Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Sep 1930, p. 13

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A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City Che Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Eh -- VOL. 7=NO, 57 Published ot Ushaws Unt. Canada, Kvay Uny Kasept Sundays snd and Publis Holidays OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, SE PTEMBER 8, A he A A. News in Brief By Canadien From) Police Officer Killed Darien, Cia ~One police officer was killed and three other persons wounded, two perhaps fatally, carly today in. gun fights with two un- identified negroes, ~ Nutional Kuards. men were mobilized from two coun- ties to assist posses in hunting the negroes Aid For Farmers Regina.eCredits up to 75 per cent, of their purchases will be availuble to approved farmers of Saskatchewnn who, having n surplus of feed grain are desirous of obtaining feeder vtock for finishing purposes, under a scheme devised by the provincial gov ernment Safe Is Robbed Saskatoon, Expert safe blowers robbed the British American Oil Company's branch here of an un amount of money The theft was di night watchman earl) determined over the week-end coveed by a today. New Heir to Belgian Throne Brussels, Belgium, Crown Princess Astrid of Belgium gave birth to a son yesterday, As her first child was a girl, the little boy becomes helr to the Belgian Throne in the direct male line, DETECTIVE DIES, BUT KILLS SLAYER Detroit, Sept. 8,--Detoctive Kd ward J. Barney, 33 years old, and an Italian gunman were shot to death Sunday afternoon in a pistol duel In a home at 1611 Pasadena Avenue, The detective, fatally wounded, drew his pistol while ly. ing on the floor and killed his slay er The shooting occurred when polies went to the Pasadena Avenue nddress to investigate a tip that gangsters were "hiding out" there gangsters werp "hiding out" there, Father of Modern Skyscraper Dies New York, Sept, 8, --Eimon Wil- filam Straus, noted financier, Chalr: man of the Bourd of 8. W, Straus & Company; died at' his suite at the Hotel Ambassador yesterday. He was 63 years old, and had been {Il for more than a Joor, om -- } | INCENDIARY FIRE BURNS AEROPLANES | sarnin, Sept, 8.-¥ire of unde tormined origin, but thought incon. diary, yesterday destroyed a two soater airplane, owned jointly by Douglas Macklin and Harry B, et orson of this eity, burned the motor and wings of the plane owned by (tordon Melntyre, and completely destroyed three hangars at tho air. port of tha Atlantic and Pacifie Alr. ways Company, Limited, east of the city .on highway No, 7. Tho loss in placed at about $5,000 partly covered hy Insurance, DELEGATES WILL VISIT THE MINES Chamber of Commerces Plans Elaborate Trip Be- fore Convention (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Sept. 8-Developments in mining and industry , generally throughout Northern Ontario and Quebec will be inspected during the first week of October by a large party organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Immediately after the journey the Chamber will aspamble In annual conference at Toronto from Oct, 7 to 0, Following its established practice, the Chamber ix offering an opportun: ity to Its members to see at close hund another phase of Canadian life. Special trains will be run from Montreal, Toronto und Winnipeg to Kapuskasing, Ontario, where the delegates will nssemble on October 1, From there the gathering will visit, in turn, Cochrane, Timmins, Iro- quols Falls, Swastika, in Ontario, Rourn in Quebec, and Englehart, Cobalt, North Bay, and Sudbury In Ontario, A brief visit to Niagara Falls and Hamilton will be made before the delegates get down to business ut the Toronto convention, The journey "*Il end at Toronto on Oct, 6, WEATHER An extensive area of high pres: sure centred over Lake TA 0 severe the greater part of Can. ada and comparatively low pres. sure extends from the Rocky Mountain states to Texas, while | jects a shallow depression is passing eastward off the middle Hlantic coast, With the exception of some rain if northern districts of | the western provinces the weather over the dominion has been fair and rather cool over the domin. Forecasts: Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay: Moderate worth and northeast winds, old age ghawa Daily Ties RR iil AL "All the News While It Is News" 1930 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy k AGHT HT PAGES Sche mittee, to discussion possible Owan Saturday driven bh submission nomic eompmittes of the the political conmittee, or to joint | by both, were indicated as! de velopments, me study of new Hondo train struck a truck at the railed and tore up a hundred feot of track before it could be stopped, No lives were lost, yr Wo escaped Injury, League of Nations Britain Abandons Outlined (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) Geneva, dept Ihe council of the League Nations today cast oil upon the troubled waters of Pales tine The delicate tation which ha arisen between the Hritish goven ment