Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO - 'Bowmanville Daily Times News asvarkslus ast subearprions will be received st Telephones--Office--587; Howsen131. NORTHERN NIGHT It laden is, Sweet virgin earth Perfumes its kiss, cil to 'with the aid of a government they should register and thus Hy possible for the council to with t with. d itt orl thig + int © Ami cellaneot jof Mr. and Bios, Farandale, '| who received a of very use: the matter as it should be d i will be at home to since shoyer was held / 'A haunted gloom The forests stand-- Emperors claimed On rock-bound land, Her love was like the gay late flowering Of some belated blossom in the fall, Slow opening, so loath to put forth leaves That she was nearly old when love began-- As though the years of waiting fe her heart, a Nourished it through her youth, until it burst Like sumae, startled by the first light frost To vivid flame before the coming snow, ~=0live Storrs, Chicago Tribune. The slender moon, The stars, steel-white, Emblazoned are On shield of night. Once more I sleep "Neath northern sky, The lifting waves My lullaby. --Mary E. Hayhurst, i will go Mere who 22 chased the old MeBrien ho d from his father has been ploughing | with a tractor, and intends to move -. To Register Their Names at| Council Chamber This Week ' My Mustard a limented the eachers of wa the " on ay here in the spring. attendance to th: ti the S 'conveniien on We would like to suggest that the The stace hunt af iron clad Bunt as SLY ib eation hs, 108 ~=8 game calling for Stab nA Aran, re- Cocoa Hel, "hold that line' threugh the toughest ou, of gridiron battles -- as I as Ld walks of everyday life, as neurishing for" child -- grown-ups, and the delicious, ~ creamy flavor will win vour instant approval, -- Councillor T.. H. Lb ful gifts. X might be added Jere ; . y , shel friends in Oshawa after Oet. the last meeting of the council cer- " J . tain members have interested them- | ESS va Mr. Middleton and Mr, Joo, Brig-| Round shadowed shore selves in the problem and have been J " nall filled thelr silos' the Bese ot Dark they. the gleam gathering . data: to present to the the week, w about finishes , Of silent lake council at 'its next session. The coun- sahgor's pperationg. sad-a.h And sleeping stream. cil has realized its duty and is do- us acho pupi Friday oliday ' ing its duty and the public cannot oa ursday and Friday of 10st. star the criticize any council which is doing wee tion in thy Of watching Toon ite 'work cfticiently, atau the "Work The night wind wakes 0 worl cause of the lack of interest taken With roi) Bor 4s by those whom they are trying to help, then the gouncil will not be to blame, Register at the council room on Friday or Saturday. ; splendid building they had to meet [ in, and on the well arra church yard be improved before the number for which they are asked to : oh ae gramme for the two I atfanged i cold weather sets in, provide work for the winter, the e was delighted with the. way| The tax papers for Whitby town- council is prepared to act accordingly f things had been organized so that [ship have been delivered, and taxes and provide work that will take care i the teachers would be taking part in | are still climbing, With the present of as a number of these men the discussions,' y prices of grain, ete., it is 8 problem = Joke | WAS OPENED TODAY | i vine some ot i sine os ties bor ti Thirdly and most important, the : that heh ing GLE wi goat, astets EE Te Tar oh need for registration is stressed so arid Mr. Mustard said that the three im. | W- Stevenson's. that the council will" have the cor- portant stages. of a lesson are, the| A good rain would be wel. rect figures on which to. proceed preparation of the child's, mind for | comed here, to fill the many wells should they find the problem serious the lesson, the presentation of the | that are almost dry. 4 enough to ask aid fro mthe Provin- lesson and the a plication of the les- son after it has been taught; To be sure of the proper. preparation, the mer ial and Federal Governments. It Ni DI ae or a 1 cial and lo a - The unemployed of the town of has to be clearly shown by the town 8 spring down 8 DAH pupils must be put into the right mood for studying and for what they Bowmanville atertmitided and, cgli- | 