Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Nov 1930, p. 1

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end spr ws, dba a gin The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" vey Caress Sore a PR iiaers OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1930 12 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES Care For Unemployed Yiies Core Vor Bi reorganiza- tion of the city's system for car- ing for the unemployed and up- sheltered was advocated by Cop- troller James Simpson, vice-presi- dent. of the Ci fan Trades and Labor Congress, in an interview bere. He said, particularly was this necessary in the case of unem- ployed men who bad no homes and were turned out on the street each night from places where they managed to find shelter during the daytime, i Ld Charge $50,000 Fraud New York.--George W, Griffin, aged 49 years, sald to he Treasurer of L, C. Smith and Corona Type- writers, Ine.,, is under arrest on a charge of mail fraud, Authorities charged the firm's hook had been falsified to cover the theft of he- tween $200,000 and $250,000 In the Inst two years, LJ Ld J Canadian Actress Honored Hollywood, Calif,--The motion picture wecademy eof arts and sciences has named Norma Shear. er, Canadian, and George Arliss as having given the outstanding per- formances on the screen for the 12 months ending last July 31, Ld Ld Ll To Confer on Resources Regina, ~November 20 has been tentatively set for the conference of the three premiers of the vrairie provinces, at Winnipeg, prior to leaving for Otfawa to in- terview Rt, Hon, H, B, Bennett, relative to the natural resources transfer, v v » Augment Grade Crossing Fund Ottawa.~--A transfer of half a million dollars from the Govern- ment unemployment fupd to the grade crossing fund has heen ay- thorized by order-In-Council, The latter fund is administered by the rallway commission, Ld Ld » Four Co-Kds Killed Charlottetown, P.E.I,--Four gir college students were killed in an automobile accident yesterday when the car in which they were riding was struck by a train at Mount Edward Road crassing near Charlottetown, Two young men were sqripugly y iRinred, Six Children, Three Birthdays Shelburne ~--Although Mr, and Mri. Thomas Little of Mong Town. ship have six children, there are ust three hirthday parties needed each year to cover the family, Four children celebrate Oct, 18 ay their birhtday. Twin boys were § Jears old on Oct, 19, 1880, and on that day twins, a boy and a girl also Joined the family, : PETERBOROQ BREAD AT SEVEN CENTS AS PRICE WAR RAGES (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Peterboro, Nov, 6.--A war over the price of bread developed in this elty this morning when all the bake eries ip the city reduced the price of 24 ounce loaf delivered at the homes to seven cents and in some of the retail stores the same loaf is being sold for gix cents, The war is a result of the retailers cutting the price and hence creats ing a hardship amongst the large bakeries who deliver their bread amongst the homes of the city, This 1s the second cut that has been made in the price of bread since the mid. dle of the summer, In August the price was reduced from twelve to i cents and now it is reduced to six, AWAIT REPORT ON AUSTRALIAN TARIFF (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Nov, 6.~--Tariff experts of the Department of Trade and Commerce are awaiting a detailed cable from the Canadian trade commissioner in Australia, before expressing views as to what ex- tent the new customs duties in that country will affect Canadian trade, Any 'lessening in the difference of the British preference as compared with' general rates. may react against Canadian Commerce, How- ever, the items set forth in cables do not include those in which Can. ada {8 & heavy exporter to the Sommonwealth, WEATHER now covers the Great Lakes and Northwest States, Pres sure ia alse high Ad the sort: ward of Hudson 8 dex over the MacKenzie , Strong winds and heavy vain have eccurred in eastern Quebec and the Mark the provinces and the wea. wost winds or moderate ga fair and cold with dacal westerly winds; fair and cold. Russia Raises War SOVIET DELEGATE SCORES FRANCE FOR HER DEMANDS OF ABSOLUTE SECURITY a v Describes Countries Asking Security Before Disarm- ament as "Dangerous Enemies of Peace" BRITAIN ASKS FOR DRAFT'S ADOPTION liminary Draft Conven- tion, on Which Commis- sion Has Been Working Five Years, Should Be Passed (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Geneva, Switzerland, Nov, 6---At- tacking the League of Nations dis- armament commission today, Maxim Litvinoff, Russian delegate, declared that the werld was