Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1930, p. 30

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* PAGE THIRTY THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1930 * PLAN TO UNEARTH PRE AZTIC RUINS 'Work of Digging Up An cient "Avenue of Dead" g To Begin Soon % Mexico City.~ Tp means are found within . the government's economy Ee work of uncatthing the Ave ue of the Dead" In the Teoti- archeol zone will be be Em soon: on, the object of bringing light what is believed will prove pne of the most interesting monu- »imenis of antiquity, in Mexico. - ; he avenue extends from the an- tient 5 pe citadel to the pyras the, moon and, is believed to lined on both sides with builds "ings. The. 'citadel was uncovered 'some years ago, but the p id of the moon, like the avenue, 'still re- "mains mostly beneath pid The archeological zone is an hout's * drive from Mexico City and dates ck to an unknown era, 'even the "Aztecs who dwelt near the zone at "the time "of the Spanish conquest * having been ignorant of its origin, . The pyramid of the sun, larger.in . imass than the Egyptian pyramids al- _ though not so high, stands at the en- | france to the zone. It was uncover- "ed a long time ago and tourists who * mount to its top can look down over the citadel and and several other re- * frieved moriuments, while within view * are numerous mounds which archeo- *'Jogists believe cover buried edifices. " Work of uncovering the relics has y iot proceeded in recent years for Jack of money, but the government " hopes to find sufficient funds at hand . soon_to continue it. * Huskie Dogs Pull G.M.C. Automobile |e trip was made recently M. Van Valkenburg of Regina io a party of General Motors Com~ 'pany officials through the Fort a la " Corne forest reserve from Nipawin ' $0 Prince Albert, Sask, a distance of 94 miles. Although there are no , roads through the reserve the party | 'were able to make an average speed of thirteen miles an hour through the forest because of the heavy matting of pine needles and the comparative absence of underbrush. On arrival in Prince Albert they experimented with a husky team to | the car and were surprised to find that the powerful dogs /could not only start the car from a dead stop, but keep it going at a /brisk "dog-trot," with- Brisbane; Australia, -- For more than a month 35 Kanakas, men, wo- men and children,' lived on 'Bird Is- land, an inhospitable outcrop of rock in the Banda Sea, Their sole food was raw fish 'and their only 'drink was scabirds blood: The party had been crossing 'the Banda"Sea when their big war canoe was wrecked on the island upon 'which 'there is not a blade of grass and no living creatures exten myriads of sea' mews. © their terrible privations, were rescued by the China-Australian liner Taiping which, fortunately for them, was blown out of her usual course and so passed near the island the island. VATICAN NOT ASKED FOR DISPENSATION Religious Differences Ignor- ed in Princess's Marriage Vatican City.--The Vatican has not been asked for a dispensation for the forthcoming marriage of Princess Giovonna of Italy and King Boris of Bulgaria, the semi-official newspaper Observatore Romano said. Religious differences had been con- sidered one of the chief difficulties in arranging the engagement, the Bul- garian monarch being 2 member of the Eastern orthqdox church. When the pin tbr was _an- nounced it was understood the Pope had granted a disepnsation in con- sideration of an agreement that the Princess would continue in the Ro- Kanakas, almost deranged by lin man Catholic faith and the children of the union would be reared as cath- en- olics, It was recalled that such a dis; sation was granted for the ge of Princess Giovannha's sister, Prin- cess Mafalda, to Prince Philip of Hesse. Ring | Victor Ehanuel telegraphed i Dope. us _informis im of the be- hal of Prices Sovanne and the Pope rp fervently pray everything mu may proceed in accordance with God's kindest will, with divine blessings." NATIONAL FLOWER . BLAMED FOR MALADY Sydney, Australia~--~Whether Aus- tral national flower, the Golden Wattle, contaminates milk and but- ter and causes sore thromts, head- aches and hay fever is being debated flere.' Many people" are chopping down Wattle trees in' their gardens. -N. Ward, curator of the Sydney 'Botanical Gardens, says re- searchers show that many people liv- near Wattle trees were, at cer- tain seasons, always sick. The air around a blooming Wattle tree, he said, is impregnated with pollen which irritates the throat and lungs and Wattle trees growing close to dairies and creameries cause a form of fermentation dangerous to health. FRENCH MOVES IN RUMANIA AND IN Germany Is Wary About ' Demonstrations by Generals Berlin.