Bow nville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street. The Times in the Cowan Telephones--Office~587; House-=131, Bowmanville Representative==B, Herbert Mortlock Coroner's Jury Finds T Heart Failure . DOOOQC DOO0OC at Was Cause of Mrs. L. Greenaway's Death Verdict Says That All Pre- cautions Were Taken by Physicians Who Attended Deceased When She Died on Operating Table in Bowmanville Hospital A coroner's jury sitting in Bow. manville last night returned a ver. dict to the effect that Mrs, Green- away who passed away ou the op- erating table at the local hospital =a week ago on Wednesday died from heart failure, The wording of the verdict was as follows: "We the jury summoned to in- quire into the death of Lilllan (Greenaway of Hampton find that she came to her death on Septem- ber 10 {fu the Bowmanville Hos- pital due to heart failure while under au anaesthetic for an opera- tion rendered necessary by an In- testinal obstruction and that every precaution necessary was taken by the attending physicians." The jury were only absent a few minutes finding this verdict after a hearing In which several doctors connected with the case gave evid- ence, : The first material witness call ed to give evidence was Wilfred Greenaway the eldest son of the deceased. He 'stated that his moth er was in poor health previous to her death and that she had been suffering with heart trouble, She had been under medical care for the past six years, Dr. H. Ferguson, of Enniskillen, the family doctor was the next called and in his evidence he gave a complete history of the patient for the past ten years. She had recently he said after a lapse of some time developed ° intestinal trouble and after several visits to her home at Hampton had ordered her removed to the Bowmanville Hospital, Here her condition was such that he called in, Dr. C. W, Slemon of Bowmanville for a cone sultation on the case. An operation was decided on as only means of saving the life of the deceased and consequently Dr, Shier an eminent Toronto surgeon was called in. He brought with him Dr. E, G. 8. Hanley an anaesthetic specialist ond after a consultation It was de- cided to use a spinal anaesthesis. Dr. Ferguson and Dr, Slemon did not take part in the operation al- though they were present at the time. Miss A. Rundle, nurse in charge of the operating theatre at the Hospital, gave evidence as to the state of the deceased previous to ler going -to the operating table and from the time she entered the hospital. She also gave an account of the death of the woman on the operating table. Dr. E. G. 8. Hanley, of Toronto, the doctor who gave the anaesthe- tic stated that he was called in by Dr. Shier, the surgeon, The patient was in a very poor condition when J mae wee i $98 This Coupon and to one of the "SPECIAL VOGUE" Founta (5 Colours) These Pens are regularly sold for $5 and $7, and are fully guaranteed. 14k gold nib. This coupon is good for 3 weeks at this price. Karn's Next P.O, | sg -------- rr Drug 28 King St. E, ------ --------------t---------------- ------ Coupon ¥ od $1.98 entitles you in Pens [ | | | [ | Store % 1 98! | Phone 878 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930 she went on the operating table, The surgeon he sald had been about seven minutes operating and had opened the abdomen when the patient suddenly stopped breath- ing. He thought at the Lime that it was heart fallure and despite the efforts to revive the patient nothing could be dome. In the opinion of other medical men pres. ent the heart muscle gave out and the cause of this was the bad state the woman was In at the time, the intestinal obstruction being the means of poisoning the muscles of the heart, All doctors stated that there was little chance of recovery had not the operation taken place but it was the condition of the patient which was the direct cause of her death, Dr. C, W. Slemon who conduct- ed the post mortein on the body corroborated the condition of the patient, He found on examination of the organs that the deceased had a slightly enlarged heart with much fat surrounding. This latter condition would be one of Lhe causes of heart failure, He also found four ruptures or hernia In the wall of the abdomen through which the Intestines were protrud- Ing thus causing the obstruction which necessitated the operation. He was sure, he added, that heart failure was the cause of death, Previous to the jury retiring to consider their verdict they were addressed by the Coroner and Crown Attorney 1, C. Boggs of Co- bourg, The members of the jury were: B. King, T. Hamilton, Roy Jones, F. Jennings, W. E. Booth, (ieorge Tuampron, W. E. Tait and J. Mo- un, LARGE DOCKET OF GASES IN POLICE COURT YESTERDAY Magistrate F' loyd of Cobourg Had Busy Session in Local Court House With the largest police court | docket in Bowmanville for many months Magistrate Flovd of Co- bourg was kept busy for several liours yesterday afternoon, The heavy list of cases however is not an indication that Bowmanville is going 'to the dogs" or that it is even getting worse for every case but