Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Sep 1930, p. 10

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ES a ------ PAGE TEN ° ' ~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1930 AIRPLANE LANDS ~~ NEAR PICKERING Lack of Fuel Forces Pilot Down in Field Apeema-- Pickering, Sept. 26.--A plane from the Dufferin Airport, caused some sxcitement on Wednesday morning ' by landing on the farm of R. H. Cronk, just north of the village. In a» short time a crowd had gathered, as many in the surrounding com- munity saw it descend, The only trouble, however, was lack of fuel, and as soon as a good Samaritan bad driven into town for gas, the machine was able to proceed on its way. Besides the pilot, it carried a lady nger. Miss Ida Cook of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, A. B, Stork, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Douglas, of Toronto, visited friends in the vil lage on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Robertson, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with W, J. and Mrs. Monney, Mr. and Mrs. D. Remmer and Mr. Jas. Andrew motored to Keswick on Sunday, and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Draper. Upon their re- turn they were accompanied by Mrs, J. Andrew, who had been spending 8s week in Keswick. C. M. Marquis and H. J, Clark, of Toronto, visited with the latter's parents, W. J, and Mrs, Clark, on Sunday. Miss Leila Monney is spending a few days this week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clark spent Sunday in Claremont with Mr. and Miss Mundell, , "A number of the local Boy Scouts attended the Rally held at Oshawa, on Saturday, and report a very plea~ "it and profitable time, "C,H. BE, Wright and Mrs, Wright, of Toronto were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. Gordon, during the week-end, Miss Eva Pilkey is visiting friends in Kinsale, Mr, Harry Boyes, and daughter and Miss Jean Clark motored to Le- froy on Sunday and spent the day with H, J. and Mrs. Marquis, and family, They were accompanied by Miss Agnes Marquis, who had been spending several weeks in the vil- lage, Mr, and Mrs, Jones of Owen Sound were the guests of their son, BE. C. and Mrs. Jones, during the past week, Mrs, E, J. Walsh and son, of Toronto, visited with Wm, and Mrs. Crummer, on Saturday, Mrs. J. O'Connor is visiting with Mrs, Burns of Toronto for a few days. Dr. Geo, and Mrs, Field, of Iowa, have been the guests of the former's brother, Claude, and family during the past fortnight, Miss M. Clark, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her aunt, Miss L. Richardson, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Sept, 25, = Congratulations are extended to our Sunday school softball team, who de- feated Courtice, the champions of Durham County, on Friday evening. This gives our team the champion. ship of Ontario and Durham coum ties in the Sunday School League, Many from here attended the school fair, last week, in Oshawa OOD light lends sparkle to glassware . . gives lustre to your silver + . and adds zest to every meal. But be sure to choose Edison Mazda for their insidefrosting prevents glare and throws the charm of clear, soft light about your table. And keep a few "spares" handy, to replace blackened or burned-out lamps. EDISON MAZDA FLEECE ITE LAMPS ELECTRIC PRODUCT A. CANADIAN GENERAL congratulations are due all the prize winners in the school, Mrs, Howard Bradley attended the Heroncourt-Bradley wedding in Port Perry last week, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Garrard have returned .from a pleasant motor trip through Western Ontario, On the way they stopped at Ofl Springs, Sarnia, Chatham and several other cities, They also visited at Leaming- ton with Mr, Garrard's brother, Wal ter Garrard, and family, Mrs, Alex Fisher Is in New York City for a ten days' visit. . The many friends of Miss Louise Luke will be sorry to hear of her illness. All wish her a speedy re coyery, The farmers are still busy with silo filling and threshing, The Sunday school classes of Mr, W. L, Pierson and Miss Loreta Pler- son held a most enjoyable corn roast at the home of W, A, Scott on Fri day evening. 