Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1930, p. 5

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Er i. 1.iE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community | SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Ernest Green, Oshawa Bivd., is entertaining at bridge this after- noon in aid of the Oshawa Hospital Auxilary. A Bohemian party held by the students of the Ontario College of Art, Toronto, last evening was at- tended by a number of Oshawa peo- ple, athong them were: Miss Elsie B, Ross, Miss Mildred Hunt, Miss Ruth Lethbridge, Mr. Glenn Mundy and Mr, Joe O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin are entertaing about two hundred judges and participants in the Royal Winter Fair at "Parkwood" to-morrow afternoon. Among those who will attend the Queen's vs. Tigers' game this after- noon in Toronto, are Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Cannon, Mr. M. M. Hood, and Agnes Hood. Dean Falconbridge of The School of Law for the Province of On- .tario and Mr. R. R. Crowmarty, both of Toronto were visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. Robert Brown, Albert Street, entertained the girls of the Oshawa Daily Times office staff at her home at a shower given in honor of Miss Jennie Moody and Miss Ena Gough, Miss Yvonne Hazzlewood of this city who has been the guest of her sister Mrs, Gordon Myers, in Ottawa for the past month has returned to her home. Miss Vivian Davis, of St. Cather ines, a former pupil of Ontario Lad- jes' College, Whitby, was the guest Camp Physiological Supports For Post Operative Cases Maternity, ete., carried in stock LAMBLE'S ' Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 13% Simcoe St. South recently of Miss Margaret Anderson, Division Street, About thirty members of the Queen Mary Lodge No, 97 motored to Whit- by to attend the election of officers of Vimy Ridge Lodge L.O.B.A. held there Thursday evening. Sister Pal- mer of Whitby Lodge took the chair and was assisted by Sisters Simpson, Radeway, - Bro. Pritchard, Sister Lee and Sister Jackson of Queen Mary Lodge, Oshawa. At the conclusion of the business meeting the members of the Oshawa lodge acted as guest artists and sup- plied the programme, Sister Lee and Sister Simpson sang a duet, a piano solo was rendered by Sister Toms, a vocal solo by Brother Johnson, Sister Jackson played a piano number and Sister Prichard and Brother Prich. ard sang a delightful diet. A most amusing event was the" contest in which the sisters of Scotland, Ireland, England and of Canada competed against each other. The Canadian Sisters were successful, A lunch was served by the Sisters of Vimy Ridge Lodge. Group number 2 of Northminster Church, of which Mrs, Valleau is chairman, held a social in the church yesterday afternoon., It was decided at a short business session to have Rev, J. White of Ennis- killen come to the church next Friday evening and put on a pro- gram The program will consist of lantern slides, a lecture and some readings, The supper dance at the Genosha Hotel is becoming more popular each week. A large number attend- ed last evening, and danced to the strains of a new orchestra. With the dimly shaded lights, sup- per tables set around the dance floor and good music for dancing, it 1s a most enjoyable way to spend one evening of the week. A benefit tea was: held at the home of Mrs, W. Wallace, Agnes street, yesterday afternoon, under the auspites of Mrs, E Fleming's group of Simcoe Street Ladies' Ald Society, During the afternoon piano selections were rendered by Mrs. Bartlett, a vocal solo by Mrs. Foster Snowden, a reading by Miss Evelyn Trick, a solo by Mrs. Lesy, and a vocal number by little Miss Adele Bartlett, Tea was served by Visit Our Store AND SEE OUR LINE The F ashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. Indigestion Banished by Krusche: "1 suffered for some years from a bad "stomach. | used to feel very miserable after meals. The doctor advised me to take Epsom Salts, but it did me no good, I decided to try Kruschen and am now taking it, and have done for the past 12 months, land I am very glad to tell you that my stomach is now in perfect order, feel as young in spirit as I was 20 years ago, thanks