now faced with grave mepaces of war; The Soviet spokesman especially assalled France and those who de- mand security hefore disarmament as dangerous enemies of peace, Plans Vor War 'It 18 no wonder," Litvinoff as- serted, that among the countries which were loudest in thelr de- mands for 'security'. guarantees were soma in whieh the chiefs of the military stafls Were, as is now common knowledge, at the same time devising and carrying ouy plang for the provoeatien of war with their neighbors.' The Russian delegate declared himself hopeless of success for the Soviet's former proposals for ab. solute disarmament, and later' for propartinate disarmament, He de- manded, however, that the commis: sion substitute the word disarma. ment for the terms "limitation and reduction of armaments," Although ruled out of order hy Chairman Loudon who forbade the translation 6f Litvinofl's gpeeah, the Russian delegate has prepared co- ples of his pronouncement which were distributed to the press after he had vead it to the commission in English, Lord Cecil of Creat Hritain, Count Von Bernstorff of Germany, Naotake Sato of Japan, Litviseff and Chairman Loudon eccupled the session with a "discussion of the methed of procedure, Count von Bernstorff and Chairman Leudon wished to continue where the com- mission left off at {ts last sitting eighteen months age withont ve- opening questions already settled. Litvinaff, however, derided the idea and declared that the passage of eighteen months'could not be 18- nored, Lord Cecil wished to pro- ceed with final and third readings of the draft convention, The commission has been trying for five years to complete this draft convention for submission to a gen eral disarmament conference, It finally was agreed in principle that questions formerly settled should not bé reopened, except at the dis- cretion of the chalrman, T0 SEND ALLEGED SLAYER BACK TO CANADA FOR TRIAL Babe O'Brien, Alias Pat Norton, and Sydney Harris Under Arrest New York, Nov, 6~Twa men wants ed by the Canadian authorities were surrendered today by Magistrate Barney Mogilesky in Jefferson Mar- ket court ta deputy United States marshals Runge and Berman pending federal action on the extradition pas pers, The men are Elmer J, Giller, aaa Jack (Babe) O'Rrien, alias Patrick Norton, 30 years old, of 4,820 Con cord avenue, Detroit, Mih, and Syd. ney Harris, alias Samue] Levy, 28, of 70 Vananley Street, Toronto, Ont, O'Brien is wanted for killing a bank teller in October 1921 in a hold+ up at Melbourne, Ontario, and Harris is wanted for acting In concert with O'Brien in a Toronto robbery on '| September 19, last. Giller is aise al leged to have escaped July 18, last from the Detroit House of Correction where' he was serving a 'term for robbery, : Magistrate Mogilesky dismissed charges of possessing burglar's tools and a revolver against the two men when Edward Lockwood; counsel for the British consulate here, showed copies of the Canadian warrants, Sheffield Honors remier Bennett (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lendon, Eng, Nov, 6.--The Im- perial Conference is taking a day off, Premier R, B. Bennett, of Can- ada is in Bhefield where he re- ceives the freedom of the city and attends the famous Cutlers' Ban- quet tonight, while other Empire Premiers are in Birmingham, But though the experts' work is practieally finished, the conference still has much to do, There is now some talk of the conference run ning over into the week after next, Serious Blaze In Peterboro Four Houses Destroyed -- Fire Captain Jones Over- come by Smoke (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Peterbore, Nov, 6, Fire thls morning completely gutted four houses in this city and scorched badly elght others, the estimated damage being $16,000 The hlaze is helleved to have started in a large shed situated close to an old sawmille and before the firemen arrived, the firg had spread rap. idly by the high wind to pgeveral of the adjoining homes People rughed from their homes, gome in their night attire, while others who were up and preparing to g0 to work, aided in carrying thelr household effects out into the street, The firemen battled the plage for almest an hour he- fore they had It under control, The majority of the houses were frame but two of those badly gutted were hullt of hrick, Captain Willlam Jones of the Fire Department was rendered unconscious by smoke and gas and removed to the hospital, TORONTO JOBLESS MARCH ON CITY HALL (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Nov, f,~--Early today, between two and three hundred un- employed marched to the City Hall with the intention of waiting en the Mayor and