Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1930, p. 5

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Ql nm mera pram---- i a a a TTT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community | SOCIAL AND | PERSONAL MISS FLETCHER T0 BE DIRECTOR Mr, and Mrs, Ewart Everson dnd family, King Sireet East, left yes lerday for Montreal, where (they will make their home in the future, Mr, Everson having received an ap- pointment with General Motors in that eitv. Miss Amber Sonley, Reg N, loft Oshawa last night for New York City where she will gpend her va- tation, Miss Yvonne Hazlewood -Con- naught #treet Is sponding a few days in Toronto with her sister, Mrs, Stanley MeNalrn, Melrose Ave Mrs, ¥, Harston, Simcoe Stroet South returned to town last even. ing after spending {two months with her sister, Mrs, Foster, of Warren, Rhode Island, Mr, and Mrs, Voster returned with Mrs Harston, by motor, having travel fed to Oshawa by way of Montreal, and Ottawa, VIRNT OSHAWA GIRL GUIDES THE J The first Oshawa Guldes met Monday evening at 7.30, 1 was decided to hold a Chinese Party on next Monday evening, Heptember 16th All girls are asked Chinese Kimonn, and Chopsticks Please time bring na net of on to one he thers youth does not lack back-bone," says a news item, Well, wt any rate, there has been an unus ual display of it hy the young people this summer. Kingston dard "American Whig-Stan« The New Yorker who plans to walk backward from that city to Sun Pranciseo is probably one of those dved-in-the-wool Gothanites who just can't bear to turn his bac) Broadway .~hiladelphia Inquiré: on IS - é ars Eat Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HONIFRY v ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Bimecos Wt. a ST TT sv---- JUST ARRIVED | Full range of Ludies' "all Conts ang Dresses ut the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Slmcoe Mireet Mouth FUR COATS REPAIRED AND RE.LINED 92 Nassau Sireet RELIGIOUS WORK Has Received Appointment at Theodore Roosevelt School Miss Pearl Vietcher, who for the past year has been assistant to Rev, ¥. J, Maxwell, paster of #t, Andrew's "Wnited Church, has re- colved an appointment with the Congregational-Christian Church of United States, leaves the city to~ day to travel to Apache, Arizona, whore she is to be the Religious Work Director in the T'headore Roosevelt Indian School, On her wiy sie will visit Lawrence, Vian wis, where the Haskell [Indian School Is situated and thers got some idea how the work she is (0 do is carried on, There are four hundred nnd Afty hoys and girls of Indian families in attendance wt the Theadore Roosevelt Behool, Teachers are wont hy the government hy the chureh has the privelige of sending thelr representative, to direct the religious training, 'This is the posi. tion Miss Fletcher will fill, Miss Fletcher In undertaking a grout task, going to a place entirely strange to her and where uhe as yet, has no friends, But there in no doubt but that the later will swoon be overcome, for Miss Fletcher hus that charming faculty of mak- Ing friends quickly and what is more virtuous, she remains always a good friend, The Congregational Christian Chureh has heen fortune ate In wecuring Miss Fletcher for | this position and the good wishes of her many Oshawa friends go with her In undertaking this new work, Miss Fletcher is the dough. ter of Dr, W, P, Fletcher, pastor of Cantre Street United Chureh of this elty Bhe Is an gradunte of Toronto University and attended for a year the Union Theologleal Beminary and Tenchers' College of Columbus University TODAY down your pen, your hook Time will come those Now music sways Youth tints Lay and set aside soon enough for the brook, lie rose Now wind, merri! ready reeds, And slivered crystal cups the skies; Pale lilies tell their beads F'o dragonflies pipe on The sun sweet and heady with content, And idles through a shadowed way- Leave books to time unspent Give me today! Susan Maitland in the | Evening Post 1 York New Another disadvantage about horse trading wis that you couldn't look at uny "speedometer on the other fel | low's nag and see how much mileage had been run up.