Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Sep 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 PAGENINE™ GIRLS' ATHLETIC MEETING PROVIDES THRILLING GAMES AND RACES Toronto and Hamilton Girls Win Major Honours in First Day of Oshawa Athletic Meet Rose Grosse-O"Neill Wins Open Century -- Eva Dawes Takes High Jump ~Betty Taylor Tops Tim- bers in Fine Style to Win 60-yd. Hurdle Race--Lily Weeks Wins Local Dis- trict 100-yd. Race--Guy "Sailor" Luke Is Double Winner, 100-yd. and 440. yd. Races (By Geo, Campbell) Bright coloured uniforms, eo- thuslastic crowds, the bark of the starter's gun, the crunch of spiked shoes on the cinder paths and the thrill of brilliant victories, all con- tributed to the complete sugcess of the first day of the first fthletic meet held on Oshawa's smart naw quarter-mile cinder track, The firls' meet wag hold yester- day and It was certainly a very successful affair. From first to last everything went along smoothly and the Interest of the large crowd was kept at fever pitch throughout the entire afternoon. No world's records or Canadian marks were broken but some excellent 'times' were made by the different contert- ants, The time or merk for each event is now the Oshawa Track record for thar particular event, Favorites Come Through Toronto, Hamilton, Oshawa and many other centres of Ontario were represented in yestirday's events, In practically every event, the fav- orite came through ip fine style to win the handsome Silver Trophy The winner of each event received a Silver Cup, the members of the winning relay .eams, each receive ing a replica of the Trophy won by their team. Each pcrson taking second place received « beautiful silver medal, of the plague tyve and the third prize was a bronze medal, Rose Grosse O'Neill won her heats quite readily and then flashed a burst of speed to win the final of the Girls' 260 Yd, open race, in fine style, Eva Dawes took frst place in the High Jump with a leap of five feet, one-half inch, Conny Coulson of Canadian Ladies' was a close second, 1, Miller took third in this event, Pretty Detty Taylor, of the Hamilton Olyinple Clufgowonithe: 0 0=yd. hurdies, This event created a great deal of inter. est. Dallag Creamer and Alice Stone also figured prominently in the day's events, Local Athletes Do Well The showing of several of the local athletes was a pleasant sur- prise to a great many of the local sport fans. Lily Weeks, youthful local sprinter, earned the applause of the large crowd hy her splendid performance. She won the Durham and Ontario Century for Girls. Lena Watson, of Whitby, tnok second place In this event, Marion Kay and 1. McDonald also made a good showing, Guy "Sailor" Luke was the most successful of the loe- al entrants, having the honor of being a double wnner. He made a splendd finish to nose out H, Colmer of Bowmanville, In the Boys 100 Yds. for Durham and Ontario and in the 440 event, of the same class, he grabbed off an early lead and ran a fine race to take first place by a comfortable margin in the good time of 58 peconds flat, H, Colmer was second in this event, Parkdale Ladies A.C. showed their ability to run relay races, by taking first place in the Junior and Senior relays and second place in the Intermediate class. Canadian ladies A.C, won the intermediate relay race. ; Taken all in all, it was one of the best meets ever to he held in this city and was a eredit to those who were in charge, Everything points to an even more succesafnl meet this afternon, when the male athletes of the province will hold sway, THE RESULTS Event No. 1,. First Heat of 100 , Yards Open--Dallas Creamer 1st. and Margaret LaChappelle, 2nd, 2nd Heat--1st, Violet Hodd and Grace Rainey, 2nd, rd Heat--1st, Rose Grosse O'- Neill and Alice Stone, 2nd, 4th Heat---~Margaret Coles 1st, and Irene Holller, 2nd. 6th Heat--1st, Grace Morrison and 2nd, Hazel Wilson, Event No 2,--Girls' High Jump, Open, 1st, Eva Dawes, Toronto Ladies, Height, 6 ft, % Inch, 2nd, Con- ny Coulson, Canadian Ladies. 