4 All the young people gathered at the home of Harold Pascoe on Mon- day evening to hold a wiener roast, Games and songs filled a part of the evening and all had a very Jolly time, ; Guests at the home of G. H, Rob inson, on Tuesday, were his mother, Mrs, 8. ¥. Robinson, of London and Mr, and Mrs. Margrove Thompson, of Toronto, 3 Mrs, Arthur Lewington and Miss Alice are spending a few days at Niagara, A most successful meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home 'of Mrs, Wil- son, Alexandra Blvd, There was a good attendance of the ladies and a very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed, Future work was planned by them. On Monday evening next, Sept, 29, there will be a business meeting at the Sunday school to make plans for the annual chicken pie supper, A good attendance is hoped for, +Mr, Thos, Shepherd was in Bow- manville this week on business, Mrs, Lewington, Sr., is improving nicely after her recent operation. She is still confined to the Oshawa Hospital though her friends hope to see her home soon, MYRTLE NEWS Myrtle, Sept, 26.--~Mr, Gordon Pil- key left on Monday to resume his studies at Queen's University, King- ston, Farmers are busy corn and filling silos, The League Is holding a. pumpkin pie social in the church basement on Tuesday evening of next week, The usual good time is looked for, Mrs, John C, Lawrence spent the week-end with her son in Lindsay, Congratulations to our teacher, Miss Pearl Vance, and her pupils, who made such a splendid showing at Brooklin School Fair on Friday. Mr, Will J. Cook was successful in securing first prize and the sil ver cup on his team of draught horses at Lindsay Fair. Miss Efe Graham spent the week- end in Lindsay. Preparations are being made to hold the regular Rally Day service on Sunday afternoon when Rev, Merriam will address the school, Mrs, Gustav Hahn, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Harry Hooke, Mrs. J. Carroll and Mrs. Harry Spaulding, of Toronto, visited rela- tives here on Wednesday. A number from here attended Lindsay Fair, on Saturday, and ri port it the best fall fair of the sor son, Mr. 'Weldon, who {is doing Y.M.C.A work In Winnipeg, took Rev, Merriam's work here on Sun. day, and preached a very fine ser- mon on Sunday night to a good con- gregation, SOLINA NEWS Solina, Sept. 22, -- Mrs. Mervin Hobbs visited with Mrs, L. C. Pas coe, Enfield, cutting their Year round SUNSHINE ! QUNSHINEBREAD during mixing. JEL pg dp modern sun | flavour, its long s Order from your the bakery and our salesman at your door. 5. You'll love its new pe, its dainty slices. grocer or tel call : Made by CANADA BREAD COMPANY limited Mr, Murray Williams, Port Perry, was a visitor with Mr, Chas, How- sam's on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Smith, Thamesford, visited with their daughter, Mrs, A. C. McKessock, over the week-end, Mr, and Mrs. B, A, Blanchard spent Sunday as the guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, Gerrow, Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs, Reg. Somerville and family were guesis with Mr, and Mrs. W, H, Westlake on Sunday, Mrs, J. W. Reynolds and children with Mrs, Halfacre, Tyrone, Mr, and Mrs, John Naylor attend- ed Lindsay Fair and spent the week- end with friends out at that town, Mr, and: Mrs, Carl Wilbur and Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Hardy spent fair day in Lindsay, Mrs. Dr. White, Miss Phillips, New York City; Mrs, N, 8. B, James and Miss Dorothy James, Bowman- ville, Mrs, M, Taylor, Hampton were the guests of Miss Vera Baker on Friday, Our deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved families in this neigh- borhood, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Lang: maid and Messrs, Frank and Charles Shortridge in the loss of dear ones. Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Kivell are 'spending a week with Owen Sound friends, Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Hobbs spent the week-end in Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs, Francis Werry and family and Miss Nora Werry, Ennis killen, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Gibson and son, Douglas, Mr, and Mrs. M, Wilkins, Oshawa, were the guests of Mr, apd Mrs, A, L. Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs. John Penfound and family, Mrs. Annie Penfound, To- ronto, and Mrs. Amy Penfound, Orono, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Rundle, Mr. Douglas McLaughlin, Toronto, visited with Mr, Harold A, Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs, George Vice, Oshawa, are visiting Mrs, Norval Wotten and other friends, Fowl! supper at Eldad on Wednes- day, Oct, 29th, with special Sunday services on Oct, 26, Don't forget the date, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Westlake and family visited with Mr, C, Avery, Haydon, Congratulations to the Solina foot- ball boys on winning the cup this year, The boys will be presented with watch fobs suitably engraved, Mr, W, J, Bragg, Bowmanville, visited with Mrs, John Baker, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Leask and Ewart, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis were Sunday guests with their sis ter in Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Tink and Kathaleen and Mr, and Mrs, Hilton Tink, Salem, were Sunday guests with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Vice and Murray were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Vice, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Sept, 24. --Services were held as usual on Sunday when Rev, H, C, Wolfraim was with us and preached a splendid sermon, A pretty anthem was sung by the choir, Miss Mildred Hunt taking the solo part, Quarterly service will be held here next Sunday, ' Mr, and Mrs, Roy Snowden and daughter, Helen, Toronto, recently visited their parents here, A number from here altended Lindsay Fair last week, Congratulations tp Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Crago on the birth of a daugh- ter. Mr, and Mrs. L, C, Snowden visit ed friends in Kendal, on Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.8, was held in the hall on Wednesday, Sept, 17th, with the pre- sident, Mrs, W. J. Snowden, in the chair, After the devotional period the minutes of the last meeting were read and some items of business dis- cussed, Mrs, M. M. Munday read the devo- tional topic and a pretty solo was sung by Miss Souch., After which a very interesting questionnaire was given on the annual report, KEDR('N NEWS NOTES Kedron, Sept, 23.--Mr, and Mrs, Duncan JIzepp and Mr, and Mrs, James nson, St, Catharines, mo. tored over and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. 8. Jewell, Mrs, Herb Rundle, Hampton, re. cently visited her sister, Mra, W, N. Hoskin, Silo Alling is in full swing in this neighborhood. Mr, and Mrs. W. N, Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs, John Glover attended Lindsay Fair on Friday, Mr, and Mrs, 'Norman Allin, New- castle, called on their cousin, Mrs, Everett Mountjoy, on Monday, Mr, and Mrs, D, T. Hepburn, Ux- bridge, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hepburn, Mr, Harvey Crossman, Mr, and Mrs, G. L, Scott, Ray and Grace; Mr. and Mrs, 8, Conlin, Mr, Fay and Miss Marguerite Conlin; Mr, A, D. Van Dyke and Mr, Earle Van Dyke were among those from here who attended Lindsay Fair on Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Mountjoy and family, Mra, J. Mountjoy and Miss Beatrice Mountjoy visited Mrs, Phlina: Mountjoy, Enniskillen, re- cently, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Werry, 'Wm, and Robert visited Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Scott, Enfield, Mrs, Scott and Miss Jean Scott, Brooklin, visited on Sunday with Mrs, Wm, Hepburn, Mra, 8, Bray, Enfield, Misses Lau- ra Wickett and Irene Bray, Toronto, visited Mrs. R. J, Luke, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, ac companied by Mr, and Mrs, H, L. Pascoe, Columbus, motored to Good: land, Ind, and are spending a week with Mrs, H. L. Pascoe's brother, Dr. and Mrs. F. Heatlie. Mr, and Mrs, A, Gully, Division 8t, Oshawa, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. WN, Hoskin, Mrs. Ross Lee attended the meet ing of the Zion Women's Association on Wednesday afternoon, Miss Lorraine Pascoe is spending a week with Dr. and Mrs, McCul loch, Orono, : Mr, and Mrs, C, W, Hoskin, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Mr, and Mrs. at Lindsay, on Saturday, and also attended the Fair, Mr, and Mrs, J. G. Langmaid, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with their niece, Mrs, Everett Mountjoy, who is still confined to her home through illness, NEW MARTIN Up and down the seas of romance