Beard of control, As they were about te enter a number of constables emerged (rom the building and ordered them away, The deputy chief told the men that he sympathized with them but ex- plained they were unable to do any- thing for them, The gathering took the advice of the deputy chief and returned to the employment office where the city ia looking after them, TREASURER MAY RESIGN OFFICE | Australian Finance Minister Protests Stand of His Party (Ay Canadian Press Leased Wire) Canberra, Australia, Nov, 6. Aoting treasurer J. A, Lyons sald to- day he would resign his office an a result of adoption of a vesolution by the Labor party ordering hond- holders of a twenty-seven million und sterling loan maturing in ecember to hold their bonds for another year, The resolution provides for pays ment of interest as usual with the provise that bond holders shall ve- ecelve small payments for cashing their bonds at the commonwealth bank, The action of the Labor caucus followed a report by Lyons that the commonwehlth bank had refused the caucus demanded that it underwrite a conversion loan, Lyons warned the party that dis aster would result from its deelsion but it was argued that all but £2,000,000 of the loan were held by large institutions which would not be injured by walting for another year. HENRY INSPECTS PROPOSED HIGHWAY Considers Diversion st Haver lock on New Road to Ottawa (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Peterboro, Nov, 6,~Hon, George #, Henry, Ontario's minister of highways, motored today over the Peterboro-Haveloek section of the projected highway to Ottawa to investigate personally apd under: stand the merits of a proposed diversion at Havelock The minister proceeded to Wool: ar where he is the guest tonight at a banquet with which the Murray township 7illage celebrates the completion of the paved county road from Wooler to Brighton which was built by the Raypor Construction Company as part of the 16030 program of the United Counties of Northumberland and Quota System of Buying Wheat Approved by Parley Committee | Durham, Seriously Hurt This A noon fipecial to The Times Claremont, Nov, 6, =~ When he became caught in the shaft while adjusting the belt of a machine, HW, G, Melntyre, pro. minent manufacturer, of Clare" mont, had his left arm torn off at the elbow at two o'clock this afternoon, Melntyre was twirled about by the shaft and his clothes were almost com- pletely torn from his body, His vight arm was also broken in two places, The unfortunate man shows ed great fortitude and afler the aeceldent walked to his home where medical ald was summoned, After recelving attention from Dy, Tomlinson of Claremont, and Dr, Ball, of wrouftyille, he was removed in an ambulance to Bt, Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Melntyre is a manufacturer of bath room Axtures, his plant being located in the village, Mystery Fire (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, Nov, 6,--Tha Im- perial Conference's special commit tee has finally concluded the quota wseheme of purchasing by Britalp van be practieably applied to wheat (and flour, if this method of in- creasing Empire trade is favored by the Imperial Conference as a whole, But, as forecast, the ex- | perts have found so many diffieyl- ties In"the way ef a quota on can- ned fruits, canned fish and dalry products, that the scheme could [mot he practicably applied to these commodities, Quota purchasing of wheat is one of the Hrivsh Government's alter native suggestions to the scheme of Imperial tari preterences put for- ward hy Premier R, I, Bennett, of Canada, All the suggestions are designed to open the way for ins creased Empire trade, If the Conference approves the quota on wheat, it is believed it will be worked out so the Dowine fons are allotted KS per cent, of Great Britain's requirements, the remainder being divided hetween Britieh wheat-growers and foreign countries, Canadian wheat men, it Is un: derstood, are divided over the ad- vantages of the quota scheme, At Port Perry Destroys Home | Residence of Thomas Stew- art Burned in Second Fire in Week (By Wall Correspondent ) Port Perry, Nov, . fire which was discovered shortly after eleven o'clock last night, totally destroyed the home of Thomas Stewart, in the north end of the village, - This morning all that res mains of the large two-storey hriek Bouse are the walls and smould- ering ruins The origin of the fire ts still a mystery, as the Ktewart family, it was learned, had left the house shortly after the supper hour last night and had not returned when the fire was discovered, A call was put in to the fire brigade but due to the headway that the fire