Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Sep 1930, p. 5

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7 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 PAGE FIVE 'omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community fn SOCIAL AND | PERSONAL Mrs. E. E Millard has returned to the city ifter spending the sum- mer at her cottage, Lighthouse Is- land, Muskdsa. The ladies of - Mrs, DeGuerre's group of the Rebekah Lodge Num- ber3, held avery successful tea and apron sale it the conclusion of the odge businiss meeting yesterday, A vere satisfyng sum was realized. Dr. an Mrs. H, Tuck and daughter, Patsy, returned from spending : few days with friends and relati'es at . Kenilworth and Brampton- QC. Busy iands--at hard tasks day inand day put. Persian Balm :eeps the skin softand. | pliable Removes redness and relieves irritation. At your Druggist PERSIAN. BALM Cee Place your order for your Jall Coat or Suit with H. ATKINS LADIES' TAILOR 14 Smcoe St. N. Phone Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SMCOE ST. SOUTH 162 "JUST ARRIVED Ful range Ladies' Fall Coas ana Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE of St (Charles UNSWEETENED ees In cream soups, for creaming vege- tables, for sauces and gravies, in breads and cakes, wherever the recipe calls for milk, St. . Charles will assure aricher, creamier result. LE EE J ; Mail coupon to-day for FREE RECIPE BOOK containing nearly 200 tested recipes. 'HE BORDEN CO., LIMITED 140 St. Paul W., Montreal Sad free Recipe Book to: tlantic City There never a dull moment at Atlantic City... all-year-round R is vacation- Bracing air--sports-- wonderful food--relax- ation! Spendaweek,or a week-end, withus,.. you'll returnhomefeel- ingfit-fresh~vigorous! Single. . $7 to $9 p Double$12to $17 One of he Finest Hotels WEDDINGS CHOATE--OKE at the Centre Street United Church September 24, at four o'clock, when Beryl Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Oke, of Darling- ton township, became the bride of Carman Edward Choate, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Choate, of Pic- ton, Ontario. - Dr. W, P. Fletcher performed the ceremony. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Aliee Georgina Duley, of Osh- awa and Mr. Walter W. Allin, of Courtice, After a honeymoon trip that will take them to Toronto and cities in eastern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs, Choate will make their home at Oshawa. What New York Is Wearing By Annabelle Worthington A clever black crepe silk with slenderizing lines The wrapped bodice is opened at the neckline to show a pastel pink open-eyelet embroidered batiste ves- tee. An applied band of the batiste trims the neckline and is carried down either side of the bodice. The tinv bows of the crepe are lined with the pink batiste. Style No. 58 may be copied exactly as a great saving in cost. It is easily made. It comes in sizes 6, 18 vears, 36, 3R, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust Printed | charming | model 3 voile ig unusual chiffon cotton for this idea | {linen, printed batiste and Iprints will make up smartly | Size 36 requires 43% yards 39- thread or 4% yards 39-inch ut on length e thread. with 4 ard 22-inch allover lace for vestees and bows and 1% yards 1! inch lace banding Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Be sure to Our large Fall tern Department styles for wear, tains most adults for Also darlinz It ig 10 cents a copy No. 265% Interesting or vacation styles town Size. . Street Address Prov. [ | Fancy Cakes | Tt i= interesting to note the like- ness that the cakes of different nations - have to the people from which they come. Beginning with the French. They make little cake, in our sense of the word, French pastry, neither pie nor cake, 'is their substitute for it--a concoc- tion at once delicate and nutri- tious, made of flour and sugar and sublimated fat,--not puffed up yet light as air, it erumbles and melts in the mouth--Even to look at it. proclaims it French. You would know in a minute, that a French- man's fancy had played with it-- evolving it out of very common materials. The English, on the othe: hand, calling a pie a tart, and conceiving of cake as solid, sustenance, put into it citron and raisins and brandy and plums. An English plum-cake is an upstanding, self-respecting af- fair. It will last for months, and the last' crumb be as toothsome as the first. There is nothing ephem- eral about an English cake, nothing that melts in the mouth, as a dream. It is solid, substantial food and as dependable as the English nation. And the little cakes served for tea are of the same order--food for hungry men and children; not In Atlantic City For o veek or a wesk-end enjoy the luxury of the fimst appointments without exorbitant price. boklet, Write or wire for reservations. | 250 ROMS A. OVERLOGHING THE OCEAN | SEA WATER BATH | A.C. ANDREWS, Pres 2. V. AEEKS, Mor. LEN mere trifles of an hour. - And the German cakes--go far removed from either French or English. Solid little cakes like