Eastern Ontario News SEVERELY INJURED - Kemptville.~When scaffolding sur- rounding a new chimney on a house at Hallville broke and he was thrown 30 feet to the ground, Alan Tousaw, |' who lives near Kemptville, had both legs, both arms and his collarbone broken. He is in the Ottawa Civic hospital for treatment, "4 HOTEL KEEPER FINED Kingston.--In Police Court Magis- trate J. M. Farrell found Michael Berrigay, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Brock street, guilty of "unlaw- fully 'having liquor for sale, contrary to the Government Control Act," and seoienes ss hin to twe months in jail. PLANT DAMAGED V'ort Hope.~A sccond alarm fire of unknown origin, scriously damaged the pgemises and contents of the Crown Bottling Works, Port Hope. . SILVER WEDDING Port Hope--~Mr. and Mrs. Regin- ald 'Black, Molson Street, Port Hope, One invariably enjoys the first few dances immensely but just after intermission when the party gets "warm- ed up" to the cccasion the feet begin to lag. The old | corns or bunions begin to ' take the joy out of life and you are forced to miss some of your favourite dances. A little forethought will prevent this. Rid your- self of this nuisance with one of our reliable corn re- movers, Rexall Corn Solvent ..2 Carple's Corn Cream ..25¢c Blue Jay Plasters .....35e Scholl's Zino Pads ....35c Foot Powder ........20¢ Arch Supports, all sizes 75¢c pair Jury & Lovell || Ar THE REXALL STORES | King E. Simcoe 8. || | Phone 28 Phone 68 | A-- se 5 If you have headaches, or suffer biliousness or indigestion . take Beecham's ¥ [694c; No. have celebrated the twenty-fifth an- niversary of their wedding. INJURED IN MILL Athens,--Charles Rahmer met with an accident while at work in the Hartley Mill. Some new plates hav- ing been installed in the grinder, ane exploded, pieces having entere his arm and 165, FURTHER CHANGES Kingston~-Further changes made by His Grace Archbishop O'Brien in the archdiocese of Kingston are the appointments of Rev. Father. Brice- land, as curate at Gananoque; Rev. Father Madden assistant at Belle- ville, and Rev. Father Buckley, cur- ate at Trenton. BRICK PLANT RESUMES ington has resumed operations with a stafl of twenty workmen. JAIL SAID UNSANITARY Port Hope.--Allegations that the Port Hope lock-up was ridden with vermin, its sanitary conveniences in an unhealthy condition and the fact that a sixteen-year-old girl had been confined there 'last week for a period stated to have been six and one-half hours have been made to the council. SILVER WEDDING Lindsay ~About 40 friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Weldon gathered in honor of their twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rogers, Linden Valley. TRAIN KILLS WORKMAN Cornwall--Hubert Tyro of this town, who was one of a gang of men working at laying new. rails on the railway about four miles cast of here, was struck by the International Limited as it proceeded west, and died at the Hotel Dieu Hospital here. GOLDEN WEDDING Smith's Falls--~The home of Mr. and Mrs, James F. Corbett, Smith's Falls, was the scene of a happy event when the golden anniversary of their marriage was celebrated by nearly one hundred friends and neighbors, WOULD ABOLISH HOMEWORK Kingston.--At its next meeting the Board of Education will consider a motion of Trustee C. E. Long to have home-work in the schools, with the exception of the entrance class, abolished. CAUGHT RED HANDED Kingston. -- Police Constable An- drew Ready caught Edward Shortt, aged 18, in the act of stealing an au- tomobile parked on Princess Street. The accused pleaded guilty in police court and was remanded for sentence. HORSES FROM KENTUCKY Picton.--Roland Herrington arrived in Picton from Lexington, Kentucky, with four horses purchased there: A yearling for limself, a colt for Mr. E. J. Healy and a colt and pacer with a record of 204. 3-4 for Brig.-Gen. B. R. Hepburn, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Oct, 11.--Open commit- ments--November eggs, 1,168; De- cember eggs, 125; November nii- ter. 1,305; December butter, 413, Chicago Spot Market--DButter ox- [tras, 37c; standards, 34c to 34%; {tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 27c; tone | steady. { 'Two Market Receipts--Butter; Today, 12,973; last year, holiday. | Eggs: 18,450; last year holiday. { Movement at the Four Markets-- Dutter, net out, 480,042; last year, holiday. Eggs, net out, 33,307; last year, holiday. New York Spot Market--Butter, extras, 40c; no tone, Eggs, firsts, 24c to 27c; tone; none. Closing prices: November butter, 33%c; December butter, 34ic; November eggs, 22¢; December eggs, 22ic¢. GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers at Torogto are guoting the following prices for grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheat--No, 1 North- ern, 784¢; No, 2 Northern 76¢; No. 3 Northern, 734e¢; No. 4 Northern, 6 . Northern, b68c per bushel. Prices on tracks lc higher than above. Manitoba Oats -- No. 313c; No. 2 feed, 28% c per bushel (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports.) Argentina Corn--T79¢ (c.i.f. Port Colborne). Millfeed (delivered . Montreal, A 4 i OO Body Har Hard Slabs Soft Slabs td ROT For Furnace . or Fire Place : For Cook Steve or Heater For Kindling ' or Cooking Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry DIXON COAL CO. | Telephone 202 Five Direct Lines Picton--The brick plant at Well- | freights, bags included): Bran, per ton, $21,265; shorts, per ton, $22. 