TT A& ae ten ary ans ars rice ees day une rast ose ty's ave ned py hes 49 th, rd nts ens fa) ND tea ate ib) ND one ed, fa) Ea I na a Sia PAGE FOUR A LOSE REN a at, fut The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspa published every afternoon except Sundays and legs! holi days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [limes Printing Company, Limited, Chas, M, Mundy, President; A, R. Alloway, See retary, The Oshawa Daily Times is 8 member of the Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily News pinare Amociation, the Ontario Provincial ilies and the Audit Bureau of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 15¢ a week. By mail in a (outside Oshawa carrier deliv limits) $4.00 a yeey; United States, $5.0 _ a year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Fowers end Stone Inc., New York and Chicage SATURDAY, BEPTEMBER 6, 1930 SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT DANGERS One of the major construction projects facing the eity of Oshawa is that of the con. struction of a sewage disposal plant, at a cost of over half a million dollars, It may be that sooner or later the city will be or- dered by the provincial department of health to instal such a plant, but In the meantime the project has been deferred. One of the reasons for hesitation on the pat) of some of the city fathers Is that it hds not yet heen proven that the type of sewage disposal plant recommended for Oshawa can be made a success, Other cities have tried them, and have found them costly experiments, and there is a wise tendency on the part of many citizens to feel disposed to walt until success and safe operation can be guaran- teed, In this connection, the death of three workmen employed In the sewage disposal plant at Kitchener the other day has a direct bearing on the successful operation of acti. vated sludge plants, These men were working In the sludge tanks of the plant, when they were overcome by gas from the sludge, and lost thelr lives, And the clvie officials in charge of the plant were totally unable to explain the cause of the gas. In other words, something happened to the plant, and took the lives of three men, and nobody can tell how It happened. That seems to prove that there Is yot much to learn regarding sewage disposal plants, and that the wise communities are those which are holding back until some guarantee can be given that they can be sue- consfully and safely operated, EE WORTH UNIVERSAL ACCEPTANCE In several of the towns and cities of Ons tario, the period of daylight saving has come to an end. These are mostly places whieh have adopted it for the firat time this year, largely as an experiment, In Toronto, Osh- awa and some other communities the day- light saving period will continue. until Sep- tember 28 when the whole province will again revert to standard time, It is interesting to note the comments which are being made in some communities which adopted the plan this year for the first time, For instance, the Kitchener Recor says that "summer time" was well received hy the citizens, and that the experiment proved so successful that it would be worth adopting again next year, The Peterboro Examiner, on the other hand, frankly ex. presses the view that. "The only thing on which there is unani- mity is the conviction that if the system were generally followed instead of the patch. work method of the last few Aummers, there would be less confusion and greater advantages." This would seem to be the general opinion, More places adopted daylight saving this summer than in any year since the Domin- jon discarded it as a war measure. And public opinion is growing in its favor, But it will never be fully successful until it be- comes the uniform practice, and is made the subject of provincial or federal leginlation, rather than being left, as at present, in the hands of local authorities, Before next sum. met comes around, it would be worth while to make an effort to have the provincial leg- {slature or Dominion parliament look with favor on & proposal to do as has been done in Britain and Europe, and to make day. light saving a boon for the whole Dominion, WORK FOR THE WAR VETERANS Premier Ferguson has been widely com- mended for his appointment of Col. William Rhodes to act as a connecting link between the war veterans of Ontario and the employ- ors of labor of the province, It is felt by all who are commenting on the appointment that the choice was a wise one, There is, however, one suggestion which The Times would. like to make to Premier Ferguson in connection with the work to be undertaken Jol, Rhodes, by ol respectfully suggest that the first employers of. labor to be interviewed by Colonel Rhodes with a view of asking them to provide employment for war vet. erans, should be the members of the provin- cial government, The various government departments are extensive employers of la bor, and, furthermore, the principle of pref- erence for war veterans Is supposed to ap- ply to all employment in the gift of the pro- vineisl government, Unfortunately, whatever claims the war veterans may have to a preférence are hon- ored in the breach rather than the observ- ance bY the provincial