confections, filled 'with sentiment and sugar, and holding their ingre- dients in closely marshalled union A quiet wedding was solemnized | | Printed crepe silk, printed sheer | chiffon | inch material skirt cut on crosswise | skirt | fill in size of pattern. Address Pat- | and Winter Fashion Magazine con-| for the kiddies. | + | likely Junior Library Offers Many said Sammy, 'If you want some of those nuts you plan toget them , Attractions to Boys and Girls | Now that the cool fall days have ,ing a good habit The liviary i and never mind what Chatterer | says." | (Copyright, gees) 1930, by T. W, Bur- arrived there will be more of a de- | for every boy and girl in the eitw sire. to stay indoors around the | all are invited to hecome members. friendly glow of a grate-fire, That i Up until the closing of school just what the librarian in the [in the spring there appeared in Children's Library has been think. {every Saturday's issue of The Times ing and she has made the 1» column devoted to books and acti- plans for the Junior Library mem- |vities of the Oshawa Junior Library. bers for this winter. This column will again appear, | The Library is in the same room | starting this Saturday., but this in the basement of the Public Lib- | year there will be an added attrac- rary, the boys and girls who are | tion. Any boy or girl who has read accustomed to taking hooks from | a hook from the Library and would there know well, that big low-ceil- | like to recommend it to other boys inged room with its fire-place and {and girls may do so hy sending its long tables and benches and {the name of the book and its author shelves of books This vear there | and a brief synopsis of its contents; Is a special shelf of hoks for the |into The Times and the recommen- pupils of the lower forms in the } dation will be published. When Collegiate. The Saturday morning | writing these letters address them story hour will he held as last year, | to the Women's Page Editor, Osh- beginning on Saturday, October 4th, | at 9.30 o'clock, and later the jf sgason a story eyele which will in clude the stories of "Kinz Arthur" will hea hegun These in be told one afternoon a week afte: school, Miss Hare, the Librarian that although the library a very busy place during the mer months, when the girls were spending their time of-doors, things are beginning to more active now. There circulation and many are being enrolled on the list in e | those | Junior Library | It is a splendid place to lan hour two every d | going there the children ar nicest Possession is the rule of might; 2, But this 'is often far from right. --Sammy Jay. | | "Hello!" exclaimed Sammy. "What is the matter with you folks?" of the is going the Mrs bit Sammy Jay," who most time knows most of what on, occasionally vigited Impy, bla¢ck Chipmunk, 'and little Impy He liked to stop for gossip now and then awa Daily Times, please remember | to write on only one side of the paper and also to sign vour name and give address. this column even more {there is no one with a interesting the and girls | his Na every Saturday The Times will pub- yon a 4 lish the best story or poem sent in [* int hy a member of the Junior Library, (#WaY% . [from the time during the week There are no |... : his bill through the ctions as to for the |. So there isn't torie but they exceed | in tha Gied more than five hundred words [where 101d: Orchard nu may also he the Women's Page Editor, and will in a of Now storie Ww To make head to boys Yar Hi mart feathered Jay Sammy i nart Ha he report wa smart was not when poked subjects must not estr ) hoy I much tories sent to or! dows or up in the Sammy does: | w ant places | It Na Red Mrg wl submitting them re- r the rules mentioned hefore f he n are the 1 writ on only one gide o or d name and send in ad the and tree Imp t Samm} a fence nc Ny-cake cake and marshmallow and macaroon | Solid but not the ie and sunshine idity of the English but not the vani of French pasty cake through and thre solidity and German | made in Germany, Germany, and filled sweetnes Then there And, without dou and Russian and Swedis! ich t let it. go that How applicable the national ta comparison in each case, and matter of tast mpls | the arp and | some -fing- of flour | u meringues and glace and lad er Auffy conc nd ith air and frosted on top an cake that but all starch, octions 1gar and blown n Ameri- | atigfies the appetite, [short] it for meal, and Sammy does not nourish Use m hi ' ht | @ ide fillup at the end of the | "Wot at the the character of a play-food « And Americ all by itself of cake, cakes, squat are ohl« puffed-up powder and « the character of CADET TRAINING counter eo cake with | NEW ELEVATOR AT | HINGSTON OPENS [First Cargo of 80,000 Bush- els Is Unloaded at New | Terminal thelp any one as pratty as you," re- [ plied Sammy Jay gallantly. | "Who owns the nuts on trees over there?" asked Mrs "Whoever gets them," {Sammy promptly those Impy. replied "Chatterer the Red 8 {hey all belong to him," [Impy "Chatterer would," chuckled | Sammy "Those don't he to him any more