25, middlings, per ton, $29.20, Manitoba Flour-- First patents In jute, $6.10, Toronto; seconds, pat- ents, In jute, $5.50, Ontario Grain--Wheat, 73c: oats, 28¢; barley, 36c; rye, 50c; buskwheat, 65c. | TIME TABLE | WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES . WEEK DAY fCHEDULE PETE TEEEEDS FF27288383; Sontawt: S33sa8a ) ; 28 BERR RBE! BIR AALND 1.25 p.m, Lm. Lm, Mm. mm, a » 14 P ». » P. P. 4.25 p.m, 7.15 p.m, PPP rrasts 33338383833; EH] 388 FF z 4 1m, X , 10.10 p.m. 45 pm, 11.45 pom. 12.15 pim. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 8.00 p. 8.15 p.m, 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m, Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 am, - 10.45 a.m, , 12.45 pm, 3.30 p.m, 5 5.3% p.m, 6.45 p.m, 7.3 p.m, 8.15 p.m. 9.00 p.m, 10.45 pm, 1.00 pm, 11.30 p.m Times marxed * connect at Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses for all ash Reasonable Rates and Careful Divers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Wail Room, 18 Prince Street CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 930 Effective September 28th, 1 (8 Time ) thy 10.09 a.m, 12.00 p.m, 245 pm, 4.45 p.m, 9.50 a.m, Daily, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS p 192 Tie)" except Sunday, : except Sunday. , except Sunday. except Saturday, - NopNkon EE: i each except Sunday. SEER sNane 8E83 iy, except Sunday, except Sunday. . except Sunday. GRAY COACH LINES lective September (Standard Time) Oshawa Leave Toronto A PM, AM, WM, m7,30 12.3% £30 9.30 10.30 11.30 Re ty Bik Lowman - / » NS mam sksskibais - 5% was Baus 8% 832 z 8 m~-Except Sundar, a=Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only. b--Sundays only. CHANGES IN PATENT ACT ARE ADVOCATED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa Oct 13.--Several changes in the Trade and Patents Act will be laid before the government as a result of the convention of the Can- adian Institute of Patent Solicitors. A commission was appointed some Hime ago to consider changes in the aw. C. W. Taylor, of Montreal, was re-elected president of the institute. Other officers chosen were: Vice- president, L. C. Prittie, Toronto; Secretary- treasurer, A. E. MacRae, Ottawa, and Councillors H, J. La- jole, Montreal, and H, C. Shipman Ottawa, FOUR OVERCOME IN OTTAWA FIRE Ottawa, Oct. 13--Four firemen, two of whom were captains, were overcome by gas and smoke tonight while fighting a basement fire at the Plaza Hotel, The terrific heat melt- DODDS KIDNEY od J I I ed a gas-pipe connection, liberating the deadly fumes throughout the building. None of the men suffered serious injury. RULES TO GOVERN ELEVATORISSUED Regulations And Tariffs For Prescott Grain Storage Elevator Ottawa, Oct. 13.--The. regula- tions and tariff governing the op- eration of the government grain elevator at Prescott, Ont, are pub- lished in the current issue of the Canafla Gazette, It is provided that these shall be the same as the regu- lations and tariff in effect at the elevator at Port Colborne, Ont, Ap- plications for winter storage of grain at Prescott will be received up to Oct, 31, the maximum space allowed to any one applicant being 750,000 bushels. Grain will be handled at elevator on the following basis: Wheat 60 lbs to the bushel: In- dian corn 56 lbs; rye, 56 lbs; flax seed 56 lbs; barley 48 lbs; stard- ard recleaned screenings 48 lbs; oats 34 lbs, and oats screenings 34 1bs. the Anyhow, that fine old Irishman, Sir Thomas Lipton, has just about won the human race--Weston Lea- der. The moon, says a radio expert, throws back the wireless waves from the earth. We don't blame it.--The Humorist. Where Can Men's Pants to $4.50. Berge, MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Cream color for = outdoor wear. Reg. $1.45. 98c Each Children's Calf Ox- fords, sizes 815 to 10. «$1.05 Men's Felt Hats pop grey shad welted or snap brims. Very special $1.96 ea. MEN'S POLICE BRACES Reg. 45¢. Sale Price pair THE ARCADE You Buy At Such Low Prices --JUST READ THESE-- Women's Smart Brown 1 STRAP SLIPPER Cuban heels, first quality kid leather ! $2.95 Large variety of MEN'S FALL CAPS The newest Tweoeds $1.00 Each Children's Calf Ox- fords, sizes 11 to 2: $1.85 FORTY INJURED INEXPLOSION ON MOVIE LOCATION Two May Die--Mock Mine Blast Has Serious Results Flagstaff, Ariz., Oct. 13.