Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Sep 1930, p. 2

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'PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 Bowmanuill Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street. The Times in the Cowan Telephones--Office--587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock C.N.E. President Wil Officiate Next Week At B.T.S. Fair Opening * Splendid Program Has Been Arranged in Conjunction Withe the West Durham Agricultural Society, Will Be Many Exhibits FAMOUS SWIMMERS "APPEAR IN PERSON Big Aquatic Display Will Be Feature and Public Are Cordially Invited to At- tend--Oshawa Citizens' Band Will Be in Attend ance With the announcement today of the complete program for the Boys Training School Fair citizens may look forward to September 24 as one of the gala days of the fall of 1930. As previously announced in The Times, the West Durham Agri- cultural Society ie working in con- junction with the Boys' Trainiug School authorities and although tere will be no Bowmanville Fair tere will be competitive classes in " the B.T.8, Fair in which farmers * of the County may participate. The fair will be formally open- ed by Sam Harris, President of the Canadian National Exhibition on Wednesday afternoon, September "a4, From the moment the fair is declared open there will be lots " doing for the remainder of the af- ternoon to satisfy the most ardent fair supporters, Competitive Exhibits In the competitive exhibits be included classes in agriculture, horticulture, woodworking, motor mechanics, academic, metal work- ing and cooking open only to Boys from the Training School. . This will be section A, Section B will include classes in will Livestock, poultry, fruit and grain | : County junior, farmers with the Training School, | open to Durham farmers with the prizes donated by the Bowmanville Rotary. Section C will include exhibits of fruit and grain for Durham County farmers while Section D " will again bring forth the junior farmers of the county in a com- BEE KARN THE Di: 5581 FOR SERVICE Y SSSA PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI - , Samm. & v petitive plowing match With prizes to the value of #90. There will be single and double furrow classes in the ploughing matches and the Bank of Com- merce Cup will be awarded for the best turnout, Special Exhibits Special exhibits will include the following, Dominion Experimental Farm exhibit arranged by F, C, Nunnick of the farm staff, Chem- istry Department of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph ex- hibit with a lecture and demon- stration by Professor H, G, Bell, Fleld crop and seed exhibit with lecture and demonstration by Pro- fessor J, Laughland, Durham Ap- ple Growers Association exhibit wit lecture and demonstration in fruit packing by the Fruit Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Tor- onto, There will also be exhibits of tractor plowing and farm mach. fnery by the J. I. Case Co., Ford Motor Company, Cockshutt Plow Company and the Massey Harris Company. Sporting Events Sporting events will {include diving and life saving exhibition by students of the Boys' Training School, swimming demonstrations by Ernst Vierkoetter and Ruth Tower Corsan, two famous marath- on swimmers, and an open horise- shoe contest under the direction of Mr, Ralph Ames with #15 in prizes and the Royal Theatre Tro. phy for the Championship of Dur. ham County. This is open to all, The Program The full program will be as fol- lows: 12.30 p.m.--Junior Plowing Competition. 1.00 p.m .---Exhibits open for In spection. 2-3.30 p.m shops 3.00 pm.---Demonstration of apple grading and packing, uses of | fertilizers and fleld husbandry in | the Rotary Gymnasium, : | 3.30-4,30~-Aquatic Display | the swimming pool for which { nominal fee of ten cents will charged, 4.30 p.m.~ Meeting in the Fergu- son Hall with H, C, L.A., as chairman, addresses of | welcome will be delivered by Wil- liam Smith, president of the Boys' { Teaining School Fair, Dr. G. BE. | Reaman, superintendant of the school and George Annis, president of the West Durham Agricultural Society. These addresses will he followed by the main address by Mr. Sam Harris and will be follow ed in turn by the presentation of medals and prizes by Mr, H. C, Scholfield. At 5.30 p.m. there will be a second aquatic display, The Oshawa Citizens' band will be in attendance and there will be no fee other than that charged for the swimming for admission to the Fair. Anyone and everyone are Farmers' Boys at work in the in a he cordially invited by the Committee responsible for the fair, There should be hundreds take advantage of this program and be present, A little encouragement goes a long way with the Boys at the school and furthermore it will be encouraging to the junior farms ers of the county to see a large crowd, As