~Arkanshs Gazette I a Se a ala i TORONTO With Both ws adie iY. Tooms wi MONTREAL OME with ERIE ER. "rv alther . Pre Jeaturir q { Seorony -- i UNSET ath and AY 120 49420 par person no higher stands any test its perfect dye- ing will amaze you! clean no stained hands --no # = perfect colours, make nodiffereance to Sunset they are perfectly with this wonderful dye, dyed the. same shade in the one dye ba! dyer at one-tenth the cost. process eannot be used by other Auk your dealer to show you the got Sunset Soap Dyes, If he cannot supply you NORTH AMERICAN Dyn CORPORATION, Lip, Torvemto, Ont. SUNSET soar DYES MADE IN CANADA 1] h dyeing -- made it Sunset modernized home dy made lt true raven Hiaek that is always black, areal Navy Blue, and 20 other colours equally brilllantand fast, Light silks or heavy wiclens One real dye for all fabrics ~ Joston, oil, wool and mixed ail ~quickly and easily Bunse Dyes, Sok thin little onke of concentrated dye is the colour neaded for a iret. olaas resulta result so perfeet Shad the work rivals the Sunset is patented and the Colour Card, and be sure you send Lie par aake to Bouncing Babes Bid Boldly For Fame at Fall Fair Entries For Baby Show Were Numerous--Eleven Prizes Awarded to Finest Babies in the City It is too difficult a proposition to decide which is the best baby of all in the community so four first prizes were given to babies at the annual Baby Show at the Oshawa Fall Fair yesterday afternoon, Dr, F. J, Rundle and Dr, CE, Wilson had no easy task in pleking out from the darlings of so many faml- Hes which were the ones in the most perfect conditions Wading through a crowd of fond and proud mothers holding up thelr children and trying to coax them to their prettiest smiles and cunningest gur- gles, the doctors finally came to definite decisions David Cutgall son of Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Gut. sall, 097 Frederick Street, was awarded the first prize to the hoy under six months of age, while the first prize to the baby girl in this clans went to Delores Spires daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Npires, Thomas Biroot Paul Bru- yon won of Mr, and Mm, John Bru yor, 1006 Simeon Street Bouth, and Helen Spance, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Bpence, of (iresnwood, were the second prize baubles in this ¢lasy There were many sturdy youngsters In the class which Included chil dren from six months to a year and of them all Jim McGregor, son of Mr, and Mrs, John MeCregor, 230 Burke Btreet, and Doreen Green wood, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Benjiman Greenwood 129 Elgin Btreet West, were chosen ns the best specimen Ronald Johnson, son of Mr, und Mrs, Johnson, of Raglan, and Joyce Miller, dsugh tor of George M. Miller, 629 Mase. son Ntreet, ware awarded the see ond prizes for hables over months Two Interested Maude Mothersill, and Mrs Luke, both of Oshawa special prizes of one dolla tallest and welghtiest haby Both the special prize awarded without any controver ary to Gordon Rogers, son of Mr and Mrs, Rogers, 22 Wilson Rond The Rogers baby is eleven months, welghs 31 pounds and Is extraor six Mins Lowis offered tno the spectators, ware dinarily tall for a child of Its age The twin sons of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Hoy, Celina Street, Oshawa, in thelr suits of pale blue were the cause of many admiring exclamations and they apparently captured the favor of the judges for they car- ried off the honor of being the best pair of twing in the city, Baby girls were more In evidence at this year's show, Nearly fifty percent, of the entirs helng of the fairer sex, It was a lively time for a while in the haby tent, The time for judging was wet for three o'clock but hy that hour not half of the entries had hosn made Miss Coola Mires Thompson and Miss Johnson, of the elty Health Depmriment, wore kept busy with welghing the children and (ling in the entry sheeis, even after the | 10; In comparison nuher of entries wis smaller Last your It reach ed the elghty mark but thig year It was no higher than sixty-five Enthusinsm was not Incking, how aver, mothers nunts, grandmothers, . hig little misters, nll , porfectly that even if the Judges did smile fuvorably on thely pride and joy, nevertheless the hast baby In the world but the father of the tent tent to fortahle judges arrived other years the #islors, not IL Why very woem Lo ind wre gute outside hithy con com proud yosing tent trying arising small remain nl a hut the distance hn few 'paps' braved day nnd. ventured and assisted thelr to keep the thelr hing percentingn this year wlorm the wive In into Infant from e Thora the who have heen under the supervision of the city haby cline Jim Metivegor, winner of hoy (dx monthe and David Gutsell hoy two wi " of winning over win under Af ner of months the curred that eve "ClHnle hahy cash prizes, five firsts and three wecond place The ed ton dollny only one time It o vinney WRN dollny tn dollars to those In twins are award il | rr WOMEN'S C OPNER FAITH WITH THE PANSIES There's n sunless strip in my garden, Where the soil is unnourished und dry I had deemed grow there the thought