to Kruschen" (W.B.). You know how badly an engine runs when.it gets clogged up. It's the same with yor body when your gastric--or digestive--juice fails to flow. © What you need is a tonic-- Nature's own tonic -- Nature's six mineral salts. You get all these six salts in Krus- chen. The first effect of these salts is to awaken the appetite. The next action occurs in the stomach, where and s : yl rom Lame Back and all Kid | the digestive juices are encouraged Pe ud T re- storing the kidneys to their norma acion'ol ering the poisons Frem 50c 2 box at your denggint's n to pour out and act upon the food Again, in the intestinal tract, certain of these salts promote a further flow of these vital juices, which deal with partly digested food and prepare it finally for absorption into the system, A > Ag ly, Ame ote Tot directions. bottles of 24 and 100--All druggists. LEE ES Aspirin Prompt relief from COLDS. +: .... SORE THROAT . . RHEUMATISM . . . LUMBAGO .... NEURITIS ..... ACHES and PAINS Does not harm the heart PIRIN proven directions. Handy OS TY SAR the hostess assisted by Mrs, U Jones, Mrs. Fourid, Mrs, Edmond- son, and Mrs, F, W, Turney, BAZAAR HELD AT CHRIST CHURCH Will Yield Goodly Profit to! Church Fund Christ Church annual Christmas sale of work and tea attracted an large crowd yesterday afternoon and early evening. Booths built for the occasion lined the three walls of the church, and were piled high with hand made articles for sale, The apron booth in charge of Miss M. Dickie and Mrs, Dayman, had over fifty aprons, all of differ- ent styles and colors, The fancy work, knitting and Dorcas booths were laden with useful and pretty hand made things, quilts, bed spreads, lingerie, babys' clothes and other garments, The booths were managed by Mrs, Andrews, Mrs. 8. Pike, Mrs, J, H. Cotting- ham, Mrs. Henry Pawson, Mrs H, Fennell, and Mrs James Nors- What New York Is Wearing | Simplicity retains favor with smart woman for general daytime wear, Straight slim lines mark this one- piece model, Grouped plaits at the front give generous width to the hem and give height to the figure. Don't you love the neckline with its cross-over bands and soft Jabot frill? It provides excellent theme for contrast and also detracts from breadth, In patterned crepy woolen in dark green colouring and lighter green plain trim, it is strikingly smart. Style No. 2806 may be had in sizes 36, 38, 10, 2, 44 and 46! inches bust. Size 36 requires 3% yards 39- fnch with % yards 27-inch con- trasting. Featherweight tweed in knitted diagonal weave in dark brown mix- ture is chic. The neckband and ja-! bot may be of self-fabric or of blending shade plain woolen. Canton crepe, flat crepe and wool jersey are suitable for this smart wearable model. Pattern price is 20 cents In stamps or coin (coin preferred), Be sure to fill in size of pattern, Ad- dress Pattern Department, Our new Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine is 15 cents a copy hut may he ob- tained for 10 cents If ordered same time as pattern, It will help you save on every dress and on the chil- dren's clothes too, It shows how to dress up to the minute at very little expense. No. 2806. Size ....... Name TREE + om 'Street Address WOMEN TEACHERS HOLD MEETING Organize Oshawa Branch of Women Teachers' Federation A small but very enthusiastic group of the lady teachers of the city met Wednesday night at Centre st. school and listened with interest to Miss Dobson, the Women's Teach- ers' Federation representative, She made everything very clear and the teachers present joined one hun- dred per cent, strong. She explain- ed many reasons why every teach- er should belong to the Federation and told of many benefits which they are still trying to bring about for the lady public school teachers. The following officers were elect- ed: Pres., Miss E. Holmes; Vice, Miss J. C. Storrar; Sec., Miss M. A, Wilson; Treas, Miss K, Dunbar; Executive, Misses V. Forsythe, Schnick, Smith, Kerr, Ross, Ford, Kaiser, Arrangements were made for the first social gathering of the new Federation to be held the first week of December, A vote of thanks was given Miss her Dobson by Miss Kaiser, for splendid address and her Interest in the organization, worthy, Candy