Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Nov 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times the Bowmsaville Office of Block, King Street. will be received ot Times in the Cowan TelephonesAFiew 887s Home131, Bowmanville Represeatative--=B, Herbert Mortlock Delegation From Council 'Assured. of Financial Aid = Unemployment Relief Fund' Ed Delegation of Four From Town Council Interview J, E. Ellis and Ave Favor- ably Received--Proposed Works Will Go Before Provincial and Federal Governments Bowmanville was assured that it would get a share of the Unemploy" Jment Relief Fund yesterday when a 'delegation consisting of the May- or, es, Deputy Reeve and Coun- efllor Strike interviewed J, E, Ellis, supervisor of the ¥und in Toronto and presented to him a number of works ss suggested relief measures, It. was admitted however, that the town would fot get as much as ft requiréd as most of the moneys in the Pund had been expended so that At appears that Bowmanville has got in just in time to share in the money and thus relieve a certain amount of distress in the town, The town council are to ba con gratulated on their efforts to ald i J. H. R. LUKE For sutomobile, house and contents Insurance, in good sound companies. Apply B23 King btreet Kast Phone 871, Residence 687W Acids in Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain, How to Treat Medical authorities state that near. Ty nine-tenths of the cases of stom- ach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating nausea, ete, are due to an excess of hydrochloric acld In the stomach, The delicate stomach lining ia irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causin the disagreeable symptoms whic every stomach sufferer knows so well, Artificial digestants are not needed in" such cases and may do real harm Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggist seme Bisurated Magnesia and take a teas spoonful of powder or four tablets In water right after cating. This sweet. ens the stomach, prevents the forma. tion of excess acid and there is no sourne gas or pain, Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form ~neyer liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stomach purposes, It is used by thousands of people who enjoy thelr meals with no more fear of indigestion, v the unemployed and the latter will no. doubt voice their 8 ation to members of the council, The works suggested yesterday were the same as those which were mentioned at Monday night's meet- ing of the council. The biggest work was the erection of a new coment equalizer tank at Salem which would supply work for a 'goodly number of men and which will cost in 'the neighborhood of $7,600. Another project which will be done is the entrance to the new park at foot of Temperance street and Couneillor Campbell announced on Monday night that the work on that job would keep fifty men go- ing for out five weeks, Other proposed works include grading and gravelling of certain rofds in the rural sections of the town, Mayor Elliott stated this morning when questioned concerning the visit of the delegation to Toronto that he and the members of the delegation were well satisfied with the recep- tion they received and the results obtained. He also stated that the town would likely receive aid on the waterworks now going through to the Cream of Barley camp. It is understood that these pro- Jocted works will have to pass the Provincial snd Federal Goverws ments before the actual grant is made but the town is practically as- sured when J. E. Ellis is favorable to the works that thoy will receive the aid necessary to carry them ont, Bowmanville can consider (itself lucky that it was able to get into the Fund considerations hefore the money was sll spent, Other towns and townships Who apply in the future stand less chance of getting relief than this town, RELIEF RESTRICTIONS Kingston.--~No person who has money enough to buy a liquor per- mit need apply for employment relief in Kingston, Andgno job will be given to any person who fs spending time driving around the city in a car of his own, Warns All Past 40 to Heed These Signs If you are troubled with burning irritations, Kidney or Bladder Weak- ness, scanty elimination, frequent an. noyance day and night; swollen feet or ankles and pains in the break, low er abdomen or down through groins ~you should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's "Uratabs" and. see what a wonderful difference they make! If this grand old formula of a well known physician brings you the switt comfort it has brougls to others, you surely will be thankful and very well pleased, If it doer not satisfy, the druggist that supplied you is wuuthorized to return your money on the first Lox purchased, At all good drug stores. ---- "DORCO" | RUBBER TOY ANIMALS , ALL KINDS, YOUR