m------ is alt 3 wp ay he renaln Q Ser ne y decline hit. had ber prices § Are con costs, and ntyally he ly ws five rain, IEXICC hee Liepiart weed 1oday vovered ku the willy Anonig tie Wl totim emblunce ure lea the LON Iseoverers' y ined hier of d to cover of one ul har stone oglyhies gue suid record of leved had + white ht phot Ley find | el Kl Bingle nthe 1 by the un, Ln iN In Ihe ) miler Hi There nd many fe Y Ay : Medical BRN. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney lock, Phone 2060, Of: '10 Hurgery and X-Ray "DR. MOKAY goon, be made at drug store, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN S] DS meets 1 . Seller ON - RSS A --------_ CONANT & ANNI4, BATTTRTENS Bolleitors, Notaries Publis, te. Conveyancing and general prao tice of Law, Offices 7% Bimeoe Bt, South, Oshawa, Phone 4, O, = Conant, BA. LLB. AV, Ane WH, N, BINCLAIRG KO. WANK «of Commerce Building, A yr BA ister, Molisiter, Notary Publis, +Conveyancer, !Money to loan, Of flee 14% King 8t, Dast, Oshawa, «Phone 446, Ilesidence phone K47, i C ' "Fraser, Porristors, Conveyancers, Notaries Publle, ete, Office over Ktandard Dank, Enirance Simeoe coe St. Phone 12, J, VV, Oriarson, K.C., I K. Creighton, BA, N, C, Fraser, B.A, LOUTH 8, nYMAN, DATKIFTER, Solleitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, 16. Bimooe street porth, Phone 67, Resi. dence H47THW, a * ANPEN AND HUMPHREYS HAR "vistors, Bolleitors, ete, 24% Him. ""goe Bt, N, Phone 8160, Money to Loan, ALERT WALT, A, WATT: ter, etn, Conveyancing and general practice, 42% King Bt, Kast, "Vhone 8137, ' aa "A J PARRHICE BARKISPER ets. Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op. nslte Past Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 8, EBDS, DARTINTE, Bolleitor, Notary "ublie, Convey. ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulllin:, cpposite Pos Office, Vhone 2000, flee hours U mm, to B40 pm, Dr, B, J. Hazlewood, special attention pr, B. H Harper, special attention to ehilds ven's Diseases and Obstetrics, Wine day and night calls 2410 or 139%, PHYSICIAN, SUM Office and resis dence. King Ht, Last, corner Vie toris Wt, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, GRANT DERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants. and children, Oftice and residence, 07 Bond Last, Phone Aocoucher, DR, DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM, IL. R. C. P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy. slolan, Nurgeon and Obstetrician, Offico 143 Bimecoe St, N, Phone 8030, realdence 40 Cadiling Ave, North, Phone #1568, CANN, PHYSICIAN, DR, 0. W, Hurgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 619 Simcoe Street north, ne 2416, DR |, ARCHER BROWN, PHYS! sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residence, IBS Simcoe Street, North phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR RAMCEY, VETERTNANTAN Specialist Dineanos Domestio Anims« als, Oat and Dog Hospital, 303 King West, Telephone 030, (baug tt) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist] EX' BIC TTT TRYANS OF 100 BLOOR Street Went Toronto will be at his office over Juiv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 tl) 4 p.m, for consultation and treats mabt of diseases of ear, nose and th Appointments may Phone 97, at only, . + ¥, OV solt's, Bpecial attention to X-ray north, over Mitchell's Drug #tore, Ons for extraction, "hone b4, i" 3 ' i] shh ' Nitrous oxid oxygen gus for extras. tions, Office, Moyal Bank Bids. $Bimeoe St, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1087, Nes, 