Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Sep 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1930 EASTERN GOLD NUGGET VOUND Almonte. ~<I'ho Ramsa Township ONTARIO NEWS wombed for traces of gold follow- ng discovery of a nugget in the | gizzard of one of his hen The small deposit of the satuabis | nocup to the Kingston Valr Asso- ciation, to be given for the best | saddle horde at the (uly, Mr, lr. metal, about as largo as a boun, wis found by James when killing win is a former loenl boy and is I well known to Kingston people, this there was on the bullding, no fire escape Cup Vor the Fair Kingston.--glohn Irwin, preg. dent of the McColl Frontenac OU Company, Montreal, has donates fowls for market, LINDSAY LIFTS BAN Lindsay.-The Infantile paraly-| sis ban that hus kept Lindsay pub- | He school children from mixing | freely with children of their own | age was lifted, as all danger of an epidemic of the disease is consid. ered past. Schools have re-opened, New Post Office Wanted Brockville.--The yillage coun- [ of Morrisburg has addressed #4 petition to the Vostmaster-Gen- | eral nsking for the erection of o | new post offico building, Morris. { burg bears tho name of the Hon James Morris, a postmaster-gen- | ernl of 're-Confedoration days i TRAFFIC LIGHTER Prescotit,--l'raffic from Cannda 'o the United Siutes at this port for August this year was lighter han fn the same month last year, I'he #gures for August are 47,455, compared with 48,210 last year, 03h Anniversary Npencerville.--The 95th versury of Bt, Andrew's Preshyter inn congregation was abserved on Nunday, Eeptember in St, drew's church Rey, Dr, J, Scott Mackenzie, B.A, B.D, Th.D,, prin cipal of the Preshyterinn College, Montreal, wan the special preach. o©r /y REBATE TO POWER USERS Brockville Al nn meeting of the Public Utilities Commission, he manager wan instructed to 1 mie all electric power and ight users in Brockville ixth of all mone) pid Com mission on electri UR | 1020, The rebate will total about F17,000 to one the account Wins Virst Place I colt Henry A, Cole, I'res cotl, Road, took first place in the astern Ontario district for fleld toduatoes In the field crop compe- titlon of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association for 1930 Mr. Cole scored 94 point tomatoes, leading the field In Kast. crn Ontario to "ye Had Successtul Val Parham. --"The Kal held thi vear at Parham under the auspice of the Parham Azvicultural lety, passed into ueceossful tory with itd closing st vory high class two day lon which attracted srowd on both day 0 hig- to complete Farmer Lost Brockville "ire origin destroyed Barnes of unknown barns and sheds the farm of George Arnold, tuated three mile gouth of Jase | per, together with implements nnd tha | crops contained in them | £ CANADIAN CATTLE - ARRIVE IN ENGLAND fhe has is always Firgt Shipment Sent Over in| "in I | Three Years; Will Be There's: never a dol Fattened Overseas moment at Atlantic ,all-yearsround ation time! Bracing air=sports~ ' wonderiulfood~relax- ation! Spends week, or a week-end, with ' you'llreturnhomefeel. ing At~Tresh=vigorous! eT RATES American Plan Single . ; $7 to 49 Double$12to$17 European Plan Udenired exhibi An overy larg lon Compile Belleville provisions Department escape which Bank of Monteoul just been completed Fire Complying the ire Ontario, ordered buildin Previou Escape witl 0 M f of in the wi for -- : tlantic City CONTROL OF IMPORTS | British Government to Sub- mit Scheme to Imperial Conference in the London I'he subject of Lhe portation of Canadian foodstuff to - Britain was brought into limelight by the arrival of the first shipment of Canadian eattle in three years, and by thd statement of Professor | 0, Bower, in his presidential address to the Hritish Association, that the extension in the northern limits of wheat grow- ling was partly responsible for sav- [ing the world from a wheat famine, The Manchester Guardian states {that Irish farmers, who supply! {much enttlo to the British market, are already blaming the new cattle { importation for the poor prices which Irish stock are now fetching TO FATTEN IN ENGLAND The first shipment of Canadian cattle, which was landed mt the Manchester docks, consisted