Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Sep 1930, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community Social and Personal Miss Hazel Fulford and Miss Beatrice Allin were weok-ond guests it the Carls-Rite Hotel Toronto. Phe former is leaving for two Noon vacation at Presqu'lsle oint, Mrs, Braund, Brock Hireet, spent the week-end at Hampton with Mr, snd Mrs, Clifford Colwell and My! and Mrs, Alden Trull, Mr, Oscar Baird, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home in Osh~ awa. Mr, Baird is Publicity Direc. tor of the Bhaeffer Pen Company, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, T, Rockley Parker and Master Parker have left on a motor trip to Mivneapolis, to be the guests of Mrs, Parker's sister, Mrs, John Borthwick, Miss Madge Hannah, of Montreal, Is spending a vacation at the home of hor parents, Mr, and Mrs, Han~ nah, of Gliddon Avenue, Misses, 14a Coedy and Nona Armstrong, of Oshawa, left on Thursday for Toropto where they entered the Sick Children's Hospital a8 nurses-in-training. Mrs, Rothwell, of Waterford, On- tario, Is the guest of Mrs, D, Mof- fatt of this eity, My, and Mrs, Orme Moffat, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, Moff. att's parents, Mr, and Mrs, D. Mot. fatt, over the week-end, Miss Irene Winters of the Bick Children's Hospital in Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents in town, / Hal May Happen That you and Bie your name you must report to the Ths {] Jou the to the AND AVE NOT vor IN on your you "ur yeh A pamphlet can be proc company a member of To the Most Careful Driver If you are directly or indirectly involved The Safety Responsibility Law effective September 1, 1080, among other things, says: must remain at, or return al once to the soene of the accident. The t render all possible ou a address ond a writion sate That if the damage appar nearest po fault and do not SON or property RANGE ay laining the provisions of the new law without charge from the agent of any The Canadian Automobile Underwriters Association REN a assistance, esceeds $50 officer. for oe Sfhars Jo indemnily others your R. B, SMITH co NE mrt Kast, Oshawa, Send me further particulam of i Low Com Confederation Series Policies, as lssued by the Confederation Life Ameciation. Nomi Policyholder says : "The $50 Monthly Income aceept my sifcers thanks for the Please attention given my ¢ Clause in my insurance policy, income of great amistance, as I 30.00 ---- have hed such enormous expense in connection with my long {ness I wish to sabres Mp my ous manner "apregiston for the sun. alwayy the Company has transacted business ish me, I heartily recommend Life Insurances with the added Disability Clause, as it b one of the safest and best investments 1 Youn sincerely, ------ We earnestly recommend you to write for pio the Confederation Series of Policies, with tad: Devbile bls Tuduawity Accident Benefits, and re 'is for your convenience, the most econ. of ne 10 The coupon above Confederation Life A Rarviags of interest is that of Miss A Ae May Nornabell, Phm, B, pietu in (1) daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. K. C. Nornabell, of Tor: onto, te Alexander Fisher, M.D, of Stratford, son of Mr, and Mrs, A, 'WW, Fisher; (2) Miss Margaret Anne Miss Lila Crawford, Mra, Cacll Brown, and Mrs, Wilbur Down, Oshawa, attended the Canadian Nu tional Exhibition on Saturday of A successful menting of the Cen tre Ntreet Home and Nehool Club executive was held on Friday after noon, It was a splendidly attended meeting In spite of the fact that {tr wan the first of the season, KEnch department of the club was wall represented, so that extensive plans for the School Falr were disciuned A meeting of the whole club will be held this evening Miss Dorothy Cutler. head 1b rarian of tha Oshawn Public Ib rary, is resuming her duties today, | after a week's vacation | | wins Mr, and Mrs, Sam Gummow, On. | tario Street, who have been spend. | ing the past week in Detroit, Leam. | ington, Windsor and other cities] and 'towns In westarn Ontario, ve turned to town Friday evening Their returning home was douhly aslabrated by thelr friends who had gathered at their home to do them honor on the oceaslon of their twenty-Afth wedding annivarsury Mr, and Mrs, Gummow wera hoth oxtromaly surprised, to discover so large a houneful of guests on their arrival, and even more so whan thay were presented with the gift of some pieces of fint silver and an wmall sliver tray with. eream Jug and sugar howl to mateh. The avening was A happy one for all who were Weddings | OKE=GREENF One of the prettiest weddings of | the season In Whithy teok place oni Saturday afternoon in the United | Chureh, Helen Marjory Lucile daughter of Albert W, Greens and | the late Mrs Greens, became the | bride of Mr, George Edward Oke, | | oldest son of Mr and Mra, GG, Oke of Whithy, The bride, who was given In marriage by her father was charmingly gowned In white! E--SE---------- ae MEN'S WINTER OVER. COATS Newest shades, tallored, Similar coats sold last season at $00.00, An Arcade Special . $39. 