and the Permanent Mandate Commission over tie administration of Palestine was largel moothed out Discussion opened with the subtiission of the report of the Man dates Commission comprising sugk tions which Rt: Hon, Arthur Men derson, British Secretary of state for foreign atfuirs, declared Britai ould be willing to accept "My Henderson announced his gov ernment had meaures in view which, he hoped, would serve to promote the furtherance wwill between the two great sections of the Pales tindan population-<the Jews ond the tn member, to hi { Hument from Ontario points, wus de emerge trom the eosordinated opin [ the cause of the derailment Ariba or fv was realized that with. | out goodwill between these races the | peace and prosper { bh country could: not be assured bh wetion I the manda ¢ A Persian delegation advanced ive clatims of thi | eis in Palestine {but expressed full confidence in th British administration and its prom ines to do justice to all elasses of the populatio Jugo-Sluvia, which hi many Moslem subjeets in the south ern part of its territories, took a like stand | The vice-president of :the mandates commisst thanked Mr. Hender for his assurance At the meeting, the Rt, Hon, "Sie Robert Borden, member of the coun | for Hid wis seated with My | tp i! { left and the representative of Cuba | abit was cordial! rected hy the heads of delegitions upon his arrival in the council room Gene, Switzerland. Bept 3 Forelgn minister Aristide Briunds | scheme for a "United States of Furs | ope as outlined in his memoranda i Maya 7, died a gentle death at th hamds of the twent nations in { vited to partic'pate with France! when their reprosentatives diverse the project in the council of the League of Nations toda | Several plan are under consid ation for such a federation us mig ht | fons ul the various powers which | have pnt forward ideas opposed o| or strengthening AM. Brand's pro] posals Phe appomtment of a plenacy: com sel organization, flea of the ecco league or (0 the When au freight Wiarton locomotive was de- Tho truck was Pritehard, who Has by | Briand of France and May | Substitute New Proposals c(t {Ing an the BRITAIN HAS ACCEPTED SUGGESTIONS MADE BY MANDATES COMMISSION Rt. Hon, Arthur Henderson Declares Measures in View to Pro-| mote Good Will Between | Jews and Arabs EUROPEAN UNION PLAN IS KILLED League Council GPR. T0 PROCEED WITH BUILDING Will Do Work in Advance of Needs to Give Employment (By. Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, unprove the general | ployment ituation, the Canadian | Pacifi Kilwa y pln right wway with any building | eran whith in the ordinar would be pndertaken in eur or two en pro the next A statement to that effect was made by E, W | chairman of the ( Beatty, president and PR, on his ar last night, a number of prominent rival in City accom panied by directors men, some of of whom are the railway, Train Derailed Near Belleville |W. H. Moore "and Other | | MP.'s Delayed on Way to Ottawa B.=Word was re loetved by the clerk of the House of Commons at noon toduy that a train bearing some members of Pare Ottawn, HNept, rufled between liere und Toronto, It will result in un number of the mem bers missing the noon sitting of the | Hou Mishap at Belleville Bellevinie, bept, oo-Unnudian Na tonal Toronto-Ottawn Train No, § hit fui hours late this morn rewnlt of derallment of the frent wheels of the engine, No one was injured, The engine wheels left the track some miles east of here and the train of nine cars was hauled back to Belleville for a fresh start, on the other track, OfMelnln of the Rallway are investigating 8 passes through this It was on time at The Times was Train No clty nt 11.46 pon Oshawa last night, Informed today by the loeal agent, WwW. H, Mogre, M.I', for Ontario riding, was one of the passengers on this train, New Montreal Harbor Hoard Ottawn==Joseph H. Rainville, L!.- 'ol, H. J, Trihey and John C, New. man, Montreal, have heen appoint od to constitute the Montreal Har: hor Board, Mr, Rainville will be chairman of the, body, The: new board will succeed the body formers ly headed by Senator W. M, Maes Douglay which resigned about three woeks ngo, Regina, assembled approved, ost of liv fair and | proposed cool today and Tuesday, I (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sask, delegates to the 40th annual conven- tion of the trades and labor congress were today they were pre- sented with 111 resolutions' brought forward by associations, ends each one var rejec The convention declare topics, Tl ranging munists, from moving pictures to fire fighting and relate to unemployment, PENSIONS, itself on a wide 16 resolutions from ng, Before Railway Machinists Request Higher Tax Sept, 8~When the ious local unions and the convention will be discussed and ted or modified, will be asked to i range of cover sub tavifls to com the and hours of work, nminmuan Wages transport companies using the high: the Impost on Trucks way workers of Canada are suffers ing froim reduced employment due, in part, to the