had attained they were unable to do much to save the house, The fire at the Stewart home re. moves the second house that has heen a landmark of Port Perry, the some consider It would he diffl- cult of administration and enforce. ment, especially when not buttress sed hy a tariff system such as pre. valls in Germany and France, Oth. erg do not see why there should he any difficulty in requiring British | millers to conform to the plan if it 1s adopted, And they see in the quotas the advantage of a more se- feure Hritish market for Canadian wheat, even if purchases are at | warld prices, | | ------------------ YOUNG LIBERALS WANT NEW LEADER IN ONTARIO HOUSE (By Canadian Press Leased Wipe) Ottawa, Nov, 6.--8tirred by the example of the Liberal party in Nova Scotia in selecting a youn# man for the provinelal leadership, a group of young Liberals in Ontario are laying plans to storm the On- tarlo Liberal Convention which meets in Toronto next month, This week a meeting of young enthusiasts from different parts of the province was held in Ottawa un der the ohairmanship of George Davies of North Bay, Several mem: bers of the group expressed the opinion there should be a change in leadership, The name of Paul Martin was mentioned, Storm Search Atlin, B.C,--Stormy weather, with a temperature of 23 degrees above zero, and a dropping they mometer kept to the ground planes seavohing for Capiain RH, J, A Burke and two companions, mis sing Tor more than three weeks in the Liard River distriet, ° . U.S. Election Returns to Date (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) House returns from congression: al distriota at 12.80 pm, (EST) on contesta for the 435 seats in the new House of Representatives, showed == Republicans elected, 217; pres ent cohgrees, 260, Democrats elected, 218; present congress, 160, Farmer-Labor elected, 1; ent congress, 1, Hoclalista elected, + 01 present congress, 1, Still doubtful, 4, Necessary for a majority, 218, press home of Mrs, Curtis having been destroyed on Tuesday, The fire at the Curtis home is thought te have heen caused hy defective wiring, MANY ERRORS IN STOBIE BOOKS, WITNESS SAYS One Mistake Alone Caused Difference of Over $280,000 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Taoronta Nov, 6.---Krrora whieh areated differences of hundreds of thousands of dollars in the hooks of Stobie, Forlong and Company, were brought to lght by J, M, finger, K.C,, defense counsel to- day in the trial of Malcolm 8table, Charles J, Forlong and Gerdon Draper on charges of conapiraey to defraud, One apparent mistake, the sub: stitution of "Nordon" for "Noran. da", made a difference of about $260,000, Similar errors such as adding instead of subtracting when transactions were made created amaller differences, all in the hooks as kept hy the firm's own staff, Early in January, 1029, the lo- eal office owed the Vancouver office 2,160 shaves of Novanda, H. C, Dell, accountant, stated under eross-examination by Mr, Singer, Hy January 22 it was 8,610, indi cating a dellvery or sale, Then in January 28, 1030, they owed the Vancouver office 9,610 Noranda, according to the books, Mr, Singer asked Mr, Dell to ae» count for the difference of 6,000 but he stated he could find ne such entry, However, there was an entry for 6,000 Nerdon, which would have evened things up, Nut the interesting part of it. was that Nore anda was about $38 then and Nor don wae something aver 0 cents, which, Nir, Singer vemarked, would simply mean a difference of a quar ter million dollars, From what had been shown, he suggested and by similar errors throughout the books, the picture which the orown had presented from those figures was an altpgeth- er imperfect one, CAPT, F, HAWKS SEEKS NEW RECORD A ---- Will Endeavor to Fly From New York to Havana in Seven Hours Valley Btream, N.Y,, Nov, 6, Captain Prank M, Hawks hopped off from Curtiss Field at 5,45 a.m, (B87), today on a flight to lows er the speed record for airplanes hetween New York and Havana, Cuba, He expects to cover the 1,600 miles in less than seven hours, With 15 minute stops at Columbia, B.C, and Miami, ¥la,, for fuel, He said he expected to reach Columbia In about 8 hours and 50 minutes after hig take-off, The present record for the New York-Havana flight 18 14 hours, Prince Receives Boyd and Connor (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, Nov, 6=Captain Lr» rol Boyd and Lieutenant Harry P, Connor were received by he Prince of Wales ut York House today, "Ihe prince gave ws u marvelous little time," Captain Boyd sald, "We were with him talking probably for forty minutes, Mostly he discussed aviation, He seems to know a great deal