Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Nov 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1950 PAGE SEVEN OF WATERWAY COST "Water Steal" Question | Should First Be Settled, Sandwell Says Toronto. Nov, fi.-- Canada should oot give the United States any the proposed St, Lawrence Water- rights on the Canadian section of | ways system until settlement of | the question of diverting water | from the Great Lakes system Is reached, nor should Canada bear more than one-third of the cost of the project, B, K. Sapdwell, Fel. . low of the Royal Society of Can- adaf and well-known economist, novelist and humorist, told a din- ner meeting of the Young Men's Canadian Club in the Royal York Hotel last night, The Unted States has only prac- tically valueless navigation rights on the'river where it runs through Canada itself, under gn 1871 trea- ty, he sald, On the cost question he pointed out that at present United States vessels on the system would ex- ceed Canadian ones in a b-to-1 proportion, nor was there much prospect of Canada increasing her traffic enough to lessen the dif- ference, he said, Therefore, Can- ada"s share of the #$355,600,000 cost involyed should ngt be more than $120,000,000, Of this she had spent more than $100,000,000 on the Welland Canal and so there was only about $7,000,000 yet to be contributed by Canada, he said, United States wheat in the Mid- dle West, which would naturally have outlet through the system, ripens earlier than Canadian wheat #0 that it was not in danger of he stopped in Montreal hy the freeze. up, he said, pointing out that this was another argument from the United States point of view favor- ing the project, Showing some of the advantages that would accrue to both coun- tries on the completion of the sys- tive section of both Canada and the United States are situated so | cheaply provided by way of the St. Lawrence, QUEBEC TREASURER SUFFERS DEFEAT i am Wright against Mr, McPBrien's i | A F IN assertion that he, Mr. Wright, had | that outlet for both would be most | | come to his office on the morning of | INSTITUTE GRANT Women at London Hear | Dominion News From Hon, T. L.. | Kennedy London, Ont,, Nov, 6.--An in- Added Flavour and Richness for "Left-overs"-- LOSTTO CANADA TORONTO ENDS IN | CONTRADICTIONS | SCATTERS ASHES OF "Strangest Kind of Judicial FATHER OVER PACIFIC Hearing" Remarks Judge Denton (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Should Remain! Neutral in Case of War With United States re n-- f | | eb, 19 and had asked that an ow | | { | | | | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) sydney, N.8.W., Nov, 4, Wing | commander Charles Kingsford- | . { {Ov Be py 3 ew Ottawa, Nov. 6,--Under the new | [Smith, using the airplane in which Liberals Lose One Sea! { ere ase shortly in the Women's In- t Re- stitute Government grant of $50,00Y tain One; Conservatives per annum was promised by Hon, T, I... Kennedy, Minister of Agricul- Hold Third ture, in addressing the 16th annual {convention of fhe Women's Tusti- : Ltutes of Western Ontario at the (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) Masonic temple here last evenings Montreal, Nov, 6,--Loss of*a gov- | Mr.- Kennedy praised the work of ernment seat to the Conservatives, | Women's Institutes in Ontario, defeat of the new provineial treas Taking the ground that legisla- urer, Hon, Gordon W, Scott, and [tion cannot be effective without edu- retention of the traditional Conser-| cation, the Burgessville branch bas vatives seat of Two Mountains, fea- | brought before the annual conven. tured. the three provineial by-elec- [tion a resolution contending that fn tions held yesterday. Jean Paul|the interests of clean living, sobrie- Sauve, son of Hon, Arthur Sauve, [ty and temperance the Department Postmaster-GenePal of Canada, who | of Education should make hygiene, held Two Mountains for the Con-|physiology and temperahce com- gervatives for 22 years, won the |pulsory studies for an hour a week seat IW a majority of 226 votes: |from the fifth to the eighth grades His father was returned in the gen- | inclusive, eral elections of 1927 with a ma- The Sogth Oxford women want jority of 491, equal rights for the rural schools as Martin B, Fisher, retired mer: [compared with the urban, on two chant of Hemmingford, defeated |points; first, they ask that