Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 cong in contact with the women of Trades and Labor Congress of POL Ia 4g op BN Eg I Canad, in formally opening the ; i AA ; EA pi yh Vil bio. other lands und renlized us never fe 46th annual convention of (hat : ay ty hil Rh Viiv 7 Wry fure how much the inhabitants of ¢ i ¥ ff ey, 3 5 I rH we ¢ those commtrie can bring us mm hody lieve, i: ! 4 SK A CONN { INM; WITH Keferving to unemployment, one : k (Fe 1500 Ne si Shit yi PA wenlih | § ition, ll eiviligntion > of the outstanding subjecty Lo be z nds bd Me 4 aad Kamer " und eulture when they come to make L (§) | . . in need, My Mure axpressnd ' I Wi Ws Ta WE fl i . : . thew homes here, gilts that she felt emon ) | the belief that there should be ) $ A Ah A ' / hold make ol Crna, ti the, th : , CANADIAN no provincial barriers (o the job ¥ 7 lh aur Tle 4 greatest nntion In the world FOR FINE FURNITURE PIANOS £1¢ ' lens, "The man who 1s oul of work / { v ' ghould be uble to Journey freely Y A LOG CABIN WAS CLEANS = wv «Ramoves that Aull flim, New Stations Complete Cir. from one provines to another to p ' pA Pw, - y HOME OF GOVERNOR | sEAvTIFIRS-] Ve original beauty of find employment," ho said, ""I'hore ' § { hive baen and sill are cones | oh . ; enzie River d ; - ---- cuit From Mack where provinces hur the workloss | ' pe / 1 Varomte, Chit opt 11 I . 1 p we w= lmpars » radiant, lasting lustre, " . hy ) : Hw ¢ 4 Lk d g to Port Arthur Jam her Siovinon wi otadtiey ps 4 fd " " cory little home dor a planeer, hut LL BURE ITS HAWLES ' Hoi RKre = d ) " § Bye sy 4 op es ' one cin scarcely une uw Lvovernoy ployment «Is regarded an un nn d . : LI ns {7 Wagon holding come in wo Ini n dwel Hogal nutans ol . J Soetunial i J ' by i p v ling," commented tha visitor 10 the | three other per sor in an eurly turs has, hbwever, heen rumored problem yi proving In rontlers : . 4 York Pioneers und Historical Society | orming win battle many times whoule 1 eliminator | 1 4 Log Cabin, uw somee ol interest . ( ' In the motion of the Wt, We stati history losers at the Canadian | emis om | i ti VEY RET a i eae a il a el: avenues of communication with the Var North have heen eompleiad with the instalintion of radio sins ' 14 1 un Coronm tiong #1 Copperming, on ns es : : : GL £ | -- " wif, and of Hudson Hiraits, g vitbiomil Exhibition his old tog ' jlo ul os 8 announcement by The photo shows (he pew "Arne (sents of the plots arvanged side Wind the other, The steering | G00 TEE LE BEE SEL ) : Councll. yesterduy dectded to call etn! 5 4 / 10" ronlane eloped Ger ly i ther ary mechanism In done by the hands, | 00 en Hip homie aye o un international conference tor 1 do" aevoplane, developed in Gers (hy side and not as In other aero. 4 i hen Hn | 4 suppression of the cou ®erfeiting Wartime Marine the Department of Mark No fool contro are used yhoo | 1000 EE with n 4 s completion of tha new " ot the. ue " an interconnect OF WORD COURT many Phin nevoplane Lins the plunes where the sets are one hos | ever ol J the bead of Castle Prank 4 Xe puppromion "of tha cou® | | vention wslgned here in 1924 : round Canada -- A -------- -------- ---------- -------- . d meets of a directo vas held | conven ing radio chain around §) . --" ------ as -- w-- neeting the direction is COUNCIL EXPIRES hig conference, 1 wag intimated, 1 0 BT 1) first meeting : ron ! eHNg ¢ will meat ne onrly as possible in am Lhe Mackenzie River, In the ' Arete to Port Arthur vinning vin {won an chief Conservative para Wentern Canndinn farmers, | or whether Vieh could donfincate | airhant ut of Upper Canada, On X : | i J Coppermine to the Hudson Biraits Cuba Wins Campaign to| mentary whip, Mr, limpson, who | stated My, Beatty, in the course of | the Fisher brothers' fish might pleture Mrs, Sinwee: sitting b . division, thence down the ssl const represents Algoma West, stceends | un toterview, must he prepared 10 ' the fireplice: rocking the cradle, or | Irish Free State and South of Labyadoer to an Atlante division Prevent Immediate Func: | vimuel Charters, member for [capture that enormous market hy DANDURAND STILL perhaps, sitting by the litle window | Afri td - ! : rica Aspiring For . y Wt, Lawrence ehain ' ' P'anl, who has resigned the post producing the finest wheat in the . a dating. the Eres 4 5 | 22.3 a mm bo She Pr CARI tioning of Body The position of chief Conserva: | world at prices that will give them LEADER IN SENATE is i pik ple uhddif V > Britain Plans New ! . tye whip held hy General A, D b chance to well thelr whent to he boi League acancy { Di t Parl isarmamen ariey | | the new yony esides tha main (ransmitiers, B United ¥iates in competition with \ Ottawa, Se Hon, Raoul which will he uged for communis Cieneva ent, Il, Cube Was fp MeRaa 1s Hkely to remain in 1 i cating with vessels and sending ims | Won hor campaign to prevent the | present state, Rumor has it (hist | other whent-growing countries of Dinard will continue ny lender |Mob Forces Jail lund I y Geneva, Switzerland, | Sept | portant weather observations (0 immediate coming' into force of | Gener! Mellie may he appointed | the world of the Libera) members of the kn the Marine Department, both stuns] the protocol for the revislon of the | to the flvst vacaney in the senile | Methods of husiness mann ge we, 1 was decided yesterday ul | and Lynches Negro tions will he equipped with radio: world court statute, The question | tov Weitlsh Columbia and resume | ment aud wns production would telephone broadeasting equipment | was refervad to a committes of | ehnvge of the party's activities mw ha essentinl, declared My, Bonity, AL stated times edch day messages | three for further study dev Premler I, 1 Bennett before | adding thet gronp operation would and news will he transmitted for Virtually nll the other members | the next general election ennbla farmers to prodies the the benefit of trading posts, miss | of the Leagua had Indicated will I'n lhkelthood | that Goneral {| wheat economlenll) sions and settlements tn each aren, | INEness for the veviged statute to | Melos will not go to London uns Iodon't mean common owner Canudo's term ns uw membay of tha | counell of the Leagus of Nations POLY enue During the lax terminnios on Monday, Therenfiag pariinment Banton Dundurand Carien i PI | e fas Ir Hoher! Borden, the Dominion Wilh government lender of the sen £ muching WHS IONE Cd y delugnte, will paritcipate only In mo ound wn minister whhoyt port treets, un armed band of tie ed | mactings of the nasxembly I follo tn the Mackensln King cabis | | vay Into the M rh an The Irish Free State in so (ar | Hendeps b heeretu tering ni i Grors tha only British dominlon to sabe | Foreign nnouneed lust ni Grant. 40 { 4 ire ald mt wn cundidite for the eounctl Lo summon aw general disarm {st Hrit Hit net | no provision raquiving continuons | | nnderstood tht I prema! - B N A A DIVIDES sossion of the court or the ground | plans contemplate a trip to Mouth that: there Ig not enough business | orn Franes and pain AAD N A to keep the conrt ocenpled the year CANADA, DECLARE | 255i" +5 pre 1.8.0, AS NOTED LABOR MAN simpson NAMED WHEAT IMPORTER stunt pot HURT, | Businesses Represerited at FELL OUT OF BED Which Grandmothers of Tom Moore Decries Pro: | N ) . 1 : ' Ld h 'E. W. Beatty Declares Far. -- as Present Generation Wouid vincial Bars to Unem. TORY HOUSE WH | mers Should Co.operate | Y*1eran stunt 'vitor, who uwed ih; Have Looked Aghast ployed Seeking Work ! : hattonsl air race ero vith wel . "hut | do mean thres .or four or killing 1 1 wi YRCRNeY, Bouth Africa's candians' conference some time next veus five farmer keting together an | ] 1) el " [1 L i ) Inrge enough roup to cary the | jo v | CARI avarhend of the best form machin V | J JN J TY, Using tractors, drills and enm EE AT CONE, LUNCHEON UTNE | | [ hacome effective, (ybu ohjactag to] Canadian Heh Commissioner It hip for farms ut all hes stated, Jui! ' | | | | | | tional fHghts on an antiginted | | €2 : in Groups | " - : iver. | General McRae Will Prob. srouy | yoiane (Odi? War ROTI I by nent Fay hi X i a 2 wn Houen ] men Lad the same vislop as thal ably Retain Post of Chief Remi i I | hroken ril possessed hy our plonser fathers " z . stnitify of the United Rtaten be the British North Amerion Art | Conservative Whip [nomming » wheat importing