202W, Evenings by, appointment, : : MAID, DIT, DAVIER, Donclsts, 87 King Bt. E. Hpeelal attention to gas extraction and X- ray work, urse in sttendanss, Phones 1243 and 864, Optometrist BH TT OPTOMWIRINT, specialist In muscle anomalies, ayesight and glassen, Author of yo Care and Kye Strain, The Uhilg and [ts Development, Dis: ney Bleek opposite Post Office, "hone 1616, (Aug, 17-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 07 RING WY, Kast, Ambulance, Residence 042 Bimooe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OBIMAWA TWONTAL C0, M, TF, Armstrong & Mou, Proprietors, Fugera! und Ambulance MNervice, doy and night, hone 1083W, 87 Cellua, (40) Insurance DAVIN AND EON, INSURANCE. 10 King Mt, west, Oshawa, The olds est ire Agency in Oshawa, 40 Re- putable Fire Conipanies, : WHER" PLACING INSUITANCE pensuly I, N. Johns, KO Bimeoe worth, - Your insurance wants at tended to and your luterests pro. tected, Tra CARTAGH AND NroffAur COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Kpecialisis in furniture moving storage Ware house and moving van equipment, Phone K2 sm ETRE CARTAGY, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long dietance hauling, Bwmith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, West, a. ONITAWA'S _ OLDERT ESTAD: lished furniture movers, Park load oartage, Loeal and long distange. Prank Cowle Prop. 66 Park Rd Bouth, Phone 210 (Aug, 22-1 wo) STOVING, CANTEAUR, A LHD WAND; Krave), stone, black loam, hauled anywhere, "hone 1970W, (Aug, 201 mo) wea oo Beauty Parlors ATTY LOU PERMANUNT WAVE Hhop, Mpecialists In permanent, finger and warcel waving Per manent wave prices #5, $7.60. $10 and $16, All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 4068. Apply 848 Bimooe street. north, . PET MARCRLLING DY BET: ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shame poo $1, Phone S008, LL WATRON'S WARNER AND Beauly Shop, ® Celina Ht, We spevs inline in Indies' halr cutting, mare colling, shampooing; facials, Maree! AO cents, Jor apprintments phone FLEES (Aug. 17-1 mo) "Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PEW RIONARDEON, specialist, Oflee over Mitchell's Drug Ntore, Phone 2600 and 483), Architects . 00 VTENTIOURT =- GENEWAT arghitectural work, Lecond floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Res, phone H0DJ, THOMSON ANI INWON, AS doolate architects, Simcoe 6 8 Over Felt Nros, w------ Watch Repairing OONTHN ESPEN Swing watchmaker, repair shop at 441 King Street West, Your pat: ronage in molleited, or nd Ha I WAND FUG niture bought and wold, 186 Bloor Bt. K, Phone 1017M, (Aug, 223<1 mo) Rates for Classified Ads. Firet insertion==114 cents per word " Minimum charge 300, Bach SUPSRGUORt 0ORNSCU: ) Nive insertion 10 per word, Three conssoutive inser tions for Shy pries of two first (three sents 0 word), Minimam Wg Nr three insertions, 40 oents, | Pox number 10a additional Y.00 dor month ordy or less} 10 aon Wrettione) © TIMES CLASSIFIED I ADS XY urs, a0 TRLEPHOND 88 Ash tor Classified Ad 4 Department Radio Service : PAPERS CHARGED Toe with rectal $1.00, Fepaired ano rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, dtan Bligdon, ¥0 Mill St. Phone 18856W, (Aug, 43-1 mo) ORHAWA™TADTO SERVIOR==TK: pales on radios, power packs and eliminator Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for ule, Batteries oharged and repaired. Phone 88000, Ubarles Wales, 146 Kigin east, (Aug 18-1 mo,) OAT ON WADIG BATTERY, onlled for and delivered, 70e. Phone 15666) (18Aug-1 