Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPT Ee The Oshawa Daily Times Susseeding © THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published every afternoon except Sundays and legal heli days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [limes Printing Company, Limited, Ches, M, Mundy, President; A, R. Alloway, Ses ratary, The Oshawa Daily Times is a member of ths Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily News apers Association, the Ontarie Provincia ailies and the Audit Bureau of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week, By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa carrier delivery limits) $4.00 a yezv; United States, $5.00 a year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperancs Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, [residder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Fowers and Stone Inc, New York and Chicage FRIDAY, BEPTEMBER 12, 1080 THE 1930 FAIR 'he Oshawa Fair is over for 1980, In spite of the report that the attendance, nes cording to the secretury, was not up to last year's mark, there is no reason for the di rectors to feel discouraged, The Faly was a splendid success in every other way, The weather was perfect for it, and the program was one of the finest ever staged at an Osh- awa alr, In considering the attendance, too, it should be remembered that the Can. adian National Exhibition suffered a loss of 287,000 in attendance as compared with 1020, or of roughly fifteen per cent, This loss was attributed to the depressed times, and probably the reduction in attendance at Oshawa, which did not seem apparent to the casual observer on the grounds, might be attributed to the same cause, It should be remembered that the Falr di rectors were breaking new grolind this year, were trying experiments with a new type of program, An the chief cause for gratifica- tion was that the public appreciated to the fullest extent the excellence of the athletic meeting, which on Thursday afternoon out. shone even that of Wednesday, That was evident from the conversation heard at the elose of the program, There was action every minute, and no waiting between events, while the splendid efforts of the ath- lates to win thelr events were an Inspiration to all who saw them, 'The people of Oshawa were given a taste of what a real athletic meeting on a modern cinder track Is like, and they liked it, and will be ready to come back for more, Athletics on the track and field have become firmly established as an attraction at the Oshawa Fale, and it Is quite safe to say that a program of similar merit, staged In a normal year, would draw a tremendous crowd of people, g In other respects, too, the fair was very successful, The parade of prize-winning live stock was a delight to hoth city and country people, for it showed the splendid quality of animals on the farms of the dia trict, and in all departments there were in- dications that Interest in the Oshawa Falr is not declining, but that it still has a use. ful future ahead of it, THE LOGICAL DEVELOPMENT The Parks Board of Oshawa, and those citizens who were instrumental in having the cinder track built at Alexandra Park, are now being heartily congratulated on the success of thelr enterprise, and rightly so, They have provided a track, which, accords ing to prominent athletic officials from To. ronto, Ia one of the finest In Ontario for a new project, one which will improve greatly with the passing of one winter, Having achieved this, however, the pro ject should not be allowed to drop there, There is, In the new athletic field, the na. tural and logleal setting for an Oshawa ata- dium, The ground work has already been done, The grand stand is already there, 'The only other essentials are that a com. plete set of bleachers be erected along the east side of the cinder track, and that the remained of the area Immediately adjacent to the track be enclosed with a fence, ao as to have a stadium equal to the heat, The provision of dressing rooms with shower baths under the grand stand would com- plete the equipping of the stadium, The expense of this would not be great, and it would quickly be repaid by the uses to which the stadium could be put, The fair hoard would then have a splendid enclosed fleld as part of ita equipment, in which to stage many of the importang attactiona on ita program without interference with the other sections of the fair, just aa the Can- adian National Exhibition has its grand stand and stage enclosure and encloned race track for ita special attractions, Such a project could be made very profitable, and would give the city an athletic equipment second to none among the smaller cities of Ontario, TE TS A THE WAY TO PEACE Canadians have every right to be thrill ed by the stirring measaye delivered by thelr delegate, Sir Robert Borden, at the meeting of the assembly of the League of Nationa at Geneva, His message wan a message of peace and goodwill, couched in strong and dignified language whieh admirably interp- reted the will of the Canadian people in giv. ing leadership to the thought of world peace, Sir Robert Borden made a splendid