THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1930 PAGE SEVEN LONDON'S 'UTTLE SEASON' STARTS Several Members of Europe's Royalty Gather in British Capital 'London, Eng., Hept, 16 --~What Is known as "London's little season," Is bringing several royal visitors within the next few weeks, Queen Vietdrin of Sphin Is com- {ng with her two pretty daughters Queen Maud of Norway will srrive with the Crown Prince and his wife and they will spend some time at Queen Maud's permanent residence near Ncrfolk, The Queen of the Belgians and E%-Queen Amelie of Portugal are Aready here, Prince and Prinesss Takamatsu, of Japan, are in the north and will vetyrn 'to London shortly, The Princess Ingrid of Sweden is at Bagshot with her grandfather, the Puke of Connaught STOWS AWAY WITH FULL EQUIPMENT = istol Analyst, Tired of Life sn Canadian Farms Beats Way Home Liverpoel, Sept. 16, A Com- pletely outfitted stowaway appeared in polies court here when Henry Edwin Bradshaw, aged 32, deserib- od as a Bristol analyst. pleaded guilty to stowing away on the White Star liner, Dorie, on its voy. agp from Montreal to Liverpool, Bradshaw was sent to jail for a fortnight He was found by mem. bers of the ship's craw in a life boat with fond sufficient fer a weak, blankets and sven a stove and fuel ade by Murray RAK A% SM font, "a ROOF FALEXANDER Murrays tlantic City is always 'in season" v y e ow hb By 8 4} / u(r ily 1.y to provide hot meals. He had a change of clothing with him, The sea-tramp de-luze told the court he had a university degree. "1 left for Canada two years #80," he said, "but I couldn't get on with the farmers." INDIES CANADKS TROPICAL ANNEX Trade Between Canads And Islands Boosted by Exhibits at Fairs 'Malitax, N.B.= Progress in the general movement to unite more closely in trade relaticns the Brit. ish West Indies, was given added impetus by the recent showing of West Indian products at the Cana- dian National Exhibition in Toron- to and the provineial exhibition in Halifax, in the belief of prominent government officials from those Is: lands A large section of the provincial falr was given over to a collection of exhibits from the West Indies and it was one of the most inter- esting features of the exhibition, "Just seme samples from Can- ada's tropical annex," is what Hon, E. C. Eliot, Administrator of Dom. infca called his colony's array of products, "Fundamentally, conditiens are extremsly favorable for greater trade belween your Dominion and our little Island," Mr. Eliot said in an interview here "Nothing that we produce comes into competition with any of your natural or manu- factured products, and you have nothing to sell that can Injure cur trade, On the contrary each par. ty has products that the other needs, and 1 feel quite sure that when the merits of both are known we shall be buying and selling much mors to each other, "Of course, that is Yhe very ob. jective aimed at in the Canada- West Indien Treaty," continued the Dominica Administrator, "but we have all found out that it takes more than a treaty to make trade. We must get to knesw one another. We must study each other's re. quirements and devise means to meet them, - We must learn all we can about the market conditions in both countries and sirive to give the people In each one just what they want, the way they want fit, and when they want f(t As we succeed in doing that we shall in. creas trade to our mutual advan. tage." Hon. Mr Eliot. was seen al the Dominica booth at the Exhibition, where he and Mrs, Eliot were busi. ly engaged in explaining seme of the peculiar points of value in West Indies food products' in general, and of Dominica's products in par. ticular, va The Dominica lime was the sub- Jeet of a goodly portion of thelr talk. This small citrus is familiar by name, but comparatively un- known among Nova Scotians. Hon, Mr, Elict quoted London Lancet in support of his assertion that the Dominica lime contains a mueh higher percentage of citric acid and more soluble phosphoric iid than does the lemon. "All our limes are exported to the United States, but Canada might easily absorb all of this fruit that is grown in Dominica," stated Mr. Eliot, "Sueh an arrangement would be goed business for Canada, because it would enable us te buy Just that mueh more of Canadiap Koods, And that is what we want to do "We think Canada could vary profitably absorb a mueh greater quantity of Dominica oranges and Krapefruit, alse," sald Mr, Ellot, In respect to the quality of our pre- ducts I want to say only that they are grown in the troples, I do not USED car, 11920 ESSEX COUPE. car. 11928 CHEV. SEDAN, 1.1827 CHEV. SEDAN, family car, 138 King St. W., Oshawa FALL PRICES 'NOW ON ALL OUR 1--1929 DE SOTO, Special Sedan, od. All in 1st class order. 