a -------- BE RA ac al LE HE OSHAWA DAILY IIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1930 0 JIOUSE AND BARNS BURN Brockvillo.--Fire originating in a barn destroyed the farmhouse with outbuildings near Mallory- town of William Donovan, the heavy loss being partly covered by insurance. Livestock were success- fully removed from the barns but crops and implements were lost. BURNED TO DEATH Lindsay.--George Windover liv- ing about two miles from Halibur- ton village on the West Guilford Road, was burned beyond recogni- tion when fire starting as far as can be learned, from an overheat- ed stove, gutted the dwelling in which he has been living alone. CAUGHT WITH STILL Lindsay.-- Police claim that an- other big source of liquor supply will be stopped up with arrest of William Baldwin, 21-year-old resident of Laxton Township, as a "By their ASH CANS you can tell them." CLEERCOAL SATISFIED CUSTOMERS fess than 5 per cent Ash MALLETT BROS. Coal Importers Albert St. Tel. 3000-61 FOR BALE PONTYPPOOL POTATOES 31.25" COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond Street West Phone 924 D0 YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies are advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- ing and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- eral drugs, which remain in the syse tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy, A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass. away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now aétive and the system enjoys a real tonic effect, All druggists 25¢ and 75¢c red pkgs. News ow Yon result o investigutions carried out by Provincial Constable David H. Porter. It is alleged Baldwin was caught operating a still. EMPTY HOUSE BURNED Picton.--Hallowe"en pranks are believed responsible for the fire in Prince Edward County that do- stroyed an empty frame dwelling on the property of R. N, Hays, one half mile from Rossmore. A jug containing gasoline was found close to the ruins of the building. MINE MAY REOPEN Bancroft.--There are rumors of the old Bessemer iron mine being dewatered and mining activities resumed there. Mining men of late have visited the property and are convinced that the quality and quantity of the ore warrant a re vival of this mining industry in this section of Ontario. Bessermer mines flourished for a number of years. A reopening of the mine now would be a boon to North Hastings. RELIEF RESTRICTIONS Kingston.--No person mit need apply for employment relief in Kingston. And no job wij! | be given to any person who is spending time driving around the | city in a car of his own, GIVEN YEAR IN JAIL Kingston.-- Walter alias Walter Rose, who was arrest- ed with William Proctor, who later escaped from the county jail and was rearrested last week and sentenced to three years in prison in British Columbia, was sentenced to one year determinate years indeterminate by Judge H A. Lavell here. The charge against him was that of | goods. SENT TO REFORMATORY Kingston.--Roy Ingham of Cou- | verneur, N.Y., wad sentenced to 15; the Ontario Reforma- he appeared Judge II. A, Lavell, Ingham charged with criminal and wilful) negligence, the charge arising out of the death of Lem Hog Ling, a Chinese from Brockville, who was killed on Sept. 8 when a car in which Lem Hog Ling was riding collided near Kingstor. with a car driven by Ingham. months in tory when TWO SUFFER BURNS Campbellford.--Fire in Stover's Bakery caused sevore burns to Mr, Fairman, Mr, Stover's Clarence B. Williams, ENGAGE SCHOOL NURSE Campbellford.--At the meeting of the Board of Education it was decided to engage a nurce to examine the pupils of the pub- | lic school. WORLD'S LARGEST MAPLE Picton.