THREE-ROOMED BATH FLAT TO rent, all conveniences, unfurnished, newly decorated. 256 Ritson Rd. south. Phone 446-M (119 f) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- A new low rentals, electric refrigera tion. electric stove, washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superintend ent Phone 2533F (65t1 3 AND ¢ ROOM APARTMENTS modern to the minute Moderate rentals. Phone 1550 or 2347TW (871 FOR RENT--3 HOUSES, 1, and 4 rooms, good localties mediate possession. Apply Athol street east. (Nov. [} I'm 240 15-1 mo) OWNER LEAVING FOR FLOR- ida would like to engage small family to occupy unfurnished room place for the winter, Rental fees almost nothing to thn right party, Apply 282 Nassau St. 20e) TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKERP- ing rooms, every convenience, suit young couple, heated, 211 Clarke Street (122¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM Ot BED sitting" room, board optional, to business lady or 'couple; or two rooms for light housekeeping. 26 Warren Avenue, (122¢) FOR RENT--SIX ROOMED house, central, on paved street, All conveniences, Garage. Phone 1395J. (122¢) FURNISHED APARTMENT, three rooms, immediate possession 238 Golf street, Phone 1841M, (121¢) Auctioneer PHONE 716J, W. J, SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. §., Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to housghold furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited. Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, BXPERT Swiss watchmaker, ropair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- ronage is solicited. Money to Loan TOANS ON GOOD CI'Y PROPER: ty and farns. Apply A. J Park. hill, 37 King St. Kast. Phone 1614, (July 31-th) ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE CARS re-flnanced Paymeats reduced \dditional eash given. Terms rea. «onable. Motor Loans and Dis counts, Suite 2, 14% King St. I (upstairs). Phone 2790. Open even ings. (Aug. 15tt.) Hemstitching HEMRTITCHING, ~~ PICOTING nine cents a yard. Skirts pleated one dollar All kinds of beautiful embrpldery worke¢ goods, smock ng, ete. Alterations and drese 'making. The Dell Shop, 2634 'Sim coe south, phone 1666. (Nov, 24-1 mo) Music HERBBRT C TRENEER, ATC M., Organist and Cholrmaster c! King Street Church, will accept pupils in plano, pipe organ and vocal music. 60 William Strest East Phene 2896. . (Sept. 3 LEONARD RICHER, L.LRAM. SU pervisor of Music, 652 Carnegle Avenue, 2578F, (Aug. 25tf) ROOM TO LET--ALL CONVENI- ences, home privileges, suitable for 2 gentlemen, No other roomers kept, Phone 1511F, Call 143 Al bert Street (122¢1 FOR "RENT GLADSTONE Apartments. Modern three rooms with 38 plece bath, water, gas-stove, electric lights, hot water heating laundry conveniences, private cel lar. Phone 2604 W, evenings Gladstone Apartments, 12 Glad- stone Ave. (Nov, 25-1 mo,) FOR RENT -- FOUR SMALL houses, 4 rooms in each with garage, electric lights. Cheap rent on Windsor St, off Wilson Rd. Phone 2627W. (123¢) HOUSE TO RENT AT 230. GLID- don Avenue. Apply 136 Summer Street, (121e) Aticles For "Sale MIXED HARD AND 50k 1 WOO! labs. $3.50 per load. Also bone drv hodv wood Waterous Meek Limited Phone 288 (Anr 264 FOR BALE -- PAINTS, VARN shes. We have the largest sssort ment of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the city The Paint Store, 80 King gtreet west (Apr 25 t0) MOVING PICTURE MACHINE suitable for school, church or home. Box 7, Drougham, (122) --ONE MOFFATT electric stove and annex, $50, 207 Roxborough Ave. (123a) FOR SALE=DIAMOND ~ RINGE, signet Rings, Watches, Silverware on easy payments, Small deposit secures delivery, Dell's Jewellery, Simcoe St. South. Phone 1656 (Nov. 25-1 mo.) FOR SALE--DRY ~ HARDWOOD $14 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a ord, Norman Sanders, King St (last. Phone 1774M (Nov. 6-1 mo) FOR SALE--HARD AND SOFT FOR SALE 2645 wood slabs, also dry body wooed. Fred Bailey. Phone 398W. (Nov. 18-1 mo.) AN ELECTRIC WASHER, BEAT- ty Whitecap in first class condi. tion, Can be seen at 156 Centre Btreet, (121¢) Elocution LESSONS IN BLOCUTION AND nublie speaking, private or 10 'lasses For terms phone Lois lundy, No. 86 or 312 (Nov, Contracting "ORTRACTING CONCERTE lastering, electric or alteratione 'hone 139 for estimates 14-1 mo) |! (13tr ~ Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND @AND FUR niture bought and scid 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1817M wil 20-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE, "MATERNITY work. Excellent references, Mrs Borrowdale, phone 161¢# Nov, 21- 1 mo) Wanted To Buy WAN Th re TO BUY APPLES! ply 127 Verdun Road. (Nov, Motor Cars GIT YOUR CARR WASHED A) Jominion Garage, §8 Bond street west. Phone 81f8 All cars at one price $1.00, (Nov, 19-1 mo) FORD TOURING- AND TRUCK, mode 