Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Oct 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, i iy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1930 PAGE FIVE _ LT EER a 'omen's SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. N. Ford Beach (nee Goyne) have left for their reaping + los Si were a few s in on their return from their oon, : Mrs. D..J. McPhee and son Billy of Detroit, are guests of Mrs. Me- ee"s mother, Mrs. Willlam Mec- Pherson, Colborne Street West, Myr. Edgar Miller, Hortop Avenue, spending this week with rela- tives in Napanee. Miss Joy Harrison and Mr. G. W. P. Sanderson were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. R, Dulmage. Westmoreland Avenue, A Whist drive was held in the Sons of England Hall on Tuesday evening, under the auspices pf the Daughters of England. There were eleven tables, The prizes were won by Mrs. Turner, ladies' first: Mrs. Gutsale, second; Mrs~ Liveeney, third, Gentlemen's first, Mr. A. Brown: second, Mr. Flinton; third, Mrs. Simmons, who played as a gentleman. The special prize was won by Mrs, F. Brown. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion held'their customary monthly Whist Drive in the club rooms last evening. It was splen- didly attended and prizes were won by Mrs. Holder, Mrs. Howen, Mrs, McGillis and Messrs, Bert Smith, 'W. McBrien and Foote. Mrs. D. J. Brown, who with her sister, Miss Flo Thomas, have been visiting with their sister, Mrs. Moorehouse, of Ottawa, returned to town today. There was a good attendance at yesterday's meeting of Centre Street Ladies' Aid Society, at which the president, Mrs. J. Johnston, was Place your order for your Fall Coat or Swit with H. ATKINS LADIES' TAILOR 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 162 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler hh. Full range of Ladies' ("all | Coats ana Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe Street South WOMEN ACTIVE AT NORTHMINSTER W. A. of Northminster Church Has Plans Laid For Busy Winter On October 1st, Wednesday, the Women's Asoclation 'of Northmin- ster met for its regular meeting. Mrs. A. M, Irwin was presiding. The report of the result of ladies' work in the recent Street Fair was very satisfying and the treasurer was authorized to send a cheque of substantial sum to the church board. Plans are going forward success- fully for the play to be given by members of the Association during the fall, The concert by the Welsh Choir will be held at an early date, whieh will be announced later. Re- ports for all group affairs to be held in the near future, include a sale of homecooKimg-by group five, a rummage sale by group four, a hard time social by group six, with a rummage sale latgr. Wednesday afternoon's eoting closed with prayer after which tea was served by group feur. Group three will serve tea at the November meeting which is to be held on November 6th, presiding, Plans were made for the bazaar which is to be held on November 20th, and for the social that is to be held in the latter part of October. Mrs, W. P. Fletcher gave a reading that all enjoyed and Miss Mamie Kellow rendered piano solos. Tea was served by Mrs. Og- den's group. A very pretty 1Gea was carried out by the ladies of Simcoe Street United Church Women's Missionary Society at a tea given by them in the Sunday School rooms of the church yesterday. 'Twelve tea ta- bles were set and each decorated to represent one month of the year, The guests, who were received by Mrs. Frank Hallitt, Mrs, W, J. Trick Mrs. R. N. Johns, Mrs. Stalter and Mrs. B. J, Gay, were asked to take tea at the table decorated to repre- sent the month in which / their birthday occurred, Before tea was served, a short programme was pre- sented, Those taking part were Mrs. Geo. Fleming, Mrs. Robert Holden, Mrs. Stuart Alger, Miss Marion Ross and Miss Lois Mundy, NON-COMMITTAL Sam, sammoned ror jury service at a murder trial, had seemed a little too anxious to serve. "Do you: know the accused?" he was asked. Bo ~--dat is, nossuh," he re- plied realizing that if he made an affirmative answer he would be bar- red from serving. "Have you made up your mind as to his guilt or innocence?" "Oh, no, suh." "You think, then, that you could give his case a fair hearing?" "Yessuh," replied Sam, "Lease- wise, ez fair ez de old scamp de- serves," _-- 3 "BE SUR YOU SA GENUINE IRADLO TRONS DO NOT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES