| | "All the i The Oshawa Daily Times [FE Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer VOL. 7--NO. 100 Dubhishad at Ochawn: Ont. Canatts Litws OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1930 12 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TEN PAGES Day Eaxcep) Sundeys and North Bay, Ont,, Oct,~27,--An- : 4 LJ y Avenue East admitted to the Queen, hd Victoria Memorial Hospital here last' 1 ators in S awa, night suffering a bullet wound C * LJ . Two Still Missing EEE or SE y " ON BIG CONSTRUCTION JOB missing Ingi Thordarson, the light- | m------ . . » Named. Hamilton Coroner p | Loan Company London, Oct, Rennie, attorney-general W, Bundy Incubator Co. of | / | pleaded guilty before Rome. The day was observed as 2 CAMPBELL SOUP CO. TO Longer Import Incubators Toronto, Oct, 28,--It was an- 4 He 'was remanded until Saturday | 4 public buildings, buses, trolleys, | ---- GIVE EMPLOYMENT Edye, L.Th., has been appointea . 0 grod : cetor 3, ' o he history of this city, covered a > . Rector of All Saint's Anglican ) 4 party turned out in black shirts East of Present Simcoe Toronto, Oct. 28,--According to J. Crisall who was appointed as- CM, MILLARD pany, one of the largest manufac- lov ) i . | tev. Edye has been assistant Bundy incubators. He will em-| conione method of falsifying his | Who engdged in a verbal exchange | fascist militia, was the central | im in the world, is considering the tl » years. Durl Be 4 ' eys--Company Was Inter- iree years. During the war Rev. men, and this is tantamount to He was arrested a week ago at-| ald. of Britain after the Ontario Later in continuation of the | The contract r the excavation While no site has been chosen of days and had discovered that in the neath the Canadian Nat 1 Rail 1adia Na jona Lanwar large enough to serve all Canada. Commerce i ¢1 4 S 3 | " : 1 | hee let to B 3 1 Canadian products will be used | Tr Op A complete check-up showed the D [ C d { en let to Bathe and McLellan, ' itis ar am ent ens, | cue 0 ment 0 and an | Oshawa contrac , according to an- | Bundy Incubator Co, of ( rh Ltd. ------ this morning, The contract Oil of Canada is making a cut of | turer. In an interview with M care is ing of pre-cast con- . y . * / News in Brief %| (By Canadian Press) : AAAS ARAA ARES AAA Hunter Wounded thony Holden, aged 39 years, son of Mr, and Mrs, W. Holden, First which he sustained when mistaken by George Sedore, New Liskeard for 4 a deer. a |Gough Admits | mr | START WORK WITHIN WEEK boat a search for a lighthouse keep- er and his 14-year-old son, lost since last week on Lake Winnipeg, has i ar e e S been made with still no sign of the | house keeper, and his voung son . . wi | | put out in a small rowboat for! Pleads Guilty to Stealing | E.G ta ly Celebrates | A Number of Local Men 4 | $155,000 From London | . 0 Fascist Victory! Will Be Given Employ- 4 : | ascis tory t Although S Toronto.--Lt.-Col, Oscar A, Can- | h | 4 i pe : po .l will ous team | non, of Hamilton, Ont., has beer ETA : , ove 1 appointed chief oro e: as ot | Local Firm will Manufac- | Named Rector of | 7 (By Canadien Press Leased Wire) | 8y Canadian Prete Tesed Wires al . . Used for city to fill the vacancy caused by t All Product A 28, -- William : y Rome, Italy, Oct, 2 --All Italy Excavation the recent death of Col, Dr. (i, S. ure roaucts o | Whitby Church ; p . Gough, former accountant of the / today celebrated the eighth anni- wl ! 