can be seen by the prize list published in' The Times last week the prizes are attractive and there should be, and certainly will be, lots of competition, Those in charge hope to see you there, ITEMS OF INTEREST ABONT THE BOYY' TRAINING SCHOOL Newsy Paragraphs Taken From' the September lssue of the B.T.S. News On September 156th the first number of volume three of the B.T.8, News, a periodical publish- ed by the Boys of the Training School here was issued and it is by far the most Interesting num- ber to date, The main feature per- haps is the new colored cover with a view of the school buildings and the name of the booklet in large type in blue, gold and white, Outside of its general appear- ance its news features Are excep- tionally good and are getting bet- ter with every issue. The editorial this month is real good and stress. es the use of the news in keeping the old and nev in touch with the school, the old with their Alma Mater and the new with the hap- penings and features of the school in which they are to live, Some of the more interesting items sel ected at random and which are of interest to all follow: "Truck loads of Tomatoes from the school gardens are being sent to the Ontario Hospital at Whitby, "Potatoe digging Is the order of the day and some of the boys are developing lame backs as a result, "A new poultry house capable of holding 400 hens is nearing completion and this addition will provide space for a thousand hens at the school, "The farm established a record by threshing 2000 bushels of oats from twenty five acres, "The seed cleaning plant started operations cleaning wheat for the farmers of the rounding country "Twenty market hogs were sold recently which brought in returns of over $500.00, Among the recent visitors to the School was Mr, James I, Laid law, principal of the Connecticut Junior Republic Department of Education of Litchfield, Conn, who was greatly impressed with the school, has fall sur Scholfield, M, | "Practically all buildings at the School have recelved a coat of paint during the summer holidays { und are looking spic and span for [the falr next week | "A new sclence room has been equipped and in future, Chemistry, Physics, Botany and Zoology will be taught Inquest Tonight The Inquest into the Mrs, Lillian Greenaway ton who died in the Bowmanville Hospital last week just prior to an operation, will be held in the Counell Chamber this evening at elght o'clock Doctors will give evidence ag to the cause of death which came while the deceased death was under anaesthetie, WEEK-END SPECIALS THAT SPELL ECONOMY Saturday, per garment 69c¢c WATSON'S SILK LINGERIE Vests and Bloomers from one of their best cloths that sell regularly 79c for vests and 99¢ for Bloomers and Bobettes, Friday and Skirts & Middies The Skirts are pleated from good quality Navy Serge, while the Middies have Navy or Red Drill. Collars, Friday and Saturday, per garment PLEATED Sizes 6 to 14 years. Ady Po Girls' Hats Hats, clear Clearance of all Summer Values up to $1.98, Friday and Saturday to. 36 in. best Canadian and Values to 39c. Saturday, per yd. ......... English Fuja Silke. Reg. sheen, '35 in, Best Canadian and White Krinkle Bed Sprea 63 x 90. Reg. $1.95 for ing. Reg. 75c yd. for .. Reg. 25¢ for, each .... Friday and 32 in. Best English Dress Flannels, 49 Reg. 75c. Friday and Saturday, yd. Cc Friday and Saturday ..... Polka Fuja Silke and Printed Ray- Values to $1.25 for. ... Flannelette. Regular 35¢ and 39% yd. Friday and Saturday ...... White Krinkle Bed Spreads 72 x 90, Reg. $2.50 for .. 81 in. Extra Heavy Factory Sheet- All Linen Tea Towels, 18 x 28. English Prints. 28¢ 35c yd. Vests years, Vests years. 44c 49¢ English White 28¢ $147 $1.89 53¢ 17c| Reg. ds, CRIT) TWO DAY SALE OF Children's Silk Lingerie and Bloomers, 2 to 6 and Bloomers, 8 to 14 Reg. Slips, lace trim, 2 to 14 years. Reg. Night Gowns, 2 to 14 years, Reg. 98¢ for, each ...... Combinations, 2 to 10 years. Reg. 98¢ for, each ....... Pyjamas, 2 to 14 years. Reg. $1.49 and $1.98, for 38¢c 48¢ 19¢ 79c 19¢ $1.38 49¢ for, each 59¢ for, each 98¢ for, each W.A.DEWLANDLTD. CONNTIES TOWN MAY BE CHANGED Failure of Arbitration Would Mean Port Hope, Warden Nelson Intimates Failure of arbitration in the matter of increased rental for court rooms and offices of the unit- ed counties of Northumberland and Durham will mean the designation of Port Hope ag the counties town, Warden W. HH, Nelson, intimated in an interview granted The Co- bourg HSentinel-Star on Monday. Mr, Nelson, however, sincerely hopes that no such change will be necessary, but he declared em- phatically that the counties coun- ¢il would not pay the $3,000 in- crease in rentnl demanded by the Town of Cobourg on renewal of the lease, The warden was asked if, in the event of the arbitration effort's fall ure,' the council would endeavor to obtain offices elsewhere