one was an out county case, On Theft Charge Harold Kay, a 19 year old York- shire boy, appeared charged with the theft of $564 from his employ- er Harvey McGill of Cartwright township. He pleaded guilty and stated his intentions of making restitution to his cmployer money he has in Montreal and the rest he would pay by working The crown will endeavour to get in touch with the British Emigra- tion and Colonization Association at Montreal and in the meantime the Magistrate remanded the lad for sentence. Drunk Sent to Jail Fred King, age 36, of Prince street, Oshawa, pleaded guilty to a charge of being Intoxicated in charge of a car at Courtice on September 11, Asked if he had anything to say the accused stated that it was his first drink since last February. Magistrate Floyd in lecturing the man stated "the pub lie must be protected from drunk- en drivers. I have no alternative but to send vou to jail for ten days." - these advantages to ART COLE Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil For Tractors The very fact that a tractor consumes much more oil in a year than a motor car makes the selection of a quality oil properly applied to the tractor of great importance. We know the use of a quality oil will pay the farmer by reduced cost of upkeep, lower operating cost and steady production. The continued use of SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OILS in accordance with the Sinclair Recommendation the tractor owner. Write our District Manager for the free booklet, THE SINCLAIR LAW OF LUBRICATION. %-% Power Gasoline and Oil Company | Limited 407 Central Bldg., Toronto 2 DISTRICT MANAGER Index assures PHONE 14 BOWMANVILLE of town or with | | secretary, | tlie men who served in the Great | The Whitby A Coy gh A " 0, IL, C, A, Charge James Curtls, farmer of Man. vers township, appeared charged with keeping liquor for sale at Lils farm home in that township. D.A.J. Bwapson, of Oshawa, who appeared for the defendant asked for an adjournment until Friday, September. 26, to prepare the cass for the defense. This was allowed and ball was renewed in the sum of $1600, with two friends con- tributing $500 each and the man himselt $500. Non Support Settled Duncan A, . Fletcher, charged with non support, pleaded gullty and offered to make a settlement with his wife by paying her the sum of $560 per month In sem! monthly payments of $256. The pay- ments will be made on the 1st and 16th of each month to Chief of Police Owen DD. I'rlend of Oshawa fn which municipality the parties concerned have thelr home, D, A. J. Bwanson appeuring for the wife wanted an order from the Magis- trate keeping the man away from the cottage at Bowmanville Beach until the first payment has been made. Magistrate Floyd although he considered it wise for the man to stay away stated he could not make an order to that effect, No sentence was imposed In view of the settlement made, Fined 85 and Costs Raber, Beatty, of Toronto, was fined $5 and costs when he plead ed guilty to a charge of speeding through the town on his motor cycle, He however did nol agree with the officer's statement that he was doing 52 miles an hour, Magistrate Floyd Informed him that it did not matter just what | speed he was going but the fact remained that he wag exceeding the speed limit Remanded For One Week William Terry, of Bowmanville, who was charged under the Child- ren's Protection Act was remand- ed for one week. He was repre seuted by D.A.J, Swanson of Osh- Awa | WHITBY BOWLING CLUB TOURNEY IS SUCCESSFUL EVENT Norway Club Man Wins Farewell Trophy The most successful tournament in the history of the Whithy Lawn Bowling club was brought to i close in the early hours of Thure- day morning, after very close and keen competition, among the twen- ty-two rinks that took part, Thomp- son of the Norway Club, Toronto, carried off the ¥arewell Cup, tak- ing the finale from Htevens of Cannington by the score of 17 to b The Swanson Trophy emblematic of the championship in the Con- solation Series was won by Jame- son of St. John's club, Toronto, who defeated C. C, Stenhouse, of Oshawa by a score of 12 to b, The Hard Luck event, for those teams losing thelr first two games, went to L. W. Dudley's Whithy rink The Dudley rink triumphed over ¥, Cochrane's rink from Oshawn, by a score of 12 to 9 Bowmanville vocalists, were awarded prizes in the recent com- petition at the Canadian Natlonul Exhibition, They were awarded the gold medal a first among those who contended the honors in duets and Mr. Nich. olan received also a bronze medal as third prize baritone soloist Charlie Caviker, Ms. T. W Cawker was the accompunisl Chinamen Injured Two Chinamen Harold und Dan injured and removed to the Bowmanville Hos pital yesterday afternoon following an accident on the King's Highway west of Bowmanville, The China men clgimed that un car in front of them and forced thew Into the ditch, The car badly smashed and damage is estimated at over two hundred dollar fou for son of Jung Jone or MEMBERS OF LEGION WILL BE INITIATED cut in wi a prize | Daily Times news will be received at