con- tribution to the discussion of peace when he shld that the peace of the world could not be maintained by treaties and conventions, he maintained by treaties and convenstions unless the will to peace were behind them, These are trus words, And it is also {rue that, so far as the masses of the people of the world are concerned today, they have that will to peace, If the voice of the mil. lions of common people could be heard und interpreted rightly, then there would be no need for the maintenance of armies or nav- ies by any nation, The people want pence and they want it permanently, and It is on. ly because there are people in high places who have not that same will or who eannot truly interpret the desires of those who place them in authority, that it is difficult to secure support for schemes for the aboll- tion of armaments, Through the League of Nations, that will to peace is expressed, and Canada's volce was heard In no uncertain terms through the words of Bir Robert Borden, The whole world now knows where Canada stands, and it would be a fine thing if the other na.' tions of the world could be completely in. noculated with the same spirit CANADA I8 READY A despatch from Ottawa says thal Can adn stands ready to enter into negotiations with the United States towards a treaty for the development of the Bt, Lawrence Water why shortly after the conclusion of the Im. perial Conference at London, If this des patch is correct, this is the best news with reference to the St, Lawrence project, that has yet come out of Ottawa, There was some doubt expressed during the election campaign as to what the attitude of a Con- servative Government would be towards the making of a treaty for the Joint develop ment of the 8t, Lawrence, The Conservative poliey seemed to be In the direction of build. in gan all-Canadian waterway, and the pos sibility of doing this, with International power and water rights involved, seemed to he a little up in the alr, That Is clenred now, however, by the intimation that the Canadian government Is ready for a new treaty, The United States government and is walting for Canada to act, The time would seem opportune, therefore, to im press on the government of Canada the de. sirability of carrying out the plan to a con. clusion, Every lake port along the great lakes should strongly urge upon the govern ment the necessity of coming to terms with the United States to get this work started, It will be a long-drawn out construction pro ject, so the sooner it Ie started the sooner it will be completed, and enough time ha already been wasted by dilatory action on the part of Canada, Let us hope, then, that the Ottawa message In a correct statement of the government's intentions, and that real progress will be made with the planning of the project in the very near future In ready A FRIENDLY GESTURE It {8 Interesting to note the difference in the attitudes of New Zealand and Austra. lia in connection with the export of butter from these two countries to Canada, Alarms. ed by the imports of New Zealand into Can ada, the former King Government decided to revoke the New Zealand trade treaty, and to increase the duty on hutter imports, The New Zealand government at once retaliated by setting up a high tariff against automo. hile from Canada, saying, "If you will not buy our butter, we will not buy your auto mobiles," Australla, however, has made a more friendly gesture, one which in more in keep. ing with the spirit of Empire, The fed. eral minister for markets of Australia has 'announced that exports of butter from Aus. tralia to Canada will he controlled, so as to prevent injury to the interests of Canadian dalrymen, It is not often that such econ. alderation 1s shown for the welfare of an. other country, so that the Australian ges ture is all the more commendable, Thin gesture, coming on the eve of the Imperial Conference, indicates that Austra lian and Canadian delegates will not be very far apart when the question of intra-empire trade ia being conaidered, It Is made en. tively on the baals of promoting more friend. ly relationships between the two countries in the matter of trade, and that ia the on- ly basis on which a real Empire trade policy can he developed. EDITORIAL NOTES Unusual things are happening this year, Ian't it unusual to find sugar dropping in price in the middle of the canning and jam. making season, "I read economic discussions sometimes with a yawn and sometimes with a: smile, but never with a blush,"=Lord Hugh Cecil, A London, Ontario, judge, advised a Rus manian seeking naturalisation to read the newspapers, A Daniel come to judgment! Employment would be more plentiful if those people who can afford it would remem. ber that they have a personal duty to help. find work for the jobleas, That ody ' By James W. Darton, M.D. CAUSES OF ECZEMA Your family doctor will tell you that he comes = aevoss a number of cases of ecm every year In one ease he helleves that the trouble is caused by the inability of the patient's body processes to han dle certiuin kinds of food==particulnr ly the starches, and so hy eutting down on the bread and potatoes i eure Is obtained The next ease