Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Oct 1930, p. 11

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or aa , 0 FE OSITAWA DAILY TIVES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, T93%0 PACE ELEVEN '| tinent was made ' uggested- as likely to lead to a solution of the problem of the . natives in the towns and cities, and hs been urged that the native vil- . lage of Langa, near Cape Town, might be made one of the show plac- es of the Peninsula and attract the natives to live there. The Govern- ment has given Langa as a free site on which the natives may build their homes, and in this area the Cape Town City Council has built accom- modation for natives. The trouble is natives do not want to go there, It is deemed necessary to make the con- ditions at Langa such that the na- tives can be happier there than they are in Cape Town,.though many of them were born in this city. The native is a sociable person, and it is thought that if he can find the right society st Langa he: will be content to stay there. It is sug- gested that if Langa were made an deal native village, a village that Visitors from overseas would go and see while staying at Cape Town, the natives would welcome the change of environment and be content. " INSEVEN DAYS Or Money Back Thousands of people whe suffer trom' itching skin, eczema and un- sightly. eruptions, will be ad to know that Moone's Emerald Oil, a clean, powerful, penetrating an- tiseptic oil, will banish their trouble in seven days or less, For Joars they. havesbeon using oint they 'Welped~to reliev H soreness and paix they often choked the pores and did mot al- low the poisonous matter to escape. Moone's Emerald Oil (fall strength) overcomes 'this objec. tion, for this oil penetrates down through the pores and leaves them free to discharge all poisonous «secretions. It is highly congen- trated, and only a 'few drops are required at an application, "You can get it at Jury & Lovell Lid, or any progressive druggist's and it it doesn't end your trouble in spven days----money gladly return- ed-directions on each bottle, "and salves; "and "while | o the itching | Canadian Aviator May Fly 'Back Home in November ----ro-- Loudon, Oct. "16,--Definite an- "I nouncement of their intention to fly back to the North American con~ t night by Capt, J. Errol Boyd and Lieuf. Harry Con- nor, trans-atlantic fliers. "Certainly we intend flying back to the North American continent," Ca Boyd declared. "We will' start around the middle of Novemb- er." Boyd, a Canadian and Connor, formerly in the United States navy, landed on Tresco Isle last week, off the southernmost tip of England, on a non-stop transatlantic flight in the Columbia, from Harbor Grace, Nfld, onnor, accompanied by Boyd, called on U.S. Ambassador Charles G. Dawes at the American Embassy to-day and told him they intended to fly the old monoplane Columbia back across the Atlantic. "I pray you don't," Dawes replied when told of the filers' plans. "T hope you don't especially at this period of year. Just think of the appalling risk." However, Dawes, seeing the air- men had apparently resolved to make the -hazardous return flight, clasped their hands and said: "I wish you, then, a safe return." "For my part, Boyd commented, "I intend to return the way I came, just for the glory of Canada." 30 DOES BACKER W. B. Leeds Quite Convine- ed as to Speed of Rival Boat ~ New York.--~A friendly argu~ ment over who owned the faster yacht has been settled--with a re- ported loss of $11,000 to William B. Leeds. The dispute was settled by a {38-mile race in Long Island Sound a race in which Livingston's Arlis came from behind to overtake Leed's Flying Fox and win by a quarter of a mile. There was, ac- cording to' discussion at the New York Yacht Club a bet of $10,000 on the result. In addition Leeds presented a cheque for $1,000 to the crew of his rival's boat. C] a an wi -erew and passengers.of the twb vessels and an occasional pass- ing oil tanker. It was not kmown, in fact, till a few minutes before the opposing crews were instructed to prepare the boats as quitkly as possible, save % JAIL SAID UNSANITARY Port Hope.