mn) ANY TARE OF RADIO HTH Wis paired, battery nein electrified, ae cesnorien for male, Prices reason: able, Phone 2800W, Gebrge Bure roughs, certified radiotrician, (Hept, 2:1 mo) ney to LOANS ON GOOD OMY TROPER: ty and farms, Apply A, J Parke hill, 87 King St, Kast, Phone 1014, (July 81-20) . arrange first mortgage on your residence, If well located, Dradley Bron, over Ward's, Bimcoe South, (July 28th) re-financed, Payments reduced, Additional cash given, Terms rons sonable, Motor Loans and Diss counts, Suite 6, 14} Xing st. WB Phone 2700, Open evenings, a----------t UE th Auctioneer t , 46 Simcoe i S . pl eclal Attention Log household furniture sal d ' stock and Implements, Your -- age solicit ematitching ' (*H nine cents a yard, Pleating skirw one dollar, dresses cut and fitted perfectly, Kmbroldery work and all kinds of men's repairing, ete, The Dell Shop, 201, Simcoe south, Phone 1656, (Aug, 22-1 mo) Contracting wm f - RE lastering, electric 6: alterations. work, Ons extraction, Nurse Ip ttetidanes, Phone 069. House Phony 948, i | All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling » large nwnber of smal) arcounts of this nature, snd collect for same. For thy convenience ol customers who find it inconvenient tw coma personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring » messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 1.3K FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Building Supplies CTUWENT BLOCKY, BAND AND gravel for sale="To larure prompt delivery, place wders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 1618, rm, Falmist MADAME NENA, TATMTET, 510 'Buena Vista, Appointments, hone BAW, Hept, 4-1 mo) MADAME DROWN," PALMINY, Phone appointments WAJ6F, 93 Louisa street (Aug, 26-1 mo) -- le Painting and Decorating ft. OUTROLE, VIET CLARE PA porhanger, painting and graining, Prices right, work guarautesd, #40 Pine Ave, phone 30606w or S06Tw (7211) EH -- ---- Cars OMT YOUN UAT WARHED™ AT Juominion Garage, 5% Bond strect west, Phone 3108, All cars at one prico $1.00 (Aug. 17-1 mo) Ca el Caulking NOW. IN YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get your holise caulked, makes house warmer, saves fuol, shuts out insects, drafts and dampnoms, stops window leaks, gives comfort, For estimates apply to J, H, Law. pon, route 2, Oshawa, phone 723 rs (Aug. 21-1 mo) Emi iu -F gy - » aad Agents Wanted DON'T WORRY HALARY INCREASED BELLING Imperial - Art "Made-In-Cannda" Christmas Greeting Cards, Helooe tion entirely now, Novelty and benuty combined, at prices uns equalled elsewhere. Hemplo book sent on approval to reliable men and women only, Write "Imperial Art", 61 Wellington West, To ronto, -- (Aug, 21% to Rept, 40) . Music". LEONARD RICHER, LPAM, Su pervisor of Music Public Schools, di rector of Musie Oshawa Collegiate Lessons: Vielin, Theory, ete, Only limited number of pupils accepted 052 Carnegle Ave. Phone 25781° (Aug, 25t) MRE MEREDITH "MOFFATT, A, T.C.M,, is prepared to take a lim: ited number of pupils - in plano: forte, Apply 00 Roxborough Avenue, Phone J011W, Aug, 27-1 mo) TERURITC TRENEER ATC M, Organist and Cholrmaster of King street Church, will accept pupils in plano, pipe organ and vooal music, 50 Willlam Strest ant, Phone 2500, (Hept, 3 tH UVRTA NTRP HENRON, AT CON teacher of plano and theory, On the staff of the Toronto Conservas tory of Music, Studio, 28 Aberdeen at, (Aug, 30-1 mo) ANNIE "MOMASTER, ATOM, Toacher of' Plano, studio 17 Cons naught Street, Phone 118K, (Sept, 3-1 mo,) ----iT