Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Oct 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY. OCT OBER 9, SCATTER ASHES ON RIVER Kingston,~Fulfilling a wish of © deceased, the cremated remains Allan Miller Marshall, a resident Kingston from 1911 to 1923, ill be scattered in the Cataraqui iver by his family. Mr, Marshall died in Chicago. ALLS MEMORIAL WINDOW Stirling.--Mrs. John Gordon is lling a memorial window in John's Anglican Church to the oory of the Preston family, It expected that it will be unveiled d dedicated by Bishop Seager in ovember. FIRE DESTROYS TRUCK Kingston,--A milk truck, be- nging to James Sprott, of Catara- ui, was burned a short distance st of Evergreen Lodge. Sprott as driving toward Kingston when e truck ran off the road and the oter backfired. "KINGSTON GROWS Kingston,--Kingston is growing. he report of Edwin Mooers, .as- ment commissioner, for the year 030, shows the population as 22,- 21--an increase of 598. There a decrease in the total assess- ent of $39,836. Land values ow an increase of $21,470, and Buildings $155,202, The busi- ess assessment shows a decrease f $207,073. 5 GOOD CATTLE SALE & Peterboro.--J. Gordon Mann & fon, of Smith Township, recently told five head of Ayreshire cattle fo Frank P. O'Connor of Toronto. Four of the cattle brought $1,800 and a calf sold for 4 for $100, : .¥IRE LOSS DROPS + Peterboro. Peterboro"s fire fosses up to the end of September this. year show a decrease of $33, 8563.60 over the corresponding per- fod in 1929, NAMED LIBRARIAN Port Hope, -- Miss Edith M, White has been appointed librarian for the Port Hope Public Library. " PASTOR TRANSFERRED Belleville.~Rev. W., J, Kinlin, for the past five years assistant at t. Michael's, has been made parish riest at Flinton., A native 'of toco, Rev, Fr. Kinlin came to this city shortly after his ordination, BLAST IN CHIMNEY Picton.~--Unable to find its way out through an obstructed chimney, gas formed by a promising fire proved to have an unexpected power when it wrecked the brick chimney Platt residence on Main Street East, tenanted by County Road Superintendent, J. B, Dunk- ley. At the same time the pipes were blown from the stove and the stove Jids blown off. Mrs, Dunkley was in the room at the time, and was hit by one of the flying stove pipes. SERIOUSLY INJURED Bancroft.--A regreftable accl- dent followed Bancroft Fair when Wm, E. Gaebel, a well known far- mer, and a member of a ploneer family, who resides near the village, wag seriously injured. The unfor- tunate man jumped from the run- ning board of a moving car and was struck down by another car coming close behind. Severe in- juries to the head and face result- ed. Mr. Gaebel was rushed to Belleville Hospital, of the Dr. GOLDEN WEDDING Picton.--Mr, and Mrs, Stanton Fox colebfated their 50th wedding anniversary at Rednerville, ASSOCIATIONS JOIN Mormora,--Havelock and Nor- wood Ministerial Associations have now merged into the Havelock and District Ministerial Association. This was the outcome of the an- nual meeting of the former held in Marmora, The election of officers resulted in the choice of Rev, Mr. Wilson, Havelock, as president and Rev. P, C. Howard, Havelock, as secretary. EXTENSION GRANTED Brockville,~Word was received at the local office of the Depart- ment of Public Highways that Grant Brothers Construction Com- pany, of Ottawa, which held the contract for laying hot-mixed ma- cadam on the Perth road, from Brockville six miles north, has been extended a distance of three miles to the crossing at Forthton of the Westport sub-division of the Canadian National Raflways, Work on the additional three miles will commence at once, GRADED APPLES ARE MORE POPULAR Fruit Branch Reports Ninety Per Cent. of 1930 Pack Under New Rules Ottawa, Ont, Oct, 9~The new provisional grades for hi brought into effect this season for the first time by the Dominion Fruit Branch are proving very popular all along the line. One may now buy apples not only of assured quality but of uniform size as well, all because of the cfficiency which 'has been put into apple packing by the producer and the extension of the shipping point inspection service of the fed- eral Department of Agticulture to embrace the whole of the apple pro- ducing areas of Canada. Packing apples under the provi- sional grades is