PACE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1930 | EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | "MOVED 70 PRESCOTT the fastest passenger trains in the | Drenctt «Mawr J. WK Wyman, [world, sill step. in Cornwall when werntendent ¢f the abvernment [ew Canadinn National Railway sche levator at Port Colborne, will come | dules come mio effect on Sept nies tn Prefcott shortly where he (akes | 28, Maver Horovigz has received of feral 1 $ 0 lie sharge of the new eleva whieh | ficial assurance from officials of the | will be ready to receive grain about | Canadian National Kallway to thi the first of October, effect GOLDEN WEDDING | STORE ROBBED Pembroke. Mi md Mrs. John Morrisburg Breaking then wa Corrigan, a well-known and highly | through doubly barred windows, rob yespected pioneer Pembroke couple [bers entered the men furnishing seently celehirated the 50th anniyer shop of Wi alter Shanette, Main street, sary of their marriage md took a Virge number of valuable irticles from his tok together with several smaller articles of lesser ASK NEW ARMORY value Cornwall ~Farmal apphcation has heen made by Cornwall City Council for the expenditure of a portion of [THREE LICENCES CANCELLED the Dominion Government's $20,000, Belleville. --~Appearing for the sec- 000 appropriation to relieve unem-Jond time this year on a charge ol vlayment, tin the erection of ah arm- [driving a motor veliele while intoxi ry building in Cornwall, cated, Michael Callaghiom, after plead a -- ing guilty was sentenced by Magi ACCIDENTALLY SHOT trate Mikel to one month m the com Cornwall =When their tive decoys | mon jail, Tis driving permit and mo- | were shot at evidently through error, [tor licence wer ordered cancelled b wy an ardent hunter on the other | the court for a period of one tear, | wde of the creek, William Whittaker | while his liquor permit svias also Lift ind Fred Trosby of Cornwall had [ed for the same period of time their boat riddled with bullets and the former received a shot mm the | HEALTH CONDITIONS BETTER pide of the head Lindsay «Lindsay 1% 1n good shape ow ax far as health and »anitar HO STOP AT CORNWALL | 0 ae ar Ay a res acceding Cornwall.=8ix hour trains between [to Dr. ¥, Blanchard, MOI There | Toronto and Montreal, claimed to be | are vo infantile paralysis cases now and the tows water 1s graded "B." Be i meaning fair, by the Toronto | atorie & | SOMETHING UNHEARD NEW CANNING FACTORY | | Micten A group of capitalist | 1h OF IN THE PROVINCE []|1t present negotiating for the chase of the large mill owned at sent by the Roblin Milling Ce { | Ameliasburg which will undergo ! n y e | tensive repairs for an up-to-date ca ing factor FIELD CROP AWARDS Arcade rep chor CanDolt |. | Ham Rannie has made For Saturday we are offers [|| season, winning the first $20 in the best ensilage con ! ing in the field crop competition for 0. 1. Gibson, of Bowmanville, Ge | ernment grader, was the judge in the Fibre | mi { | were as follow Willa Kafinie | | A. McCook, Pere Oddie. \\ \ Suitcases | i Milne and Robert Inne hese farm 26 in. steel frames, and ||| crs had extra fine crof heavily reinforced, either | ' : ' ; OLDEN ANNIVERSARY black or brown. Dollar [|| 1.10 rf hd Mrs David 1 Day Special, iH pert: observed their golden. svedd | recent) Of those in attendance indervoort « mgt Mrs, Lambert, and Gregg Tit f ea. | Toronto, brother of Mt Lambert I Mr. and 'M Lambe rece mar gift melding J Black Fibre, well made, an || | BANDMASTER NAMED ig unusual bargain. Saturday [l/|.. ceived the appointment of S ecial, | bandmaster of the Forty-fifth Regi P mental Band of Victoria and Hal | burton, the ppoimtment dating 1 July, 1930 ea. 140 STUDENTS AT NORMAL Peterboro.--The peterboro Notmal women of Schoo! opened with an attend 140 students, an increase of 20 | Men'sTweed [di tast vear's total CAPS |CLERGYMAN GIVES The latest designs with un- LIST OF "DON'TS" breakable peaks. Some with 8 piece tops. Reg. | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) $1.75 value, | London A leaflet containing a long lst of "Don'ta' from the pen ea. n fon Don't stay in hed on unday | morning when you ure well Let the sainty rejoice in thelr beds, See our footwear, compare ||", 0" (0 EEE Be [You are not in (he Garden of Eden rices befor re »_buying. fll Don't attend public. worship on idly when a bishop preaches. The ry Chureh ix God's Hous of Trayer | Don't advize your chancellor of Don't get angry Don't