3 A People's Loan Co,, of this city a 4 versary of the Fascist march on Price, announced today, Ca Which Will No. | i Hi Mas do Th NO DETOUR NEEDED -- -- nada | o| re 'he Ti | Scandrett this morning o y 8 ; 9 (Special to The Times) charges of theft involving $155,110, ww general business holiday, with DURING BUILDING nounced today that Rev. E, R, for sentence, 3 2 decorate . . - LOCATE IN ONTARIO The thefts, by far the greatest in and the like decnrated with bunt Subway Will Be 160 Feet : ing, All members of the Duce's (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Church, Whitby, t succeed Rev, | period of nineteen years according oo De 3 TO FIFTEEN MEN| ¢ ' ¥ 10 tribe me ot att Try Hwmmt 110 an amended charge before the with war and Fascist decorations, Street Crossing--Will Be advices reaching here 2 New ipem-- sistant rector of St. Paul's Cath- court, Premier Mussolini, in full uni-| York, the Campbell S Com- He i sdral. Tor a. Of this city, who has secured a con- 'ing this s GOug | didi : 4 { i pbell Soup Com- | Addition Will be 60 x 28] edral, Toronto, CYhis ily. who hus secured # eon: wii ibis time Gough had cov- PREMIER FERGUSON | form: of an honorary. corporal ot 14 Feet High and 60 Feet turers of soup and allied products Feet in Size by Two Stor- eh tt oan De a3] stan} : | : Wide in the » de en ne th n Lohourg for the last ploy an additional ten or fifteen | 001, with Premier Ramsay MacDon-| figure in a march of veterans, -- shment of a large plant in : | Ontario. Mr. Edye served overseas and has the action of a new industry | .. ' sxpectedly v | hy : / satel mati ior ADOR Ssacuted apo i ested in Oshawa Through a brilliant war record. here. od Jidiints Bud incvny godly oli | Feime Minter hud culled Som: telebruiion Sinty Dans ity Xoruted and the building the concrete yet for erection of the plant, it Is Eff ang a "Lountry of Dhipbo s. : k ny. abutments for the new subway be understood the factory will be orts of Chamber prevous ten days he wa short | , 345 in his accounts. tracks on Simcoe street south, has the manufacture of the soups, It was: anfiounced today by R.A larger total, meement le 1 1 me : : : ), $ re ( | ' . y ~ . . ouncement made by the office of PRICE OF GAsoLINE | Lor fone dk Electoral Ref orm P romised Oil Fields Said Coming Soon i:.2: TE ri Soa - REDUCED ONE CENT | that all of the products of the Bundy + Yelock this : Gronto at en | Incubator Company would be manu- : (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) . TT lalso includes the drainage of the ------ factured in Oshawa. The contract | London, Kng Oct 28 I'he By Canadian Press Leased Wir adwi cheath the 'sobway. an (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) has been awarded to C, H, Millard, 29 Believed PI from his long {ll | Wii " "o To Saved De ops | . yoacway b heath. the Subs and Toronto, Oct, 28.~The Imperial planing mill operator and io nuk; pe . ness, opened parliament for its | ment of ¢ oll refineries in Can- { our n ario The railwas compan y will take ; ir. 1 winter sessions today inh a cere. [ada to bo situs at Toronto, Sault . } pi one cent a gallon in the price of lard, The Times lcarns that the el monious petting made doubly Ste. Marie, Montres Winnipeg and crete siab for the deck of t gasoline in all provinces with the | manufacture of Bundy all-clectric | significant by his return to func ihly Van ver, with the 's way, the steel work md | th he in exception of British Columbia, it | Mammoth Incubztors all add i ens 2 0d tions of state after months spent oa Lure $20,000,000 in the | in S ote | of the rails, "The ci Hy js eo layin Lid was announced by Victor Roos, | tirely new department. to his abed and in recuperation - Canadian fi rumored Ler | sewer for the drainage of f0 Disid a vice-president of the company here progressive business The . The House of Commons and the Two Pilots Hunt for Plane In a age article, the Win way and will also pave the road be nipeg Free Press gave prominence neath the subway and the approaches, today. Including the five cent tax | ture is fo begin immedi te an : i Lords met in combined sues at ) A ( g itely rds me 0 ed seesion a . ipeg 1 the price of gasoline in Ontario | plans have already been or 0 1 ine X osion high noon to listen to his speech That Contained Three [to the rumor declaring that Sault the cost to be apportioned ordi will now be 27. a considerable amount of new equip- from the throne, which he read in Airmen | ste Mar e, a of i et : 1 | to the subway APPOR/ according thie and