competition of truck: ing companies with the railways, as the railways are compelled A main- tain their own rondbeds and the trucks use the public highways te which they Av only a fraction of the cost, Tt is claimed they are able to carry freight at rates below those set by the railway commission, For this reason it is proposed that the "provinglal governments place a more equitable tax upon motor ways er work In conjunction with Dominion Railway Board to wards making such rates 'to cover Man Sept, 8-1n in | to go ahead | course | | | When the un espected deavary of hol inte Connda for a long time a car filled with 130 gallons of Amer: ican alcohol was made by highway near Oshawa, it is believed that the seizure will result in a general clean-up of the ring traffic oficors which has been inporing this alco Canadian Business Shows A Slightly Better Trend ln - er rr-------- (By Conndian Prove heared Wire) Toronto, SEH E- While there re cently have been' indieations which | denote the presence of factors sights ly more favorable than the majorit of those which have operated so fa this year, these factors, to show the drift of general busines must he tested for a time before they can be accepted as sufficiently permanent to provide a real stimulus, says the eptember commercial letter sued by the Canadian Bank of Commerce I'he letter singles out as a strik ing feature of the last month the sharp increase in the average weel lv world exports of wheat he shipments iv a single week were greater than in any week of the 1929 JO year which closed at the end of July, Canada's share of the trade was 17,000,000 bushels or 3 per cent of the total, as compared with 9, S00,000 bushels in the corresponding month of 1929 , "I'he crops of western Canada upon which the prosperity of the nation depends to a great extent are larger and. more evenly distributed than last year," says the letter "Production costs have have heen reduced but the financial returns are small, Under such circumstances the purchasing power of the prairie provinces for the moment remains at.a low level" PROBE FRAUD IN OBTAINING OF NATURALIZATION Judge Wallace of Woodstock Appointed to Make Investigation (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Sept, 8~His Honor J, G, Wallace, Judge of the County Court for Oxford, has been appointed com missioner to Investigate the fraud. ulent obtaining of naturalization pa pers by certain aliens, Oficial an- nouncement of the appointment was made today, Judge Wallace, who re sides at Woodstock, Ont, will em: bark on the work Immediately, Varlous methods, it is understood, have been adopted to secure the cer tificates fraudulently and Judge Wal lace will make an inquiry into all the facts in each case, Dritish con: sular agents in meveral NKuropean countries have taken up a number of theso fraudulent certificates, prinel pally by reason of the facet that the nllens possessing them had returned to their native country and had for felted them under the clause which makes a naturalization certificate null if ity owner resides away from Canada for seven yours Hitsand- Run Driver Injures Two Owen Sound ~-Mrs, R. W. Bush: sale of beer and wine, motor transported Ireight that will | eld, Stratford, is in hospital here The first resolution of the list ix correct the present unfair competi- [believed to have a fracture of the one of the most interesting, It pro- [ tion," The resolution also protests [nkull and Mra, Kellar, also of Strat. poses increased taxation of persons [against "the dangerous abuse of the |tord, had Aves stioles in her fase and companies engaged in the tr Any highways now being mide by the [following & motor accident near portation of freight by motor and is | motor transport companies and thei ir here on Sunday afternoon, Mr, by a Toronto lodge of {total disregard for the sufety of pri- | Kellar's auto wan struck and overs machinists, It avers that the. rails | vate car owners." turned by an unknown machine. Settles The Palestine Situation) dans Ona of the men was wounded hy Traffic Officer Kay when attempting to es: cape, Neither of them were armed, eltheugh the wounded man had a Harge, billy in his possession, In the Woman Carried Into Woods by Hastings Bear Animal's Attention, Saving Her Life (Hy Canadian Press Leased Wire) Belleville, Sept Mrs, 'Ihos Reeves, resident near ' MeArthurs Mills sn Mavo Townsing, a northern extremity of Hastings County, wa carrled away by a large female hear towards a nearby tuft of woods, and was only dropped, when the children with her screamed, frightening the cubs who in turn started to squeal, attracting the mother 'bears atten tion. early today Mrs, Reeves was badly hruised and sevatched abot the vight arm and chest and was at tended by Dr, Lumb, Bancroft, who has ordered the woman to her bed for a few days Mrs, Reevag with her two children went to the field near the home looking for the cows and when in the mddile of the field, a large fi ninle hear came out of the woods and attacked her. 