1-=1927 WHIPPETT SIX SEDAN. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. HUDSON--ESSEX CARS Like brand new Runs and looks like new A real family car. Completely re-condition. A real sappy Phone 1160 hint . GINGERALE What is the secret that that excluaive...inimital First...the water, Hy Lo th n dinest Sd O'Keate's Dry it 1s because San acceptance, and the only form | «clear, from crystal Wh i, amous Ginger, pure cane sugar and want to make an invidious com- parison, byt anyone who givens the matter a moment's thought will understand why our natural food product comes nearer Lo perfection in the climate that is best suited to it, All foods are chemical pro- ducts and climate is 4 master chem- Int." "It seems to me that we have much that Canade wants and Can. ada has much that we want," sald Professor G. 8, C. Tatem, represen. tative of the Bermudas Trade De- velopment Board who was in charge of the exhibit from that Island, "I am surprised, for instance, that Nova Scotia exports so little fruit to Bermuda, Theugh you have wonderful apples in large quanti- ties, you allow us to bring in ap- ples from California. There is obviously something wrong some- where." British Guiana, 8t. Kitts, Anti gus, Montserrat, St. Lucia, Bt, Vin- cent, Grenada and 'I'rinldsd were #11 well represented in the exhibit ARGENTINE WOULD WELCOME PRINCE Heralded Visit to Empire Trade Fair Meets With "Approval Buenos Alres~~Popular stock in next vear's British Empire trade fair, to he held here, has taken a decided rise in consequence of An nouncement of the intended visit of the Prince of Wales Britain's best Ambassadcr., who from the outset, agreed to sponsor the great industrial exposition, | no stranger to the Argentine. His prolonged ,visit to this country in 1926 won many friends for the Prince personally and for British enterprise, The announcement. of his coming has produced just the effect. required (co give the trade fair a large degrees of popular in Ltorest | The Prince wll arrive pometime during March or April, the time scheduled for the falr, Last time he traveled aboard the battleship 'Repulse' but next yesr he will journsy to South America aboard the aircraft carrier "Eagle." The "Eagle itself will he a major attraction for Argentines who have not forgotten the service the personnel of that ship gave to the rescue last year of the Spanish eviatcrs, Franco and Ruz de Alda, when their plane fell to the sea while they were attempting a Epain to New York flight. Franco wil always be g hero to South Amer! cans, Meanwhile, plans are already he ing made for the royal visitor's re céption As betors, hostesses will vie for the honor of entertaning the Prines, and the most-to-be-en- text usually gains in flavor what {t loses in rhetoric, For erample, a certnin resort assures prospective visitors it has "a cure that cures rheumatism, gout. sciatica, neural gin, golf, tennis and fishing." HISTORIC JAILES | GIVEN T0 COUNTY Kilmainham Prison, lreland, | Saw Execution of Noted Criminals Dublin.~The Kilmainham jail, which has played a prominent part in Irish history, has heen abandoned finally as a place of detention and lianded over to the Dublin county council for other disporition, The graves of two men, executsd thers after the Phoenix murders In 1882, are Indicated by stone slabs now overgrown with weeds, and marks on the wall testify to the spot, on which the leaders of the Easter 1016 rising met thelr death, rank Teellng, while awaiting execution there, after the murders of 14 British oMcers in November, 1920, was rescued from the jal) under dramatic clreumatances Charles Stewart Parnell"s room {as still pointed out In the prison bank are the names William O'Brien, and Willlam Red. mond, father of the present Irish M.P.. who fell figthing in Flanders in 1017, INDIANS TAKE UP SPINNING WHEELS Men, Women and Children | Follow Gandhi in New Move Bomba) As part of Mahtma Gandhi's scheme to drive the Brit {eh out of India. "taki" parties have become the rage throughout the country. A takli, as it is called in the vernacular, is nothing more than a simple "little twirl-glg for spinning cotton yarn, and hax heen put in use by men, women and chil dren sympathizers of the indepen dence movement, almost every: where Men in the street cars on thelr way to work, children on their way to schoo! spin their little taklis Women at home, and sitting as pickets in front of the toddy shops heur after hour and appear intent at their tasks All| scrin of shopkeepers, and their] clerks, who