rural Hon, M. Scott by 185 majority in [scholars be given their entrance cer- "Tuntingdon, Mr, Scott had been |tificates on the year's work instead | regularly selected by a Liberal con- [of by examination, and secondly, vention, although he resided in |they want the rural teachers to ba Montreal, The fact that he came taken into the exchange system un- from outside the riding played a|der which urban teachers have trips large part in the campaign against [to other parts of the Empire, his election The convention sessions are being In Maskinonge the seat was re- (held at the London Life auditorium, tained by the Liberal party, L, J. | ; Ll Thisdel winning over Armand La i : may, Conservative, with a majority TO VOTE ON BYLAWS Kingston,--Four bylaws will go of 366, of or Tasc d » y Premier Taschereau, commenting before the ratepayers of Kingston at the municipal election to be m the defeat in Huntingdon, de- Gow on December 1, These in- 'lared that Mr. Scott "suffered de- feat at the hands of his own peo clude: Issue of $67,000 debentures | to pay for various local improve- ple, the English minority." Of the general results, the Premier sald: | "Magkinonge, excellent success, | Ments; granting of a fixed assess: Two Mountains is satisfactory, con-| ment of $100,000 *, Canadian sidering the fact that in the recent | locomotive Co, Ltd ; granting a reneral Dominfon election Hgqn, fixed assessment of $50,000 to Kingston Shipoullding Co, Itd Arthur Sauve had a majority of doctrine of naval parity between | Great Britain and the United States, Canada no longer enjoys the protec. tion of the British fleet, Professor George M, Wrong of the University of Toronto told the Canadian Club here. Speaking on 'How Democra- ey Is Working in Canada," Vrofes- sor Wrong mentioned this as an in- stance of one of the many new sit- uations which were constantly aris- ing to alter the problems of govern- ment, In the event of war, he said, Can- ada could expect little support from the British Navy because the United States Navy would be of the same strength and close at hand, This would mean Canadian ports would be blockaded and a United States army could ensily take possession of the fmportant centres of Canada For this reason military strategists now thought Canada should de clare neutrality in the event of way with the United States, DUNLOP ACCLAIMED Pembroke, -- Representatives of avery class and political affiliation in North Renfrew, und prominent public men of Eastern Ontario, at a banquet, pald a tribute to the personality, business ability and popularity of Hon, Edward A | Dunlop, who was recently appoint- ed Provincial Treasnrer, troller Claude Pearce, Toronto, Nov, 6, tween lawyers and witnesses, contradictory evidence and the par- tial alteration of their former testis mony by two members of the Og- tario legislature, Sam Wright and Fred G, McBrien, marked the clusion of Judge J, H, Denton's quiry into the Toronto city council' self-yoted salary increas This has heen the strangest kind of Judicial hearing, if such it ean he called, that 1 / have ever held," said Judge Denton as he brought the in vestigation to a close conn "I'he only thing judi fal about jt } was your honor's demeanor" re , # 2 | # ial counsel for the city, Recalled to the stand, Mr, Wr and Mr, McBrien underwept oxa ination on their evidence offered the earlier hearings Mr. McBrien underwent a se cross-examination at the hand Joe Singer, K.C., counsel for Con Pressed close ly by Mr, Singer, Mr. McBrien st ly maintained it was common at the City Hall prior to March 10, month before the increasing by-lay was passed, that a eonference had been held on Feb, 19 in the ma office marked Peter White, K.