having en ymmuni As the contract called for its use, ment and a building addition, said -- a firm, resonant voice, The read- i tt 3 i$ uprarently Bathe and Melailan will of necessity occupied only five minutes, -- | on 1 the ea while the King and Queen returns | rugg ranges the subway 'Mr, Millard. : : ing Mr, Essex, who has been connected Five Bodies Recovered, Both Lords and Commons ad- | (By Canadian Prose Lessod Wire) | vded as a Key location. Crude | Conservative Leaders Ans-| employ a steam shovel for the | with the incubator business and com- Little Hope Held For jouriing immediately thereafter | Vancouver, BIC, Oct. 28~Over | oil 5 transpoe #2 to this | Ds TE oe ave 5 ; exzay- ho sged ranges of northern British | noint the refined product ship-| wer Criticisms Levelled | ireet teading beneath Cine orp tie 1 . ! adig nea mercial hatcheries industry for a lifes pageantry of their | Columbia, air-scarch is under and west. time, stated that the immense grov Those Trapped ed with all the page: | ; bay in nh el qa will begin at Bloor § IN PORT ARTHUR of the industry throughout th . arrival at Westminster to Ducks | carnest today fur i BE. J. A] ¢ | ree Press sa by Sinclair the oi Be - Bl lh yess jo its nor= fas 5 -- . tana Lark p Aras . NG { t] ) a 1d a ie street, inion was responsible f ar Biv (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) ingham Palace, burke, of Vancouver, and s ' A. Ham, Canadian General / A] the southerly point, The ® yest . Tay 4 ' ' ranto, Jct, . 28--Rallies tonight ¢ § ich tion of the Bundy Ine: n McAlester," Okla, Oct. 28--Bodies The lord adjournment was | panions believed lost in d "| manager of the Sin ompany, i | will have a clearance of fourteen pany of Canada. The future For the Cpe Eh Sen ig gn until 4.15 p.m. but the Commons Pilot Frank Dorbandt lot, pected tp visit the. Sou shortly | Will conclude the campaign which has | feet, thus allowing ample space for -4 : . N g . . 3 Mounties and 900 Special commercial hatching and selling of | (oto i n in the: Wheatley, No. 41 Vas to meet again at three p.m. | hopped off from Atlin, in extreme | agg it fa anticipated work may ooni- (been waged in the last few weeks in | high truck loads It it to be siity | when debate t] » t he | north Jritis! o re | pn ? snrine." he u nrovinei \ Ae ¢ leb on the reply to the | northwest Briti nonce early in the spring | the four provincial constituencies | feet wide from abutment to abut« baby chicks throughout the Dominion | "oo 5 tite. Samples al i baby | | yo Samples Coal Company ¢ N ' nr | ' n | | Constables Keep Reds is exceptionally bright and it is one | oor") ape last night, were fc i) on | King's tpecch was due to begin, |.day afternoon bent on tra 3 Cown "Ih ciiir organieacion fn re- | Where by-clections will be held to) ment while there will be a in Check of the few industries that has not). givieenth level of the mine. at Two features of the specch from | the missing trio, ( rs has ullt up an extensive | Morrow to fill the vacancies in the | supporting pier tl sells rederal depres-1 oF aieentn le em 4! | the throne were accepted as highly While Dorbandt speed TOSS : : Ierislaure ] g pier thus giving it addi- re Aol A "ip aepres- | six o'clock this morning. They had | ntroversial ject ! lectoral ide by "pre e's | I Hug orseluation iu Cavada. ies ee Houal strength. ion, It is flourishing and increasing y x wo he A mg BL wversial, projected electoral | country adjacent to OVI | lependent upnn imports for At New Hamburg, in Waterloc (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 5 (Continuad on Page 3) w Pen brought big? the surface reform, and indications of an at-| northérn boundary, another fly oh Lop w Jeut hpon gah t) South, where a: straight party & tht 71 No Detour Necessary Fort William, Oct. 28--Naked bay- ) ith t i findi , i the bodies, the | tempt to nullify ~ the Jaw which ready to hop « m- Vancouver 1o= | n Hie: duty has beer fousht Detween an QO Hon contractors