government, For in- stance, it would be Interesting to know how many, or rather, how few war veterans there are employed In government liquor stores, all of which are staffed by government ap- pointees, It would be Interesting to know how many, or how few, of the Issuers of automobile licenses In the province of On- tario are returned men, It would be inter- esting to know In how many appointments of division court clerks and other jobs of a similiar nature made in the last few years, returned soldiers were given the preference, It might be pertinent to ask why a returned soldier was not given preference when a div- fslon clerk was appointed al Bowmanville recently, although there were returned soldier applicants for the position. Before Premier Ferguson sends Col, Rhodes out to interview other employers of labor, it might be well for him to do a little house-cleaning on his own account, or, at least, co-operate with Col, Rhodes in his ef- forts to find work for war veterans by mak- ing an honest and serious effort to have government appointments filled, as far as possible by war veterans, rather than by men whose only claim to recognition ix fid- olity to a political party, I aa EE AN EXPERIMENT JUSTIFIED It Is not yet time to pronounce any ver- diet on the result of the decision of the di. rectors of Oshawa Falr to discontinue horse- racing, and substitute for It, at this year's fair, a high class athletic meeting of two days' duration, The final test will come next Wednesday and Thursday, and that will he decided by the number of people who attend the Falr to see the champion ath. letes of Canada In action, One can quite readily say, however, at this date, that the experiment Is justifying itself from the standpoint of publicity for Oshawa, and from the standpoint of the In- terest created In the highest athletic circles in the province of Ontario, It Is no easy matter to secure for a loca) athletic moeting the services of the out. standing champions in field and track ath. lotles in the Province, or the Dominion, Yet the entry lists for the Oshawa Falr ath- lotic meeting include many names which are household words in the realm of athletics, The finest male and female athletes of On- tario are coming here next week to give of thelr hest for the benefit of the people of Oshawa, and that they are doing so is a rece ognition of the fact that they are interested in the Falr Board's venture, and are willing to give it thelr heartiest support, In other words, they look upon Oshawa as one of the places in Ontario worthy of being given the best in athletic entertainment, and they are willing to come here, in mid-week, to back up their opinions, This is an urgent reason why the Fair Board should be supported in Its venture. The directors made a fatal decision when they made the change, but having made fit, they are leaving no stone unturned to justl- fy the change. And thelr surest justifica- tion can only be found In an attendance which will leave all other records far behind, and will definitely establish the fact that the people of Oshawa will support athletic meetings of a championship calibre when given the opportunity to do so, EDITORIAL NOTES Are you a dynamiter? Human beings are born. unequal.--Dean William Ralph Inge, ; Support the Oshawa Fair by taking the whole family to enjoy its attractions, If it is true that athletic success is a good form of publicity, than the Oshawa Fair athletic meeting will do a great deal to ad. vortise Oshawa in a favorable manner, A man who speaks seven languages has Just been married to a woman who speaks four, But even at that the bride will al ways have the advantage. Every father thinks there is no baby like his own, Other fathers are glad of it, Whenever a man gots tired of his home he should reassure himself by writing an advertisement offering it for salet The success of Oshawa Fair now depends on the citizens, The management has done its part, and the rest remains with the peo- ple of Oshawa and the surrounding com. munity, : One of the features of the special session of parliament will be the reminders handed out as to election promises. The moat hopeful thing in view of the opening of parliament next week is the uni. versal belief that Mr, Bennett ix sincere in his determination to help solve the unem. ployment problem, : Other Editor's Comments -- KNOWILVGE TIOAL (Philadelphia Inquirer) Comments by many persons of intelligence on the Edison question aire are often far from favorable, The desert problem has been single od out for special attack, Here several crities have 'missed Lhe point by supposing that it has only one correct answer, when Ag a mat tor of fact it offers several possibi litles. to challenge the remsoning power of the individual and to tes! his ethical views. Only slowly are we awakeniing to the faet that knowledge of today means more than a feat of memory In storing acts one might find In any refer ence book, It Involves a capacity of & principle to a situstion never anticipated In any catechetical sys tem of education, CT A REAL IN PRAC. HULL TAKES ACTION (Ottawa Journal) The City of Hull has made an Im mediate und practical effort to tackle its unemployment situation. After