health, comfort, Personal atten. tion and service. Phone Mra, Blats tor, District Manager, J180M, For Remt APAITMENT, VURNISHED OR unfurnished, Kvery convenience Phone 156060 or 2847TW, (etn) APARTM ENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood Hours, Apply Mradley kros, (HHLT) FIVE ROOM NBRICK BUNGALOW, all conveniences, Dloor Bt, west Apply J. D, Rutherford, phone Gia) (aon HOUNE VOR RENT, NEAL MOT. ory offices, All conveniences, Hurd. wood floors throughout, fireplace, wun parler, Apply #1 Ritson Round North (Aug, 20-1 mo) APARTMENT, 4 ROOME AND bath (tad), newly decorated, elu trie stove, sink, luundry combina tion, Murphy hed, forty-five dol lars, Lense, Box 010 Times (hethy FOUR ROOMY, BATHROOM flat, terms very reasonable, Apply 79 Patrician Avenue between 4 and pm, (40chde) FOR RENT « 8 FURNISHED rooms, every convenience for light houwakeeping, Phone B83388W in morning or evenings (hie) TWO RIOREY PON RIRITAN npartments for rent, Hght, watiyr und bath, B87 Colborne Bt, Kast Alan garage, (Bde) 4 ROOM HOUREAND GARAGE for rent, diy Pine Avenue, (bdo) TOON TONE, PIC 1 WAT, could be used for wstors, cheap rent Apply 255 Nassau wire hone 1748W, (hd) FOR RENT J UNFURNISH od rooms, suitable for Hght Louse keeping, all conveniences Apply d14 Kigin Bt, E., or phone 3248M writer 4 pom (hide) APARTMENT ROOME™ CIN: tral bullding, steam heat, newly decorated, furnished it desired, rent reasonable, Phone 1400 nl ; (fide) FOICTENT VINNIE ED on unfurnisheq flat, reasonable Phone 1048) (Bde) DAR) LED (0 0) a To 0 150 AE OF With residence above at 444 Sim con street south, Oshawa, Posses ston Qotober first, Apply Conant & Annis, Barristers, Oshawa, ----aa iia : (hat) FOI RRNT = ROOM WATT, oto, 184 Ritson Rd, 8, Near Kula lin Avenue, (Ohh) RTMOBI MANGE = VOU AND five room suites, electrie sloves, refrigeration, laundry, conven! ences, Apply superintendent phone 71, 071, i (05Lf) VIOTORTA AT ATTSRNTE =A" new low rentals, eloctrio refrigera, tion, eleetrio stove, washing mach. ine and dryer, Apply suporintends ont, Phone 25381, (hhLL) TO RENT" ROOM WIROND apartment, extra Murphy hed, elec. tela refrigerator and stove, Phone mornings for appolntmnt 2726J, (hbo) TORENT ROOM WRICK VIN, oor house, paved street, ull con. veniencon, tieulars (Bho) FERVENT ROOM HOUR A100 conveniences, Rent. #10, Phone 604, v (O60) TAUHBLOR™ ATCOMMNODATION, 6 large bedrooms, Common room, 2 bathrooms and shower, Con. gonial companions, Apply evens ings, 90 Simooe Ht, north, (661) Phone 2088 for pas- 2 For Rent POTTER ==H00RE = CLORE™ 10 General Motors, Apply 201 Mary whrost or call 1824W, 2 (hbe) POMRIBAED™ REDROUME Ont light housekeeping, near General Motors, Apply 487 Richmond street, east, Phone 806), ; (hhe) AO TENT=P WO PRIOWIT Voie nished rooms in privite home, noir Collegiate, Unfurnished if desired, Phone BLIBW, (hi ) LOVELY EIonT Hoosen house, hardwood floors, Esrake, garden, Arthur #t 150, Phone Holden 371W, : (hhh) PIG OOM HRTCK™ HOUR, Arthur street, hardwood floors, newly decorated, garage, possess slon at once, Phone 1168), (hohe) TORENT = URPURNTHATT rooms on hath flat, all conveniens cos, Apply 108 Agnes wt, : (hn) FUTNTRIED HOME 0 TENT IN A | condition, Owners leaving for England Seplemher 16th, No one noed apply with children, Apply ut once, 77 Division street (hoe) Real Estate For Sale ACRE. FARM 1ORR BALE, Kingston Highway Kast, close to church, school, canning - factory, Lo good garden and, price $2,600 Apply 17 Melmughlin Blvd, Phone 402) (hie) FARM VOI BALE ~60 AURES AT