in which he thinks foud is the cause, does not respond to treatment tron this standpoint He hus the patient cut out pork, buts ter, goose, iy viel soups, and pus try, and yet there Is fivise or no change in the skin silmemt In looking around he finds that st thoes the patient handles eertain sthistances, or comes wm contact with them, and that these substances ar really the the fiom cause of skin hrrita of the hunds und ih soda of chemin) LHF the ni Continuml sombing wikler, uy ater bon it lista wines in ill Ceri ils wieh rennove ules ur dye and henzine tral oll from the skin of "wet, the removal + ities ol th natural protective oll ean the akin tu dry wn thus they Ile ericl easily, iki i oen Tor orgnirising of Jer Au Euuse ron in healin hitmiul wo whieh iy (11) ed to reli, Cis fonds eat ind these | to handle bending yee of ' increase the | How of Lile in the liver hinddey | the testing wiste 1m and gull Trp pier | uh wht brilliant | passed admitted to wind re | ues | Grader: il advertised goods can't stand the test MH fake goods are sold the public soon finds it out When they wet stung once by buy ing imitations of quality goods, that's gnonugh IT PAYS TO GET THE HABII or BUYING ADVERTISED GOODS, ASIATICS CANNOT SETTLE IN CANADA Government Puts Ban on) Immigration But Treaties Stand | OlLawi al 12 he com plete prolithition of all Aslutle im migration inte Canada except from those countries with which the Do minlon has A specinl Lranly, Bees ment oF convention vegidating im migration, 18 decreed tn an order fn-council passed on August 14 and tabled In the House of Com mons here yesterday hy Hon, We ley A. Gordon, Minister of Tmmigra tion The ovder-in in 102i eyelion wag given to Hon ame Asintics who pends oni iI gr ching 0 admit fide perl canned ie eh In wera ho EMBER 12, 1930 KILLS BEAR AFTER | killed 6 heny wfter un fist fight with ciul wetivities in the park. He will he vested with suthority of & po Hes magistrate Lo try casos under the Park Act and has been given jurisdiction over game and figh in the park, STERN FIST FIGHT Quebec Hunter Succeeds in| Overpowering Animal That Seized His Rifle Queboe, Beapt, 12=-Garard Vour nler, of We, Perpetue, in L'1slet, the animal in the woods near his home Vournler, whe had Kone hunting with some friends, let his companions go ufler some deer while he pleked herries While stooping down to plok blueberries, Fournier heard uo nolse and saw uw bear coming toward him at fall speed Grubbiug the ities which he had Inld down Lo pick the borries, Vournier took hin, but the hour, standing erect on hind paws, knoeked hie Fitle out of his grasp, leaving him wnnrined The only had ona for pw pparantly Jost hie is bey hinving auliurint Inhored farinle don tie parvinnt dar 14 wives oF children tun Giis) of any person nly ent in Cun samlssion f ul seh the wil of who har pravi prospect hud to comply witl Under the me ii fect the diserelionnry power withdrawn trom 1h The wmode ul From nnd nlter ) hii {hie Win al hy ton mel vit term Higa fun! ho It Fine inn iit of i Is hereby prohibited Provided not Apply to the bu gard Lu w thi re COunLEY In ore uperntion cine i Imigrat | ENLARGE POWERS OF PARK SUPERINTENDENT Eye Care and 'Eye Strain | by C. H, Tue ', Opt, D, (Copyright, 1028) MIGNIFICANCE OF OCULAR NYMIYTOMN, PART 10" Night blindness Is in some Cheon akin to a complaint occasionally met with, explained as a trouble in seeing comfortably on a dull ny Canes having some physical disorder or wenkness in poms cine when gelting over an oper wtion_ are slow to regain strength Where the phyatenl condition ia due to disense there js generally no improvement to vislon and the alm, If possible 18 to retain appre clable vislon That cane, how ever, due to physical weakness, muy regain vision to normal only upon the regaining of physlea! srendth to normal No canes of this nature should he neglected but an explanation of tha trouble should he sought Another com mon form of night hlindness ls ex perienced hy hyperople oy far wghted people who wen fairly strong lenses during the daytime I fs not wise to do without glasses at night but some of them claim to wee hetter This IN true with certain shortsighted people | belleve that the salest rule to follow in thelr "cases, in to have your eyes corrected with slasnes LO normal or as neal normal as possible and then put up with any other inconvenience an a peculiar iy, Ta he continued, » rem ADVERTISING SPACE BY JOB. HERS AND MANUFACTURERS IS NOT A SPECULATION, BUT A SUBSTANTIAL INVESTMENT, { thelr goods are quality goods und can stand the test, they should keep them before the public with anil advertising It will ereate a demand, It wilt anil the goods, It will make steady customers, , Wie odura the goods inte wh Yoild a business, Advertising is necessary to an business, No. business can succeed witheut it, Goods that can't be advertised ney: or get anywhere other In uw trap, und after knockin | this gun out of Fournier's proveiled the hunter | #ninin hi | Ponrnier strick l, i blow ald I up hinnd from re "Hon the bony n | id then with lov tho animul to bhaek | He piri i" point blaph Ihe (l | | | | | on the snniil | | allo I'heun catised ind