the WhitLy Branch Office, at Gazette and Chronicle,~Telephone 23 After Business Hours--Phone 359. REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H, ORMISTON a= oe Thompson's Norway rink receiv. cd sweater coats for first place in the premier events, the runners up recelving salad bowls. In the Swanson Trophy first prizes were sliver platters, while the runner up received silver candlesticks, The Hard Luck winners got neckties, OSHAWA WOMAN SUES STREET RY AND TRUCK 00 Mrs. Mae Topping Claims Damages For Injuries Re- ceived in Accident The afternoon session of the gupreme Court in session at Whit. hy began the first of the Civil Cases on the docket, The case taken was that of Mrs, Mae Topping, an Oshawa lady, who is asking damag- es from the Oshawa Street Rallway and the Smith Transport Company, The case arose out of a collision hetween a street car and a frans- port truck owned hy the Smith | "Pransport on the evening of April | 7th, in which Mrs. Topping receiv. | ed Injuries from which it Is alleg ed shoe 15 not yet fully recovered Mrs, Topping told the court that was fo passenger on a sireet car bound south on Simcoe street on the evening of April 7th, She gnid she was sitting in the front | of the car, and was thrown to the floor when the car came into | collision: with the transport truck het w Maple Avenue and Royal treet The injuries which she re- colved to her knees had necossitat- od her staying In the Oshawa Hog- pital for soma time after which she was not ahle to enyry nn her | hourework us she had done before Tha accident had made. her very | nervous and she had not regained | fulr use of one of her limbs Medical evidence was given hy | Drs. Brown, McMullen and Stewart of Oshawa, all of whom sald there weakness of the left knee the een Was a and that she was of a nervous dis- position since the accident, Charles Ford, of Toronto, driver of the truck told the court that he was going north on Blmcoe street that evening driving his truck, He first saw the strect car some five hundred feet away, Ile turned out to pass a parked car north of Royal Street he sald. In turning out the front wheels of the truck went over the car tracks and the rear wheels became lodged on the rails due to fcy condition of the pavement, He slowed down and made every effort to bring the truck to the side of the street but fajled and brought the truck virtually to a stop. At this time the car was three hundred feet away he estimated, The truck wan well protected with lights as was the trafler that it was drawing, "ord sald there was no reason that he could think of why the driver of the car could not see the truck on the rails, He also sald that the force of the collision carried the traller off the tracks, While Mrs, Topping sald that thh street car went about a car length with the brakes applied, The session was adjourned for the day after the hearing of ¥ord's evidence, OID TIME FIDDLER JOINS THE MODERNS Norway Me--Mellle Dunham, favorite fiddler of Henry Ford and beloved throughout this state, lias definitely. joined the ranks of the rebellious younger generation des- pite his silver hair, Following his presence at a dance here on Lahor Day, when he, in company with "Gram," was a guest of honor, he stated that it was a good thing his father was absent, "Dad was u alern old Methodist," Mellie said, "He would have heen considerably put out by such hilarity and inde: corum A SPITZ TANGLE Truro, N.S.~A white Spitz dog caped from the expres here recent! The express men started a search for the canine and found whit they believed to be the right dog However, Wallace Fielding missed his Spitz dog, which anly recently | litter of puppies. It turned out the | hoy hipped mg do 1 Springhill, and the puppies were left velping for food. "The real lost dog disappeared PY office the Wr BANGOR JAIL DOES RUSHING RUSINESS Bangor Me The steady in crease of ullens running over the Canadian border has erowded the Bangor jall to capacity during the week just past and has necessitated the removal of several prisoners to Machlas for adequate housing. The DT ------_ ~ALEXANDER Murray jail now holds 07 prisoners, al. though its accomodations eal] for but 75, r------------------------ They shoot too many pictures out inn Hollywood and not enough actors, -=Judge, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Esther Liza McNaughton, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 160, Section 61, R.8.0. 