expect to start op onets gleamed on the streets of Fort | Don tol TIguntes Ma five 1 ' 1am made the general strike of 1926 | jay." Robin "I Renahan plans 1 " i the yossibitity that | Hipel, Liberal candidate and M, M " TH Wy hy Arthur last night and dissipated the i % as. killed yf Rion } of the | fllegal and would tend to prevent | fy immediately to Atlin, making rude oll being a Hie from that Doral, Conservative standard bear- » | 2 ovided dor Wn number of threat by the Communist element Hey Was , : , i, | other serikes of the nature, | 800-mile journey by air along b (f "Ww r. Liberal 1} cond f "| tocal men. As the subway is to be . : he No Pale , a t |] ) 1 y 3 C rude oil fields of Wainwright, , Liberals will conduct a meeting 1 3 here to:hold a demonstration in the rd oc, Hone a Sud Y y [ western foothills of the coast mq = T1oydniing ter 4 the southern | I; with M. F, Hepburn M.P,, for Elgin Sihvon ny s sll = He ene : : b al . ( ; coun sudbury Y ' i - : ! 0 wilway crossing, City Council Chambers, The expect ing debris down virtually all of the nibury Youth Drowns tains into the north country Alberta boundary apd with unlimit. West listed as the principal speaker: | traffic will not be delayed while the | ed parade of the Reds failed to ma- alone." They asked' that stretchers | Sudbury. Losing his balance Dorbandt's path lies almost along | gq possibilities in the tar sands of With the exception of minor meet. job i$ in progress, Neitl i terialize, and the evening passed gh ghee A oi ily Iwhile trying to land .a whitefish | (he Oth parallel tward to where | Norther ot I "ie J vaizit hus idl 1 progre either will it be sent down which which to bear | hi " the OUth | , cas | Northern Alberta, that an import [ings the campaign has already clos. | je necessary to detour ffi ; ! owls Paradis, aged 186, fell out of | 1 of British Columbia, | d ty may algo he impose) on Lie fed in: Perth South, where Charles As the subway yradlie | | | | next week so that work without disturbances of any kind. the boudaries the surface. Due to 1¢ houda must carry four he. : bodies to Detachments of City and Provin- | 4 a canoe from which he was fishing, | kon und the territor= | erude tn has wel nt : ma nservative dl BEng cial Police guarded the various en | he wieek kdge inside the shaft, h va y Alberta, the Yukon an ¢ ¢ crude £7 hasten development of the | Richardson, Conservative is opposing | tracks over winch pass some of the trances to the \Whal. Building. | | impossible to send a car mito c i { mine and remove the bodies, $- | } ] 1 $ > ore p h 100 | from Liard post taking him acros Progressives Who are supporting | tional railway system, it will be of George Keith, sturdy and durable construction. The and was Urowned. [ies converge, It is a 400-mile flight | Canadian fields." the combined forces of Liberals and | heaviest trains on Canada's great : at na- where the Citv Council was in . . Afiller D. Hay, state mine inspector, sion, and a strict watch wag boot on ¥ who arrived at 2.30 this morning and | ly range of the Rockies. With Emil | Ministers Criticized total "estimated co includi ived at 2.30 1 a 4 ! . 0 st , thode entering the chambers, | Ontario Premier Calls: Bri-! inmediatelv went into the mine «| |] ur | Kading and Bob, Martin, Capt. Burke | Ontario government ministers have ay, ount necessary for tha none the Within a stone's throw of the " assist in rescué work, said it w we | flew from Atlin eastward on October lus Ia Ia iS just concluded a lengthy speaking | jon ¢ prope ty, is Bandi v3 t Aaa eMail dhe * since : : ; nt a A ! Council room, at city Police Head. tain "A Country of doubttul if any of the victims had | 10, and has not been heard or since fous in the western Ontario ridings. 