Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 1

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A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City The Osh at a Sy Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Daily Times "All the News While It Is News" ie 30 gn Unt Den OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES VOL, 7--NO. 102 AAA LALL LAL AL A al Barley Winnipeg. --A b-cent-per-bushel reduction in the initial payment on barley was announced yesterday by the Central Selling Agency of the Canadian Wheat Pool. Initial pay- ment on the basis of No. 3 CW, barley at Fort William will thus amount to 20 cents a bushel on and after Friday, Oct, 31. Murder Jury Disagrees Cornwall. --Failing to agree upon a verdict after five hours' deliber~ ation, the jury in the case of Lous Jocko, charged with the murder of June 9 of Ernest Gatien of East Cornwell, was disniissed by Justice Garrow at the Fall assize of the Supreme Court here, Jocko will be held in custody for a new trial at' the Winter assizes here. Settlers Organize Kapuskasing.--The Northern On- tario Settlers Association, with ita initia! membership of close to 100 settlers, was organized here at a largely attended meeting. TWO INJURFD AS GARAGE BURNS Hotel Also Destroyed at Campbellville, Ont. Yesterday top, Oct. 30,--~While Robert hen and his mechanic, William McDonald, were repairing a leak- fog gas tank on an automobile, pear & coal stove in Mr. Early's garage at Campbeville, six miles west of Milton yesterday, the Ras- oline fumes ignited from the heat of the stove, causing an explosion and instantaneously the whole building was in flames, Both men wore badly burned. The fire, fanned by a brisk wind, soon leaped to the Camp- pellville Inn nearby, and in an in- stant this well-known landmark was also in (lames. Calls for help wera sent to Milton, Acton and Burlington fire brigades, Which were soon on the scene. Milton's brigade with its tire tragk arrived ftitst on'g vecord ruf, and although unable to "t two buildings, were succe spore. stores and many houses from * fall prey to the + {lamas which destrayed the garage and the hotel, Two cars were algo destroyed in the garage. Virtually all the contents of the {on, which contained 30 rooms and the garage, were destroyed, Total Joss to both buildings and contents fs ehtimated at $15,000, OFFICERS CATCH ADMIT) PORRERS| Constable Wounded in Fray «Citizens Aid in Toronto | Capture Toronto, Oct. 20.~-Two youths were arrested here last night fol- lowing a brisk fight in a back vard in which citizeny joined and which followed the shooting of Plaine clothesman Joseph Shields, The latter and P. C. Bob McArthur no- ticed three suspicious looking youths in a west end {ane and when the officers tricd to capture them the fun commenced. One of the trio fired point blank when cornered, The bullet struck Shields in the "upper lip. By this time residents living nearby had coms to the assistance of the of- ticers and a merry battle waged before two of the alleged would~ be-housebroakers were overpower. ed. ] The youth captured, and, be lieved members of a gant respon: sible for an epidemic of house- breaking throurhout the district recently, were Donald Unwin, 23. married, and Mike Covis, 16. Lorne Anderson, 16, Who is al Jered to have done the shooting. escaped, \ Ofticer Shields refused to accept medical treatment until fhe two bovs had heen conveyed to the police station and locked up. He then wa# taken to a hospital where the bullet was removed. WEATHER | 'Local showers have ogcur- ved in Ontario and Quebec with light snow in northern districts, and rain bas fallen in the Maritimes, It has been . fair throughout the west, cold in Manitoua, and mild in Al berta. Pressure is welatively low over eastern Canada and' off the Atlantic Coast uh high pressure over Manito and the greater part of the western states. Forecasts = .Lower Lake Regions=--Mod. erate variable winds; unset. tied with local showers. Fri. _day==~Fresh northwest cloudy and a little colder with local snow flurries. «a Gicorglan Ray --- Moderate winds, unsettled with show. west wind, po A Ap colder with some local snow. SE uota System Fo IMPERIAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE HAS REJECTED QUOTA ON DAIRY PRODUCTS Too Many Difficulties in Way of Placing Quota on Dairy Products, Is Report of Experts : RAISE PERCENTAGE FOR WHEAT QUOTA Committee Now Considering 55 Per Cent. as Besis of Purchases of Wheat From Dominions by Britain (By George Hambleton, Canadian Press Staft Correspondent) London, Eng. Oct, 30.