--Princé Edward County in the Bay of Quinte section of Eastern Ontgrio which is almost an island, tas at West Lake, a maple trec that measures a few jnches more than eighteen | feet around the girth of the trunk. It is not usual for Canadians to boast of various things in this country to be the "largest in the world" but notwithstanding, no ome has ever produced a tree of the maple species that can surpass it in girth or age. The tree is thought to be about seven hundred years old. GOLDEN WEDDING Pembroke.--Mr. and Mrs. Elias McWade of Cobden received hearty congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of the fiftieth an- niversary of their marriage. ASK $8,000 FOR RELIEF Arnprior.--An emergent meet- ing of the Arnprior council was held to deal with the alleviation of the unemployment problem and the decision of the council was to ask for $8.000 from the Dominion relief fund. who has | money enough to buy a liquor per- | i from Drotrosky, | | public and two receiving stolen | !{ through the before | was | baker, and | { municipal regular | BURGLARS ENTER STORE Pembroke. Burglars forced an entrance into the goneral store of F'rager & Paterson, Westmeath and stole 2 small sum of money hich had been left inthe cach )0X. TO OPEN STONE QUARRY Pembroke.-- With assurances Toronto that the town will recéive Government aid for the re- lief of unemployment, immediate steps will be tpken to Institute work here and move wHl be to open the quarry for the purpose of crushing stone, RECKLESS DRIVER Cobourg.----Climaxing an acci- dent of Oct. 15 when Charles Gould, local motorist and his com- panion, Charles Leonard guard gates at ston crossing rear here, escaping death from train and from cremation in their car which burst into flames oa overturning, the former was fined $50 and costs. In addition Magis trate I'loyd suspended his license for six mouths, He was arraigned a reciless driving FINED narrowly charge. | Wolves Attacking Cattle Near Ottawa Ottawa, Noy, 5. er have become the ravages of pac of wolves in Templeton Townshi), 25 miles north of Ottawa, that the council bas decided to i appeal to the department of colon. | ization of the province of Quebec for aid. Livestock of several the north part of the have Leen killed b wolves, farmers in township roaming APE LEAF ANTI - FREEZE ALCOHO flush the cooling with a mixture of str PR! contain calcium Maple than the required amount. Alco-Meter Service is absolutely free at all Maple Leaf Dealers. It makes possible a scientifically accurate service of protection against {rost. IT DOES NOT PAY TO GAMBLE with the weather Why take the dollar repair y Wi Leaf reeze and FREE Alco-Meter Service offer you guaranteed protection against risk of a two §CIENTIFIC RAD od {ong Jeg fo] DO IT NOW VE into any garage or service station displaying the Maple Leaf Anti-Frceze and Alco-Meter Service sign. lave them stem of your car to free it from scale, and fill it Anti-Freeze and water of suitable for zero weather. This is économical SCIENTIFIC RADIATOR CTION. Unlike many other anti-freeze preparations, it does not de, chlorine, kerosene or any harmful chemical. When zero or sub-zero weather arrives, call at a Maple Leaf Anti- Freeze Alco-Meter Station often and have the mixture tested. Add just Leaf Anti-Freeze to prevent freezing. The Alco- Meter Service man knows how much you will need--don't use. more IATOR the first | crashed | for CHRONIC BRONCHITIS 1 True Friendship | Your dog is your friend; he | for by kindly masters at any time. ! But when he is sick he should | be given the best care, the | finest food and the most ef | fective medicines. Just pause a moment and consider that we carry a most complete line of Sergeant's Dog Foods and Medicines. Always at your service. Tele- phone u. at your leisure and we will deliver directly to your home within a mo- ment's notice. "Ask for a Free Dog Book.' THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd. King St. E. Simcoe St. S. Phone 28 Phone 68 girs sph = is to be respected and cared buying produce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 46 to 48c; fresh firsts 40 to 44c; seconds, 26c; pullet extras, 29 to 30ec. Butter--No. 1 Ontario creamery solids, 30% to 31c; No. 2, 29} to 30¢. Churning cream--Special, No. 2, 29¢c, Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, parafiined and government graded, 15% to 15§ec. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: Poultry-- Alive Sel. MF. Fatted hens, over 6 Ibs. each ve: 37 Over 4 to 6 Ibs. each 14 Over 33 to 4 1bs. ea, 12 Under 33 1bs. each . 10 Spring chickens, over b he ..... 18 Over 4% to 5 Ibs, ea. 15 Over 4 to 43% bs, ea. 13 Under 4 1bs. each . 11 Broilers, 14 to 2% lbs. each ..... . Pullets, straight bred 2c above chicken prices, Spring ducklings (white), over 5 lbs. each .. 16 Over 4 to b 1bs each, 12 Colored, 2c 1b. less Guinea fowl, pair ......... (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are ogering produce to retall dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 50c; fresh extras, loose, 48c; firsts 44c; seconds, 32 to 33c, 33¢; 20 17 16 13 24 22 18 16 24 REE 1.50 333c to 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints 323c to 33c. Cheese---New, large, 17¢; twins, 174c: triplets, 17 je; stiltons, 20c. Old, large, 27 to 28¢c; twins, 28 to 29¢c; old stiltons, 28c, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Lawr- ence Market, Toronto: Produce-- Eggs, extras, per doz. Do., firsts, per doz. ! Butter, dairy, per 1h. 0.28 Do., creamery, 1b. 0.40 0.55 0.45 King- | a passing | | | Bowmanville Oshawa I | Produce Quotations TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Septembuer 5th, 1030 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, eacept Sunday. . Datly, , Daily, E Das except Sunday. ue Daily, except Sunday. . Daily, eacept Sunday, 4.03 pow, Daily, 7.04 pom. Dalz, 5.02 p.m. Laily, GRAY COACH! LINES Effective September 2ith, (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Toronle AM P.M, AM, PM except Sunday. m~Excert Su a=daturdays, b-Sundays only. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound a.m. Daily, pm. Daly. . , Daily, except C.iday .m, Daily, . Daily. Westbound .m. Daily, . Daily. . Daily, except Sunday .m, Daily. . Dady. WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANY LE BUS LINES WEEK DAY fFCHEDULE (Effective on and after October 6th, 1936) (Standard Time) Going West Leave Arrive Whitby 6.20 a.m, 7. Wm, 2.20 a.m. LA' am, 05 a.m "Arrive Leave Henpital Frost uwnnS on Size Ey m, .m., 12.40 p.m, Au .m, shave ovTETs 4.00 p.m. Lm, .m, 6.45 pm, cep? 523 WAS p.m, > 3 Leave . Arrive tospital a Bowmanville nn 40 am, 8.20 a.m. . 10.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m, . 12.35 pm, 2.30 p.m. £ 1.25 p.m, 4.40 p.m, 5.40 p.m. 6.40 p.m, 8.20 p.m. 9.00 p. 10.45 p 12.15 p.m. SCHEDULE 4.25 p.m, 2.15 p.m, m. m, S38522z888088x 38S ®X PPTYOPOTTUEsSe Bsap3pasz SUNDAY AND HOL.ID, Going W. Leave are Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, 6 bunches ,. . { Beets, doz. bunches .. +... Onions, dry, 11 qt. A basket | Cabbage | Cauliflos | Spinach, & Mushrooms, per . Leaf Lattue, three for | Head ILettuce, two for Parsley, bunch Onions, bunch, three for Cress, Celery, Oranges, { Honeydew Melons, each : | Grapefruit, 5 Potatoes, bag Sass Cucumbers, six for .. l.emons, per doz. | Bananas, per doz. Apples, bus, . - Do., Bnowe, ¢ . aien Al Oranges, doz. R 0.70 Can. Green Peas, 6 qt. basket Ksgplant, each (ireen peppers, basket ears, basket Cranberries, qt. Quinces, 6 qt. Sweet potatoes. 