Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 6

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PACE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCIOBLK sv, 1950 ES NS ---------------- | NEWS OF BUSY BROOKLIN My, and Ms, John Wordife, of Barrie, spent the week-end in Brooklin, Mrs, Philips, of Mount Forest, is visiting Mrs. AY Sonley, Mrs. Wilcox, of Uxbridge, visit ed her daughter, Mrs, Spears last week, J Mr. and Mrs, Ralph White and family, of Newmarket, spent Sun- day in Brooklin, Mrs, W. Smith and Barbara were with friends in Vineland for the week-end, Mr. Jas. Bradley, of Enniskillen, visited on Sunday at Mr, Frank Bradley's, HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old floors finished like new, General Contractors, B. W, HAYNES 161 King St, West Phone 481 Residence 8078W | MONEY TO LOAN ! On your ear if you need cash To re-finance. your present contract, To finance private sale of your car, Drive While You Pay G. L. SCOTT Motor Loans & Discounts 143 King Street East (Upstairs) Open Evenings - Phone 2700 " Mrs. Jackson, ot Port Porry, gave a very interesting talk on Temperance ip the United Sunday School on Sunday morning. The Sunday School set a new record Jor attendance with 2256 present. Mr, and Mrs, Will Armstrong Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Sweetman and Masters Ross and Allin, of Port Perry, were guests at the home of Mrs, A. Lawrence the latter part of the week, The Home and School Club sre holding a tea and sale of home- made cooking and candy in the school on Friday, Nov, 7th, from 4 to 6, Musical entertainment, Being your friends and enjoy a cup of tea. Elaborate preparations are being made for the annual Fowl Supper in the Upited Church on Thanksgiving evening. A record crowd is expected, Rev, J, R. Watts, D,D,, of Queen's Theologi- eal College, Kingston, is the spec ial preacher for both services on Sunday, November 9th, The United Church, Rev, P, L, Jull, B.A,, pastor, Sunday, Novem- ber 2nd--10 a.m., Sunday School, missionary pageant; 11 a.m, Sac- rament of The Lord's Supper; 7 p.m, "Plain Talks About Our selves, "Gambling", Tuesday, Nov, 4th, Young People's League, sub- ject, "Religion and Personality", by Rev, P, L, Jull, A "spooky" but jolly time was spent by a large crowd at the Hal- lowe'en party of the Young People's Loague on Tuesday even- ing, Miss Doris Gee and Miss Bes- sle Garbutt were In charge, Prizes for costumes were won by Mrs Jamos Ormiston, Miss Marguerite Hunter, Miss Dorothy Lockyer and Mr, Levi Arksey, Stewart L. Thompson recently gave a very interesting tslk on "Our Bird Friends" which he illus. trated by fifty colored lantern slides, This was enjoyed by all who attended. Misses Boyd and Dryden rendered duets and Mrs, C. 8. Thompson sang. Refreshments were 'served after which the meet- ing closed. with the National An- them, Rev, P, L. Jull has been ap- pointed returning officer' in eon- nection with the election for the Tenth Ontario Older Boys' Parlia- ment for the constitutency of South Ontario, Nominations close Saturday, November Sth, Election day is Saturday, November 29th, Names of voters must be register. ed with the Returning Officer by Saturday, November 22nd, It is hoped that the election will be keenly contested. Grant Ormiston Is the present member, The Women's Institute Hallow. e'en Party will be held in the Township Hall on Friday evening, Oct, 31, Tickets are being sold at 10e for children and 20c for adults, A prize of two pound box of choco. lates will be given the one hold- ing the lucky number, Prizes are also offered for the best original Hallowe'en costume, also a prize for both ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, These prizes will be on exhibition in local merchant's stores, After the masquerade par- ade a