than they be Chatterer will |* quirrel savs (Special to the Times) spoke up | t ston, Sey L--1he ne | ruts long long to hi numhey on or me hare of them of people are hut no more ot A ted interes hose nute," Mrs of them to but Chatter- spoke up little ome vinter, have any." ke Chatter He knew the laws of that H himself cannot knew ade you run he will never 1ld just sn think "Skinny" Mother of 8 Children Gains 10 ibs. in 4 Weeks MONT JOLI, P.O *y } n-down, looking Mrs. Eloi Gagnon, Yeast. Gained New strength" ' weak, nervous, 5 to 15 lbs. ws fill, bony rour u Meni 1 skin tipation, indigestion » pep s skinny, weak, r after § i Vs re sa "Tried o Ironized in 4 w be New Jronized Yea hild 10 1t Don't n 3 weel limbs CIrnig t NN red blood, two great tonics brewer's blood-en- niore et- t. Re- Rich onized Yeast ne Weio t day Ir health; eight, Brakeman Killed Rol Robson, aged was fatally en crush 3 on 8 siding leader Urgés Peace a Kuomin News immediate General in 8 Northern Chinese Vapors inhaled quickly clear head A VICKS MILLION JARS USED YEARLY | baked "in a quit hought at ~--angel cake SLORED BY GHERGH MOTHER, WHEN WILL YOU STOP WASHING CLOTHES THAT OLD: FASHIONED WAY? Stop that os Head Aching ary title Why suffer headache, or any other pain, 00S passed by when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when be Linited Church meeting hore. feel it coming on, will give relief in A nf ve hi vy oo a ) 20 minutes. Harmless and re- | [© ha : > ig a liable. Used by thous- | " i ands _ was expressed in re General Council wtion by N Toronto, training cadet titution Canada educational United Church of ging the nember resolution itary 'ti y minister a moti Middleton, cert on of 1 that clung to thelr time the inclu resoluti from In IRResting laymen in the McCool, a lawyer $ askatoon BUT IT'S SO SILLY TO SCRUB WHEN RINSO GETS CLOTHES WHITER BY JUST SOAKING. IT' WHEN WILL YOU STOP CRITICIZING EVERY: WONDERFUL HARD-WATER SOAP WELL, I'LL TRY IT NEXT WEEK--IF THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Ss inister and laymen | should renounce their connection Millions use Ringo. with A names and titles, from the Toronto Council to make on the rred back on evar military memorial rence asking de finite pronouncement ivorce question was refe y the ges % foal committee ial wed 800 service the state Several view that the h expre | should United ( hure attle toward TWO YEARS LATER Wand ; ; Rinso Rios: RigHIgn of per Ask Your the remarriage of divorced Neighbors "A lady I know advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because 1 felt so weak and had to lie down so much. It has helped me to gain strength. My appe- tite is better. My nerves are steadier, and I am able to do all my housework. You may use my name because I think the Vegetable Compound is a ood medicine."'--Mrs. J. Mc- ibben, 329 Park St., Chatham, 710. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Gomposad Perfect dyeing so easily done! DIAMOND DYES contain the highest quality anilines money can buy! That's why they give such | true, bright, new colors to dresses, drapes, lingerie. | The anilines in Diamond Dyes | make them so easy to use. No | spotting or streaking. Just clear, even colors, that hold through wear | and washing. Diamond Dyes never give things that re-dyed look. They are just | 15¢ at all drug stores, When per- fect dyeing costs no more--is so easy--why experiment with make- shifts? Diamond<Dyes | Highest Quality for 50 Years 9 THE GRANULATED HARD-WATER SOAP in tub or washer... "Such rich, make wash says Mrs, " The way dire teryto me, I so rich and YES, MR. BENTON. I'VE BEEN USING RINSO EVER SINCE MY DAUGHTER GOT ME TO TRY IT, NO OTHER SOAP GETS THE CLOTHES SO WHITE-- AND THERE'S NO SCRUBBING any guess it's bec and make it soft a5 rain, T| caster, of course, Clothe. m using this } cleaning now 1es la Jhard-w »Iitssoe No bar soaps, : Even in hardest water, up for cup, it gives twice a weight, puffed ug Soap lasting suds that wag Ous In washers, The Marvel] Machines recommen Washing ; Package. Just fol S--Iit Ss for whiter soaks out i I gu ause of th . Active they break down A hat makes v, st longer th ater soap for di J . ; 1 conomical," shes and all » Rinso ig all clothes whit ow directions on Tuaranteed hy ¢ © Makers of LUX] ever Brother, ( d hy th k f X--Leve Broth Thousands write us letters like this.) active suds | Ing easier" Ilda Brink n Rinso suds is a mys. uds. They' e hard SE ashing much e Rinso wa y. MRS. ID 4 BRINK, chips, softeners ou S$ much sac oc ey So compact, Creamy, er, i maker. d it, s of 58 famous Get the B the bos ic * Limited, Toronm clothes, TILLIE THE TOILER--Over Mac's Head «mn ef tt So pte UH HUH ~- AND HE'S JUST LOOK, TILLIE . OH, YES AS NICE AS HE Locks, STAN SENT Mg \ Do, BUB HIS PHOTOGRAPH - ' =, DON'T YoU THIMK ARENT HE'S AWFULLY E000- you ; PE AT 34 {VE GOTTA SCRAM NOW OR My B0SS \iLL SE IN HERE AFTER ME - BEEN "THINKIN OUGHTA GIVE A SURPRISE I SAY. MAC: INE IUST G ~ WE BUBBLES PARTY | SEE You BUBBLES © 190 King Fe re --

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