o sigh I was lavish with sand a Where the sun would caress then each morn, the wee sunless beauty; Because of my that nothing would And ft awakened u Cos ter But strip ki ignorant seeds there 1 planted one morning, The' alinost regretting my tol I had little faith in my sunless strip, With its hard and impoverished soil Yet those seeds in that soil respond ed, to clusters grew, So, as God just kept faith with the pansies | He'll surely keep faith with you «Christina W, Partridge home And of flower-faces PRINCIPLES OF COOKING NTEAKSE AND ROARTS Expensive cuts of meat, such ns tenderloin roast or loin of lamb do not need special directions for cooking. It is hard to spoil them oxcept by letting them be overs done, It one follows the general principles for successful hralwing, with the expensive cutw, IL Is dif- fleult to fall, They should be well soared, and salted after searing and cooked rapidly for ten min. utes or so, to change the fibre and then cooked more slowly and basted frequently to prevent dry- ing up. They are bound to come out right, But to bralse an 'Inexpensive cut successfully calls for skill and attention to detail that makes it an art, After various experiments in cooking beefsteak in a wey to give the maximum of fluver aud tenderness with economy of fuel has been discovered, It serves as well for high-priced steaks as for loss expensive ones. When one masters it he can turn out a steak that has all the juici- ness of broiling but with m more appetizing flavor and it can he dooked with a third the amoupt of mas, The spider must be smoking hot, The steak Is dropped on the hot surface and seared quickly then turned und side 1s monring, then turned und sulted on that side ed ngain The spider Is ered and the burner lowered the steak allowed to cook for from one to five minute ording to thickne It ho be turned once in this time on a hot platter and serve ut While the spider Is hot, hot from the ton-kettle In potired In and al lowed steam for a minute thke up nny particles of flavor ment that siek to the bottom, This has both the color and flavor the meat and fs good materinl for soup It combines well with the water from the vegetables saved from the same meal, Porterhouse steak and may be cooked In this way good results Round steak ramp stenk should first he through the ment grinder made Into eakes or balls or one lnrge cake, Home of the fut may ground with the lean, and an onfon or two and a few bits of and turn then co nnd ne 1d Flue once Whilar wirloin with and put und he y | salted while the other | | | | | | ware pceompanied hy | ture 1 wire, | | IF the amount of steak Is It sn wirange | wlenr clear | "I'he prizes given nro | the! | [11 | | Mines fn | Flent clo ngnin | faminution of M | | | Lr fmesting Hen) Interest | answers the | | | | | | | | | | | | loen {dopartures for | LEAVES TODAY MIs PEARL VLETCHER Who leaves Oshawn today for Apache, Avizonn, where she has received uppointment as Religie ous Work Director, and celery or par Hn egg In ground ment hefores it Is into couse his. glves mols the meat lacks Julee, and crust to the cakes, nourishment Hmited, ground in should be Julee or Lo green pepper ley ometine with the tele in delleate udd Ivo niso to the Cooked wteuk Hine wi with making healing man muy he but It maout Into cakas toon dry, A Hitle purpose | nt hand fhe molstened gravy before keep it from bhoutllon cube hot wiley no ment Juice In MUSIC STUDENTS 10 GIVE PROGRAM First Meeting of Music Study Club to be Held Mon- day Evening | atl Orhawn tudy Club will held on Monday ovening Rotary Hall hoped that a large attendance 1 of the in {will be present at this first meeting A pro the vacation of summery FU me consisting numbers by wludents who have obtained honors In the recent eo of Toronto Conservator le will he presented. Parents of pupils taking invited to attend this and friend of course which ix being promotion of mux tho the ¢lub's 1040-31 ontribute to th Hmong of the eft Onn wonnon and recognise thee encoilrngement | [tion of talent to bs found In the 10 Lown led tht the rection will recolve of | | | port proval attendance citizens It In hop Inftinl move in this di the hearty sup outside of the Voungear of the friend club membership nnd that their ap ha wignified by their on Monday evening, fifteanth ny aptemboy to (Fl the im A feature of 1t should tration of what madches has cost the Fravce is about [inl ATV OT Rilt of the match observe the ention a praphic demon playing with ld mm 100 years Pos By Thornton W. Burgess ------ A DREADFUL SIGHT Who loveth most the most doth fear When danger threatens these most dear, i' «Old Mother Nature Impy the black Chipmunk had