in Co- bourg. In reply he pointed out that re- moval from the town hall would mean moving to another town, and, in that event, Port Hope is the only other town that could be con: sidered, For while Port Hope is in Dur- ham county, it is just across the line, and stands in about the same relation to the two counties, as regard central location, as Cabourg does, Mr, Nelson emphasized the fact that he is entively hopeful that the arbitration will meet with approval both on the parts of the counties and town councils, and that there will be no question of reemoval, On September 6 members of the Cobourg town council informed a committee of the counties council that the rental for counties court and counties offices In the town hall would, In future be $6,000 a year, an increase of $3,000 yearly, The counties representatives re fused to sign the lease on that basis and accordingly, steps were taken to arbitrate the matter, County arbitrators will be appoint ed at the next general session of the counties couneil, BUILDINGS ARE | SUEKES | demolished, of | of Hamp- | VISITED BY JURY (Continued from "age 3) t the consideration ectricity of using el regard to the heats ing plant for the building, we are of the opinion that un up-to-date heat- ing -plant might be installed which would possibly reduce' annual fuel costs very materially No, 4. We visited the County gaol ind found it clean and orderly, There are twenty-two iymates all of whom are maintained in decency and as good living conditions as possible We feel that a great improvement has taken place the upper floor the old stone cells have been steel having ebeen their stead, the new allowing considerably more and ventilation for mdividual prisoners; We congratulate the aus thorities feeling that this is a very improvement and recom mend that steel cells, similar to those now in use be made standard equip- ment. Under present conditions it is impossible to hive the female in. mates sufficiently segregated and we believe that immediate consideration should be given to this matter so that they might be kept in another part of the buildings The Grand Jury is ver) terested and impressed Lordship's suggestions and remarks concerning prison reform, We are free to admit that in many respects our gaol system fis antiquated or at least out of line with present day t' ought, The question is of such great importance that we believe our government might consider the adop- tion of ideas or principles having in view the general betterment of the present system, We feel, however, that such a problem is one on which we are totally unprepared to give definite opinion, There are one or two points re- garding which we feel free to make suggestions: There is little or no excuse at the present time why in. dividual human beings should be crowded in cells where unsanitary conditions prevail, Also we believe it is almost crim- inal negligence to permit prisoners of a tender age or where a first of fence has been committed or where the offence is of a very minor char- acter to associate with hardened criminals of a dangerous type, We feel also that your Lordships suggestion about the location of what Makes Children Bright Active -- Healthy With Rosy Chee s Cod Liver Extract, so abundant in sugar-coated McCoy's Liver Extract Tablets, is the quickest and surest way of setting skinny, nervous boys and girls on the right road to health, attractiveness and happiness. When children take McCoy's, they obtain the full body, bone and men. tality building benefit of Cod Liver Extract which doctors prescribe for their own children and which world's greatest medical authorities claim are so essential for health and growth, McCoy's adds firm flesh, fills out flat chests~bones grow straight and strong, plenty of energy and vitality to resist disease is created, Your rosy checked, bright eyed, well developed kiddies will be a won- 'derful reflection upon a mother's ex- pert care--such happy and healthy days ahead of them, ; One sickly child gained 12 pounds in 7 months, Get McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets at Jury & Lovell, Ltd, T. B, m in where cells installed cells room decided much in by your Mitchell, W. H, Karn, or any drug. store, 60 tablets, 60 cents At top is a typical picture of the year motor to the Annapolis Valley splendid highw wutiful ba seen from the the valley world and the orchardist From Below phe Grand Pre, N vinge in 177 might he farms 0 possibility ; at not believe tha gaol or prison of rele mside fiandin y, The Grane that a « wmtter rea rat commend en to the a Ses The p per sidering oc portation apd 1 asmuch as withes been adjusted for ma 1 |e it 14 in the interests of the court of justice pe Ny t crease Ni And mm closn acknowledge | extended Crown Counsel and Attorney, 1. A. Mc ters subunitted to u entire! nadequate « st Oo Living, cost