splendid program will be given, followed by games, Lunch will also be served, Special Thanksgiving services will be held in the United Church on Sunday and Monday, Nov, 9th and 10th. On Sundsy services will be held at 11 am, and 7 p.m. when Rev. J, R. Watts, D.D,, of Queen's Theological College, Kingston, will KEEPS YOU FIT! Just a well-balanced food to keep you fine and fit-- carbohydrates for heat and energy, proteins for good muscle, mineral salts for bones and teeth-- and. all so easily digested. Eat Shred- ded Wheat with plenty of milk-- hot _milk is best in Winter as it brings out "the delicious flavor of the crisp baked wheat--and supplies the warmth the "body needs. Delicious for any meal. It's ready-cooked, ready-to-eat. SHREDDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE--85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M a 7.00 . 3.30 a 7.80 4.30 5:30 4.30 b 780 8.80 b 9.830 10.80 €11.00 "astern Standard Time LEAVE TORONTO PM, 2.80 a~-daily except Sunday. be=Saturday, Sunday and \ Holidays only, e==Sunday only, PASSENGERS--SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP Uoach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Hrantford, Windsor, Detroit, Rarrie, Orillia, Midland, Jackson's Point "and Intermediate points, Connections at Buffalo and Detroit tor all U.S.A. points. Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES Genaab Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2825 preach, Special music by the choir, On Monday, Nov. 10th, a fowl sup- per will be served at bp » under auspices of the W.M.8,, Followed by a concert, with the following artists taking part: Mr, A, Petch, eloeu- tionist, and Mr, Jas, Walker, tenor wolist; of Toronto; Miss Maude Cooper, Violinist and pianist, of Col- umbus; Miss Rose yd and Mrs, C. H. Pengelly, pianists, of Brook- lin. Admission 60c and 26e, Mrs, W. Draper, Sec. W. M, 8, Rev. P, L. Jull, Pastor, On Friday evening, Oct, 24th, D.D.GM, Bro, Geo, Mowatt, of Whitby, visited Beethoven Lodge No, 165, 1.0,0.F., and Installed the following officers: -- N. G~Bro, J. Ormiston, V.G,--Bro, H. Arksey, Ree, 8ec.--Bro, R, Cooper. Fin. Sec.~--Bro, Wm, Arksey, Treas.--Hro, M Routly, Warden--Bro, A. Jones Con.~--Bro, A, Cooper, R.8.N.G,--Bro., B. Manning, L.8.N.G ~Bro. M, Ross, R.8.V.G Bro, N. Gibson. v L.8.V.G~Bro. ¥, Parkin, 1 R.8.8,«=Bro, ¥, Woodward, [.8.8,~Bro, T, Kivell, 1.G.=~Bro. W. Holliday, 0.G,==Bro, P, Rogers, Chap.~~Bro, Pe Richardson, Afterwards Bro, Gordon Bunk- er, P.D.D.GM, Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, pre. sented Beethoven Lodge with the Bunker trophy, emblematic of the lodge making greatest gain in mem- bership in district 41, Short speeches were delivered by the fol- lowing: P.D.D.G.M. Bro, Jno, Noble, of Whitby; P.D.D.G.M, Bro. Wm, Boddy, of Oshawa; P.D.D.GM, Bro. C. B, DeGuerre, also of Osh- awa, AUDLEY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Hansforod have re- turned to the city for the winter, Inspector Hutchison attended the school Hallowe'en concert as chair- man on Wednesday evening. The Club Hallowe'en soclal takes place this Friday evening at Gras- mere farm, The managers of the drama "Wild Ginger" are booking orders for its presentation, In the sale announcements else- where in the Chronicle will be seen the notice of the sale of Yorkshire swine and dairy cows by F, M. Chapman, } He has a fine bunch of y Pigs and sows and a high roducing herd of mostly fresh cows, e has purchased a Jersey herd and w joing into pure Mb: Jerseys, which is the only reason for dis- posing of his good cattle, opp e GREENWOOD NEWS i ---- Mission Circle met at the home of Miss Edna Green on Saturday af- ternoon, Ed. Bie, of Cobourg, was home |. over the week end, Howard Ormerod was successful in winning one of the first prizes at