marry if you prefer a mo tor car to a perambulator Babies can love you, and they cost less, Jeddo Premium The Best Produced in America At Usual Coal Prices DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines the wedding 50 J UR " | . \ Wellington ter of | . | pointed # commission te inquire x Shin of tha Rov, J 8. Clementson, Ree . tor of Staplehurst, Kent, hax been | {eireulateod in the parish Here are | The [the exchequer to spend more than! [your Income | | | Don't motor through your town | or country like a madman It Must Be Good ! If CLEERMOAL is inferior In Quality to American Anthracite, would it be necessary to place an embargosagainst Importation, to deprive Canadian people of receiving actua value for their money, Order What Do You Think Now THE SUPPLY $16.00 WiLL NOT EXCEED THE pemanp @ | ; { Sok i acite ] MALLETT BROS. Coal Importers drawn up, were with the will of VITAMINS FOUND Voxohes, Weybridge, Surrey, who died on January 16, 1930, leaving $265,000 net fhe directed that her body J should be cremated and that her funeral should be ag simple ag pos- NOTED SCIENTIST] se " "I have no objection to the fret "+ part of the Church of England ser. viea being read at my funeral, | though } do not belong to that Made Experiments on Heas Church; but 1 particularly desire | . that the part of it appointed to he { Kept at His Lab- read at the grave be entirely omit- ted and the form of service drawn boratory up by myself, which will he found -------- with my will, he used instead ? A without any alteration, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) J "If this form cannot be used. London. «The romance of the jis thera shall be no service at the Extraordinary VALUES in is Special Sellin Luke Furniture Co. products are always admired because of the quality and low selling price. Hundreds of homes in Oshawa and district are furnished with our furnishings --some were furnished many years ago and to-day the furniture is rendering splendid service---Just a little proof, that it pays to buy quality Furniture at "Luke's' ". | covery of the necessity of vitaming| geave ** uhe stated for the maintenance of life was re | The residue of the property wa {told recently by fr Charles Mar japq 10 a sister, Frances Julls Croft tin The will was dated Mareh 12, 1910, Ho was speaking as chalrman at | wip a codicil In dinner. which the Biochemical {oclety gave, at the Hote) Victoria, {In honor of the four Nobel Laure | |nte in chemigtry and medicine, | 1929 They nre Professor ( Eijkman, I'rofessor ir Frederick Lapp Jy NIALL TO VANDERBILT (Continued from Page 1) Vara, commodore of the New York | Yacht Club, owners of the Enter prise He asked Astor please te cept and convey to Harold § lethilt, skipper of the derender, and | el Arthur Harden, All were present except I'rofessor Eijkman who, bhecanse of advance ing vears and (11health, was un uhle to undertake the journey from | Utrecht | ®ir Charles Martin sald that the Biocliemical celefy Vi an colle tion of enriogs persons whose great joy was the application of chemis-| [ve th the elucidation of the pheno- menn of the life of organism : | whether thoke organisms were men | MM crew congratulat ms on your | well merited victor I want them to know right away," What the discevery of these ac-f explained "that 1 hold no hard ory food factor or, to use the | ( +. Although they've beaten nie not marketable term vitamin bam I couldn't have fairer spor or microbes am did was to acquaint us with some | | \ eno against me You can't blame | {of the conditions necessary to the], + for doing their best | maintenance of that equilibrium I put their success down to the | which we called health | mast they have, the metal mast, and | "Beri Berl" Inquiry ap dent lame the for hiving it Forty years ago, Sir Charles 1 vit aking everything into considera! called, the Duteh Government ap think nv. boat did very well. They us fairly and squarely linte the diseasn of hert berl, andl that commission recommended the | institution of " patholog lend Insti | esto ai ten Try Magnesia for IHN Was appo nied the fir t direct Noxt year A number of hens be: | Stomach Trouble longing to the laberatory sickens | (td, became paralysed, and died | vy Neutralize Acidity and Fermen. professor found that these | tation. Prevents Indigestion, had been fed on bholled rice | Sour Gassy Stomach was the vefuse from the | ---- Experimenting, ho found | people who suffer from