of 24 head, . which will he fattened on Knglish farms for two or three month and then slnughtered as English meat Manchester expecty receive fresh shipments in the future, as five out of six of Manchester Lino Company's boats aro soon arriving with re ported bookings of eattle I'rofessor Bower's: address, which many Canadian visitors to the ar soclation's meeting at Bristol heard, dramatically indicated the large part Canada had played in saving the world from a wheat famine, which was predicted by Sir Wil lam Crookes In his address to the association In 1808 In that year sir William declared that with the oxisting acre yleld, the utmost pos- sible supply would keep pace with the increasing world population on- ly until 1931, : Now, however, Professor Dowers has pointed oul that there is no wheat shortage owing to the intro. duction of artificial fertilizers and (1 One of rhe Fines! Holels In Atlantic City a week-end enjoy the luxury of pintments without exorbitant orwire for res: ~ WEA WATER BATHE ©. V, MEEKS, Myr. A.C, ANDREWS, I'ves, SL Np /] Sb - Made NA ---- ° by Murray {to near the ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWRSY 350 rooms Fireproof Hotel with the lest w © Belt Water DMS . Ra Goons Desk Bathing from Hose ®veriooking the Ocean SL 03 Ani iG RP odes ci Ee Sl AS. an aa SEMET - SOLVAY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN ---- a -- . CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE IXON COAL CO. TELEPHONE Z,@&2, Five Direc Lines An. | with hig | | control of Imported and home | | lehnpe | annie | Fort Ozomn, Santo where a terrific hurricane took many lives and destroyed man) millions of dollars worth of prop: ---------------------- -------- -- to the extension in the northern LHmit, and algo to successful wheat leulture by the production of new | straing, with shorter periods br tween sowing and reaping, TO SUBMIT SCHEME Mennwhile, the Dally Mall's usu nlly well informed politfen] corre pondent forecasts that tho Govern ment will submit to the .Jmperial Conference un schemo for the con trol of food imports by national Import oard If correct, this will bo most Important for Canada it 1s considered that wheat will be the first commodity whose importa tion should be governed The n of the Trade Longre In denouncing free trade expected to prove the final step {towards persunding the Govern | ment to take action regarding tar "ifs, of which Right Hon, Phillip snowden, Chancellor of the Kxche biggest opponent In the netlo quer, Is the Cabinet Plany tite food purs sed involve direu tuff accompanied by bulk As the Labor annoynced its Intention never to tax foodstuffs, It Is presumed that after the home wheat growers hinve cared for, foreign bulk pur chases will o made In the cheapest market Government has been BURNING WIDOWS A century Ago an wet wins puns {declaring "that the practice of burn Ing or burying alive the widows of Hindus be (legal and punishable by the eriminal court It was a bold step by the Govern or-General of the time eing to abolish the custom of "'Suttes" or "Eat Incidentally, thi word meaning "a pure or virtuous wos man," was applied strictly to the person immolated, not to the rite High-caste Hindu wldows deemed it a sacred duty to burn themselves alive on the funeral pyres of thelr husbands, writes Gerald Griffin in the London Dally Telegraph | This hideous custom wis prac tized particularly in Lower Bengal, Jwhere for centuries the numer of { wretched women annually burnt, | ome voluntarily and oven cugerly, {some dragged or beaten to the pyre, led stupetied by drugs, tlhacty ated between 600 and 500, In 182] there were L756 widows burnt in Bengal, 210 of them within the aren of jurisdiction of the Calcut tn court | NOT HINDU RITE savagery of this kind was no more an. essential part of the Hin du yeligion than the burning of | witches WARK an integral part of { Christian ritual, - How or when It {came into India Is not clear, but |cortainly It was practised at the time of the invasion of India by grounds for assuming that: it was originally a legacy of hordes of in. vadors, Long before the time Lord William Bentinck efforts had lo suppress it, Laws were passed In the time of Akbar, the great