--In the attendance of two French generals at this year's man- euvers in Poland and Rumania, Marshal Henri Petain in Poland and General Henri Berthelot of the French general staff, in Rumania, German political circles: see a two- fold French demonstration against Germany and Italy respectively. "Germany's persistent demands for a revision of the German-Polish frontier and corridor settlement and the lively echo these demands have gradually been finding in other countries, including France, have engendered a general state of mner- vousness in Poland," says the Boer- sen Zeitung, "that calls for just such a demonstration as the visit of Mar- shal Petain, as much for the purpose of administering a sedative to Pol- ish perturbation as to show Poland and the rest of the world that in the German-Polish border question France continues to side with Pol- and. "" An equally demonstrative gesture preeminently against Italy, but also directed at Russia and Turkey, is The theme of our success as re a an vy By ety RAR gi) CO-OPERA TION - oremost food And rovers Canada's aystem, but 1h the ae pit of persons this Dominion Ea ands, 04 1 iv coms the general Du public" EVAPORATED Nestle's Milk 2 -- Heinz Ketchup P&G Soap = From a wr 10 mw reel 219. and Vitamins Br Selected Spices Large Bottle 19. see 34s "TASTY" Bread : 8: .| fications, while General Gouraud is Wrapped at the Ovens +|among the leaders in food value of Mada and Supervised in Our Own Modern Bakeries by Oui: Own 100% Canadian Buployecs. WITH THAT "CLEAN" SMELL | Pr grup" For Lighter Pastry :! No? 28e Chicken Haddle m2le Th 2de 2 25¢ TE -- mo. 14e Baking Powdes i ue 34e Chisken Broth amu 28e Chocolate Bars 37 14e ~ POLAND WATCHED | pose. Imperial Conference Delegates Sail 628 The Canadian Pacific liner Em- press of Australia might almost have served as a Cabinet Council room during its last voyage to England with the Prime Minister of Canada and several members of his cabinet as passengers. There was 50 great a crowd at the pier in Quebec that photographers had to go to Father Point to get pic- tures of the party. Above are several groups made while the ship was on her way. I. The Premier and his sister Miss Mildred Bennett shake hands with Captain R. G. Latta, com- mander of the Empress of Aus. tralia. IL. Prime Minister G. Howard Ferguson of Ontario and Mrs, Ferguson. Mr. Ferguson said that while he was not attend. ing the Imperial Conference he "hoped to listen at the keyhole," He will open the Ontario Buildin in London during his visit. IIL Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minister of Trade and Commerce, who is an official delegate. IV. Hon. Hu, Guthrie, Minister of Justice, a delegate. seen in the visit to' the Rumanian maneuvers of General Berthelot, who, incidentally, headed the French military mission sent to Rumania in the early part of the world war, Assumedly at the insigation of Italy, a new version was recently given to the Russian-/Turkish amity agreement signed in 1925 whereby the treaty receives a distinctly of- fensive character against Rumania. This interpretation of the appar- ently harmless agreement wis fur ther emphasized by an article in the usually inspired Turkish newspaper Millet advocating a determined stand against Rumania in the dispute about Bessarabia between that coun- try and Russia. The German newspapers recall how Italy, after many unsuccessful attempts to break up. the French. Rumanjan connections with the ob- ject of then corralling Rumania in the maze of the Italian south-eastern Europe agreements, has of late adopted the diametrically oppesite policy of trying to isolate Rumania in a manner similar to that. em- ployed with Jugoslavia. France's answers to this move were the trips to Rumania of Gen- cral Gouraud, military govemor of Paris, and of Secretary General Du- maine of the Schneider-Creuzot arms and ammunition factory. This coun- termove, enhanced by the more re- cent visit of General Berthelot, the Germans say, was intended as a re- minder-to Italy, Russia and Turkey that intimate, cordial relations ex- isted between France and Rumania. But the Boersen Zeitung is con- vinced that aside from these poli- tical objects, the visits of Marshal Petain and General Berthelot to Po- land and Rumania also have a mili tary purpose. The newspaper says that both the Polish and the Ruma- nian armies have been wards of the French general staff and alleges that on previous visits Generals 1'Azan and Gouraud found the Polish and Rumanian forces to be military fac- tors of doubtful value, General I'Azan is reported to 'have criticised the inefficient training of Polish officers of the upper ranks and to have urged a material streng- thening 'of the Polish border forti- said to have proposed to the general staff in Bucharest a