1 000" the city's share being approxi reir activities in the campaign were mately $50,000 according to the final quarters, more than 90C special con- & dd survived the terrific blast, the deton- ------ -------------- | stables, sworn in during the last few Shibboleths ' ' bird Ales { . + @ ® |oiticized by Mr. Hepburn a " . ation of which was heard in McAles- f { eriucized by Mr, Tlepburn at a meets award of th y days 9 Jleserye law and order i -------- ter. two miles from. the mine less | | YOUTH DIES AFTER : {ing held at Galt last night in the as e Bensd of Railway Com= event of trouble arising, gatherec Wire) bs | terests of Mr, Hipel Ministers y 5 A (By Canadian Press Leased ire trance. WwW. [in cre © fr, pe Ministers The his Lu carly in the evening. Guards with| E Oct, 28.--Prime| 7 vorkers reported they HIGHWAY ACCIDENT lof the Ontario cabinet, he said, were ¢ history of the subway nego- .ondon, Eng, I'he relief workers reported t (Continued P the constituents of proposed ed on Page 2) Sn-------- drawn bayonets were on duty near ypnigter Ramsay MacDonald 8nd | cre handicapped in their search for | Effort Will Be. Made to Bring (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) telling rks. 'Even the Hon, W | DIC WOKS, ven on, ' the "specials." Premier G. Howard Ferguson of icti is i ir Hh : 1 e . the victims by debris in the thir- 4 14 : 5 As 31 Sdghienss Pa 3 bt' Ontario had another verbal tlt | ccnih level evidence of the serious- Out All Possible In- Brantford, Och Hk Ws Split in Labor Party Over | (; Martin, minister of public welfare tachment of twenty-five = Mounted} yage yygnt, It was at the Cdnada | eqq of the explosion, The thirteenth . chard, an 18-year-old youth who | had come into this riding and told of Police, who arrived from Regina this Club's dinner, whon Premier Ben- |i. .| {3 tr a mile from the formation came from the old country here Economy Measures a proposed girls school" Mr. Hep . ' and was employed at the farm of Appears Serious burn sald. morning, were kept in readiness, at | nett and many other overseas|,.: . entrance where most of the m-- Wilfred Smith. Jerseyville; died in x roa Police Headquarters as a flying premions Nese brgment. damage to the mine occurred (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) hh a RE Hota: yor | dsl hin George S. Henry, minister of squad, 'remier acDona was en~ Tn i OR Yio 10 ' dhe i nghways and acting premier, spoke London, Eng., Oet, 28 --Sir John terday from injuries received when (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) pa BE yan Wy SA --_ gaged in the customary dinner with Simon, British Liberal statesman ( p stra li 28 : ; ' ! ' § v] p rer , So y anberra, Australia, Oct, 28 --- : ER \ HEAD HUNTERS KILL his supporters on the eve of the HI RUN DRIVE R this forenoon opened a searching Jub Favs by a ih ovtuAIng wie li Bh Sevalin, Oe Fo He replied to criticisms levelled at opening of a new session of parlia- [, government inquiry into logs of the | JA'€4 hay on urstay last, alan' "Labor Parvo cord | Premier G. H) Ferguson by the op- POLICE, MENACE TOWN nent but was so anxious to greet bit transpires that the accident occur. tralian labor Carty on TECOME | ,..iion sneakers during the eo ' 2 : Rion # dirigible R-101 with nearly 50 lives | a" "iyo "Brantfora and Hamil- | #8ainst the financial proposals of | Position speakers during ails Ld . Premicr Bennett he arrived al- three weeks ago in a hillside at : Hr {emever rOvVern. Rn, Tokio, Oct. 28.--Serious riots by | most as the Canada Club function CAUGHT AT BORDER Beauvals, Franses ton highway sud it is ilieged no Sir Otto Sicweyer ang tie Rovern: r, Sinclair is of the opinion te natives of Taishu, Island of Form- | Was finishing. At the moment Sir John, bringing the meeting of fepunt he made ot a doe lia faces another financial erisis uns that Mr. Ferguson should not have Canada Has Big Opportun- osa, were announced by the govern. [ Premier Ferguson was speaking. - the court to order in tlie great hall i less the government can achieve af left the affairs of Ontario for a short . s sued, (Continued on Page 2) | ity to Develop Trade . A number of police The Ontario premier gave his i of the Civil