Mo. gul emperor, forbidding Hindus to burn widows unless permission were granted by the local governors at the request of the widows, No instructions, expressed or im. plied, can be found In the Vedas Justitylng a custom which long be- fore its suppression, was abhorred by most civilized Hindus, Yet cers tain sections of the Brahman priesthood tried to deter Lord Wil liam Bentinck from his task by do- claring that self-immolation was a rite enjoined on all high-casto Hin. du women by a divine ordinance, and that the intention of the Gov: ernor-General to suppross it was a direct attack on the Hindu religion, To support their contention they quoted a garbled, extract from the Vedas. But, despite thely protests, the act wad passed, and the fore. bodings that riots would follow proved unfounded, Only one ten. tative move to got the Act repeals od was made, and that was in 1842, when an appeal against it was dig missed by the Privy Councll, BRITISH AUTION Long before Lord Willlam -Uen- tindk had definitely tackled tho pro. blem it had been approached cuu- tiously by British rulers in India, Under LordgCornwallls public of- ficors were instructed to rofuse cons sont to the burning of a widow, If this was asked for, but: were de. barred from ofcially preventing ft being carried out, In 1805 Lord Wellesley anxiously considered the problem, and threw out feelors with a view to legislative action, but nothing practical ensued, At a Pinch ' "What are you smiling about?" "I've had: revenge, I've just finished serving was a telephone operator, and. [ gave her the wrong number in shoes" ne | Union dl Alexander the Great, and thero are | been made by enlightened Orlentaly | That gh) best, constructed buildings | Retier haus been rushed to " EDUCATED CHINESE | NEEDED IN CHINA "Noted Diplomat Here To In-| duce Return of Scholars TOURING CANADA Tehyi Aims of Visit to Do. minion | (Dr. | | - ontrea (} " induc to their ni On | ed CC) | count f he is nee Dr, Hsi leclare "Ju AE hive loctor led ba t think 1 or « | 725 people. We [ 480,000. We have HOO INK) peng le, 32000) pe have only ane for ever List one « for eve ne law ple. You we of professional men Roving Commission ong up and dow r fe ple, or iroever ce seem almost de with a am Can ort of roving commi jon, Iressing then visite local Chinese and bh atte in M nding McGill I he is being ther met one ON 1S how promise, her m Swift with a to China people and he howed \ ncated at ho ueatin orl J thes on de It is thei with their own Ire Corrent we are view 1o having ultimate! 1e Ll , that is fo us wiribute so useful them for China selfish, The rateful, and whatever for them they will Consequently vhen they honie, He \ al would be Car done | torget back and t positions Chinese Canadian idealism, al WHERE THE HURRICANE STRUCK Domingo, | erty, razing even (he largest and ne though they weve houses of cards, the | | {it 1s | Hsieh Explains | {t tol turn | in Mont uffered oF Dr both at |] | | of for every drug nist len W000, 000 peo ad English audiences on China i Jaw He ed Chinese ol him We | much more than ng MO W one Chinese ada never yet olf For White Teeth And Sweet Breath Tooth Brush Use Klenzo and imperative that will make of your (teeth! A perfect threesome, the most First==Klenzo Antiseptice Pleasant, tasting, germicls dal, guarantee of a sweet hreath, Mocond == Klenzo Tooth Pasto==1'or shining white teeth, Third == Klenso Brushes, A number of styles from which to choose, Brists les that stay' fast! Start this efficient treatment today! Klenzo Klengo products may be obs tained only at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Ltd. King St, Simcoe St, 8, hone 28 hone 68 Tooth In thing the in. ald by scene Of the disaster, and hinbitants are being given government, forces, they will try to enguurs age trade relations with Canada You know the Chinese has an ad intage over the Canadian, after he een educated in Canada Ie prominence, has the Occidental mind, the wes ilosoph the Canadian rol understand the Chinese at all, will Ain and know tern d mul pl v, while i" ' Iie ery import As the biggest countr having 480,000,000 people, happen of importance vithout China being. the pivot, then cll to understand China Thanks Missionaries