Burcovan Bench, 7 miles from Brighton and frenton, Apply 280 Gliddon Ave, Phone 1964AM (hie) FATNT TOR FAT ==14% ACER Close to Trenton good land, ces ment block houpe, with hardwood floors throughout, plece bath, fturnnee, electricity in house and barn, tenant housp, drive shed, ply ben, Kurnge who milk house, Kpring In pasture field, gravel pit, young orchard, mostly sples, ull Kinds wmall fruit Will. consider house In exchionge, Apply to Weny or, Jackman & Co, Trenton, One turio, Box 964, (T.8,) FOR NALES=BIX ACRER, URRY karden and poultry farm, good butldings Four thousand one htiindred boxes of berries harvest nd (his your Mix miles from Trenton, on Wallors Bay Good fishing and duck shooting, Vries $2,000, IF mold wt ones "arm lands and small acreage for sale overywhore hy J, DD, Dusenhbury, Carrying Place, Ontario (hfn) 16 ACREN, "MILER WART™GI (shawn Good ear first payment, Wm, Brown, Oshawa, ILI, No, 2 ~ Town Line (he) FARM FOR VALE =TWO™ ON: dred nerves good clay loum, well fanced, fiest class bulldings, 25 heres hush, balance all tillable Will sell woparate or enblock, Apply to 4 Bhan (he) tinod reason for selling Morley Heath, 1, It, A ty Bay, Onl FARM FON ACILIES on Lake Khore, loam, mood bulldings, 15 nerves summer follow, Apply 200 Athol St No MAT Kee 79 clay Puscos, (hon) Articles For Sale SAND, GR'VEK)L, B8TONE, CIN ders, hinek loam, $0.69 per yard, "or quality and service phone Ks, sry Dros, 3388 r 11, ---- (May 8.1) MINED HARD AND 50F1 WOUD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bene dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone i (Apr. Wf) FOR HALE--HEINTZMAN CO, Litd,, planos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; terms arranged, Apply ©. Trull, Phone 16660, a (1111) FORT HALN = PAINTH, VARN. Ishen, Wa have the largest assort: ment of paints, varnishns, eto, In In the elty, * The Paint Store, K0 King street wont, (Apr, 86 t1) PLAYER TTANG == "RP LUNDID condition Must he pold at once, $1706 onnh Phone 2060, (ho) HEVERAT, PAIRETOI NRW Ls lown 20x80, Mado with, fiest class Heking, filled with thy very heat Koose feathers and down, Phone YW, (Hoh) FOR WALGER ATPL AND rain havvels, Apply DD. M, "Pod, Bread Limited, 48 Dond street wont, (Ota) WEAR al os ad Agents Wanted MAGIE GAN NQUALS GANOLINE do gallon, armless = guaranteed product, Used by largest Bus Come panied, Labels, clrenlars, letter hendn with agent's name furnishs od, Frea partionlars and proof, I" A. Lefebvre & Company, Ltd, Rox I, Alexandria, Ont, Room end Board BOAMD AND WOUM TN PRIVATE family. 6 minutes walk to Motors, Also garage. Phone 1062F, (biay hie NICELY VONNIBAED ~ VRONT bedroom, private home, very cen~ teal, with or without hoard, Also garage, 78 Bond wirset you ' { ec) Dressmaking UEBAMARER WILL the duy or sew at home, Fhone 4a10W, (Aug, 41-1 mo) TRUE ARING = LADIES AND children's dress and nurses' unl. forms, Phone 677) or call nt 211 Albert #t, (Aug, 18-1 mo) . "Pets and Live Stock. PRITGREED™ GERMAN BHEV- herd dog for wale, 1 year old, male Phone 1431W between 6 ang 7 p.m, (hae) POLICK PUPPIE FOR BALK, thoroughbred, 2 monthy old, Would make lovely child's pet, Price reas. onnble, Phone Whithy 490, (hhh) VOT BAT E==TO RE TED "J kin Koy, hh yours, due to ealve Oct, 1st, Young. Durham cow, milking, Phone 723 r 12, (he) Books NOTEWIBAWE CTRCUCATING brary, You will enjoy reading the Intest Fietion at minimum cost, Phone 1472, 47 Blmeoe Bt, North, (TFB tf) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--YOUNG LADY JOR necounting