( pee A strong denial, supported by the testimony of his wife, was entered by 1,067, and the majority given his son was only 226, and Two Moun- and to issue $60,000 in debentures for purchase of property for con- Tar! i ® » " Verbal tilts be- [po made his lest memorable flight much | trom 1 day, jer over the | Ocean, which had witnessed his {first notable triumph in the alr, | On his death bed last week, Wil- Ham the his wshe Pacific today duty to hiz dead pire the thus FREEM AN OF LONDON == vs" a 5 Three Honored by Capital of (By George Hamblotgy, Press Staff Corvespondent) Io old Guildhall, | ies of ters of Mini | | imen of the city scattered the ashes of his fath aviator, expres England to Australia, Tues | waters of the 8 fate | Kingstord-8mith, father of | CUBES In Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes sed a wish that | he cast to the winds over and his famous son performed his last sud bere R, B, Benneit, J. H, Beullin standing and GG, W declared [hope to {in the ancient formula to be men (sized nile lof good name and fume," "They do not desi the of the city Vorbe WEL frecdom many Ca whereby they will de city of any |weigh wi ahilities, ed up to The l y ler cot, bear the Jot tion and the compurgaton thelr J husiasm, Empire | LONDON ACCLAIMS ' CANADIAN CHOIR ci") t I ; without Canadinn fon, Ki Oy bh In ie London ) i vith its five centur- |Chofr.of Brantford history, the Prime |ite merits when Augtralia, and (in London Hall last night stirring tnada Coroner LR RTT ocean free of London, JPrem- |ing | The audience, held judg clearly Dominion Premiers they all sy." in an atmosphere of at the 6 Alb rifle wa which only artists f long It was plainly international fill ndance repute can in the huge bulld- which included nadisng, evidently withe sment until it was able to, th accuracy the cholr's but, as the gingers warm- their work, so the listen howed their apprecia-+ the evening wound up genuine en~ ARMER SUICIDES ull Bamnel Alguire, wis found in a carriage his farm near Newington wound through his fe dizd halt an hour later recovering consclousness, found heside the body, Dr. J, M, Pollock stated a cane of suicide, llet aT | struction of a grain elevator at I Cataraqui Bay, tem, he demonstrated that the pro- | tains has been Conservative for the ducts of the most heavily produce. 'past 22 years. Why you should buy a LOVELY NEW RUGS FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOME v vy GH TUMN 1930 Barrymore Rugs are now on exhibit at all lead: NEW Majestic Electric Radio actually costs you less to ing housefurnishing stores. own aud operate than many sets being offered at special bargain prices. First, because while you may Lay some radio sets for less, the depreciation, service, performance and trade-in value wipe out this mythical saving and more before a season has passed. Most people mow buy radios on time, so the purchase of a Majestic means but a few dollars more outlay at the time of purchase and a few more monthly payments. At the end of that time the value of the Majestic as a "trade-in" is definite and sure. There is always a demand for used Majestics, whereas the loss ou will take on nameless "stencils" or "specials" or cheap radios uilt to a price makes your original purchase an expensive one. Majestic is the jurgeat manufacturer of complete radio receiving sets in the world. It is fathered in Canada by the Rogers-Majestic Corporation Limited --- the largest radio manufacturers in the British Empire. Were it not for this tremendous output Majestic prices would be 109, to 259, higher, if the same quality were maintained. Due to this enormous production Majestic prices are as low as most radios of much cheaper construction. Thus, every Majestic is really a bargain--extraordinary value for your money. The 1931 Majestic Models with Super-Screen Grid and Super- Colotura Dynamic Speaker are now on display at our store. Come in, see them, and find out about our liberal terms . . . today, me Included in the presentation are ~Barirtans, Wiltons, Saxonies and Axmin sters -- Rugs, Runners and Mats, all beautiful designs, richly colored and luxurious, suitable patterns for the living room, dining room, library, bed-room and hallway. Visit the store in which you prefer to shop and view this comprehensive showing of these lovely floor coverings. am y BARRYMORE, Guaranieed RUGS There is a Richness, Warmth and Charm to the Barrymore pictured bere. . , and a lustrous sheen that givesno hint to the long years of iron wear the rug will give you, Be guided by THIS LABEL. It identifies every genuine BARRYMORE Guaranteed Rug vywevw Designed, woven and guaranteed by THE TORONTO CARPET MFG. CO., LIMITED TORONTO A A A CANADA Established 1891 Hajeslic 215 COMPLETE WITH TUBES ADAMS FURNITURE CO., LIMITED 13 Simcoe Street South . - GEO. C. ALLCHIN LIMITED Phone 1438 I ------------------ NOW ON DISPLAY AT ALL LEADING STORES J3 Chur Sire CR bi ERAS

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