Look for Westinghouse etched on top of the bulb and avoid inferior Sold in Oshawa by WILSGN 8 LEE Phone 2388 ee ------ ~N 2 4 i i f ait 2 ! \ Sr -------------- EEEE---- GIRL GUIDE . The 2nd Oshawa Pack met, as usual, on Wednesday at 4.30 p.m. in Christ Church Parish Hall, with a'full pack of 24! Games were played, and songs were sung, and gie Brownie passed her "health" est, ' The Pack is full, so no more re- cruits can be taken at present. GUIDES The badge list for autumn work is out. ' Mrs. Aubrey Morphy, the badge convenor for the district, has issued lists to each of the comp- anfes untfl Christmas. These in- clude cook, laundress, toymaker, needlewoman, homemaker, book lover, sick nurse, domestic service, and knitter. 1st OSHAWA CO, It was decided at the meeting Monday evening to met from 7 p.m, to 9 p.m, instead of from 7.30 p.m, to 9. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, October 7. on account of Thanksgiving so- NEWS = cial that ip being held iu he church on the regular Guide night. The girls are preparing for the hand- craft fair that is to be held in the near future, 2nd OSHAWA 00, The regular company meeting on Wednesday night at 7 in Christ Church was well attended. Mrs. Lee checked up on the work of the cooks badge with those who are 'Interests in the Home --- and the Communit Saturday Night at 10 p.m. Ends Our 3 BIG DAY SALE Here we advertise a few as samples of the unparalleled values we offer for Saturday selling. New merchandise at going to try the test mext week, | while Mrs, Hicks did some of the needlecraft work with another group. Annie Anderson did a fine nature game which was much en- Joyed, 8rd OSHAWA CO. The opening meeting of this new company was held on Thursday night in the gymnasium of St. An- drews church with 14 present. Games, physical exercises, singing, sewing and a chat in "camp fire" took up the time from 7 to 9. Re- cruits will be welcomed each Thurs- day night at seven o'clock. KING STREET W.M.S. HOLDS MEETING The King Street W M.S, met for their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Hales Barker, the president was in charge of the meeting. Opening prayer was led by Mrs. Smith. The Stranger Secretary, Mrs. Armour, reported having made 32 calls dur- ing the past month. In the ab- sence of the Temperance Secretary, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Crozier read some valuable information in that work to the ladies, The programme was in charge of Mrs, Cragg's group, and commenced with the scripture lesson read by Mrs. Fair. Mrs. F. Langmaid ren- dered a delightful solo. Mrs. A. Legge also sang. Both were accom- patied at the piano by Mrs, Hales Barker, An interesting feature of the afternoon's work was opening the mite boxes. The meeting clos- ed after prayers by Mrs. A. Lang- maid and Mrs. Crozier. The notice in the rooms 'of some hotels which reads, 'Have you left 4nything?" should be changed to "Have you anything left?" SOCIAL EVENING TO BE HELD AT HOLY TRINITY Much business and plans for ac- tivities for the coming winter sea- son were discussed at the meeting of Holy Trinity W. A. held in the Church on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, Jarrett the president was presiding, All members are taking an active interest in the forth coming baza- ar which will be held on Friday, November 28th. Many useful and fancy articles will be on sale at this affair and it is hoped that the W. A. will be able to make it a success both financially and social- ly. On Monday evening, October 6th the Women's Auxiliary of Holy Trinity church are extending an in- vitation to all members of the con- gregation and friends to a Thanks- giving anniversary social evening under their hospitality, THE MAIN REASON "Now, girls," said the teacher, "can you tell me why the great man was buried in Westminster Abbey?" There was a long silence, At What New York Is Wearing IT'S SO PRACTICAL It's gimplicity itself to make itl It's a dress that Jou find so use- ful to have in your wardrobe. It lends itself admirably to all-day oc- casions, - It's quite as suited for town wear as for resort, It's a printed. sheer linen featured by all the exclusive shops. It's par- ticularly youthful in red and white, with the capelet collar that falls so prettily over the arms of sheer plain white linen, finished with picot- edge. The Princess bodice gives charm- ing lengthened line to the figure. The attached circular skirt with fitted hipline extends into pleasing rippling fullness at the hem. The joining of the bodice and the skirt shows fash- jonable stitched seaming. After the skirt is stitched to the bodice the collar is sewed at the neckline--and it's finished. : It's a splendid opportunity to add one more smart dress to your mid- summer wardrobe, You'll be amazed at the small cost. The medium size takes but 2 1-2 yards of 39-inch printed linen with 5-8 yard of 35-inch plain linen and 3-4 yard of l-inch ribbon for bow tie, for the miss of 16 years. 