in China trying ont of China Lut 1 fon sar mi toward uplift vork they have pais they have to save poor "China itm nou, Can Iie NAYS 1 ng Amie HEE] wa an not stonuries tor 1 tke an the mi am y the done I'l the ctfort fruit." he had official runnin ne who than shat they have | 1 d throug! inkl 1 ne m an has b Halely said with Canadian Dr. O, D, Ske under for External Relations, and Can operation has been promise effort ¢ hina wants to make her are worth a thousand times to us when educated in Can ind MeGill has mawy of them he We need leaders ol our supreme court Canton as the of in British Ce See in education can do for soul rie 1 tall ing tary had long includ ) secre adian co ed in any to reputriate own children "The more Mia than Why judges ut mn une 8 nm u laundrymu lumbia hat Cana a nm Picturesque Dress Di sie picturesquely and meticulously Ile wears a care: fully ent Jong grey frock coat, with black silk piph His vest is brown, aed his s a rich, thin silk, has brown buttons, as, if they cloth colored He curries wrist watch pocket watch an attractive case, His sh ered with a patent leather Pair of spats Of with "There fluencing this has cause of country "Much of the news has heen fic I may bring clad shirt were a mn ve coy buttonless i oes black China, and it relationships the world, Dr, HMsich is too much propaganda in public opinion here, and worked against the real American leadership in my stated if nothing into titions, else, real fact this epoch-imaking time and replace what is fiction Pre judice springs up from a dislike for the unlike I'here are no y alike as China and America as far away as we are face to are realize China cours to day At one tine we were the poles, but now More and more we ing that America can teach how to a living, but, of China must show the world how Jive" face get PICKERING NEWS Mrs, Isaacs, Tuesday with Piekering, Sept. 3. of Toronto, spent | Mrs, M, 8, Chapman, Mr. and Mrs, D. Callaghan, and children, of Belleville, spent a few days this week with Mr, and Mra John Murkar, Miss Ross, of Midland, was the guest of Miss Ida Ster'itt, last week, Miss Fewster, of Shelbourne, ia visiting her cousin, Mrs, D. Dunn, Miss Agnes Marquis, of Lefroy, is spending two weeks with Mr, and Mrs. H, Boyes, Mr, and Mra, McAvoy, of To- ronto, were the guests of the Misses Law, during the week-end. Miss XK. MeQuay Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs, J. Somerville, Wao are sorry to report that Mr, and Mrs, I, Balsdon are both con. fined to their beds through illness und under the doctor's care, Misses Ialeen and Dorothy Wi- man, and Mr, Harold Wiman, all of DPeterbaore, and Mr. W, Morrish, of Kitchener, spent the week-end soll, Mrs, 8. ing a fortnight Buffalo, M, 8, and Mrs, Chapman spent the holiday with 1, J, and Mrs Marquis, of Lefroy, Mr, Wm, Clark, of Markbam, accompanied by hia wife and daughter, called on his couain, W. J. Clark on Monday, Miss Edith Murray, of Essex, spent a few days last week at her home here, Rev, HW! and Mrs. Stainton and children have returned to thelr home here after a month's ab sence. Mr, Stainton will occupy hia pulpit in the United Qhurch, on Sunday, Continuation and, Public Schools in' the village re-opened on Tues day morning with a good attend: ance if all grades. There are tw. changes on the staff, Mr, Riple), of Hallville, succeeds Miss 8. An. Gordon has bean spend. with Elin, as principal of the Continuas nations te | ocal fairs {attendance tion Behool, and Miss Olive Beare, of Whitevale, Is In charge of the Junior public school room, in pli of Miss Gi, Toplitfe, who resignen in June, Tho remaining members of the staff are, Miss 1), Lock, Con. tinuntion Hehool sssistant, and My G, Wallace, "ublie Schoo) princi pal, : It, A. Bunting, postmaster of | the village Is confined to hig home with an attack of the flu, MH, J. Clark, of Toronto, spent the week-end al his home here, Jun, Richardson, who recent!) old his grocery husiness In town, after several years of service to I, Morrish, has purchased a hard- ware hisiness In Georgetown, and has moved bis family to that place, The hegt wishes of thelr many friends follow them to thelr new home, Mrs. Rorke and davghters returned to, after months in the