in dainty baskets and boxes looked most tempting and was a partiuclar attraction to the school children who attended. The Christmas attraction for the boys and girls and even some grown ups, Run on the same plan as a fish-pond, it was one of the most popular cor- ners at the bazaar, Mr, Corah was in charge of the booth sponsored by the Men's Club, Tea was served during the whole afternoon at tables arranged at one end of the church Mrs, Humphrey in charge of this department is to be con- gratulated on the splend!d success of the tea, In connection with the tea room there was a home cook- ing booth, where Mrs, Broadbent and Mrs. George Alchin sold the wares, home cooked by the ladies of the church, The bazaaar, will no doubt yield a goodly profit to the church fund, Only a few articles were left un- sold, DOG BRINGS SUCCOR TO CRASH VICTIM (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Niagara Falls, Ont, Nov. 22--The incessant barking of a dog brought a farmer to a bridge, on a curve, a short distance from here. There he discovered Charles Freburg, of Nia- gara Falls, N.Y. pinned under his overturned car with his skull frac- tured and severe bruises, The man was immediately transported to hos- pital and is not expected to live, Hc is thought to have heen blinded by intense fog last night A drive against eel fishing with nets in Lake Neagh, Ireland, has been started DDD for skin disorders An active fluld that washes into the sick tissues. Clear stainless, its sooth. ing elements penetrate. Itching stops wm the instant--cruptions disappear. "he treatment has no rival. F. W. THOMPSON DRUG STORE 3 3 tlantic City is always t'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantlp City. ,, ell-ysur-touna 1 yasation ime! 7 sir--aporte-- food --relex- ation! ode week, or . snd, withus ,., you'llreturahomefeel- ingAt~fresh~vigcrous! ( RATES | American Plan Sivgle . . 8710 49 Dobie atest? In anor One of he Finest Hotels In Atlantic City For a week or a week-end enjoy the luzury of the finest appointments without exorbitant price, Booklet, Write or wire for reservations. 280 ROOMS ~. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN SEA WATER BATHS C. V. MEEKS, Mgr. A. C. ANDREWS, Pres, "city "Province Tree was another LADY SENATOR - ADDRESSES WOMEN "Women of 1830 and 1930" Is Subject of Hon. Cairine Wilson's Address (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont,, Nov. 20--All kinds of new avenues have been opened for women and the women with no fin- ancial means is no longer compelled to live the dreary life of an un~ appreciated drudge, declared Hon. Cairine M. Wilson, member of the Canadian senate, speaking today be- fore the Empire Club here on "Wo- men of 1830 and 1930," Mrs, Wilson said her own promo- tion came so casily that she felt she would like to give credit to the mem- bers of her sex who had struggled so long and courageously for those pri- vileges which were accepted natur- ally today, At the close of the sev- entecenth century women were brought up with the idea they were physically and mentally incapable of rising to the level of the men, "For thousands of years we have been obliged to accept a man made estimate of our capabilities," said Mrs. Wilson, " and to rely for rec- ognition upon Mis favor, Is it any wonder that each woman strove to supplant the other and we were ac- cused of jealously and strife? This is now past and those of us who have attained to a certain position must strive to show ourselves worthy." Mrs. Wilson traced the emancipa- tion of women in the realms of educ- ation, politics and personal rights down to the suffragette demonstra- tions early in the present century, The speaker paid a tribute to Mrs. Pankhurst, "We in Canada have obtained the vote with so little difficulty that I fear we do not sometimes value it as we should and I should like to urge every woman to use her ballot to the best of her ability, said Mrs. Wilson, "With many questions we have a more intimate acquaintance than men and already women's influence has brought about some needed social reforms." Despite the great opportunity for women, however, Mrs. Wilson said she scarcely thought the more highly specialized professions need fear serious