--Fifteen persons were injured seriously, two perhaps fatally, and 25 others re- ceived minor hurts, in a miscalcul- ated explosion of black powder and dynamite on a motion-picture loca- tion in Dinosaur Canyon, 70 miles northwest of here Saturday. Of the 25 recelving "minor in« juries, 15 required medical atten- tion at the scene, Physicians went to the location from Flagstaff, the nearest settlement of any size, The mishap occurred during the filming of one of the last scenes of a desert picture by Pathe Studios, Inc. « The more seriously hurt: William F. Wallace, Flagstaff, chauffeur; Gafland, powderman and electrician, Hollywood; Howard Higgin, film disector, Hollywood: Bert Gilroy, studio business manag- er, Hollywood: Walter Hoffman, powderman, Hollywood; Hubert . Morgan, helper, Flagstaff; William in use were shattered. Garrett, Hollywood; Jim Cunning- ham, Hollywood; Marvin Peterson, Hollywood. Film officials sald two tons of explosives had been placed in the face of a 400-foot cliff and in an old mine tunnel, the explosion being expected to crumble the cliff, Unexpected presence of hard rock lent the blast violence that had not been anticipated and showered rock and stone over an area of nearly half a mile, Cameramen had been spotted on platforms near the face of the cliffs to photograph the expected land- slide, which was to wipe out a min- settlement. Four were knocked to the ground. Three of five cameras SAVED FROM FIRE Son-in-law of Harvey Sisson| Drags Him From Danger | Port Credit, Oct, 13.--Smashing | down the front door of his father- | {n-law"s home while smoke and | flames poured from various paris of the house, Harvey Sisson, In- scious form of Thomas F. Parker, dian Grove, dragged the arker, | aged 69, to safety late Saturday night. Parker, who lives across the road from Sisson, awoke at 11 o'clock to find the house on fire. His first thoughts were for his pet canary. Taking the cage he fled across the road to his son-in-law's home, and leaving the bird there rushed back before tne astonished family realiz- ed anything was amiss, He re-en- tered the burning house" to save some valuables, it was later learned, UNEMPLOYED DIG FOR GOLD Sydney, Australia.--About 1,100 men are out prospecting for gold, and the reports are very encourags- ing, according to R, W. D, Weaver, Minister of Mines, New South Wales. "Some of these prospectors are earning $20 to $25 a week," the Minister says, "All of them had been unemployed, and this is bet- ter than being on the dole." Most any dog can be a howling sucecss at night. Usually it is people who most need advice who resent it. CLEERCOAL The Supreme Anthracite Less than 5 per cent. ash $16.50 Per Ton MALLETT 8ROS. Albert St. Phone 3060 1 feed, | Thursday, Octobr 16th. and name of the Friday, October 17th. 5. The presentation of the D, J. Brown's advertisement ett et vin, SO Tnanch habe Lot The Following Rules Apply 1. The draw for the lucky number to win the watch will be' made at the Regent Theatre, Oshawa, on the 2. No employee of the D. J. Brown Jewellery Store, Mundy- Printing Company , Company of Oshawa Limited, Regent Theatre, or immediate members of their families can win this prize. 3. The winning ticket will be drawn from a box and the lucky number holder of same will be announced from the stage of the Regent Theatre, and the lucky number and ticket will be on display in the window of D. immediately following the draw of same. 4, The name and lucky number will be i ivi gambled i watch offered will be mad J. Bown at the Regent Theatr on Sameday evening, Ostober Operated by D J. BROWN evening of J. Brown's This contest is being operated following the event which occurred from the roof of the Gene osha Hotel on Saturday afternoon, the opening day of Prosperity Week, when D. J. Brown dropped a Bruner Master-Built Watch from the roof of this hotel to the pavement below, proving conclusively that the Bruner Master-Built Watch is shockproof. Mayor Mitchell in- spected same and found it to be running and unharmed, and on time after its 200 ft. drop. This watch is now on display in the window of D. J. Brown's Jewellery Store, 20 Simcoe Street South. Lucky Ticket to be drawn On Thursday Eve. atthe Regent And the Presentation of the Watch will be made on Satur- day evening from the Regent Theatre stage by Mr. D. J. 'BRUNER Master-Built "WATCH? Secure One of These" Tickets Absolutely Free from D. J. Brown's Jewellery Store Brown in person. "The 20 Simcoe St. S. Jeweller RU CR A SIPS + gi oo -