BOVRIL MAKES GOOD SOUPS BETTER - Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Thompson and Roy Thompson spent Sunday and Monday in Teroato attending the exhibition, Mrs. Richard Ashton, of "Vor visiting Mr, and Mrs, Llovde Mr. and Mrs, Kenuedy and son Worthy, Miss Lottie Cottrell, of To. ronto, spent the weelc-end with My and Mrs, Leslie Graham, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley and family, of Toronto, and Mrs, Henry Ashton Misses Ursal and Ruth Me) have been visiting relatives in castle Mr Mr, and I'vrone, Mry and Mrs, Wm visitors of Waollings visited Mr, |is ton have to thelr home fn Toroy- spending the summer a thely summer cottuge villnge MYRTLE el -- eu Well Trealned Your mistress tells me, Jane that you wieh to leave ug to hecomae an attendant at o lunatic asylum, of all placer What makes you think you'll Uke 17 What exper- lence have you had?" "Well I cnr visited , uf Trew A ¥ Sila Clarence and Mr Murs nda Mrs, C, } Hall, of My, and Mi Harry Mills and Far motored to Niagara and week-end and heliday there in ole Myrtle, Sept Congratulations Mr, and Mrs. Tvan Rodd upon the gift of a baby boy in their home on September 1st Mr. and My family spent summer home, Washago | Bright children for a couple of wee) A number from here exhibition in Toronto thi Duff and the onl from neighborhond stow) preparing fon Burk, Mr, and Viremto, were David Hall Thomp ent to IH. Roy Bright and i week-end at thel beach, My remaining slr, ve heen hers thres the 8) unl Hix ~ Bl are attending the Robert hibitor who wel ons hie re ~~ A Product N of C.G. f p are showin "everal \ other farmers ure the E. ) Sinday school on epteniher the seventh and it is hoy ed that there will be a continued good ind a great interest tal very important branch of re-opening . en in thi church A ver ed over 1 worl heavy 'electri If uesday v Wilf reported except to hit until. M storm pa on alternoon Ni local damage telephone tardy {« hf hompso of through and Sehool re la lines, which were a v day Markha rrec ed the oble apened for the fall Ihe pupils were pleas Mi with them ver ith the improve to the school Cagernes started hape | Cine ( 1 term on ed for ment Ie 10 Vine W made und the pet ther ine Were during vacation the children to everything is in fine of again raver successful ver Mr funeral Ormiston Portor atter cousin, Mr fast wee) led the Robert mehyen of { her { na HAYDON BRIEFS Miss 1 Ha win | returned Verna Tre afte lon, has 1olidaving Mr Foro Mrs Clarence Aver Mrs, James Mallet and Fred King, of Sunday Hors of Thomas Cowling, Mr, and Mrs and Mrs, Wilbert waret Ridge and spent Sunday at Mr, and Mrs visited Mr LJ Sept » Oshawa home len Flaxington and friend, of Mr, and aud Mi ONSIDER the importance of quality, when you buy lamps. Edison Mazda Lamps bring you the advantages of every improvement made in lamps since Edison's invention of 50 years ago. They give you soft glare-free light and full value of the current consumed. Buy them by the carton, at the price of ordinary lamps. 10 with ir i spent Sunda Silas Trewin and Frani were Mrs and son Oshawa, vi Me, and . Wright; Miss of Mr Mar John Ridge, friend Toronto, Ningara Falls Harold Gav, of Osh Charlie Garard and L40 EDISON MAZDA INSLDE FROSTED LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT ye awn, family, Mrs Fileen Mra, I T. Cowling, Myrtle, and visited Mrs, Cowling's sister Tabh, of Tt nn Monda Mr. and Mrs, James Crossman, Mr and Mrs, Alex. McNeil and Arehie visited friends at Newcastle on Sunday, rone, « Master A yr THOS. HEYES & SONS Analytical Chemists and Assayers Toronto, Bept, §, 1030, CLEERCOAL ANALYSIS NAR LT0% 15,017 AMERICAN ANALYSIS 83.040 11,2977 15,811 Fixed Carbon Ash Heat Units Original Cost Ash Cost f10,00 Aa $15.50 1.81 £17.04 $16.44 "'Cleercoal" EXHIBIT wetrance to Grandstand OSHAWA FAIR Saving per ton 00¢ with 1800 more heat units with Mrs, A, Burrell and son, Rus: | friends in} * 0 4 LOY GINGER ALE satisfying, stimulating, all-weather severage. JA Ing, out-of-doors o 3, you'll find this delicious drink a most satisia addition to your party. v or druggist in the Gat ¢ Hom Joan tle cartons. O'KEEFE'S BEVERAGES LIMITED Toronto 0'Keefe's

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