en- croachment of the sex. enlargement of CHARGE THREE WITH CAUSING BLAST (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Guelph, Nov, 22--Three Eramosa township men, appeared in police court here Friday on charges of causing. an explosion in the property of Frank Daley of Eramosa in such a manner as to endanger property and human life; Lester C. Benham, a farmer is charged with conspiring, { Franklin Armstrong with purchasing | the fuse and Haig Demirdjian, with actually causing the explosion. Three pipes filled with blasting powder, were exploded by means of a fuse near Daley's house, police say. The three accused were not asked to eith- er plead or elect, but were remand- ed until Tuesday. Rallways in Ireland are abandon- Ing many branch lines. TEACHERS VEXED AT LOWER STATUS Reduction in Salaries Being Effected by London County Council London.--London's teachers have been notified by the London Coun- ty Council that on April 1, next, the grade of the schools will be reduc- ed with consequent reduction of salary, and the teachers are pro- testing against this, The notifica- tion has been sent to 171 head teachers. At a meeting of the London Teachers' Association where the proposed change was discussed a resolution was passed on behalf of the 16,000 members expressing the view that no down-grading of Lon- don schools should take place until) the whole question of grading had been considered. The mover of the resolution said the whole ques- tion of grading must be altered and the salaries of the head teachers must be stabilized. The London area should have special considera tion, he declared, owing to the pe- culiar circumstances which had brought about the transference of large masses of the population to outside areas. More than 100,000 children had left the London Coun- ty Council schools and gone to schools outside the boundary, It was unfair that head teachers, through no fault of their. own, should lose status and salary, One speaker said whether the teachers liked it or not they were going to be rationalized as other people had been rationalized. The Treasury had sald that they could not afford the money and salaries would have to be,cut. The resolu- tion was carried unanimously. LONG CRUISE BY PLANES IN AFRICA | Bombers Make Formation Flight of 7,000 Miles as Demonstration Khartum, Egypt.--- Three day- bonibers of the Royal Air Force have just begun a demonstration long-distance formation cruise of 7,000 miles through the immensi- ties of the Sudan and West Africa. The route planned for this, the most ambitious of the West Afri- can flights yet made by the Royal Afr Force, takes the formation over the vast Chad Territory, the North- ern Provinces, Upper Volta and the French Sudan to Gambia, the wes- ternmost point reached by the for- mation being the town of Bathurst, almost to the extreme west of the African continent, They are ex- pected back by Nov, 21, In the development. of. African aviation the service cruises of the Royal Air Force play an important part, Yearly the Force makes a service cruise in formation of four machines from Cairo to Cape Town, co-operating with the South Afri. can Air Force in special air exer- cises and doing much to blaze the trail for the regular civil air mail BLACKY THE CROW GUESSES THE TRUTH Seek and you will find each day Knowledge all along the way. --Blacky the Crow. Of all the people in the Green For- est none is smarter than Black the Crow, Indeed, few arc as smart, Cer- tainly among the feathered folk none is his equal. The reason is that Black is always ready to learn. He is smart enough to know that he doesn't know it all; that something is to be learned every day even by the wisest and the most clever, Blacky had taken no part in the excited search for the urfseen singer in the Green Forest. From the top of a pine-tree he had watched all that went on. At first he had been quite as much puzzled as anyone by that strange song. He noticed at once that Peter Rabbit didn't seem at all curious about it but appeared to be enjoying tle perplexity of the others. "Peter was right when he said he had heard a strange song over here, and now he has found out who the singer is," thought Blacky. "He got us all over here so as to laugh at