been away from home longer than usual Not since there had been a little Mrs Impy had be been away so long He had been exploring, he had been louking the ground over for the win- ter's supply of nuts and seeds, He had discovered a beechnut tree and there were going to very many bheechnuts, Now lmpy was hurrying home with the good news. From a fencepost he looked over to where the entrance to his home was hid den, He thought he might see lit« tee Mrs, Tmpy soniewhere about, Als most at once he saw something mov ing. He got only a glimpse of a small person and he thought of course, that it was httle Mrs, Impy "I'l let her know I'm here," thought Impy and opened his mouth to bark a greeting. But he didn't hark a greeting, Instead, he closed his mouth without uttering a sound He began to shiver and he begun to shake. That small person was not Mrs, Impy at all. It was a stranger whom he had never scen before However, he needed no introduction ; he knew who it was without being told. There could be no one else su slim, so quick-moving, Tt was Sha dow the Weasel, mixed) nt | | PILL dreadful sight planned to] tudents of | new | [ies 25 Dozen Women's Full Fashioned Service Weight Hose Irregulars of our best $1.50 Qualities 79c Colors are Black, Florida, Moonlight, Beechnut, Blond-dore, Suntan, Beige- Clair, Muscadine, Plage, Duskee and White, ON SALE SATURDAY PAIR Sizes 8) to 10, Sale Saturday ing. leader at $2.95, 50 Cotton Filled BED ||| COMFORTERS Double Bed size, 66 x 72 inches. $2.49 Splendid quality floral Chintz cover ings, well filled with clean cotton fill- A value we bought to sell as a 100 PAIRS IBEX 12-4 BLANKET $2.15 These are the first quality, labelled Blankets, in the largest size. White or Grey, with pink or blue border, On Don't take any other make when you can get Ibex for this money, Hm. Now, in himself Shadow is not a ceedng grace So, rather pretty, He with ¢ | as 1 have said, in himself. he is not a dreadful However, he was i (hrendful for he wus | right by Impy's home entrance Yes, right heside the little led down into Impy's and there was nothing that could think of that could have dreadful sight moves sight wht to lmpy, | sir, he was | doorway that homes [ Imp | heen a more found our home," thought "He's found our honie and he's caught Frisky, 1 know it, | just Oh dear! Oh dea! I don't Oh dear' "He's know itl care if he catches me now | Oh dear!" | Meanwhile, Impy did the very wi { est thing that a Chipmunk could do, He sat perfectly still, He didn't move so much as one little whisker, Chicago Evening | He just sat there shivering and shak ing inside and staring down at Sha. dow the Weasel with horror-stricken eyes Shadow the Weasel was licking his El a I was so sure of what he would find there and it was too dreadful to think of Copyright, Yes, sir, he was licking his lip had just come out of lmpy's just as Tmpy had thought, Tm py was sure that Shadow had killed little Mrs. Impy, She had probably heen at-work down there in the home and Shadow had surprised her there and caught her It deeudful to think of, Tm think of it , Presently haunches, with those looked lip He hone 1930, T, W.Burgess) The "The Was next story: Door That Closed." wis too Shadow sometimes does, and back beady eyes of his this way and he lookeH way and he looked the other. wi He looked straight at Impy, but he didn't see, him for Impy didn't move, Then Shadow vawned, He yawned twice, After which he bounded away in the direction of the old stone wall on the edge of the Old Orchard, where Impy was horn and where his father, Striped. Chipmunk still lived sat up on hi us he le that ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWEST, Centrally Loeated Fireproof Hotel 820 ROOMS [8 0 bot vert! @oron Posh CEE aed For a long time after Shadow had gone Impy sat there on that fence post. He was no longer afraid for himself, but, oh, how he did dread going into that home! You see, he try OVALTINE O enjoy sound, refreshing, naturel iléep, dink Seup olf "TS fey dost, Sutin, Seine 4 or uk Wee Serve allay Equeive ness, and being You tend Gun sleep. While yoo sleep, the concentrated nourishment in Ovaltine will build up your system with new stores of energy and i standing why Ovaltine is called "the woeld's best nightcap." OVALIINE vil S$ UP BRAIN, BRyE AND BODY good mores spocial-family-shus tne} a. 200 3% S120 sd epiatipiiiviet 294 ] tt a5 TILLIE THE TOILER 1 THIN YOURE, MEAN To PAY 56 MUCH ATTENTION TO THAT MISS BER®EN, MAC ' re 'M LEADING MY OWN LIFE, TILLIE { AND | SUPPOSE] You WANT ME TO PINCH-MLT | \F YOU'RE SO " NARROW ~MINDED THAT You cAN'T APPREC\ATE A T's

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