are Nationalists, keep | their taklis going most of the day They are able to (alk and to at spin very vied family will He that which gets the prize of sheltering him under ita yoof, | ge Both Movie Men and Church | Critics Find Fault With Official Dublin. ~The film exhibitors in the Frees State are dissatisfied with the working of the state censorship Ho are many moral reformers It is a eriminal offence in the F'rae State to exhibit a Alm that has net been passed by the censor There ia anly one censor, and he is not a full-time officer Talkies ean mot he rushed through as rapidly as wera the ail | ent films, and the consequent delay | In getting the censor's decision ia] held prejudicial to the trade There is a Board of Appeal again ol. the cepaor's decisions, but as nel ther the censor nor the Appeal Board ever assigns any reascn for rejecting a Alm, the exhibitors com plain that they have ne means of knowing what wl pass master | On the other hand thers are rom. plaints from the churches that of. fensive filme are oceanionally shown Though the movie pro. pristors can appeal against a re Jection there ix ne appeal against of protest fs a disturbance in the theatre, "SAY IT IN ENGLISH" | IS GERMAN SLOGAN | Berlin. --The one advertising slo- BAD everyone over hers understands ist "Say it in English" In rare capes where the English in thess announcements is less clear than one finds in. advertisement, CENSOR DRAWS IRE IN IRELAND (ated and {and an | the packet tend to a certain amount of busi | ness, wheres hands are not required, | and whoera conversation will suffice The takM, a very plain affair, oats hut a few coppers. It has hecoma Known ax a 'nation build Ing weapons' hecause of ts popular ity who hava become | adept in the cotton spinning, de Iara that thers is a certain fas cination about the task, conceived by the Mahatma as & means of In eroasing home industry and keep ing out foreign competition, prin. eipally British, which is ons of the | chief aims of the congress' move for ndependence | Mr, Gandhi, himself in prison, | spins by the hour. He uses not only a takli but alse a spinning wheal for a change The Nation: | alists maintain that the takli has | become such a eraze that many of | their friands, who are not congress party mambers, have been fapcin are now spinning them { selves aa a pastime merely be | cause 'everybody's doing it." | Says Mr, Gandhi "If we want | A total stoppage of textile Imports | Immediate replacement of such exports, avery ona of us must strive to make our cwn cloth and | until we are able to do that we| must makes it a point not te pur There chase any forsign eloth." The takli was taken on because | it In portable and may ba carried in Millions of spinning wheels too have hesn brought {nto use--""Charkas'" they are called-- hut they are used chiefly in the home. GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat-=No, 1 North- ern, 83¢; No. 2, do, 81%0; No. 8, do, 77%¢; No, 4 feed, 74% ¢; No. bh, 60%c; No. 6, b6c; teed, d4c (ell. Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, ddige; No. 3, do, 81%e, Argentine corn, 84q c.f. Port Colborne, Millteed, delivered Montrea) froights, bags, included---RBran, per ton, $26.25; shorts, per , ton, $27,285; middlings, $32.25. Ontario graln---- Wheat, 75¢; barley, 35¢; oats, 28¢; rye, 50e; buckwheat, nominal, : ---------- CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Sept. 15, By compart ron the local egg market today i» not improved so far as last week's close Is. concérned. Owners are pushing sales of eggs on every turn, but still the situation lacks the necessary snap to bring in speculative interest. The futures encountered only moderate sup. port on today's decline and appear in position to rally any time with the advent of good news. Shortage of centralized cars of butter results od in fractional advances on these grades today, Other scores held unchanged with undertone only d Futures were a shade tes lor atser Anh opening that care 8 down to 38% J embers, 34% 8 ov Opey commitmenta--»Nov 1,288; Dec. eggs, 2. rig 1,081; Dec. butter, 80c. Chicago spot market--Butter, LLL] butter, extras, 38c; standards, $8c; tone READ OF A CASE! Rebar fam. steady. Egg», Lh'%¢c; tone steady. Two-market today, 15,867; kgs today, 10,802, New extras, "be to York spot m {0c GANADIAN Ottawa, Sept 16 months ending Aug trade fell off $2678 no tone, 26c; tone irregular TRADE STILL DECLINES Exports and Imports Both Show Large Reductions So Far This Year i grivied receipts last year, 20,692, arket hE 36,000, nccord ing to figures Issued at tional pared with the 1920, exports of duce were down