4 This jaunty-style No. 2543 may be had in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 years. "Buddha" 'yellow shantung with collar of self material is sportive, Aqua-blue flat washable crepe silk is another interesting choice. Navy blue cotton voile with white pin dots is decidedly chic and ser- viceable. It makes a lovely travel or officé dress, as it is so enticingly cool. Other cotton fabrics, you'll es- pecially liké are men's shirting in candy stripes in dusty-pink tones, nile green dimity with white polka- dots and handkerchief lawn in small floral pattern in smart yellow and brown coloring with collar of plain blending brown shade accented with yellow grosgrain ribbon bow. Our large Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine contains most interesting styles to add chic to your mid-sum- mer wardrobe. Also darling styles for the kiddies, including beach py- jamas, sun suits and adorable French frocks. It is 15 cents a copy but may be obtained for 10 cents if ordered same time as pattern, new low, unheard of prices. Beautiful F rocks L Each dress a masterpiece of styling. In all the new- est fall colorings such as black, navy, brown, blue- tone, It. navy, cricket gfeen, etc. Styles suitable fo: regular, slight and medium figures, also in larger sizes up to 44. Materials in Art Canton Crepes and special Flat Crepes made in the newest approved flare and pleated effects. Your choice from 100 Dresses just arrived for Saturday only. $4.49 Elastic A snappy V4 inch white art silk bloomer elas- tic, fine cord and bright silky finish. Has A VI T° Saturday ..ooreeseseseneessinniinnie CHILDREN'S WOOL JERSEYS Polar collar style, suitable for boys and girls. Pure wool outside with cotton yarn inside. Makes a sturdy garment. Three buttons on the neck. Col- ors, navy, saxe, buff and scarlet. Big Days ending Saturday ....... . ELECTRIC TOASTERS 7 in. high, 51% x 7; in. base, nickel plated, heavy steel frame; flichrome heating element; insulated frame, fibre non-heat knobs. Holds Women's Dependable Quality White FLANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS In several styles, V-neck, short sleeves, high-neck, long sleeves. Some with fine tucking, others con- trasting colored trimmings. Regular and large sizes. Three Big Days Sale ending Saturday .......... PTA A ar riisvine asviesneid 79¢ SMART SILK HOSIERY Pure Silk Hose, reinforced with delustered _rayons, strongly reinforced at points of wear. Knit on the most modern machinery. Perfect fitting ankles. Mock fashioning and imitation seems. Every pair perfect. All new fall shades. Sizes SV 1010. 9) $1.10 prs. for . Saturday: ...ussiseesrecessse CHILDREN'S TWO-PIECE SUITS In Pullover and Button Front Designs with Knick- ers. In full link and link knit. Some with self band coloring at knees, others with silk and wool design. Colors pink, sky, white, powder, camel and com- bination colors. Pure wool and regularly sold at $2.95. 1,2, 3 years. Three Big Days ending Saturday. ..........cecseenrvenerionns GOOD WARM CRIB BLANKETS Absolutely first quality goods. Size 36 x 27 in. Soft gnd fluffy, plain centres with rainbow borders, checks, and animal designs. Pink and bue. Usually 75¢c. Three Big Days ending Saturday, each ................. abrevee 55¢. 2 slices and makes a quick, even $1 49 toast maker. Saturday . " Ladies' Rayon Bloomers Fine, even knit with free running elas- tic at knees and waist, double gusset. Colors peach, flesh, nile white. large sizes, Saturday maize Small, medium and and 2 FOR $1.00 SWISS NET CURTAINS In attractive designs of dainty floral and fancy corners from which to choose from. 214, yards long. Sat- urday, per pair $179 seasssennnns last a girl put up her hand: "Because," she answered, sol- emnly and impressively, 'ha was dead." TELLS SOMEONE OF SARGON DAILY "Three years ago my health began' failing rapidly, 1 had very little ap- petite, strength or energy, my sleep | MRS. HANNAH ASH was restless and in the mornings I didn't feel like doing anything that required the least energy, 1 feel better in every way since I started Sargon. I'm full of new strength and energy, all my troubles are over and there's never a day that I don't recommend Sargon to somebody, ,. "Sargon Pills toned up and re-con- ditioned my liver and didn't sicken or distress in any way."