3rd, Jo, Miller, Hamilton Olympics, Event No, 3,~100 Yards, Boys under eighteen, Durham and On- tario Counties, 1st, Guy Luke, H, Colmer, Bowmanville; Hodgson, Oshawa, Event No, 4, 100 Yards, Girls, Ontario and Durham Counties, 1st Heat---1st, Lily Weeks; 2nd, I. McDonald, 2nd Heat -- 1st, Lena Watson; 2nd, M, Kay, drd Heat --- M, Henderson 1st, and Annie Fisher, 2nd. Event No, 6. 100 Yards Open, Semi-Final, Ist Heat--1st, Dallas Creamer; Znd, Alice Stone, 2nd Heat--Rose Grosse O'Neill 1st and Margaret Coles, 2nd, Fvents No, 6 and 10, Girls' 60 Yards Hurdles, Open-----Final, 1st, Betty Taylor, Hamilton Olymples; 2nd, Roxy Smith, Park. dale Ladies; 8rd, Margaret La- Chappell, Canadian Ladies, ° Event No, 7, Boys' 440 Yards. Under Eighteen, Ontario and Dur- ham Ist, Guy Luke, Oshawa, 2nd, Harold Colmer, Bowmanville; rd, C. Bartlett, Oshawa, o Event No, 8, 100 Yards, Girls, Ontario and Durham---Final, ist, Lily Weeks, Oshawa, 18.2; 2nd, Lena Watson, Whitby; 3rd, I, MeDonald, Oshawa, Event No. 0. Girls' 100 Yards, Open---Final, 1st, Rowe Grosse O'Neill, Toron- to Ladies, 12. flat, 2nd, Dallas Creamer, Parkdale Ladles; 3rd, Alice Stone, Unafiached, Event No, 11--Girls' Junior Re- ay Oshawa; 2nd, rd, M. Ist, Parkdale Ladies, Toronto; 2nd, Hamilton Olympics; 3rd, To- ronto Ladies, Time, 53.1, Event No. 12, Girls' Interme- diate, 440 Yard Relay. Ist, Canadian Ladies, 2nd, Parkdale Ladles, drd, Chosen Friends, Time, 64.2 Event No Yard Relay, 1st; Parkdale Nadies, 2nd, Canadian Ladies, Time, 58.1, OFFICIALS Referee--P, J, Mulqueen, Starter-- John (Duke) MeGarry., Chief Judge--C, FE. Higginbottom, Judges--C, "M, Mundy, Ress Me- Kinnon, W, J, D'Alesandro, W. M, Gilbert, Chief timekeeper--Alby Robinson, Assistant timekeepers--H., W, Nie. oll, Sam Leonard Field judges--=Sheriff George Hezzelwood Clerk of course--Art Flack, Assistant clerks--George Walsh, Dr. W, H. Gifford and Leon Osier, Chief Scorer and announcer--M, McIntyre Hood Assistant scorers--Robert Holden and Grant Smith, Prize Steward--F. Parsons, Toronto; Toronto; Oshawa. 13, Girls' Senior 440 Toronto Toronto; Paxton and Leafs Lose Last Home Game of Year Toronto, Sept, 11,.-The home season of the Maple Leafs was brought to a close at the Stadium yesterday afternoon, the O'Neill. men taking a 6-1 beating from the Montreal Royals, There was noth- ing of an unusual nature to mark the proceedings. The Leafs were soundly beaten and after the third inning were never in the ball game, Only a couple of hundred fans at- tended and the majority of them appeared to be glad when 1t vas over, The Leafs could rot hit "Lefty" Classet effectively in the pinches while the Royals, alded hy the wildness of Joe Samuels and , Kyle Graham, had a pe CAREW LUMBER (© 1 ATHOI IW pH fs a : New Martin © | NOW PLAYING 'Sally O'Neil "KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN" Irish Romance SISTER'S PEST Comedy CHINESE FLOWER BOAT 8) mphony in Color his s little difficulty running up a score, The game marked the end of what has been one of the poorest seasons in a financial way that the Toronto Club has evar experianced, the attendance has been gradually falling off since midseason, and recent games, even double-headers, have attracted only a handful of fans, Yesterday's game was a long, draggy affair, which took over two hours to play, MNourteen bases on balls were issued by the trio of pitchers, "Lefty" Classet handed out six, as did Joe Samuels during his seven innings of mound duty, while Kyle Graham, who worked the last two innings, issued a couple in the ninth that helped the Royais to three runs, Galt Jrs. Put Out Toronto Kiwanis Galt, Sept. 11 «Despite the fact that they gave their poorest uxhihi. tion of the year, the