Engineers' Institute, - ei i | compromise. ment today impression of Great Britain as Leamington Man Arrested as sald: "I think it will be fitting ff The authorities are investigat- | ie SU Uy lie victory ot tiie With Orient men were reported killed. The gov- ; ernment dispatched military planes | being a country of shibboleths, Result of Fatal we stand for a moment to express | INS: Lubor party in the New South and infantry companies to the {s- | In his own country safeguarding . our sepse of poignancy of the trag- nig -------------- Wales state elections, the Labor : ---- meant the protection of the people Accident edy wé are met to investigate and Captain Held Hespornivte party conference last night express (By Ken Clark, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) land. and homes, not primarily protec- to show our sympathy with all Montreal --Captain George N. [ag disapproval of the recommendas ~ { R tion for industries, he said. And Windsor, Oct. 28.--Arnold Up- |those to whom the dead were honor- | Downey of the steamer Kingdoc, [jong of Sir Otto, who had been res Washington, D.C., Oct, 28.--The WEATHE empire free trade was another | ott 19, of Leamington was taken ed and Gear," : was held responsible for the ground- {guested by the government to ine Chinese government is apparemtly shibboleth which could not be re-| jntq custody today, at his home, The entire assembly arose for a (ing of the ship last July 23, at Rus | vestigate Australia's financial posh | ; willing to consider the exchange Pressure is "Is low over the garded as meaning literally what | i, connection with the aceident [moment or two in intense silence. | sel Island shoal at the entrance off jon, - of diplomatic missions with Canada. Great Lakes and northward to it sald. which caused the death of Mrs, | Sir William Jowitt, attorney gen- | Georgian Bay, by Captain L. A.| prime Minister J scullin, now Gordon Clay's Condition |This impression is gained from Dr. Hudson Bay with high pres- "We hear also of reciprocal | Mary Hannah Awrey, of Leaming- | eral, In making the opening state- | Demers, dominion wreck commis: in London for the Ri Ly Confer- . C. C. Wu, Chinese minister to Wash- sure covering the greater putt ann preterances, which appeal to | ton. The woman was struck by an ment of the jaguay. Puig tribate gloner, nesoryimg to the verdict ence, may find it necessary to rush Unchanged ---- Companion ington. An informal suggestion for of the western states a deep me in the simplicity of my mind | qutomobile on Sunday night and |'0 'fe pioneers ol the alr who had e 1c. 8 ster gs. certitl= | hack to Australia if the acting gov- such an arrangement, i a depression is centred off the | because it is somthing the ordin-| gjed on Monday i iy The | 81ven their lives in pursuance of|cate was suspended for the balance | grnment ministers here fail to stave Surrenders to Police stood was Todo to Ottawa biaane east coast of Newfoundland. ary layman can understand", Pre- | driver of the car ii said to have Sirshio developmont. He outlined | of the season. off the Labor challenges, - government of former prime minis- erate to heavy showers mier Ferguson concluded. detin 'it's top 38, TIANREr Wn Which eylcende wah = The Scullin administration is a| pop A Be 'cycle a in many parts i Premier MacDonald remarked Jookey Mt Ihe Vict "ald ita son to be ee specia) No Wheat Duties Labor government but there is a ente Oct 38s wi i Kjug was J PON of Ontario and except for light 'remier Ferguson had spoken | away. Provincial police assisted in|! B3/ng 'us conyicl'on Lua wide divergence between the views|ajay after a chase through city [Ottawa and a C showers in western Quebec |-with his usual downright manner, | locating the auto which it is al- | the one essentfal was that every MacDonald Says of the ministers, harassed by the toast 8 ) y evening pie! who |Peiping has b ahadian legatiop 1 elsewhere the weather has He always agreed with Premier | Jeged was concerned in the acci- possible Castor > hich sould trod -- serious oconomic depression with I Hw ul on in, RF A the ogi fair. Ferguson when he was right, and k ght on the tragic happening would (By Canadian. Press 'Leased Wire) all its consequences, and the mems| "© "°°" * rN x in 2 oF x N . tsi profoundly disagreed with him ae White the number of the car be brougnt oat Dek uy for Inquir-| 1 ondon, Eng. Oct, 28.