~Allegations that the Port Hope lock-up was ridden with vermin, its sanitary conveniences in an unhealthy, condition and the fact that a sixteen-year-old girl had been confined there last week for a period stated to have been six and one-half hours have been made to the council. | Children say ar eat' You can eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or '++ eream--but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them. The flavory shreds of baked wheat are so crisp and delicious--children always ask for more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing "bodies need. Delicious with fruits. WITH ALL THE BRAN WHEAT 0 128, | lessness, frequent but scanty Urin- b lue 1 VURATABS." Teacher "Skinny" Nervous, Gains Pep 14 Ls. I 2 Woks vous, exhausted. So skinny, was em-~ barrassed," says Miss Ironized trate J. Jens Locher, a Dane, and some in- teresting Swedish novelties. "HOTEL KEEPER FINED Kingston.--In Police Court Magis- M. Farrell Sopud Michael , proprietor the, Queen's Hotel Brock street, guilty of "unlaw- fully having liquor for sale, contrary to the Government Control Act," and sentenced him to two months iw jail. SEVERELY INJURED Kemptvilles~When scaffolding sur- rounding a new chimney on a house at Hallville broke and he-was thrown 30 feet to the ground, Alan Tousaw, who lives near Kemptville, had both legs, both arms and his collarbone broken. He is in the Ottawa Civic hospital for treatment, PLANT DAMAGED Port Hope~A second alarm fire of unknown origin, seriously damaged the premises and contents of the Crown Bottling Works, Port Hope. Port Hope~Mr.*and Mrs. Regin- ald Black, Molson Street, Port Hope, have celebrated the twenty-fifth an- viversary of their wedding. FURTHER CHANGES Kingston ~Further changes made by His Grace Archbishop O'Brien in the archdiocese of Kingston are the appointments of Rev. Father Brice- land, as curate at Gananoque; Rev. Father Madden assistant at Belle- ville, and Rev. Father Buckley, cur- ate at Trenton. TRAIN KILLS WORKMAN Coruwall ~Hubest Tyro town, who was one of a gang of men working at laying new rails on the railway about four miles east of here, was struck by the International Limited as it proceeded west, and died at the Hotel Dieu Hospital here, of this A Fortier, teacher. "Tried Yeast, ined 14 Ibs, in 3 weeks. |. Now healthy and happy." Teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, mothers, ministers all write of gains of 5%o 15 Ibs. in 3 weeks with new Ironized Yeast. Blemished skin clears, "Nerves," constipation, indigestion go overnight. New pep first day. Ironized Yeast is two great tonics in one. Weight-building brewer's Yeast plus strgngthening, bloods en- riching' Iron. Many times more ef- fective than unmedicated yeast. Re- sults in half the time, Don't be "Skinny", weak, nervous, in danger of serious ills, Take these pleasant little tablets. No pe taste; no gas. If not delighted wi quick gains, manufacturer = refunds money. Get Ironized Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tumor- row. New pounds q INCREASE IN PRICES OF DENIM REVOKED Manufacturers Compel Firm to Fulfil Pact With Ottawa Ottawa.--Protests have been re- ceived here against a reported ad- vance in the prices of some varieties | of cloth, following the increase in its cotton duties, ' An inquiry, which Was been amde, however, discloses the fact that, only one fompany raised its price on den- ims by 10 per cent, but the rest of the trade protested that this was not keeping the spirit of the undertaking with the Government. In consequence the old price was restored. As it is claimed that cotton prices are now only what they were before the tariff increase, no reason is held to exist for any protest. which has been made or for the suggested re- moval of the new duty. It seems that a war in denims in the United States has resulted in tre- mendous price cutting and serious competition from American manu- facturers to meet which the aCna- dian output was marketed at a loss While this was the justification for the 10 per, cent. increase the objec- |" tions registered have'caused the com- pany to agree to revert to the. old price basis. STAGE WINS OVER ~~ MOVIE IN SWEDEN Two Cinema Houses gHave Been Turned Into Theatres Stockholm.