-~Mrs, Han. nah Ash, 6 Hatherly Road, Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Oshawa from rn's Drug Store. (Adv.) FLOWERS AID SWISS PAVING Flowers are being used by I'Eti- vaz, Switzerland, to raise funds for paving the main highway which runs throughzz the little village. Tourists passing through on plea- sant Sunday mornings are greet- ed at the outskirts by signs, de- corated with flowers, and Invited to notice the well-paved street, which is new and kept constantly clean, At the village square, girls in national costumes sell «small Hou- quets of mountain flowers to the visitors, the proceeds going to the road building fund of the village. MINIATURE GOLF BANNED Herne Bay, England, has revoked the license granted to a miniature golf course because boarding house keepers complained that crowds who watched the players were an annoyance to guests, who threaten- ed to leave. Shopkeepers in the vi- HOW ONE WOMAN LOST 47 POUNDS OF FAT "I have been taking Kruschen Salts for nearly 3 months. I have continued taking one teaspoonfull in warm water every morning. ' 1 then weighed 217 pounds, was always bethered with pains in my back and lower part of abdomen and sides. "Now I am glad to say I am a well woman, feel much stronger, years younger and my weight is 170 pounds I do not only feel better but I look better, so all my friends say. "I shall never be without Kruschen Salts, will never cease taking my daily dose and more than glad to highly recommend it for the great good that is in it."--=Mrs. S. A. Solomon, "PS~--~You may think I am exaggerating by writing such a long letter but truly I feel so indebted to you for putting out such wonderful salts that 1 cannot say enough." cinity petitioned for retention of the game because it helped their business, but the city fathers sided with the landladies. Receipts from charges of 12 cents a round total- ed nearly $400 in 11 days, giving the city an income of $160, Scotland is making extensive pre- parations for the observance in 1932 of the centenary of the death of Sir Walter Scott, Pageants and services will be held in the large cities and in many small communi- ties. In Glasgow the event will last a week and will include a per- formance of Scott's dramatic works with music, a service in the Cathe- dral, and an oration by a Scott scholar of note. CR LOVELY: I" HANDS Busy hands----at hard tasks | day in and day out. es and is | pliable. BALM Persian the skin soft and redness PERSIAN - SUNSET solves every cleans the fabric too! That's the be in the latest fashion always! And rieh, dark colours too! True Navy Bloe-- beautiful warm Brown --and Black! Sunset is world famous for its raven-jet p-- black that is always black -- sombre yet brillisut--and always the same-- no variance in silk, wool, cotton or mixed goods. dyeing problem "YY 2%) have iu drutnw even with Sunset --- the ous o2ke of consiirend colour dyes all fabrics --~at one and the same time the same shade, and wonderful thing about Sunset--it gives you the colours you want--£ast, brilliant, full of life, in just the right shades that will help ypu real Green, a lovely Black: That's Sunset--a shold dye that 13 ctoct rene evry Colauris the rage today--any oneof our 22 urs for 16¢ when you use Sunset. Remember--with Sunset you are safe--perfoct results, besutifa hold dyeing purpose. Sunset Dyes send 15¢ per cake to Norra AMERICAN Dye Co! Toronto, Ont. MADE IN CANADA BE . Get Sunset today at your dealers--it's the REAL FAST dye for every, house- 'Ask your dealer to show you the Sunset Colour Card. If he cannot supply' \ SUNSET soar DYES sassasbuan ARN ans TILLIE THE TOILER-- That Suits Mac OH, MAC - WAITLL You seg TNE NBW GOWN ' BOUGHT WEAR AT! THE Sur RISE "™ PARTY g§ NER pUBRLES 4 -NUSHT HIS |S SOME LOOKING DRESS MAC ¥ ®MOOTH - -- IT SURE IS AND YOU. p) HAVE "To "WEAR A LTUY WORTH \T, (AY TUX JAND 17 ISNT WORTH IT To BUY] |° A NEW © BG BOY 7, S MAT BUT AINTT

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