from $483,860,000 ped from $560,913, 215,000 elgn origin 000 lighter at The most ware " $5, Revenus Department rams Canadian to $352,405,000 | Imports to Lxports of goods of for 0no rhout important Inst Exgn, firsts, ] Lg § ~ | aek If we PBULLOY 17,380 Yenr Butter, the five | Canadian | the Na- Com- period in pro- drop: | $427, | $3,000, 20,000 decrease among the exports was in wheat Shipments of this commodity in the five months under review were 74,781,000 bushels, against 90,611,000 bushels last year. A foss of 7,000,000 barrels was noted in wheat flour, und newsprint wis reduced about $5,000,000 to $64, £63,000. Yor the month of August alone exports were valued at $69,200, 000, as against $06,264,000 in Au. gust, 1029, Imports were similar, ly reduced, the total being $75, 178,000, as compared with $111, 640,000, THREE INJURED IN CRASH ON CURVE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Sept. 15==Vernon Saun- ders, of Detroit, 15 in Hotel Dieu lose pital here suffering from a fractured pelvis and his wife suffered minor ine juries and their six-year son has some cuts and bruises as result of an auto accident on No. 3 highway, near Leamington, early this morning John Lewis, driver of the car, also of Detroit, escaped injury party had been visiting friends Toronto. Their car left the road a curve while moving at a speed, Dr. M. A. Kendrick, of Leam- ington attended the inmred and had them removed tn the hospital here ¢ and Carried Six Miles > By Friends in Bush, Angler's Life Saved | Fault* Ste, Marie, Ont, Sept. 16 A party of sportamen, assisted by a search parjy which loft the #ault early Sunfay last won 8 race with death when they hrought Mux Soullere, an angler, to the eity with m badly gashed foot, the result of an accident at Saturday at a fishing camp miles back in the wilds from Batchawana and about sixty milas from the city. It was feared he would bleed to death before ar rival, JEWELRY HAUL MADE IN TORONTO pix $10,000 Stolen From Hotel Show Window 168 Jewelry has bhaen Birks show annex of Toronto, Sapt worth over $10,000 stolen: from the Ryrie window in the shopping 8 hotel hare, midnight | The | it | rapid! | | |Rings and Necklace Worth | { | | Adthough police refuse Informa. | tion 1t is understood diamond rings und a necklace of high value were taken and articles of small value left, ; In the same building nome months ago, a working model of a locomotive weighing over 100 pounds disappeared from u show window a few yards from the gceno of the latest robbery, PRICE FIXING IN : OIL TERMINATED Washington. ~The Department of Justice announced yesterday that the Governmeut's anti-trust action against the Standard Ol Company of California and 17 other ofl companies had been ter. minated by entrance of a consent decree In Ban Francisco, whereby the companies agreed to discon. tinue thelr "conspiracy to fir prices." ¥ Viight Cent Bread in 'Woodstock Woodstock. ~-Woodstock {is to- 'day boasting the cheapest bread in the Dominion of Canadas, with the announcement of a local firm that unwrapped bread in standard sized loaves will he sold at eight cents and wrapped lonves st 814 cents, Canadian Pacific Train Times Change Sunday, Sept. 28 [Rt (0 Ft Bed el LB s OOEm' : Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA Fastern LEAVE TORONTO Standard PM 1.30 vy 10.00 v-Sunday only, «Timo AM > 8.80 7.80 5.30 9.30 10.80 11.30 PM. 12.30 1,30 P.M. 2.30 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 7.30 3.30 9.30 10.30 P w-=Daily except Sunday: z--Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only, Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, Orillia, Brampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, Brantford, Muskoka 'Whar!, Wasaga Beach, Midland, Ottawa, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and intermediate points, Coach connections nat points. Buffalo for all U, 8. A Tickets and inférmation at GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Phone 2828 ¢ m-- THE AGHTING RATION This new chocolata bar 37 & sub to exhaustive tests before being « was of impartial a AT ue: choice of people ov bh this new Willards Wiliow ML late Bar to any other kind, The most delicious chocolate bar you ever tasted and the quickest source of energy you can have . . + the new Willards Willow Milk Chocolate Bar. and strengthens. Luscious, creamy Plcases, sustains [| with nourishment in every bite Replaces spent energy and relieves fatigue. You will like the taste of this appetizing chocolate bar . . J a fascinating flavor enjoyable to old and young alike . . « a rare treat for odd moments. jocted lntro- the overwhel referred Choooe