shout flying," He mentioned the German DO-X and seemed very fn- terested in the possibilities of future development along this line, We gave some impressions of our trang. atlantic flight about which he asked get by the late Wilmer Stultz in 192K, with Mabel Boll and Charles | A, Levine as passengers, That was | a non-stop flight, I the monoplane Colnmbin, in March, | sw lot of questions," Ihe Prinee alse spoke of his forth. coming trip to South Amerlea to which he said he was looking forward immensely (By Canadian Vreas Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man., Nov, i Mayor Ralph H, Webh of Winnipeg, will travel Canada from coast to coast [and rajge "Hall Columbia' If the | Dominion government does not at tempt to "rout out Communist agitators and leaders and deport them," Hpeaking at a banquet held hy the County of Winnipeg Loyal Or- ange lodge last night, in celehra- tion of the anniversary of the gun pewder plot, the mayor challenged newspapers to publish his statement "I will bet you dollars to dough nuts that the newspapers are afraid to publish that statement," he com mented, Activities of Communist leaders constituted a greater menace than that whieh more than 200 years ago culminated in the gunpowder plot, declared Mavor Wehh He appealed to the Orange organiza- tion to come out holdly and stand by him in his fight against Com- munism He had been alone In his fight for five years, the Mayor said, lle asserted that as soon as Prime Minister R, B, Dennett returned from the Imperial Conference, he was going to Ottawa to find out "Just how much longer the feder- al government Is going to stand for the state of matters existing,' General Motors' Dividend New York. --Directors of (lens eral Motors Corporation declared the regular quarterly dividend of 76 cents a share on the eommen stock, payable Dee, 18 to stock of record Nov, 15, and $1.25 a share on the $6 preferred, payahla Feb, 3 to stock of record Jan, §, AUSTRALIAN DUTY | ON PAPER RAISED, | AFFECTING CANADA Ottawa, Nov, 6.- ~Inereasen' In | the primage or additienal duty of 114 per cent on all importa and ten per cent, on writing and type: writing paper announced yesterday in the Australlan Parliament are the chief features of the new an- tipodean custom duties as affeeting Canada, The rise in the tariff hy Australia, however, is not of ser: lous consequence to the Dominion, This opinion was expressed today by tariff experts in the capital tol- lowing a study of cabled press des- patohes containing the new tariff rates, A ---------------- CHURCHMEN JOIN OPPOSING SCHEME Irish Protestant and Catholic Primate Would Retain Privy Council Appeal (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) BPelfast, Northern Ireland, Nov ~The Rav, John A, IY, Gregg, ar ehbishep of Dublin, and the Rev, C, 8 Darcy, protestant primate of Ireland, joined today in expressing alrong opposition to a Free State roposal at the Imperial Conference r abolition of the right of appeal to the Rritish Privy Council, We do not impute to the Free State government, they said in a Joint manifesto, any desire to ins vade our rights of property or re lglous liberty, but the present gov: ernment will not always be in of fice, and Ireland is a country in which religious distinetions exér olse a dominating influence with Which these who do not live here can have little understanding, Winnipeg Mayor Wants Action : n Deportation of Communists 87 Killed in Mine Explosion | Eighteen More Seriously In- jured in Blast--All Bodies Recovered (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Millfield, 0., Nov, 6 -=Number Six mine of the Runday Creek Coal Company gave up the last of its dead shortly after seven-thirty this morning when the 87th and last body of the men who met death When an explosion and fire wrecks ed the underground workings late yesterday was brought to the surs face Fear that this toll might be in- creased however, was expressed by rescue workers and officials of the Sunday Creek company hecause of the serious condition of eighteen men who escaped from the inferno alive, They were brought to the sur- face late last night and early to- day after having spent several hours in the gas filled shaft, Bodies of the dead were placed in an improvised mergue in an empty store room and efforts were being made by relatives to {dentlfy them, The bodies were discolored and It appeared that the men had died from the effect of inhaling pols. ONoOuUs gas, Hardly had the bodles of the last victims reached the surface when two Investigations, one by the 8tate and the other by the federal government -- got under way, While officials and rescue work. erg declined