---Rejec- tion of the proposal for quota pur- chasing of dairy products by Great Britain, a system which would grant the dominions a larger share of the British market, was said to be in- dicated by the draft reports' which have just been presented to a com- mittee of the Imperial Conference. The committee under Rt. Hon. William Graham, president of the Board of Trade, today received draft reports on the applications of the quota to British purchases of butter, cheese, eggs, canned fruit and canned fish, These drafts are still under consideration in ecom- mittee and they are lable to some | modification, * But they are sald to fidicate so many difficulties le in the way of quota purchasing' of dairy products as to amoupt to vir- tual rejection, : Main he. wo pri . ¢ oll he onsen e it FRAPS te dalry products are firstly, thé. difficulty of controlling purchases made over a scattered area, and secondly pro- visions in the existing trade treaties Letween Great Britain and foreign powers. A sub-committee which is ipre- paring a report on the question of British buying of wheat by quotas, | is continuing its task this after: noon. 'The prevailing view among the experts, it is understood, Is that application of a wheat quota in technically practicable, because purchasing of wheat is more easily controlled than that of dairy pro. ducts, One difficulty in this mat. ter however, is in ensuring that wheat shipped to the United King- dom under the quota provisions would not subsequently be divert- ed elsewhere. Percentage Raised The discussions of the statistical aspects of the wheat quota plan have resulted in an increase in the 'eggosted quota percentage for Bri- tish purchase of empire wheat, Tha original figure discussed was 48 per cent. Now the figure lald down as the basis of discussion 1g 65; per cent In other words, Britain is ask- ed. to figure on purchasing 65 per cent of her wheat requirements from other parts of the empire, The remaining 45 per cent would be di: vided between British wheat-grows' ers and foreign countries. - : The empire premiers will meet with Premier Ramsay MacDonald at Downing street tomorrow. PRINCESS BAPTIZED IN JORDAN'S WATER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng., Oct, 30,~--With water brought from the River Jor: dan, little Princess Margarot Rone, second daughter of the Duke and Duchess' of - York, was christened in the private chapel of Bucking- ham Palace by.the Archbishop: of Canterbury today, - | nurse attending hi BANK HELD UP AT BRUSSELS, ONT. Two Foreigners Escape With $5,800 After Binding Staff | Brussels, Oct, 30,~~Armed with revolvers and a sawed-off shotgun, two men, believed to be Italians, entered the Bank of Nova Scotia hore yesterday afternoon, and 15 minutes later were speeding in a coupe car towards London with $5,840.04 in cash, leaving the bank manager and two employees bound and gagged In tho vault, The provincial police have flung a net over the entire district In the hope of catchinz the gunmen, but the robbers had a half-hour start before the alarm was given, Very few clues were left behind, and the only dofinite fact estah- lished is that the men were driving a dirty coupe which had been seen in the town previous to the hold- up. The direction taken by the coupe was towards Seaforth, which is sits uated on the highway leading to- wards London, Alfred Cuddy, dep- uty commissionar of provinelal po- lice, ordered provincial officers at all points 'to participate 1h 'the search, ASK PRAYERS FOR INDIAN CONFERENCE London, Eng, Oct. 30-~The Archbishops of Canterbury and of York, along with the moderator of the Fres Church and the president of the Evangelical Churches have Issued a joint request for prayers on Sunday, Nov. 16, for the success or the Indian round-table confer. ence, Children Said Rabies Vie ims Ottawa Develop Alarm. ing Symptoms Ottawa, Ont, Oct, 30.--A 'ser- fous turn having occurred in the condition of two of six children bitten by a small brown mongrel dog believed afflicted with rabies, police and civic health workers of Ottawa today intensified thelr soarch for the animal, One of the child victims, a boy & six years, was reported to have dug his teeth into the hand of a in hospital, This symptom that hydrophobia is developing in this case is consid. ered particularly serious 'in view of the fact that the bites, suffered about the legs and lower lip, were inflicted only 24 hours previously. A young girl victim of the dis- easo-ridden nimal was sald to have develop8d an alarming tem- peratures overnight, Jn all six children have been bitten by the dog since Wednes- day last. Liberals Win South Waterloo, Conservatives Hold Other Seats Torgiio, Qet, 30.