Robin Hoods Jofeated the Toronto Kiwanis in the second game ol their series in the O.B.A.A, junior semi-finals here last night, 8-7, and will meet the Northern winners for tha On. tario championship. Catcher 'Buss' Dennett's home run drive in the eighth wou the game for Galt. 1 gers, Fergus Juniors Put St. Kitts Out of the 0.A.L.A. Jr. Race Fergus, Sept, 11 Fergus jun- fors gained the right to meet Brampton in the O.A. L.A, finals by virtue of their 4 to 2 victory over St. Catharines here yesterday af- ternoon, The play was little dif- ferent to that digplayed at the 4- all battle in Bt, Catharines last week, but the locals used thelr weight to good advantage and wera able to outplay the speedy visitors, The local defence functioned well in front of the. goalkeeper, and their attacking team-mates scored enough tallies to win the game, Oshawa Lawn Bowlers Have Big Tourney W. Hogarth's rink, of St. Mat thew's Club, Toronto, was success ful in winning the John Stacey Cup at the annual Fall Tournament of the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, which was held yesterday, The Tor onto rink scored a total of 75 points in three games to win the trophy The tournament was run on the point system, Oshawa, Port Hope, Co bourg, Whitby, Newcastle, Port Perry and Toronto Clubs were all represented in the tourney which was considered one of the best ever held G. Wright's rink, Oshawa, won sec ond prize with three wins for sixty points, W, Mitchell's rink, Cobourg, took third place with 2 wins for fif- Young for took fort ty-six points while C, fourth place wth | win points. The scores; Whitby W. Cook 1J R Port Hope H. McTaggart 18 J Port Hope D. Macmillan .18 A Port Hope H. Rosevear ...9 F Oshawa E. Goodman Toronto W. Hogarth 16 1 Whithy S. H, Burgess 1] ( Newcastle Dr. Butler 13 W Cobourg Fisher Port Hope Young Oshawa Comrie Bowmanville Moore Oshawa Cochrane Bowmanville Goold Port Hope Flood Oshawa Stenhouse Oshawa Goold Port Per: D, Carnegie Cobourg Oshawa Mitchell 14 Wright Second Draw Cook . 12 Goodman Butler Jl Fluker Gould -, vo 18 Goold Stenhouse 7 MacMillan Moore Comrie Flood Cochrane McTaggart Hogarth Rosevear Sturgess ......16 Carnegie Young Draw Hogarth Goodman Wright Fluker Comrie vii iB Nurgess G8 Butler vei Xi Caok oad M 20 McMillan Stenhouse Young Flood , Goold Mitchell Rogevear McTaggart Winner Hogarth Brampton Excelsiors Will Have For Series With Hamilton | ,,., Brampton, Sept, 11--Excelsiors are taking no chances with Hamilton Ti- champions of the OALA Senior B, and are practicing twice this week in preparation for the game, Unfortunately, in last night's practice they lost the services of Rill O'Hearn, capable substitute fielder, who suffered a broken nose from a fast-thrown ball, Tt is not likely that Teddy Reeve will he able to play in Saturday's game, either, Reeve is in bed with the summer flu and this illness takes time for com plete recovery, Sproule, who brok: 4 bone in his ankle in the second Mann Cup game, will also be an ab- sentee, But the Excelsiors have nineteen players on their roster and if necessary can use one or two of the clever juniors, They are con- fident of heating Tigers, not only at Rosalea, but in Hamilton, on the fol lowing Saturday, Brampton Intermediate. Win First Game of Round in Campbellford by 5.2 Brampton defeated Campbell ford on the latter team's grounds yesterday In the first game of thelr O.A.L.A, Intermediate play. off series by § to 2, The winners went into the lead early and were never headed. By half time the winners were leading by 8 to 0, 4 Leo. Diegel is 14] 4 | | Association championship In Weakened Team | second round PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Canrsmy, Sports Bdiler Girls' Meet a Big Success The Girls' section of the Oshawa Fair Track and Field Meet, held yesterday afternoon, proved a great success, The feature of