CHOICE FOR 25° Karn's Drug Store Next P.0. Phone 878 RECTOR ELECT OF ST. JOHN'S COMES Is One of Nine Children Seven of Whom Are in Service of the Church With the announcement that the now vacant rectorship of Bt. John's Anglican Church would be filled in the near future by the Rev. C, KR, Spencer, M.A., Rural Dean of East Simcoe, it was mentioned that he came from a distinguished church family A little of the family history will prove interesting reading. Mr. Spencer's father, Canon P. L. Spen- cor, D.D., of Hamilton, was born in England the son of a country squire. He came to Canada when nine years of age and after a limited education taught school and later Joined the Anglican ministry. On June 1st, 1875, Canon Spencer was united in marriage with Emma Eel by, the ceremony heing conducted by the Bishop of Niagara. From this unfon there were nine children, seven of whom are now in the ser- vice of the Anglican Church. The children are, the Rev, Ernest Spen- cer, rector of Bt. Paul's Church, Waterbury Conn, Miss Ethel Spencer, Deaconess in connection with 8t. Pheobe's House, Mrs, Max- well, of Moose Jaw, Sask; Rev. Clarence R. Spencer, rural dean of East. Simcoe and rector elect of Bowmanville; Miss Florence Spen- cer, deaconess In the service in Ja- pan; Mrs. Rev. H. H, Corey, M.A., of Japan; and Lancelot Spencer, M.A, of the Port Arthur High School. There are also twenty-five grandchildren of the old Canon, one of whom is married to n minister. The eldest daughter of the Rev. C, R. Spencer who {s coming here 1s also married to no minister so that it will not take much to notice that the whole family have heen a ser vies to the church for many years The Bowmanville Branch of the our On New fall tones and sha were their value by us, FUR TRIMMED SAMPLE - $22.95 Travellers' Sample Coats. No two alike. Broadcloth and tweed in heavy winter weights, fully interlined fur trimming of Muskrat, Sable, Oppossum, Karakurl, Sizes 14 to 40. Vaiues up to $35.00. On sale 95 Misses' and Women's Felt Hats now, $22 $1.45 customers, Sale now, $1.45 These hats considerably under ad a i Siaye our custom we pass sav along to Values up to $2.95. COATS Beaver and W. A. Dewland Ltd. Canadian Legloy, many of whose members served with Mr. Spencer in the Great War, will also be glad to know that he is a thember of the Provineial Ezecutive of the Cana- dian Legion and that be earned for himself the rank of Major after hav- ing joined in the ranks to go over- seas, LOCAL LEGION MAKES APPEAL FOR POPPY DAY Chairman of Committee Ap- peals to Citizens to Sup. port Tag Day Saturday Bowmanville Branch of the Cana- lan Legion are holding on Satur. day of this week a Poppy Dey in ald of the veterans who are members of this branch of the legion and who are due to war service in need. Ma- erjck H. Moody, Chairman of the Poppy and Memorial Day Committees of the local branch of the Legion makes the following ap- peal to all citizens of Bowmanville for their support on Saturday of this week, "Armistice Day holds « speclal appeal to all Canadians who are old enough to recall with suy de- gree of vividness the feeling of thankfulness that pervaded all hearts when the lpng horror of the Grest War finally terminated. But the passage of time flode many of those who did thelr bit at that time, saffering from the eom- hined ravages of that experience and advancing years, On their behalf, it is our usual custom at Armistice time, to bold a Poppy Day, to raise a fund that will take care of any pressing distress among the ex-service men of Bow- | arhorwis and vieinity, which would otherwise fall on the town relief. This assistance is given in the form | of provisions, fuel, rent, clothing menls and accomodation for trun- sients, ete, but only after careful fuvestigation, This appeal will be the first from the newly organized branch of the Canadian Legion, ~~ Bowmanviile Branch No, 178, and will be the only solicitation made by the ex-. service men of this district. There are absolutely no administration expenses, as all the investigation and other services are rendered gratuitously. Any assistance you may be pre- pared to give' will be greatly ap- preciated. Contributions may he sont fo the undersigned, and will be thankfully acknowledged." Soldiers' Banquet The annual banquet of the Bow manville Soldiers' Club is being held in the Balmoral Hotel on the evening of Armistice Day, Tues- day next and the club officials urge that all members be present for the occasion, The speaker will be the Rev. ¥, H. Mason, rector of Newcastle, who Is a returned soldier and who will give a de lightful address which will be well liked by the members of the club. As in other years there has always been a very large attend ance at this function so it is ex- pected that there will be this year and those intending to be present