50 THE ARCADE beautifully JUST ARRIVED I Full range of Ladies' Fall | Coats ana Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE | Simcoe Street. South | 2 MEALS DAY, PLENTY WATER, HELPS STOMACH "Since I drink plenty water, oat 2 good meals a day and take Ad: lerika now and then, I've had ne trouble with my stomach, ==C, De- Forest, Unlike other medicine, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisonous waste which caused gas and other stom ach troubles, Just ONE spoonful relieves gas, sour stomach and slek headache, Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel, Jury & Lovell, Ltd, Drugs, | Rowe Richards of Toronto, now Mrs, Nor. man Johnstone, and (3) Miss Alice Paula Shapero, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. M, Shapero, who is te marry Dr. Harold B, Rothbart, son of the late Mr, and Mrs. A. Rothbart, of Toronto, in late September, The transparent velvet, trimmed with siiver, Her long tulle voll was are ranged on her head with orunge blossoms and pearls, and she car led uw shower bouquet of Ophelia mudenhalr fern and valley Her only ornament was u rope of pearls, The bride's two al tendnnt Misses Helen Lucaw and Hellthn Vanstone, were fashionably frocked in green and orchid, euch ansemble completes throughout with shoes and pleture hats to mateh the KOWNK The hridesmalds eared houguets of pink roses, The bride) fon procesded down the aisle church marked off with ribhons while Mrs," Vernon (noe Kathleen Lousk), pre sldad at tha organ playing lLohen grin's wadding march The groom nttended by Mr. I'red Brant of Montreal The ushers werns Mouse Emment Oke and Luclen Michand. | During the signing of the reglk ter | Virus tunrt Alger isang "(lod Hath | Made Two Hearts ax One | the wedding eeremony he which numhered nearly went to Spruceville Inn where a re caption was held The toast to the bride was made hy Rov, A 1. Rich nrds, who ofciated at the cers mony When the married coup! loft on thelr honeymoon the hride travelled In a navy blue nnd grey onkemble. She wore the gift of the groom a platinum fox fur, On thelr IONBH, ilies Process of the white ninety | After] [ding | roe fiven nway bride is a graduate of the University of California, and a member of the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority, while Dr, Rothbart graduated from the Univer. sity of Toronto, and is interning at University of Michigan hospital, Photograph of Mrs. Johnstone Milton Adamson, by -------------- ------ raturn Mr, and Mrs, Oke will make thelr home In Lindsay, LAP P=CARBCALLEN, The large rooms of Ontario ladies' College at Whithy, Ont, made un ideal petting for the prety wedding which took place there on Friday, Sept, 0, al 6 p.m, when Rey, Dr. ¢, NU, Carscallen, Dean of the College, united In marriage his niece, Condtance Euln Coarscallen of Calgary, Alberta, and Clarence Gordon Lapp of Toronto, formerly of Brighton, Ont, and Calgary, Al hort, The ceremony took place In the chapel of the college in the presence of about seventy Kuests, Intimate friends of the hride and groom The wedding music was d hy mr Myrtle Crang Clay Forento, and during the sign- fhe register, the hride's Mrs Marion Carscallen ne The falr young bride ho looked very lovely in her. wed. kown of pink dotted Hwiss net, with pink satin slippers and carrying bouquet of sweetheart HHes-gf<the-valley und mald fern, wan hrought In and hy Mr. A. I', Hornor of Calgary, ho wan attended hy Miss Marxine Wrigley of Toronto, who wire Jade groan goorgetie and car riled sweetheart roses, The flower girl wan little Miss Marilyn Crang, play on ol ! of atirin rung en-haly -- a -- ---- By Thornton HAPPY DAY s Some fall in love and do not know it | While te the world they show it, Old Mother \ Natu was beside himself with hap piness, It seemed to him that the whole Great World had changed Whereas only a short time before it had been a gloomy old world, it now was the brightest old world in akinabl And it was all because a certain little Chipmunk, little Miss Frisky, had allowed him to touch Hose Such a thrill as ran all ever Impy when he felt the toueh of lit tle Miss Frisky's nose! Then littl Miss Frisky jumped back and ran Impy ran after her, "Don't run away!" "Don't run away!" Little Miss Frisky seemed not to licar, She dodged hehind a hig stone Impy hurried after her and almost ran into her, There she sat behind that big stone Once more they touched noses, Once more little Miss Frisky ran and Impy ran after her It was like a game, Presently, Im. py noticed that each time little Miss Frisky ran un shorter distance At lust there came a time when after touching noses she didn't run "Did that hig fellow with whom yout fought hurt you much?" she asked, "No," housted bmp "Of course he hurt me some, but I'm all right now." "It was awful," said little Miss Frisky, and the way she said it made Impy tigle all over, "1 was afraid he would kill you, because he was so big and strong." "He==he did make fessed Tuipy, "OF course he did!" Tmipy he hegged me run," cons said little Miss 155 BEDTINE STORIE plainly | 4 | tace of | of of In who looked charming in a frock of yollow, And