--Premier Gy Howaru Ferguson's supporting phalanx of 89 Congervatives in the Ontario legislature of 113 seats was reduced by one at the by-elec- tions yesterday when Waterloo South was won over by the Liberal party. Three other constituencies, Lanark South, Perth South and . Nipissing were retained 'in the Conservative column as. the result of the balloting. Tha voting waa. generally lighter than in the same constituencies in - the provincial elections of 1929, a New. members of the ' Ontario legislature as the result 'of 'the by-elections are as follows: E. R. Stedman, °C vil Lanark © South, 'majority .1,0004 Charles R. Harrison, Conservas tive, Nipissing, majority 3,000; Ni 0, Hipel, Liberal, Waterloo South, majority 74; C. E. Richardson, Conservative, Perth South, major ity 241. i Hon, George 8, Henry, minister of highways and acting premier, while admitting disappointment at the loss of the Waterloo South seat, expressed gratification at the results in the other three ridings The result in Lanark South was never in doubt, he thought, The large majority in Niplssing "is an indication of New Ontario's rec: ognition of the government's for ward development policies thore" be bio "while the winning of Perth South by a straight majors ity shows the older part of the province is steadfast in {ts endor 1ve| satfon of our work' The standing of parties in the leglelature follows: Conservatives, 88; Liberals, 14: Progressive, 4; Lib.-Prog., 3; Ind. Cons, '2; U.F.0, 1, . Chicago Thugs Fire on Trolley Deliberate Attempt to Slay Murder Trial Witness Is Alleged (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chicago, Ills, Oct, 30-~Three gun- men cruised past a street car today and sent a volley of bullets crashing through its windows, seriously wounding a policeman who was to be a witness at the murder trial of "Three Fingered" Jack White, no- torious gunman and "public enemy.' The wounded officer was Sergeant James McBride of the Bellwood po lice. Five years ago he was wounded in a revolver battle with White and his A companion officer, Ed confederates, were killed "Three-Fingered" Jack wa tenced to prison for life, but the su. and the case was never brought to trial again, Two weeks ago White was arrested in the vagrancy campaign of the po- lice and Chief Justice John P. Me- Goorty re-instated the murder charge and ordered White held without bail The police are convinced that the attack was a deliberate attempt to put the witness out of the way, R101 ENGINE WORKED FF 157 PREGEDING CRASH | Sheet From Log Salvaged--- --Qil System Apparently Went Wrong (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Eng., Oct, 30.---~A page from the log of the British dirlg governmant's inquiry today to show that the engines of the ill-fated ship were working smoothly nine minutes before it crashed at Beau- vals, Franco, October 5, with the loss of 48 lives, Sir Willlam Jowitt, attorney- general conducting examination of testimony, sprang a sensation in the public court of inquiry hy an- nouncing that a sheet from one of the engine legs of tho big craft, kept while she was on her last flight had been found near the scene of the disaster and forward- ed to London. The attorney general sald this document bad proven of the ut- most importanca In the investiga« tion sineo it showed the engine revolutions snd cruising speed of the efMift right up to two o'clock on the moring of the catastrophe, The dirigible crashed nine min- utes later, y Sir Willlam sald evorything ap- peared normal aboard the R-101 up to 2 o'clock. Then an imperfect entry in the log regarding oll pressure indicated that the officer had not time to finish his entry. Examination of witnesses wan begun this morning, Sir John Simon © presiding, outlined the scope of the inquiry, Ho indicated that he intended to "handle the investigation without gloves', NEW RADIUN FIND WILBERFORCE Lindsay Dactor.Prospector Reports Recent Rich Discovery (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lindsay, Oct. 30.