6 lbs. Pumpkins, cach Squash, each Parsuips, basket | Beate, basket ,. | Peppers, each Herbz, buaeh 05 2.10 10 1 0.4 on NEI aD © worst ia GRAIN AT TORONTO | Grain dealers at Toronto quoting the following. prices zraln In carlots: | Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 hard, | T3e; No. 1 Northern, 74c; No. 2, y Northern, 71 1.4c; No. 3 Northern | 69 1-4c per bushel. Price tracks 1c higher than above. Manitoba Oats--No. 1 feed, 30c¢; No. 2, feed, 27¢ per bushel (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports), | Argentina Corn--76c (c.i.f. Port Colborne). Milifeed (delivered Montreal, {reights, bags included): Bram, per ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton, $22.- =o; middlings, per ton, $29.25. Manitoba Flour--F|rst patents, | In jute, $6.00, Toronto; second pat- ents, In jute, $5.40, Ontario Grain -- Wheat, oats, 30c; barley, 34c; rye, buckwheat, 57c. are for on 68c; 46c; TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases returned, Lresh extras, 46 to 48c; fresh firsts | 40 to '44c; seconds, 26¢; pullet ex- tras, 29¢ to 30c. Butter-- No. 1, Ontario Cream- ery Solids, 30% to 30%c; No. 2, 29% to 29%ec. Churning cream --- Special, No. 1, 32¢; No. 2, 29c. Cheese--No. 1 large, colored, paraffined and government graded, 16% to 16%c, Quotations to poultry shippers, are 'as follows: Poultry Alive Select MLF, Fatted hens, over § 1bs., each . Over 4 to 6 lbs, ORCh suv Over 3% to 4 1bs., each ..,. 12 Under 3% Ibs, 33c¢; 20 oo 19 (Selling) Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs-- Fresh extras, in cartons, 52 to B7¢; fresh extras, loose, b0 to bbc; firsts, 44 to 48c; seconds, 36 to 37c. Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, 33%c to 34c; No. 2, creamery, prints, 33%ec. to 33c. Cheese-- New, large, 17¢; twine, 17%ec; triplets, 17%c; stiltons, 20¢c. Old, large, 27 to 28¢c; iwins, 28 to 29c; old stiltons, 28¢. Poultry Chickens, 5 lbs. up Do., 4 to 5 lbs. .. Do., 3% to 41bs, ..es.. Do., 3 to 3%; lbs, seuss Do., 2 lbs. Hens, over 6 Ibs. ... ves Dressed cieves 132:.38 veses 400-24 28-30 284.30 ,23-.30 28 LLOYD GEORGE HAS PLAN TO RFNUGE UNEMPLOYMENT Liberals Claim "Their Pro- gram Would Absorb Mil- , lion Jobless in Year Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, | 1 resent the i Monitor Top London, Nov 5.--Far-reaching plans to reduce Great Britain's number of unemployed by 1,000, 000 in the mext twelve month: have been presented to the Gov- ernment by Right Hon. Lloyd George and his Liheral colleagues, who have been in conference with Labor Cabinet mempers during the Parliamentary recess, The Liberals plans, made public last night, contemplate elimination of what Lloyd George and his as- the 'refractory mil- approximate number of British workers -- between 700,000 and 1,000,600--who rep- | "excess ubove the num- bers nominally in course of trans- fer from one industry to another, which has Leen persistent since the war." The authors -of this plan, who have given it the title "How to Tackle Unemployment," have for- gsoclates call lion" or the British goods to compete success- fully in world markets, Thig, the plan proposes, should be a reduc- tion of roughly 10 per cent., vary- ing in different industries... The Government, it is proposcd, should get an example by cutting its own expenditures 10 per cent. partly by "drastic revision of the dole." The plan's second proposal is for Government stimulation of new enterprise and industry to absorb those thrown out of work by rationalization of older Indus- tries. Third--The encourarement Liberals suggest of agriculture could absorb 500,000 additional workers, and meantime 150,000 could be employed in recondition- ing land, and building equipment. Fourth---An intensified and ac- celerated program of national de- velopments and reconstruction fs proposcd, 'so that those thrown out of work are given useful and £ healthful employment, instead of being kept in idleness." Public Work Urged Vigorous pursuit of such a pol- fcy is recommended in connection with roads, public