'The woman was helpless and being aged, vould offer but Jittle resistance. The bear start ed to drags her to the woods and had gone about twenty rods when the When sacred a sereant. Apparent ly the cubs were in the woods and cog tuo set up i how! with the re silt the hear immediately dropped the woman and 'vughed to the protec tion of her young. Although exhan ited from the ordeal, Mrs, Reeves was able to eran! throngh a wire fence and with the aid of her child. ren reach her home, The béar has not been captured PREMIER R. B, BENNETT Who will present to the sesmon of pacliament which openad today, | Screams of Children Distract| i {order, populaces greeting advices of Large Alcohol Seizure Near Oshawa IE | ABOVE photograph are seun special liquor enforcement officers. LEFT, '!W, H, Clarke, and RIGHT, Alf} ' Shaughneshey, unloading alcohol from the seized car at the parlia- ment buildings: Toronto, TARIFF AMENDMENTS ARE FORECAST J ATTENDANCE AT EXHIBITION LOWER Reflects Bisioese Conditions ~To Build New $1,000, 000 Horse Stable (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Nept B-"All Canada year" of the Canadian National Vx hilmtion has closed I'he closing ceremonies were brief Closing day was Citizens' Da Mayor Bert § Wemp of Toronto addressed the directors' luncheon "The slight diminished attendance," he sald, "is not of very great con cern, Merely a reflection of eondi tions prevailing in Canada and all over the world, ' Mayor Wemp suid he was confi dent the work of the new $1,000,000 table and horse handling building would he started this winter with the provincial and federal govern ments and the city of Toronto each contributing one wird of the cost | The total attendance figures at thi vear's exhibition show a decrense of 2R7,000 as compared with last year, This year's total was 1LOKBZ,000 « against the total of 1,974,000 of 1929 2 Argentine States Join In Revolt, Gout. Overthrown (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Buenos Alves, Bept, 8, Revolution [In Rew which during a sanguinary week«end in Buenos Alves overthrew the gov: ernment of President Hipolito Iris | moyen and established a new regime | hewded by General Jore Evarvisto Ur fburn today spread to every corner of the Republie P'rovinea after Province tele graphed Its adhesion to the new order, whose authority today Was recognized from the La Plata river to Cape Horn, and the Chilean Andes to the Atlantle, In most canes the overturn was pecomplished almost without dis Buenos Alres happenings with cries of "Vivi Republica, Viva Nuevo Gobierno," From every provineiul capital there enme the pmo words! "Complete culm prevails" While martial law still prevails and atmosphere fs still charged with the tensenesa growing out of the week-end happenings, calm prevails and the utmost enthusiasm is shown for the new order Totnl casualties during the dis orders necompanying the overthrow of tha Ivigoyen = government nre placed hy hospital authorities at 16 dend and 100 wounded, Reports of 1,000 dead and wounded were sald to be a great exaggeration, MORE PARALYSIS IN ONTARIO BUT DEATHS ARE FEWER Two Months' Total 188 Cases With 17 Deaths in Province (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Hopt, 8. Notwiths standing that 188 cases of infane tile paralysts have ocourred in On. tario between July 1 and Aug, 30 this yoar-----8% more casos than were reported during the corres: ponding period of 1029-Hon, Dr, Forbes Godfrey and officers of his Department. of Health, at Quoc Park, are emphatic in their states ments that the sitution ia well in hand, From these 188 casos there have boon 17 deaths, W¥rom the 100 oases that .oceuread in July and August of a yoAr ago there were 18 deaths, Results in terms of residual paralysis following recovery wre also somewhat hetter this year than last, for the reason, Dr, Gods frey declares in a general states mont fssued to the press over the week-end, that the public, throughs the publicity efforts of the departs ment, are better informed with respect to premonitory symptoms and early indications of the dis anse, witlt the result that phyales fang are being called at a stage of the disease sufficiently early to ads minister the serum and get good HP eemrt-------- Eleven Killed Over Week-end Traffic Accidents Take Big Toll of Life in Ontario (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Hept, 8---Kleven Ons tario people were killed in acels dents over the week-end and four were seriously Injured, Automobile collisions and up sets were responsible for elght deaths and a farm tractor erushed the life out of another, A Toronto boy drowned at Lake Simcoe, and a Pakenham young man drowned in the river at that place, The list of dead and seriously injured follow: Dead Mahia Bremner, 19, Woodstock, killed near London in auto crash Mrs, RB, J, Sutton, widow, Lon- don, killed near Lobo Village in auto crash, Milton Miller, 53, Norfolk County Councillor, erushed by tractor, James Melaughlin, butcher, Wasaga Beach, killed when auto hit log, Jean Marie Marceau, 22, North Bay, died