--A new radium find, 'near the Richardson property, in' Wilberforce Township, was re- ported here yesterday by Dr.' Nes- bitt, who for years has been inter- ested, with Charles Earl, in prospec- ting tor this precious mineral in the Haliburton district, The area in which the new find has been made fs, according to Dr, Nesbitt, some 800 acres in extent, and the radium ore that explora. tion 'of the past week has revealed 11, he adds, worth 'pretty near a million dollars." Samples of this new discovery are being forwarded to the Domin. {ton 'andthe Provincial Departments of Mines for analysis. ang when the police encounter- | ed them in a Mannheim Road tavern. | by Pflaunie | pa and James Johnstone, one of White's | lish cap | tured weeks later and eventually sen- | preme court reversed his conviction | ible R-101 was introduged into the | 'WOULD ABOLISH TITLE 'LORD' FOR ANGLICAN BISHOPS Suggestion "Made by Co- bourg Rector to Bishop Matsui (Special to The Times) Cobourg, Oct, J0----Aholition of the courtesy title of "Lord" and its der- vatives usea in address as regards Bishops of the Church of England, in Canada, was suggested by Rev, T. 8, Boyle, D.D, rector of St. Peter's Church, Cobourg, in introducing Rt. i Rey Bishop Matsui, of Tokyo, Jap { an, at an Anglican Men's Club ban- | quet held Wednesday night in the Prelate's | introduction My Lord Bishop" and Do they call you My Lord Japan?" he asked, "I hope not, We have inherit- mm in Canada from Eng- Jishops sit in the as peers of the is a custom that we might and 1 hope that it will perpetuated in rew and in- dependent branches of the church of Fugland, the Anglican hurch in Japan is today" Rev, Dr, Boyle also declared that in Bishop Matsui, who broke his mrney to San Francisco on his re- turn from the Lambeth Conference to speak at Cobourg, illustrated the growth and splendor of Christianity | "As 1 see Bishop Matsui here," Dr. Joyle declared, "] am ashamed of the | | | | | egan his » the such as | | | | | | | | | denominational differences which di- vide us here in our own country and throughout the world." ------ Vadman Slayer ~ Said Lurking In Parry Sound | Battered Heads of Two Vic: [ tims, Then Neatly Ar. ranged Bodies Parry Sound, Ont,, Oct, 30, ~The death of two Finlanders on'a lone- ly section of the C.P.R. main line near Plekorel Station, has develop- ed a belief that lurking somewhere between Parry Sound and Sudbury may be ms madman slayer, who bat- ters in the heads of his victims, neatly arranges the bodies and van. [shoes without leaving the slightest cue as to hig identity . The Finlanders, I. Kolvila 80, and Kelza Vilhein Elomoa, 22, were picked up, with their heads splint. ored and crushed, by engineer King driving a train from Sudbury to To- ronto, A year ago at South Parry Sound, near the C.N.R, tracks, the body of a man was discovered, the head battered in. The deaths, police investigating say, are identical Those murdered were foreigners: thelr heads were crushed, withont trace of bruise or scratch: their clothes were unsoiled, and each body had obviously been neatly ar- ranged Koivila, who was dead when found, was shoeless, the footwear having been removed and carried mora than a hundred feet up the track, Elomoa, who was found dy- ing, had hig coat carefully folded beneath his battered head, further evidence, it is sald, of the presence of a vicious and demented slayer, Crown Attorney W. L. Haight safd today that the bodies must have been carefully placed where thay were found. It was impossible that they should have been pitched from a train as has been suggested, he said . ESCAPED CONVICT 1S RECAPTURED Baird Committed for Trial on Charge of Breaking Jail (By Canadiap Press Leased Wire) Owen Sound, Oct, 3§0.--John Baird, who escaped from the Grey County jail here Wednesday morn ing, was recaptured Wednesday evening and was formally commit. ted for trial when he appeared be- fore Police Magistrate E, U. Spere- man here this morning, The recapture came as the re- salt of information received by tht police last evening when Baird had been seen in a tax! going south, He was found by local police at 10 o'clock Wednesday evening at home of Jas. Henderson, and accompani« ed them to Owen Sound without causing any trouble. aii aa ---- I a Foil Attempt At Kidnapping Five Men "Amested When Clever Detectives Pre- vent Doctor's Capture (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Oct, 30,--A daring at- tempt to kidnap a wealthy Mont- real doctor was foiled last night, it was stated at detective headquart- ers today. Four men were arrested at the time and another taken into custody today It was stated that the intended vietim, Dr, Paul E. Lalannen, was to have been held for ransom Headquarters stated that detec- tives went to Dr, Lalannen's apart- ment last nignt, following an in vestigation of runmors, and conceal. od themselves, later taking into cus- tody four men who arrived shortly afterwards, Those under arrest gave their names 'as Armand Caron, Henr| Hotte, Murray Moran, Amedees Lam- aree and Gaston Pageau NOTED CANADIAN INSURANCE MAN DIES (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Oct, 30,~Charles D Cory, 86, one of the best known figures in insurance circles in