25, O.K. running order. A real buy, Cash. Phone 478, Whit- by. (122¢) Lost and Found LOST SATURDAY NIGHT, Ladles' brown kid glove, fur trim med Phone 2436J. (123a) LOST--COLLIE "DOG, BROWN with white markings, Tag number 236. Phone 912W Anyone found harbouring this dog after this notice will 'he prosecuted, (123a3 LOST--A PAIR OF HEAVY TAN leather English boots, between east end of Arthur street and 138 King east, on Arthur street, Osh- awa Blvd, or King street Return to 138 King street east or phone al], Reward. (123h) = Pegsonal "BLADDER, MANAGER, 106 Phone 2189M, TAP. 4-1 mn) MRS, I'rederick St 48 acres garden soll for sale along Room and Board BRIGHT COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent, board if desired, central. Phone 860]. (121¢c) Stocks For Sale VOR BALE-- FIVE THOUSAND shares prefered stock Feldspar Glass, 8 per cent. cumulative, Seven years due. Two thousand five hundred common stock Felds- par Glass. H. Libengood, 302 Divi- sion St. Phone 1579M, (122bh) Storm Windows it STORM WINDOWS CAVE FUEL, bring winter comfort, A user says "Winter was more severe than usual but with storm windows; we saved one third fuel" Another says, "I saved 2% tons of coa' with my win- dows." Another customer says, "Say- urged by delegates to the regular meeting here of the Vancouver, New Westminister and districts trade and labor council, in a resolution address- ed to the dominion and provincial governments. | TIME TABLE | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective 28th, (Standard Time) 2.3% a.m. Daily, except Sunday. , Daily. . Daily, except Sunday. A Daly. Daily, Daify, Y Daily. . Daily, se wR TS 88 a i except Sunday. except Saturday. NN oR § as L254 5333 3 BRg vstbound : Dally, ¢ except Fubar, . Daily, X Daily, , Daily, except Sunday. ww, ed about twenty per cent with storm windows." Hundreds of users say storm windows quickly repay their full cost in comfort and lower fuel bills, Halliday storm windows are delivered ready glazed. Write now for free price list showing low freight paid prices, Halliday Company Lim- ited, 16 Halliday Bldg, Hamilton, Ont. (Nov, 4-7-12-14-18-21-25.28) WHY SHIVER IN COLD ROOMS? STORM WINDOWS BRING COM- fort, save fuel, Get our prices for storm windows, Ready Glazed, Painted and with Hardware. We measure your windows free. J. W. Melley, 596 Christie St, Osh- awa Phone 2830W. 3 25-28-Dec 2-6-9-12-16-19) TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY Notice of Reglstrgjion by By-Law NOTICE is hefeby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of , Daily, except Sunday, . Daily, . Dany, , Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 25th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound 9.80 a.m. Daily, 3.00 p.m, Daily, 9.08 p.m. Daily, except 1208 a.m. Daily. 1.05 a.m, Dai Westbound 6.28 a.m. Daily, 7.21 a.m. Daily. 8.15 a.m. Daily, except Bunday, 3.23 p.m, Daily. 7.30 p.m, Daily. Sunday. GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 23th. 1930 (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto M. WM, P.M. P, M. a; 00 m7.3) 8.30 9.30 10.30 1.30 0.5% (5) 29.% 10.30 10.30 biL.oo East Whitby on the Third day of November, A.D, '930, providing for | the issue of debentures to the amount of $8,500.00 for the purpose of de- fraying the cost of constructing in| School Section No. 6 of the Town ship of East Whitby, and purchasing | furniture, furnishings, school appara- tus and other equipment therefor, and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry | Division of the County of Ontario on the 14th day of November, A.D., 1930 as No. 405. Any motion to quash of | set aside the same or any part there- of must be made within three calend- ar months after the first publication of this Notice and cannot be made thereafter Dated the 15th day of A.D. 1930 PAUL G. PURVES Township Clerk (117-123-129) Caulking {HOUSES CAULKED. ¥ORr BT mate and price phone 24231W, (Oct. _41- 1 mo) November, 14 FOR EXCHANGE -- DODGE 3 Coupe "Tor Truck, 1 to 1'3 tons. Apply 292 Vimy Ave. _ (123b) "Real Estate for Sale LYCETT SELLS FARMS -- (Two more farms exchanged) If you want a farm or house come In and lay your proposition before us--we can solve your problems 21 and feed, (122¢) with stock, machinery Price only $3200. "For Sale or Rent. TWO STORY COSY BRICK BUN- galow for sale or rent. Clean and newly decorated throughout with hardwood: floors. Phone owner 1586W, (123¢) Money Wanted WANTED--LOAN $3500. FIRST mortgage security. Address Box 22, T, Times, (123c) Apples For Sale APPLES FOR BALBE--1000 BAR- rels of apples for sale in baskets, bushels or barrels. One barrel or more delivered to Oshawa resi- dents. J. Pallock, Brock St. N., Whitby, tolephone 496, 1.3% m~Except bunday. a=Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only b~Sundays only. WHITBY OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 62am, 7 m. 72am, 7.20 a.m, 5 8.20 am, "8.20 a.m. 05 10.00 a,m, Arrive Hospital 10.45 p.m, Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 7,20 a.m. 8.20am, Leave Hospital 8 0 p.m, . 