us, 1 notice that scamp, Whitefoot the Wood Mouse, disappeared about the time that song is heard and that it seems to come from near where he disappears, It seems to me that when I first started out in the Great World my mother told me something about Whitefoot's family, Let me think. Let me think." Blacky didn't have to think long. It suddenly came to him that he had heard that a Wood Mouse sometim- es sings, Never having heard one sing he had forgotten all about it until now, Blacky's eyes twinkled, He said nothing but kept his eyes on Whitefoot, Presently Whitefoot dis- appeared in the hollow top of the old stump when the others were looking . This flavour will please / you more than any other "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' 7 elsewhere, At once that song was heard again and Blacky knew that jt came from the top of that stump, The others thought so too at first, but when they discovered no one there but Whitefoot they decided they were mistaken and began look- ing elsewhere, Blacky flew over and alighted on the ground near Peter Rabbit. "You win, Peter," said he, "They say that he who laughs last laughs best, so | guess the best laugh is yours, You were right when you said you heard a song in the night, but you were wrong when you said the singer was one of the feathered folk. I know who your singer was that night and | who your singer is this morning." | "Who?" demanded Sammy Jay, | who came along just in time to over- | hear this last remark, ICA CLCET- RA Tomorrow Take one TONIGHT Quick Relief for CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS BLOATING, ETC. "THEY WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP" "Whitefoot the Wood Mouse," re- | plied Blacky, ! Sammy stared at Blacky for a mo- ment, Then he began to laugh, "Ha, ha, hal" laughed Sammy. "Whoever heard of a Mouse singing?" "I have," replied Blacky. "I heard it a long time ago when I was young, | but never half believed it." | "And | for one don't believe it now," interrupted Sammy Jay, "Just the same Blacky is right," spoke up Peter Rabbit, "Whitefoot is the one who has been doing the mysterious singing. If you don't be- lieve it he'll prove it to you." Peter thumped. At once Whitefoot popped up on the edge of the big old stump. "Sing"! commanded Peter, Whitefoot did sing, while the feathered folk gathered around and looked very much as if they still doubted what the - heard and saw. "Why haven't we known before this that you can sing?" demanded Sam- my Jay. "Because I seldom do sing and you have never happened to be around when 1 have been singing," replied Whitefoot, "We've all learned something," de- clared Blacky. "I've learned that it doesn't do to tease people unless vou know you know all the facts. The rest of you have learned that it isn't necessary to wear feathers in order to be a singer. AlN of us have learn- ed that much as we may know we can learn more each day. Now I'm going to get my breakfast." (Copyright, 1930, by T. W. Burgess) The next story: "Lightfoot"s Little Joke" There are only two drinks --water and milk--which are suitable for all the seven ages of man. The first -- water = quenches thirst and is a refreshing drink. The second -- milk --quenches thirst and also provides nourishment. Like the pease porridge of nur sery ryhme--"some like it hot, some like it cold," but either way, it is both food and drink, supplying the body with the necessary elements for growth and health in a form which is casily digested----particular- ly if taken slowly, : It is economy to buy milk Freely. Oshawa Dairy Limited f i.e. - . Winter Pou ltry Feeds | FUL' O' PEP LAYING MASH SUPERIOR SCRATCH GRAINS VITA BRAND COD LIVER OIL ROUP TABLETS AND REGULATORS LICE POWDERS & DISINFECTANTS 16 CELINA ST. Cooper-Smith & Co. OSHAWA PHONE = < > Es Tn Special-For One Week Only Winter Cleaned Coats $1.2 5 Ladies' Silk Velvet & Felt Hats Cleaned 30c 36 ATHOL, E. ALDSWORTH PHONE 549 «MH SENTLEMAR THAT E'S A NICE I AVVAYS NT GET A SCARED FEELING INSIOE ME WHEN \ SEB HES AL MUMEY.- ITS "HE PROFE By Russ Westoves WOR! Hi SSOR'S i ACH ey od i SEATLEMAN OF HERSELF, 8UT { WON'T FEEL easy . UNTIL. SHE'S SAFELY a BACK HOME. V) Ind

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