Faih, would hea revised As al present | than a wheat exporting nation wa He fell aut of bed constituted, it in dividing Canada Ciitawni Chveial a [em ad hera hy KW, Bast instead of uniting 1," said Tom nouncemegnt made vesterduy | K ( president of the inet HEAVY TERMS FOR | 1 i ' 4 Moora of Ottawa, president of the ' of the appointment of TI. ¥, Blmp= Pacific Rallwa a - \ eommitier of -- | of he presen generation woul Were You Among the Thousands? [Two Had Admitted Thefts i. | akhist. And ir bt 9 in Four Towns Near | " : n Ha yo hi Jhb Every day; lor fourteen days, at the Canadian National Exhibition, thousands were de. ; Kitchener { speakers ineluded r ; lighted with the wonderful flavour and quality of Kara Coffes and Royal York Tea. Hn \ cently returned fr Iy All agreed that no finer Tea or Colfes could he obtained at any price, If you were not { national Couneil-im \ien fortunate enough to try the Tea and Coffee at the Exhibition--order an pound to-day Kitchens ! 1 I'm \ rn 1 INDarte from your Superior Chain Store and you, ten, will agres that- ol outhful burglars: who last week | tdmitted theft in Gnlt, Preston o : ih int ! WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WEEK-END SPECIALS | EEE Hie pet ltems for Week Ending September 17, 1930 Fontaine Wan River ) igh iiigl wnt SLI fo ROYAL YORK Lealand WHIZ NEW FALL Crnpp, 24, also of this eity was |, yar dda ili i ORANGE FPEKOE Sweet Mixed | KOVED VOArs | | ili red A | y jawaelary Horm In Pres \ Ch he . se Ae MF th TEA PICKLES Fly Fume iid the government nino tor \ rained relations when nt imira suffered tha . Iarke oy first instituted. Wor 30 oz Jar 45¢ 8 oz bottle ...., a So a aie we 4 w. §5¢ 16 ox. bottle... Competition With protes machinery, decayin Se | il vo reat pane glass MS: Filme Planned ce, proection" diem eens . y i Ri TT Bg Saigo evtenn. Bene ttt oe | iw ant nee vided how ibby s Pork and Beans 2 tor I9¢c ford Grey stripes, Plain Greys or Fancy Tweeds, nan and French film compante workers make fon ' Kigos O08 to 48, Week End Special | o gradpally assuming propor || | PFOSPEFOUS Cont MEDIUM SIZE TINS Na Whérs they ean hopa to com | the speak ed ale with United Mates movie in Inthe past vear more than 18000 4 EEL SI gl A BTL i Blige KEEN'S Mion: Saediovs: Kuiniiis Hawes' \'ajor Fred J, Ney of Winnipeg | Fhere were S000 women worker ° verntive secretary of the Nation: | found fn practgally every line Sh us ar Ih LEMON OIL wo Counetl of ¥ducation hid even met with women sawyes nt | oi 1 1h Hue Rose® Rice, Fim weeks," tn he obuerved | Ax they were in all branches, meas | during the coming Winter, have | ores regarding women were extreii 14's Cc rown Loaf Cheese, 1b A} 12 ox. Bottle Cc been organised for all paris of |! mpor ant Ihvess and faxhion Canada hy the Council of Educa prove problems; for the "long bob Hiller fon The "fim weeks," four In| had produced 1wo serious accident Pure Raspherr Jam, numher, will ha for the showing tet watch was ceded that hal 8 > ] y Fall Topcoats [of motion pletures. mude In Cans [he tightly bound. Onl 50 child Finest Pasteuvized Croamery 0 oz jut : FAMILY BLEND | ada, Nritaln, India and Gerniany, | workers (under 14 vears) wera Tound ) i New Topeoats specially priced for Friday | {Hat Voas Butter Cascade Salmon, Fir ' Extra Quality | it, or 2 | and Saturday, Rich Tan shades, Greys Vivid preture of an actiticial flow and Fancy Mixtures, in Herringbones, | in vondustry which had had 100 wir Plums. Avi Green Gage Overchecks, Tweeds or Plain Patterns Bu von Taronte bhetore 1921, when | il I ee Al the popular styles, Niges 04 to 44 lipments from foreign conntries he | Ibs. Gee DEY Un : : t Pure Lard, Ib Week End Specials " can to enter the country, and which | $12.75 $14.75 $19.75 FOR NOVA SCOTIA Bs To a St GOLDEN BANTAM GRANULATED Ponng 39c¢ m-- ; -- | Premier Announces Legisla- font ky hese! neni on RN ---- NAVY BLUE SUITS tion to This End Will Be EE Sra flows hat Take COX tin Sugar Ammonia Introd Soo The greatest values yet, Pure Wool Navy Hue Norge, uced . n best. Then had come the foreign on Guarantond Indigo Dye, vichly lined, pesfectly talloved and Sydney, N.S, Sept, I I i iT 1 