planning and housing, extension of the tele- phone system, and electrical devel- opment, These proposals would involve large expenditures, their authors admit, but they assert that "the money can be found; the nation's credit should he used. Raising the money will not prejudice enter- prise in other directions, and tho expenditure will be agp invest ment." TOOTING IT (Bury Post) Servant (announcing new arrival at the party): "Mr, Tootle," Mr, Tootle (in undertone): "And Mre. Tootle." Servant: "And Mrs. Tootle, too." COAL THE BEST SOLVAY COKE mulated their program, in effect, as follows say, "Reduce Coit", First-- Reduction of production level 1 enable to i which will JEDDO PREMIUM AT USUAL COAL PRICES DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 26 PRODUCED FULL OIL Five Direct Lines ently oiled. ® is the economical operation of the Monitor Top and its record of dependable, trouble-free service that account for the amazing popularity of the General Electric Refrigerator, The simple mechanism of the Moni. tor Top costs but a few cents a week to operate. It is hermetically sealed from air, moisture and dirt . . . the destructive elements that cause rapid wear , . , and it is perman- Hundreds of thousands of thrifty housewives have proved that the General Electric is the trul omical Refrigerator . . . Choose the for true economy! saving it effects in food bills of a small family amounts approxi. mately as follows: Monthly Yearly Sevints* Milk and Cresta - « 3-75 §-908 Meats . . . . Fruits and Vegetables - Improved Buying Habits 1.90 1.75 1.65 6. Here is convincing proof that the General Electric Refrigerator soon pays for itself . . . that you really can't aiford to be without a General Electric in your home! You are invited to visit the nearest dealer and get the facts about the Monitor Top . . . the All-Steel econ- the EASY TERMS ARRANGED cabinets .' . . the unusually gener ous shelf area . . . the permanently quiet operation and other features of the General Electric Refrigerator. ER-250C tion to General Electric Refrigerator dealers i xceedingly reasonable terms well within family budget. GENERALEDELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Ross, Ames and Gartshore Co. Ltd. 135 KING STREET WEST 'OSHAWA, ONTARIO Guaranteed by CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. Limited each ....... 10 . 3 Spring Chickens, over 6 lbs, .... Over 4% .to 6 lbs, each .... 15 Over 4 to 4% lbs. each 0 13 Under 4 bs. each 11 Broilers, 1% to 2% Ibs. each ...... 245 p.m, Pullets, straight bred 445 pn, 5.00pm, 5.30 p.m, Z¢ above chicken 6.43 pm, 2.00 p.m. 7.30 pam. prices, #3 ~ fa ! ANTI REEZE it | 0udS an. 11.00 poms 11.90 pom' Spring duckling . { Times narced * connect at Whitby with J bs, each ...... | Lindsay Vusses. | S514 at Leading Garages and Service Stations iqually Efficient for Trucks and Busses Aap Dustes, lo a} Over 4 to § Ibs. each .... 12 occasions » CARTON PROPRIETOR CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITE] Montreal Corbyvillé Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver | i hy Colored; 2c 1b. less 21 , ) = . h «Guinea fowl, pair ....... Leave Bowmanville 9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. "2.00 p.m. 4.00p.m, 4.00 p.m. "6.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m, 10.00 p "un, Oshaw: 9.30 a.m, freezing? : | S: at any Alco-Meter Station before your : | BD ve the Ma le Leaf rol ao ! and you won't be sorry. Remember that all testing instru- ments are not Alco-Meters, 18 ALCO-METER || SERVICE Only Maple Lesf Anti-Freesze dealers can give you-Alco-Meter Service. 1f your regular servide dealer does not have it this year, there are others close by who do. Leave Whitby 0.00 a.m, 12.00 pom 17 16 21 17 1 A BOWHMANVILLE PHONE 412 348 Oshawa Waiting Room 9 Prince. Sticet Phone 2: 31 60 | CEE