complete reor- ganization of the Rumanian army and offered his services for that pur. CANADIAN HERRING SARDINES Canadian herring vardines arc canned fish products. | TIME TABLE WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES WEEK DAY fCHEDULE (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Dabawa Whitby 6.20 a.m, 7.20 a.m. 520 a.m, 10.00 a.m. 11.35 am, *1.45 pm, 3.00 pom, 4.40 p.m, $5.40 p.m. 7.00 p.m. Arrive Hospital : 0 : fh 8.50 am, 10.30 a.m, 12.10 p.m. 2.20 p.m, 3.3 p.m, 5.15 pm, 6.15 p.m, 7.40 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 10.45 pam, 9.30 p.m, 1L15 p.m, 10.30 p.m, Going East Leave Arrive Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 6.3 a.m, $30 an. 7.20 a.m. 7.30 am, 7.50 am, 8.20 am. $30 am, 9.00a.m, 0.10 a.m, 9.25 am. 10.00 a.m, 10.45 a.m. 11.00 am. 11.30 a.m. lv, 10.05 p.m, ' 12.35 p.n. 1.40 pm, 2.00 pm, 2.30 p.m. 3,00 p.m, ar. 3.15 p.m, lv, 4.10 p.m, 440 pm, 5.05 p.m. 5.40 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 7.30 pom. 7.45 p.m. 810 pm, 830 p.m, 9.50 p.m, 10.10 p.m. 10.45 p.m. 11.30 p.m, 11.45 p.m. 12.15 p.m. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Arrive Benmmvilie Oshawa ~~ Whithy 9.30 am, 9.45 am. , 1130 am, 11.45 am, 2.30 pm, 2.45 p.m, 4.30 pm, 4.45 p.m. 4.3 pm; 4.45 pm, 6.30 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 800 pm, 8.15 p.m, . 10.30 pom. 1 i Ya m, Leave po Oshawa Bowmanville , 10.15 a.m, 1045 a.m. m, 12.15 p.m, 12 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m, 7.00 p.m, 8.30 p.m, 10.45 p.m. 11.00 pm, 11.30 pm Times marked R connect af 'Whitby with Lindsay Busses. Special Busses for all occasions Rosson Rates and Careful Drivers GARTON, PROPRIETOR T. BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 34% Oshawa Waitin, Roa Room, 10 Prince Street Leave Hospital 1.25 pm, 4.40 p. 5.40 p. 6.40 p 8.20 p.m. 9,00 p.m. m. 4.25 pom, m. m. 7.15 pom, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1038 Standard Time) Eastbound Lm, Daily, . Daily, " Daily, except Sunday. Lm, Daily. , Daily, . Daily, Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective vr 25th, 1900 (tabdard Time) bound . Daily, except Sunday. . Daily. . Daily, . Daily. . Daily, . Daily, . Daily, Daily. Wi 'Westbound am, Daily, except Sunday. a.m, Daily. a.m 1 except Sunday. except Sunday. except Saturday, . Daily, am. Daily, except Sunday. p.m, Daily, except Sunday. p.m. Daily. p.m. Daily. pa Daily, except Sunday. GRAY COACH LINES Effective Sept ber 28th, ( NARS Oa 8 s2asaztk : ht Leave Oshawa AM, P.M, 12.% 1.3% 2% in 4.20 5% 6.30 a'.3C 8.30 a%.30 10.30 bil.oo m-Except bdunday. a=Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays only. b--Sundays only. MOROCCAN CHIEFS BUY U.S. AUTOS Casablanca, Morocco, -- Moroccan chieftains, caids and pashas are loyal to France in the political do- main but they invariably buy Unit- ed States automobiles, While the French functionaries here have res mained faithful to their national marks, Citroen and Renault, the Sul tan's satellites in Casablanca, Rabat and Fez, arrayed in bright burnous and white flowing robes, may be seen at the stearing gear of the lat- est models from Detroit and Flint, Some of them are excellent drivers. American cars enter Morocco under the same customs regime as the French; that is 124 per cent 'ad valorem,' In France, United States cars are assessed from 60 per cent up. PATROLS IN THE ARCTIC The patrols carried out by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police by dog-team and boat in the eastern and western Canadian Arctic dur- ing 1928 totalled approximately 25,000 miles--sufficient to circle the globe at the equator. m7.00 7,30 8.30 9.30 10.0 1.9 tlantic City is always {in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantig ation! Opendaweekior pie Jrash-end, i RATES 5 ®. : Fg I AH a ---- You can be he confident th that . its quality never Vv aries "SAL Al A" a ¥, trom E, A : Prosperity Week SPRING MATTRESS PROSPERITY WEEK SPECIAL BED OUTFITS With Bed, Spring and Mattress in price gange of ~ $19.75 wp Luke Furniture Co. 63 King Street East Phones 78-79 One of the Finest Holels In Atlantic City Ror . eek or vd Week-end enjoy the luxury of Hee. Bookier Write of wire for ve remit 850 ROOMS ~. OVERLODHING THE OCEAN SEA waren BATHS ©. V. MEEKS, Mgr. A.C. ANDREWS, Pres, TCANADIAN 1p WEEK| 5 OCTOBER W™-18™, yp § ~ REDUCED AGAIN! SPARTON¥.s LOW AS / Dist Jey d ney ance beyon ur ous. Tone Wg long b pana tia . Fo: com the air. To is long regarded s as fd iin «+» COmMe ed beautiful new models that bring Sparton quale ley wichia seach of every The New JUBILEE SP, Ne pis 593 3 159.90 wi Le \ Price, ordre eo with fr Cleve F ox Hardware 18 Simcoe Street North - "Radio's Richest Voice" .

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