--Premijer [bers of the Labor party at large Fin gins hd glib 5 ai 3 RS WT pa : i | : 's or the publie, : . ¢ lw ve foarf t. reduc Age \ 8 S8lons R - Lower Lake Regioni--Mad when he was wrong, Premier Mac wag taken at the scene of the ace "You must never forget." he Ramsay MacDonald announced in [Who are 3 Arful of reduced wages | manded until Nov. 12 aud bail [ginning of an increase in commerce erate to fresh southwest Donald said. He added he would | cident it was found that those " ; the House of Commons this after- [and other drastic measures it Sir 0 2 > . ' 4 . LhOSe | aid, "that this flight which you p Mto's roc 0 core acted [VAS renewed at §2,000. across the Pacific. He pointed out winds: unsettled with a few Fave Avcd another colleague (ob- | did not corrsepond, in make of car, are investigating was in every sense [000 the Labor government was not | V1t0's recomme ndations were acted 'Wrank Skarrat, of Hamilton, a [that there were a great many Can vers. We L vious Mr, Snowd eom- ' . J : PIE a upon. $ at, . ) v a -- s dy e 3 This ship and the R-100 were in ' ald, 1 Ron ba) {police officer, later giving himself up (by China in greater quantities--for winds, partly cloudy and going to encounter Premier Fer | off a car in a used car lot in East | (he nature of es Pl Thus.the Canad ther do. | Met today after the general confer \ ) : sxperimental ships. us «the Canadian or other do eo 1 1 RY will appear in juvenile court today [example wheat and newsprint. somewhat cooler. guson talking in that strain, Windsor and put on a car of an- Sir Willlam said that he pr minfons wheat products would re- | n¢¢, last RIEL, and. wis openly ohh ; £ © propos. p 8 would re- | ,qt110 to Pr » Scullin' w. [on a charge of escaping from Mim- | The minister did not it) jan Bay -- Moderate Premier Bennett confined his | other make. ar w ¢ 4 hostile to Premier Scullin's policy. g agree with to pt Pcs' Hema winds; own speech to review of Canadian itl a i" lowed n to ead In court mardal prssgey ie > Jann Teloronse on the Brl- yon. J, EB, Fenton, acting prime [ico Industrial School and stealing (the suggestion that complete politic- unsettled. with scattered aspirations, ignoring the problems | Burton Upeott, father of the boy: desig > Which reno - Ie Miruib's definit a le 3 ¢rouliceneut minister, and Hon, J. A, Lyons, act- [an automobile. Gordon Clay who |al quiet in "China' was necessary showers. Wedresday-- Fresh before the Imperial Conference to | now in custody. He is to face a --- gi for ee Thonn . pao pa b ok aihilisien JUS treuatrer, are. fighting. With [Wis slior thjre iW the lek UY SlIEE ARCondition to Sially inerogied west and northwest winds; a great extent. He did say how- | charge, police uy, of using license | of the victims of the disaster to So or quota Ty, ory would hiveie Lacks 16 the Wark in u.des: Church. lies seriously jnjured in [trade betwesy Canada apd Chips. mostly cloudy and cooler; ever, that he was not despondent, | plates on an auto other than the ship, Thad prepared to place before [favor the Dominions as against iy Frat Sart. to secure Eppraval B Josephs Heepita Li this re aan The Suet That Tor Sore bly scattered showers, and neither was le depressed, | one for whicn they w ) rial CO " , , op i Tw LAnelr economy measures, - No one jing it was reported that his condi- eral years Chinese customs receipts probably ol ? 10) ero issued. [the lmperial Conference, Ign wheat growers. expects them to do this. tion was about the same, had been of record proportions, the Cassiar mountains, most norther *