department, Must bo wecurate at figures and have experience on aecounting machine work, Apply Box 015 Times (hbe) WARTED--EXPERTENCED™ MIL linory wnlesludy, Apply 14 Bimeos streat north Friday or Baturday, (ohn) Male and Female Help YOUNG MAN DEBIRES COM potent tutor to. prepare hilm In Upper MHehool Algebra and Latin for the Departmental Examines tions, Give full particulars re qual. ifiontions, ete, Box 916 Times, (bbb) te atiiaatediit aa, A! Auction Sale TUERDAY, BET, 0--AUCTION wale of farm stock and fmple- ments, the property of Percy Mors rison, lot 2, eon, 7, Kast Whitby, As Mr, Morrison Is glving up farming thore will be no reserve, Fnle ut one o'clock sharp, stands urd time, Heo bills, Wm, Maw, uuctioneer, (8-8ept, 6) i ---- iii. a, i For Exchange no ACRE FARM, MARIPOSA, brick house, good barns, rich soll, near church and school, $6000, Will exchange on Oshawa property, Hee Holden, 58 Bimeoe N, (hbh) Tr -- ha aR hal -- SS Situations Vacant EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY ==AM~ bitious, reliuble men wanted at once, Part time pay while trains Ing for Aviation Mechanies, Gare uge Work, Driving, Battery, Elecs trie Acetylene Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Klectrieity, Machinist, Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Hairs dressing, Act quick, got your ape plieation in now, Write or call for information, Dominion Trade Rohools; Ltd, 70 Queen West, Tor ronto, kastern Headquartors, ms ployment wervice==coast to const, (Mat,-Oct, 25) Ea ------ Had ] Business Opportunities TENETAL RTO ~ AT CADMUE, nore property, AXtures, stook, easy terms, Apply Isaac Whitfield, Burketon, 1'0, (661) MOOT ROOM, (ORATTG AND barber shop for sale, Apply Bolahood, 67 King street east, (Be) STEVIE TRTIIINT ~ A ------ Help Wanted WARN UTWARDE OF §35 WHER: ly, all winter, growing muslirooms for us, In cellars, Illustrated booklet free, Canadian Mushroom Co," Toronto, (Hn) Situations Vacant TART ONET= NOW IRING orders for personal Christmas Greeting Cards, Finest line ever shown, Kany to sell, Write for particulars, Regal Art Co, 810 (Ain) (Aug, 28-1 mo) Spad' v Ave, Toronto, (80a) : Work Wanted PXPETMTRNCED WTENOONAVH: er desires position at once, Phone 2025), (hide) YXVETTENCED MATH DERIK KER general housework, Phone 1784W, (bbe) | 928.00, | Special Dominion Clothing Co. | U6 King st. W, . $12 Phone 4141 Lost end Found LORT==ON AUG," 20TH OI 207 i truck tive 32.6 HD, in the vieine ity of Oshawa, Pinder please re- turn to VV, J, Clemens, Roslin Iosd, Phone 1667W, Reward offered, (hide) CORT =="""TOODRTONY ING, namp Inside, Reward, Phone 2000, (41K) days, 2834M, even inks, (hh) VOUND=VOLDER CONTAINING #® number of keys, Owner may have sume by proving property and paying far this advertise. ment, Phone 10, (hth) SM ws SRG LIT For Sale or Rent VOI BATH OT MENT--=REW "4 roomed rug brick house andru wireat, opposite Kgolt grounds, Knguire 126 Alma street or phone 1207TW, (hie) y . ELBERTA PEACHES We ure now hooking orders for our wall known brands of Craw ford and Vlberin peaches, Peaches are vary nice this year and ehenp- er than for a number of seasons We quote 80¢ per large basket or wx for $4.00, f,0.h, ®t, Catharines, No, | quality, #Hafa delivery gunr- unteod Cush with order, please, Hpeeinl price on larger quantities Bartlett Pears and agsorted. grapes at sume price, Vedches now ready WM. Il. BUNTING, YOnrleton Fruit. Varma" Bi Cutharines Phone B01 . > a -------. IN THD KUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO Friday, the 20th day of August, 1040 HIE HONOUR JUDGE RUDDY, Local Judge, BETW KEN in chambers THY, IMPERIAL LIFE ABRURANCI COMPANY, Plaintiff and RUSK, DLACK, JULIA BLACK and EDWARD HMITH, Defendants, UPON the applieation of the Plaintiff and upon reading the af- fidavit of Alfred Vranels Phillips, filed, and upon hearing what was mlleged by counsel, It is ordered 1. That service upon the De fendants Russel Black and Julia Baek of the Writ of summons and of nll other proceedings In this netion hy pubMshing this Order tos gethor with nn notice endorsed thereon, once n week. for three wooks preceeding the 180th of Baptember A.D, 1030, in the Osh- uwn Dally Times, a newikpaper published in the City of Oshawa, will be good and siifficlent service of the snid Writ and of the notices thereunder, do And it Is further ordered that the sald Defendauts, Russell Black and Julin Black do enter un appearance and file a State ment of Defence to the said Writ of Summons in the Gourt House at Whitby on or before the 2ird day of Heptember, A.D, 1980, Dated at Whitby this 27th day of August, 190380, ROBT, RUDDY, Judge at Whitby, (h1-56:62) Local #.0,0, NOTICK The Plaintiff's claim Is on a mortgage dated the 16th day of October, 1088, made by the De fondants, Russell Black and Julia Vlack to the Plaintiff, And the Plaintiffs claim that there is now due for principal the sum of $2, 660.60 and for Interest the sum of $140.00 and the Plaintift's claims payments from the Defend- ants, Nussell Black and Julia Black of the amount due under the covenant in that behalf and to immediate possession of the mort. gagod premises and that the mortgnge may he enforced by foros clonure, Dated at Whithy this 27th day of August, 1030, "ROBT, RUDDY" Local H.C.0, Judge at Whitby, (61-60-62) James Speed, editor Southern Agriculturist, Louisville, Kentues ky, ="Porhapa it would be well to say that while Canada han a great country and a wonderful people, she luo has a clear vision of her own destiny whieh will carry her far, This vision is firmly fixed in the minds of her people; it finds expression in the constructive pols ley of her governments, and it is at all timen evident in the fine work of her great railroad systems." 164 Alex EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop i | Here Always 10 Simcoe Ht, -- LUMBER F. 1. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber ang Wood Yard 1'hons Ushaws B24 Whitby 19 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S Bo We Deliver Ee ld oun and make time D. J. REPAIRING WATCHES it your waich is uot giving satisfaction Officio)! Wateh Inspector for Canadian Nations) and Oshe awn Hallroads 10 King st, W, Phone 180 SWHCIALTY We CAD repair it tell the correct BROWN JEWELER i "an tan King STORE Ws. a . 0 Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARUR NOTHING 100 SMALL AdanacMachine Shop 101 King St, W, Phone 1914 Just points, on Chevrolet 1030 models, pn Ey FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ade Ontaric Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Simcoe Nt, South adjust carburetor Cars, 1928 to al IY a4 ATHOL Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner AREW SLR (© Al (RN Iw) aT . Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave, I'hone 1088 ul Dieney Bleck . Spa inlining anelupvely in " i a------ ome EYESIGHT SPECI aT nd Flaseee: ELLA CINDERS-- RhASEUSTOMED, V8 A TRE = THE WOLUSE OOMmM 'hone ANR for estimates (ANIL) HN : ve DON'T TAT OB | WANTED S\GN=T DON'T THINK, AN: DOBBONE THIN \S Ne