carrying a lavge basket ed by his brother, Mr, Donald Lapp mony the bridal party, assisted by Mrs, C. bride, and Mrs, IL, of the groom, recelyed the guests, buffet suppor was served hy Misses Kathleen, flowers, The groom was assist Hamilton, Following the cere. i, Carscallen, aunt of the M, Ldpp, mother one of the Arawing-rooms. A Cars Ey Helen and Allee i | | "BOYS' i + a gage inl TWEED SUITS || Mizes 24 to 80, Worth regu. | Ine double the price i $4.50 Each THE ARCADE Ww. Burgess Frisky omy way." Such a funny look as erossed the ling "Hut running away nieant that I was beaten" he pro "Do you mean that you were see me beaten!" OF course not! How silly!" ex claimed little Miss Frisky, "1 was glad to see vou run, because 1 knew if von didn't von would he killed And 1 didn't want you to be killed." "Why not inked Tmpy, Little Miss Frisky. pretended not » hear that questiony "1 ran away and hid from that big fellow," said Jie He hunted and hunted for me but he couldn't find me. 1 made sure that he had pone away before I showed myself at all" Little Miss Frisky reached over and gently Nek. ed one of Impy's wounds, Impy als most wished that he had a dozen wounds, "You ure so hrave," whis« pered little Miss Frisky Impy did his beat to look the part "Do you know what T was fighting for? "he asked 448 me," said little Miss Frisky, "I was fighting for you," sald Impy, "Not really? replied little Miss Frisky "Yes, really," retorted Tmpy, "You I owas alraid you would go off with him and 1 wanted to drive him away, 1 didn't want vou to go away You won't, will you!" . -----y sidd little Miss Frisky, "1 won't go if you den't want me to, e you happy "I never was so happy In all my life," replied Tmpy "Neither was 1" Frisky, Aud this was the many happy days, (Copyright, 1930, 1 ghtly; 1 ne as when finally Ver WAS you ra tested glad to sald little Miss beginning of W, Burgess) ao glad | ARRH o hand of throat Is neual the vapors pad Miss Helen Sutcliffe of Trenton, Mrs, George Bond of To. ronto and Mrs, A. PP, Horner of Culgary poured (ea and coftes, The hride travelled in a hrown sult und hat, with accessories to match, Mr and Mrs, Lapp left by motor for Belleville to entrain for a trip to Ottawn, Montreal and Halifax, On thelr return they will reside in Tor onto, where Mr, Lapp holds the position of Vield Seeretary with the Ontario Boys' Work Board, | WomeNs megmes | NOWTHMINKTEIL W. A, On Wednesday afternoon last the Women's Association of North mingler met In the church My Irwin presided The devotional exercises were conducted hy Mrs White's group, The principal busi ness discussed was plang for a play to he glven during the fall The cant 1g to he composed of W, A. memhbars, Also later in the season to engage the Welsh singers, to give a concert, The October meeting will ba on Wednesday 1st Ten will he served by group four, callen and a i I A CHARLES LIOWARD JAGOBIB MRS. IVAN B, DARL 'HANDS. lovely as on our Wedding Day thanks to Lux in the dishpan" ANDS lovely as a bride's! Every. where . . . east, west, north, south « + » young wives exclaim over a news found secret .. . a way to cherish the beauty of their hands in spite of home. making cares, "Using Lux for dishes and other soap and water tasks has kept my hands as dainty as when I was marriéd, 6 years ago," writes Mrs, Ivan B, Dahl, Many other wives, like Mrs, Charles Howard Jacobie, Mrs; Carolyn Pier. son, also give Lux the credi it for hands lovely as a girl's, after years of house. keeping! Among young wiv beauty experts, who say--" uses Lux in housework Hands lovely as a bride's for less than 1¢ hundreds" and hundreds of en interviewed in 11 big cities, 96 out of every 100 are using Lux! Wisely, they follow the advice of as hands lovely The Best Remedy For Bad Backache "Several times I have had severe ains in my back," writes Mrs, N, earwood, RR, No, 3, Madoc Ont, "Three or four doses of Dodd's Kidney Pills always help me at once, That is my y remedy for a Backache, Nine times out of ten your Bac is caused through faulty Kidneys and Dodd's Kidney Pills are &, wonderful Kidney remedy," Dodd's Kidney Pills have become gf household remedy all aver the {od because people have tried them and mote than satisfied with the results, ass Dodd's Kidney Pills Mns, CAROLYN Pissgson : as the hands of a woman who has maids." A wife who So many soaps contain harmful alkali which dries up the beautifyin oils of the skin, leaving it roughened. and wrinkled. Lux never dries these fine oils, The soothing, bland Lux suds give your hands hours of marvellously a day dentle, comforting beauty care! Yet Lux for all your, dishes costs loss than lo a day! wes BUX for Dishes. a Gaver Brothers Limited. Toronto-Hoa) madame ten ent to their Kacellencies TILLIE THE TOILER GOSH, \ GUESS To USE W\§ ORCHESTRA FoR. RADIO ADVERTISING IS TELLING POOR. BUD THAT HWE \SNT GOING THE BOSS \T CER TAL MAKES M| FEEL BLU CAUSE TT | pA ao oRT. AND LR, you u [TR How Bu WL, FEEL. THE LEAST \ CAN DO \S SPEND THE SO\ AQ NE Al "TILER \QH oN, BW MINUTES BEFORE You CO HOME, MR, NELSON? A

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