and success, Eddie Dowling, Broad- way star, silver-voiced minstrel, mel- ody-man of the musical comedy stage and sweet singer of the screen, has wended his way. It is a long ery from Providence, 1895, and one of a family of 17 kids, to screen stardom, wealth and fame, But Dowling has made it---although not by remaining in Providence very long, In fact, young Dowling left the birthplace of George Cohan when he was twelve years old, Running away from home, he shipped aboard a liner at Boston, as cabin boy and made several various ships, Possessing what was then deseribed as a soprano voice, Eddie attracted the attention of an English music hall performer who was crossing on the Mauretania, The actor took him to London for a tour of the English music halls, and that's 'how the star of "Blaze O'Glory" which comes to the New Martin Theatre Tuesday got on the stage, Between that time and the present, however, lots of things happened, From the music halls he joined the famous St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, of London, which toured the world, and remained with them until his voice changed, and he had to leave and go home, After a year at home, he got a with a New England stock company that had a theatre in Pro- viveaee, He remained with this com- puity for more than two years as ju- venile lead, and then put on aw act in vaudeville, His stock, experience, his sweet voice, and pleasing person. voyages on hance ality soon made him one of the "big time" acts, In 1918 A, 1, Erlanger was so im- pressed-with Dowling that he put him out in a show called "She Took a Chance," and the next scason he ar- rived on Broadway as a member of Ziegheld's Follies, ¥rom then on to the present he has had one succes after another, Some of his sta shows are: "The Magic Melody, "The Girl Behind the Guns," "Ih Girl in the Spotlight," the Winter Garden Review of 1921, "Hello Am- erica," "The Fall Guy," "Sally, Irene and Mary" and "Honeymoon Lane," The last two shows he wrote, pro- duced and starred in, Lust winter, Dowling was persuad- ed to try the talking screen and star- red in "The Rainbow Man," which was one of the standout successes of the season, His new talking and singing picture, "Blaze O'Glory," is another high class story of the stage and the trenches with plenty of mu- sic and singing. Betty Compson, one of the ouf~ standing successez of the talking sereen is his leading lady and they will be seen at the New Martin thea tre, ) CHICAGO GANGMEN THREATEN OFFICER Chicago, Sept, 29--A threat of death came to light yesterday, as gangland's answer to a policeman who has been too active in Chicago's newest war on crime, The officer, Jack Kratzmeyer, revealed the threat to Captain Michael Delaney of the near North Side district and, at the same time, + denied reports that he had heen offered a $10,008 bribe, ee (J. R, Wolf, Milwaukee Journal) Just as the proofreaders were bes ginning to recover from the hot wea, ther, President Hipolito Yrigoyen Argentine had to get into a jam, ped \ S ) CANADA \ "Ven | ---- dian Sold By 4 wm. his FUEL -- is better --- is cheaper ARN IT'S ALL 2 | 4 pt bor \ SupP® " Good® je Ma istere He: : F owlds & Son hd | £ Sin YEAR particularly, Canadians are made goods w to the imported. ing a point of buying Canadian- these are equal in quality This is one of the reasons for the greatly increased sales of Hamilton By-Product Coke. By using this high-grade coke, you eliminate the necessity of purchasing more costly and less satisfactory imported fuel. Those who have used this perfected coke prefs it, not only to other brands of coke, . ut also to other types of furnace fuel. FIVE GOOD REASONS 1. DUSTLESS~--a cleaner cellas, 2. CLEAN--no smoke or soot. 3. CONVENIENT--fewer ashes to carry out. 4. LIGHTNESS--easier to carry on the shovel, 5. ADAPTABILITY --a quicker and more intense heat--simpler to keep a low fire, And to everyone's delight, not only does coke Lid these extra vantages, but it it at a greatly reduced cost. The Sx 'McLaughlin 1 of thousands is that, by ilton By-Product costs gwd Gabe, fo Why not try a ton of this modern fuel--and keep your money in Canada. by one-third. Coal & Supplies Ltd, Harold Mountjoy and Murray visited with Dr. and Mre. G, C. Lawrence,

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