partunn to IAI | 1p man who op up hi ml Lhe companion lien huetoned to him, and found the with Fournier Lent nuntey fio, hind Jaf il where | wor he ptinding CANADA TO U.S. Canadian Workmen Will Not Be Admitted Unless They Already Have Jobs 1. fiopt, 1 restriction of mn Lon, prt of laborer fexiecd are holy ad hy Pravident Hoov uinpouneed that sueh ay vio lik HED wolld have to ba taken In View unamployment 'nited Lite to the iowerion | lon in the ecord iy Plan will be In miley will sluee Tm migration visas to lio cannul show that the ire SIRE # | tructed to] w not become public charges on entry Into the United Blates, Those un able to show that they have some sort of occupation in sight will be denied admittance, under the new plan EXCHANGE 1S BASE FOR TRADF GAIN Country Cannot Build Up Exports While Prohibit. ing Imports (by Canndiun Press Leased Wire) wept, 1%==Atiributing tha present (rade daproegsion fo fatlire. of countries to axchanse | thelr haste products and manufac | tured goods, Major Leonard 11, | Cripps, C015, partner in a large | shipping flem at Liverpool, lng lund, and son of Lord Parwmoor, prexident the council in Pre miler Hameny MucDonald's cabinet, hind found miuny Canndinn men unable to grasp the principle that no INeransan "x Toronto, of nid he htigine simple eo aon! port ir Nn Yori s anomie Cannol resfige Is to parmit Im uid he found the not only In Cun Mion Cripp af prevalent the department's setion was in the Interest of fish conservation 6s u whole, and would be recognized an such, It was particularly des #igued to protect, the whitefish spawning grounds In the Huy Fay whters FRANCE. HAS MANY 'BIGGEST' THINGS Puts United States in Shade in Many Ways, Statis- tiviang Say The biggest In the po often lin been the rau shout wftey snchilevements In United Blatoy that the French have bean rather annoyed, Yel some of thelr jnqguiring minds of Inte have dug up world's records, When Disudoune Coste aud other Franch wees in past tmonthy brought, ek hult the world's alr records to France, patriotic staflsticians wdded to those uehlevementy thess other "heggest'" thing The Kiel Tower, highest tire in the world The higgorl yveinforced concrete byldee, wl Halpnt=Plorre-du-Yauvrap, Paris world "an the wlirvuey yl 1 wlio In United Stale that cnn bulld up nu large ox | port market while prohibiting 1m | mort 0 y ota I'h t hint county contended I'ar Instance, to sell Brituwin wt # pre I mde goods the busin [Hoy SN LARIRIT fit | fA wis thindn desire A | Civent price I must In pL Bri reasonnble price, on RESTRICT FISHING The blgroest mets] viaduct. of Viaur, In the Cevennes Mountains, The fastest electric train, from Bordenux to Bayonne, 124 miles | ut a shade under 60 milos an hour The bilgi aviation hangnrs of Orly The Liger Kel The on Lhe lon The virport al Le Botre cansd Marna enrchlik Just we a billion eane beam of ground ide higgest undey hone Just oul warful Vilariar most po that at Mount of Paris, developing ar spiny | VY OF UTE Effort Will Be Made to Pro- tect Whitefish During | Spawning dinn Viens Hon mine Ontario hn nn 1 of fleh In the Ba I he prohibited from to vembe i (hoth @) thi Yeur with: roenuad pro the Chnt whl wffording ine y the whitefish during period ft fishermen pecugtomed in Quinte waters will purtment of I thie Ontario od period | in wd ad the belief Br ar ee i ECE hace re cof way to sta Goods that are made to imitate ALL WEEK SHE WAITS FOR THIS And how much happier she has become, because Fred comes home by telephone now every week. He calls her every Sunday evening at eight-thirty. It is an hour she waits for and looks forward to all week long, It brightens days that had become a bit empty and lonely with the family scattered. rt a new week's work, How excited -- and how happy = she was the first-time she heard her son's voice come over the telephone from a distant city, Talking with him was as casy as though he were in the same room, It was something to remember and to cherish for days afterwards, begin at 7 begin at 8, know the Fred is happier, too, For the price of a movie he gets something no money can measure == his mother's voice = a touch of home. : It's a fine | | | Lonsed Wire) | Evening rates on "Anyone" (station-tosstation) calls now "Long Distance" the nume ber you want=it speeds up the service, "Information" will look it up for you, diepow und throwing | Hght oveér a hundred wu I The world's fustert cruluer Tourville I'he bigger! wireles nint Ai CATPOISONEIL BURY Winston ==It is bolleved that a cit«poleaner is nt work in the nt ection of tha city It Is learne that during the past week at least | threa cat | nelghbor wold ha baliaved | that the of | polsen woeertiin and it Is the victims a died were Almost as Good thal Pred Khig he | coutdn't get home for his holidays thin year, Hig mother was terribly disnppointed, Dut Fréd has made nmondu-he ealln his mother by long distance every dunday evens ing, His mother declny the week. ly talk In the next hest thing to fn visit, And, of eourss, it's much loss expennlve founag Lm. Night vates 0 pom. Just give If you don't distamt number, M. BLACK. «Manager

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