Can- nda, 'died at his home here last | night. Born In Carrying Flace, Prince Edward county, son of an army physician, he bad a colorful career as a fire loss adjustor for | more than B50 years, Among the survivors are his sons, Sir George and Major Robert Y. Cory. ---------------- FORMER PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL REFUSES STOCK EXCHANGE EXPELS THO HEN Charged With Juggling Funds to Improve Posi- tion of Defunct Firm (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) New York, NY., Oct, 30--~The New York Stock Exchange today announced the expulsion of G. Lisle forman and Morrison E, Orr, mem- bers of the firm of Prince and Whitely, which recently was sue~ pended for insolvency. One of the charges against. the expelled partners, the stock ex- change announcement said, was that as directors of the Prince and Whitely Trading Corp, they had ceavsed that investment trust gpon- sored by the stock exchange firm, to lend $1,600,000 on the unsecur- ed note of J. M, Hoyt and Co, a corporat'on owned and controlled by one of the partners of Prince and Whitely The proceeds of that note, the announcement said, were deposited to the account of Prince and White [1 Trading Corp., thereby {mproving its financial condition, STRAIGHT FIGHT IN TWO MOUNTAINS Bt. Scholastique, Que, Oct | Possibility of a three cornered fight [in two mountains division in. the [provincial by-election of next Tuess |day disappeared when but two cane didates were officially nominated. Contesting the seat are Ernest de Belleteuille, Liberal, and Paul Bauve, Conservotive. A prospective 30 Independent" Liberal candidate, J. { Berube, did not file papers, Other Nations Cannot Give Recognition to Rebel Government (By Cenadian Press Leased Wire) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8.A,, Oct, 30.--Refusal of Washington Luis, ousted president of Brazil, to re sign his office has made difficult foreign recognition of the provision. al government which grew out of the recent successful revolution. Washington Luis, although held a prisoner in Copacabana fortress by the temporary government, has refused to sign away his authority. In diplomatic elrcles it was sald today that recognition desired by the military junta probably could not be had much before Nov, 15, The deposed president is said to have told persons who have geen permitted to visit him in hig pris on quarters that he is the head of the only legal government In Brazil and will remain so until his term expires. the middle of next month, The recent Brazilian revolution was accentuated by dissatisfaction over the election of Dr. Julio Prestes, now in flight, who was to have been fraugurated to succeed, Luis, PLAGER GOLD RUSH MAY FOLLOW FIND Bannockburn Township Dis- covery Yields Surface Gold, Geologist Reports Toronto, Oct. 80,--~An old-time placer gold rush may be underway in Ontario next Spring: Placor gold in commercial quantities is reported to have been discovered near the scene of the strike in Bannockburn Township, Temagami reserve, It {s the first tind of the kind {n the history of Ontario mining, : Reports that placer gold had been found were revealed by H, C. Rickaby, Government geologist yesterday. In a paragraph of a supplementary report he says: "Prospdctors ' working In the township of Hinoks, Argyle and Bannockburn claim to have .pan- ned gold in many places in the sands and gravels of tlie creeks. No doubt next Summer will sea an oxtensive campaign of prospecting in this area, which is geologically favorable for gold deposits." One of the discoverers of the field ie reported to have recoverea several hundred dollars worth of gold from his first pan. In addi: tion to the placer finds a gold vein of promising proportions is being traced. THREE REPORTED KILLED IN CRASH London, Eng. Oct, 80, Word has been received from Croydon that three person were killed and three injure this afternoon in the crash of an Imerplal Airways liner near Boul®gne. Soviet Army on Chinese Border Russia Makes " Demonstra- tions After Railway Parley Fails (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghai, China, Oct, §0.