the pros gram wis the speedy and efficient manner in which the events were run off, The spectators were given no opportunity to become hored with long waiting, The entire program was run off in record time, Rose Grosse O'Neill, Eva Lawes, Betty Taylor were three of the popu lar winners in the open events, Lily Weeks, Oshawa's speedy littl girl sprinter, copped first place in the Girls' 100-yd, race for Durham and Ontario entries, Guy "Sailor" Luke smart races, to take first place in both the 100-yd and 410-yd Durham und Ontario counties ran two events for boys of ¥ . Ss ¥ Parkdales Win Softball Tourney Malleables and Whitby Rovers met in the first game of the and the Rovers had a little tough luck or they might have advanced They were only beaten by two runs, 8 to 6, All the games were close, Parkdales of Toronto, defeated their city rivals in the second game by 4 to 2, Parkdales scored their win tourney to the second round, dupremes, ning runs in the last inning and in the final game they scored the winn- the Malleables put up «a and wer The the overtime to 10 members of counter in second inning of Hig just nosed out hy 11 finalists each the individual It was a good softhall tournament and all the great hight received a trophy and team each re cpurate well worth seeing, the final being an exceptionall ceived a prize interests HAINES Were ing battle * » * » Men's Meet This Afternoon male athletes of Ontario and district will hold sway hould crowd than was on hand thie this alter The noon and the attract an even larger which have ever worn Canada's colours, When turned in, no doubt most of the following names will be found among Art Win, Connolly, Robert Stoddart, Alex Jolin King, Art Keay, Harold smallacombe, Local Engel, RB. Colme ha yesterday best athlete toda ome ol will be seen in action the final results are Ravensdale, Eddie Reynolds, Fred Bartlett, W ew the Wilson, Wm Webster, Billy ha 1), Maundrel, IZ, Northam picked all the winner ton, Brant Little, Sargent, Gordon Connors, W. we do hese are only a and not claim to winners . » » * Aarabs Play Monday and Wednesda) We now have something definite about the Oshawa vs. Peterboro (.G.] The frit game will be played in Oshawa Motor City Stadium on Monday Peterbhoro on the Western winners for Arabs At last! Aarabs here and the second of next week following Wednesday I'l at the game will be played in winners of this series will meet the the Ontario championshiy It will be a tough battle but the are going to title, . . " * Chevs, va, Owen Sound Tomorrow When you go to the Oshawa tonight, remember one thi least fifteen cent home so that Owen Sound Ladies' softball game tomorrow Stadium to start at 600 o'clock the Wawanel the first are determined ty stretch the series to make a real bid for. the Fair able tu pg night shar) Leave at sat on will be Oshawa at the Motor Ihe Chey to the City which is defeated as in game by only one and tl "Wawa Be on hand te give the Oshawa team your support Tuy thre games BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Rochester ........}¥ 8 Baltimare 6h Montreal (1) Out of Runing Flushing, N.Y., Sept, 11 Harold Sampson, a tall, slight Californian, who cannot hit a golf ball very far, but is very, vary straight, yes terday had his hour of golf glory when he removed the champion from the Professional Golfer's the Newark ' ' Nd Buffalo Ah Reading 0h Jersey City 1 Yesterday's Results Montreal fi Toronto Newark 10 Raltimora Buffalo 28 Rochester Jersey City i Reading AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost 04 47 «RR A? +19 hh +78 AT AT 12 St. Louls Bh 8d Cafeago ee PR 1 | Hoston " al Yesterday's Results Philadelphia Washington ., Chicago Cleveland . NATIONAL, LEAGUR Won Lost + +80. Bd} sasensnesi8 BD 10 60 sanrnaadd? M1 PIADUPE svn vasa Tl 08 BOSON: viv eiean 8 78 Cinelnnati vA RO Philadelphia ,,..,.46 02 Yesterday's