Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Sep 1930, p. 9

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Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ... "Sons of the Saddle" Now At The New Martin Theatre| While love-making my baffle a two-fisted, hard-riding cowhand for a time, Ken Maynard, who comes to the screen of the New Martin' Thea- - the Saturday in "Sons of the phidie proves that daring hor: De hanaed baits with pu have more. appeal for a Sowpuscher of the old But even the most bashful cowhand finds a mode of ex- pressing the song in his heart for the girl of his dreams, and Ken does in a clever way. "Soms of the Saddle" was written for Maynard by Bennett R. Cohen and suits the personality of this fa- vorite screen western hero, Maynard plays the role of a ranch foreman, fearless, quick on the trigger, the idol of his "punchers," but in the presence of the ranch owner's daugh- ter; his fingers- are all thumbs and his 'feet bigger than snowshoes. It is after scenes of breath-taking thrifls, running gun fights, a hand-to- hand struggle in a driverless 'wagon, to save the heroine, that he develops enough courage to tell the girl some- thing she already knew. Humorous and dramatic episodes are 'masterfully placed in this Uni- versal' diction to make 'it one of Maynard's best. The most colorful and picturesque spots were selected for the locale of this thrilling west. ern picture. The romantic element is well supplied by beautiful Doris Hills The well balanced cast includes Joe Giratd, Carol Nye, Francis Ford and Harry Todd. Harry Joe Brown di- rected "Sons of the Saddle." vi SMALL GOLF COURSES TQ OPERATE SUNDAY Vittoria; B.C., Sept. 27.--To free. themselves 'from Sunday re- strictions, three Vancouver minia- ture golf courses have been granted incorporation under the Societies' Acts These courses will operate on Supday just as the courtry club golf courses, it was explained. The: players will register and pay green fees as they do on the big golf courses... In some cases the courses are making the players members with entrance fees set down as dues. , During ehe pineapple canning sea- son in Hawaii this year 23,500 peo- ple were employed in canneries. FEDERAL RELIEF PLAN IMPRACTICAL TASCHEREAN SAY? Cities Will Not Be Able to: Accept Offer--Ontario to Get $5,000,000 Quebec, Sept. 27.--"You will find that municipalities, in most cases, will be unable to take ad- vantage of proposed relief," Pre- mier L. A. Taschereau of Quebéc yesterday wired Senator G. D. Rob- ertson, Minister of Labor in the JACK OAKIE Appearing at the Regent today, Mon- day and Tuesday Fan Frolic in the frivolous "Let's Go Native." Dominion Government, in resp to a telegram from the Minister outlining the Government's plan for unemployment relief. The Quebec Premier, after stat- ing in his wire that he was await- ing a further communication from Hon. Mr, Robertson, said he thought "your plan hardly prac- tical, and regret to find that, after having promised to stop unemploy- ment, in first case you put two- thirds and in second case three- fourths of burden on Provincial Government and municipalities." He regretted that Provincial Gov- ernments and municipalities, "which are altogether more heav- ily called to contribute than the Government of the Dominion, have not been consulted" in regard to the plan. "I may add," the Premier said, 'that our Government is doing its best, and shall make every sacrifice to cope with the sit- uation." Ontario's Share Ottawa, Sept. 27.--Ontario will receive not less than $5,000,000 of the $20,000,000 Federal appropria- tion for relief of unemployment, A portion of this money will be handed ever to the Provincial Gov- ernment, whilé some of it will be expended in direct relief to meet emergney conditions in certain localities, in which the Dominion Government will provide one-third of the cost of taking care of the unemployed where suitable work cannot be obtained. In organized districts the ' Federal Government will pay half the cost of direct relief. | TIME TABLE. | Whitby, shawn, Bowmanville BUS L! WEEK Effective on (Davi Leave 6.15 am. 7.20 a.m. 8.20 a.m, "9.45 a.m. "LX a.m. 1.