0 asking for help from these sources, ance of several hundred feet. 5 ed ow Rh the zemitider, art STE: ie the number of unemployed in the , umenloyed beng made i the Cour: | uy Sars" Showa the problem a a al als aid DAGGOTSVILLE cil Chamber under the supervision o By X ¢ y an children Councillor T, H. Lockhart, chairman Juced Shia year hyd Hg nei who had just returned from the play-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis and of 'the Relief Committee, on Friday | Brev'qis YS Torte Pr the | the ¢ then led the gathe ound after a half hour's period of | children, of Lindsay, visited at Geo. and"Saturday_ afterhoons. Hones 'bat She town' must 'hard fhe| ig in community singing in which | football or. some sport sit sill in | Willis® on Mo iffi - y t mbled tea 5 o It is often found difficult to im figures to base their appeals on. the adien Hied teacher ne an. ress upon people the necessity of do | : ' : ) Ins ph, 547 41 for their own benefit] Thus it will be plainly seen that it| few minutes recess. (Continued from Page 3) cerning the use which can be made of the convention and urged all to take an active part in the various discussions, He extended a welcome to all new teachers of the city and expressed the sympathies of those present in the absence due to sick- ness of some of the teaching staff of the city. L. Richer, supervisor of music in FEATURING % Jb. J the city schools then led the gather- THIS Ti ; : j nday. their seats in the class room and| Miss Margaret ee spent the week WEEK in listen, to a 'teacher . explain such |end with Toronto friends. pieces: of poetry as. Tennyson's| Mr, Keith Lynde is visiting his Break, Break, Break." He sugges- | parents here, after a year spent in sr SHIRRIFF'S EL re i and Councillor Lockhart wishes the unemployed to be impressed with the * necessity of registering at this time for reasons that are quite apparent. First, it is absolutely necessary for the council to know how many are unemployed in the town and the par~: ticulars such as whether they are ' married or single and have children .or not, so that in the event of the council being unable to provide work for' all this winter they will at least know what they have to cope with 'in the way of selief. Secondly, by knowing = the exact is to the benefit of every workman in° Bowmanville, that is out of em- ployment to refister cither on Friday or Saturday. If there are an unus- ually large number out of work by registering. they will be aiding 'the council in their representations to the Governments but should the unemployed not take advantage of this registration then the council, not being acquainted with the true facts, will be unable to aid the jobless as they should. The responsibility then rest entirely with the unemployed themselves. 1f they want the coun- Fine Address Mr. Mustard, teacher of English in the Toronto Normal School, is a lively and witty speaker. his address given to the teachers at the convention tained numerous valuable tions and suggestions, it was not the usual style of convention address. Mr. Mustard is delightful to listen to,- for he has a unique way of tell- ing his stories and leads his listen- ers to believe that he is enjoying the opportunity of addressing they enjoy listening to him. Although this morning mstruc- thent, as YOUR SUIT CLEAN BRIGHT COLORS and NEW LINES Your suit represents an investment of from $30 to $75. The way you have it cleaned and press- ed has a lot to do with how it will look in six or twelve months. Your suit deserves the clean, bright colors and the coreful moulding of our Golden Seal Ser. vice. Look how the collar and shoulders sit up ell; how Look for the Golden Seal Guarantee There's not an alibi in the whole guarantee. the color, It says YOU will like appearance and finish of any article we clean for you-- or no charye. today. Bee for yourself. Send us your suit Farrow & Morden 4 Bond St. West Men's Suits Cleaned and Form - Fashioned, $1.50 ! E ADVIE W AVE., TORONTO 741-743 BRO ~ Additional Sales Values For : work. Om sale now ya. 39€ _ PAGODA AND FUJA SILKE, 47 YARD ly. esses | PROSPERITY WEEK BROCADED RAYON 35¢ YARD Fancy Brocaded Rayon Silk with a hundred uses. 9 shades to choose from. Special TWEED SILKS, $1.45 New patterns received this week. Just the col ted