~~The breakdown of negotiations at Mos- cow for settlement of the dispute over the Chinese Eastern Railway has resulted in armed demonstra- tions by China and' Russia along the Manchurian-Siberian border, These were similar to demon- strations which caused fighting and invasion of Manchuria by Rus- sian soldiers in November and De- cember last year, Chinese des~ patches from Harbin said. Two battalions of infantry and one of artillery were reported or- dered hy Manchuria to patrol the Siberian border near Manchull, northwestern Manchuria. The movement was said to have been ordered because "for several days Soviet troops, with bombing aeroplanes, have been demonstrat. ing, and new barracks are being erected in border towns", ERE EARTHQUAKE ROCKS ITALY r Wheat Buying is Favored QUAKE KILLS 27 PEOPLE, SCORES INJURED WITH HEAVY PROPERTY DAMAGE Death Toll May Reach Higher Figure, Since Come munications to Many Vile lages Are Cut Off SHOCK PRECEDED BY BOOMING NOISE Qusake Felt for Long Diss tance Along Shore of the Adriatic--Relief Measures Organized for Stricken Populace (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ancona, Italy, Oct. 80,--Twentye seven persons were known to have logt, their lives in heavy earthe quake shocks which caused dame age in thirteen towne in the prove inces of Ancona, Pesaro and Mace orata early today, Great property damage was caused throughout the area, The quake wag preceded by a frightful booming noise, much like that of a tremendous cannon, Communications Disrupted Many villages in the Marche province suffered from the quake and communications with several places were interrupted, Injured persons wore taken to hospitals, The authorities immediately ore ganized relief measures. Telephone and telegraph lines from Ancona, Fano and Macerata to Rome were brought down, The earth shock extended far to the south along the Adriatic, Grote tamare, on the 'border of Abrugsi, reporting a heavy shock, In the north both Ravenna and Faenza were shaken slightly, The authorities {Immediately sent motoreycles, police and army trucks to the isolated villages and towns. They had in mind the Vul« ture region earthquake of July 23, when the death toll, at first believed small, increased enore mously with reports from small villages wkich had been ent off, Centre in Adriatic , Rome, Italy, Oct, 30.--The earthquake which rocked Ancona causing personal injuries and property damage today was felt in Rome slightly, The meteorological bureau's seismograph recorded the shock at 8,13 am, and a distance of 176 miles with the epicenter probably in the Adriatic was cale culated, The (tremor lasted for twenty minutes, ; Ancona is a city of 65,000 popu« lation, about two thirds up the oastern side of the Italian boote like peninsula," on the Adriatio coast, Newspapers in vain put in teles phone calls to Ancona, Macerals, Fano and other Marche centers, always receiving the reply from the exchange that the lines were out of order. Authorities at Mae cerafa, 15 miles {inland in the mountains, when finally reached sald that the shock had been felt there but that there was neithey damage nor casualties, OPERATOR ON R-101 1S AWARDED MEDAL (By Canadian Press Leased Wirep London, Eng, Oct, 80,--Arthup Disley, wireless operator of the British dirigible R-101 who sure vived the disaster, has been awards ed the 'Medal for meritorious services of the Order of the Brite ish 'Empire, civil division", for his bravery in remaining on duty after the crash despite hig injurios, It wax Disley who first informe ed the air ministry by telephone of the R-101 calamity, (By Canadian' Press Leased Wire) London, Eng, Oct. 30--Former Premier Stanley Baldwin, triumphed today, temporarily at least, over a turbulent opposition 'which 'was try. ing to oust him from leadership : of the Conservative party. \ Some 600 Conservative peers, mem= bers of the Commons and ex-mems bers of Commons who will be can: didates in the next general 'election, met in private at Canton Hall and sat in judgment of the man who has piloted them through stormy seas since the late Bonar-law resigned the leadership in 1923 By a vote of about 4 to 1-462 to 116--~a motion for a change in lead: ership of the party was defeated. Mr. Baldwin thus weathered one of the worst storms to beset the Cone By 4 to 1, British Conservatives Ask Baldwin to Remain as Leader servative party in many years. Bes fore the vote the former premier had stalked into the crowded hall with his bulky shoulders square and wears Ing. a grim expression, to face his adversaries who had demanded that this meeting be held, His opponents charged him with being 'unable to adapt himself to changing conditions, with decision and with lack of inspiration in leads hip, § Ba dwin's grimness melted inte a wistful smile when a large portion of the throng, which included all of the great-Conservatives of England, rose and cheered him for: two minutes, He made a speech defending his policies and dramatically demanded that he be given a free hand in deals ing with fiscal matters, EE TER ---- mand Sg

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