1927, that all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the sald Esther Liza Mc- Naughton, who dled on or about the Twenty-ninth day of August, A.D. 1929, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the un- dersigned Executors or td thelr Solicitor on or before the Sixth day of October, A.D, 1030, their Christian and surnames and ad- dresses with full particulars in writing of their claims and a state: ment of thelr accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified . by Statutary Declaration. And take notice that after (ha sald Sixth day of October, A.D 1940, the sald Executors will pro ceed to distribute the assels of the sald deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the sald ¥Executors will not be llablu for the sald assets or any par! thereof, 10 Any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received hy them or their Solicitory at the time of such distribution i LOUIS NEI. McNAUGHTON, Niagara Falls, Ontario DANIEL MeNAUGHTON, Fort Erle, Ontario, CHRISTEENA MAUDE TAYLOR, Port Hope, Ontario. Executory W. F. McMahon, Esq. Mill Street, Box 539, Port Hope, Ontario Solicitor for the Kxecutors Dated this Fourth day of Sep- tember, A.D, 1030, IVO (66-67-70) AT MEET TONIGHT M. McIntyre Hood of Osh- awa Will Conduct Cere- | monies in Council Chamber Charter members of the newly | formed Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion of the British | Empire Service League will be | duly initiated into the legion | brotherhood tonight when M, Mc- Intyre Hood, of Oshawa, second vice-president of the Ontario Com- mand of the Legion will conduct [ the ceremonies, There are nparly | sixty charter members in the or- ganization, Following the initia- tion of the members the newly | tlacted officers of the Branch will be installed with due ceremony The cerémonies will take place in the council room in the Town Hall | Bullding and among those who | will be present are the Rev, R | KE. Adye, of Cobourg, a member of | the Provincial Executive and a | number of officers and members | of the Oshawa Branch Ex-sorvice men in this district, who have not already joined the | 'leglon, should get their appllca- tions in early tonight to either the I'resident, Mr. R. M. Cotton or the Tom Annlson in orde: that they may attend this function is well as strengthen the local branch In its endeavours to look iter the interests and welfare of War and their dependents. The Bowmanville Branch will be known in future as Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion, Followin hte installation and initiation N soclal hour will he spent at John's Parish Hall, | NEWS ABOUT TOWN Inter Club Meet Port Hope Rotary Club will be the guests of the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club at the regular meeting of the club at seven o'clock this evening in the Balmoral Hotel, The meeting which is usually held at noon each Friday has been ex- tended until the evening to accows modate the visitors. The wpepker Will be M, McIntyre Hood, Editor of the Oshawa Dally Times and second vice-president of the One tario Command of the Canadian Legion. The club is asking that every member be present for this meeting and make it a gala event, In the year's activities, Presented With Jewel Mr, John Percy was made very happy on Tuesday, Sept. 16, when Mr. Thos. Annison, Secretary of Jerusalem Lodge No, 31, AF, & A. M., called at his home and pre- 'onted him with a past-master's 'owell inscribed as follows: "An- mal Communication, London 192, Voteran Pastmaster Grand Lodge \.I. & A.M, of Canada." Mr, Percy hecame a member of Jerusalem Lodge on July 12, 1870, and i» 0 « st. bigh. smaller rooms, dynamic speaker, Model ACS 1-Unusually attractive ceb- inet of swirl walnut and satinwood, 40 inches Full sized=yet not too large for Standard chassis, electro. 162% What Clarion Gives You:== Richer Tone, Unusual Beauty of Cabinet, Greater Selectivity, Greater Semsitivity, Sturdier Construction, Permanent Satisfaction, larion ELECTRIC SETS story of Clarion compares with that of outstanding successes in other industries--It is a story of Scientific manu- facturing and of modern economy in production. Applying methods devised through long experience and a thorough knows ledge of the scientific elements of radio, Clarion builders have produced an overwhelmingly superior radio receiver at an amaze A STORY OF SCIENTIFIC "MANUFACTURING ingly low price. See and hear Clarion before you consider the purchase of any other radio, regardless of the price you are prepared to pay Any Clarion dealer will willingly oblige you witha demonstratinw A Few Clarion Features: 8 Tubes (3 Screen Gwid), Fully Shielded, Power Detector, Push-Pull Amplifice- tion, 12 inch Electro-Dynamic Speaker, Antomatic Line Voltage Control, Power | ) Rh SRT n | 40% above Standard, Locel-Distance Switch, Phonograph Jack. Model AC-35 Clarion Radios Phonograph Com- bination, Complete with electric pick- wp and electric driven turnetable. $292.00 lens tubes Licensed by Canadian Radie Patents Limited Wholesale Distributors) SPOTTON ENGINEERING COMPANY, GUELPH, ONTARIO. mawafaiivred by STEINTYT WADYO OF CAVADA, LIMITED, .Windior Ontario) BATTERY SETS , Model AC.53 De luxe cabinet d¢inches high, Standard chassis, dectro « dymamie yuh, $192,000 Canada therefore a member in good stand- ing over 51 years. His brethren of the Masonic Lodge and other friends in town congratulate him on the honor bestowed on him and wish that he may soon be restored to health again, Vocalists Win Honors Mrs, T, W, Cawker and Mr, For Sale in Oshawa by The Bowra Electric Sh 70 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone. 1075 Owen Nicholas, two well known ops assis soak dels. WATE TON, oii