from Injuries received in auto crash, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Labute of Teoumseh, 63 and 66 years of age respectively, instantly killed fu motor collision near Windsor, George MoNab, £4, Pakenham, drowned while bathing, Kleanor Pacy, #, of 80 Grant Street, Toronte, struck by car on Wardell Street, Leonard Farrell, 9 months old, of 13688 Bathurst Street, Toronto, in motor acoldent near Oshawa, Bryce Lowery, 17, of 1847 Duf- ferin street, Toronto, drowned at PARLIAMENT IS OPENED WITH UNUSUALLY BRIEF SPEECH FROM THE THRONE S Exceptions' Economic Cone ditions and Unemploy« ment Given as Reasons for Summoning Special Session of Parliament BLACK IS ELECTED SPEAKER OF HOUSE Speech States That Amend: ments to the Customs Ac! and Customs Tariff Will Be Proposed As Relief Measures (By Canadien Prov Lossed Wire) Ottawa, Rept, 8. Brevity char« acterized the speech from the throne which was delivered hy His lixesllency the Governor General In opening parliament this afternoon, Fxceptional economic conditions and unemployment were glven ag the reasons for summoning paring ment, The rpeech makes specifi mention of only two measures whien fire to he presented te parliament, There are to he amendments to the Customs Act and to the Customs Tariff, and the view Is expressed that these "will do much to meet the ELUTE conditions which now pravail,' There ara only three parse graphs in the speech, and four pone Lences The Speech The speach follows "Honourahle members of Henate: "Members of Commons; "It affords me great satisfaction to be associated with you in the Important duties upon which you (Continued on Page 2) the the House of Pope Not Dying, Spends Normal Day Vatican C ity, "Rept, Soo=1'ar from helng at the point of death, as some Berlin newspapers veorted him, Pope Plus spent a Sunday of normal activity, It was even more than normal for ho began with a lengthy nudis ence to Monsignor Dorconcinduca, papal nuncio to the kingdem of Italy, to discuss many matters sueh as the Arcentine revolution, the nomination sax a successor to the late Cardinal Gamba an archbishop of Turin, and relief for the churches stricken In the Tocont earthquake, SIX FAMILIES ARE MADE HOMELESS Fire Does $40,000 Damage in Small Village of Quebec (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nt, Constant, Que, Nept, 8, w= Six families were rendered homeless here early today when fire destroyed their homes, Damage was estimated at between $36,000 and $40,000 parts Iy covered by insurance, The fire broke out shortly after ona o'clock in a building housing the restaurant and home of Rena Demery, for a time threatened to assume serious proportions, Ald was summoned from nearby towns and also from Montreal, With the are rival of the additional equipment, including a powerful fire pump from Montreal, the blaze was confined to A narrow area, Two hours after the outhreak was discovered the "All Lake Simcoe, out" signal wan given, Santo Domingo, Sept, 8-=Santo Domingo, razed hy a hurricane last Wednesday which took more than 4000 lives, today feared that outs breaks of disease would visit another sotrce here nearly or as mad as the storm itself, Insufficient medical supplies, the filth of the uncleaned streets, and the lack of food and other nouvigh- ment all contributed to aw condition which have native and visiting phys siclans here very much worried, Cremation of bodies of the dead vontinued, Attitude of the physicians prob. ably was best indicated in that all are taking every prophylactic injec von possible, With the hospital sure vey unfinished it is known that there are already more that 1,000, Storm victims there who have Rungrene, or other infections, some of whom are his plan for the relief of unem. ployment and economic depression results, beyond hope of ultimate relief, Epidemic May Follow Hurricane, Toll in Santo Domingo Now 4,000 At one camp yesterday more than 1,300. persons took antitoxin inoculas tions for typhoid, The medical sup+ lies are those sent here from: San uan, Porte Rico, and from Havana, Cuba, and are serving the island res public wonderfully, As a sanitary measure the physis clans here feel that the city's streets should be cleaned of all their debris and discard since the storm, but the task ix proving an impossible one, simply because there is not an auto- mobile.qor truck, or wagon in the country which was not damaged greatly in the hurricane, Mexico Sends Aid Mexico City, Sept, 8=The Mexis can government today cabled the mins ister of Santo Domingo 50,000 pesos (about + 25,000) contribution ta the reliel fund, President Oritz Rubio also cabled President General True lo his condolences, Ne the Ble Charg " Louis I ship, w when | trate W ville Vo The the avi Court, v ship tan wife in neting f ' ing proj , to the h The ¢ L., Hews took thi instruct i claimed, her hus sented | , broof pi , out in | D, A "'eounsel that as ward a owned 1 ' no theft car ! A rol York ta afew m have the Dally Bt ~~

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