the South Ontario Floughinig match held at Columbus aturday, Some ,of our hunters are plan- ning to go north this week, Quite a number attended the W, M. 8. Rally of the Greenwood Cir. cuit held in the Mt. Zion church last Tuesday moon, Miss Jean Gil» lesple, of Japan, was present, and gave a very interesting address on an,' and her work in that land. m, Ormerod, Jr, of Toronto, was home over the week end, A number of the young people are busy practisin a new Jam, "The Alley Daffodil," to be presented about Nov, 14 th, The notice on the 'window said: "Boots repaired," so the small boy went in, "Please, father wants 'em mended," he ventured, idly, handing over a pair of boots, "e needs 'em for unday." "Whit's he want done to them?" inquired the tradesman, Wants 'em soled and 'eeled," pip- ed the youngster, "Also stretched." "Stretched as well, eh? Where do "oh pinch him?" Hop dont pinch him," replied the ] plached ¢| them," To find work go § flow work and look for it==Chicago Daily News, The Stores That are 98.65% Owned by Canadians Oshawa' S Finest Food Market Op ens Toda October the 30th at 8 Oelork § in the The Stores That are 98.65% Owned by Canadians % anid . Thursday, orning. 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH. OSHAWA The residents of Oshawa and vicinity will welcome this new pure food market, Everything for up-to-date storekeeping is being installed. The most modern system of refrigeration; glass and marble sanitary counters, special automatic refrigerated counter for Butter and Dairy products, Fruit and Vegetable counters. All Meats will be displayed under air-tight glass counters. to serve you. No expense is being spared in making this market the finest in the district, Be sure to visit this clean, sanitary market. A staff of experienced and courteous sales people will be ready THIS IS AYLMER SOUP WEEK! SOUP "AYLMER" Assorted except Chicken and Chicken with Rice Tin SINGAPORE Pineapple. FIGBAR Biscuits AYLMER Pumpkin .. Fry's Cocoa... SEEDLESS Raisins wl Sire Tin Bulk FLOUR STOP ad STOP & SHOP TEA BLENDED INDIA AND CEYLON 2+ 09: 7 1b. Bag 21 "HANDY" Ammonia. ®f PPPOE 1 4-String 9 sing... 2 0e Brooms..... KELLOGG'S Cornflakes NEW CANADIAN Cheese ...............». 23e OLD CANADIAN I. x. 7 Cheese ... 24 Ib. b/c COFFEE GUARANTEED QUALITY TF Ibs. 97c AUSTRALIAN Peaches 2% 39¢ VICTORY SWF SWFET MUSTARD OR SWEET MIXED 39. Pickles sor jer... Jelly Powders 4 re 23¢ McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE Delmonte Fruit "<2 §e STANDARD QUALITY PEAS 4 Tins 23¢c McLAREN'S QUEEN Olives 2:29 J . Lunch Rolls, 15 sheets Fresh Rolled Oats . Magic Baking Powder, «eee 16-02, tin 29c Snowdrift Cocoanut ,.. ..... ... lb, 22¢ Neilson's Chocolate Bars Wrigley's Gum 3 pkgs. 10¢ 1b, 19¢ Jelly Beans 3 rolls 10¢ Shirriff's Orange Marmalade, 16 oz. jar 22 ¢ Benson's Corn Starch .., . «pkg. 11¢ Stop & Shop Floor Wax, . a Ib, tin 28¢ Spratt's Dog or Puppy Biscuits, 21s. 25¢ | Old Dutch Cleanser 2tins 19¢ Hi Keen's Mustard, 4's . .. tin 47c¢ I Hallowi Dates 2b. 21¢ Canada Dry Pinger Ale, quar, contents only . bottle 20¢ H U T T E | § SILVERLEAF Choice Creamery Ib. 4 1 C BONELESS MEALED Cotta e Rolls . mn. 2§c For res a Roasting 24c LIBBY'S COOKED CORNED Beef suce............n. 25¢ Variety Loaf + 35 LOIN ROAST OF SPRING Lamb...» 18e¢ TENDER ROASTS OF YOUNG BEEF Prime Rib Roast... » 22e Blade Rib Roast... » 1§e Shoulder Roast......». 13e LEAN Boneless Pie Meat ». 18§e¢ Flat Rib Brisket FRUITS and VEGETABLES SELECTED HOME GROWN Potatoes - rex 19e NO. 1 GRADE COOKING Onions - 6 13¢ | LARGE GREEN Cabbage - - ui de FANCY JONATHAN TABLE e | Apples - - - v= 29e "EASIFIRST" or "DOMESTIC" SHORTEN IN G 1mcoe 14 SUGAR CURED BREAKFAST 29c¢ FRESH PORK SHOULDERS = FRESH PORK 19¢ | BUTTS 1b. 25¢

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