Results Brooklyn ,..8 Chicago ..... St, Louis ....5 New York Boston ,....6 Pittsburg ,. Philadelphia & Cincinnati Diegel he had to go the trick The Sampson defeated [00 up, although #8 holes to turn ab-year-old pro. of 'he Burlingame Country Club sent u 123-fool putt spinning home for a hirdie three at the second extra hole and the man who has heen champion for two years, and always a threat in this classic competition, was oli minated NOTED CRICKETER , 1S FOUND DEAD London, Sept, 11,=~Major Aubren Faulkner, famous South African ericketer, was found dead yesterday in a gas-filled room connected with the ofMce in his cricket school in Fulham, The gas radiator was turned on and all the doors and windows of the room shut, Maulkner's voice was well known to wireless listeners for his broad: cast eriticlams during the test matches and 'move recently (or the discussions hetween himsel! and Jack Hohba on cricketers and erick. et, The school with whieh "aulk- ner was connected for the past six years wan largely used by public school boys for training. Po Philadelphia Washington New York Cleveland Detroit Detroit St, Louis ,. Rosten New York ,, 7 Chicago 8, Louis Brooklyn New York POTATO SEED TREATED PC, Mal 8d HEH) Toronto f ie hitl 7 148 ER 187 a7 MAT A420 EN NEA] 482 96 An A440 P.O, N80 NE N68 AHR A118 A064 A07 A 0 THE vad veal vend Ingersoll Intermediates ° Win From Harrow by 6-4 Leamington, HSapt, 11,-=High- grade reliet pitching by Beemer, coupled with a lapse In Lhe defen: give of their opponents, gave the Ingersoll team a 6-4 win over ths Harrow intermediate series open- er hetween the two teams Heomer went to Rabbitt Marshall's relief in the third frame when Harrow hod taken a 4-1 jend, and of the 21 hitters who faced him 16 were dig posed ofr via the strikeout route, His fast ball, mixed with a wide- breaking curve, had the ¥ekex County men swinging wildly, Herdl man, on the mound for IHarrow, twirled almost as good a "wand of ball ag Beemer and whiffed 11 In- gersoll hatters, Local Tennis Tournament First Round The following is the result of the first round in competition for Ross MeKinnon Trophy in the men's singles. of the Oshawa Tennis club annual fall tournament. This cup was held for the first time by Erie Vesey who defeated Harold Hainer in the finals last year. Both Vesey and Hainer are again competing lor the trophy this year the IZ, Vesey deefated George Fletcher 6-0, 6-2 DD, MeKinnon Anderson Len Corne defeated 0-4 defaulted to Carol Mckenzie, 6-1, AMeck Waderlow defaulted to A W. Armstrong Dr, Langmaid del mont, G-1, 6:3 A Annis Hainer George Jamieson Weyerich, 6-0, 6-0 Dir McMullen Snowden 6-4, 6-1, Stewart Alger Stevens 6:0, 6-1 Dr. Harding len, 6:4, 1:6, 6-3 1. Conant defeated B, Granik 2-6, 6-3 6-2 RR. Robinson defeated P, K sold 6:2, 6-4 I. Fishleigh defeated 'I 6-1, 6-1, 1), Holden defeated J. Deummond 2:6, 6:3, 8-6 J, Lis defeated | Ge. 6-2 Hurold Hainer 6:0, 6-2 ated KR Lave defaulted to Murray defeated Cyril defeated Ronald defeated Harvey defeated CC, Carscal Bun Rowlands Stewart 2-6 defeated A, 1 McMullen and Army Armstrong meet Strike and James ol Bowmanville in the finals of the men's doubles tournament in coms petition for the John Harris trophies ont trophy presented 1 eich member of the winning team Stewart Alger and Stan Everson were to have met James aud Strike in the semi-finals but on account of the fact that Mr, Everson had pre viously injured his hand they had te detault the event The Ross MeKinnon Trophy, the John Hairis Cups, The Morrow Cup presented to the Local elub by the Central Ontario Tennis Association when they won the senior series, as Doctor being 1 well as the Conant Cup which goes winner of the ladies tourng ment are on display in Mr, J * Ward's = store Mr, Ward kindly granted to the Oshawa Tennis Club a portion of his show windows t« display these fine