10, 1: m nm, 11.45 p, 215 HOLIDAY "sc Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bownenville Oshawa Whitby 9.00 am. 9.30 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY pr 11L.% a m. 2.3 p.m, ES p.m, 6.3 p.m. 8,00 p.m, 10.30 Cong Leave Oshawa Bowmanville , 10.15 am. 10.45 a.m, . R1Spm, 12.45 p.m, Jwpm, 3.30pm, 5.00pm, 53 p.m, 7.0 pm, 7.30 p.m, 8.15pm, B0pm. 9.00pm, 1045 pm. 11.00p.m, 11.30 p.m, I'imes marked * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. lal Busses for all occasions seohabls Rade and Careful Drivers A A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 348 Oshawa MH Fuene 3 Room, hg Prince Street 11.00 a.m, *2.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. *6,00 p.m, 7.30 p.m, 10.00 p.m. 6.45 p.m. ** 1 corder and Times $100. Some time ago she married Lim Fat Ching and she now has a five-months-old baby. Her husband is a Canadian-born Chinese, She attracted the attention of the immigration authorities when her foster-father brought action. against her husband on abduction charges. The charges were dismissed in police court but the girl was ordered de- ported, U. OF T. ENROLMENT IS UP 8.6 PER CENT. Toronto, Nov, 25. --~Inquiry at the registrar's office of the University of Toronto revealed that the enrolment for 1930-31, as shown in the recently compiled grand summary, is 7,189, an increase of 86 percent, over last year's figures, These new and fast trains the Canadian railways are taking the tra- vail out of travelling. --Erockville Re- on The DO-X is unquestionably a great airplane, but it seems to have to pause for breath with more than ordinary frequency.--Chicago Even- ing Post. ------ee-- re | Tailor-mede $25.00' | | Scotland Woollen Mills .. RUTISN, _Sanages - Bond Street, West, W.J. TRICK Lumber Co.Ltd. 26 / Ibert St. Phone 230-231 J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies. Apply 52 King Street East Phone 871, Residence 687W JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph. D Eyesight Specialist Phone 8213 EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always DEPORTATION 70 CHINA DEFERRED Delay Ordered in Case of Chinese Mother Brought (Nov, 4-1 mo) Furs Repaired FURS REPATRED-- FURS AND fur coats relined and remodelled, Experienced. Phone 632M 110 Huron Crescent.' (123¢c) WOULD CONSCRIPT INCOME OVER $50,000 Vancouver, B.C, Nov. script of all incomes in excess of $50, 000 a year, as a solution for the Na. 25.~Con- (Nov, 26-1 mo.) tion's unemployment problem, was to Canada Illegally Vancouver, Nov. Laird, counsel! for Mrs, Lin Fat Chung, 19-year-old Chinese mother recently ordertd d:ported to China by immigration authorities, announc- ed that he received a telegram from the department of immigration at Ot- tawa saying local immigration offici- als have been advised to defer fure ther action until the case is thorough- ly investigated, The telegram was in reply to one sent by Laird to Canada six years ago by her foster-father, Wong Chung Fong, who is said to have 25.--Alexander Machinery Repailing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 REPAIRING W..TCHRS OUR SPECIALTY If your watch fs not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. D.J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 King St. W. Phone 189 DISNEY OFFERS For exchange, 10 room brick house, fully modern, on highway, splendidly lo- cated for tourist trade, plenty of land for gas sta- tion, real money maker. Will exchange for two houses in Oshawa, Also acreage and farms to exchange for Oshawa prop- erty. Disney Real Estaie Opposite P, O, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anemalie eyesight snd glasses. 1516--~Phone--1516 Disney Block . Opposite Post Office COAL COAL Phone 198 W. J. SARGANT Xard--89 Hioor "treet B. Orders Promptly Delivered PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver HOUSE TO RENT 7 rooms per month $15.00 Dominion Clothing Co. King St. W Phone 218) ROYAL YORK Orange Te a Fekoe gs ig 28¢ pos Superior Stores Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner 1929 Chevrolet Dump Truck guaranteed to be in good condition, Ontario Motor Sales Limited 99 Simcoe Street South bought her from her parents for Dre CAREW LUMBER (© le] ST O YHAWA ne, BRINGING uP FATHER - WONT You Go TO THE OPERA WITH OS \ SAID NO AN THAT QETTLES (\T- NOW DON'T BOTHER ME = WHO KIN THAT BE AT THE FRONT BY GEO. McMANUS AR' YOU SAY YOUR BY JOVE! | WAS LOCKY To fIND YOu IN - WIFE AND DAUGHTER WENT TO THE OPERA- YES Some LU]! PEOPLE HAVE ALLTHE LLC |) VV WISH | HAD GONE WITH

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