speedy civic survey to find out the number of those out of work it ul most us quickly approved the expen diture of 8300000 on local improve ments, This is 8 promot and busi ness-like way of dealing with the situation, and one which should he imitisted by every city in Canada CANADIAN SCHOOL BOOKS (Vancouver Province) Hon, Minister of Education Hinehe life, unwenried In his patriotie resus lution that there shall be two Can wdinn school texthooks where there wis only one before, is not a lonely prophet, nor a volee crying In the wilderness, The Canadinn Charnber of Commerce is on his side, It pro poses & round-table conference of Canadian ministers of education and it proposes that the conference shall especially consider the question of school text hooks A special com mittee of the chamber has heen worl 'ing for nearlv un vear on this husl ness, and it thinks that now is the time when all Canadian patriots should come to the ald of More Can adianism In Canadian schools Bits of Humor HOW SHE DID IT Witey-"You say she hans driv on two men insane? Hubby "Yes fhe Jilted one und married the other" NEARONABLE Irish Magistrate "The defen dant swears he was perfectly so | bar." Polleeman He was absolutely intoxicated, If he had heen per foactly sober he would huve known he was drunk and not made a disturbance." OR MAYBE FOURTEEN Angry Father: Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You've heen learning for three years and you can only count up to ten What will vou do In Ife If you ko on Ike that? Mmall Son: Be a referes at hoy By James W. Barton, M.D. SHOULD YOU CUT DOWN ON MEAT? (Nogistored In Accordance with the Copyright Act) The fact that af a people we have boen eating more ment than in nhsolutely necessary has promp- ted many Individuals to do with- oil ment entirely, Many ent down niso on eggs which are lke ment in that they are rich in protelds, the hody bullding food What happgns"? They bhelleve they feel helter | vegetable dint it Win and as un matter of fact they do fonl hatter, But only for ua while Dr. 1, Musskind, of Berlin, studied the effects on himself of a diet low in maul und eggs, maintaining this diet for twenty-five months, During the first nine months his welght ramnained wsiatlonary, and he noted an Improvement In his gonernl condition During the next eleven months Win welght decreased slightly and he fall weak, During the last five months of the experiment his walgh! decreased still more and his goneral condition hecamn poor "On the hawle of his personal experience he hollaves that a pro longed low protied diet Is harms ful and that observations to the CONLEUrY nro erronoous Now what ahout this? The fact that this low protisg diet afocted one individuns), even If he wore a physician, In this manner, doesn't prove {hat it would affect other (ndividuals fn the same manner However, there 1s this point 1a remembhey Ho went on this low protied diet of his own so ord, and In un endeavor tn lenrn for him MOLE At first hand Just what te ef facts would he Further, he maintained 1 for » poariod of aver two yours, the last your and a half of whieh he Krad ually went down wil physically And win further, he Is con vinead in his own mind that a diet tao low In protieds In unwise and harmful What about other experiments? Asn matter of fact it Ix difficult | ta keep the necessary vehook on all undergoing the axperiment *In one test, where students wera supposed to he living on a reported whether It was true or wot, that they went down town and partook of atenks, chops, and other foods rich In protieds What 14 my suggestion? That If you are an indoor or of flea worker, and hellove you ure eating too mach ment that yon cut It down about 86 per vent for A couple of months And see how it works out, Ree if you feel clearer In mind Wind stronger in body If you do continue the experi ment If you doi®, then go back to Ing matches «Tid Nita, OUT TO LUNCH Poet "Isn't the editor In?" Roy-"No, slr He Inft this morning for South Amerioa." Poot "Do you know when he will return?" Roy-~"Well, he sald he would | n't get back unti) after luneh A hor Is always happler than a man, and a haelllus is happier than A hog, says HM. 1. Menchen He may he rleht; but who cares? Winnipeg Tribune, Bits of Verse THE TRAMP SHIP A tramp ship from the foghound northern mea, Rlinding a course through slest and angry foam, Swung into berth beside the shiv ering quay, That winter's dawn to bring my lover home The dook-hands stirred and cursed themaslves awake, Mookigg the grimy tramp, all hent and torn By murderous wave and flarce foe: pointed flake . ' And yet to me, whose prayers were for that morn, More wonderful' than purple Ty. rian ships, Or golden galleons coming home to Spain, When he caressed and comforted my lips, Beemed the poor hulk that gave merhim again, =Laurence Powys, in the Spee tator, Your meat and exes again VF. 1 CHANE, PUBLISHER OF HE ATLANTIO (IOWA) NEWS. TELIGRAPH, RAYS: THAT talking hard times has u peculing peyehologioal effoct, Nothing sprouds like a tale of cal Amity, The moat of suffering hu- manity In n good deal like the old Indy who said she was "poorly thank the Lord. " It one goes down the street of his home town, fooling ns Mt as » fiddle and looking the part, and a dosen friends tell him he looks bad and must be sek, he will be slek before the day In over, And vontrariwine, It ho go down the Mreot feeling not up to himselt on people remark on how well ho is looking, he will bo well before the day is done, na h the Influence V and nowhere is that influence felt no keenly ay in business It everyone ores calamity, we will of payeho- FUR COATS REPAIRED AND RE.LINED 92 Nassau Street USED CARS ALL OUR USED CARS REDUCED TO 'FALL PRICES' 1929 ESSEX COUPE. Greatly reduced 1927 WHIPPET 6 SEDAN. Looks and runs like new car 1920 ESSEX SEDAN in new car condition. 