are asked to get their tickets oarly, Tickets are for sale by George Cromble at his office on Division street south or at the Balmoral Hotel. Hold Supper-Concert The Salvation Army held a very successful Thanksgiving supper and concert in the new Citadel on Wednesday. There was a large at- tendance and a bountiful supper wan served from prettily decor: | ted tables. A concert by local talent In which there were some plendid numbers and whieh the lnrge audience thoroughly 'enjoy- ed followed the supper. Correction In Monday's Issue of The Times \ report of the Scouts' Parade on unday is brought to our notice ns being Incorrect. The report tated that Mr, Reg. Terret of Oshawa was in the parade and ft | was ovidently a mistake and was | meant for Mr. Terry, The para: uraph in which the error was noted should have read ns follows: "The parade of sixty seouts and cubs was augmented by the Court of Honor of the Third Oshawa Troop under the leadership of Mr Terry. The cubs were lead by Charlie Cawker and Mr, McLeod and the scouts were lead by Mr. Conley and Mr, §, Terry, Mr. Ter ry being the scoutmaster of the Third Oshawa and the First Bow: mauville Troops', Gain 5 Pounds in 28 Days or Money Back McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets Do you want to gain pounds of good solid flesh and at the same time increase your energy and vigor? Ong skinny voman gained 9 pounds in 20 days--her skin is bewitching free from pimples--G0 tablets 60 cents at Jury and Lovell, Ltd, T. B. Mit- chell, W. H. Karn and druggists everywhere--Just ask for McCoy's, AN ADVENTURE! "l had an adventure the other day," sald Mrs. Taylor to some frionds--"'an adventure in friend. ship." Her listeners were juterested. "Yes," she went on, "I went on a 300-mile trip in two minutes. No, not in imagination----by telephone, Wondertul, isn't it? I called an old friend--on tho spur of the moment. Wo are going to telephone often. It a thrill I've only just discover. ed" : ALL ORDERS Suggestions for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner: A plump bird browned to savory good- ness and flanked by piquant cranberries-- the deep, » pumpkin asters of rals- ins to ni ateesalted nuts truly a housewife"s day of triumph, Experienced housokecpers wisely back their culinary skill with a careful choice of gro- ceries at our groceteris where quality and low prices provide a happy combination, HERE ARE THANKSGIVING DINNER SUGGESTIONS ? Cape Cod CRANBERRIES 23c Ib. Extra Special Hellsmans Blue Ribbon Mayonaise 835 ozs. Jar 25¢ Willard's CHOCOLATES 1 1b, Box Assorted 43c J Eatonia BWEET MIXED PICKLES 40 ozs. 43¢ Choice MINCEMEAY 1 1b, carton 19¢ Valencia Fruitcake slab 1 Ib, Stuffed Olives 8 ozs. jar Popping Corn Preserved Ginger stone Jar Hornes Grape Pagch 23¢ 3 10¢ Jelly Pow. 4" 25¢ Stuart's Strawberry Jam, 40 ozs, Assorted Choco- late Bars Eatonia Assorted dors Eatonia Assorted Bis. cuits, i. box Persian Dates 2 1b. pkt. Orange and Lemon Peel, 1 1b, Heinz Tomato Juice Cocktall, 16 oz. bot. 29¢c 23¢c Specials at the Fruit Counter GRAPE FRUIT. Choice. 4 for Size 00'y Florida ORANGES. 29 c 23¢c 23¢c 39¢ 49¢ Largo Size 88 Cooking ONIONS. 10 pounds for ........ Homo Grown CARROTS 10 pounds .........i.... Finest Quality SNOW APPLES. 6 quart Basket . Delicious APPLES. Dozen Extra fancy (No. 1 Grade) POTATOES. 90 Ib. Bag . 15 Pound, 19¢ WEDNESDAY NOV. 12TH STORE OPEN '9 AM. to 6 PM. SROCETERIA ld 2400 EXTRA SPECIAL FOR THANKSGIVING ---- ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Choice Roasting CHICKENS "= » 32¢ PICNIC HAMS Ib. 21c SPECIALS COFFEE JUNKET POWDERS isons. Pe]lc ON SALE AT THESE PRICES cain TE 35¢ SOUP 3% NOV. 7-13 TINS 2 Se STORE HOURS DAILY 9 - 6 p.m. Special--- Heinz Toemate Open Saturday Night Till 9.30 O'clock Special--- Weston's Oval 'ARROWROOT | Biscuits - Old English Quality CHICKEN BROTH Hal's with Rice, for these chilly days. 10)4-0s. tin... Special--- Aylmer 3 TOMATOES WALNUTS Special--- Pearl Laundry SOAP 10: 33c GILLETT'S LYE RAISINS, MUSCAT 25c¢ SHELLED PECANS Gold Medal = Prom. 35s tare 200 | RED CABBAGE 12¢ No. 2 Squat Tins ORANGE OR LEMON PEEL Made from choice trults, Pound SHIRRIFF'S Cranberry Jelly 55 23¢ Tin 14¢ Jar Extra Special--- Cream and Crystal Jellies CANDY v2: [Qe LUX ie ht 3 ree 260 Large package... 19 SPECIAL! Frys' Cocoa 1-2 Ib. Tin 19¢ JELLY POWDERS CURRANTS EATON'S Amorted--An A Three {land Daldows, "y 280 Crows............ @ ve. 270 Heinz Oven-Baked To. roMS Te 29€¢ 27. 285¢ Special | SUNGLO Butter 35¢ 3 tbs. $1.00 ROWNTREE'S COCOA %db. Tin 2 3¢ Special--- BEANS 3 Special--- Nestle's Evaporated MILK = llc Tin THE BRITISH MILK Featuring This Week SNOWFLAKE POwDER 2m 15¢ A Bathroom Necessity FLUSHO DOMESTIC or EASIFIRST SHORTENING STORE CLOSED ALL DAY NOV. 10TH MONDAY »36c % by a vd

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