to express an opinion an to what caused the blast, vet- eran miners sald it was obviously EAR, although the shaft had been classed am non-gaseous for several years, STAR WITNESS IN PROBE MISSING Bench Warrant For James Gallen Issued in Sask. atchewan --r------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Regina, Sask, Nov, 6=xA warrant will be issued today for the arrest of James Gallen, crown witness who failed to appear to give evidence be- fore the Saskatehewan 'Royal Come mission yesterday in connection with the charges against the former Libs eral administration arising out of his own declaration, When the commission met yesters day, it listened to the testimony of G, E, Gregory, K.C, senior erown couns sel, 'who being duly swerp, declared Gallen had been paid the sum of $298 for witness fees hy himself and his associate counsel J. G, Diefenbaker, K.C, thereupon the commission aes ceded to Cel, Gregory's request for a bench warrant for the arrest of the pricipal witness in the Gallen charges Gallen is an ex-constable of the eld Saskatehewan Provincial Police, and is one of the outstanding witnesses for the erown in the st of aceusa tions levelled in the Legislature last session against the former Liberal government and now being sifted by the Royal Commission. ALLEGE CONSPIRACY TO WRECK R-101 Scare at Disarmament Meet THREE M Claremont Man EN ENGAGED IN PLOT TO DESTROY GREAT DIRIGIBLE, IS STATEMENT + Scotland Yard Informed by Man That He Heard Trio on Train Discussing Plans to Wreck Airship THOMSON WAS SURE BIG DIRIGIBLE OK, Hastened Plans for Flight as He Was Convinced That Airship Was Fit For Hey First Lung Trip (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) London, England, Nev, 6. Scotland Yard is investigating statements made by a man con cerning an alleged plot to wreck the huge dirigible R-101 which erashed near Beauvais, France, October 5, The man stated that while he wag traveling on a train between London and Southend he overheard a conyers sation among three men about the plot, This eonversation was on the day prior to the dirigible's fatal flight, No further details of the alleged plot were revealed today London, Eng, Nov, 6 = Hugh Dowding, a vice-marshal of the sir ministry, created m sensation teday at the inquiry into the R-101 disaster by testifying that he ordered a full power trial as soon as possible alter the dirigible had left her mooring mast on the Indian voyage, but thas | his instructions were not obeyed, The ship had never had & full pows er trinl, he said, and he "had Issued his order as a safeguard, figuring that If anything went wrong on the trial the R-101 could immediately turn back to England, It also was brought out that Lord Thomson, the alr minister who alse was killed, had lssued a certificate of alr worthiness without a formal written report en the ene trial to which the dirigible had been submits ted, (Continued on Page 14) CHIEF JUSTICE IS AGAINST APPEALS TO PRIVY COUNCIL (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Toronte, Nov, 6.---~Hope that fu- ture appeals to the judielal com» mittee of the Privy Council would be restricted to Important eases wueh as constitutional differences hetween provinces or a province and the Dominion, was expressed by Chief Justieo Latchford sitting In fecond divisional court, Under ourrent practice, His Lordship felt, the taking of poor litigants before the judicial com= mittee by large be fudichud wan an abuse of justice, He was of the opinfon it was this that was main. ly veaponsible for the agitation i appeals to the privy couns 0 TE rE -------------- BRITISH GOVT, 10 COMPENSATE R-101 VICTIMS Dependents of Crew to Get $900 Annually, Civilians, $285 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng,, Nov, 8,==The Bris tish Government will pay compens gation to the dependents of vietims of the airship, R-101 on Oct, §, Frederick stontague, under-secres tary for air, announced in the House of Commons today. The pensions will vary from £180 with a gratuity of £450 plus £24 annually on account of each ohild, to pensiona of 22 ahillin weekly plus five ahillings weekly for each child, These apply to dependents of the alrship's officers and men, : Civillan pensions will be paid varying from £100 to £300 with apecial children's allowances except for those already receiving pens elon under the workmen's coms pensation regulations. The latter awarda where necessary, will be made up by the government to the ng pair eivilians notsso quall © The air force pension of £180 ix equivalent te $800 annually while the eivilian acale is about $288 ane ually

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