of tra al revenue 1ce | da hi have ( to courtes) bl eration All of whicl ted Grand Ju I Sept. 16, 1930 AMERICA'S CUP and the | announ | fous steamship line FLYING INSTRUCTOR | | crashed, {arrival {but died almost immediately on ar LiF. | n {Which ha werodrome | ( | [un chalk pit an the Dover THI, I pilat {who minutes, inkle SERIES ALL OVER (Continued from Page 1) wind, she leaped ahead like au race horse and from there to the frat turn of the 30 mile triangulal course steadily increased. her ad vantage over Sir Thomas pride and last hope to trophy, Skipper Heard went his chavge in for a shore run soon after the start and lost precious ground as gain the lipton'sa | the Enterprise continued along on | a straight course for turning mark Ho mistake finally and tack out to sea, but he wag far behind The Enterprise, in a position now to gamble, put in toward shore in search of a strong favoring cur rent ten minutes before the mark was reached. Shamrock followed sult but it was too late to do her much good ------------------ APPLE GROWERS ACT TO SAFEGUARD THEIR MARKET Ask Dominion Government to Apply Certification to 1930 Exports Halifax, N.8 Nova Scotia will save approximate. ly $100,000 this season on ocean freight ruses under the terms of n contract reduction whieh went into effect recently, The contract rate on Canadian apples © shipped through Halifax to the United Kingdom will be G0 cents per bar« rel, with a 10 cent diffowential vharged against shippers not signs ing a contrget to ship all thelr aps ples in Canadian conference ships, Last year the rate was 90 cents with no differential, Two yeara ago the contract rate waa 90 cents, while other shippers were charged $1.10, The reduction follows negotia- tions between Canadian conference steamship lines operating from Halifax to United Kingdom ports, almost realized his made a hy that time the | long | ~Apple shippers of | nel ing, caused the death of | Giddy, aerodrome, ull in the wud causing the machine "Don't talk lke that,' said the hoy; "you know you wil" LEAVE 1T ALONE The owner of a chonp watch brought it futon the jeweler's shor to «r= what could be done for it, "The mistake 1 made, of course,' waanitted, was In dropping it." "Wall, 1 den't suppose you could help that," the Jeweler remarked "The mistake you made was pick Ing it up." he is always '"'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlante City. all-year-round is vecation-timel Bracing alr=--sporte~ wonderfulfood=relane ation! Spendaweek, or a weekoend, with ws, you'll returnhomefenls inght=iresh ous! RATES American Plan Single. $7 to #9 Double$iZtodi? European Plan sired scones that greet thousands of visitors who ench hi of N Beotin, Miles and miles of blossoms are to 8 on which the visitor may travel to all sect Innd the finest apples produced uw the greater part of their ine from Kuropean markets, tod IVA ne some of in the me rine which endants of the Acadiana replica of the edifice fide it in a cairn nlpo erce Memorial Park, exiled from the pro has heen ere in Grand I're who were hh sire In the vilinge whe of the Acadian whiel ted by descend " olton Mawer Pena One of rhe Finest Holels ne In Atlantic City apple shipper and it wa Al vas paying his aunt a vis Por a week or a week end enjoy the lusury of ed in a Joint the finest appaintments without exorbitant ued hy His price, Booklet, Write or wire for reservations B00 ROOMS =. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN SEA WATER BATH C. V. MEEKS, Mgr iintemeaent the sald, I shall much spiial aunt ere enth: for val John, to lentl Well n nuisance you KILLED IN CRASH An aeroplane Phillips and Powis Woodley, near Rend Wilfred Instructor FALL PRICES NOW ON ALL OUR USED CARS 11929 DE SOTO, Special Sedan, Like brand new CAr, 11929 ESSEX COUPE. Runs and looks like new Car. 11928 CHEV, SEDAN, A real family car, 11927 CHEV, SEDAN, Completely re-conditions ed. All in 1st class order, 11927 WHIPPETT SIX SEDAN. A real snappy family car. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. HUDSON==ESSEX 136 King St. W,, Os Reading Eng rash at Messrs drome at the chief at the He was testing a privately own sIngla-seater machine over the ntre of the aerodrome when he He was taken to hospital, a val his ls the first crash occurred fatal at 'the Reading | Many people at Folkestona saw | glider helonging to the Channel | ilding Club erash into the side of The Read, | for sprained Flying OfMeer had bean in escaped Frank the air with a Hd | Phone 1160 I'he crash wan due te a sudden o lose helght quickly Friday and Saturday 6.95 Regular up to $22.50 tweeds crepe, some printed chiffona and flat crepe. A few jersey dresses included. All correct shades ON Eh 0 "tid LRA i, New printed travel and georgette Sizes 14 to 44, and styles. Buchanan's King St. East, Oshawa

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