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. *130 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 4.40 p.m Ea otf 3d at Whitby Hoste tal, Leave Bowmanville Oshawa NES DAY SCHEDULE and after April 27, 1930) ht Saving Time) West Arrive Whitby 7.25 a.m. 8.30 a.m, 9.45 am , 10.35 a.m. . 12.30 p.m Arrive Hospital SUNDAY AND Jo1IDAY SCHEDULE Going Wes! = Soma suas SESE TPTPTOPEReS B: 8 PrpsmbiFoouna od Sot nd 4 Hyde BIrGanSs 088 ? 2 1055 pai. Arrive 4 FFT Pw 23s PNImAN=NO® NC BRRS0EERS TPPTPPPOREES SBPREBBRAE; 332 *3833p38 FEO | #35 10.45 p.m. Love and Song! a good time! Castaways in a Merry Musical Mix-Up of Laughs Girls! Gags! And gayety! The Craze of the Hour, Jack QOakie, Teading the fun! On a tropic island where everybody goes merry-merry. Join the frolic for ALL FOR FUN ..FUN FORALL! Added | Tdiking | COMEDY A SPORTLIGHT" ---- NEWS * § Potaus nature to provi Jet On The Western Front" d $2.00 Attractinn--AT OUR REGULAR P PRICES Qu bia MY 5 {economically and provide walls «I'placed entirely , around the outside of the footing and is connected with | {l.areund the outside, the tile may be 1} placed' on inside of the footing. i As: ca durther; precaution in secur- |. ing a water-tight basement wall, two Whitby 10.00 a.m, 10.15 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 1245 pm, 11.30 p. m. are through farted For All Occasions and Careful Drivers whi fo T. A. TON, ville Phos - or 848 Osbhawa's Welling Room 10 Prince uy pm. 1s nm. C.P.R. TIME TABLE Effective September 260th, 1938 (Swndard Time) £88 sro =Neowo B3szaz Daily, except Sunday. Daily, Daily, 'Westbound Daily. Daily, Daily A Daily, Daily. x 2 = except Sunday. Meg od oF Buby oosen CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbound . Daily, w Daily. . Daily, . Daily. . Daily, + Daily, . Daily. 12.31 a.m, Daily Westbound Daily, except Sunday, Daily, Daily, tl except Sunday except Slnday, - Sunda¥. Saturda except except 4.26 a.m. 5.55 a.m, 6.04 a.m, 9.08 a.m. 2,i0 p.m, 4.03 p.m, 7.04 p.m; Daily, Sha p.m, Daily, GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 28th, (Standgrd Time) Lasve Oshawa Jraave Toronto PM, -; . x 12.30 m7.30 8.30 1.30 8.30 9.30 2% 9.30 10.30 3.30 10.3% 1.3% 4.3% except Sunday except Sunday, Daily, Daily, Daily, except Sunday. 1930 ® 5.30 6.30 47.30 8.30 29.30 10.30 . moo x Nom E3888 bL1.00 m--Except Sunday. a-~Saturdays, i and Holidays only. b--Sundays only. NAPANEE TAXI MAN I$ HOLDUP VICTIM Taken For Forced Ride in Own Car to Montreal by Gang of Three (By Canadian Press Leaséd Wire) Napanee, Sept. 27-A new light has been cast on the activities on the highwaymen who have been op- rating between: Three Rivers and Ottawa by the arrival at his home here of James Cuthill, youthful taxi- man, who was engaged to drive the bandits. Cuthill said he had been hired to drive two men and a girl from here to Kingston last Wednesday. At a lonely spot he was forced to stop, was bound, gagged and thrown into the toneau. Thetrio, it was learned, had arrived here in a stolen motor: car which was abandoned on the street, Cuthill's car, with him ap-un- willing passenger, was driven to Montreal, where he was dropped and the girl left. This year's crop of grapes in the Niagara fruit peninsula between Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Ont, is expected to reach about 58,000, 000 pounds, an increase of 15 per nent. over the 1929 crop. Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse ment World FAITHFULNESS 18 FATAL TO WORKMAN Hamilton, Sept, 17-<Woodrow Wil: son, 17, was killed yesterday by brushing against a live wire at his place of employment. Fairthful ate tention to duty cost the lad his life as he had left the plant for home when he noticed an open window. Observing a storm. was brewing re- turned to close it. But as the door was fastened he was forced to climb the fire escape. It was when he was climbing down again that he came into contact with the high voltage wire. One of the biggest game bags ever to be taken out of the Cana- dian Rockies has fallen to the gun of Angus Hodgson, of Montreal, who has been hunting in the Koot- enay Valley, It includes