done largely hy ma- chine, which, after the culls: have heen removed by. packing house. em- ployees, automatically sort out the good fruit by size. The two grades are now No. 1 and Domestic, and apples are packed by size with from one-quarter to not more than ones hal finch in spread within the con- tainer whether barrel, box, hamper Gas On Stomach Is Dangerous TELLS HOW YW TO STOP IT Gas, Pain, Bloating and a feeling of fullness after eating are almost certain evidence of excessive hydro- chloric acid in the stomach, Too much acid irritates the deli- cate stomach lining, frequently caus- ing chronic Gastritis and dangerous Ulcers. Food ferments and sours, forming a gas that distends the stom- ach and often seriously affects the heart, It 1s genuine folly to neglect such a condition or to treat with artificial digestive aids that cannot neutralize the stomach acid. A better way is to get from any reliable drug store some Bisurated Magnesia (powder or tablets) and take a little in water af- ter each meal, 'Bisurated Magnesia will stop the worst gas attack quick- ly and without embarrassment, Taken right after eating, it prevents for- mation of gas and acids so there is no sourness, bloating or pain, Pleas ant and perfectly harmless to use~ Bisurated Magnesia does give won- derful relief in nine out of ten cases Ask your Doctor or Druggist. Try it today. or basket. One can now buy a con tainer of apples marked as to size and know that all the apples in the container are of similar size within the limits marked. on. the container: viz, 2% to 2%, 2% to 2%. The Dominion Fruit Branch esti- mate that 90 per cent bf the apple pack" this year will"be put up under the new provisional grades, Buyers and. retailers are enthusiastically be- hind the new method, as they find it particularly satisfactory, onsumer interest in apples is stimulated too, because this year apples can be bought with a degree of confidence which assures satisfaction; All the export fruit from: Nova Scotia this year is being packed un- der federal "infpection and most of the apples packed for sale in the do- mestie 'market will also be inspected, The Quebec growers are putting up most of their pack under the pack- by-size method and a majority of the Ontario growers are taking advan- tage of it too, British Columbia has packed by size for some years and the benefits of the system are re- flected in the market range and sales volume of British Columbia apples, which sell practically around the world, The Canadian apple crop this year has an advantage in superior color, flavor, and general quality. of fruit, which should more than offset a slight Yolupe decrease, |, BRUENING T0 ADOPT DICTATORSHIP PLAN Berlin~~The Government of Chan- cellor Heinrich Bruening intends to enforce its, financial reform program for Germany under the dictatorship clause of the constitution. Gottfried Treviranus, minister without port- folio, said. Treviranus, ' whose election speeches demanding revision of Ger- many's frontiers under the Versailles treaty made him a prominent figure internationally, made public for the first time the far- reaching plans of the Government in its efforts to cope with the national political and econo- mic crisis, As a result of the vast increase of the Fascist party power in the elec- tion, the Government expects it will be forced to erect a comstitutional dictatorship within the next six|¢ weeks, he said, If such a method is necessary 'to enforce the cabinet's drastic financial program, the nation will be ruled temporarily without a Parliament, Chancellor Bruening has conferred with all party leaders, including Adolph Hitler, the Fascist chieftain, but bas not been able to arrange a combination sufficient to carry through his program in full without stern methods. - The Fascist leader told the Chancellor that the Extremist Pyrty would oppose him to the end. The Socialists must suport the Bruening cabinet because overthrow of the Government would mean the worst fdr them," said Treviranus, who is young, a former naval officer and noted for his candid manner and speech, when he was niinister of oc- cupied territories, "As a result the Reichstag, when it meets next week may be expected to defeat motions of misconfidence by the Communists and the Hitler ascists by a safe majority, As an alternative