indigestion | or if Mhat hens fed on descorticated rice usually have tried pepsin, charcoal, (ed, became paralysed, and died. | goqa und various digestive aids and | those ted on whole rice thrived | got little move than slight temporary | | He found that there wax something | yeljef --sometimes not even that In the braun of the rice, removed inl But before giving up to chronie {the process of docertication, whieh, | ayspepsin, just try the effect of a If fod to the sick fowls cured them, [yii11a Bisurated Magnesit----not the | | Professor Eljkman came to the! .qinary eommerclal earbonate, ei {conclusion that beri bert was the | iia or milk, but pure Bisurated {analogun of this distake in fowls, | Magnesia which you ean obtain from {hut It was not until twenty years|,ny gruggist in either powder or jafterwards that his knowledge thus | yubiot for jgained was made use of m | "Moet men," added Sir. Charles | Take a teaspoonful of tha powde: J Lor four tablets with a little water Martin, "would have cursed thoge |ufter your next meal, und see what [fowls for dying, and mest medical | a difference this makes, It will in | men would havt lost themaelvey 'in stanily neutralize the dangerous, jirying to find the infection of the |, np acid in the stomach which { dineann now causes your food to ferment and | heartburn and the bloated or heavy, lin forty years enviched physiology Imp fesling that, seems to follow most. everything you eat, You can hy his bhlochemistry, not least In regard to his researches into muse |g ov your meals without a fear of indigestion: feular netivity | Synthetic Diet | Ha had discovered that animal life eeuld not be maintained for any length of time on a synthetic diet, He found, hewaver, that rats flourished If given dally, in addi tion to tht synthetic diet, a little mik. 1 The work of Professor Hans von h t t th Euler and Professor Arthur Harden w tl e€ ee had been very largely in the realm of icant fermentation, Protons: ||| gpl a sweet breath the most versatile discoverer he - know Hin recent work in connee tion with vitamins in food appear. od likely to leag in the near fu: ture to the capture and identity of one more of those illusiva princl- plow, Professor GG, Barger supported the toast and the three Nobel Laur. eaten present replied, The toast of the guests was sub- mitted by Sir Willlam B. Hardy. Roplying, the Swedish Minister sald that Dr, Alfred Nobel had given these prizes for those who had done . 2 the most for selence, and the fact ||| A perfect and imperative that last yenr Great Britain won no threesome, that will make fewer than three of them way mat. the most of your teeth! tor for the pessimists in this coun- - , t N 'ry to reflect upon. First--=Klenzo Antiseptic Before the war Germany. had Yves pleasant « tasting, an thirty<two prizes and Great germicidal, guarantee of ritalin twenty, Since. the war a sweet breath. Second trent' Britain had won oloven, » "ormany hine, and France six. --Klenzo tooth paste. .. his was the more remarkable as, for shining white teeth, from the sclentific point df view, Third -- Klenzo tooth ingland suffered relatively niore 9 y Ny . , 0 than any other combatant, | brushes ! styles fom gir Kirnest Rutherford, president [fii Which to choose. . bristles of the Royal Society, also replied. ||| that stay fast! Sold only a -- | at Rexall stores. FUNERAL SERVICE THE REXALL STORES (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) 9-Piece Diningroom Outfit 179% Handsome 9 Piece Dining Room Suite, comprising, china cabinet, buffet, oblong extension table and set of 6 diners with slip seats covered in leather. Regular $198.50. 5-Piece Livingroom Outfit This very handsome Loom Fibre Suite consisting of Set- tee, Chair, Rocker, Table and Fernery in shaded antique Buff, upholstered in a fine quality of velour. Is exception- 69" ilece Bedroom Outfit 269 Here is one of the finest bedroom suites we have ever shown. The matched burl walnut fronts are very hand- some. Made by Anthes Baetz, who are real craftsmen. Comprising, large dresser, new style vanity, chiffonier with portable mirror, straight end bed and bench, a high grade suite at a big saving. Reg. $307.00, Radio Dept. Open Every Evening Till 9.30 Luke Furniture Co. Phone 78-79 ORDER With WILL Jury & Lovell Ltd King St. EK « Simcoe st, N "hone 28 Phone 8 63 King St. East London Instructions for the | reading at the graveside of a form {of service which she herself had