--In the fierce competi- tion between the cinema and the stage, now raging all over the world, the stage has scored two notable suc- cesses in Sweden, in as much as two Stockholm cinemas this autumn have been turned into theatres. This an nual development gainsays any. as- sumption that the Swedes have not | enough interest in the drama. An. other assumption that the Swedes have not talent for playwriting is likewise gainsaid by the fact that out of the many autumn premieres not less than five have featured mew Swedish plays. / The two new theatres in Stock: Kolm increase the number of stages in the Swedish capital from.18- to 17, which seem rather abundant in a eity of 500,000 inhabitants. Half of the number, however) are small and easygoing undertakings, while the rest are well-known and recog: nized theatres. The repertory: am-| nounced for these jheatres. shows. a serious vein in a combined with the effort to keep pace with new trends in the drama. Shakeppeare's Midsummernight's Dream, the ime mortal Hamlet, Shaw's AppleCart, Lope de Vega's, Iron Water in Mad: rid, Tolstoy's Power of Darkness, Strindberg's Gustavus Vasa and Charles VII, Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac, Geraldy"s Wedding Days, all belong to the traditional and clas- sic school. New features are "Grandmother's ~ Revolution" by Bladder Weakness Makes Life Misery Dai Ann Troublesome Nights Wi Lives of Thou: ' sands States Who Tells What To Do For Quick Relief Backaches, Headaches, Pains in feet and legs, Nervousness, Rest- oyance, ation with burning and pain, get- ting-up-nights--are some of the more troublesome signs that should have prompt attention be- fore they reach a more serious stage! 3 No matter how stubborn your cage may seem to be or how many cines you have tried without r s--don't think your condi- | tion: is hopeless or the natural consequence of advancing. years untfl you have tried the amaszing'|" of Dr, Southworth's |. On a strict guarantee of money. back on first box purchased if you do not receive swift and satisfying relief. Any good druggist will sup- ply you with "Uratabs" in sealeg packages containing a ten days" supply. If they bring great relief of ten I improvement inside you nothing! Ask your druggist today, : od RPE ' , you will be greatly pleased | '|==it they do not help, they cost | | Inside of 48 hours and a wonder. |* * Flour own Goes the From all available records this is the lowest price at which flour has been sold since before the war--17 years ago. And, remember, it is not a cheap flour made to meet this extraordinary price, but the fin. est pastry flour, freshly milled by one of the best Canadian millers, It is made from the best Canadian wheat and sold to you by Stop and Shop Stores--the stores that are 98.65% owned by Canadians, EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk \ CHOICE PINK L ; 1; Size ") Tins 19¢, J Choice Quality + Creamery Aylmer Choice Quality Tomatoes 3 Biscuits ~ No. 2v; Tins dlc {8 | Aylmer No. 4 Sieve Peas3 No. ev: 25e McCormick's Royal Assorted 1-1b, Pkg. 25¢; Tea,:: --- SALADA BLACK Brown i S5lc Roast............. Roast............. Porterhouse Roast............. Breakfast Bacon, Sliced ». 20¢ Variety Loaf, Sliced Lean Boneless Pie Meat J Week-End Specials in Fruits and Vegetables POTATOES peck 21C 901b. bag $1.28 GRAPE FRUIT large and juicy each J¢ SPANISH ONIONS - § m. 2§¢ CAULIFLOWER 1arge head 'Week-End Specials in 'Meats Beef 5 1 e Ib. 19: Fronts Loins Lamb 1 14. Cheese, »20. re fn deen a wi Anglo Corned Beet, Sliced ib. 25 ¢ ib. 32¢ 21. 25¢ i | heads 2 for 17C il SWEET POTATOES - 4mns.15c © Shelled "ee ane 5 Lux, small pkg. ee "Rosedale" California Peaches, 12's, No. 2 size Canadian, Old Millionaire Sardines e McLaren's Invincible Jelly Powders Little Chip Orange or. Lemon Marmalade . Magic Baking Powder 16-0 tin 3c PIR TO SRE Shelled Almonds # PR E AE sey sem 8s Walnuts, halves Catelli"s Macaroni, Noodles, Spa- , ghetti, Vermicelli; 10-0z, pkg. Snap, hand cleaner 8.0.8. Cleanser' maw sasewin son we vain iOepad pkg. Eggo Ready Cake Mixture, Pkg Qc CRY a Meth aa an CAN RAN see Knox Gelatine Licorice Allsorts Hae Libby's Sauer-Kraut : No. 274 size ...:... Robin Hood Oats, large SORA WON At SAN AE sew 3 veer 25¢ . 3 tins 57¢ 10 34 a Se 2 vm lie 4 vies 23¢ kor iar 23¢ Pea van LEER Quaker Crackels Dinner Blend Cofiee ib. 49¢ i ge 10¢ tin 4c 23c pig. 22¢ ib. 27¢ tin 14c Reon wns Pkg: 25¢ "ew

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