trophies I'he Conant Cup which was pre sented to the club Mrs, G, D to the by a | Conant was held during the past year by Miss Ruth Fishleigh, 0 zai "ow, CER) MAARN] | 0 ' a IVELAIR 0 at TONIGHT--FRIDAY Lon Chaney TALKS! In the Amazing Mystery Sensation of the Year UNHOLY Albany, N.Y, --= Nearly 400,000 hushels of potato seeds were treat. ed this year by New York state far. mers to control seed borne diseases, College of Agriculture Prof. M, F, Barrus of the State |the total state acreage, estimates, This amount of seed would plant 26,000 acres, or about one-tenth of Parkdales Beat O.M.I. In Finals to Win Oshawa Fair Softball Tournament Parkdale Seniors of Toronto Are Forced to Play Two Extra Innings Before Beat. ing Out Oshawa Malle- ables, by 11.10 in Final Game--Parkdales Put Out Supremes and O.M.I, Eliminated Whitby Rovers in First Round--Winners Receive Smart Prizes (By Geo, Camphell) After battling four innings with the score deadlocked ut fen-all, the Parkdale Senior Hofthall team of Toronto, finally scored a run in the ninth inning, when A, Wilson hit to centre field and (!, Sihlock fumbled the ball, allowing Wilkon to score the winning run, 11 to 10, to win the Oshawa Fair Softhall Tournament The game was watched vary large crowd and they given a real softhall battle game was scheduled to go seven Innings hut at the end the regular period of play the teams were still tied and it took two innings to declare a winner Kach team scored (he same nums har of hits as rung, Malleahles having ten hits for ten runs, while the winners had eleven hits for eleven runs , Biblock, & mem» her of the Chosen Friends 'team, played in centre field for the 0 MI. and turned in a smart pers formance he had three lovely catehes but it was the whim of fate that she should fumble the ball which meant the winning run, I, MeDonald and D, Atterkley also played well for the losers, "Ted dy" Oke, who coached the Parks dales through the tourney, made soma drastic, hut effective ehanges In his team in the sixth inning, He gent Grace Conacher, who had A sore hand, into right field and Price came in to piteh in Moxon's place Parkdales scored four runs in the first Inning and it looked like something soft but the Malleables came hack with two In the second and three in the third, to take the lead Parkdales scored again In the fourth, when they shoved two more across and they staged a prea in the fifth to score four times, taking a ledd of 10 to 6, Malleahles having got one in the fitth also Their lead was short Hved, as the Oshawa team eame up in the sixth and scored four runs before they wera retired, From then on the game was nips and-tuck with the Malleahles hav Ing a slight edge but they could not seore They got two hits In the ninth and had a runner on third but the Toronto elan held them off Alda Wilson, Parkdale's centre fielder, Was the first hatter up In thelr half of the ninth, She hit a smart single to centre field ¢. Ribloek fumbled the fast grounder and hy kpeedy base running Miss Wilson scored the winning run Splendid Prices The winning team vecelved a heautiful trophy and each mem har of the team reco®d a com. pact, The Malleables also receiv. ed a trophy for being runners-up and each girl received a pendant, Hox Neore Malleahles Al M, Spencer ss 4 MeDonald 2h 5 J. McDonald 2b 5 M, Kay, p H Sihloek of © & D, Attersley, ¢ & H, McLean, 1h 4 KE. Pipher, of 2 H. McDonald If 4 hy a were The only of PO A K 3 6. 