two deer, two Rocky Mountain goats. one moose, ons elk, and one black bear, At the end of his trip he spent six days tracking a monster griszly and with one bighorn ram he would have had the limit of every animal possible to get which the law allows him. Comprising the largest one-day movement of apples out of British Columbia this season, the Canadian Pacific Railway recently operated four special freight trains over the mountains, making a shipment of 113 carloads of Mcintosh Reds to the Prairie Provinces and as far east as Kenora. : Ey, Bowman & Cullerne, w mound lh Architects, Vancouver. B.C. What family could resist the fas- cating appeal of this delightful hun- galow. It seems to radiate cheers fulness from every quarter. The proportions are correct, which help to produce a harmonious, picturesque effect. The main entrance is set back, of- fering shelter. A wrought iron lan- tren sheds its rays over the concrete steps giving just that necessary touch to the portion of wall between the entrance and living room win- dow. To enter the rear garden one must pass through an attractive archway with. shingled roof. This is' another item which adds to the general cozy appearance, The 'vestibule opens directly into the living reom, which in turn opens into the sun room, kitchen and hall. Dry Basement Adds Valuable Space to Modern Residence How to prevent th invasion of 'moisture It costs much less to build a wa- ter-tight wall than to repair a leaky 'one. Consequently the time to make a basement water-tight is when it is built. Monolithic concrete foundations easily can be made wa- ter-tight if the amount of mixing wa- ter used in making the concrete is carefully regulated. The recom. mended mix for water-tight concrete is one containing not over 0% gal. lons of water per sack of cement. , struction of foundati grade and for walls 0 wallt's Fla, unsurfaced : of Hie wed dor walls below grade. s are laid up quickly unt great strength. A Bungalow of BOWMAN & CULLERNE, Architects || Concrete block and concrete: hyild- : . ing tile often are more convenient | than monolithic concrete fon th : A small dinette replaces a large din- ing room but as the kitchen is large his is quite sufficient. In the kit- chen the cupboards are arranged on both sides of the sink which is placed directly under a window. The re- frigerator occupies no' space here but is located in a separate chamber or closet at the head of the basement stairs, Sleeping quarters ocoupy one side of the house and certainly no fault could be found with the layout of the two bedrooms with coat closets be- tween. Tiled floor in the three- piece bathroom enhances its appear- ance. Stairs rise from the hall to a small attic and underneath are the basement stairs, The whole atmosphere of the home is one of roominess. There is no lack of window space so that each -- Si hr? at---- | JED R0M 9.6y 14.6" line of concrete drain tile is' fe outlet, The excavation above 'the tile is filled with goil, cins | ders; of some other | © % 4 ea Bl t allow water to 1 bor ly. When the Foundation [3 erected 80 near another building that it is impossible to run a line of tile bre or more coats of pu.tland cement! laster may be applied to the exter- or surface as soon as wall forms are moved, or, in the case of a con- crete block wall, just as soon as the 'mortar joints have "hardened. The, 'plaster is" mixed in the proportions of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand. Be- fore applying' the plaster, the sur- face should Se dampened evenly. completely, it is well to fure the ex- Harmony room is light and airy. The design of the home is such that the land- scape work can be laid out in many ways and with pretty effects. Outline Specifications Sige of House: 34 ft; 6 in, x 40 ft. 0 in. Suitable Lot: 60 ft. Walls: Stuecol Roof: Wood Shingles. Built-in Features: Kitchen cup- boards. Cubic Contents: 27,000 cu. ft. Approximate Cost:-$5,000, Readers desiring further informa. tion regarding a house of this de- sign should communiacte with Messrs. Bowman & Cullerne, 535 Seymour St, Vancouver, B.C, mention design No. 248, Consult a frontage. RS ou local