Jap, Wiese J i properly finished Single or double hoasted Wades, Rise lation regarding an wight hour day LA Ne ey and \ HBT ; Bibi 2 FOR C 2 P 8s, is tn ' Npecia 4 " pecial for lahor in Nova Hcatia will be | |, nts fd a the wage, But i OJ8 cents a AY Wad Ie Wage " Surdines, Brunswick, 4 for FAT $2 oO Udroducud ut the Loud seston of there would be no need to raise the the provineis! leglalature, Pramier : \ | wice of the Canadian product if the q r s 5 Go 8. Harvinkton announced at the pls o ob hala Hi adiquate SUPERIOR STORES feing Sugar, 3 1b 400000 30 M ic A ---------------- a : conference on unemploy ment al and 2000 people might he given em FEATURI Queen Oliver, Mason Jars, ag PIN STRIPES AND OXFORD GREY te Sout Gute wre made ployment Might women nat take Weston's Beh. iiiinns . dle Wak the trouble to ask for a Canadian . following a demand "hy lologn: ; atinabiae \ RN B k P d 4 § ORSTED SUITS How of steal Woltuors that the eight product Po was the speaker's conclus Redeem your Exhibition Fags a mg ow er bdr A Biscu ts 0 Cake Mixture Coupons at RECOMMENDED RY The popular choice of ¥ Mo hone day be put into effoot, Mrs, Horace Parsons told of Budus Popular cholea of Young Men and Men, Now patterns Premier Harvington announced Superior Stores, SUPERIOR STORES "ALWAYS FRESH" NM (Successful Baking Assured) pest and Prague obliterating shins and designs in smartly tallored, hand shed w p ; 3 y \ fished suits, AN that na relief measure, work on foiogiaily and erecting fine tenements outstanding values in styles and sizes for men and f ' 3 3 Young the highways In Cape Rreton \ In } a nen Very Specially Priced 4 { A with low vent, In Hungary there are ' ¥ would ha continued throughout | © villages with tiny cottages of a the autumn monthy, Comfort ¥oap, 4 for 7 2 one or two rooms where old people v vap, . B Ki $19. 5 $24.50 $ 9.50 Delugates attending She ie may work at their evafts, The pots [4 ¢a Christie's Ginger buaps, ee st once ava from the oity and all sup i 3 \ erin ! 2 Pounds ,. rived -- -- ---- wo ------------ rounding mining townm terion und laces or embroideries are ( PURE CLOVER HONEY sold for the henelit of the aged works Aylmer Choice Peas, No. 4 Barker's Fruit Cake, 214 Pound Tin 38¢ NEW FALL HATS . . ' crn ab the little shop in the village Per plees 1, Via 4 Sounds Fishy, But In Prague, grem hy building peor 10¢C Macaroni, Ready Cut, PURE CLOVER HONEY : : Re ' which Mrs, Parsons describes as cons yb Shu 19 ) TS New Colors, New Styles and New Values ave offered in { An OE | Is Declared Truth Rt fil hii ia OOF tin ¢ pounds vo 5 Pound Tin «viii. 88e the new "Hrocksmade! Hats, Snap brim, Welt edge \ Pd ! A ------ ofl hy Magarak as an ideal home for or roll brim styles, Unlined or silk lined. All sizes a a : [ Partland, Ore, Sept. 1 This | childeen, lone people or aged couples, ------ BET -- vv § -- may sound fishy but it's vouohed [with facilities tor education and work CESS \ I ily B d $3.50 - $3.95 " $4.95 for an true, From al this Mes. Parsons felt PRIN St. Charles ran Re Kenneth and John Plaher were [ Canadian women might note the w-- ra -------- . re arvested hy Avt Fish, deputy flab | principle of making products of hea, oap _-- y MIX JK Chicken warden ohavged with possessing {ty and value for the world while 9 : Tt \ unlawfully a truck load of fish, [raising the ceonote standard by |B : A E Fish weld AL Rishburn onlled his | home and factory industry a es {GHAR Haddie At oftice to report the Fisher broth. At the International Day Luncheon . 'RE | " ? KING STREET EA ' ; | wa ue atk loaded (th fal upset, | Mrs. Wilson, President of the Na With Trial Package FREE \ por 2 ST ACHE TYT 0 Fluhers sald they | tional Council, touched on the pride : Fag ; wore fishermen, but lah put the | the. council fe i fernationn large 23 2 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE PHONE 1110 N Heh In oold storage until ™ ono afhiations, atl nara cnal the ¢ ; tin ¢ decided whether the fieh the Flab: [in Vienna this vear, when nearly 30 er brothers possessed were thelva! Canadian women had the privilege of A -------------------- NA Sr

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