the Reichstag may pass a motion proposing that Parliament proceed to the next item on the agenda without voting on he miscon- fidence motions, Thereafter the Government intends to enforce those parts of its recently announced financial and economy plan under article 48 of the congti- tution (the so-called dictatorship clause) and to secure passage of other sections of the plan in the Reichstag | with the support of the Socialists and] virtually all other deputies except the Hitlerites and the Communists anr Dr, Alfred Hugenberg's Nationalists. "The Government intends then to seek a recess of the Reichstag from mid-November" until March, next year, ruling the country meanwhile without a parliament," SOLDIER'S BODY FOUND AFTER TWELVE Belleau, France.~-A rosary still clasped in its fleshless fingers, the body of a young French soldier was found in the depths of the famous Belleau Wood, by W, B. Fitts, in charge of Memorial Park, Beside it wos a tattered missal, the 'yellowed pages open at the prayers for the dying. Two paces away were the bodleg of two com- rades. Identity disks showed that the three fell in the first week of July, 1918, On the same day, Mr, Fitts found the hodies of seven German sol- diers in another part of the wood. CO Jeddo Premium The Best DIXON C in America -At Usual Coal Prices Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines Er Produced OAL C0. * N v perity Week of This 5 Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite, consisting of large Dresser, Vanity Bench, Chiffonier and bed, all of the latest design at a special price during Pros- RUGS. SPECIAL $53.50. Sale price 2 Brussell Rugs, 9 x 12. Regular price, $48.00. Sale price ........ 1 Brussell Rug, 9 x 12. Regular price 4 Brussells Rugs, 6-9 x 9. Regular $30.00. Your choice for ........ §-Piece WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE $129.00 "oe $39.00 $45.00 $20.00 from $1.45 to $1.98 per Silk Draperies In plain and striped designs in all colors at in white and cream, neat patterns, in block and floral designs, at prices ranging from 45¢c to $1.35 PER YARD yard, Cotton Nets $6.00 Flannelette Blankets Large Size, for White Wool Blankets AT $7.00 $9.00 These Blankets are all imposted divket from the mills in England. . 9-Piece WALNUT DINING-ROOM SUITE | This 9 Piece Walnut Dining Room Suite, compris- ing Buffet, China Cabinet and set of six Diners up- in Blue Leather.--Something to be proud of at the extremely low price of 16950 B FANCY An Assortment of English Canadian Prosperity Week Oct. 11-18 A very roomy and comfortable Chesterfield Suite, consisting of large Chesterfield, Bunny and Wing Chairs, upholstered in high grade Jacquared M. Toupe on blue ground. Spring filled reversible cushions, [Prosperity Week Price, 3-PIECE FIBRE SUITE | A very useful and dainty Living Room. Suite, comprising = Settee, Rocker, and Chair. The Auto Spring Seats are cove | ered in smart Chintz. Prosperity Week Price, ry Trio Suite $1152 Bath Mats In a variety of patterns in Rose, Green, Mauve, Gold and Blue. from 89c to $1.39 Ranging in price Where there is hard Radio Department We are distributors of the following Nationally Advertised Radios: Stewart Warner, DeForest Crosley, Federal and Senora We are offering special inducements on the above models during Pros- perity Week.--For terms and prices, enquire at the office, Inlaid Linoleum buy this hard wearing inlaid Linoleum. patterns go through to the heavy canvas back and therefore will not wear off. of patterns to select from. Week Price, per square yard, $1.35 wear it will pay you to The A fine range Special Prosperity Floor Oilcloth Printed Linoleum 4 yards wide, Printed Linoleum in a range of A TE nes i ER a ------ RR nw No. 1, Heavy Quality Floor Oilcloth in a wide range of patterns and colors. Suitable designs can be found for every room, Special Price for Prosperity Week, per square yard, 49¢ 'Bed Covers Bath Towels In a variety of colors at, each . At prices ranging from, per pair, Bd 49c to $1.98 k iture Co: | La - KING STREET E Phones 78-79 [EH "J designs that makes selection easy. They foie in fancy Block and Tile patterns of delightful color combinations. Special price for Pros- perity Week, uke Furniture Ce 63 KING STREET E. Phones 78-79 a a ---- - A ae.

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