methods that may be used to put the children into the right spirit, be- fore springing such a lesson upon them, Then for thé presentation of the lesson, Mr. Mustard said that it was wise to give some informa- tion in story form about that which the class was about to read: Make it if possible, so interesting, that the boys and girls will be eager to look in their readers and read for them- selves, without having to be told: to open their books at a certain page, The speaker took lesson after les- son in the public school readers and suggested how they might be taught. Sea Fever" by John Masefield, was one of his examples, First, the poem was read, then gone into detail and before the close of the lesson was reviewed, One could gather from hearing Mr, Mustard that he is an ardent admirer of the author of that poem, for as he said "It 'possesses the real ring of a man's poem." He said much about expression, "One must, he said, "create impres- sion to get expression." There were different ways he advised for creat- INg impressions, Mr. Mustard told how boys and girls could be taught chivalry, and gallantry and how their characters could be influenced and trained in the finer things of life through les- sons learned from the stories in the English hooks. "It is better to teach conduct than preach it" he said. A short business session was held after the address and the following were appointed as a nominating and constitutional committee for the com- ing year: Mr. Harvey Knight (con- vener), Miss Holmes, Mr. Jacklin, Sis- jer Margaret Mary and Miss ord. MYRTLE BRIEFS Miss Mary Ross, of Newcastle, was with Mrs, A. J. Carmichael for the week end. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Nelson Gilroy of Prospect last Saturday. Mr. Gordon Pilkey, of Queen's University, Kingston, was home for the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Austin, of Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. D. Luery's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott and child- ren, of Seagrave, were visitors with Mrs. R. 8. Long for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chisholm and Mr. and Mrs, Mavghn, of Toronto, were with Mr, and Mrs. R. Chisholm for the week end. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Thompson spent Monday in the city. Cream--Better returns in the long 'run by selling to Citizens' Ltd. Phone 52, Whitby. The: Woman's Association had a good attendance at their social jathering held at Mrs. T. R, Price's Tuesday afternoon.. The pro- gram consisted of Doadings on the fe of the late Pauline Johnston by Mrs. Thoripson and Mrs. Chishottn, and one of her s was given Mrs. Merriam, #The So & Pad. dle Sings." Miss Marjorie. Ross, of Whitby, was present, and rendered two fine solos, which were anjoved by all, her mother accompanying her. Refreshments were served at the close, It was decided to hold a Hallowe'en tea in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, Oct. 30th. * The annual thankoffering services of the United Church will be held next Sunday, Oct. 19th. Service in the afternoon at 330 . a fhe ov ening @ m, . (Ca . F. Best, of Whitby, will have char of both services. S music being prepared by the choir, There will be no Sunday School next Sun- day afternoon. { KINSALE NEWS There, was no service here last Sabbath, owing to Suarberly service at the Greenwood church. A . ly number from here atten service at Greenwood. Several from here attended the |} annive: services at 'Mt. Zion church last Sunday evening. Rev. Wm, Higgs and Mrs. Higgs, ||| of Beachville, have been holidaying with 'the latter's sister, Mrs. bron. FN 'Wm. Middleton has left the em- Blo of Thomas Hirst and gone to |]! Itaburg: 4 ssion Band met at the home of Mrs. Louis Dunn last Saturday was well attended. he Wi Was. are. pleased now out of danger and" y i; \ > Tommy Farandale is able to be out again, we are pleased to report, \ E. | Mrs. Jas. Doughty, and} he west. Cream--Better returns in the long run by selling to Citizens' Dairy Ltd. Phone 52, Whitby. . The Audley Young Pepple's So- ciety will meet Tuesday evenings at eight o'clock instead of ays. Both young and old are welcome to these meetings. Come to Whitby United Church Friday, October 24th, for a real Chicken Pie Supper and concert. Mrs. Arthur Bundy and children, of Toronto, spent Sunday at C. A. Lynde's. Mr. and Mrs. Rau, of Munroe, Mich., visited friends and relatives here last week. BASE LINE WEST Mr. H. Ross left on Sunday for a two weeks' holiday with relatives at Kingston. r. and Mrs. Jas. Ayres and Mr. and Mrs. Backus, of Toronto, and Win. Ayres, spent Sunday at the Lake Shore house. Come to Whitby United Church Friday, October 24th, for a real Chicken Pie Supper and concert. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Story, of Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs. W, Perey, of Toronto, were visitors at E. Storys' on Sunday. e Threadgold Bros. have the contract to build a new house on E. Story's farm. Cream---Better returns in the long run by selling to Citizens' Dairy Ltd. Phone 52, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Mr. A. Button, of Oshawa, Mrs. Pilkey, and Mr. A, Boyd, of Toronto, and of Cleveland, called at E. Story's on Sunday. The continued fine warm weather looks like Indian summer. ALMONDS NEWS Rally Sunday service was largely Siended om Sunday aftenooh and the s a gram_which was pre- sented i by all. Miss Susie Adams ted the "Books of the Bible;" June Webster gave the Ten Commandments; Mrs. A. W. Richardson gave a short memory talk on "Among the Lowly." The address of the afternoon was given ave a very delightful talk, impres- Be on those present the need of individual service, rallying and rous- ing this age to a greater interest, and not leaving our jobs for some- one else to take up. "Be up and do- ing, there is work for everyone" said Mr. West. a Come to Whitby United. Church Friday, October 24th, for a real Chicken Ple Supper and concert. The young ladies of the church will hold a social in the church on Friday night. If you want a good time on hand. a collection. s Miss Elizabeth Fothergill is vis- iting with relatives in Picton. Me, and Mrs. Geo. West, of Ash- burp, visited on"Sunday with W. H. Balsdon and with other friends in the neighborhood. Cream--Better returns in the long run by selling to Citizens' Dairy Ltd; Phone 52, Whitby, Nephew--"Uncle, when are you going to play football again?" Rich Uncle--"1 don't play foot- ball. What makes you ask me that question?" * Nephew--"Well, father says when you kick off we are going to get a motor car and a house." { She may be the whole show to her mother, but she's only the inter- mission to me. It may be unpleasant to play. po- ker with a bad loser, but it's a lot better than playing with any kind of a winner, | Do You | Need Money ? Do Not Lose Your Car. Let Us Finance You. G. L. SCOTT Motor Loans and Discounts Ltd. 8 Felt Block, upstairs 143% King St. KE. Phone 23790 by Mr. Geo. West, of Ashburn, who. efreshments and |, JELLY POWDERS 4 Pie. 23¢ GILLETT'S LYE For Clonaliness in the Home | SPECIAL... RAWBERRY = = a ool el ASSORTED SOUPS NA ( Tin 14c¢c THISTLE BRAND CHICKEN HADDIE Tin 10c > 2 ar CURRIE POWD! TH Small... oor. reseees. $96 POPPING CORN : Beas. ... Nd 11¢c H. A. G. COFFEE (NO CAFFEIN) 6-02. 35¢ Tin SPECIAL BURFORD PEAS tie 23¢ Tins NEW PACK Blue Ribbon Brand. Vacuum packed. 1b Ta.. B86 NG sesessses. BSC No. 5 Tib..orssmrseoners BOC Sieve A Bathroom Necessity FLUSHO Tin 23¢c PRICE TICKETS Special Cowan's Chocolate Buds . 1. TOE vox VANILLA FLAVORING Artificially colored. EATON'S. 2-02. Bottle...... 80 The Ideal Cold Weather Cereal. Package. 24c¢ - BROOKFIELD CHEESE ""The Choose That's Chose' ae 19¢ kg. CREAM CRACKERS SPECIAL.~-Hammah Brand | * Bone ..............0. 24¢ DATES | = 5 Honey assorted F flavors, ty wy Pie. 8 ror 240 2-1b. § pe} CLEAN SHELLED WALNUTS = 34D, Packags....cocnnnr.. 300 SWEET Pkg. MEATY DUTCH COCOA VanVHoutea's Imported. Nestle' wm Portion Package......... £66. EATON'S MEATS | [Fok Prams wire Specials for FRI. and SAT. ONLY Mild Cured Smoked HAMS 5:n. Sle Choice Loin Roasts of Yeung bh 30¢ Prime Rib Roasts bn 19€ Finest Quality _ ADDITIONAL MEATS Cooked Ham ............iinui 1b. 43e Hamburger ......usmcneclb, 14¢ Blade Roast Beef .....cc.c.c... Ib. 17¢ "Fronts of Lamb ...c...csuurvis.. Jb 14¢ Shortening. +....isumesmeid 1b. 29¢ SOAP & 10 34. 6 A Real Bargain Rs Special Pennan TOILET PAPER 8 Rolls 25¢C Household Blend TEA 37ci wath. 27¢ Extra Special No. 1 "POTATOES

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