architect if designing architect is too far removed. Copyright, 1930. PORCH -- A-------- A S-------- RY 4 Sev - bi MY 'ROOM LMNG goOM 7"e' ire 1650' » Wes" ribo: : PLAY terior walls: on the Inber ov and apply a, [ating of of portland cement In most cases the be Applied dirgetly to le walls. Portland cement plaster on onctets masonry should consist of two ts, each 3.8 inch thick, and a- Anish ¢ coat approx: imately 1-8 inch thick, oy 1.3 mix hughes Cop ght 19 on' meta block or If basement. space iis to be illu) Arghitegts all. Use Service Bureau, In io Jack Oakie In Grin The great Jack Oakie grin inva- sion which began, for the delectation of millions of talkie-goers, a * or so tre today for a special enga ement of th This smiling dean wise-cracks, who "began wowing. ad- diences in "Close Harmony," continued his veritable panie of mirth in "Hit the Deck," "Sweetie," "The Socia ands-better- than- -ever riot Go Native" with cess of "The Love Parade"; and sup- porte | Francis, William Austin and Eugene Pallette, Oakie is seen as Voltaire McGin- nis, the goofy but go-getting taxi cab driver who gets all mixed up with troupe of show-girls who are making a trip to South America to put on a revue Oakie's cab runs smack into a police station in New York he is bound to seek a job as a stoker but later is pro moted to a mess attendant. boat, ne'er girls The ship strikés a derelict and all the principals are stranded on a trop- ical isle where Skeets Gallagher is king. pearls, and the island spouts oil ev- ery t is all valueless to the castaways for -do-well, James Hall, disinherit- ed young blue-blood Jeannette MacDonald, - Frolic At The Regent they are beyond the pale of civilizas tion, Oakie's part in this hectic plot, one may be sure, is a part that calls for many smart-cracks and much humer- ous action, To begin with he éx- plains to William Austin that he is called Voltaire because when he was born: his mother had a Jewish nurse. "Me mudder told the noice she wanted me called Walter, but the noice wrote it down the way a Jewish noice would pronounce ite 'Voltaire'." There are five songs in "Let's Ge Native." Oakie sings three of them ~Joe Jazz" a solo with dancing chorus on the boat-deck, "Ive Got a Yen for You" a duet with Kay Fran- cis on the tropical isle, and "Let's Go Native" with a chorus and reprise by William Austin in the cocoanut grove, The spicy freshness of the songs is only exceeded by the spicy fresh- ness of Mr. Oakie himself, NOVEMBER 10 IS THANKSGIVING DAY ear ago, opens at the Regent Thea rec days in "Let's Go Native." of slang and and 1 Lion," and 'others is a bi ger- in "Let's in which he is co-starred Jeanette MacDonald, the prin- d by Skeets Gallagher, Kay Miss McDonald's plans for her for a millionaire. When refuge on the ship. He gets On the are William Austin, = sotiety Ottawa, Sept. 27.--The Govern- ment has fixed Monday, November 10, as Thanksgiving Day, Bir George Perley, Acting Prime Minfis- ter, announced last evening, follow- ing a meeting of cabinet counefl. love with 75 in and the of her show. There is an abundance of The Federated Malaya States gov- ernment wiil cpen a new nhort-wave ime a tent peg is driven, but it radio station at Kuala Lumpur. SATURDAY NEW MARTIN [*Atonny KEN MAYNARD "SONS OF THE SADDLE" Something doing every minute in this smashing Western that crackles with action and bristles with snappy. dialogue and songs, "GARDEN | OF EATIN" A Gastronomic Marathon "MIDNIGHT TOY SHOP" Mysterious Manipulation of Supernatural Puppets COMING ON TUESDAY "BLAZE O' GLORY" With Eddie Dowling : on the market. The Famous Reading Anthracite COAL Has long heen recognized by people who have used it, as being the brightest, nad 4 and most economical coal Less Ash, More Heat and Free From Slate You can't buy better coal in Oshawa than the' famous Reading Anthracite WHY BURN POOR COAL| Try The Reading Anthracite WOOD WOOD We have a large sup) on and of No. 1 Hardwoed of smeepioal wo value lot of the very best Softwood McLatghlin Coal & Supplies Lid. 110 King Street West Phone 1246 Ed A ------ -------------------- A

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