1928 CHEV. COACH in beautiful condition, A real snap 1927 CHEV. SEDAN completely overhauled etl A real buy, See this one. m Ross, Ames & 138 ) " ® King St. W., Oshawa Gartshore Ltd. Phone 1160 AA RE EREREEREERERAR likely have calamity, If everyone decries it, its spectre is most likely to vanish, The men who are successful in business, as a general rule, are so engrossed in attending to thelr own affairs in an fotelligent mane ner that they have little time to think about poor conditions, EXCEPT IN VERY HARD CANES WHERE SOME UNTOW. ARD THING BEVALIS A COM. MUNITY, LEAVING IMPAIRED FINANCIAL ABIIATY AND DE. CHEANED TRADE IN 1'T'8 WAKE, CONDITIONN ARE LARGELY WHAT WE MAKE THEM, Strain by €. H, Tue', Opt. D, (Copyright, 1028) SIGNIVICANCY, oy OUULAR BYMPTOMN PART "pn Perhaps the headache is not persistent but Is only periodic, It muy occur upon waking, Gets better or disappears by the time breakfast Ix over, returns as the day Is advanced especially when the eyes are used for close work, hut It may not Interfere with your sleep You may not think that a head uehe In the morning could he due to the eyes ospecially as the eves hand been cloned In sleep through out the night just past, The morn. ing headache fs. due to eyestrain In most causes hocnuwe the aceom modation wan excousively nctive during the previous day and even though relaxed when the aves ware closed It hacame active ngain when onee the saves ware openad When a eann of thin nature exists, relief muy only he experienced when the proper glasses are worn 10 suppress the netive accommo dation and so give vision without effort P'sopls who suffer fn this way get relief hy putting on thelr glunsos when once they awake In the morning To be continued A SHARE BARGAINING WEAPON (Manitobn Frea Press) Mutements hy Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Bnowden and other members of the Labor party, add to the probability that the Labor Govern ment Intends to meet the tari policies of the Neitish Conservative party with a project of bulk pur. Chuwes, There In no weapon quite #0 affective for bargaining purposes with Dominion Premiers who want to well to Groat Britain, but refuse to buy: and Mr. MacDonald is ap parently thinking wsorlously about equipping himuelf with this weapon in order that he may be able to speak to Mr. Bennett, M. Soullin and other thorough-going ultra. protectionists In the gate M. € Glipin, In the Pennsylvan« in Farmer."Wa learned that many of our pre-conceived ideas AN WR afety Deposit Boxes For the sum.of $3.00 and up per annum, you can rent a box in our modern Safety Deposit Vault, and place therein your Bonds, Stocks, Mortgages, Deeds Insurance Policies, Jewellery and other valuables where they will be protected against fire, theft and misplacement. Ve invite you to call and persorelly inspect our sofe-keeping facilitiens CENTRAL CANADA IAN axp SAVINGS COMPANY 23 Simcoe Street North Nese ffice RONTO Established OSHAWA 1884 ASSETS OVER ELEVEN MILLIONS ai am, Lk! aL | about our northern neighbor were {both developed and In the odge of immense far from the truth nnd Is not a woods territory shivering on the | Enstern Cun. |gtage" mall wirlp of hacks | w-- aren of agricultural, for | providing they are ost, mineral and power resources, | meals. Sault Dally Star, | of Livestock, LL ROADS a No one will object to the pro the Arctie clrele, but an | posal of eating food in pill form taken TO jing we noe, LINDSAY CENTRAL FAIR September 17-18-19-20, 1930 The GREAT BOYD & SULLIVAN MIDWAY The PREMIER EXPOSITION WILLYS SIX The recently Anirade ded 'Willys Six brings ap. pearance, sen. sational power L four-wheel esas. 2. Four TE Re 8 Maton 1b o mounted 4. Full force-feed lubrication. 8. Silent timing chain. 12. Improved upholstery. 6. Fingertip control. With all these quality features: 7. Adjustable front seat in sedan. 8 New 9. New hub caps and radiator cap. 10. Klason born mounted on front eh 11. Attractive new colors. 13. Smartly appointed interiors. Agricultural and Manufacturers' Products and speed to the low-priced light six Prices from $895 to $1120, f.o0. b. taxes extra. factory, Toronto, | These features--combined with Whippet 's low cost of upkeep, gasoline economy and remarkable performance ability--make it the greatest dollarfordollar motor car value on the market today. Prices range from $620 to $760 f.0.b. factory, Toronto, taxes extra. WHIPPET SIX--Included also in the Whippet line is the Whippet: Six Sedan de luxe. Price $890 (with wire wheels $830). All prices f.o.b. factory, taxes extra. WHIPPLE] ROY NICHOLLS COURTICE