4 a | 01 kK} LU] 0 EH] 1 0 0 DDS D2 1D ew 43 1 Parkdales G. Conacher, 1h and rf |G K, Flanagan If & Thompson rf and 1p A. Wilson, of Regan, ss Price 2h and I) Heswiek, © Fvans, ah Moxon p and 2h 4 1 2 a8 11 1 Lyd 4 Atruck out by Kay, 8; by Mox- on, 2: and by Price, 1, Walked by Kay, 2; by Moxon 1, Wild pitches Kay, 41 by Moxon, 64; by Price, 1, Saale Hits, Wilson and Atters oy, Umpires=-W, Fair and C, Dell, Heorer, Geo, Campbell, MALLEABLES ELIMINATE WHITBY ROVEIRN IN THE VIRNE ROUND BY 8 TO 8 ------ The Mulleables put the Whitby Rovers out of the tournament in the firel game hy a score of 8 to 8, OMI. slurted out strong, seors Ing one in the first end two in the second, followed by four tals lies In the fourth inning which gave them the victory, Whithy overs were slow in getting to the offerings of Miss Pipher. hut they finally solved the delivery in [he fourth inning and shoved four rang across the plate, followed by one in the fifth and another in the sixth, Malleables scored thelr lat run in the seventh, the last Inning, when D, Altersley. got Into a "hot hox" beween Srd and the plate and scored on a poor throw In the direction of third base, The Mulleahle hurler held the Rovers In check in the last inning and the kame ended with the score § to 6, Heavy Hitting Veaturves Heavy hitting was the feature of the first game, the winners getting thirteen safe clouts and the Rovers gelling an even dozen, Errors proved very costly to the Whithys Ites and they lost their chance bes calge of their miscues, M, Fore réster was the heavy hitter for the losers, getting three, M, Blow, B, Long, J, Wilson and I, Watson cach hud hits, I, McDonald bad three hits for the Malleables, M, spencer had two, one a homer, M, Kay and H, McDonald each had two hits The teams Whithy Rovers--H Allaway, ¢ f; 1» Watson, 2h; M, Blow, 1b; B, Long, cf; J, Wilson, db; G, News man, ¢; M, Forrester, ss; K, Wate son, It; M, Hheridan, p; ¥, Lett, p; and KE, McBride, rf, Mu)leahles--M, Bpencer, ms; oN Alblock, ¢f; I, MeDonald, 2b; M, Kay, 8b; H, McLean, 1b; D, Mure phy, rf; D, Attersley, oe B Pipher, Py and H, MeDonald, If, Umpires----W, Fair and C, Dell, SMART PITCHING FEATURES BECOND GAM E==PARKDALES ELIMINATE SUPREMES The second game developed ine to a regular pitchers' battle, with the Parkdales winning a close de Cision of 4 to 3 when three Bu» preme errors allowed the winners Lo score twice in the last inning, The game was played in A very ghort time, thanks to the brevity of the innings, Hoth teams plays od smart ball but the Supremes cracked In thelr last inning, make Ing three errors and the Park. dales shoved two runs across the plate to win the game, The losers made five misplays in all while Parkdales made only one, Hmart Pitching was the feature of the kame from the spectators' views point; Miss Regan, for the Parke dales, hall eight strikeouts, fans ning the first half dozen batters to face her, Miss Kllerby had Hlx strikeouts to her credit, Kach team had five hits, The game was snappy throughout and asmar flelding plays were executed by both teams, Going into the last frame, with the score tied at twesall, the Marks dales started thelr drive and the Supreme players provided the push themselves, Miss Beswick A safe on Slean's error, A sacrifice moved her to second, Moxon, a pinch hitter, flyed out, With twe out, Grace Conacher grounded te short, and Miss Crane dropped the throw to first, Heswick scoring, Flanagan hit and Conacher scored, Flanagan being forced at second by the next batter, The Supremes failed to get a runner past second base and the game waa over, The teAME = Parkdales--Conacher, 1b; 1Mane agan, It; Thompson, rf; Wilsen, of; Regan, p; Price, 8h; Reswlek, 0; Evans, 8b; Laton, as; and Moz on batted for Laton, Supremes--Crane, 1b; Donalds son, Ab; Weyer, If; Hlean, as} Giles, rf; Trench, of; Lillie, 3b} Humpage, ¢; and Rllerby, p, . Umpires--C, Dell and W, Fair, Scorer for all games ~» Geo, Campbell, Tailor-made Suits ...... $25.00) | Scotland Woollen Mills | 8, RUTINH, Manager I BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEO. McMANUS : ] 2 ' R/ BY GOLLY THATS A BOILOIN'- © 1900, Int Peature Sarvies, Inc, Great Britaln sights reserped. WHEN YOu Go Dow Adin PETE BRING

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